8 Catfish Reveals We’ll NEVER Be Over (Part 2) | Catfish: The TV Show

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(phone ringing) - Oh. - Oh, what? - We're getting - where's the phone? - Oh, it's Kailani, hello? - [Kailani] Sam just called me. He told me he was on his way. - On his way to where? - [Kailani] He took an Uber and he's driving towards my house. - [Max] Jesus. - Okay, well, we're just leaving the hotel, so we'll just get over there quickly. - [Kailani] I really don't want to meet him alone. - [Nev] No, no, no, we'll be there soon. - [Kailani] Okay. - [Nev] Bye. Whoa! All of a sudden, he's Uber-ing? - [Max] That's weird, that's weird. - We better get there fast. - I mean, he's on his way there. - If he gets there before us we could be in big trouble. I wish we had a siren. - I know, we need a Catfish siren. - [Shirlene] Oh my gosh. - [Nev] I know, just like a weird PIN. Somewhere in this area. - Start honking your horn. - Must be one of these houses right here 'cause this is like where the PIN is. - Do you want me to text him, like, "we're here"? - I thought I just - - You saw that person? - [Kamie] Wait, what? - I thought I just saw somebody like behind that fence, sort of sneaky-looking. Crouching down. - What the (beep). - I mean, I guess we could look and see if that's the house. - Wait, I'm not getting out, okay? - You don't wanna get out? - Unh-unh. - You stay here. - Okay. - Let me see if someone's in there. Sweet dog. (phone dinging) - I got a message. - You did? - "Are you at the blue house?" - Yes. - Yes. - Come on. Let's go. - Wait, no, no, no, I'm not getting out yet. - Shirlene, it's now or never, girl. - Stay right there, stay right there. - [Kamie] Are you ready? - [Shirlene] Yeah. - [Kamie] Come on. - [Nev] How you doin? - [Catfish] I'm nervous, really nervous. - [Nev] Nervous, okay, well that's okay. I think we're all a little nervous. - Who is he talking to? - I don't know. - [Nev] Why don't you come out? - Stand by me. (dramatic music) (gate creaking open) - [Kamie] Whaaaat? Hi. - What's up? - I'm Kamie. - Mya. - Mya? - Mya, yeah. - Nice to meet you. - [Nev] And this, as you know, is Shirlene. - [Mya] Yeah. - So, James? Is that - - Is he real? - No. - Is it you? - Yeah. - [Nev] It's been you the whole time? - [Mya] Yeah. - [Nev] Okay. - Why did you do this to me? I mean, you basically wasted my time coming out here. I have a little boy. - Yeah. - Let's go in here. - [Mya] Okay. - [Nev] Just so you don't have to feel like everybody's looking at you. Do you live here in Tuba City? - [Mya] Yeah, I live here and in Zuni. - Okay, so you are Zuni? - Half Navajo, half Zuni. - [Nev] Half Navajo, half Zuni, okay. And how old are you? - I'm 18. - You're a youngin'. I'm way older than you. Oh my gosh, this is weird. Are those little girls real? - The daughters that James said died, are those - - No. - It's a (beep) up thing to lie about. - Yeah, I would never lie about my son dying. Like, that part you should have never said. - I know. - How did you come up with all these lies? You talked about kids, you talked about dying. You talked about a lot of stuff. I cried, I literally cried. - When I did that, that was of me trying to let that profile die down, and I tried shutting it down but I couldn't really let it go and everything because I would have no one else to talk to. - [Nev] And when did you start the James profile? - Roughly, I can say about two years ago After my sister passed away from drinking. That's when that James profile came in. That love, I was missing that love, that affection, that comfort from somebody. - So, was the profile mostly talking to women or men? - Both. Just to create a friendship and to create a bond. - Shirlene tells us that she thought you guys were in a romantic relationship. Is that how it felt for you? You thought this was kind of like your boyfriend? - Yeah. - You guys were sharing "I love you's". You said I love you after a month. - Well yeah, but you know like best friends can say that too. They say like, "oh, I love you." - Right, but when a hot guy tells a cute girl "I love you", it means something different than when two best buddy girlfriends say "I love you". - Yeah. - [Nev] So, for her, that "I love you" meant a lot more. - [Mya] Yeah. - And you knew that? - Yeah. - [Nev] You had to know that. - Yeah. If you wanna be mad and frustrated with me - - Oh, I'm mad. - I understand that. I just did it because I was missing that love and affection. You know, you were that person that was there to listen to what I had to say. I told you things that I never even told nobody. I never even told my family, my friends, nothing. And when my sister passed away, I was put in foster care. - I grew up in part of that too. - That (beep) was rough, man. Like, they took my little brother away from me. They took a lot of things away from me. I'm really sorry, I really wanted to tell you. (Mya sighing) But I never got that courage to tell you. - So, I don't know what your feelings are and what you're comfortable talking about, but, I'm willing to bet that you do have feelings for her. - No. When we talked, it's like, she's really there to listen. And that's what I liked about her, that she can listen. She's caring, she's loving, she's smart. But it was like a friendship. (Dallas shivering) - [Nev] Here we are here. - [Dallas] We're here! I'm scared! - Let's do it. (Dallas groaning) - I'm nervous. - [Nev] Let's find a nice little quiet corner back here. - [Dallas] This little quiet corner. - [Nev] So, now we wait. - [Dallas] Oh (beep) I'm nervous. - [Nev] I see a guy over here. - [Dallas] No, don't do that. - [Nev] Shirtless man. I think this guy is walking this way. - You better not walk this way. Stay over there with your dog. I like your dog, though. Nice dog. - [Nev] Okay, he's just taking the dog for a walk. - Yo, my heart is actually (beep). My heart is (beep) going. - [Nev] Who's this guy, over there? - I swear, no, dude. It's not, it's not, it's no way. I've seen that (beep) guy. - You've seen him before? - I've seen him before, it better not be him. - Wait, where have you seen that guy before? - Just like living in LA. - [Nev] No, seriously? - I swear, it better not be that (beep) guy. Don't come over here, dude. I swear. Y'all are (beep) kidding, bro. - Hello. - [Tallulah] Hi. - Oh my gosh, bro. - [Nev] What's your name? - William. - [Nev] William, hi, Nev, nice to meet you. This is Tallulah. - Hi, I'm Tallulah. - [William] Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you. - [Dallas] Nah, bro. - So - - I (beep) knew it was some (beep). This is beyond me, bro. - [Nev] Hold on, let's just get an explanation. So, what is going on? - I saw him a few times, like, around town. Slut Walk a few times and some Amber Rose events. - [Nev] Okay, so you have some mutual social circles. - Yeah, I've seen him a few times. And I was like, you know, I thought he was a really hot guy, and he's posting all these photos of his like ass on Instagram and Tumblr and whatever. And I was with my friend Safari, and we were on social media drunk, and she was like, "you should totally DM him." And I'm like, oh my God, I'm so nervous. I couldn't do such a thing. Like, I don't think he's gay. She's like, "well just look at how he's posting his photos on Instagram, he's got an Only Fans page." That he uses to, you know, target the gay community. (dramatic music) - [Nev] Wait a second. Only Fans, what's that? - Dallas is always posting his nudes. You can subscribe to his stuff - [Nev] And people subscribe, and he'll host special content? Do you have subscribers? - Yeah. - And Safari said, why don't I just give him my number? and then it's really your number. - Who was he texting with? - Me. - [Nev] But then why approach him as a woman? - I feel like girls can make a guy feel comfortable. Like, let's say a threesome or a foursome. You know, I could have been that fourth person in his threesome. - That (beep) is weird, bro, I'm sorry. - So, you asked about a threesome, he even said he would be down. Then you suggested the roommate, not you. - But he was okay with that. - Why not suggest yourself or then say, okay, Safari let's go meet him? Like, why not see if it actually could happen? - We were gonna do that, and then Catfish came out of nowhere. - Okay, so the plan was - - [William] To eventually get to that - (Dallas groaning) 'cause these guys are so, like these guys are so - - This is beyond me, bro! - Most of his fans are gay. - But that ain't got nothin to do with what I like. - Kinda feels like you're trying to blame him for the fact that you lied and pretended to be - - No, it is not lying, I'm not pretending to be someone. - You've been pretending be Safari for two months. - You a catfish-catfish, bro. This is some - - [William] No. No, no, no, no. - But surely you understand that it still feels like you don't think you did anything wrong? - I didn't do anything maliciously, I wasn't asking for money. - That's true. - So, if I wasn't doing none of those things, I don't feel like in a sense of I was doing any harm. We didn't mean for someone to call Catfish. - Just ask me, be like, "bro, you gay? You get down?" And I'd be like, no, it would've ended right there. - Dallas, calm down, like - - [Dallas] Bro, I'm sorry - - If you're not (beep) gay - - He's allowed to have his feelings. - I understand that he's okay to have that feeling but if he's not (beep) gay then why do you sell to the community and make money off the community? - But I think that's a really unfair argument because I think that then you're making a decision for him. I think that you can kind of say that like, you know - - [William] Well, it could go both ways - - Girls dress a certain way then that means something about them. - I think it's fair to say that it would be easy to interpret his social media presence as someone who might be bisexual, whatever. - Yes, of course. - [Nev] I still don't think that makes it okay, though. - We were going to go to find out where Dallas lives, arrange a date and to talk to him about this situation, get him comfortable. - Okay, but he wanted to meet up so bad. Why not meet up all these times? - I already knew you mutually, you shoulda just been like, "yo, let's hangout." - Because I wanted to do it with Safari but she was always gone. - [Nev] So, she's just not in LA a lot? - Yeah, I don't wanna do it by myself. We were supposed to all hang out and talk. She's gonna introduce me as her friend. - Right. And then from there? - And then from there she would have faded off away eventually, and then me and him would have got on a personal relationship. Who knows what would have happened? But now we have - - Not that. - [William] Dallas, come on. I apologize if it came off wrong. Safari can tell you her side of the story - Where's Safari? - Safari is at her friend's house. - In LA or is she in Arizona? - In LA. - [Dallas] She is in LA. - [William] If you wanna talk to her about it. - [Nev] Okay, great, so she's here. I mean, yeah, I would like to hear from her. - I will go and call Safari and send you guys the address. - Alright, so, text us where to meet you and Safari. - Okay, for sure I will. - [Nev] Alright, thanks. - [Dallas] That's crazy. (dramatic music) - Okay. I'm gonna go wait for him in the lobby. - Alright. - See you guys in a second. - [Rashad] This is it, man. Finally get an opportunity to meet who James is. Is this what you envisioned? - No, not at all. I didn't think that there were gonna be many lies. - [Rashad] Especially this many. - Especially type like this. It just, yes, it threw me off a little bit. - Oh, someone's here. Is this him? Are you James? - [Catfish] Hi. Is he okay? - [Nev] He is, but he's very eager to figure out what's going on. (Deven sighing nervously) - [Rashad] Yeah man. Yeah, you've been through a lot there, man. - [Nev] Are you okay? - [Catfish] I'm nervous. - [Nev] Is he gonna be, he's gonna be pretty surprised, I guess? - [Catfish] Yeah. - [Nev] Well, why don't you come on back and we'll see how he's doing. - [Rashad] Kinda putting yourself out on a limb. - Here goes nothing. (Deven sighing nervously) - [Nev] Right in there. (dramatic music) (Deven chuckling) - [Nev] What's your name? - [Catfish] Sha'Quan. - [Nev] Sha'Quan. - Hi. - [Rashad] What's up? - Deven, apparently you guys know each other. - Yeah, we know each other. - So, y'all know each other? - [Nev] Were you guys friends? - We were pretty, we were friends, yeah. - Did anything ever happen? - Occasionally. - [Nev] Oh. Okay. Did you know he lives here? - Yeah. - You mentioned that you have one friend who lives in - This is that friend. - Yes. - [Rashad] That's crazy. - So, when did you guys last see each other? - Last time I came out to Vegas. - August. - Alright, so hold on a second. Here's what I don't understand. You guys had a physical relationship. - Why would you have a fake identity? - I wanted to see how you're doing, but every time I tried to talk to him, he doesn't respond. - Is that true? - Yeah. I just, yeah. - You never really thought that it was a relationship there between... Gotcha. - No. - Did you ever make it clear, kind of, where you were at with things? - I mean, if I don't text you back, why wouldn't that give him that hint? You can't just beat a dead horse, it's already dead. It's (beep) up. - But if the horse is dead, everybody can say the horse is dead. Sounds like Sha'Quan, is it? Is saying he never got the scoop that the horse was dead. (Rashad chuckling) - I'm sorry, I can't. I'm tired of this (beep). (beep) I'm tired. - Tell us, then, in your own words, what was the plan? - Well, I texted him to hangout as James. And then if he come to Vegas, James wouldn't show up, he'd probably text me, tell me he's here, and I show up. - Oh, wait a second. So, you thought I'll make a profile as this guy James. I'll invite him to come meet me in Vegas. And then when he gets here and James doesn't show up, he'll text you because he knows you live here, and you'll just sort of come to the rescue. - Yeah. - You had a plan, though. He did have a plan. - I gotta tell you, that is actually a decent plan. - Hey, if it wasn't wrong - - It's messed up. - I would come dap you up, bro, you thought about some stuff at least. - [Nev] So, then wait a second, so - - [Rashad] Dang, bruh. - When you made the profile, why did you choose that guy? - He's somebody I've met. - Someone you've actually met? - [Sha'Quan] Yeah. He sent me photos through Snapchat, and then I sent those as James. - [Nev] Re-gifted nudes? - Yeah. - Wow. - Do you know that Deven follows that guy on Instagram? - I didn't find that out til like a week later. - So, it was just a total coincidence that you picked the picture of a guy that Deven actually follows on Instagram? - That's crazy. - I just wanted to know if he just didn't like me as a person or my face. - That shouldn't matter. - What you did wasn't cool, and you shouldn't have lied. - I understand that. - At the same time, like, he likes you. - Mm-hmm. - And he got a chance to show you a side of him that maybe you would not have otherwise have seen, that you really liked. - That's fine and everything, but, I'm just not into him enough to be in a relationship with him. (dramatic music) That's it. But, any right person would understand that way before now. - But you've been physical with him, so, I can see how it could be a little confusing. - But if you don't say anything, I don't know anything. - Still a lot to take in all at once. - Right. - To kinda collect your thoughts. - Why don't we take a little break? We could meet back up in a little while, and see if there's some resolution. - That's fine. - [Nev] Okay, I'll walk you out. What were you expecting would happen? - I thought he would be upset, but not that upset. - Did you ever get the impression that he did really like you? - Yeah. I have text messages from when we first started talking of how, you know, we could hangout, stuff like that. - I feel like you should've said that. - I get really nervous around him sometimes. - Alright, well, you deserve some kind of clarity, I think. - What is it? Is it his personality? Is it the way he looks? He kinda needs a closure as well. - It wasn't his personality, that wasn't the problem. I'm just not, I'm just not attracted to him. What else do you want me to say? - Right, I'm just thinking, not attracted to you, but, I did things that I do with people I'm attracted to. So that could be confusing. - You could be attracted to a hooker, but that don't mean you love her. (dramatic music) - [Kamie] Should we go through the doggy door? (Nev knocking on door) - [Nev] I wonder if she's here yet. - [Kamie] If we're knocking on some random person's house I'm gonna be very upset. (dramatic music) There's another door on that side. - Over here? - [Tony] Yeah. - [Nev] Oh, oh yeah. (dramatic music) - This is weird. - [Tony] Hold on, what? (Kamie gasping) - Hello. - [Kamie] It's her. (Nev gasping) - [Nev] What! Hi. I'm Nev. - Tiana. - Tiana, nice to finally meet you. - Kamie, nice to meet you. - [Nev] You know Tony. Obviously, you're you. It's you in the pictures, so it's confusing to me why we're here. What's up with all of your profiles? We found like an older Facebook and a couple Instagram's. - Oh yeah, probably from a long time ago when I was younger. That's my Facebook since I've been an adult. The other stuff is like when I was younger. - Okay, fine. And you have a son who's two? - Yeah. - [Nev] And that's it, just one son? - Yeah. - [Kamie] What do you do for work? - I work at a nightclub. - Dancing? - No. (Tiana chuckling) It's like bartending and stuff. - [Kamie] Have you ever been in the Navy? - No. - It does say you're in the Navy. - [Tiana] Yeah, I know. (Tiana chuckling) - So, that was a lie? - But it says that because I was going to the Navy, it was a process. I never went to my bootcamp. So, no. My son's dad is in the military. - And then, do you work at Target? - No. I told you I worked at Marshall's, Walmart. Maybe you're getting stuff confused because I never worked at a Target. - Very different. (Tony chuckling) (Tiana chuckling) - Who is Shavon? - Yeah. - [Kamie] Is she your roommate? - [Tiana] Yeah. - But on your Facebook page, you posted a photo of a car. That's your car? - Well, that's her car. - But you posted it as if it was your car. - No, my caption said "this car is poppin'". - It said "new car poppin'". - I guess it's Shavon's new car, I don't know. - I mean, that's just how I talk. - So, did you tell Shavon to lie to us? - I mean, yeah. - [Kamie] And why did you take a video of us talking to her? - Because I just felt at the time it was extra. Like, I was not ready for that. - Why? It's been two years since you first started talking to Tony. - Tony, mmm, unh-unh. - What is going on with you guys? Why haven't you FaceTime'd? - Honestly, I was going through a situation-ship. But he knew about that. And I was living with my son's dad. We was co-parenting. - I know but you can find five minutes to ... Is this a relationship that you were serious about? - We friends. - Okay, but Tony describes this relationship a lot differently. So, at the beginning, or at any point, did you think that this could be more than friends? - Yeah, back then, yeah. - So, towards the beginning? - Yeah. - But is it totally wrong of him to think that there's something between you? - Yes, because I've told him about dudes that I'm talking to. I always unfriend you. I have unfriended you at least 30 times. - Never, never. - What? - Never. Never. - I wish I could prove it, but I can't obviously, 'cause we Facebook friends now. - [Tony] Never. - But I have deleted you multiple, a lotta times, Tony. - [Tony] Never. Never. - Have you flat out told him, like, I'm not interested, stop calling me - - Yes, there have been times where I told Tony stop calling me, stop texting me. Have I, or have I not? - You only told me one time. - Okay, one time. And what you do? You still hit me up, right? - 'Cause if you hit me up, I call back. - Oh my God. So, I call you? - You called me that day, talking about something, about some (beep). I don't know what the (beep) you was talking bout. - Tony - - [Tony] It was a minute ago. - you sound dumb, and honestly, you pushy. You're extra, you're disrespectful. I mean, you said I was a thot, so. - What? - Nah, I didn't say that. - You said, "I knew you was a thot." What was I doing to make me a thot? - You talk to hella people, what you mean? - Okay, but you lied about a kid. - I never did lie. You told me you didn't have a kid, and then a kid just appeared on your Facebook. - Wait, do you have a kid? - Yeah, I got a son. - [Nev] What? How old is your son? - One. - That's something that you tell somebody that you supposedly talk to, right? - I can understand being confused and a little surprised and upset to find out that a guy that I'm talking to didn't mention that he has a kid. I'm surprised that I didn't know he had a kid. - Me and my baby mama wasn't talking. Me and my baby mama don't talk. We (beep) around two times, three times. - Did you know that your baby mama was pregnant when she was pregnant? Or did you not find out that you had a kid until after she had him? - I didn't find out until after. - Hold on a second. All of this is irrelevant if you don't actually have feelings for him. - Well it went out the window once he did all that. - [Nev] So you did? - Yep. - So, your interest in Tony was real? - Yep. - [Nev] But over time you just lost interest? - Yeah. Y'all don't understand. Tony can get annoying as (beep). Like, he blows me up and I don't like that. I even told you I could be busy, I could be busy with my kid. When you blow me up and call me like 10 times, I just feel like you been stalking me. (dramatic music) - [Nev] Can we see some of the messages? - Okay, so, that's Tony. Tony two times. Tony 25 times. - But you're saying he blows up your phone a lot? - He blows me up. He do stuff that he don't need to be doing, like, I don't like that blowing me up stuff. I don't like that. - We see the phone records. (dramatic music) - [Nev] The question remains where and who is this person? - Right. - You, interestingly, had mentioned that a couple of years back somebody was sort of messed with you. This guy, Vance. So, we went to his Facebook page. One of the things he posted today is this article about me being in town. - Are you (beep) serious? - We thought it was interesting that someone from your past seemed to be excited that Catfish was in town. And get this, Dom told us he was stationed at Fort Bragg, just like Adonis. And look, here it also says Vance was in the military. So, it's not impossible that Vance could be Adonis. - [Kamie] But that's kind of where we left things. - The only way of really even figuring out who this is, is to just ask them to reveal themselves. - Okay. So, can I ask that question? - Sure. - (beep). (dramatic music) - [Nev] What did you say? - I said, "Hey, I'm with Nev. We do know you're not the person you said you were. We would like to meet up as soon as possible." - [Nev] "If I don't hear back from you at least by tomorrow morning, I'll move on and just let this go." - This guy sure knows how to play hard-to-get. - Alright, well, let me know obviously if you hear anything. And then tomorrow morning we'll check in and hopefully he'll decide to meet us. - Okay. That'll work. Thank you man. - Check to make sure that the news vans aren't on the front yard. (Alfred chuckling) - The Sanford Times. - [Antonnio] Hey Alfred. - [Nev] Oh. - [Alfred] What are you doing here? - [Nev] Who's this? - It's Antonnio. I heard Catfish was in town. - [Alfred] What that gotta do with you? - Why are they here? - [Alfred] Get in your car, go home. - So, you really gonna leave? - [Alfred] Get in your car and go home. - Can I talk to you over there? - Why? - For five minutes. - For what? - So I can talk to you, I don't everybody else in my business, I don't need that. - [Kamie] Hold on, hold on. - [Alfred] Bye, bye. - [Antonnio] Why are they here? - [Nev] Here, why don't you go back inside and I'll explain to Antonnio what we're doing here. - You're Antonnio? - Yes. - I'm Kamie, nice to meet you. - [Alfred] This is what I was telling y'all. You see what I'm saying? - Well, he's probably just jealous and upset. - He's always (beep) jealous, that's what I'm talking about. - It is Alfred's business, but, we're just, we're here to help. - This is a perfect opportunity to just say - - I told y'all, I told y'all. - Right, but you don't need it anymore. - I told y'all. - It's not your responsibility. So, why don't you go out there and let him know how you feel? (crickets chirping) - What you have to say? - [Antonnio] Why are you bringing Catfish out here? Am I not good enough for you? Like, why you trying to meet somebody that you don't even know? - [Alfred] Look at this (beep) you pulling right now. You hear something from Sanford and you coming at me. - We've been together for five years. Five years is a long-ass time for you throw it away on somebody you don't even know. - It's all been you, it's been about you. - [Antonnio] But you don't even know this person. - It doesn't matter. - It'd be different if you knew the person, you don't even know this person. - [Alfred] So, that's my point. - [Antonnio] So, you gonna leave me over somebody that you don't even know? - [Alfred] You damn right I would. - That's stupid as hell, that's crazy as (beep). - And? What you gon' do about it? - You look dumb as hell. - And that's fine. - [Antonnio] You look dumb as hell. - [Alfred] Okay! - [Antonnio] You look dumb as hell. - [Alfred] Okay! - And the reason why you can't find the person is because I'm Adonis, bitch. - [Alfred] Bitch! (Kamie yelling) - [Nev] Oh (beep). - [Kamie] Stop guys, no, no, no. - [Nev] Chill, chill, chill, chill. - [Alfred] Let me get him man. Nev, please let me get him. - [Nev] Chill, chill, chill, please, please, please. - [Alfred] Nev, let me get him. Nev, let me get him. - [Kamie] It's not worth it. - [Alfred] He better be lying, y'all. - [Kamie] It's not worth it. - [Alfred] He better be lying! He better be lying! - [Nev] Hold on, hold on, hold on, one second. - [Alfred] He better be lying, bro. (Alfred crying) - Take a seat right here. Sit with me down here. - Nev, Nev, I'm sorry. - [Nev] Let's take a second, alright? - Oh, he better, he better be lying. - We're not gonna get anywhere right now, when everyone's upset. - [Kamie] Are you okay? - Yeah, I'm okay. That (beep) is crazy. He's mad at me because he's been cheating on me. This is just too much, I can't talk, I gotta go. I can't do this. - [Kamie] Please get home safely. - [Antonnio] I am. (Kami groaning) - I just wanna know, is he lying? - Do you want me to go ask him that? - Please. - Can you just stay here for a minute. - Find out if he's lying, please. - Alright, just wait for me, one second, right here, okay? (crickets chirping) - [Kamie] He said he needs to leave. - [Nev] Did you talk to him at all? - [Kamie] Yeah, I did, but he doesn't wanna... - Hey, just really fast, is it true? You said at the very end, right before you guys started fighting that you are Adonis. - I am Adonis. - That's true? - That's true. - So, you made the profile? - Yes. - And it's been you talking to him the whole time? Why did you do that? - I needed facts. - In terms of him like cheating? - Cheating on me, talking to other people behind my back. I just needed facts. - [Nev] I'd like to talk about this and try to help you guys. I don't know if right now is the time to do that. Are you willing to meet up with us tomorrow? - Tomorrow, yeah, I just need time to just process everything. - Okay, fine. So, you should go and we'll talk hopefully tomorrow and meet up again. - Okay. - Alright. (dramatic music) - Nev, was he lying? - I don't think so. I just asked him. He said, that is, he made the profile. (crickets chirping) - [Nev] We have a bit of a drive, but, it's good, you'll get to se LA. - [Elle] LA! Yeah! Are you nervous? - Scared and nervous. - Scervous. - Scervous. I just want answers. (tense music) - [Nev] Alright, pretty close. - There it is. - This one? - Yeah. - Nice little house. (Nev mumbling) - Alright, let's do it. - Let's go. - [Nev] You guys wanna hang here? (dramatic music) (Nev knocking on door) (door creaking open) Hello. Hi. - [Alice] Hi. - [Nev] I'm Nev. - [Alice] I'm very nervous. (Alice chuckling) She's out there? - [Nev] She's out here. Say hello. (door creaking shut) - Hi. - Hey. - How are you? - What was the big deal? How are you? - I'm a little anxious and nervous, but I'm better now. - Absolutely, also the same for me. (Alice chuckling) - Okay, well - - Hi. - Yeah, this is Elle. - Hi. - I'm Alice. - And I'm Nev. - It's nice to meet you again, nice to meet you. - We're glad to be here, but also, I think curious and somewhat confused. - I'm also a little confused and like, I didn't wanna do this. I was concerned that she called you in the first place. 'Cause I was like, when you talk to somebody and then they don't trust who you are, it made me feel anxious. - I get that. It wasn't that I didn't trust you, but ... - You needed to make sure that - - Yeah, you're real before I gave you all of my heart. - It just like hurt my feelings a little bit. - Okay, okay. I'm just gonna jump in. So then, where does it come in that you aren't able to video chat? - I just didn't think there was that much of a lack of faith in me. I didn't think that it was like she needed to verify who I was over FaceTime. I thought she just wanted to, so it was low-urgency for me, you know what I mean? When I'm talking to a person, I would really just rather talk instead of focusing on how I look. - I completely understand. I'm not trying to blame you. I understand your anxiety over all of this. - But, just like one little video or something? - I'm not trying to defend her on this side, but I kind of do understand, 'cause we live in completely different time zones. - You guys, two hours. - A two hour difference. - Yeah, two hours. - I mean, I don't know, I've just never been, like we don't even talk on the phone. - Why did you block her on Facebook? - I got incredibly anxious about this whole thing. Like, I have my own anxieties as well. - Yeah, sure. - And I just felt like all of this didn't mean as much because of the fact that she didn't trust who I was. - We spoke to your friend Maddie. - Mm-hmm, yeah. - And asked her if the phone number that Nique has for you is the same number she has for you, and she said it's not. - Yeah, I have two phone numbers. So, one for like the people that I know in real life and one for the people that I meet on role-play. It helps me keep things organized. - Okay, well, I have other questions, but at the same time, I like don't wanna front-load this, you guys just met. - Yeah. - Yeah. - So, maybe we should just like kinda check in? So, if you guys could go talk, we could talk just for a minute and just kinda like go over stuff? - Gotcha. - [Nev] Cool. So, I'll go sit with you over here. - Okay. How do you feel? - A lot better. - You feel a lot better? - Yeah. I'm kind of like mostly satisfied with the answers she had to the questions, 'cause I kinda do understand most of them. - Yeah, but I just, can I be totally honest with you? - Yeah. - It just feels (beep) weird. Yeah, it's exciting. She's her, she's real, she's nice, you know? But, at the same time, I mean, you wrote to the show because there's a whole year where she spent kind of avoiding being real with you. And now that we're here, it's just like, "oh yeah, yeah. Just water under the bridge, never happened, never happened, never happened." I'm sensing something that's not genuine. - [Nev] What do you think? (Alice chuckling) - It's okay. She's really sweet. I'm, like, also very nervous, you know? - What has been your impression of this relationship? - I love her, I think she's like, I used to be romantically interested in her and we used a flirt a lot. And then I stopped feeling that way, and without addressing it really. I just kinda thought it was mutual because of with her relationship with Princess and everything. - Well, at least from what Nique told us, she has very strong feelings for you. - Yeah. - When I was saying, I don't feel like TV's the best place for this. I meant it's probably not the best place for me to tell her that like I don't have romantic feelings. - Right. I just think it'd be helpful for her if you were very clear. - Remember, this whole thing, Nique, this is for you. This is your time to question, what were her intentions? - There's still some things that I want and need to know. - Yeah. Should I go ask her to talk to you? - Yeah. - There's a couple questions she wanted to ask you. Do you wanna go talk to her? - Yeah, yeah, that would be fine. Can I come in? - [Nique] Yeah. - [Elle] What'd you guys talk about? - She was attracted physically to Nique at the beginning, but then she felt like it just sort of turned into a friendship. The main reason she didn't wanna come on the show is 'cause didn't wanna have to tell Nique to her face, like, hey I'm not into you. (dramatic music) - I've been asking you constantly to come down to Texas. But you denying each time made me feel like you didn't wanna see me. - I definitely wanted to see you. It's just because of your relationship with Princess I thought it wouldn't hurt your feelings if I didn't make it down to Texas. I didn't know you were actively seeking other romantic polyamorous relationships. I just didn't think that it was as big of an issue as it was. I should have listened to what you were saying, and actually taken what you were saying to heart. - I do wanna eventually come to California for school. If you're still in the area, would you wanna be in an actual relationship with me? - I don't think that's what I'm looking for. But, you know, there's so much possible in a few years, you know, you're not gonna come down for a while, so. - Yeah. That makes me feel a little bit better. There's still some time left. ♪ It's safe to say it's been a hard year ♪ Do you wanna go back over there? - [Alice] Yeah. - [Nev] How'd it go? - We did get a lot of things cleared up. Possibly in the future, if I am able to come down to California, it is a possibility for a romantic relationship. - [Nev] Really? - Yeah. ♪ So it's not easy to see ♪ - Well, do you want to just leave it for the moment, then we can come back later or tomorrow? - Yeah. - Yeah. - Okay. - Bye. ♪ You let the light in ♪ - I feel like today did not go as well as it could have. A lot of what I said was being misinterpreted, and I didn't really correct her, because I didn't want to embarrass her. In retrospect, I should have made things clearer. Hopefully it'll be better tomorrow. - [Nev] This is it. We're here. Well, this is the street. - Whoo! - So yeah, it's gonna be right around here. - [Tiana] Ohh, mm, mm, mmm. - [Aisha] This looks familiar. - Really? - Yeah. - [Max] Have you been here before? - It feels so familiar. - [Max] Why does this feel familiar? - Well, that looks a like a shop, right? - [Aisha] Oh my God. - [Max] What? - This is Ricky G's shop. Ricky G raps, and he's my baby daddy's cousin. He works here. - In this shop? - [Aisha] In this shop, yes. I knew it was familiar 'cause I remember bringing my kid's dad here. - There's someone in there. I can see someone. - [Max] The garage is like half open. - [Nev] Yeah, there's definitely someone in there. You don't know this guy, Ricky G? - I don't know Ricky G. - You know in the mornings, he does a song for the radio in the mornings. - So, it would make sense that Ricky G knows - - [Aisha] A rapper. - [Nev] Yeah, Tipsytwists or whatever. - It would make sense, yeah, 'cause he raps. - Wow. - [Nev] Wow. Alright, well, let's do it then. (dramatic music) - [Tiana] It's crazy that you say you've been here, like. - Oh my God, just don't be scared. - [Nev] I can hear him in there. I see someone in there. - Oh my God. (creepy music) - Stay open minded. - [Nev] Hello? - What's up? - [Nev] Hey man. - What the (beep) Are you serious? Trez, really? You been behind this the whole (beep) time? - Why y'all bring her? - Wait, who is Trez? - That's my baby daddy. What you mean who is that? How the (beep) could you do this to me? - No, that's no. - Trez! - No, are y'all in on this? - What you mean in on? What you really think I'm finna set you up like that? What the (beep)? - No, somebody in on this. - You already know I ain't even do (beep) like this. - Clearly, this is not something that you guys were in on together, so let's not let this get between you guys. - No, it's gonna be between us, 'cause who's Trez? - You don't know this guy but apparently they had a kid together. - So, you have a child? - [Trez] Yeah. - Wow. - Man, I'm through with this (beep). - Wow. - [Aisha] I don't want nothin else to do with this. I'm ready to go. I'm (beep) ready to go. - That was messy. Why did y'all bring my baby mama, man? - The whole (beep) time he been doing this (beep) to her. - I had no idea that that was what was happening here. Hold on a second. - It's like, I really don't believe that. - So, obviously this is awkward. It's turning into a much bigger situation than we could have anticipated. - [Max] So, that's Aisha's ... I'm gonna go talk to Aisha. - Yeah, let's figure this out - The whole (beep) time. The whole (beep) time. You sat there and you lied to her! And then when it comes to me getting into a relationship with somebody, you come and you run away! But you don't want me to be with nobody else but you! - [Nev] Hold on, hold on, hold on. - No, what do you mean, I need an explanation! What the (beep)! - [Nev] Let's not make this into - - [Aisha] You done fought all my ex-boyfriends, and you done did all this (beep) and then you had this lie going on for three (beep) years. - Wasn't 'sposed to be like that. It wasn't 'sposed to be like that at all. - [Aisha] What you mean it wasn't 'sposed to be like that, Trez? - It wasn't 'sposed to be like that at all. - It's crazy, but I'm the one who's going through this and y'all arguing. - You done ran off all my ex-boyfriends, you don't want me to be with nobody but you. - [Trez] You got a boyfriend. - Man, I'm so over this (beep). I can't believe you did this to me. - It wasn't like that. - [Nev] Hold on a second, hold on a second. - Take me home! - This is obviously some drama between them that we didn't know it was going on. - That I shouldn't be put in. - [Max] Step in the car with me for a second. - [Aisha] Oh my Goodness, I cannot believe this (beep) is happening right now. The whole (beep) time. - Why have you been talking to her with this other guy's picture for the last three years and avoiding her all this time? - I met her through her. I ain't want it to be like this. I ain't want it to be messy. I didn't want it to be no messy situation. - Wow. - That's my kid's dad. - [Max] Which kid? - My son, my seven year old son. I can't keep no boyfriend, 'cause every time I get into a relationship, here he come running them away. He don't want me to be with nobody else but him. But every time I turn around, it's a new (beep) bitch in the picture. - So, you met because of Aisha, and you liked her. - Yeah. - But you couldn't really pursue her because of your previous relationship? - [Trez] Yeah. - I don't even know who he is, I never seen him. - We met at a party about three years ago, October. And so, we had, it was a little Halloween party. - Do you remember being here for Halloween a couple years ago? - That was right before I moved to Washington. - We wasn't even really properly introduced, but I thought, I kinda thought we liked each other. - [Nev] So, you were into her - - It wasn't even 'sposed to be like this. I was just, really just trying to holla at you. - That (beep). That's really (beep). - [Trez] I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. - [Tiana] Wow. - It wasn't 'sposed to go this long. I was going to come right out and tell you who I was. I was gonna come right out and tell you who I was off the bat. - And then it hurt me 'cause that's my friend Ti-Ti. You know how many times this girl done told me she done fell in love with the person she's texting on the phone? And come find out it's my baby daddy? Now she looking at me like I got something to do with it. Like, come on now. - You know, we brought Aisha because they're good friends. - Yeah. - [Nev] And Aisha's sort of been there for her this whole time. - (beep), listen man. - And I understand that the whole reason you wanted to sort of use this fake name was to avoid this mess. - Exactly. It happened anyway. - [Nev] Maybe you didn't think things through because, I mean, eventually she, you know, she was gonna find out. - I was gonna tell her, I was gonna tell her. It wasn't never supposed to go this far. Especially when they started getting close, you know. (beep) just seemed like I had to keep on stretching the lie out. - [Aisha] He helps me, he takes care of my other kids that's not his. But the fact that - - I don't wanna talk to him. - It's not just no boy, that's not just no boyfriend that I've been with for a year and a half. I have been dealing with this man for almost eight or nine years. - Here I am hiding my daughter. He saying he got multiple kids. - He has eight kids. - Like what kinda (beep) is this? - Had you ever - - TiTi, I feel like I owe you an apology, but at the same time, I knew nothing of this. - I'm in love with who? - My baby daddy. You're in love with my son's dad. - [Max] Let's go check in on Kailani, see how she's doing. (phone ringing) - Oh. - Oh, what? - We're getting - where's the phone? - Oh, it's Kailani, hello? - [Kailani] Sam just called me. He told me he was on his way. - On his way to where? - [Kailani] He took an Uber and he's driving towards my house. - [Max] Jesus. - Okay, well, we're just leaving the hotel, so we'll just get over there quickly. - [Kailani] I really don't want to meet him alone. - [Nev] No, no, no, we'll be there soon. - [Kailani] Okay. - [Nev] Bye. Whoa! All of a sudden, he's Uber-ing? - [Max] That's weird, that's weird. - We better get there fast. - I mean, he's on his way there. - If he gets there before us we could be in big trouble. I wish we had a siren. - I know, we need a Catfish siren. - [Nev] Put up on the roof. (dramatic music) We got here pretty quick. (Nev knocking on the door) - [Max] Kailani, is he here? - No. - [Max] Okay. - Oh my god, you scared me. - [Max] We thought maybe he would get here before us. - [Kailani] Okay, so - - [Max] How you doing? - Oh my god, like I'm really nervous now. - [Max] So, what did he say? - He said I'm on my way. I'm taking an Uber to come see you. I'm driving to your house right now. - An Uber from where? - From where? - He didn't tell me where he was. - Just I'm in an Uber. - He's like I'm in an Uber. - [Nev] Okay, wait, so, hold on a second. Let's sit down and go over this. Were you like, what? - Yeah. I mean, I was shocked. I told him I talked to Dominic. He was just like, okay. Like, he didn't care. - He wasn't trying to explain or say, I really have feelings for you, or anything like that? - No, just that he wants to see me and he's on his way. - That's alarming. If he was being a dick and being aggressive and wasn't apologizing, and was like, I'm on my way to see you, I know where you live. Like, that's not good. - It's a little creepy. - [Max] Yeah. - Yeah. - We don't know anything about this guy. - Right. - Seriously, this is scary. He knows your address because you sent him - - He sent me letters and things in the mail. - [Max] You wanna go outside? - [Nev] Yeah. - [Max] It's just frightening that he knows where you live. - [Nev] I'm just gonna look and see if anyone's coming down the street. It's been a few minutes. - Oh, wait here's an Uber, guys. - [Nev] Is that an Uber? - [Max] That is an Uber. It's stopping. I think this is him, guys. Someone's getting out. - [Nev] Someone's getting out. - [Max] Sam? Sam? - [Catfish] Yeah. - [Max] Do you know this person? - No. - [Max] Who are you? - I'm Sam. - [Max] Yeah, okay. - Yeah. - [Max] And where are you from? - Monterey. - You are from Monterey. - Yeah. - [Nev] Okay. And how old are you? - I'm 19. - So, that stuff was true. - [Sam] Yeah. - [Max] Did you go to school with Dom? - No. - Do you know him? - [Sam] Yeah, I've been around him through mutual friends. - But you've never actually met him? - No. - [Max] And how long have you been pretending to be him? - Pretty much just a year. - [Max] Just a year? - Yeah. - So, what that you told me is true? - Pretty much, basically everything, just, I'm not the person in the pictures. - Why don't you kind of just tell us your side of this and just kind of take us back and kind of explain how this happened, how you guys met. - How you started the profile. - I mean, this isn't an excuse, but like, in high school I got made fun of a lot 'cause I have feminine features. So, I wanted to know like if I was different, more manly-looking and everything, like, how would people accept me differently? - [Max] What was your intention with Kailani? - I never actually thought it would get that far. - You knew what she was going through with a guy who had lied to her and led her on and deceived her and sort of put her through hell. - Yeah. - And while yes, you were there and supportive, you knew that eventually she would find out and that it would only hurt her even more. - And that's why, like, I couldn't really tell her, you know, like I didn't, I didn't know how to tell her, on top of everything else that she's been going through. - You've been leading me on this whole time? - No, I actually got really strong feelings for you. - What about Adriana? You got real feelings for her, also? - Adriana wasn't anything compared to how I talk to Kailani. - And what about Melvin? - It was just sort of like testing, I guess, the waters. But, I don't, I don't do that. - Have you ever had a relationship with a man? - No. I never meant to hurt you, because I really do care about you. I really do. I do love you. - It's really hard for me to believe that when you were telling Adriana that you cared about her as well. - But, I cared about her as like a friend. Like, I don't even know her that long. - I mean, you don't even know her in person either. - [Sam] Yeah, but like, I don't have feelings for her like that. - I'm gonna go inside with Kailani for a second and chat. Sort of check in. Give you a second also to like, cause I know this is a lot, so let's just take two seconds, sort of reset. Do you want to stand out here? Just hang for a second. - Sure, yeah, yeah. - Alright. Just give us a minute. Do you wanna sit here? - [Kailani] Yeah. (Nev sighing) - [Nev] It's a little confusing. He's been telling these lies and avoiding this issue for so long now. He's just not comfortable saying what's true. - He knew what I was going through, but yet he couldn't just tell me. But, when I called him going through my divorce he continued to make me believe that that was him. - [Nev] So, that's messed up, that he kept lying. (dramatic music) - [Max] How you doin? - [Sam] Scared. It's 'cause I know I hurt her. (Sam sniffling) - You really love her? - Yeah. I never wanted to hurt her, even though I knew what I was doing was wrong. Yeah, like. (Sam crying) - [Max] So, I think the best thing to do now is to go our separate ways, process this, and then meet up tomorrow. Is that cool? - Yeah. - [Nev] Good to meet you, appreciate it. - [Sam] Nice to meet you too. (Sam sighing)
Channel: MTV Catfish
Views: 2,552,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: part 2, team catfish, family catfish, victims revealed, nev and kamie, coldeset catfish, catfish moments, catfish excuses, catfish meet ups, catfish reveals, reveals, best of, hilarious, best moments, online dating, real life, forgiveness, shock, pretend, nec schulman, nev, relationship, honest, reality, love, catfish, Catfish, Catfish: The TV Show, best of catfish, catfish the tv show, catfish mtv, catfish sneak peek, catfish highlight, catfish reveal, reveal
Id: laDcbrHCxsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 33sec (3093 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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