Catfish Reveals We’re Still Not Over (Part 2) | #AloneTogether

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- He admitted to me he's catfished over 400 girls. - [Nev] What? - 400? - Are you kidding? Gross. So we saw your video about Joshua. We've had some long relationships on the show but 11 years is a long time. Tell us more about this guy. - He's the sweetest guy in the world. Even though it might sound crazy, like who waits 11 years and who stays along? But he's so caring, he makes me feel like a million bucks. And he has a nice body. He's the love of my life. - You were 15 when you met this guy? - Yes. - Where does Joshua live? - When we first met he lived in California and then he moved to Texas, then he moved to Vegas, and then I guess he's back in California. - And have you guys been dating this whole time? - Yes. When we were younger we had an agreement that is like a don't ask, don't tell since we lived so far, but now we are like exclusively together and he's like, "I wanna build a family with you. "I love you, I wanna marry you." - And is that something you're into the idea of? - Yes. I'm willing to do whatever it takes. - You mentioned that you had tried to fly him out to Minnesota once? - I was saving up, and I was like, "Hey, I actually could fly you out." And of course his excuse is oh, I can't, I have to work. - What does Joshua do? - It seems like he can never keep a job. Every time I talk to him like, "Oh I'm looking for a job. "Oh I have a job. "I don't have a job." Stuff like that. This is really weird. I don't know if he's fishing for money form me. - Have you ever sent him money? - [Breana] No. - And you said when you video chat he doesn't really show his face. - Yeah what's that about? - Is there a chance that he's not the guy in the photos? - It's just weird because I'll try to video chat with him and it's like pitch black. And I'm like, "Oh, turn on the light." "Oh, I'm tired, I don't wanna turn on the light. "Oh, you know, the signal sucks." - Classic excuses. - Exactly, but I don't know, I keep pushing all that to the side because I just love this guy to death. - Hello? This is Kanene. - Hey how you doing? Can we make this a Facetime? - [Kanene] Sure. - [Nev] All right, here we go. - We're upgrading, we're upgrading. - [Nev] What's up? - Nothing much, at work. - [Nev] Nice. - Nice to meet you guys. - We're trying to find out a little bit more about your friend Josh (bleep) - Uh-huh. - [Nev] How do you know Josh? - [Kanene] I met him on Facebook. - Okay and are you guys like talking or are you just friends? - We're talking. Dating. He tell me I'm his wifey, girlfriend, this and that. - Whoa. He was talking to you like he really likes you a lot. - Yeah. I'm his baby, he care about me, this and that. - How long have you guys been talking online? - I would say three years. - Whoa. Well, so, Kanene, I have to tell you something. We met a girl who's been talking to Joshua for 11 years on the internet. And she kinda thinks they're dating. - That's crazy. - And he calls her his wifey and all that. - I'm supposed to be his girlfriend, so... - How you doing? - Josh. Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you too. - Nev. Max. - How you doing? - [Nev] And obviously you know Breana. - No? How you doing? - [Nev] Been a long time. - Yeah. Crazy. - 11 years. - Were you avoiding meeting her? - Yeah the Facetiming... - Yeah. - There's been times we tried to like video chat and stuff like that but my granny's computer was garbage, so we never really got around to doing that, but I wasn't avoiding meeting you. - There's so many questions. I just have to know, have you ever saw a relationship, like seriously? - Yeah. - [Breana] Really? - Yeah. - Like relationship, not like friendship, but like relationship. - Yeah I do. - Then, are you talking with any other girls? - There was one, yeah. I was a few weeks but I stopped talking to her like two weeks ago. - [Nev] Look, it's our job to... - [Max] Dig. - [Nev] Dig. - We talked, at random, we contacted a few other girls that write on your Facebook page and they told us they're dating you. And I mean all of them, batting a thousand. - As far as the other girls would go, I can't recall like multiple at one time. - You made it seem like it was just me. Like I'm not talking to nobody. That's what hurts. - Yeah. I'm sorry. - You gave her the impression that you thought of yourselves as in a relationship. - Like a real... - Yeah. - Is that how you felt? - Yes. - I don't know. - Sort of explain a little bit more about how you met Dean and what went down. - Dean and I originally met on a website called Teen Chat. I had just been on there, surfing message boards. Dean saw a lot of what I was writing on there and it interested him. So he decided to message me. We exchanged numbers and we really connected. We started talking about how we were kind of soulmates. - [Nev] What went wrong? - So about two years into the relationship he disappeared. He just fell off the face of the planet. Didn't return my calls, didn't text me, anything. It was dead silence for about nine months. And then I get a phone call. He says, "I dropped out of high school, "I'm having issues at home, "and didn't want you knowing about these things." - And did you guys continue talking after that? - We did. I was his emotional crutch, just there supporting him. And then again, he just poof, disappeared. - Wow. - After about a year he just calls me and said his mom passed away, and how he needed someone to talk to. So then again, I was there supporting him. - Do you see a future with this guy? - I do want to be with him someday, I hope for that. Throughout the years I've become attached to him, like I can't let him go. (phone ringing) - Oh! Texas calling. Catfish headquarters. - [Zoe] Yes, my name is Zoe. - Zoe. - Zoe, oh hey Zoe. We're just trying to find out a little bit more about your friend Dean. - [Zoe] I mean we met like six years ago, like on Teen Chat. - [Nev] Was it like a relationship, or? - [Zoe] Yeah. He made me feel special, you know, we talked about like just about everything, and then he just like disappeared on me. Like a total (bleep). - Have you guys ever video chatted? - [Zoe] No, he says he doesn't video chat. And it's like I always thought that was weird. - And what kind of drama has he been going through? Like what things have happened in the last few years? - [Zoe] Like his mom dying. - Has he ever mentioned a girl named April? - [Zoe] I don't believe so. - All right well Zoe, listen, thank you. Just so you know, you've been having the exact same relationship with Dean as another girl named April. - Word for word. - Word for word. My advice to you is to forget this guy. I don't think that he's worth it. - [Zoe] No. - All right thanks Zoe. - [Zoe] Sure. - Good luck with everything. Jeez. So April's not even the only girl that Dean's been giving this whole story to, promising to be with. I mean she just happened to be some random girl we reached out to. Who knows how many other girls he's been doing this. How you doing? - [Dean] I'm all right, how are you? - What's up? Dean, right? - [Dean] Yes, sir. - [Max] Is it him? - Yeah, that's him. - [Nev] Good to meet you. - [Dean] Nice to meet you too. - [Nev] How's it going? - It's going all right. - [Nev] All right, well, come on out, I guess. - Hello. - [April] Hello. - [Nev] Not sure what to say, this is April, as you know, I presume. - Hi. - Hi. Oh God. - You're you, which is a surprise for us. - [Nev] Yeah. - Just curious why didn't you meet up with us yesterday? - I mean honestly it was just nerves, man. I just overthought myself into a position where I was uncomfortable, and I didn't know if she would like me or not. I mean I was kind of scared on that aspect, to be honest. - [Max] Okay. And how old are you? - I'm 23. - So that's all true. And do you really not have a phone right now? - No, I don't. - [Max] Okay, and you're just crashing intermittently? - Yeah. - With Dakota? You don't have a place to stay? - I'm getting things together, getting that aspect of my life under control, but for the time being this is where I'm at. - So everything you've told April is true. - Yes sir. - Including the unfortunate passing of your mom? - Yes. - [Nev] I'm sorry to hear that. - Is there anything that hasn't been true? Any lies that you've told her? What about some of the other girls you've been talking to? - I mean those are all just friends. I'm not looking for anything right now. - But we've talked to Zoe, and it seems like you, you know, you've made a couple friends online, some of whom you've met in Teen Chat, like April, but then don't meet up with them or make plans. There's just a pattern of other people who've had a story like April's. - The whole thing with Zoe is I never really moved past the point of platonic interest with her in the first place. I mean she has kids, stuff like that, and I'm not looking to involve that in the situation that I'm currently in. - I understand you're trying to get your life together, but April's under the impression that you have feelings for her. - She needs to know very clearly where you stand. - Yeah. - [Max] Do you have feelings for her? - I do. Honestly, I've never connected with somebody like I have with April. There's just been nobody else that makes me feel the way I do whenever I do talk to her. And I can honestly say right now standing next to her I feel pretty damn great. (laughs) I mean I wanna keep talking to you. I'm not gonna go anywhere anymore. - But it has to be equal. I don't wanna be the only one that gives 100%. It has to be equal. - Has to be both ways. - Tell us kind of the story of you and Josiah from the beginning. Like how did you meet? - I met him on a black gay chat. We instantly connected. Later on that night we actually talked, and we talked for hours about everything. From there our relationship transpired to like this kind of crazy love fest. - What do you love about him? - My personality, being confident in myself, really came from him. Teaching me how to really accept mine for who I am. And we just built this bond, you know, since he was my first love. - What does he wanna do? - Recently I know that he's working at home health aide. Basically doing something he really wanted to do, is helping people. - Describe him physically for a second. - The second pictures that was, "supposed to be him," brown skinned kid, birth mark over the eye, still cute though. - Maybe now is the chance to see if it could be something more. - Like I said, Josiah was my first love. When you have that type of bond for so long with someone, of course every other guy that comes after that you're gonna kinda hold up to a certain standard, so it's like you know, it's always that question of what if? - Okay, I feel like before we get any further, when we got your email about your situation, one of the guys who helped us go through all the emails sent us another email. It's very interesting and curious and I think you might be interested in this. - Oh really? - Here's an email from another guy named Malik. Why don't you read this and we can talk about it. - My name is Malik and I am 20 years old. For five years, on and off, I've been in love with a guy named Josiah. But we never video chatted or met in person. When I started to question him about standing me up he blocked me on Facebook. Mm. Okay. Wow. That is funny. I mean even from what he says about Josiah, the things he do when he gets upset. It sounds exactly like Josiah. - When we saw these emails, yours and this one, and put them next to each other, it was like this is a little bit more than just a coincidence. - Exactly. - Well so here's what I think we can do. We can call Malik. - Just to see if they're the same person. We don't even know. - And then we have a problem that we need to talk, 'cause we have a interest in the same guy, so... - Yeah. Well then let's give him a call, okay? (phone rings) - [Malik] Hello. - Hey what's up? Nev and Max here. We saw your email about Josiah, and we definitely wanna help, but we're in a little bit of a unique situation here. We got another email from another young man named Dejay, and both of you told very, very similar stories. - [Malik] So this Dejay guy is talking to Josiah? - We actually don't know yet for sure that you're talking to the same Josiah. So I'm gonna introduce you now to Dejay, he's gonna come on the phone. - [Malik] Wow. - Hey Malik, how you doing? - [Malik] What's up Dejay? - Does these numbers sound familiar to you? 2-6-7 (bleep). - [Malik] Yes it does. - Does he have a Facebook page or Instagram? - [Malik] Facebook. - [Nev] So what's his current profile picture? - [Malik] He's just wearing like some big geek glasses with a college shirt and his cellphone in his hand in the picture. - We're definitely talking to the same person. - Would you say like you're in love with him? - [Malik] Yes, I'm definitely in love with Josiah, like even though we talk to other people, he's always made it seem like I'm just the pure relationship, and we're gonna be with each other. - Here's what I'm gonna suggest. If you guys are cool with sort of teaming up to work on figuring this out together, we can come meet you in Charlotte, and then maybe all go find and talk to Josiah together. - Mm-hmm. - [Malik] I definitely don't have a problem like teaming up with you because it's not our fault, it's his fault. Like I'm trying to hold myself together right now 'cause I'm highly pissed right now. - [Nev] All right so we'll see you soon Malik. - [Malik] Thank you, thank you guys so much. - All right man. - [Josiah] Hello. - [Nev] How you doing? - [Josiah] Good. - I'm Nev. - Josiah. - Good to meet you, man. - Well hello Jo Jo. - [Nev] I guess you know these guys. - Yes sir. - Hi. - Hey. Nice to finally meet you. - Nice to finally meet you too. Hello. - What's up? - [Josiah] Not gonna shake my hand? - This is gonna be fun. - I just can't believe you're you. - Yeah, that's the big surprise. - That's the big surprise. - Wow. - That never happens. Wow. Seven years. It took seven years for you to get here. - Five years. - Yeah. I'm not gonna be able to deal with both of them at one time. - Are you scared? - No I'm not scared, it's just, it's both of y'all. - Yeah I mean we've never had a situation like this, so... - Like, it's a lot. - We're all trying to figure it out. What was the problem? I don't understand, like... - I mean it's two different people, it's two completely different stories. - But why not like video chat with them or meet up with them? - I mean because at that time like I had a lot going on. - We all got things going on, Jo Jo. - If you're gonna let me talk then you know I'll talk, but don't jump down my throat. - If it makes sense. - Let's just figure out how we can make this situation go as best as possible. So right now you have the floor. What's your deal? - I'm from Philadelphia, I'm a home healthcare aide, I'm 22 years old. - Have you always lived in Philly or have you lived in other places? - I've lived in several different places. - Are there other guys aside from Dejay and Malik that you've been talking to for a long time on the internet? - No. - They're the only two? - The only two. - [Max] Do you have a kid? - Yes I do have a son. Two years old. - You do. - Are you in a relationship with the mother? - No I'm not in a relationship with the mother. - Great. - What other sort of bigger details about your life that we don't know or maybe we think we know. - Well right now I'm currently in a relationship. We've been together for two years. - Two years! - In real life? - Yes. That's why I haven't been able to use Skype or meet. When I'm on the phone with Malik my boyfriend's not around. If I'm texting Malik or Dejay, even if I'm laying in bed with him, I would turn to the side so he won't see. - You smart, you smart, okay. - I mean you have every right to be upset. - Upset is an understatement. - It's nothing... I mean only thing I really can say is sorry and try to give you guys answers, but there's nothing else I can really do. - But why do it for so long? - I have a special type of connect with y'all. Like it's kinda hard to let y'all go. It's difficult. - What are your feelings towards these guys? - I love both of 'em. I mean I might love one more than the other, but I love both of 'em. - Who? - Well I mean I love Dejay more than, you know... But that's only because, you know, I known him so long. (clapping) I mean I'm not trying to hurt your feelings. - You didn't hurt my feelings. - [Josiah] Only thing I can say is sorry. - So tell us this whole story, going all the way back to when you first met Shana. - Well it started off on Facebook. I saw her in my people you may know, and instantly I just started hitting her up and she replied back. She told me she was 21 and I was 17 so I felt like the big guy around here because of stuff, you know. - Nice older thing, I like that. - So we got into a relationship, and I was supposed to meet her in New Jersey, but she disappeared on me. - Did she ever explain what happened or? - The whole time that we've been talking it's been excuses about everything, like I got caught in work or I got bad service, why we can't video chat. - You kept talking obviously, after. - She always knew what to say to get me back. - Yeah. - So me and her was just talking, then a year after she disappeared, and then I got a weird message in my email and it was her friend Destiny Lopez. She said, "Hey, Shana is my friend and she passed away." - Had you ever heard of Destiny before or she just was a random friend of Shana's? - Just a random person. - Wow. - So I was feeling heartbroken. I was hurt and I cared about her and I loved her so I'm like I just lost a girl that I never even met yet anyways too. It was hard for me to move on. I was talking to other girls and stuff like that, and then I started dating other girls. But it was just hard. - When Shana died, did her Facebook page go away or did it just-- - It disappeared. Completely. And then two years later, I'm scrolling on Facebook, and it says people you may know, Shana Vasquez. - Wait wait wait. Sorry, you find out from Shana's friend that she died, and you don't talk to her for two years, and then all of a sudden she pops up in-- - I'm scrolling on Facebook. - [Nev] And she accepted? - And I start hitting her with messages, I'm like are you kidding me? It's been two years, I thought that you were done like that, like where the (bleep) you been? Like what's going on? You know what I mean? - Wow, back from the dead. - Uh-huh. And then she told me, "I apologize, "I've been going through stuff, "I just got out of a bad relationship." It was a violent relationship and I didn't know how to handle that stuff. Like she always knew how to get me back. When she popped back up I was in a relationship. - And what happened to that relationship? - We broke up. - Think it had something to do with Shana being back? - Uh-huh. She caught me texting her and stuff like that. - Oh, man. Texting a dead girl. You broke up with a real living person for a Facebook zombie? - Uh-huh. - You must really love Shana. - I do. I love her. - Eight years is a long time to be waiting, man. - We gonna figure this out. - I'm ready. - We got you. - Here we go, Utica, New York. Hello. - [Naji] Yeah this is Naji. - Oh hey what's up man? We say you were friends with a girl named Shana. - [Naji] I used to date her. - Oh, like date in real life, in person? - [Naji] We messaged for like four or five months but we've never seen each other in person though. - Wow. And when was that? - [Naji] Last year. - And why didn't you guys ever meet up? - [Naji] 'Cause it seemed like she was just always playing games, she never wanted to video chat. - Did you ever have any like proof that Shana lived in Syracuse? - [Naji] Yeah she said she seen me last month when I was at work. She says she called my name. I did hear somebody say my name, but I didn't see who it was. - And she messaged you, like, "Hey I saw you at your work." - [Naji] Mm-hmm. - That's creepy. - [Naji] Yeah and then she told me everything I had on too. - Whoa. That's some like shady stalker (bleep). - [Naji] Right, yeah. - And did she ever mention her friend Destiny? - [Naji] Yeah, she's messaged me a few times too. She was trying to talk to me about Shana. - What's Destiny's Facebook? Can you respond, you know, link to her page or something? - [Naji] Yeah I could do that. I got messages from her too. I could screenshot those and send them to you. - Oh great. - Do you know anyone that's ever met up with her, that's seen her? - [Naji] One of my bros, Pape, said he's been messing with her for like eight years. But he said he never met up with her neither. - So you're telling me there's another guy in Syracuse who's bee talking to her for that long? - She's crazy. - I'd love to talk to Pape, if you can send me his info. - [Naji] All right, I'll do that too. - All right thanks so much, bye. Whoa. Wow this just took another turn. Next level (bleep), man. This girl's talking to lots of guys. - Two eight year relationships. - And she's like seeing these guys and texting them like, "Oh I just called your name out at your work." (phone rings) Oh boy. Hello. - [Pape] This is Pape. - Hey what's up Pape? We're trying to figure out what's going on with this girl Shana. - [Pape] Oh she's a true catfish. True catfish. It's official. - It's official? - How do you know? - [Pape] I've dealt with her for years and like, she gives me an address, right, so I drive (bleep) 40 miles out to go see her, she would tell me she sees me, she tells me exactly what I'm wearing, what car I'm in, and everything she is saying is legit, but I'm like, "Where the (bleep) is you at?" - Wow. - Nah. - [Pape] She's not coming outside. This other chick that's a mad catfish is her friend Destiny. She's bad, bad on the internet. They both catfish. 'Cause I was trying to (bleep) both of them. They both catfish. (laughing) - I think they might actually be the same person. - [Pape] I think so man. - [Nev] We're gonna try and figure this out, man. - [Pape] All right then, God bless you all. Have a good day. - God bless, thank you. - All right. - [Nev] How you doing? I'm Nev. - Hi. - Of course you know CJ. But we don't know who you are. - Rebecca. - Rebecca. Okay, nice to finally meet you. Do you wanna explain what's going on here? - I don't even know where to start. - What's your deal? I mean what of Shana is true? What's not true? Who are you? - I think Shana as a general person, that's really who I am. - [Nev] Maybe the personality. - Yeah. - I got a question. So this whole time you was in Syracuse? - Yeah. - Why did you tell me that you live in New Jersey? - I made up like New Jersey and other places I lived to try to like get away from the situation, because I felt bad. - How did you keep it for like eight years? - Just didn't tell anybody. - So if you never had any intentions of meeting him, what was the point of all this? - Honestly I don't know. When I made the Facebook I was in a situation, trying to catch the person I was with cheating. So I made the Facebook to do that, that's how I ended up talking to CJ. - How did you get all those pictures though? - Some girl that was friends with my son on Facebook. - [Nev] Oh, how many kids do you have? - Five. - [Nev] Wow. - Do you really have a daughter? - I do, I call her (bleep). - Was she really sick and stuff? - No. - So you set up a GoFundMe page, for a daughter with fake cancer. That's seriously sick. - I think I was just, I was trying to cover the lie that I had told him. I didn't have like, it wasn't oh well, I'm just gonna rob people of their money. It was another lie to cover another lie to cover another lie. - Who is Destiny? - Me. - Are you serious? Why did you tell me that you died? - I just, like I really just wanted to be done with the situation, I didn't wanna keep lying. But then I felt bad because you were really hurt over. - But then you started talking to other people as Destiny, and obviously continued talking as Shana too because we reached out to a handful of people on Shana's Facebook page and most of them have very similar stories to CJ. - Mm-hm. - If you'd done it to one person, you maybe could say you felt bad. But to see that you've been doing it to I don't even know how many, I mean do you even know how many people you talk to as her? - No, most of them, minus CJ, was more or less to just keep that image going so that people wouldn't think that it was a fake Facebook. I never took those conversations seriously. It wasn't... - Well they did take it seriously. I understand that the original reason for making the Shana profile was something else, but when you met CJ it was just for fun to talk to him or did you-- - I really cared about, like I really started having feelings for him. - But he was 17, and you're not in your 20s, no offense. How old are you? - 38. - [Nev] Wow. So okay, you were 30 when you met him. - Yeah. I didn't really think about it. - [Nev] But you knew he was 17 when you met him. - Yeah. - That's kinda messed up. Like it's one thing to mess with people your own age, but like to mess with a kid for eight years of his young adult life. - I don't know, I'm just hurt about it, like 'cause... - I wasn't trying to hurt you. - That's not true. He had girlfriends that you (bleep) with. - Yeah, when I was in a relationship and stuff you sabotaged some of my relationships, and you was in a relationship with other people though. - No I didn't. - Some you did. - You never texted or messaged any of the girls he was dating? - I don't remember that. - Are you serious? That's crazy. I gotta go. - We just read your email. You spent, was it about six months, talking to this guy and established a really serious connection with him. - Yeah, you know, we met on Tinder. I was like, "Oh my gosh, you're so pretty, "here I am, a single mother of two, "there's no way you're gonna want to talk to me." But I said, "Ah, let's give it a try." So I swiped right, pops up we're a match, and then eventually we had like our first phone conversation and we just really emotionally connected, like every day, anywhere between an hour, two hours a day, we're on the phone. You know, send pictures to one another and just really supportive of everything. He was okay with the fact that I have kids. But when he wanted to make things exclusive, it just kinda scared me just 'cause we hadn't even met yet. - You kinda did your homework and you found out that this guy might be using someone else's photos? - I actually didn't do my homework as well as my girlfriends did my homework. They did the image search, and it came up linked to someone else. And I don't think I'm the only person he's doing this to, because somebody reached out to me who had been talking to Lucas also. She lives in New York. She got a hold of me just based off of the ladies that he was following, to let girls know that he's not him. - Whoa. - Also he talked me into sending him private photos. And I believe that's what he does to everybody. - Wow. This guy. - Oh my God. - [Max] Are you afraid that if you expose him that he might release some pictures? - It's crossed my mind, but I haven't confronted him about it because I think he has a suspicion that I know that he's not who he said he was. A girl contacted me, her name's Ursula. And she says beware of the scammer Lucas, he's pretending to be somebody he's not, and he'd developing relationships with other women. All of which I didn't necessarily ask her about. Just a hard thing to know that you were sending private photos, you know. I may have done Playboy and I may be a dancer but when I send you a personal picture it's because I trust you, and it's disturbing to think that he's taking advantage of other women that way too. - [Max] Pretty sinister thought. - Yeah. It's disgusting. - We gotta figure out who this guy is. At the moment it looks like Ursula probably knows the most. So maybe we should video chat with her, just to make sure she's legit. - [Jamie] Absolutely. - Okay. (ringing) Whoa. Hi. - Hello. - Hi guys. - How are ya? Good, how are you? - Really good. Thanks for answering my call. Obviously, I don't know if you recognize Jamie. - I do. Hey. - Hi. Nice to meet you. - We've been talking a lot about you and we have so many questions and we're trying to figure all this out. Can you explain to us what happened with you and Lucas and everything that you've figured out? - Yeah. We met off Tinder, he told me he was living in Missouri. And then he told me he was moving to New York City for an internship at a technology company in New York. And then I basically found out that he's not who he really is because I booked a flight to Missouri, so he came clean. - You booked a flight to Missouri, did you go? - No I didn't go, no I didn't go. - You told him that you bought your ticket and then he realized he better tell you the truth. - [Ursula] Yeah. - What did he tell you? - [Ursula] I'm not who I've been saying I am. I'm not the guy in the pictures. - Jamie sent him pictures, some of them nudes. Did you ever send him similar? - Yes, I did send him intimate photos and videos. This is what I think he does, gets into an intimate relationship with these girls, gets nudes from them, and then after a while he'll reveal himself and then just block these girls, and he's probably still doing that. - [Nev] I guess he blocked you too. - Yeah. - Okay so how did you find out about all these other girls? - When he told me that he's not the guy in the pictures I screenshotted some of the girls that were following him and then I reached out to them. That's how I found Jamie. - So, considering that you've both been involved in this, we could try and do this together. I think it'd be more powerful for him to be confronted by both of you than just one of you. - Absolutely. - Why don't we bring you up to speed? Yesterday we sort of figured, okay, let's search for his number, see if it comes up with any names. It came back registered to someone named Zac. Looks like he lives in St. Louis. So then we just searched Zac on Facebook. We found a page. Could this be him? - Wait, I feel like I've seen that before. He tells me, "I'm not the guy in the pictures." I'm like, "Show me proof, like prove it to me." So he sent me a picture. - [Nev] That is him. - [Max] Oh man. - [Nev] That's definitely the same guy. - [Ursula] Yeah. - So we got our guy. Now, we asked the women on our crew to try and follow him, and he accepted, so page is obviously very much up, and the last picture that he posted was 17 hours ago. - That's messed up because when he was apologizing to me he told me I'm the last one. Which is obviously (bleep). When I asked him why he's been doing this to us and other women he called us an experiment. But he admitted to me he's catfished over 400 girls. - [Nev] What? - 400? - Are you kidding? - Gross. (phone chimes) - Just got a weird text message. This is from Mike in casting. Hey guys, hope all is well with you, we were just contacted by a woman named Sarah. She was catfished by a guy named Lucas. We think this could be connected to the story you're currently filming. - Let's call her. (phone rings) - Hi, Sarah. - Hi. - [Nev] How are you? It's Nev and Max. - Hi there. - So someone from our casting just saw an email that you sent about this guy that you're talking to, Lucas. - Yeah. We matched on Tinder actually. We were just talking with the idea of a future relationship. He had told me that he's moving to Dallas from, I think, Missouri. I figured out that he was lying to me. - We're sitting with two girls, Ursula and Jamie. - Hi. - Hi. - So these girls also met Lucas on Tinder. What's become very apparent is that this guy Zac has been doing this for years to maybe hundreds of women across the country. And so if we go to Missouri to find him and confront him, would you be willing to meet us there too? 'Cause I think the more people we bring, the more powerful the message might be. - Yeah, I'd be happy to come. - [Nev] Hello. - Hey, what's up? - [Nev] Are you Zac? - [Zac] Yes, this is me. - [Nev] Hi. How are ya? - [Zac] I'm great. - [Nev] You're who I was texting with earlier? - [Zac] Yes, yes, yeah. - And you know these three young women? - I do. I do. - [Nev] Why don't you come on out for a second? - [Zac] Yeah sure. - So, I don't know if you have something you wanna start with, because we have a lot we wanna say obviously. - Yeah. So, I don't know where to begin. - Well why don't you start with who you are, and how this all started. - Okay. As you guys knew me as Lucas, I'm Zac, that's my real name. This all started just over a year ago. I was curious about someone who was as attractive as Lucas, the kind of reception they would get on Tinder, versus Zac, myself. I started to really enjoy the attention I was getting from people I'd never gotten attention from before, and that to me was something I'd never experienced and I was really happy about that. And that's where it started. - How many? How many girls? - Too many, that I talk personally with, I've got their numbers, like 400. - That's disgusting. That's disgusting. - Oh my God. - I mean that's one of the blunders of online dating, is you start talking to these people casually and that-- - It's not casual talk when you have to Photoshop photos and taking hour to make a fake video. That's not casual talk, that's deliberate lying. - I recognize like 100% that that is not okay. - So why do it if it's not okay? - At the time I didn't think twice of it. - Have you ever hurt that bad? Like has anybody ever crushed you? - Maybe once, twice. - Well it's happened to me a lot. I didn't need somebody else to come along and manipulate me and take time away from my kids and my family. - Are you thinking of the impact of your actions when you do these things? - Honestly, no, you know, like that's the selfish part. 'Cause I haven't really had the opportunity. - Well it's not about having the opportunity. - Yeah oh no-- - It's about just (bleep) doing it. - Yeah, yeah. - There are a lot of lines that you crossed. Soliciting naked photos from them was a huge line that you crossed. - Okay, and I'd like to address that. - Yeah, address that. - Please address that. - I can't just stand here and say like that wasn't interesting, because that was. But that wasn't the point. That's-- - What do you do with them? What do you do with the photos? Are they all like on your computer in file folders as Lisa and Jan, Steph. - Ursula. - Do you have save them? 'Cause I'm betting money that you do. - I deleted them. I'm not proud of that side of it. That's a side that-- - Listen, you catfished all these girls. This whole thing is nothing to be proud of. - I really have a hard time believing you'd delete the photos. - [Zac] Yeah, you guys can look if you want. - Do you have your phone on you? - Yeah, yeah. - [Max] Well let's look at the phone, let's start with the phone. - [Zac] Hold on. - [Max] Are you deleting stuff right now? - No, no I'm not, I'm just like scrolling back and forth. - Yeah we know how to scroll through a phone. - Okay. - I would normally say your privacy would be something I'd care about but in this case... Sorry, are you recording... - Yeah our conversation, yeah. - You're recording all this? - [Ursula] Are you kidding me? - That's so (bleep) up. - Yeah. - Just take a step back, don't look over your shoulder. Don't worry about him. He'll find or not find whatever he's looking for. - I'm finding some stuff on your phone. - Okay, I didn't like scrutinize, like-- - Yeah no but I know enough about how to keep things private to know to look in your Google Drive, which you probably didn't think I was gonna go into. I found one list that you keep in your Google Drive, list of girls. Jamie in parenthesis, next to it says Portland, former Playboy model. And then you have a status list underneath, and for Megan it says on the level of saying I love you, lives in Vegas, doesn't know she's being catfished. Lauren, also on the level of saying I love you, lives in Palm Springs I think, doesn't know she's being catfished. Debra, been talking for a while, she lives in Illinois, wants to meet Lucas badly. Watch out for that subject. Doesn't know she's being catfished. Jamie, talking since November. Ursula told her she's being catfished. - How do we know this is like truly over? 'Cause you don't really seem to give a (bleep). - It's not fun anymore at this point to have something going just to know that it's gonna come to an end, for me, as bad as something like this is. - All right so we'll just be in touch and let you know about maybe meeting back up. - Thanks guys. - [Nev] All right, see you later. - Miss you all. - Wait, what did you say at the end? Miss you all? - Yeah. - What is that? That just sounded like a joke. Miss you all? Dude, like... You really seem like a huge (bleep) head. - Yeah. - So think about that. - Working on it. - [Nev] Oh my God, no way. Oh my God, whoa. - Ah hell no. - [Nev] Hey. How you doing? - Hey, how's it going? - [Ricky] Pretty good. - [Nev] I'm Nev. - [Ricky] Nice to meet you. - I'm gonna guess your name is Ricky, aka Javonni. - It's a whole lot, it's a whole lot. But the best thing you could do is follow me inside. - Actually, what I'd like to do is introduce you to Miracle. So let's do that. - [Ricky] I'll do that for you. - [Nev] You don't wanna come down here? - I'd rather have her come up this way. - Why's that? - Like I said, you definitely need to follow me inside, I got some... It's hard to explain right now. It's hard. - Why don't you just walk down here with me? Wait, hold up, hold up, hold up. Where you going man? - Nev, don't you follow no angry black man into that house. - I guess he went back upstairs. - [Miracle] Childish as hell. - I can understand he feels like we're putting him in the hot seat. If he really needs us to go inside, I'm willing to go in. - It's fine. Charlamagne, you have to come too. (Charlamagne sighs) - [Charlamagne] Lord, MTV aint paying me enough for all of this, bro. (tense music) - [Nev] Okay, we are in the house. - Do you know me from somewhere? Like have you seen me? - No. - So why me? - [Ricky] You know, it's tough man, it's hard. Here I am. - [Nev] Let's just talk for a second. She's just feeling a lot of anger and humiliation. - I get that, I get that. - So I think the best thing you can do is to just tell her and us what's going on with you, whatever it is. - [Charlamagne] Mad medication, dawg. - [Miracle] Oh God. - Give me a sec. - Think about it, no pressure. He's just gonna take a second. I'd like to at least give him an opportunity to just explain himself. Hi. - Hello, how are you? - Hi. - I'm Nev. - [Cara] I'm Cara. - [Nev] Cara? - [Cara] Yes. - [Nev] Hi. - Well... I'm Javonni. - Meaning you are the person with whom Miracle has been texting. - Yes. - Which would mean that you're the guy on the phone that she spoke to. - [Cara] Yes. - [Nev] So together you guys created this... - Not together. - No. I did it on my own. When Miracle wanted to speak with a guy, I didn't know who else to turn to but my husband. I made a page 'cause a friend of mine, her boyfriend was cheating on her, and the girl that he was cheating with, I was trying to get her to give me all of her information. So of course when I made the page, I'm just sending out friend requests to everyone. - So you made the Javonni Santos page to reach out to a girl that your friend's boyfriend was messing around with. - Yes. - Explain how we ended up here right now. There's a big gap to fill. - There is a big gap. - Well, I don't work because I have lupus. Most of the time I'm just kinda laying around, kinda in bed not feeling good, so when she started texting it was like oh, not thinking that it would have went this far, not even thinking that it would have lasted more than a week or two. - Here's some real (bleep). - Why you let your wife do this though? Why you aint check your wife bro? - Like why didn't you take the phone and say, "Miracle is my wife, she playing." - She's here majority of the time, I'm usually not here, I'm working. That's what I do. So I'm normally gone. I didn't realize how deep it had gotten. Like girl you need to stop with that, I didn't realize that it went over what she originally planned for it to be. - Once I got to know Miracle, like I thought she was a really sweet girl. - Are your feelings-- - Genuine, they're genuine, yes. Everything, the text messages, that was all me. - But to be clear, you expressed, at least from the little bit that was made apparent to us, like romantic feelings. - Some of it was pretend and some of it was real. But far as like wanting a relationship with it, no I don't wanna take it that far. - I mean just from what I got, it was a relationship. - No it wasn't. It was a relationship that couldn't be put to rest. You know, a month go past and you still conversating with her, you still, this is still going on? - This is some BS right now. You did make me feel like that person was a real person. Now we on national television looking crazy as hell. I got friends, I got family, I have a daughter. I have a job, I have a career, I work for the damn state. I'm sitting here looking dumb as hell because of you. Because of you. - I do apologize that you got wrapped up, but at the same time it's not like you you you you you you. It's not that, it's us, we did it together, we was in this together, I wasn't texting myself. - You're trying to victim blame right now. You're trying to blame the victim. - Mind you, several times, I did try to stop. - Every time you tried you would write back trying to keep me, to stay there, saying all of this weird stuff. Let's just be real. Do not sit and say like you was just sitting here like I'm done I'm done I'm done, and I'm just sitting here like some dumb ass female and I'm still there. - I tried more than once. Come on man, let's be real about it. - I tried more than once. - I tried more than once. - Is it lupus or is she psycho? Which one? You're a sick individual. - I am a (bleep) sick individual, I am a sick individual. - I know you are. I have lupus and I live with it every (bleep) day. You talking about sick, - Your mind, your mind. my mind is good, my mind is good. - [Miracle] Something's wrong with you. - There is nothing wrong-- - For you to sit and do something like this. - I apologized, I said I'm sorry, what the (bleep) do you want me to do? Get on my knees and beg? I'm not gonna do that. - Ladies, ladies, ladies. - Calm down, okay, calm down. - I'm beyond pissed. - We aint talking no more, we aint talking. - Maybe now is the appropriate time to... - Absolutely. You see me, don't speak to me. - Trust me, there aint no reason to. Sweetie, you basic. - Do you see your outfit though? I'm basic, is that a fishnet? - There's the door. - Okay let's go, let's go. - There's the door. - We can leave, 'cause this (bleep) done. - [Charlamagne] All right bro, peace man. Have a good day. - [Cara] You too. - [Charlamagne] All right. - [Miracle] They some sick ass individuals. They both some (bleep) if you ask me. - Holler at your wife though man, don't let her do that again to somebody. - Bottom line is, you don't know what's, you know, what's going on behind the scenes is basically what I'm trying to say. - [Charlamagne] Yo be cool man. - [Miracle] Get me the hell out of here. - Are we being stood up again? - I don't know. - I don't understand. - Hi. Hey. It's him. - It is Ray'Quan. - [Nev] What's up? Nev. - Ray'Quan. - [Nev] Nice to meet you. - [Ray'Quan] You too. - I think you know who this is. Truth. - Do you not wanna hug me? Like I'm confused. - I'm confused too. - Why are you confused? - Feel like a little bit betrayed, 'cause you went to the extreme and just did all this. You got people calling people I know, asking about me. - 'Cause like you don't ever answer the Facetime. - Okay. - You blocked me, why am I blocked? - You were doing a little bit too much for me. - What did I do? What's the problem? - I feel like we're missing something. - What did you come here for? Are we talking? Are we together? What's going on? - I never said we was together. When did I say that to you? - [Truth] Are you kidding me? - You're Ray'Quan. - Yes. - And that Instagram account-- - That's mine. - Okay that's you, okay. And it's been you talking to him this whole time? - Mm-hmm. - [Nev] And only you? - Just me, yeah. - No one else is involved in this, Kevon has nothing to do with it. - So who was all these other people then? - No, so we were wrong. The good news is it was him the whole time. So then the real question then for me is like we got the impression from Truth that you guys were interested in each other and that there was some chemistry, and that you were hopeful that you'd meet up and see what happens. So it's strange to me that this would be an inconvenience when in fact it feels like something you guys might have wanted to have done. - I mean if it was something I would have wanted done I would have had it done. I flirted with him but as far as a relationship, we never talked about no relationship. - The last six months for you has been-- - It's just been somebody to talk to, a friend. - So you don't think that anything you said in the last six months gave him the impression that you were interested in him in a meaningful way. - If flirting gets you in a relationship I'd be in about a whole bunch right now. - Have you had feelings for him? - Yeah he was a cool person to talk to. He still is a cool person to talk to-- - So if I'm a cool person why we can't Facetime? Does your phone work? - Yeah my phone, it works. - So if your phone work then why you never could answer Facetime, answer that. - 'Cause I didn't want to. - Why did you waste six months of my life? - You wasted your own six months. Nobody said that we were in a relationship, you did that. - Are you dumb? - No, are you dumb? - Are you dumb? - No are you (bleep)? Like really, what was the point of you coming if you're gonna act like this? - Because y'all are gonna keep calling and texting everybody asking, so I came out here, that's why. - This is (bleep), I can't. - You guys talk for a second. This is Zeke by the way, sorry, you didn't get a chance to meet. - Nice to meet you. - You too. - I'm just gonna chat, I'll be right back. - Like why would y'all bring me here if y'all know he was gonna act like this? - I didn't know it was gonna be him. - What the (bleep) is wrong with him? - I never said we was in a relationship. Never said that. And then he going around asking people, having people call my phone, oh it's Catfish, you going to Catfish? They're trying to get in contact with me. That's embarrassing as hell. - Well I can understand your frustration. - I'm frustrated because I've been in like a on and off again relationship. That's why I never said anything sexual to him, I never said, "Oh you're my boyfriend, let's be boyfriends," 'cause I'm not, I wouldn't wanna bring nobody in that. - I don't know, I feel like he's not telling us the whole story. Sounds to me like he might have a boyfriend. - I need to ask some more questions. - Sure. (Truth sighs) Just keep it cool and collected. - What's Kevon got to do with this? - What do you mean? - He got something to do with it. Didn't he call you or y'all was texting. Y'all DM'd or something. - Yeah we DM'd-- - But then who's Dedrick? - A friend of mine, real close friend of mine. - I think that you're all clout chasers. - [Ray'Quan] What? - You're clout chasers. 'Cause they aint more lit than me, I'm just 'bout to say that, they aint me. - No they are. Don't worry about 'bout nobody else, worry about yourself. - I'm lit, like I can walk down the... They want me. - So if you so lit, why you gotta go to Catfish and stuff like that? Go get you somebody else since you're so (bleep) lit. - I'm very lit, I'm very lit. - Brother chill out. - You're getting beside yourself, chill out. - Who's gonna chill me out? I'm gonna stand right here. You got a boyfriend? - Yeah on and off boyfriend. - So why you talking to me, you got a on and off boyfriend? - Every time we chatted, me and my boyfriend wasn't together. Like I said, on and off. When I disconnected from you, we were together. I respect you that much. - You don't respect me that much. - Well he said they were on and off, but both of you deceived each other. - I ain't deceived nobody, I don't know what you're talking about. - He told you he had a relationship, you were in a relationship. - You over here trying to like be extra. - I'm not trying to be extra. - Yes you are because why are you going this way? - The only way for y'all to clear the air is to be 100%. - And the thing about that is that's funny to me, I'm not upset about that. Kudos to (bleep) you. - Is your boyfriend in the house? - No. - I will go in your Airbnb and sit down. - [Zeke] He just walking in people's houses! (Zeke laughs) - See this is the type of crazy (bleep). Like nobody got time to deal with it. - But you can understand why he's upset can't you? - I can't. - He said I love you. You could have at that point been like yo man, I'm not feeling it. - Here I come. Let's go out there and we're just gonna diffuse. - How we gonna diffuse the situation? What's gonna diffuse the situation? - The only way to diffuse the situation is just be chill. - Look, so somehow he got the impression that you guys were much more serious than you thought. - He don't give a (bleep) about nothing you saying Nev. Look how he standing. - All right, all right. - No one care's that he's taking off his butt bag. I'm not scared of you. - What are you saying? - [Truth] Hey hey. I'm not scared of you. - [Ray'Quan] Look at you. - Look at you with this mesh shirt on with these burgundy pants and his black shoes. - But you're ugly as (bleep) bro. - That's fine. - [Ray'Quan] You're really ugly as (bleep). - That's fine. - All right let's go for the moment and maybe meet back up and we can try and sort of reset this. - Okay. - Let's go get some Fiji water. - Nice meeting you. - You too. - Get this (bleep) off of me. Get this (bleep) off of me. I'm out here looking crazy. Take this (bleep) off of me. Dumbass bitch. - [Max] Here comes a car guys. All right. Who's inside? - [Nev] Guy. - [Max] Uh-oh. - [Nev] Wait a second. - What the (bleep) kinda (bleep)? - [Nev] I don't know what this is. - I know this aint the (bleep). (clapping) (bleep) is this? - Hey man, you wanna chill out a second? - Ssh. - Excuse me. - The (bleep) is this man? For real. - Don't touch me. - You better back up. Don't touch me. - You better back up. - What the (bleep) kinda (bleep) is this? - Chill out man. - What the (bleep) kinda (bleep) is this man? - We're talking. Him and I are talking. (bleeping) He and I are talking. - [Nev] Excuse me. - I'll tell you one thing right now. One thing you're gonna like. You're gonna learn to love it too. - What the hell are you talking about dude? - [Max] What's going on? - I'm gonna be the one wearing the pants in this one. You understand that? - [Nev] Dude, you're being unreasonable. - Straight up, the (bleep) kinda (bleep) is this? - I'm just asking you to take it down a couple notches. - Hey. - You brought a lot of attitude. - By the way, a lot of attitude last night, thanks a lot, really felt it too, you and I, got to know you better, I loved it. But I tell you what, you and I, we can do that later. Come here, we're gonna talk. - What the (bleep)? We aint (bleep), we don't talk (bleep). - Are you kidding me? You could still be my chocolate kiss, too. You don't forget about that, baby. - [Max] Come on. - [Artis] What the (bleep) is this? - Do you know this guy? - No I don't know this (bleep). - [Max] Are you Jess? - Yeah I'm Jess. - [Max] You're Jess. - Yeah. - Man, (bleep). What, man. - I mean that, there. That's what I had. - What the (bleep) kinda (bleep) is that man. Oh hell no (bleep). - Not everything is as it seems. Not everything you see or want it to be can be exactly what you want it to be. I mean I am living proof of that and I felt that, and I felt a necessity to put myself out there. - This (bleep) is (bleep) crazy. - What are you so angry about? - Come on, the guy's got a family and he's talking to me? He thinks he's talking to some broad. - But he did think he was talking to a girl as far as-- - Exactly. - Right. So you're a good actress. - Sure, I like that, yeah, why not. - That's (bleep) up. Hell (bleep) no. - What's your name by the way? We skipped that. - My name's Justin. - I wanna take a stab at this. - Sure. - You're gay. - Obviously I'm not gay. - Well it's not so obvious. I mean you are pretending to be a girl online and having a romantic relationship with a guy, so. - I give it to you, you got me there. Maybe. What it was to begin with was just... It was a joke. It's a fake profile, just playing around with people, whatnot. I didn't think anything too much of it until you know, honestly I started seeing guys like him who are already in a relationship. So I was like you know what, I kinda have this power to use it for something, use it for good. What I had with him was a little bit personal, and obviously you guys got a taste of that. What my message is, to tell people, look, you can't just (bleep) around on relationships that you're in. - You felt like it was your job to sort of teach him a lesson. I just wanna make sure I understand. - Yes. - You guys were having some sexual-- - Oh yeah. Oh yeah. - [Max] And you were just keeping that up for this moment, so that you could catch him and confront him? - [Justin] Honestly, yeah. - Let's see what she's gotta say. (knocking) Hey. Good morning, how you doing? - How you doing? - Good morning. - [Nev] Can we come in with the crew? - [Geralyn] Yeah. - All right, let's do it guys. Have a seat. So, did you and Hundra talk at all between-- - No. - No? - Listen, I'm gonna be honest with you guys. - Now she's gonna be honest. All right, what's up? - I don't know Hundra. - You don't know Hundra? - [Geralyn] No. - What do you mean you don't know Hundra? - I've only been talking to her for about like four weeks. - So you mean the whole nine months thing isn't actually true? - It's not true, no. - So you guys only started talking four weeks ago. - [Geralyn] Yes. - But you still have been talking to her. - Okay. Well obviously she contacted the show. - Right. - But it's just like, it's not true. Don't know Hundra, don't like her at all like that. Me and Melanie only did it because she asked us to. - Wait, Melanie knew Hundra? - Yeah. - So Melanie knows that this is all fake too? Either you guys are like Academy Award winning actors, or like, I... 'Cause you guys are... - Okay so hold on, so you and Melanie are for real ex girlfriends. - [Geralyn] Yeah. - Okay. And a month-- - That's true. - A month ago, Hundra contacted you guys and said, "Hey, I wanna get on this show, Catfish." - I don't know. I don't know if it was like that, I have no idea. - That's bull (bleep). There's gotta be some reason you're involved in this. Was it because you thought you could get on the show? Why would you risk your reputation just to help some girl you don't know? - If Melanie wanted to help her then, I love her, so I'm gonna help. - So Melanie asked you to help her and encouraged you to get involved. - Well yeah, she needs help, I'm gonna help her, okay. I'm down, I'm riding. - But like help her what though? Is Hundra even lesbian? Does she even like girls? - I have no idea, but the way she's trying to make me look out there was like I'm just trying to turn straight girls out. No, that's not how, you don't portray a lesbian that way. I don't wanna be made to look on TV like I'm that person. - I'm still not sure I understand the situation. Why are we here? - I could be with my daughter on father's day right now. Does Hundra know that we know this, right now, that you told us? - No. - So Hundra thinks that we believe her? - Yep. - Piece of (bleep). I'm pretty (bleep) mad. There's really no point in us being here. I'm (bleep) out for sure. Idiot. Let's go get Hundra. I'm about to go crazy on this lil' woman man. - [Producer] Let's call her and Melanie and bring them over here. - All right, hey ladies, would love to chat. - And it was all like a plot just to get on TV. - Come over to Geralyn's. - Swear to God I'm mad as (bleep). ♪ You know how to get it ♪ - I didn't sign up here to come help some stupid little (bleep) girl's final little 15. - I know. - Not even minutes, 15 seconds of (bleep) fame. - [Geralyn] I feel like a snitch now. That was horrible. - What if Melanie was doing some stupid (bleep), and... - Geralyn's covering for her? - Right. The only person who could manipulate Geralyn into doing this is Melanie, 'cause she's got her wrapped around her fingers. - [Geralyn] If Melanie feels like she needs to help her then I'm gonna ride for her. - I feel like she's still not giving us the whole truth, because she's trying to protect Melanie. - [Geralyn] I did it for love, that's it. - I am curious to just sort of see if we can at least-- - Find out why they did it. - And just like get a straight story that makes sense. - Yeah. Is this them pulling up? - Did you come with Hundra? - [Melanie] No. - [Nev] No, oh here she is. - Hi. - [Nev] So, what's up? - Really? So you just steal pictures and talk to people? I'm talking to you. - I can hear you. - So speak, like, you didn't ask who? - It's over, y'all. - What's over? What's over? - This whole thing is over. - What do you mean? - She spilled the beans. Y'all playing us. Hundra you wanna tell us something? You knew them already, huh? - But it was still something that needed to be done, like as far as me coming out. - So that was it? You just wanted to come out? You had to have at least had a reason to wanna be on television. - I wanted the world to know that I was gay, like-- - Why does the world need to know that you're gay? - When you're in a culture that hates what you have to become, it's not that easy, so yeah, in a way, the world should give a (bleep). I don't wanna keep hiding myself. - What's the world gonna take away from this? Right now you're setting a really bad example for people. - How? - Because you lied. And you also speak on gays like they have a disease. - Butch, and like gay for a day. - I feel like I can call them certain names because I've been in their world for a while. - On paper, like I think your crusade to liberate Haitian women across the nation is like beautiful, and like there are very real ways that one could do that. And this is the worst way to do it. This is incredibly selfish. - You don't look like a hero. - Okay, well this is done. - [Nev] Yeah. Thank you. So why are you smiling? What's funny? - It's not funny, it's just (bleep) up, it is. - Then why did you go along with this? What do you have invested in her? - Sucker! You are a sucker! You. Corny. You are corny. - So a random girl just hits you up on the internet and says like, "Hey, will you help me lie "on national television?" - Hell no. And you're like, "Sure." - Well it wasn't like that, I mean she wasn't a random girl. I mean we were friends. - [Nev] I just don't see you and Hundra being friends, I don't get that pairing. - But we are though. Like I mean I wouldn't say we're like the best of friends, like I'm like oh... Now we're not friends, not after this. - Thank you for wasting my time. I regret all of it. You're corny, you're not a hero, you are a shameful citizen. And she runs away from her problems. Are you kidding me? Do you know what the (bleep) I had to do to get here? What a coward, dude. Your a coward, man. - Stay open minded. - [Nev] Hello. - What's up? - [Nev] Hey man. - What the (bleep)? Are you serious? Trez, really? You've been behind this the whole (bleep) time? - Why y'all bring her? - Wait, who's Trez? - That's my baby daddy. What you mean who is that? How the (bleep) could you do this to me? - No, that's no... - Trez! - [Tiana] Nah are y'all in on this? - What you mean am I? You really think I'm gonna set you up like that? What the (bleep)? You already know I don't even do (bleep) like that. - Clearly this is not something that you guys were in on together. - No, there's no way. Let's not let this get between you guys. - No it's gonna be between us 'cause who's Trez? - Well you don't know this guy but apparently they had a kid together. - So you have a child. - [Trez] Yeah. - Man I'm through with this (bleep). - Wow. - I want nothing else to do with this. I'm ready to go. I'm (bleep) ready to go. - That was messy. Why y'all bring my baby momma, man? - The whole (bleep) time he been doing (bleep) to her. - I had no idea that was what was happening here. Hold on a second. - I really don't believe it. - [Nev] So obviously this is... - [Max] This is awkward. - Turning into a much bigger situation than we could have anticipated. - So that's Aisha's... I'm gonna go talk to Aisha for a sec. - Yeah, let's figure this out. - The whole (bleep) time. The whole (bleep) time. You sat there, you lied to her, and damn, when it come to me getting into a relationship with somebody, you come and you and you run away. But you don't want me to be with nobody else but you. - Hold on, hold on. No, no, just hold on. - You owe me an explanation. - What the (bleep)? - [Nev] Let's not make this into a-- - You don't follow all my ex-boyfriends and you did all this (bleep) you did. You had this lie going on for three (bleep) years? - It wasn't even supposed to be like that, it wasn't supposed to be like that at all. - [Aisha] What you mean it wasn't supposed to be like that, Trez? - It wasn't supposed to be like that at all. - It's crazy but I'm the one who's going through this. And y'all are arguing. - You've written off all my ex boyfriends, you didn't want me to be with nobody but you. - You got a boyfriend. - Man I'm so over this. I can't believe you did this to me. - It wasn't like that. - [Nev] Hold on a second, hold on a second. - Take me home! - This is obviously some drama between them that we didn't know was going on. - That I shouldn't be put in. - [Max] Step in the car with me for a second. - Oh my goodness. I cannot believe this (bleep) is happening right now. The whole (bleep) time. - Why have you been talking to her with this other guy's picture for the last three years and avoiding her all this time? - I met her through her, and I didn't want it to be like this, I didn't want it to be messy. I didn't want it to be no messy situation. - That's my kid's dad. - [Max] Which kid? - My son, my seven year old son. I can't keep no boyfriend 'cause every time I get into a relationship here he comes, running 'em away. He don't want me to be with nobody else but him, but every time I turn around it's the new (bleep) bitch in the picture. - So you met because of Aisha, and you liked her. - Yeah. - But you couldn't really pursue her because of your previous relationship. - [Trez] Yeah. - I don't even know who he is, I never seen him. - We met at a bar about three years ago, October. And so it was the Halloween party. - Do you remember being here for Halloween a couple years ago? - That was right before I moved to Washington. - We wasn't even really properly introduced but I kinda thought we liked each other. - [Nev] So you were into her-- - It wasn't even supposed to be like this, I was really just trying to holler, and... - That's bull, that's really bull (bleep). - Sorry, I'm sorry. It wasn't supposed to go this long. I was gonna come right out and tell you who I was. I was gonna come right out and tell you who I was off the bat. - And then it hurt me 'cause that's my friend TT. You know how many times this girl had to tell me she fell in love with the person she texting on the phone and come find out it's my baby daddy. Now she looking at me like I got something to do with this. Like come on now. - You know we brought Aisha because they're good friends, and Aisha's sort of been there for her this whole time. - Messy, man. - And I understand the whole reason you wanted to sort of use this fake name was to avoid this mess. Maybe you didn't think things through. - Let's go, I don't wanna talk to him. - I mean eventually you know she was gonna find out. - I was gonna tell 'em, I was gonna tell. It was never supposed to go this far. Especially when they started getting close, you know, just seemed like I had to keep on stretching the lie out. - He takes care of my other kids that's not his, but the fact that it's not just no boy, that's not just an old boyfriend that I've been with for a year and a half, I have been dealing with this man for almost eight or nine years. - Here I am hiding my daughter, he saying he got multiple kids. What kinda (bleep) is this? - He has eight kids. - TT I feel like I owe you an apology but at the same time I knew nothing of this. - I'm in love with who? - My baby daddy. You're in love with my son's dad. - How strong are your feelings for her? I mean are they really-- - They're strong. I wouldn't even do this if they weren't strong, you know what I mean? - Do you still have feelings for Aisha? - Yeah I love her, she's my baby momma. But I'm not in love with her. - Do you think you're in love with Tiana? - I got strong feelings for her. I don't wanna hurt her. - So why didn't you just meet up with Tiana? - I don't know. Dumbass mistake. I should have. - [Nev] Hand tight, let me go check in with them. - I feel like I just got hit in my (bleep) face. - [Tiana] That's some bull (bleep). - [Aisha] Wow. - [Max] Does he have feelings for Tiana? - It's not just feelings, we supposed to be in love. - [Nev] Yeah, he definitely has feelings for you. - Y'all keep saying feelings, we supposed to be in love. ♪ Promise to ruin it ♪ ♪ Slow my ocean ♪ - Can you see? - No. - [Nev] Hi. - Hey. (bleep) Joanna. - No. I don't even wanna hear it. Are you serious? - I'm sorry. You don't wanna talk to me? - No, why would you... Really? - Sorry. - No, I wanna hear it from like your mouth, like is it really you? - Yeah. - Why? I don't even know why? Like why? You think it's cool to just (bleep) with my emotions like that? - It's not even like that. I'm sorry. - It's been you the whole time. Everything's been you the whole (bleep) time. - Yeah. I know, I'm sorry. - No. And then you're going around saying that we slept together, that's what you said. - [Ana] I never said we slept-- - That's what you said. - No, you (bleep) too, dude. - How did I (bleep)? What did I say? - Chill out, don't talk to me like that. - No, (bleep) you. What did I say? What did I say? You think it's cool to really (bleep) with my emotions, like for what? For what? Is this making you look good? Is this making you look good? - But you act like I'm the only one going around lying when your (bleep) too. - How am I (bleep)? About what? What? - I'm about to go. Are you cool? - No, I'm not cool. I'm not at all. So they're just lying? You didn't say that we slept together? - I didn't say we slept together but I think you go round (bleep) and lying about like we did hook up twice, and like you did-- - We hooked up twice? - Yeah we did. - We hooked up twice? (bleeping) No, this is all for her to look good. - No it's not. (bleeping) - (bleep) you bitch, I don't give a (bleep). Don't bring me out here for some (bleep) like this. (bleep) you. I'm not doing this (bleep). Not (bleep) doing this (bleep). - Oh here's a taxi. - [Malik] What? - [Dejay] Oh (bleep). - [Nev] It's a taxi and it is definitely stopping. - Oh (bleep). (tense music) - Oh my God, no way. - Oh my God. - Whoa. - [Nev] Hello. - [Josiah] Hello. - [Nev] How you doing? - [Josiah] Good. - I'm Nev. - Josiah. - [Nev] Good to meet you man. - [Dejay] Well hello Jo Jo. - [Nev] I guess you know these guys. - Hey, what's up? - Hi. - Hey. Nice to finally meet you. - Nice to finally meet you too. Hello. - What's up? - Not gonna shake my hand? - This is gonna be fun. - I just can't believe you're you. - Yeah, that's the big surprise. - That's the big surprise. - [Nev] That never happens. - Wow. Seven years huh? It took seven years for you to get here. - Five years. - Yeah I'm not gonna be able to deal with both of them at one time. - Are you scared? - No I'm not scared, it's just, it's both of y'all. - Yeah I mean we've never had a situation like this, so. - So that's a lot. - We're all trying to figure it out. What was the problem? I don't understand, like... - I mean it's two different people, it's two completely different stories. - [Max] But why not like video chat with them or meet up with them? - I mean because at that time I had a lot going on. - We all got things going on, Jo Jo. - If you're gonna let me talk then, you know, I'll talk, but don't-- - [Dejay] If it makes sense. - Don't jump down my throat. - Let's just figure out how we can make the situation go as best as possible. So right now you have the floor. What's your deal? - I'm from Philadelphia, I'm a home healthcare aide, I'm 22 years old. - [Nev] Have you always lived in Philly or have you lived in other places? - I've lived in several different places. - Are there other guys aside form Dejay and Malik that you've been talking to for a long time on the internet? - No. - They're the only two? - The only two. - [Max] Do you have a kid? - Yes I do have a son. Two years old. - Are you in a relationship with the mother? - No I'm not in a relationship with the mother. - Great. - What other sort of bigger details about your life that we don't know or maybe we think we know? - Well right now I'm currently in a relationship, we've been together for two years. - Two years! - In real life? - Yes. (Dejay laughing) That's why I haven't been able to use Skype or, you know, meet. When I'm on the phone with Malik my boyfriend is not around. If I'm texting Malik or Dejay, you know, even if I'm laying in bed with him I will turn to the side, you know, so he won't see. - Oh you smart, you smart. Okay. - I mean y'all have every right to be upset. - Upset is an understatement. - It's nothing, I mean, the only thing I really can say is sorry and try to give you guys answers. But there's nothing else I can really do. - But why do it for so long? - I have a special type of connection with y'all. Like it's kinda hard to let y'all go. It's difficult. - What are your feelings towards these guys? - I love both of 'em. I mean I might love one more than the other, but I love both of 'em. - Who? - Well I mean I love Dejay more than, you know. But that's only because you know, I know him so long. (clapping) I mean I'm not trying to hurt your feelings. - You didn't hurt my feelings. - [Josiah] Only thing I can say is sorry. - Do you feel like you've been dishonest with them? - I feel like we haven't sat down and said we're together. For all I know he can have two other people he's about to text once we leave. - But you were lying when you first met Dejay. - Yes, but you know, Dejay caught me in that lie and I showed him who I really was and he accepted me. - So my question is why after that did you never come? - So you really think during the summer I wanted to take my money and travel all the way to east bummer, whatever-- - I would think if you're in a relationship and committed to someone or you feeling such strongly for someone, yeah, I would wanna take my money to go there. - 'Cause you're not gonna listen to me if there's no-- - You can't stand having a hot seat. - Hold on a second. - Whatever. Whatever. - Whatever. - You can't have a grown man conversation for (bleep). He gets mad, he can't stand still to talk, to have a conversation, he has to move, hang up or block you. I'm good. - I don't got (bleep) to say. - Whether it was a little lie, whether it was a big lie, you (bleep) lied. - [Josiah] Y'all playing. I'm done. I can't with that. - [Nev] I understand, I understand. - This is why me and him can't talk. That's Dejay, it's just... - He's got a tempter, okay. But you had to know that coming here meant upsetting them and potentially it not going well. - I'm some real (bleep). Like I'm not even playing right now, I feel, I'm over it. - He doesn't seem to feel that guilty. - No. - Part of moving past all this now and like actually ending it, is dealing with these guys and their feelings, which is sort of what you've been able to easily avoid. Just because you showed up doesn't mean you really like showed up. Now you gotta own up, all right? - Okay, I mean I have no problem with talking to 'em but I can't talk to both of 'em. - Why don't you talk to one of them at a time? - Okay. - So why don't we walk back so that you can sit down with Malik? - Okay. - [Nev] All right, so Malik, you cool if I leave you guys? All right. I'm just gonna be right over here. - I never told you me and you were in a relationship. - Okay. - So I mean I don't even understand like where all the attitude is coming from. We were never together. - But how you tried to make it seem was even though we wasn't together right now, in the future time, it was gonna be something else. - You had your opportunity to come see me and I had my opportunity to come see you. - [Malik] And you didn't do that. - And we both (bleep) each other at the end. There's several times you were supposed to come and see me and you didn't. - When did you do that? - There was several times that I was supposed to come and see you and I didn't. - Yeah, can you listen, can you listen? - Don't talk to me like that. - Then be quiet then, 'cause you're lying. - You are lying. All them people that you talked to, are you serious? Lead a boy (bleep) for somebody else, because it's not gonna work on me, I know the truth, and I can't wait to get on Facebook-- - Can you simmer down? Simmer down, simmer down. - Talk to me with English. - English, English. English, English. - Simmer is something you do when you cook. Get it together. Get it together. - Okay. Okay I'm done talking to you. Don't say nothing else to me. - No. You're dismissed. - No, I told you why I didn't. - Act like oh (bleep), I'm outta here. - Here's the thing, no, you need to listen. - No I don't need to listen, I don't need to listen. Shut the (bleep) up. Dumbass bitch. Don't follow me. Get out my (bleep). Then you just put your hands in my face. (indistinct arguing) You wanna see who the (bleep) really am. You're the hoe. (bleep) you wanna do. - [Nev] Hold on, let me take that. - I'll be done, get Malik up outta here. Y'all playing. I have no words for him 'cause he's lying. I just wanna go home. - Right, but are you at least open to trying this again? Either later today or tomorrow. Because you are old enough-- - I'll try it right now with Dejay but I'm done with Malik right now, I'm done with him. - [Nev] I understand. So let's just walk back, we'll take a second, we'll put the mic back on you. - [Producer] Dejay? Can you come to the porch? - [Dejay] I'm willing to listen. - You're both adults, you have real feelings for each other, you need to communicate those, so here's an opportunity to do that. All right? - [Josiah] Right. - So I'll let you guys do your thing. - This (bleep) crazy. Can I start by saying one thing to you? - Yes. - I am sorry. Like dead ass serious, I'm sorry. - So then why even do it in the first place then? - Because there's just something there. It's not... - What do you mean there's something there? Where? - I still have feelings for you like that now. - So how am I supposed to sit here in my head to believe the fact that you're still so strongly feeling these feelings towards me if you (bleep) the whole having a relationship? - Listen, if you don't believe me then you just don't believe me. There's nothing I can say to you that's gonna make you believe me. - Yes it is. - We're stuck on (bleep) that happened five years ago, seven years ago. That is your whole issue with me. - That's not the only one. - What else? - You got a baby. - That's not something I like to talk about. - What? - That's something I don't like to talk about. It's complicated. - I don't understand that. - I never understand a father not wanting to talk about their child. - Ho, pause. Now that's what I won't let you do. Last time I seen my son when he was seven months old. - But still, at the end of the day, whether you saw-- - You asking me a question. - Bring it down. - No, you bring it down 'cause you're asking me a question. - You suited up in your chair. - [Josiah] Stop talking to me like that. - I can talk how I want, I'm a grown ass man, this is my mouth. - Okay, that's the end of that. - You are full of (bleep). - I refuse to sit around people that's not gonna listen. Only thing they gonna do open up their (bleep) mouth and just talk, talk, talk, talk, when you don't know the situation. You don't know the situation. - Josiah, one second, one second. - That's clear, that's been clear for some years. - You're just now peeping. - Don't test me. No, no, no, let me tell you something. I'm not the one sitting in there, you know me. - [Nev] Dejay, Dejay. (indistinct arguing) - Yeah let me step out 'cause you're funny. You real funny. Shut the (bleep) up. Shut the (bleep) up. Jo, shut the (bleep) up Jo. (indistinct shouting) Bitch, I keep telling you, you got the wrong one. (indistinct arguing) - How's that happen? - Because number one, if you're gonna talk about my child, talk about it correctly. I don't talk about it because it's a touchy situation. (bleep) them. I'm done. I have came here, I have done what I set out to do, and I'm not doing nothing else. - [Nev] Hold on, before you leave, let's-- - I don't even wanna be on camera no more. - I understand. Dude. This guy that you've been talking to on the internet is sort of the most tame, normal, grounded and stable thing-- - And stable. - [Daisy] In my life, yeah. - That you've ever had. - He knew what to say, you know, he knew how to measure up and deal with me handling like a personal death. - He's been there for that. - [Daisy] He's been there. - And he's responded in the ways that you needed. - Yeah. I want that just as much in person than I do like through texting. - What do your friends think about the situation? - They don't know what's going on, completely. I've actually like spent money on him. - What does that mean? - What kinda money? - Like I probably spent at least two grand worth. - On what? - Just like clothes. Buying him gifts. - Has he ever sent you a picture of him with the stuff you've sent him? - [Daisy] No, never. - Not even like of the stuff? - No, he's only done it once, like when I sent him the biggest box, I got him like a thousand dollar camera. - Whoa. A camera that can do what? Take a picture, take video of himself? - Yeah like a Canon, like the big nice ones that are like this big. - But he knew you didn't have money, it wasn't like... - I've only sent him money once. I sent him a money order of $100. - But he never sent you a thank you note. - No. When my birthday came around I asked him to send me a birthday card, and he couldn't even do that. So believe me, how devastated I was. - I mean, girl. - Come on. - Oh my God. - That really looks like him. Very interesting. It's definitely him. - Yeah. - I mean it's definitely the guy. - Oh my God. - [Marcus] What's going on? - Oh my God, hi. - How are you? - Good, how are you? - Good. - [Nev] What's up man? - What's going on? - Nothing. - [Nev] How you doing? - Pretty good. - Oh my God, you look good. - You too. This is my cousin Julius. - Hey, what's up man? - Hi. - [Producer] Can we put a mic on Marcus? - Yeah can we put a microphone on you? This is pretty weird. - You're telling me. - Thank you for meeting us. I know there were some concerns. We're all very happy that you showed up. - It's just not really easy to be on TV. - Having made three seasons of the show, I am very surprised to see you. - I just like real, I don't know, like I have a comfort zone and I don't usually tend to go out of my comfort zone. Sometimes that's just how I handle stuff so it took a while, you know what I mean? - And now we're here. - What was the reason that you guys had never talked on the phone? Pretty weird. - That's on me, 100%. My comfort's like texting, and I don't know, just like a lot of my real close family gets mad at me 'cause texting is just like I'm comfortable with. She got mad at me, but... - I was more than mad. Why wouldn't you have answered, though? Even if it's your comfort zone, like you couldn't even just say, "Hey, I can't talk right now." It was that difficult to even just say like three words? - Right, but some of the times like, I don't know. - But then you prolonged it for two years. - Yeah. - I'm sorry, that's like not really my thing. - Let me ask you, why would you never send me something back when I have asked you? Even like for just a simple birthday card. - I told you from the beginning, like I accept your gifts, like I-- - Yeah you can't even spend a dollar, you couldn't go to a dollar store to get a birthday card. - It's not about that. And 35 cents for a stamp and an envelope? - I told you from the beginning, I appreciate everything you send me. And I've told you couple of times that you shouldn't send me this because I don't feel comfortable with taking all this. I can't send you anything in return. - What do you mean when you say I can't send you anything? - For a while I was just financially... - But I mean like a postcard. That's literally like maybe $2. - Yeah I know, I know, you're right. - Yeah, you know. - I'm sorry I didn't know that really meant something to you as a postcard. Like I thought that me and you were like cool. - We're here because you have a girlfriend. - Alicia. What is it about her that you like so much? - I don't have anyone in my life right now who makes me feel the way she makes me feel. And she's really hot. I feel comfortable with her. I'm not a very open person, and I feel like with Alicia I can show my real personality. - Has she ever explained why she won't meet you? - No one really knows that she's gay, so... - That's a reason. - Yeah. She's been with girls before, but her family's never known of her having a girlfriend. - [Nev] Have you and Alicia ever had an argument? - Yeah. She wanted me to buy her a phone, 'cause her phone had broke. And at first I wasn't really into that, like I don't know about that. So she got mad at me. She's like, "How am I supposed to talk to you "if I have no phone?" So I bought her a phone. - Really? - You did? - Yeah. - Wait, time out. - [Nev] Yeah, wait a sec. - You bought her like a nice new-- - I bought her a iPhone. - You bought her an iPhone? - How did you buy her the phone? - She's like, "You can Western Union it to me." I'm like oh, okay. - 'Cause she wouldn't tell you her address. - [Aaliyah] Mm-hmm. - Have there been any other gifts that you've given her or things that she's asked for? - Since we've been dating I probably sent her a total of $600. - [Nev] Wow. I mean that's a lot. I mean for someone in your situation. - Just from everything you've told us it's very possible that this person is lying to you. - It is, and that's why I can't take it anymore. I love her to death but I can't continue having a relationship through a mobile phone. (tense music) - Hello. - Hi. - Oh my gosh. - Alicia. Is that right? - Yeah. Came here obviously to introduce you to Aaliyah. You guys know each other, clearly. - You don't have anything to say? - All I have to say girl, if I wanted to meet you, we stay in the same city, I would have made that happen. - So you didn't wanna meet me? - No I don't. What's this I hear about you have a boyfriend? - And? - [Aaliyah] Is it true? - And what? Yeah it's true. And what? (Alicia laughs) - So what about us? - It's nothing with you. - What you mean it's nothing? - Oh my God. - I didn't send you money, I didn't bought you a phone? - And? It was a lie. What? - Like, you embarrassed me. - You embarrass yourself by doing all this. (laughing) - You could've told me this, like I talk to you every day, you couldn't tell me? - I didn't wanna hurt your feelings. I didn't wanna hurt your feelings. - But it's okay to hurt 'em now? - You wanted this so you got it. - What did you want? - I guess I got what I wanted. - [Aaliyah] And what was that? - Whatever you gave me. - I need all that back. (laughing) What about your job? - You was my job. - It's not that you might have feelings. - Do you know you ruined my life? - Girl, whatever. - You aint even got a job, like you're not even worth my time. - Okay then so why you here, if I'm not worth your time, why are you here? - 'Cause obviously I thought you loved me. - Well you thought wrong. - But you told her you loved her. - [Alicia] So? - So how is it that you came to meet Sydney? - I sent her a friend request. It was a friends you may know. We started talking from there. She's caring, puts others before her. She's a family person, you know. She was telling me she's going through a lot. She was taking care of her daughter, her little sister, and her grandmother, 'cause her mother was in jail. - Wow, that's, I mean... So she's got her hands full. How old's her little sister? - I believe she's six. - Oh, like really little. How old is her daughter? - Her daughter's about seven or eight months. - Oh so she's got like a newborn. - Yeah. But recently her grandmother passed away. When she passed away she had to move out. So she's been living in a shelter. - Has she ever asked you for money? - Well like the first two weeks that we were speaking, she told me like to help her out with some money to feed the kids and stuff. So I sent her some money. - How much? - It was 60 bucks. - That's it? - [Luis] Yeah. - Okay. In the last five months? - Yeah. - When you send her the money, like how are you sending it? - Western Union. - Like to her name? - Well she said that she didn't have an ID, so she told me to get a security question, her pet dog's name is Snowball, so that's how she can pick up the money. - Right. - Keyword, snowball. - Yeah. But that means that when she goes to pick up the money, she doesn't have to show an ID, she can just say my pet's name is Snowball. - So okay. There's some sketchy things here. I see a woman. I think this is our person. - [Luis] It's not the girl from the picture though, right? - [Max] Not the girl from the picture. - [Nev] Hi. - Hi. - Sydney I presume. - Mm, yes. - I'm Max, what's your name? - Nay. - [Max] You're Nay. - Yeah. - Okay. - Nay, hi. - Hi. - Nev. Are you the person we've been talking to and the person Luis has been talking to? - [Nay] Yeah. - [Nev] And how did you find that girl whose pictures you used? - You know those things, when they're on Facebook, and it's like like if you like McDonald's. - Okay. - I scrolled down through the likes and I found her, and I seen that she lived really far away from Dallas, so I just kinda took her pictures, blocked her from the page. - So you found her profile randomly, downloaded her photos, blocked her, and then you just made up the rest? - [Nay] Yeah. - 'Cause when we spoke yesterday, I asked you, if you were the girl in the pictures 'cause I didn't think you were. - I really didn't think that I would even show up today. - Well we're glad that you did. - Okay so what's true and what's not true? Are you really staying in a shelter? - No. - [Nev] No? - Is your mother in prison? - No. - And did your grandmother die? - No. - [Nev] Wow. Why would you make that stuff up? - I mean, it was just, I dunno, like at the time, it's just hard to explain I guess. - All right, well, we're here. So take a deep breath and explain. - Okay, at a point in time I was just really struggling, I guess. I had just had my baby. - Okay, so you do have an infant. - Yes, that's true. And I was like okay, baby's gonna need milk, baby's gonna need diapers, baby's gonna need clothes, and... And I was just talking to Luis to get him to send me money. - And Luis sent you some money. - [Nay] Yeah. - Okay. I mean that's messed up. - What kinda person does that? - I mean I understand you were having a hard time but like, to lie about who you were and sort of lead him on and get Luis to give you money. What you're describing is a con artist. I mean I know it doesn't sound like that to you. - No, I mean because I'm not, that's not who I am. Like I basically only did that because of my situation at the time. I was just struggling really bad. - [Max] But you're not homeless. - No. - So where do you live? - [Nay] With my mom. - [Nev] Does your baby dad live with you? - No. - And is he involved at all with you and them? - No. - No. But you live with your mom. - [Nay] Yes. - So for the most part your basic needs are met. - Yeah, because of me, not nobody else. - But you work for money. - No. - [Max] No. - So when you say you're struggling and you need money it's because your family doesn't have a lot of money and you need to get things for you and your kid. - Yes. - What about getting a job? - What's Paolo's money situation? - [Ramon] She didn't really have any money. - Has she ever asked you to help her out? - No, she would just kinda say that her phone's gonna get cut off or something. And there's been like a couple times where I paid their phone bill. I got her a Wii and then I got her a new phone. - [Max] What else have you done? - I gave her my bank information. - What? - Yeah. - [Max] Dude. - [Nev] Have you ever just sent her money? - Yeah. Like one of those prepaid cards that you put money on. - How much? - Couple thousand maybe. - Jesus, man. That's crazy. - Hi Ramon. - I'm gonna assume that your name is Loyda. - Yeah. - I have a lot to say to you. First off, I don't understand, how... Even after me buying you all those things and being there for you and stuff, how you keep lying to me, how you kept it going. I gave you a lot of time telling the truth and you kept on lying to me. You basically took advantage of me and that's pretty (bleep) up. Can you tell me why you even made that fake profile? - Just boredom. Honestly wasn't looking to meet anybody off of it, I was just bored and made a fake profile. - [Ramon] You just, that's it? Nothing else? - I'm sorry, I mean... - All that money I spent on you, are you gonna pay me back? Are you gonna give me the stuff? What? - You wanna take the stuff? - Yeah. - I mean obviously you know we came a long way so you guys could meet, so I think Ramon deserves an explanation. - I didn't think any relationship was gonna form with him. All of it was real, just not the appearance. That was the only thing that was fake. Okay? Yes it was. Yes it was. - Not right. - I know it's not right. You spent over 3,000 friggin' dollars on me, do you not think I don't feel bad? I'm surrounded by that (bleep) every single day. - You couldn't have like came clean after all that? If you felt bad. - I tried to come clean. - [Ramon] You tried to come clean. - You know I tried to come clean. You know I tried to come clean. Please don't. You know I tried to come clean to you. Several times. Yes. - You didn't. - Yes I did. You were acting all sad. You knew. - Hi. - [Nev] Hello. - Loyda. - Loyda, I'm Nev. - Juan. - Thank you for having us over. - Oh you're welcome. - Your daughter's been having a relationship with Ramon for quite some time now. He wanted to come over here and ask you guys some questions. Just so we could try to walk away from this at least knowing sort of the whole picture. As far as you knew, your daughter was in a relationship with Ramon. - Yes. - [Nev] Did you know that she was pretending to be somebody else? - Yes. I was aware of the whole thing. - This is my sister and I love her to death but I'm gonna say it regardless. Loyda flat out lied to Ramon. - This guy was sending gifts, very generous gifts. - He wanted to. - [Nev] To a girl who he thought-- - [Max] Sure, he wanted to. - Didn't it bother you that there was a guy who was sending your daughter lots of things and he thought he was sending it somebody else? - No no no no no. Cut it right there. When he start sending her expensive gifts, like for example the Wii, Loyda mentioned to me, "Mommy, I think this is going too far." She decide to tell him the truth, and he stopped her and told her, "I don't wanna hear it." - I didn't wanna get that face out of my head and everything, that name. Well, we looked at your page, your real page, and found a picture of a ring and message that looked like it was from me. - He sent her that ring. - I never sent her a ring, at all. - When Loyda opened the envelope it had your name on it. You did send that to her, Ramon. - I never sent her a ring. - If he's saying he didn't send it, sorry to tell you Ramon, somebody pretend to be him and he doesn't know. - Loyda, you wanna explain that to your mom for us? - What? - How that all happened. - What happened? - The ring. - The ring. - Ramon gave you money. - It was birthday money. - You went online, you bought yourself a ring, you mailed it to yourself, and then in front of your mother you lied to her and told her he had sent it to you. Am I wrong? - Are you surprised though, that she sent the ring? - Whatever. - No, not whatever. It's important. These details are important. - No, whatever. - You're not really hearing everything. - [Loyda] Yes I am. - No you're not. - [Loyda] Yes I am. - [Max] Your daughter's a liar. - My daughter's a liar? What about Ramon? - Ramon has his own issues to deal with. - I can see that. - So you met Wayne in a Facebook chat room. - It was like a meeting, a flirt and meet type of group. - Flirt and meet. It's like slip and slide. - Yeah, I guess you gon' slip and slide with somebody's DM I guess. I was trying to flirt with somebody else but every time I post a picture this man was liking it. He was not giving up neither. It's like he's so cute, like oh my gosh, just so gorgeous. - This guy totally wore you down with persistence and flattery. - Yes. - Can we see the picture? Do you have it? - Yeah that's a handsome built guy. He must work out. - He works out. (laughs) - But things were good for a while. - Mm-hmm. That's when I asked him to video chat. He didn't want to, or he couldn't talk right now. - I mean with a face like that should be-- - Show it to the world. - He should pick that phone up like... - Look at my face. And then for some reason you started getting calls from private numbers. - [Robin] Yeah. - What happened to his phone and his phone number? - He said that he was broken. He like, "I gotta get a new phone." - [Max] Then he asked you for money. - [Robin] No, I offered. Do you need help getting one? - You're like well I wanna Facetime with you so I got 300 bucks for you. - Yeah. Several months then passed. Here comes that private number again. I'm like, "So why are you calling me like this?" It was ridiculous. I wanna know who house this is over here. - [Nev] Yeah these are nice houses. - [Max] Yeah, not bad. - [Nev] This guy doesn't look like he needs $300 for an iPhone. - Is there like a shack at the end of the street? - I think this is it. This. - Damn. - Okay. - [Max] We got a suburban and a Audi. - [Nev] An Audi with some rims. - There's no way this is his house. - [Nev] But what's with the $300? - [Robin] Exactly. - [Nev] Oh, hold on, here's a car. It's a Maserati. - [Robin] Oh wow. - Is that pulling up to this house right now? - [Max] Damn. - [Nev] Is that... - Could that be Wayne in a Maserati? Could it be? What is happening? - What? Is this the guy? - He's getting out the car. - Should we, should I get out? - [Max] Yeah. How you doing? - What's up? - [Max] What's your name? - Wayne. - You're Wayne. - Yeah. - I'm Max. - What's up? - Hey man. - Nev. - What's up? - How you doing? - Cool. - [Max] This is Robin. - [Nev] You're the one we've been texting with? - Yeah. - And who's been talking to her for the last three years? - Yeah. - Okay. And this is your place? - Yeah. - Okay. So what's the story? - What's the story? - I mean I'm pretty sure y'all already know. - [Max] We don't. - Not really. - We have no idea, to be honest. All we found out was that you weren't the guy in the pictures. - I mean there's a reason for everything, so... - What's Team Skyler? - Oh that's my company. We do a lot of work in the community. We do motivation speaking, I do investments, I do a whole lot. - So wait, okay. I wanna hear more about that later. So what's with the weird cellphone business and the fake picture? I don't get it. - Yeah I mean it's more or less like I want to know that she was who she said she is. Like I wanna know that she was real. I mean people see the house or they see the car, they see the materialistic things and people be fake with you. So dealing with Robin was something that was solid, you know what I'm saying? I was like she didn't see all the materialistic stuff, she liked me for me, so... Even to me having her send me more money at one point in time, that come from me wanting to know if she was really liking me for me. - You got the money and then... - You aint never get the phones. - Well I had a phone, I didn't need a phone. That was just trying to see like... - [Nev] That was like a test. - A test, to see would she do it, you know what I mean? - Yeah but then you kinda left her high and dry. - What do you make of all this? - I don't know, it's stupid. You're just lying, just lying. Why you just waited for three years-- - Listen, listen. - No no, listen. Three years you waited to just keep stringing, string and stringing me along like a little old dog or whatever on a leash. - You're here now so you gonna come home or not? Which one you want, you want the Maserati or the Audi? I'm just saying. Look at it as a blessing. - We're very curious how this child that's yours and hers came to pass. What's the story there? - She did not want to take the time off and be pregnant, neither did I. So we decided that let's have a surrogate. So I would send her money every time I got paid, but she did everything on her own without even me knowing. And I just found out about the baby two weeks after he was born. I don't even know what the baby looks like. - Wait, hold on. What do you mean you don't know what the baby looks like? You haven't seen a picture? - No. - So you don't even necessarily know that there is a baby. - There's no baby. - There is a baby because when I talked to her on the phone, I hear the baby in the background. I really think she meant for it to be a surprise. - Surprise, here's the baby that we talked about. You weren't there for its birth. - I was a little mad about that. - A little? - How have you not seen a picture? - Well she said that her camera is broken. - Oh come on. - This is insane. This is insane. - Is it a boy or a girl? - It's a boy, his name is Jeremiah, but I nicknamed him baby Jo Jo. - All right, well look, I definitely wanna help. - 'Cause you need it. This whole situation needs help. - If it's true that she went ahead and had some kid born behind your back, that's so far removed from what actual parenting should look like that I don't think you've been given an opportunity to even be a parent yet. - I get what you're saying, but, I just don't believe that there's not a baby. - There might be a baby. - I'm not saying there isn't a kid. - Nev is saying that you weren't included, in fact you were excluded in a very deceitful, mean way, I think, therefore you are off the hook. - I disagree. She makes me feel included even though I haven't seen him yet. I've already put my time, money, love and affection into this relationship. - How much money have you put into this? - Like a thousand. Being that I sent her money, she had to use the ID to go get it. That has to be her. - [Nev] It can only be picked up by someone showing ID. - Yes. - [Max] Well that's something. Uh-oh. Here we go, here we go. - I'm so scared. Door's opening. - [Brittney] Hey. - [Nev] Is Courtney here? - [Brittney] No. - Are you (bleep) kidding me? That's not Courtney. - What's your name? - Brittney. - Brittney. Courtney's sister, right? - Yes. - We don't really have any proof that it is Brittney aside from the phone number. - [Nev] Could be registered under some kind of family plan. - I didn't mean for it to happen like this. - [Nev] Are you the person Kiara's been talking to? - Yes. - This is Brittney. Courtney's sister. - Hey Kiara. - So this whole time it was you. - I'm sorry. - I just, no baby? - I mean I don't have a baby. - So the baby in the background. - It's my sister's. My feelings are genuine, I mean I just look different. - So what was the point of using your sister? - You weren't gonna be interested in me. I mean... - Well you don't know that. - Right, you don't know that. - I'm sorry. - I mean sorry's not really cutting it. I spent my money, time, energy. We had so many plans and all you have is I'm sorry. - We can still have those plans, I just look different. I mean... - Yeah I know but the real issue here is not that you used pictures of your sister. - It's the baby. You made me feel like I had a whole child. I thought that I had somebody that I can love and will love me unconditionally. And now I'm just not a mom anymore. Like you took a feeling of a baby away from me. And it's not okay. Are you doing this to other girls too? - No. - Are you receiving money from other girls? - No. - [Kiara] Are you talking to other girls? - This is the first time I ever did something like this. I'm not even this type of person. - I still don't believe it. - So are you not interested in that? - How could I be? Like how did you think I was gonna react? - I didn't think it was gonna be a positive reaction, but come on, after two years. I mean so it's just that easy. We're supposed to be in love. - First of all, first of all, you're not gonna play victim here, because you're not the victim. There's no child, you're not Courtney, you're Brittney, and yet I'm supposed to just be okay and we live happily ever after. Seriously? Like logically did you think that was gonna be my mindset? - Does your sister know that you used her pictures and her name on a dating app? - No. - So how were you picking up the money that I was sending you? - It's my sister, I mean, it's not that hard. We stay in the same house, I'm easily walk into her room and her wallet's right there. I would take her ID and... They never... - Never questioned it. - [Nev] Does she know that you were doing that? - No. I made some bad decisions, but I wanna work through it. - Work through? How about you work about giving me my money back? - That's not a problem. I mean... - So if it's not a problem why did you take my money in the beginning? - I got my car fixed now. - Wait a second. So the inspiration for starting a baby fund was not to ever actually start a fund for having a baby, it was because you needed money to fix your car. - Yes. - Okay. - That's just so low down Brittney. Seriously. (upbeat music) - We just read your email, we've got a lot of questions. First of all, how did you meet Elijah? - Well we talked a lot on Myspace and messaged back and forth. He was just always giving me good advice and really like there for me when I didn't know anybody else. Our relationship just kinda grew really fast and like I confided in him and told him all my secrets. - And then one day just he went offline? - One day I signed in to Myspace to like message him and his profile was just completely gone. - Wow. - It just said user does not exist. At first I was really sad and like I kinda thought like maybe I did something wrong. - But two years after Elijah disappears on Myspace, all of a sudden he pops up on Facebook. - Yeah, exactly. He messaged me saying, "I used to talk to a girl "named Solana and I'm hoping it's you, "and if it's you, like reply to me." I didn't wanna let someone back into my life that was just gonna walk out. And I told him to text me but he didn't have a phone. - What do you mean he didn't have a phone? - He still doesn't. - Do you really believe that? - Not really. I mean I don't know. - I mean everybody has a phone. - [Solana] He has a texting app on an iPod. - [Nev] You are still holding onto this. - Yeah, there's a big question lingering from my past. - But you've also started dating this Danny guy. - [Solana] I really like Danny, and he's good to me, which is really awesome. He's a great guy. - Does he know that you reached out to us? - Yeah, I told him, and honestly he really wants me to be happy, so he's been supportive, which is really awesome 'cause most guys would be like screw you, I'm outta here. - Inviting us to come into your life and connect you with Elijah is only gonna cause waves. Are you ready for that? - I just need to solve this thing, because it's been lingering and it's been basically holding me back from committing fully to Danny, and that's not fair to him. I don't wanna wonder what if about this person for the rest of my life. - You were pursuing Elijah there for a while and he was pursuing you. Were you thinking it was leading to kind of a reboot, sort of a relationship 2.0? - Yeah definitely. - Definitely our relationship was like evolving. - A couple months later you met Danny. (sighs) - Yeah. That was great timing. - [Max] He's willing to let you discover who Elijah is. - [Solana] He just wants me to be happy. - Do you think Elijah kind of could always be coming in and out of your life? - I prefer if he would just stay in my life, 'cause it's just confusing and messes up my other relationships. I just want something stable because my whole life has been up and down and rocky and all over the place. I just want like a safe place. And I don't know if that person can be Elijah or not. - You're sort of holding on to an idea that this guy that you kind of fell in love with when you were 13 could be the one for you. - Yeah, it's like torn between the two. (tense music) - [Max] Oh my God. - Dang, you look gorgeous. - [Nev] Hi. - Hi. How are you? - I'm awesome. - When you didn't come up I was scared. - Psyche. - This is crazy. Oh my gosh. I can't believe I'm meeting you right now. - It's insane. How's it feel to be here actually? (laughing) You weren't expecting the beard were you? - We weren't expecting you. - How are you? - I'm awesome. I'm nervous now. - You're real. I'm real. They're real. - Is the hair real? - Yeah my hair's real. - [Nev] Wow. - [Max] I think we're all in a little bit of shock. - [Nev] That was Joshua? - Yeah. My older brother, he was tending to my hair, I gotta make the mop look good. - [Nev] I'm Nev. - [Elijah] Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you. - [Max] Hey Elijah, I'm Max. - How's it going? - Nice to meet you. - Your name is Elijah. - Yep. - [Nev] The whole time it's been you talking. - I'm the one. - And this is your family's house. - [Elijah] Yeah. - [Nev] And how old are you? - I'm 20. - Why couldn't you audio chat or video chat? - I have Skyped with people for a while, but then that computer broke so I don't really have a webcam for that anymore. - We just saw the YouTube videos. - I didn't use like a webcam or anything for that, I bought like a really nice camera after I got a job, you know? - [Nev] But you still have your video camera, right? - No, I sold that to help pay for rent. Sucks but... - And what about not having a phone? - A phone? Yeah I just use my iPod right now, while I don't have money really. - Really? - Let me see that. - Yeah it's like generation two. - [Max] This is what you have? - Yeah, a texting app, yeah, textPlus. - And there is no camera. - Nope. - [Nev] So far everything we thought you were, you are. - I don't know, I'm just like kind of overwhelmed right now. (laughs) - From your point of view, what happened? - It just started when I got on Myspace and you was kinda like a suggested person you would know and she had my style. So it was like you're cute, I'll talk to you. Over time she was someone that made me feel, you know, be myself you (bleep), you know? And it's nice to feel that way. - Yeah! - Hey! - Wow, look at the new hairdo. - It's purple. It's pretty fun. - Wait, can you hold up your hand again? - Yeah. - What is that? - [Solana] It's a wedding ring. - What? - I'll try to get it close. - What? - You got married? - Yes, me and Danny went to the courthouse and got married. - Oh my God. He put a ring on it? Is he there? - What's up guys? - Hey. - Yo. Danny, what did you think of her tattoo when she came home? - It's a good artwork, I liked it. Now they have like a little tight bond. - Does that bother you? - No. - Well you guys seem pretty happy. - It's been good. We've had a lot of fun. - Congrats, and just enjoy the honeymoon. - We are enjoying it, definitely. - See you later Solana. - Bye. - Hi. - Yo. - Hi. - Hi Candic. - How's it going? - Good. We just read your email. - Yeah. - And you're in a very interesting situation. - It's a little complicated, for sure. - Yeah, it's definitely complicated. - [Max] You're married right now. - Yes. - And what's his name? - [Candic] Jamie. We met in army training in the military. - And you have a four year old daughter. - [Candic] Yes, my daughter's name is Addison. - [Max] Cute name. - We call her Addy. - So kind of explain to us things with your husband are maybe a little estranged at the moment. - Jamie is a good person. It's the communication that we have issues with. He's just hard to talk to. He's been overseas for the military, and he's very shut down about anything emotional. You know, my childhood was pretty rough, quite a few traumatic experiences that I've been through. So I need that emotional outlet. But trying to communicate with my husband is like trying to talk to a wall. - Since you guys have been married have you been together for most of that time, or? - Yes, we've never broken up, there's never been any kinda infidelity on either side. This is the first thing that I'm gonna have to confess that is gonna kill him. That's the biggest part I'm nervous about, is trying to tell him about it. - Okay, so walk us through meeting Titus. - I met him on a local shopping app. - What were you trying to sell? - A purse. - [Nev] A purse. - Yes. Pretty much my job is buying and reselling fashion items. - And a guy was looking at the purse item for sale. - Yeah, basically. (laughs) - Did it sell? - Since that, yes, but not to him. He wasn't interested in buying it at all, he was just interested in hitting me up, I guess. So we've been talking for a few months. Small chit chat, leading to telling him all of my life secrets. - Wow. - There was somebody giving me attention and listening to what I had to say for once. It just really felt amazing. - Have you ever imagined what it might be like if you did eventually meet him? - I can't lie, I've thought about it. We've never sexted or never sent him dirty pictures or anything like that. But I did kinda think, you know, the grass might be greener on the other side. - You know that doing this is going to create a situation in which you have to confess something to your husband. I guess my big question is why make a mountain out of this molehill? - Well, Titus is giving me the emotional support that I need. But he knows more about me than I know about him. I wanna know who I've told all of my secrets to. - I mean look, if giving you the opportunity to meet Titus so that you can not wonder who is this person is the best thing for you and your family, then like that's what we need to do. - So one day you're on the internet and what happens? - I get a message from Titus, he's just giving me a compliment on my profile picture. And from there we started small talking and it felt really easy to talk to him. It felt like the outlet that I've been longing for just appeared in my phone, and it progressed into really emotional conversations, all about me, and it felt good. - You did say that you guys have tried to meet up, right? - Yes, I was trying to get him to meet me. I just wanted to tell him thank you and clear the air so that I could tell my husband. But he refused, he didn't wanna meet me. And it's hard to tell my husband when I don't even know who I'm telling him about. - I mean we haven't done any research yet but we found that when someone lives close to you and won't either meet you or get on the phone with you it's generally because their voice will give them away. Either they're someone you know already or they're someone of the opposite sex. - If he's not who he says he is, I would like to know who I'm talking to, who I've told everything about myself to. I wanna know who that is. - [Nev] What's up? - [Jamie] Not too much, man, how about yourself? - [Nev] Nev. - Jamie. - [Nev] Jamie. Candic's husband? - Right. (sighs) - Wow. - [Jamie] Yeah. - Well I still am not totally clear, are you Titus? - [Jamie] I am Titus, yes. - So the whole time Candic has been talking to Titus, she's been talking to you. - Yes. - [Nev] Okay. All right. - Basically, I could tell there was something going on past few months, even right before I even started as Titus. I felt like maybe it was me that she didn't want anymore, maybe that was the issue. For me, you know, to not be able to pinpoint our problem really got to me. Stupidly I created Titus, just to see if she would go and talk to someone else and if it was me that she didn't want anymore. - We hear stories like this all the time, where people in relationships create fake profiles to see if they can get their partner to cheat on them. You know, there's some issues surrounding that that like I'm sure you've been struggling with. - I was completely wrong and stupid that I would even have tried to set her up in that situation. Couple days into it I said, you know, send me a provocative picture, whatever. No, I'm happily married, only my husband gets that. I was like see, I am an idiot. I was gonna let it go at that, everything be done. Couple days later I come home, she was really upset and crying in the bedroom. I'm like what's going on babe? She hands me her phone, she's like, "Well that's what's wrong." - What was she showing you? - It was a picture of her mom. I left, I still had to take my daughter to school and some other stuff. Boom, I get a message for Titus. I'm thinking this is confusing, you know, I was planning on completely just quitting with Titus. Well then she opens up to Titus and she explains why she's upset. - Here they come. - Oh (bleep). That's my husband. - [Max] Wow. It's Jamie. You okay? - [Candic] I don't know how to feel. - I'm sorry. - I don't know what to say. I just wanna know why. - I just thought I knew there was something going on and I couldn't figure out what was wrong. I did it to see if all the issues we were having was just you didn't wanna be with me. I thought it was me you didn't want. - You thought that I would start talking to this guy as more than a friend? Why would you think I would do that? We've been married for seven years, I've never done that to you. Why would I do that now? - I don't know. I just didn't know what was wrong and I could feel there was something wrong. - What would you have done if I did? If I had fed into that? - I don't know. My thought process was panic, I'm losing you. - I get insecure, you know, I get worried, but I don't pretend to be somebody else and try to trick you. - I was stupid in the beginning. I didn't mean to hurt you or do any of that. I felt like I betrayed you by even doing that. The only reason this kept going was because I felt like that was what you needed. You kept telling Titus everything that was wrong, stuff that I didn't even know about. Like with your mom, I didn't understand how you felt towards your mom, and some things you never told me, but you told Titus. So the more I kept being Titus, the more I felt like I was helping you and learning how and what you were looking for. - It'd be nice if we could have those kinds of conversations in real life. - I know, and that's what I realized, that I was never able to do that. I never took the time to understand why you felt those ways. I understand now. - This is like the most you've ever said to me. It feels good to know that that connection was really you. I mean in a sense, it's kind of a relief. Now I don't have to tell you about Titus, because the most nervous thing I was freaking out about was telling you. I'm a little upset that you started it the way you did but if you could be like supportive like you are through messages, I wouldn't need to seek out the closest thing that I can talk to. I don't wanna talk to Titus, I wanna talk to you. - You met on IM... - IMVU. - IMVU, what is that? - It is a virtual world where you have an avatar and it's like an actual person. And you can go into different chat rooms and talk to people. One time I went to a lesbian bar chatroom and we just started talking. It was like I really like your personality, I'm gonna get to know you more. So she gave me her number and we started texting. - Then you started talking on the phone? - [Kristina] Yeah. - So you know her voice. - [Kristina] Yeah. - So when did it go from maybe like a friendship into something a little more romantic? - I actually told her I loved her first. I've invested my feelings into this person a lot. She was always there for me, she always somebody that I could talk to. She gave me the attention that I wanted. But after New Year's we were supposed to make plans to meet. She canceled on me and said that she had to study for school, that she was too busy for me. - And what happens when you ask her to Facetime or video chat? - [Kristina] When I ask her to video chat she tells me that her anxiety is really bad, that she can't go on the camera and she doesn't have a camera on her phone. - Well that's like a lot of excuses. - You know those moves, those are the classic Catfish moves. - Yeah, I know, I know that they're moves, but I guess it's just... - You gotta have faith. - Yeah, you gotta have faith. - You gotta have faith. I'm sorry, I have to tell you one more thing. - Sure. - I have a girlfriend. She lives with me. - Oh. - Okay. - Do you guys have an open relationship? - No. No. - Do they know about each other? - Sammy knows about Faith. - How long have you and Sammy been together? - Almost two years. - How does she feel about this? - She's really upset with me, she's really angry. Well see when I met Faith, me and Sammy were going through some stuff when I went on IMVU. - When did you tell her? - I told her a few days ago. - Oh so it's real fresh. - Oh, wow. - So you told you're writing to the show, aka I've got this girl I'm talking to on the internet. - Yeah. - So Faith has been a big secret for you for the past seven months. - Yeah, and I feel like I'm being torn between two people. - Look, we don't choose who we have feelings for or when they come along, it's just about taking responsibility for what happens when they do. - So when you first started talking to Faith you said you guys were going through a rough patch. - Right. - [Nev] What was going on? - Well, it started with a girl that was texting my phone. She was calling my babe, I was not interested. She's... - Another online friend, who then started pursuing you. - Yes. - Yeah. - And you found out or? - Yeah, I found out. - That obviously created some issues, some trust issues, I guess. - Yeah. - Yes. It was difficult actually, very difficult. But I forgave her, and I gave her that chance because she is somebody I love. I mean she's somebody I wanna be with, and... That's why it's so difficult right now is because I did forgive her and, now she's doing it all over again. - So wait a second. As you're going through that rough patch you start a similar friendship with Faith. - It wasn't my intention to catch feelings for her. I mean as, you know, a kid I wasn't very attractive, I wasn't very open with myself, I wasn't happy. So getting the attention from other people, like saying, "Hey you're beautiful, you're pretty." Like you know, it means a lot to me, and it gives me confidence. - But that's fine, people can still say, "Hey you're beautiful," and you can say thank you. But if they then say like, "What's your number?" Or, "We should meet up." You should be like I'm flattered but... - Right. - And if Sammy trusts that you'll do that... - Can I actually just step like away please? - I know, you know, what I did, it wasn't a good thing to do. I don't wanna say that I regret meeting Faith because she was there when I needed somebody. But I feel like (bleep) for doing that, you know? - You know, we make mistakes, like that's human, you know? Hey. So I was just talking with Sammy, and she has some stuff she wants to talk about. - I know why Faith didn't come around. Faith has been standing in front of you this whole time. I'm Faith. - [Kristina] Are you kidding me? - No. - Why? - Because I thought you were gonna cheat on me. So I noticed that you were using IMVU and I got on there and I started talking to you. And as time went by I couldn't let it go. (crying) - [Kristina] What the (bleep) man? - Take a breath, just take a breath. It's okay. - I really don't know how to feel about this at all. I feel like I just got kicked in my ribs. - Is this you ending things? - Oh I don't wanna end things. - You don't wanna end things? - No. - Okay. - I want a future with her and trying to see if she was cheating on me was to see whether or not I have a future or not. But living two lives, I just, I can't do it anymore. I can't watch her go through this anymore. - Maybe you should just kinda fill us in on all the details. - Currently in a relationship, and I'm currently dating somebody online. - And how long have you been with your girlfriend? - Like three years. - But you said things aren't going so well. - Yeah. They're really bumpy right now. I know she know that it's over with, really. But you know, we got kids and stuff, and it's really hard to get out of a situation like that and then just to hop in another one like this, that's why I need you guys, man, I really do. - Tell us about Jess. Tell us about what you like about her. - She just sparks up my day. Like everything fall in line when I talk to her. She really love kids, and you know, that's something that I love, I love my kids too. - Do you have any doubts about her being who she said she is? - A little bit because we never talked on the phone. We never Skyped before. I asked her but she's always around her boyfriend. He's real controlling, like really strict. - What makes you think that Jess would even break up with her boyfriend? - 'Cause she talks about it a lot. She says she's ready to cut that off too. - Hey man. How's it going? - All right. - Have a seat, have a seat. Right, so when you did sit down last night, with your girlfriend, tell me everything. - At first she like brushing it off a little bit, so I'm like damn, it's really important and I really need to talk to you. What we got going on right now is not what's up. Like as far as not talking, we're not even sleeping in the same room with each other. We came to like some type of agreement, we're gonna work together as far as like helping each other financially for the time being til we save up enough money and move on. - What was her reaction when you told her that you were talking to Jess online? - She's like, "I knew you had to be doing something." I said, "It aint like I've been doing anything, "all I was doing was talking online," that's all I've been doing. - And did you bring up the fact that we were here to help you meet this girl at all? - I was like, "Well, you know, "the guys up here from Catfish are up here, "they trying to help me out and find out who she really is." And she, "Good luck on that." - But she wasn't like really angry about it? - Nah. It was like she was comfortable with it. Serious. I'm glad you guys did come out here, encourage me to, for real, sit down and talk to her and stuff. So it's like a big huge relief. I know this aint the (bleep). (clapping) (bleep) is this? - Hey man, you wanna chill out a second? - Ssh. - Excuse me. - (bleep) is this, man? For real. - Don't touch me. - You better back up. - Don't touch me. - You better back up. - What the (bleep) kinda (bleep) is this? - You better chill out, man. - What the (bleep) kinda (bleep) is this, man? - We're talking. Him and I are talking. - Hold on a second. (bleeping) - I'll tell you one thing right now buddy, one thing you're gonna like, you're gonna learn to love it too. - What the hell are you talking about, dude? - [Max] What's going on? - I'm gonna be the one wearing the pants in this (bleep), you understand that? - Dude. (bleeping) You're being unreasonable. - Straight up. What the (bleep) kinda (bleep) is this? - I'm just asking you to take it down a couple notches. You brought a lotta attitude. - Hey. - By the way, lotta attitude last night, thanks a lot, really felt it too, you and I, got to know you better, I loved it. But I tell you what, you and I, we could do that later. Come here, we're gonna talk. - The (bleep), we aint got (bleep). (bleeping) - Are you kidding me? You could still be my chocolate kiss, too, you don't forget about that, baby. - Come on. Hold on, hold on. - What the (bleep) is that? Do you know this guy? - No I don't know this (bleep). - [Max] Are you Jess? - Yeah I'm Jess. - [Max] You're Jess. - Yeah. - Man, (bleep). What, man. - What are you so angry about? - Come on, the guy's got a family and he's talking to me? He thinks he's talking to some broad? - But he did think he was talking to a girl. - Exactly. - Right. So you're a good actress. - Sure, I like that, yeah, why not. (bleep) - Hell (bleep) no. - What's your name by the way? You skipped that. - My name's Justin. - I'm gonna take a stab at this. You're gay. - Obviously I'm not gay. - Well it's not so obvious, I mean you are pretending to be a girl online and having a romantic relationship with a guy. - I give it to you, you got me there. So, maybe. What it was to begin with was just, it was a joke, this fake profile, just playing around with people, whatnot. I didn't think anything too much of it until honestly I started seeing guys like him who are already in a relationship. So I was like you know what, I kind of have this power to use it for something, use it for good. What I had with him was a little bit personal, and obviously you guys got a taste of that. What my message is, to tell people, look, you can't (bleep) around on relationships that you're in. - You felt like it was your job to sort of teach him a lesson. - Yes. - [Nev] I just wanna make sure I understand. - Yes. - We're super interested in your story. Tell us more about it. - Oh yes, Jeszica, Jeszica, Jeszica. I don't even know where to start. She's a beautiful girl. ♪ We could build an island ♪ ♪ You and I could swim beside it ♪ - You're in love with Jeszica, and have been for a few years, but for the last six months you've had a girlfriend. - [Dorion] Raffinee. ♪ If the sun is to set ♪ ♪ To leave us dark with regret ♪ - She's a great girlfriend. She's one of the other people who knows there's things that's been going on in my life, and she's held me down through it all. - Honestly, if I were Raffinee, I don't know that I would wanna keep dating you. - She doesn't wanna lose me but she's willing to if that means I'm gonna be happy. - Have you ever asked Jeszica if she's lying to you? - There's a couple of things that throw red flags at me. It's been like two times when I tried to see Jeszica and she came to Atlanta, supposedly, but for some reason when she was supposed to be here she wouldn't pick up her phone. - That's (bleep). - Exactly. I need to know if Jeszica is real. - We wanna help. - Please, please. - We're gonna get on a plane and come meet you. - Thank you. All right, take it easy. - Good to meet you, see you soon. - He's literally caught between two women, which is-- - Well, right. - Can be a good place and a bad place. - That's true. Look at this. - [Dorion] You can't have one without the other. - [Max] That's like Romeo. - You can't have a right shoe without the left shoe. You can't have a girlfriend without a boyfriend, we both have to be together, and it makes a complete pair. - Why don't you have those shoes with Jeszica? - Jeszica wasn't there to create it with me. - Yeah. - I've been with her everyday for the last seven months. - You moved in with Raffinee? - Yeah. - I mean 'cause it's just like it's wild that you're in this... - [Max] You've got shoes with another girl's name on them. - I mean you're having to... You have two girlfriends. Do you feel bad or guilty? - Of course. I have a girl right here. Of course it makes me feel guilty. - And she's... - She tell me she okay. I don't think she is okay. But I can't make her say nothing or open to me unless she wants to, so... - Huh. - Kinda hard situation to be in. I don't wanna sit here having to choose between two. I need to know. - [Nev] Are you who we're looking for? - [Alexis] Yes. - [Nev] I'm Nev, and Dorion you know. You probably wanna meet him. - [Alexis] Yes. - So, I'll introduce you. - Hi. - How you doing? - How are you? - I'm good. - So... - What is your name? - Alexis. - It's not Jeszica, okay. - It's not Jeszica. - [Dorion] What was your... - My feelings for you, everything was real. Everything, just I love you so much, I just didn't know how to... I didn't know how to tell you. - The reason this is hurting me more than anything is on Facebook, you had got mad 'cause the picture, the profile picture, that was the girl who I've been dating. That's Raffinee. And she's a great girlfriend, and she means a lot to me as well. And I totally just told her that you was more important than she was, and I basically put that all to the side for this moment. - I'm here, and I mean this is me, and I want you to know my feelings for you are really deep and everything that I said was the honest 100% truth about how I feel about you. - Why do you love me? - Dorion, we've been talking for two years straight and you mean the world to me, I feel like I can talk to you about everything. - I hear you, but it's like it's going in one ear and out the other right now. I don't know what else to say. - You're in quite a predicament. Tell us about how this whole thing with Alyssa started. - Basically Alyssa and I, we started talking about 2013. It was good for about six months, and then she, you know, started getting controlling. I tried to meet up with her a lot of times. She just always had some excuse, like hey, I can't hang out this weekend, or I don't have the gas money. Just (bleep). - Where did Alyssa say she lived? - She said she lived in Indiana. It's like a three hour drive. - Tell us about how it's ruined your relationship with Liz. - After Alyssa and I broke up, I started talking to Liz and we hit it off, we were in a great relationship, going on for about a year and a half. I am madly in love with that girl. - You were dating her for a year and a half? - Yeah a year and a half. - Wow. And Alyssa just broke that up. - Yeah, Alyssa started contacting me again, saying, "I still love you, I wanna be with you." And I was trying to give her the hint I don't want a relationship, and she still harassed me and called me at random times of the night. Two or three in the morning. - As you could see that it was really hurting your relationship with Liz, like why not just get a new phone number? - I did get a new number, but she got my number somehow. - This girl is stalking you. - Basically. The harassment continued and that was a big part in why Liz and I broke up, because Liz felt like since Alyssa was still in the picture, she couldn't trust me anymore. - Hopefully we can figure out who Alyssa is, make it clear to her once and for all that you're not interested in a relationship. - There might be a happy ending here if we can get you back together with Liz. - Awesome, yeah, I would love that. - We'll see you tomorrow then. Later. Even if she's exactly the person she claims to be, she's still being a B, because this guy has told her, "I will be friends with you, but I'm in a relationship, "please don't get in the way of that." And she ignored it. How you doing? - I'm just trying to stay positive. It's been a rough couple days for me. - So this really happened five days ago, or six days ago now. - Yeah. It still hurts, I can't lie. After we broke up I said, "I'm still in love with you." And she said, "I'm still in love with you too." - So Liz, your girlfriend of the last year and a half, last week says, "I'm having a hard time, "I don't feel like I can trust you." - Yeah. She had an assumption that I was going behind her back and doing something I shouldn't be, which that wasn't the case, you know, I've been honest with her. - So you've gotta find out who Alyssa is and get Liz back. - Yes. - At what point do you break up? - She started controlling the relationship. It got to the point where she would look through my Facebook and tell me like, "Hey, you need to block this person "because they're making contact with you." Which is very controlling. - Whoa. - She definitely put me through hell. So I just felt like it was a really good idea for us to stop dating. - At what point did Liz come around? - After three or four months I started talking to Elizabeth. We went through so much together. We were dating for about a year and a half and we ultimately broke up because Alyssa's trying to contact me over and over. We lost a good thing. I feel like after we get some answers I can tell Alyssa I don't want her to be a part of my life anymore, so Liz and I can ultimately get back together. - [Nev] Hi, you must be Miranda. - [Miranda] Yeah. - [Nev] Hi, I'm Nev. Well, if you wanna come out here, I'll introduce you to the guys. - Hi Miranda. - Hi. - Why did you lead me on? - It's hard to talk to somebody as myself, so behind a screen it's easier to talk to people. I didn't do any of this to hurt you at all, and I'm pretty sure you are hurt. And I'm sorry. - You caused Liz and I to break up, because she felt like she couldn't trust me anymore. So not only did you hurt me, but you hurt her as well. - I do feel bad, and that's why I agreed to meet you guys. - Is anything you told me true? - Yeah, everything I've told you is true, except for of course the pictures. - Does that mean that your mother recently passed away from breast cancer? - No that part was not true. - Well that's a huge... - So then everything's not true. - Well that part. - Did you have cancer? - No. - You came out here and said, "Everything I said was true "except for the pictures," and now it turns out most of what you said wasn't true. - Why, when he started dating Liz, did you try so hard to break into that relationship and cause havoc? You know he's in a relationship, you know he just wants to be a friend to you, that's the story that he told us. - Well, you know, I might have lied about stuff and everything but he's not innocent. He has flirted with me ever since he has been dating Liz, and I have text messages to prove that. The thing that he said in his text message, he shouldn't say that if he has a girlfriend. - [Max] What did he say in his text message? - Like he texting me saying something about playing with his (bleep). I have that on text message so you can't sit there and say that you didn't send it. - Well did you text it to her? I mean whatever. - I mean yeah. - You might as well tell the truth 'cause they're going to see it. - I said that but... - While you were dating Liz. He's told me that he would break up with Liz for me. Obviously he didn't tell you guys that story. - Nope. - No. - Whatever. - But like I said, I agreed-- - It's not whatever. If you have this girl that you love so much, that you've been having a relationship with for a year and a half, like why are you sending pictures of your (bleep). - I wasn't trying to get any sexual conversation out of you. - Come on Vince. - Don't pretend, and I won't either, that your holier than any other guy ever. We're all the same here, okay. - Wait, time out. I don't do that (bleep). Vince called us in under the-- - Yes, yes. Let's just be realistic for a second. - Under the pretense that he wanted to get this girl the hell out of his life, because she's ruining his relationship with his girlfriend who he loves so much. - Come on man, you're making me look like a (bleep). - You're kinda making yourself look pretty bad. I mean Liz had good reason to have suspicions about why you weren't blocking Alyssa. - I wasn't trying to get back in a relationship. - [Max] You were. It was something on the side that you wouldn't let go of for Liz, which is all she wanted.
Channel: MTV Catfish
Views: 9,302,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #alonetogether, alone together, quarantine, catfish moments, catfish excuses, catfish meet ups, catfish reveals, reveals, best of, hilarious, best moments, top moments, best of catfish, online dating, real life, mystery, uncertainty, forgiveness, shock, shocking, pretend, nev schulman, nev, max, max joseph, relationship, honest, reality, love, remorse, catfish remorse, Catfish Reveals We’re Still Not Over, Catfish reveal, best catfish reveals
Id: NH4ojxHEnUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 151min 6sec (9066 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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