5 ‘Catfish’ Victims Who Fell For Fake Celebs | Ranked

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oh man I'm excited to see you guys thank you for talking to me you Auggie some high hopes for this episode whoa why is that huh all right okay is Katy Perry so there you go your meter that's the Katie that you were talking about in your email that's right hey what's up tell us how this whole relationship with started [Music] [Music] [Music] love with somebody that I don't see like that so I got like a wall not break it down normally if someone wrote me an email that said they were having an online relationship with a celebrity I would assume it was fake but this guy started setting you money never video chatted he's a big connection or like when I tried to call my hey why do you guys me he'll just give me a little story right I gotta do something big with you later yeah that doesn't sound that promising how much do you really believe that it's Bow Wow I like it 60% I just want crew issue because if it is Oh dream come true [Music] hey hey hey [Music] well o came here obviously introduce you to Kiana Oh God well I doing here my name be Oh like re you go by D my stage name is dependent how old are you 23 I never lied about my true feelings for you I just lied about the person and for that attention that was it like the music on me I'm real I'm this person like I care about you I'm not I just wish we can move forward from this situation I'm not gay so like this couldn't move forward I'm kind of embarrassed at the same time because no like doing bigger Simon I knew you wasn't gonna sell the fact that I was a female I knew you wasn't gonna same thing even if we can't share like a know that type of relationship I still want to be that friend to help you I still want to be that person to be there for you like I've been doing sending you everything taking care of you and your daughter supporting your career and all I want to be that person to help you with everything were you expecting this to go any better yeah I was hoping like that we could have moved forward from it right I don't understand like we didn't even have to go through us like we wouldn't have been dating but she could have been told me like I think that's the most upset like you got me looking stupid so did you start the fan page mm-hmm and then that got closed are you closed yeah yes I got close to Kiana I just closed so you kind of created the profile that's a trap in a way to meet girls I meet a lot of girls cuz I know bow wow--he gets that attention all the girls love him but those are straight girls that like foul yeah I mean for me I like a challenge I'm too tired I like a challenge I like straight girls to see what I could do eventually I was gonna tell him I didn't say you're not no you didn't think anything was gonna go wrong when you met them in person they saw you were girly they they just immediately like jump in bed with you yeah when you came out of the door there I thought you were a guy well Pierre like to mow spirits a lot of girls to beer up here to be a guy and the money yeah damn I'm like it's a lot of money yeah I wouldn't just sit around them chicks dead amount of money obviously I had some type of connection some type of feelings for the center I'm learning like that and you are a musician that's your full-time job I do shows and everything and you're hearing a learner like they have open mics so I do shows here for like a thousand three hundred dollars five hundred dollars so wait who's on the phone with those my cousin she wasn't even talking to you yeah yeah I know it's frustrating right now but I just hope we can move past any we cut you all right now I'm feeling right now like I might just stop talking to you that's what you really want to do yeah how I'm feeling right now yeah what do we got Oh catfish casteau mastic that means something's up hey guys you should check out this video maybe you can help oh no I what is this video andrea russett wait I see youtube yeah I follow her on Twitter so before this video what craziness got three and a half million followers wait what is she talking about that's safe I'm sure you guys are already aware there's been literally thousands of profiles using my pictures online and a lot of them I kind of just brush it off because they're ridiculous they can't even spell my name right they're saying crazy things but I recently found some profiles imitating my family and I just feel like once you involved my family it's kind of just taking it too far so I'm here to ask you guys how do I handle this leave a comment below wow it's got almost forty thousand likes and hundreds of comments a lot of people tagging me and you her fanbase is calling us we've been summoned the fans have spoken this is a crowdsourced episode of catfish well I guess we should get in touch with her all right guy fall over and I call follows me so I'll messenger all right hey Adria just saw your post we would love to help hit me up on skype okay you know we wait part of the contract of being a celebrity is that you become public and people can do things with your image right but you do not with people's fan out that's not cool she must know that you can't honey twitch account oh yeah I was ass really fast hey what's up how are you I'm good so how long have you had your YouTube channel um I started YouTube in like sixth grade so like 2009 thank you very much for the 5000 plus subscribers how old does that make you now 21 next month oh wow good and when did you start developing kind of your following and fame in 2009 because I have one video go viral and then from that I worked at my radio station in my hometown Fort Wayne Indiana which like helps grow the to stuff and is that where you are now no I live it all right now okay nice yeah so for the last five years you've known sort of internet fame and I'm sure all the wonderful things and all the sort of weird creepy things that come with that definitely pretty much seeing people use photos of me as profiles since 2010 I mean I've seen them profiles asking people to send them nudes I got emails from people that think that are engaged me thank you wanted sending them money like crazy crazy stuff for my family I just feel like it makes me worry more and it just concerns me a lot how many different accounts are there there's me and my mom my dad my sister and my brother are they talking to each other yeah so there's a conspiracy pressure when did the accounts get made my sister the count goes back to 2013 whoa but you only just now saw it yeah wow that's creepy I have some really scary run-ins with people like stalkers so it makes me worry more for my family it really gets out of control all right Zoe right yeah how you doing won't you come on out some people I'm sure you recognize yeah can I start by saying um to you especially like I'm really sorry for using your pictures not only of you I like of your family it was never anything personal at the time I was being really selfish like that's the best excuse I can say we didn't stop to think like maybe this is a really bad idea it did crossed my mind but like I said it was being selfish and I didn't care so you didn't stop to think about the multiple people that you were messing with you didn't think about any of that wasn't ever to seriously be vindictive or anything like that that's not what I wanted to do but that is what you did it is what I did but that was never my intention well what was your intention yeah to find something that I didn't have put on a mask and be able to connect with people and how and why did you choose Andrea honestly I googled pretty tumblr girl and she popped up and I was like okay but then like people would bring it to my attention like oh this counts fake why aren't people tagging you why don't you have family members so I decided to create other profiles through people wanting you know sis back you said you didn't want to be vindictive but like I've seen the things you said to other people yeah it wasn't like polite all the time I understand yeah oh that's pretty vindictive to say stuff like that and to manipulate people yes I know [Music] we picked Alex out of a hat are we to understand that he's the only person that you had an emotional relationship with as Andrea or as any one of these fake profiles emotionally guess but I did talk to other people how many I honestly maybe three other people three other guys that you were flirtatious with and who thought they were moving toward some kind of a relationship they're thinking they talk to me I'm thinking that I'm this person that you portrayed me to be that I'm probably not yeah I've heard you when you're sincere this doesn't seem sincere here's the thing you know me well you know me very well at this point and you know that I'm a caring person in general and I like to help people and you know that and I've had every opportunity to turn that around and just say hey I'm gonna be honest with you because you're a really good person and I like I'd like to show you that I am too I agree it was really wrong I'm sincerely sorry but that's what happened I can't change it but I am sorry what up we just saw your intense video submission yeah why was it so intense you racing through it I don't know maybe just cuz like my friend was filming it and she was just like making faces in the behind in the background so tell us about yourself I used to go to school that Youngstown State and now I'm just like working like crazy now how old are you I'm 19 okay so you're young alright so we want to know how you and Brandon met and sort of tell us the whole story of the last six months um so after like a failed relationship that I was in I decided to join tender I saw his picture and I was going to swipe right on him she also swipe right on me after two days that's when you reached out and said she would make a great girlfriend and I don't know I don't know where my head was like who me so dude he was like done oh okay hold on time out the first message he sent you was you'd make a good girlfriend yeah it's a weird thing to say why are you buying an S why why would you get cookies in an offense alright so when did you find out he was internet famous and what kind of fame does he have I looked him up and I found him on like a website called like famous people birthdays and they like told me everything about him got it so I said am I missing something and you like internet famous or something so then he was like yeah I make vines and videos is he hot is he hot yeah like on here man he's like super tall I really like attracted to that then he was someone that can really talk to I past relationships have all been fails and it's always me coming second to another female and all of the relationships and this time I don't know he just made me feel like I was number one can you guys talked on the phone we've spoken once and what was that like well I was telling my twin sisters about the whole situation so she was like girl he's catfishing you just take just you know leave it alone I was like no he isn't watch so I gave him a call or whatever and I like let him know like hey I'm telling people about us and this is what they're thinking so then he flipped out got really pissed at me and said sisters an idiot I'm real like this and that so we stopped talking for a short period time and then he came back after that we just continued like talking joke are you thrilled do you know this guy yeah come on apply' exes but you said still liked you but yeah what's your name again Thomas Thomas Thomas no like no no this is not for me like no like all this time wasted all right I wanted to do it without another cameras to say what is I didn't want to do it from there everybody else but you know how I felt about you and I know how we ended I didn't you know feels right to come you as me and then I tried to tell you before it got to this point but it's kind of hard to do that you played me back to back to back and then all when I finally move on then you decide oh okay I want her back like where was that attitude back when I'll have feelings so you guys dated in high school right when you were featured tonight and it wasn't the best relationship and then you broke up and at some point you decided you wanted her back right so you made the tinder account right and then just swipe looking for her pretty much how'd you know she was on tinder on my boys like Oh excellent tinder okay did you you got a new phone yes when I went to college I got a new number okay who's Brandon I have no idea somehow randomly lights looked up online so the brainy Instagram the Cabrini Facebook so there is a real Brendan yes presumably runs those accounts you don't know him you've never talked to him right okay why did you choose that guy when we were to get this talk about like kind of her image of would be talk to a tall white blond guy yeah you knew that that was kind of what she was looking for yes so I went on Google and you know just type in tall white blond her guy no the first printer came up okay and what about that guy that we talked to Matt Matt who do you know that guy no that's memo no the real real but he's like yeah that's my friend so there is a race that's a cool guy right Wow so what was the end game here what was the plan I mean hopefully you know she realized that I went through all this for her and that my feelings are real hopefully we could work something out why should she give you another chance because I learn from my mistakes you know I realize you know what I messed up bad back when we were trying you know you could give to whether or not I breathe tonight let's let's be real here back then you know yeah I did mess up and I did take you for granted but we were talking to me the feelings were still really was still having a real conversation and you just thought it was somebody else it's not high school anymore this is not how you get somebody back like come on now that's it like I'm done talking like whoa hold on a second I recognize that yeah Paris Roxanne hi and even max I don't know if you remember me you guys contacted me about a year or so ago when a catfish named Jasmine used my pictures on her fake profile I think I remember I remember that for sure yeah everybody's using your pictures right she wanted you to see this but that was not my first experience with a catfish if you remember I was caught up in a catfishing scheme where I ended up dating who I thought was Chris Anderson the professional basketball player also known as Birdman it all started in 2012 when I liked a picture that I thought was Chris Chris was a star player for the Denver Nuggets and I was a big fan of it so I was pretty excited when I got his friend request we were texting constantly and we even exchanged some how do I say naughty pictures [Music] I actually flew to meet Chris Anderson in person and we had a great weekend together but after I went home things started to get weird it's all a second so I started getting threatening texts from who I thought it was Chris and then they posted my naked photos on the Internet I was freaking out now confession time I told Chris that I was 18 I was actually 17 so when I tell my mom she flipped and called the cops we started a with a developing story investigators seizing computers from the Larkspur home of Chris Birdman Andersen this is being called an Internet crimes against children investigation Chris was under investigation for child pornography breaking news on the Denver channel com involving the Nuggets Chris the Birdman Andersen it was all reduce and it looked bad we know he's not expected to suit up tonight he was kicked off Nuggets and his reputation was ruined the Nuggets issued a statement saying Chris has been excused from all team related activities but as the police kept investigating they discovered the crazy truth I thought I was texting with Chris and Chris thought he was texting with me but turns out we were both being catfished by a woman in Canada named Shelly Chartier Chris Anderson the basketball player was talking to Paris Roxanne but what they neither of them realized was that all of their communications were going through this woman Shelly had created fake profiles and phone numbers for both of us and all of our messages were really going through her because Shelly was the one that posted my underage photos Shelley also pretended to be my mother and threatened to make Chris's relationship with me public unless you feed Shelly thousands of dollars which Chris did Shelly got caught and went to jail normally you don't go to jail for tagging but she was like blackmailing right well guess what what she just got out of jail and I want to make sure that she doesn't put anyone else through it I had to suffer through oh hey what's up hey doing no need Rob Rob hey what's up sorry hungry hungry hi Shelly IMX yeah nice to meet you why did you do it I know you've said bored but what I guess I want to push a little further and ask were you doing it because it was fun to do were you doing it because it was something to do I think that that's a big part of this I did if she would believe me at first and I did it if he would believe me and then I don't know I just I kept doing it and I don't know why I get that I'm stupid I'm really stupid I don't know my whole time in jail he thought I kept thinking and for what happened to Chris and Paris and why I don't know I kept thinking why the hell did I miss it her I blamed her for the first few months in jail like I really hated her I blamed the cops I blamed the giant champlain my lawyer but I realized that I can only blame me I know when I got out people kept asking me do you think about it have you thought about it do you think about it just like I'm asking you know and it's annoying very people won't let it go and I can't move on and injeel it's all i thought about you know everybody sees me as a villain do you feel like it's fair that people think you're i don't to say feel like it doesn't matter when people think about me anymore because i don't have the right for people to feel sorry for me i did a lot of and i'm not gonna ask for pity people what about the people who say you haven't yet served your time in the united states for the crimes you've committed there i think i did my time a year is a lot to waste out of a human life and those people should look at themselves in you and think of the biggest mistake in their life and wonder should I be punished more from what i did so let's just assume all this does blow over and go away like what do you want to do with the rest of your life how we can once again do you ever like kind of keep an eye out like you know you're like you want to make sure that she doesn't of course I shouldn't because it just gets in trouble again that I have to deal with not being in with it for another year and still think I never wanted to get in trouble again trying to set her on the right path so it's safe to say you're never going to catfish again definitely not answer how you doing oh man I'm excited to see you guys thank you for talking to me you obviously have high hopes for this episode yeah whoa why is that all right okay is Katy Perry so there you go your major that's the Katie that you were talking about in your email that's right that's a wild claim to be making wait time out is she not like with someone else now [Music] rings probably no bloom that's right and what if anything gives you the impression that you are actually talking to Katy Perry because I've been talking to her for six years just millions and millions of details little stories like when she's growing up that only Kate would know okay you but you have you understand how like it's one of the most ridiculous things we probably ever heard yeah I haven't told anybody obviously okay goofy little out then you could interact with other people on she was on there I was on there at the same time her name on there was Katy Perry a messenger I are you to say her must be her was immediate connection million I love news back-and-forth it was pretty cool Katie got to the point of really wanting to go all in with me and had me completely attached to her I guess but man she quickly killed that idea probably about two weeks after that she deleted the on messenger you didn't tell me why later in an email she said that she had sent a message explaining everything but I never got the message and she never resented so I would like to you know be face to face and see if there's a future all right Spencer level with us for a second on the scale of one to ten ten being I fully believe I'm in a virtual relationship with Katy Perry and one being this could be true but probably isn't but I thought it would be a good episode of catfish where where do you fall on that scale have you spoken to her on the phone I have one time one time and it was $270 because she had a phone from Canada why is Katy Perry have a phone from Canada she was on tour in Canada at the time it made total sense Spencer nothing would make me happier than bringing you to meet Katy Perry but I mean it's a real stretch would you like to find out with me I mean yeah sure yeah as long as you understand that like I'm usually the one who tries to remain hopeful and think that there's maybe a chance I'm going to abandon that role on this episode and I'm just gonna make it even more sweet okay Harriet I presume yeah Nev how are you hi I'm max max nice to meet you boom yes sir Spencer hey yeah I am you told me you guys are here so you know so you've been talking to Spencer for the last six years I have you don't know Katy Perry know anything to say to me now I'm sorry guys it's not that kind of thing you guess you're sorry about oh yeah seems like an understatement yeah forgive me but is there anything about this situation that you find humorous no I don't think it's like funny he said that you had to be Katy because you knew so much about her life and all these details well I was like a really big fan of her so it was kind of stuff I knew from being a fan I was checking everything well yeah I kind of just was kinda really six years of noodling Katy where she's at what she's doing what she likes well it was kind of me though six years like this is the first time us meeting I'd feel like more excitement maybe more you would feel it for her right towards me where do we meet again on that oh yeah who else could it be I mean really Katie you can't possibly think it's still Katy Perry I do okay so whoa never a bit too hopeful so cough an identical twin everybody in Hawaii is in on this that's insane we've never seen anything like this the catfish sent you the real guys Facebook page
Channel: MTV Catfish
Views: 1,720,761
Rating: 4.9006376 out of 5
Keywords: MTV, Catfish, 5 catfish victims, dating, dating celebrities, mtv ranked, mtv ranked catfish, fell for fake celebs, katy perry, bow wow, celeb catfish, fake celebrities, celebrities catfish, catfish celebrities episode, andrea russet, zoie, alex, pretending, mask, connect people, fake profile, nae catfish, thomas catfish, brandon real person, impersonate, chris anderson, birdman, paris, shelly, shelly fake profiles, shelly jail
Id: XaF5w0Jtdvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 46sec (1786 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 05 2019
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