$5500 PC Build - Giveaways + Lian Li o11-Dynamic XL Build (Ryzen 9 5950x / ASUS TUF 3090)| Robeytech

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man that was that was brutal oh no can i even go back to i think i just literally dumped everybody on youtube i did didn't i yeah i did oh my gosh sorry youtube hold on for one second guys because we now have this like random other stream i gotta go fix oh no it's still no it's gone okay oh shoot um okay hold on one sec we gotta i gotta completely fix this whole thing oh geez i hit the wrong button and completely hosed this oh man that was that was what we wanted okay we'll get this fixed sorry guys oh man i know for a tech stream that was a big fail um yeah we'll get it we'll get it back gosh darn it wow that's brutal i just lost a lot okay it's all good we're gonna get it fixed and get everything back in here i'm getting all the details back in sorry guys hopefully the fine folks over at the other thing realize what's happening because they're like what happened because i hit the i uh it's the air thing sometimes does that and so yeah dang it okay well i gotta save that other one for posterity so we'll keep it up there and go from there [Music] yeah hold on guys we're we're getting it fixed it should be pretty close to back up in just a second [Music] okay there we go we're back we're getting there okay all the details are back in there back up to we're getting our getting our numbers back up oh man that had three we had so many people in the chat already oh that blows uh night okay so what happened so people want to know what happened so there's a thing that i use on my on my on my uh on my pc when i stream my ipad to my um my computer it's called airstream but what airstream does is it full screens and the only way to get out of it is to alt f4 but if you don't have the right thing in focus it will close something else well what it closed was uh streamlabs so then our chat everything just went down and the thing is is the way that my streams work is uh it's pointing specifically to certain videos so we had you know a thousand plus people hanging out in that uh youtube um and then now they all just got basically they just basically got dropped so hopefully they'll come back yeah also four strikes again and uh i'm back everything's good um but yeah that that blows so there we go let's start with a dad joke let's cheer it up i told you man today's just a weird day but it's gonna be fine okay um out of all the inventions in the last 100 years the driver race board is probably the most remarkable i like i was a little afraid of reading that i was like am i gonna get this but uh that was from the keiki uh the keiki that was a that was a good one yeah that was uh that was a good one the remarkable oh okay what do you give an alligator when it's ill what do you give an alligator when it's ill gatorade gatorade those are good okay that made me smile let me smell okay we're getting our numbers hey thank you very much silverbear for the ten dollars i appreciate it well let's get our numbers back up sorry about that guys if you're coming back from youtube hopefully you figure it out and you come back and you enjoy this yeah those are the deadliest of dad jokes okay so uh let's see we have two more subs let's get these last two subs and then we'll go through the build uh here real quick i'm still trying to fix the the the stupid thumb there it is okay the thumb's there okay um so going to channel videos okay so we're good we're live i feel bad for the people who got dumped but hopefully they'll come back and we have 684 oh 395 so the numbers will slowly climb we got 684 over in youtube though so that's good um yeah hush uh let's see is assuming you guys would recommend on how to flash bios for 5000 series because i'm building a pc with one so ways around if you buy it um so i have a couple videos that i've done um that show people how uh uh that has show people how to um do that um it just depends on the build i mean depends on the motherboard one thing i will say if you're building a pc with 5000 series please make sure that you have the ability to flash back your io your your bios and that is a specific setting so if you want to go and ask in our tech in up on discord and verify um we can look into it but there are there are certain motherboards and i learned this the hard way i didn't know this with all x570 boards that um yes there are motherboards that don't have it and then you could build a complete built custom water cooled pc and find out hey i got to take it apart and drain it because i need to put an old cpu in it so yeah there you go um thank you very much let's see what else other questions are people did you get the streamer from yesterday working i did um we do not know how to make it sync with the other ones but talking with the customer what we're going to do is we're going to set it to a solid color so he'll have all solid colors for the streamers you guys will see the pictures tomorrow there was one cable i'll give you guys a little a little a little background on that we had one the usb hub on that is not working so i had to order a usb extension cable that's supposed to show up from amazon today around 8 45. i got to replace that then the build will be done because then i can use the i can actually change the screen on the i o then we'll change all the colors but everything else is all hooked up and ready to go it is all fixed and and and good to go it weighs so much it is so heavy um but yeah that would go from there okay 100 100 subs that's awesome um so i see okay this motherboard does it ruby uh you can solder them together wait oh the board i have i'm using today doesn't i'm gonna open this because that would not be good because we'd have to basically that's gonna change everything oh no i didn't even know i didn't even think about that this is like a 600 board sorry guys i'm just gonna verify that this board has a flashback bio setting i'm verifying hold on one sec i see a button i see a button sorry we're just going to check this real quick it has clear cmos clear cmos and that is it yeah yeah this does not have a bios flashback button in front of a dog well that's great do we know if this one will boot into the i mean this is a little bit easier because we're using an aio which is good but yeah that sucks um yeah this does not have a bios flashback button so hey great example of glad we looked um because that's gonna change how we're gonna throw so we're gonna have to bread we're gonna have to bread board uh we're gonna have to breadboard this build i mean this this motherboard before we uh before we uh put it in the build so hey new new step we should probably get building here pretty quick so yeah hey it's okay uh we caught it before this is why we have uh tech specialists who i probably would have like i would have gotten to this so anyway we'll put the motherboard together uh connect it to an uh power supply real quick uh throw another cpu in it um and uh throw another cpu in it and then quickly get it flashed that way we can make sure it works before we finish the build this one's not as bad because it's using an aio aios or a little bit aiaios are a little bit uh you know easier to go but that just shoot that just shows right there that hey even if you have a freaking uh 500 motherboard it may not have all of the options uh like that so yeah we're going to uh we're going to uh be flashbacking that bios right there um awesome no big deal we uh luckily we can do that before we get the board done uh easy to flash yes crosstail any the asus rog every asus rog board does have it so we do know that hey it's fine guys we got it we got it all squared away we know what's going on so what does bios flashback do that's a great question it's not called bios flashback for everything but bios flashback is kind of a feature and that's the one that we kind of bucket in what allows me to do is with the pc off i can basically plug in a new bios hit a button on the back and without having any you don't even have to have a cpu in the socket it will flash the bios without having to worry about it without that you have to put an old cpu an old ryzen cpu in flash the bios and then then replace it with the new bios which is kind of which is kind of a kind of an issue so we'll show you guys that you guys will see that in today's stream here in a minute let's reset the giveaway let's go to the next giveaway um and then we'll uh we'll do the uh we'll do the next one so um how are we doing on likes on the uh on the where is it uh subgoal how are we doing on likes on the youtube video okay 150 new egg gift card need 150 we're at 100 12 17. okay starting up uh the asus tough series i i'm not sure uh now it's like one of those things that i wish i knew i right off the top of my head uh so uh yeah i don't have all of that information guys so we'll go from there uh how's the hype train going it's done hype train is done for the first part we won't see it for another hour uh the x570p no that one definitely doesn't just like the x570 prime doesn't so definitely don't do that um so who won the 100 we don't good guys so the way the giveaway works is it uh escalates the more subs we get the more that giveaway is that giveaway is at the end um if oh i guess i didn't tell you that so let me let me take a step back let me explain giveaways it seems like a good time um number one case recommended though from zero eight uh i would recommend the p500a that is my 2020 case of the year um second was the uh td 500 and then the third was the land cool mesh ii from the release of this year um my second favorite case is still the p600s um okay so giveaways let me explain how this going we had two of them the hype train hype train is if we get two hype trains we'll give away a 250 gig nvme drive uh here on the show if we get 800 likes on youtube we'll give away a 250 gig nvme drive which we probably are probably already passed the last thing is the giveaway that you see there the 50 new gift card 100 new a gift card 150 new year if we get 50 subs it becomes a 50 new a gift card if we get 100 subs that becomes a 100 new a gift card we get 150 subs it becomes 150 new a gift card we get 400 subs it becomes a 30 60 ti we get 550 subs it becomes a 30 70. we get a thousand subs it becomes a 30 80. by the way won't be doing dual 30 70s anymore it'll become a 30 80 and if we get 2 000 it becomes a 30 90. now we gave away two 30 70s on saturday we gave away 30 60 on friday so that tells you more than likely we will hit those goals you guys are amazing amazing supporters of the channel but that's how the giveaways work we don't they don't they stack they don't they don't become like i give away 50 i give away 100 to give away 150 they they grow and then whatever's at the end is what we give away at the end so i somebody was asking about lowering the quality 720p i don't know why i can't do that so i it's i i just stream to i just stream to uh i just stream to twitch and twitch does what it does i don't know why it's not letting you i i don't do anything to do that so um it says yeah somebody's saying affiliates can i'm only an affiliate so i don't have the option of letting you do that i wish i could but i don't so somebody's saying that from there i apologize you could go to youtube if you want to um but that's that's just something you can't do okay so i think with that we should go ahead and get this build done i'm gonna go grab a 3950x or some other older cpu so that way we can flash this uh this thing [Music] okay so [Music] let's see we can do here i'm gonna grab a not i have a lot of these are all rising sevens okay here we go we got a 3950x right here cool let's use this okay so we're gonna grab this this is open right yeah okay [Music] okay here we go one second my sister's writing me okay now let's get this done [Music] now here we go uh this chat is all um so here we go let us we got a 3950x so let's go and grab our board let's go through the parts of what's going in this pc today so that way people know so starting at the the center of this pc is the ryzen 9 5950x the ryzen 9 5950x is a 16 core 32 thread cpu this is currently the king of cpus uh across basically both um intel and amd just because and probably one of the hardest to get right now um they did have some in stock today they instantly sold out um but yeah these are absolutely monsters it's been awesome to be able to get some of these and put these in some of these commission builds but this is the cpu he is using for his uh thing now this is mostly uh he is doing and he'll be a bird uh just a quick question um for uh bernie yard you can talk to him he's doing specifically this is mostly for work this is not for gaming um so he's going to be using it mostly for pc work um so this is more of a workstation pc than less than a gaming pc so if you have questions you can reach out to him he's bernie art on twitch i mean he's the one who we're building this pc for today so there's that and that's probably you'll get the idea because when we talk about ram uh he's using 128 gigs of trident royal z uh ryzen ram so it's not he's you know you can definitely tell this isn't like some sort of just just for crops and giggles this is 128 gigs of ram right here um at uh at uh basically uh right there so yeah we're not even using like he's he's basically definitely a workstation when you're using that much that much ram for his storage um we've got uh we're gonna be putting in one of the new western digital black sn851 terabytes right here so this is these are recently released if you watch the build friday we have a giveaway for a pc that we built specifically for this you're going to have a link for that showing up pretty soon we have a pc for a giveaway for this this is going for another week i think so we got that giveaway plus the cyberpunk pc giveaway that is currently happening but yeah great uh great media drives uh super fast as fast as the uh new sn sorry the samsung 980s that just released um and higher rated which is pretty awesome and then finally uh he's got a two terabyte 970 evo plus that he's also throwing in there um for uh just basically general storage so there's those uh and then uh let's see uh for motherboard and even though it's expensive uh it is not 5000 series ready and nor does it support flashback but this is the msi prestige x570 creation this is a big freaking um motherboard i think it's actually eatx got a bunch of vrm solutions uh their creation series is probably one again one of the ones usually for creators in terms of it has a lot of things like extended heat sinks it's got pre-installed 10 gigabit lan it's got gen 4 um it's got you know core boost it's got heat pipe design all that sort of stuff plus it's got m.2 expander which comes with it so if you want to throw in more drives you can plug that right into pcie and use that as well so and it's got a crap ton of i o on the back as well so there's that for power supply just because we're using a 30 90. he's got a thousand watt uh evga supernova g3 is a thousand watt psu at gold 80 plus gold so fairly efficient uh should be good in terms of his overall power and being able to do anything with the 30 90. so should be good there um something that he worked a lot on uh was the uh was this because it's an all-white build so he wanted to make sure he had a white aio and so the white aio like at first we were trying to do uh the galahad which was pretty much impossible to get um and then i i recommended him doing the h-100 the new um cappellax but he really liked the look of this particular aio so this is the uh cat eights of the uh d cool castle 360 ex i love this aio it's got a really cool design in terms of the rgb um and then at the same time for fans we're gonna be replacing these because i know they're not rgb and we know rgb makes everything better so we're gonna be throwing nine of these right here the liam lee uni fan sl 120s which will be cool literally cool and easier to hook up with you watch what i did yesterday um and then finally the last thing is is we're going to just to get it set up we're going to be throwing in this asus rog tuff rtx 3090 just to make sure it's up boots all that sort of stuff get it set up and then uh he'll take it out and put in his own uh later on with uh what he wants to do so great uh great gpu excited to get to show this off and use this we haven't got to show that in there um and uh go from there so yeah it's a this is a 24 gigs 3090 king this is what we use for a lot of our bench testing um and so it should be pretty awesome so that is that right there i'm trying to think oh and then finally just because we're gonna be using a ryzen 9 3950x to make sure the motherboard works because we got to flash it first uh and make sure that it's set up and and works from there so yeah um that is uh that is a nice little surprise we're adding that to the build order here today so who's ready to build who's ready to build who anybody excited uh yeah nine yeah nine we're gonna put all nine fans on the single aio that's not true okay good i am everybody's excited cool uh what somebody was saying asus what i've already i've always heard it say asus but is it asus or asus or s zeus or whatever it or what i don't know what it is but yeah we're gonna go from there okay excited a sec everybody's excited that's awesome that's awesome we got a lot of if people are excited and let's get it going already okay so let's first step so just so you guys know first step is we're going to put this together we're gonna so we're gonna put the 3950x in first once we put the 3950x we're gonna update the bios and then once that's done then we'll take it all apart and then we'll put it inside the case so a little bit of extra step tonight which now has made the build that much longer today which is fun so and that just means more stream time for you guys right okay here we go opening this up and going from there so getting out our motherboard which i already took out once we just got to prep it for i'm gonna take this oh this is kind of unfortunate so i'm gonna he wants okay so i'm gonna have to just kind of shove all the extra stuff in there we actually have two things here so i'll figure out what i can do here but this isn't like the most ideal for um yeah we'll have to go there uh he doesn't need that that's the expansion card let's see what's in here we're just getting all the stuff out that we don't we'll need for the build um msi true gaming thing there is we'll probably need m.2 screws i'm just making sure i got those cool um nope nope don't need those i think the only thing we may need is we're just going to make sure we have the screws everything else is not useful okay take that out take this out okay i'm gonna take this out uh it's unfortunate okay and then in here we have our wi-fi he doesn't need that and then in here that's just nothing okay cool there's everything he doesn't need everything i need out of here i've got put that back in there and put that back in there okay cool cool there we go okay awesome now let's take out our motherboard here there is our massive motherboard without flashback i keep looking and hoping and praying but we now know for sure that does not oh you know what else i forgot to do today forgot to empty my garbage that's gonna be interesting as well because on one set guys i'll be right back we gotta empty the garbage if we're gonna be able to have any room to do anything [Music] there we go like got water cooling stuff from the other build there we go okay now i have room there's a good thing [Music] kind of spilled everywhere but no big deal no big deal okay got it [Music] okay we're back we're back in business whoopsie i wonder if maybe how much stuff i can fit in this instead okay cool whoa where'd the camera go oh top down went away okay figure that out oh i forgot to activate it ah that would help and activated there we go okay now what happens when you lose your lose your your fun there okay so we've got this ready first thing we're going to do we're going to grab a ryzen 9 3950x here and just get this in here so we're going to take that to a 50 50 90 degree angle so here's our older cpu put this in again we're just doing this to get the motherboard booted actually you know what i don't want to use this i just realized i want to use i want to use something that uses the wraith prism cooler i like a seven or something like that because i don't want to i don't want to put on my aio or anything like that what is in this does that have a cooler in it yeah it does okay okay we're gonna go grab a different jeep cpu real quick again i'm trying to make this easy for me just so i can get it updated so i want this cooler so you can at least get it up to date there's our cooler that we need and then this goes the other way put this back here grab my other older i need a different cpu and even though the 3950x might be fine i just don't want to risk it so i'm going to grab a different older cpu here somewhere these are all what 5800x 3600 open just drop the 5800x that seems fine let's open yes okay here is a 3700x cool perfect just want an open cpu [Music] okay cool now i'm good to go okay there we go grab the ryzen grab a 3700 x just because i know i can use the stock cooler just to get it updated so this is what you may have to do if you happen to have an older board somebody had told me and i don't know i can't confirm if this is true or not but somebody said that sometimes certain motherboard manufacturers will give you loaners i don't think that's true but you know but i'm not i don't know but somebody had said that there are some motherboard manufacturers who will so um yeah cannot confirm yeah i don't know if somebody said that they did so okay here we go so we're gonna do is we're gonna grab our 3700x real quick just get this in here okay now there we go now we're good so just one of the reason somebody might be asking well why did you switch well the 3700x the 50 the 3950x is basically based on um based on amd's recommendation requires an aio versus the older 3000 series you could actually get by with using a um a stock cool like a stock cooler the stock coolers were always included in the um in the box so like in this case we actually have a stock wraith prism cooler that we're going to use to do this stuff so if you can fail like sometimes you can not get lucky with the silicon va lottery and i last thing i wanted to do is like ruin a 5950x sorry a 39 whoops my camera ruin a um sorry if you're hearing a bunch of crackling right now i'm putting the pop filter back on i want to ruin i don't want to ruin a 39 uh 50x just because i didn't cool it appropriately okay so we got our cpu in what we're going to do real quick is we're going to throw in a ram and then i'm just going to get the board completely prepped and then i'll breadboard it um and uh go from there so nothing too fancy but it might as well uh pop it all in so we're gonna pop this all up like that there's our little slot in the pcb right there you can watch me do the install here a little bit better of this there it is right there we're gonna just take that little slot and pop it in just like that and there you go nice quiet quiet you'll hear like a subtle click um and that's how you know that things are good oh there we go click oh it's quality and remember this is 128 gigs of ram in this case versus um versus uh what you guys usually see with like 32 and stuff like that so actually is more ram in this case uh than in other cases so there we go there's our other one click so quiet that click um and there we go last 128 gigs of ram and then yeah just one thing about it is like sometimes you'll actually hear like a delay in the uh a delay in the click and then that goes over there um yeah there it is right there that delayed click sometimes it's just weird how that sometimes will pop up so late all right 128 gigs of ram there right now what we're going to do is we're going to take our bigger cooler stock cooler real quick i don't need to worry too much about this i'm just it's it's already got it has no thermal paste on it so i'm going to throw a little thermal paste on this real quick just to get it by there we go and we don't want to be too like i'm little i'm not as worried about spreading this out or anything i just need enough i want the reason i'm going to spread it out is so it doesn't become so messy afterwards but i'm just going to be enough to kind of get it get it so it cools i'm just going to put it in the middle part of the ihs for now remember this is not to keep this is just to last enough to enough for us to flash the bios real quick there you go this is what you would do if you do not have a bios flashback feature more education from roby tech do not please understand this is not what you would typically do for your or your board yes i know the thermal paste isn't even again this is just a breadboard or bench pest bench or breadboard or depending on the term you're used to why is this not going in i'm fancy beef in oh sorry yeah youtube sorry about that guys forgot we reset everything so some i'm being reminded that i need to turn on you i need to turn on slow mode one sec i'm gonna fix that real quick okay oh monetization's off too crud okay i'm gonna enable that i'm going to turn on slow mode okay and edit and then go to my live chat okay slow mode is now on okay there we go okay cool slow mode's on guys so now we're good there we're gonna do real quick is just quickly install our yes uh somebody was asking if i saw the cool yes we did see the cool m.2 expansion slot i'll show it off here in a minute i'm just trying to get the i love my techs they're good they're good people they're just letting me know all this stuff which is awesome okay so we're going to make sure this gets on here it's actually usually better to do it from this direction now what we're going to do is we're going to quickly install our stock cooler here [Music] come on we're just getting this stock cooler on real quick guys [Music] there we go okay got coolers installed okay there we go and i'm not worried about it being you know crazy i just want it enough now one of the things they were talking about just kind of show it off is this thing actually comes with a cool and i'll show it off real quick and then we'll get back to it a cool expansion card that if you wanted to it allows you to install allows you to install more so this is a m.2 expansion card right here and it allows you to install i think four it might be two or four more m.2s into your [Applause] so yeah you would just basically take this off and then it's got oh two more so you can do two more check it out you can do two more m.2s on this board a lot like the dim.2 that is up here for um when i installed the asus on the asus one from yesterday so it's just a cool that's usually some of the stuff that you start to get when you when you buy like higher end motherboards like this um and so that's just like they wanted me to show that off because it's a pretty neat little feature of the motherboard and one of the reasons why it cost what it cost uh to uh to purchase in this case so there we go get that re-closed here maybe all right there's only one way to uh we go okay so that's uh that was that's a pretty neat little feature of the motherboard okay let's get our m.2 in real quick so we've got two that we're gonna do here we got some peels here so let's get all our peels off it's like a fan of peels let's zoom out so you guys can see the peels here okay first and foremost we're gonna peel this one oh look at that there's one [Music] whoa there we go boom there's two we got more down here there's that one [Music] all the peels oh come on oh there we go play hard there we go and boom there's that peel and we have none on the i o which is cool okay here we go so now it's all peeled all appealing all done okay now let's open up our 970 here oh let's actually open up our whole thing here okay so this is i've not used this particular motherboard before it's got more little screws here i'm assuming to see what comes off here so remove these uh it looks like you got to remove it all jeez okay one more you have to remove this whole thing that's crazy there you go like wow take it all off okay so there is all of our now the whole thing is ready we're not gonna put that back on i don't think until oh we're okay okay cool we're gonna put that back on once we get the uh once we uh before we put the case in before we put in the case it's cool okay let's get our m.2s out [Applause] okay there's one there we go there we go right there next one it's our my our [Applause] [Music] s850 there's our s850 [Music] okay [Music] okay so what we're going to do is we're going to open up our two m.2 screws here because these are what we need to basically get this thing in [Music] okay boom okay now we've got that done grab these okay so we're gonna stick our eight or we're gonna do our two terabyte at the top okay we need to move that oh this actually does that actually go there this one is actually going to hold down via let's see what's going on here how this works oopsie [Music] [Music] okay so that one's not supposed to come all the way off just came off the freaking whole motherboard okay good to know so this goes right here and that's going to hold it down [Music] okay and then i'm gonna make sure [Music] i think this is gonna have to go away yeah we're gonna take this off there we go okay so that one's going to get held down by this and the way that this works just you guys know so again just showing in here so there's a little slot in the pcb we're going to pop that in just like that and there we go now it's going to close now the cover this cover is going to hold that down this whole thing wasn't supposed to come off but it did so we are going to we're going to not deal with that okay so now we have the sn850 in this case we're just going to slot that one in it goes right above there we go then we're going to grab our little screws here put that one in there we go okay that one's in then we're gonna do here we're gonna peel our [Music] plr there we go put this over i'm going to go ahead and just for the right just to make this easier [Music] wow there we go okay put this in [Music] there we go okay now we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and put our plate back on [Music] realign all the holes there we go okay there we go that's in [Music] there we go one more screw after this [Music] okay there we go all of our m.2s are now installed these are going to be we're going to put a little baggie for them but these don't get lost put them in the little box now we are basically ready to quickly breadboard this [Music] that's we're going to do real quick to be extra careful [Music] lift this up put that like that now i am going to just to be simple let me zoom out real quick there we go now this doesn't if i had an apu that would have been a whole lot easier but i don't have an apu so we'll have to do it with a gpu real quick luckily i've got my handy dandy very small 30 20 60 super okay i'll grab our 2060 super real quick there we go okay so now we are ready to quickly do an update for the bios got some water okay let's go to here we're gonna grab our cpu real quick i mean sorry psu get this open let's see we don't need that right now okay so all i need out of this is i need our big pin we'll need our big one we'll need a vga cable and we'll need a cpu cable okay [Music] very quickly open up our psu here there we go got our psu get to that later okay so we got our psu out we're gonna top down real quick oh wow look at that i've never seen that before that's kind of cool so weirdly enough i haven't seen i mean it's not a bad idea i just haven't seen it before so we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead and hook up our power okay real quick okay there's that one we're gonna grab our vga or sorry cpu and this one's gonna go right here cp1 plug in our cpu one and lastly quickly hook up our vga okay and we need one vga which is fine we're gonna stick this into vga one oh there's vga one okay cool okay so now this is ready to go so i'm gonna do real quick and again people might be asking what the heck are you doing well the fact of the matter is is that this seat this this motherboard does not support 5000 series cpu so we have to basically get it to a bootable state so we can so we can uh flash the bios real quick and then once that's done then i can then finish replace the i'll take the cpu out in here uh and then replace it with the 5950x and then we can move forward [Music] we just need enough to get it to boot that's what we're doing right now so you guys are seeing essentially what you'd have to go through if you didn't have a motherboard that's supported [Music] the bios flashback [Music] there we go okay so now this pc is this is like you now have a fully functioning pc right here on the desk there we go what i'm going to do is i'm going to grab my little monitor here and a little monitor needs to get plugged in here i'm going to push this all over slightly [Music] and then we'll show you guys so you guys can see [Music] this is something that isn't like if you want to really do the right thing when you build a pc this is something i would recommend doing anyway um just to make sure that all your components work because one thing that you don't want to do is you don't want to get it all built and then verify that once you get it all built that it doesn't work so if you want to just go through that extra step and make sure all of your system components work specifically really the best time to do it is if you're going to do a custom water cooled build [Music] is you would do this beforehand and then make sure that everything works so you're good there now we're going to do is we're going to grab this and this you're basically oh whoa what happened there sorry guys that was weird okay okay we're just getting everything set up we can quickly do this basically we have an outside of the outside of the workbench bench right here okay now there you go everything's ready okay so now all we're gonna do is grab our critical components here [Music] i'm going to plug in lan under the hopes that might get lucky and this allows me to do update via lan and just download it versus having to do the whole thing but well if not we can grab it on a usb and go from there okay so pc is ready the other thing that's really nice about this look at the top down something that is good about this particular board is it has a power button built in to here so we're going to just turn it on like that and then we're going to turn on the whole thing there we go [Music] let's see if we can get the boot there giving it a second still going through its initial post which could take a little while [Music] you can see all the postcodes down here this is going through all that stuff and on long on larger on longer motherboards like this like this is where there goes it's just started just posted here it comes up there we go we are in okay so we are in i'll see if i can get you guys capture so you guys can see we got so we can see we got 128 gigs of ram there we go now we're going into the we're in the hopefully come on come on work come on work there we go okay so now we're in let's check and go to f7 go to m flash see if it let's see we're going to reflash this you guys are learning this is what this is what you'd have to do if you uh if you had to do it the other if you didn't have uh if you didn't have a card like this like you didn't have a uh a system like the uh sorry uh you didn't have flashbacks we're going into flash mode now hopefully okay so no i have to download it okay so now i got to download it so this this board's really really doing me some good right now okay so this is the msi x570 creation got to download the gotta actually download the uh x570 creation yeah x prestige 570 prestige let's do prestige x570 creation okay here we go okay so here we are let's go to support driver oop no bios we don't want the beta version so we're gonna download this one okay opening this okay here we go copy we're gonna put it on our usb drive we've already got here full of bios's msi x prestige x570 creation so we're just copying this now okay cool there we go okay cool okay let's pop this in here retry okay here we go there's our creation right there there it oop what the heck where did i go there you go yes and now we're just updating our bios and here's where we wait now one thing i'm going to do before i do all this stuff is i'm going to before i put this inside the case put the x5 put the new 5950x in here and reboot it up and make sure it works before i then put the whole thing together so yeah so appreciate you guys being being here who's learning stuff who's never seen something like this before this is like all new to them you're like hey this is cool who's having um who's who's having fun who's enjoying this cool awesome good good all the new folks okay so i will while we're waiting for this i'll go ahead and give you guys the dissertation because we have almost 3 000 people here welcome to roby tech ruby tech is a show dedicated to pc building obviously tech news tech deals and all that sort of stuff i want to say thank you very much for being here today happy monday the show usually happens monday wednesdays and fridays starting at 6 p.m uh we're sorry starting at 5 30. this week it's a little different we're cramming it all in so we have a show monday wednesday thursday and friday and all of these are builds we have some really special build some christmas builds and all that sort of stuff i do want to let you guys know we do have some giveaways that are happening on the show i bet you if i looked we probably have the youtube one already uh if we get two uh hype trains here on twitch uh those happen once every couple of hours uh then we'll actually give away a 250 gig nvme drive if we get to level five twice which we usually always do you can see we've already we've done that once already we get 800 likes on youtube we give away a 250 gig nvme ssd and then finally you see that big one down there that 150 new a gift card that is basically that is a growing uh growing giveaway uh it starts at 25 and if we get to 50 subs it becomes 50 dollars if we get to 100 subs it becomes a hundred dollars we get 250 subs becomes 150 we get to 400 it becomes a 360 ti if we get to 550 it gets to 30 70 and finally if you get to a thousand it becomes a 30 80. now uh those are those the giveaways are gonna happen we do that the that particular one will happen at the end of the show finally we have the sub only giveaway which was for the month of december we're giving away a 36 dti a 30 70 and a 30 80 to one lucky twitch subscriber well three lucky twitch subscribers and the way you get in on that is if you're over on youtube head over to twitch.tv rubytech you or you're over at newegg.com sorry twitch.tv newegg come on over to roby tech use your free amazon prime subscription that free subscription will get you access to the sub only giveaway now if you want to get extra entries for those things all you got to do is uh basically you can donate subs which is a great way if you go to tier 1 tier 2 or tier 3 subs that gives you a ton of extra entries and then finally the thing that's awesome about that that basically gives you extra entries for all giveaways that we have here on the show and then finally if you subscribe for multiple months that gets you extra entries so those are all the giveaways that are happening today uh and then uh we also have some giveaways that are outside of the stream we're giving away that western digital pc um you're gonna see links for that showing up in your channel so that's ending next week and then finally the cyberpunk 2077 pc that we're also giving away and then finally starting next week we'll be giving away the the carter pc so you can win as many as four pcs we have a fourth pc that'll happen the week between christmas and new year's i'm just going to build on the show and then at the very end draw a winner for that so those are all the giveaways that's everything that's happening i hope you guys continue to enjoy we're still flashing the bios i figured i'd take the chance to kind of introduce you to the channel and let you know what's up so there you go the build is your build and so dw4life your build is not in process we're waiting for gpus to come in this week so um we're supposed to be getting those and that's all i'm waiting for but soon dw i know you're excited and everybody's excited for the builds your cpu came in though which is good so waiting for gpus i think those are supposed to get taken care of tomorrow thank you very much for all those thank you very much for all those uh subscriptions guys and all that sort of stuff is we're getting close to the 150 mark i i so uh if you want to know about stock for newegg if you want to know about buying cards um i know i forgot the ice i i'm sorry i don't know about buying cards i just released a video on that the best place is to follow their their their uh their social channels guys i know newegg has been uh newegg has been uh new england has been uh updating that stuff uh pretty regularly you guys can see here we're at about 50 right now uh for the uh for the update so we're almost done we're getting close yeah i don't want to rush it because then it would brick the board so it's just being patient thank you very much matthew for saying that you're glad i'm going in there no ice ice baby that's right um yeah thank you for posting the video chat i know uh cmr1121 i have also been waiting since that long so i know people are getting them so that's going from there uh let's see what else is going on there seeing some other people um a couple more subscriptions which is great just seeing other questions uh why is your t-shirt collar stretched out i don't know i don't know my t-shirt color it just is sorry this is it's just a t-shirt to go with the hoodie that's all it is sorry it's stretched out i'll i'll find a less stretch one next time um we're just waiting we're waiting for the update to happen so that's what we're waiting for right now let me see the pc a pc if you guys want to see what the status of it is right now here it is in uh oh nice congratulations uh for getting your thing uh when do you think older gpu i don't think they ever will i think that older gpus will sell out before they drop in price it doesn't make any sense to do that um are all the 56 xt all bios updates i don't know if 5600 xt's are bios updated or not um i don't know the thing um how do i commission a build so people are asking how a commission built right now i am completely booked through the month of december i have some openings in early january um basically the way it works is you head over to discord uh dm me uh we'll have a conversation about it but i've been kind of slow in terms of getting them it's been much harder to get 30 80s um and so i've been waiting to fulfill the 30 80s i have like dw for life was like dude um so we're going to them what are you going to eat uh i don't know i haven't decided yet i've been i've been on a kind of a like a buffalo wild builds like uh um hot wing kick as of late uh so you're gonna do your last stream before christmas is santa suit no because that would be very hot so no i will not be doing that um how do you subscribe with prime uh there's usually people put deals for how that stuff happens yeah i like hot wings those have been good are you playing anything good i'm playing cyberpunk i'm playing cyberpunk i am actually waiting i so i have the build i'll try and show it off later this stream is probably going to go long because of this brick boarding i'm sorry breadboarding i wasn't expecting but uh tomorrow or wednesday i will show you guys the final build uh the final water cooled build that i did um where i have i had to do this very same thing to get that up and going so um yeah uh that's what's been taking me so long because i've been waiting for that pc to get done but really get into cyberpunk i'm liking cyberpunk i've been playing it on series x which isn't obviously the best experience right now i know that they're releasing a patch on december 21st i guess which adds all the series x stuff so i'm kind of waiting for that but i'm going to go to pc i'm going to have a pc specifically for it so um yeah try playing yeah i don't want to play that on that yeah uh 3060 ti or 2080 ti 30 2080 ti is still better 3060 is if you care about dlss but even a 2080 i think a 2080 ti dlss is still better than the 360. that's a tough choice it really comes down to ray tracing and then again it's like i don't know if that's good i think a 2080 ti is still better because that's a 30 70. oh intel for the win no messing like this that's not true if you uh you we will do we will be doing this for rocket lake so i would not say that um do you know but dlss 2.0 which works on the 2080 ti is much much better yeah dad joke time yeah uh let me see if i can get to it it looks like the bias update just had it happened so let's read a quick dad joke whoa trying to get to it over this thing um uh no so honored was asking hey do i recommend using the expansion over using the onboard no because if you it's much easier for you to use the expansion later on if you want to add more drives because it'll be much harder for you to take this apart and put the uh put the onboard in um let me see what i got here let me look at my dad jokes okay what do you call a snowman temper tantrum what do you call a snowman temper tantrum what do you call a snowman temper tantrum you call it a meltdown that's pretty good that was from the keiki why shouldn't you write with a dull pencil why shouldn't you write with a dull pencil because it's pointless okay so we are good there this looks like it's booted it's ready for its next set um we're gonna shut this off and go from there okay so now the next step is everything's good here we're going to quickly turn this off and we're going to replace the cpu real quick just make sure it boots uh and then we will uh move forward with our build so we're gonna just slightly take this apart [Music] this is unplugged yes there we go there you go so one thing we're going to quickly do for the sake of sanity see what i'm doing and i'm going to undo this there we go now these can be when you are going to remove the stock cooler in this case you want to be very careful in terms of removing it because you can actually rip out the cpu so just take your time i don't have a lot of thermal paste on this so i'm just basically doing enough to get it off which is fine and then i'm going to undo this and get that up come on let go of the left sirium okay there we go so cpu's done okay what we're gonna do now is we're just gonna clean it put it away and put in the 5950 real quick and just make sure it boots now the 5950 all we're doing is verifying it boots we're not having to do a bios update we just want to make sure that it reads so i'm not worried about overheating it i'm not doing anything thermally crazy here there we go okay 3950x or sorry 2700x is all clean let's put the top back on this sorry 3700x that's what we have in here right now so thank you very much 3700x for your service i'm grateful for what you've done you've been amazing put you away you're ready for your next your next adventure which is later because first we're going to take our 5950x and get that installed just verify it works my little yeah we'll use the big one little extra steps here today we don't usually do but it'll be good for this round there's our 5950x oh i've heard this one before i love this joke um and i'll tell it again which is from this was from peter walsh the question is the the here's the dad joke for you what is the difference between snow men and snow women what is the difference between snowmen and snow women what's the difference between snowmen and snow women snowballs i love that one that's such a good joke so quality quality entertainment right there snowballs a carrot there you go that works too a carrot i was about to take a swig of this uh rubbing alcohol that would have been uh cpu and gpu prices will not go down until probably uh mid to end of next year that's about the soonest okay so again for this one we're just gonna throw a little bit of thermal paste on it because we're gonna we're gonna be cleaning it off it's got pre-applied thermal paste from the other one all we're doing is gonna test this real quick i'm not overly worried about cleaning the cooler either i just need enough to kind of give it we can just make sure it works not being crazy getting enough of it on so we can doesn't need more than that right now [Music] here we go and all we're doing is verifying that it boots and yes i know there's cooling on this but i'm not worried about it for this part [Music] there we go not the easiest in terms of should have done this the other way [Music] there we go [Music] there you go okay cool just gonna make sure it boots okay that's in now we're gonna do is just put this back same deal as last time pop this on there we go okay grab our epu [Music] there we go grab our vga okay we're good to go here okay here it is okay turning on just gonna make sure it posts all we care about right now [Music] still running through its codes [Music] there it goes and we're posted there it is right there guys okay so we've got our cheat we've got our we we now know that everything the board's good to go we're ready to know we're ready to move forward now we're going to strip this all down and go from there so we now are good to go yeah it's alive and we're good okay so now we take our we start going backwards first thing we do is we turn this off put that down now we can move forward with the build [Music] where is my there it is okay cool okay that's ready [Music] so this is what you would have to do if you did not have a if you did not have a um [Music] you did not have a board that has flashback so you guys have just watched me update a bios prepare it for a 5000 cpu and then uh go from there so and again if you also something that if you ever wanted to say hey if i needed to like you want to verify all your stuff works before you put it in the case this is another thing that is never a bad idea to do is just to throw it together like this make sure at least you know put in the ram put in a storage device and make sure that things just kind of work before you take the time to put it in cable management all that sort of stuff so that's uh it's just it's an option for you and never a bad recommendation i know a lot of people linus myself especially on your own pc if you just want to go that extra mile before getting too far into your build the step you can definitely [Music] do there we go okay so we'll be grabbing that later there's pc okay this can go away because we don't need this anymore okay now we're gonna do is we're gonna clean off our cpu and gpu i mean our cpu and again one of the other reasons i don't stick a ton of coolant on it is it makes it a whole lot easier to get it off of the cpu because these can really grip which is what they're supposed to do they're not supposed to be used for doing there we go okay motherboard is pretty much almost ready to go i'm going to quickly grab some paper towels here [Music] put the top down clean off our [Music] motherboard get it ready for the next for the actual finishing phase [Music] what i'm using to remove the thermal paste is isopropyl alcohol what you're watching me do here i don't need to be too crazy because again [Music] it's just going to get more on it there we go [Music] there we go almost done bringing this one off one more time it's good to go there we go okay now let's put this back on here that on there this back in here this one here and then we're gonna grab our there we go okay so now all the old hardware we had we don't need anymore put this stuff away put these back and we can move forward with our build now yay it's actually ready to go you go right there you go back here okay now move forward ladies and gentlemen okay let's do the next giveaway because we've gotten to 150 so we'll move that up and then i need to find out where we are on the entries i mean uh likes we're at 161 okay this is a rtx 3060 ti [Music] 12. okay there we go how are we doing on likes do we know over 1k okay let's do that giveaway then [Music] giveaways custom okay so everybody say thank you youtube thank you youtube everybody say thank you youtube because they are the ones who unlock this giveaway there we go um okay everybody say thank you youtube okay so way giveaways work guys just a little update the way the giveaways are going to work is we're going to um i'm going to give you a command that you're going to enter here it'll last for two minutes and then the command will stop if you spam if you spam there is a chance that you will get timed out and that means you will not be able to claim your giveaway so um one thing i would just recommend doing is you just only have to enter once you can do twice just to verify that you're in um and then after that you don't have to enter any more um if you because you have to you have to be present and you have to claim in order to win so if you basically sit there and spam and then get timed out and you can't claim then you can't win um the giveaway is uh you know and then once the giveaway is over you don't have to enter the command anymore giveaways only run for a very short period of time okay so i'm going to start that process now the entry is exclamation point youtube and we're starting the giveaway right now exclamation point youtube guys okay so that's ready to put this in the staging area [Music] this is gonna go in the staging area at least this board's not as hefty as the uh as the other one okay cool okay let's get our let's get our case up here oh geez so hefty okay we're gonna get this stripped real quick okay come on should be [Music] undone maybe not [Music] come on this case is being kind of a pain to me i'm going to take these all the way out then which you shouldn't have to do but [Music] this top is not oh that's interesting that's not on actually has a button here we're just going to put this back in cool that i don't wreck i don't remember that on the other one actually has a button okay that's off okay taking our panels off gonna take our dust filters off take our back panel off there we go and our box take out our box of accessories right here okay there's our box of accessories we have anything in this this time get that back [Music] okay now [Music] okay let's get our back case off then we can get our things installed here so what we're going to do right now is we're going to remove our back casing you want to be careful here you don't want to strip it oh there we go [Music] here we go congratulations to michael dingwall michael dingwall over on youtube you are the winner michael congratulations i hope you're reaching out there are no more giveaways guys you can stop giveaways over there won't be another giveaway for a little while um let me turn on my my clock so we can see what time it is we started right around we started a little bit late because i was just a little behind okay okay we're gonna take that off there we go okay everything is out and ready to go let's go and get our motherboard in whoa lean lead to bauer de bauer we're gonna devour this case okay let's get this down [Music] top down what i'm gonna do right now is i have to do the clips on the other side but we're gonna put our motherboard in oh there we go mobo the working working everything we know because we test it there we go that is in boom okay extra stuff here come on there we go that's what i was looking for that is not necessary okay so he won a 250 gig nvme ssd is what he won so whoa there's some fan things in there that was surprising okay now we're gonna do is we're gonna tear all these out and get this in okay cool grab our screws here which there are nine there's one one one screw okay grab this one then what we're gonna do after this we're gonna prep our fans now you you guys are already prepped right you guys are prepped to go yeah this is gonna be a more stormtrooper-esque build this will be like definitely black and white black white and silver i guess it's like kylo ren met an angel i don't know let's describe it getting our screws on getting through the bill of funds getting through the build of fun [Music] okay there's a little bit of a hole right there there we go okay and that last bit [Music] okay cool [Music] yeah that is all in everything's good there what we're going to do next is we're going to go ahead and prep getting our fans and then we'll get our fans installed so there's a total of nine fans can you say nine fans nine fans it's so cool three thousand people here today again still chilling okay okay let's get our nine fans in here one thing i'm going to do real quick is i'm going to go ahead and pop yeah i know i'm going to fit anything in this case this case is so much blooming room okay we're gonna go to the side here we're gonna pop off our case little deck adapters here there's one two and in order to get to this last one we gotta get this out and [Music] three [Music] and three [Music] okay there's those okay so now we can put this down it's heftier because of the motherboard now but we can put this down let's do our fans yay fans ooh yay fans everybody's favorite part okay cool now start our fan process ooh ah that's right nine fans these are the str the uh lee lee uni 120s there's that there we go there's that one next one oh man i forgot about that there we go text mesh nope not a text message okay i'm just gonna grab our pile of and this one will take out and this is the box that we'll use the good thing is is that with this with the lee and lee you only need one control box for nine we're actually up to 12 fans so we'll have everything ready we need here what i'm gonna do real quick is i'm gonna go ahead and create a pile of fan screws because why not the only i actually only need two boxes of these because i will be using the ones for the aio for one set so there we go there's those okay one more set of fans okay one more set of fans right here it's not taped there we go the third one of these and there's all our fans oh one two and three okay okay all the fans are out now that's good all we got to do now is get them built there we go got the next one luckily with these fans it's actually pretty quick to get them installed so unlike like our ql fans or anything like that it's just a much faster and smoother process to get these installed so okay here's that there's our pile of fan cables there now what we do is we just get our fans out there's one there we go two and three there's three right there next one next one you guys are watching me open fans fan opening right here two one more this pile these are very well protected fans in terms of like the box and stuff like that so there we go one more after this i'll have all our fans out installed there's that one one more where's our that is now something else i didn't know about these fans which as an fyi is actually something that's actually pretty neat about these fans is that if say for instance you install them exhaust or you were like oh i want to do an exhaust i want to do the other way it actually doesn't matter how you install these fans because you can reverse the direction of the fans which is something you can't do with all the other ones so no matter how you install them you can make them do whatever you want so i'm actually on these ones i'm going to install them all facing the same way but in the software you can actually change the direction so it'll basically that what was exhaust will go to uh intake or whatever it was so something pretty cool about these fans that i didn't know about until i was playing with the software that comes with them afterwards so something pretty neat um yeah so it's actually pretty cool okay so we're just gonna get our three fan groups put together here real quick yeah so it's actually pretty cool in terms of you're like oh i just wanna i wanna have them all display the same thing it's like yeah they're just basically clipped together just like that and then you just grab your one this is the only cable set that you need for the fans and there you go there's one set of cables done and ready to go so same thing we're just going to do that for each one of these cables each one of these fans i mean there we go this side there's two one more set of fans there we go and number three okay so there's all our fans are ready to go one thing i am going to grab real quick i'm going to grab one little cable and i'm going to grab a that a powered screwdriver and just get it done really fast pretty fast like which is what you want put your what you what you want what you want i want this you want this that's what i want okay okay let's have all the tools hey kevin something i just realized that i didn't know this until now that there's a bios update to the cards to access to allow access to smart access memory for rage mode which i didn't know okay okay just stuff just fyi just letting them know my uh my my co-worker is currently in there doing all the cyberpunk work for you guys so we can release those those metrics uh on when we have a video this week so i just realized as i was doing the update i was like oh okay but rage mode is in there so he did update it so he's actually he was smarter than i was okay cool there you go nine fans ready to go a pile of fan things we're gonna set these off to the side real quick and get these installed now nine fans don't need these okay [Music] let's go to cam link [Music] install our first set of fans yay now remember don't worry about the direction because again i can in software reverse these to do whatever i want them to do so it does not matter how i install them you can change it in software i'm going to have all the labels up and they'll all look one way but it will be fine [Music] okay let's put this here okay we only have to get four in cool thing is like once we get these in [Music] they uh they're all stuck together i am like some people get some people like i know this happens every time people are like hey don't forget you only need to put four screws in but just because we're shipping it i want to make sure that we put all the screws in so there's no issue with them shifting when it's shipped so where i'm gonna put all the screws in on all of these to make sure that we don't have any problems in shipping [Music] yeah and it's not the most entertaining content i know watching me screw fans in but this is why we did get the auto screwdriver so it's you guys aren't watching me do it manually okay cool okay now take the auto screwdriver and put them in hopefully this is a pretty short process with the auto screwdriver here we go slowly it comes together four screws left whoopsie four screws here left guys [Music] that one with a manual just putting these starting these because they're being kind of wacky there you go okay cool now we'll finish it with the auto screwdriver okay one more tight screw okay screws are in okay first fans are in next group of fans [Music] which is easy [Music] take out this little bad boy right here [Music] okay there we go okay next group of fans top down hey thank you very much christopher contradi for the dono appreciate it just got the notification on my phone okay putting these right here these will be the again don't worry about it like the direction i'm just going to make them all look pretty because i can change the change the direction there we go [Music] after this guys we're going to prep our aio and then once we get the aio installed we're about halfway through the build [Music] [Music] close to having these all in [Music] okay awesome there we go we got nine fans pretty much ready to go now we just gotta have the fun parts let's get our aio built oh you know what i should do oh i didn't do that fred oh that's gonna be really hard it's okay actually it'll be okay just have to do it in phases i forgot this one does include it okay there are those here's our thing [Music] there we go oh is that true i thought it was i thought if you looked at the if you if you it looks like i at the very bottom right when you choose a fan it shows direct is that just the led uh there's another build there's another build on uh there's another build on um not tomorrow there's another build on wednesday okay let's go ahead and just be safe then that's an easy fix let's be safe and install these correctly then that's an easy thing to change thank you for catching that early that'll be an easy fix then i thought i could change the direction of the fans but i'd rather be safe and not have to do this after the whole build's done and you guys really liked me installing fans anyway [Music] [Music] [Music] easy fix [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] almost done we just wanted to repeat this process this was our favorite thing to do don't worry we're almost at least it's a fast thing of the techs took their drink techs have a rule if i do it twice they have to do a drink two more there we go one more okay cool fixed it's like this okay aio [Music] we're gonna do this way the fans are gonna go this way [Music] yep that's what we want here's our fans on our aio now there we go that we'll need later this is what i need now oops almost did those backwards [Music] go no yes i'm sucking air through this the entire way yes yes and then i have a single exhaust [Music] [Music] sometimes it helps to do this one first at least the one thing i like about these particular screws is that they um [Music] there only have to go through the tip this can be a little bit [Music] that one corner that's always tough takes some work to get it in and it's just always just a little bit and it's just that one corner every time whoa another hype train holy crud i was not ready for that is it already been two hours i guess it has been [Music] don't quite line up do they [Music] okay guys let's get the last level five hype train let's finish it out [Music] we can do it guys [Music] we can do it hey what's up thank you for saying hi okay [Music] know if these are gonna it's just like that much i'm gonna get one in i think these are gonna go in guys the adapter is just that much off i'm not going to get this in these are these these little holes right here are a little bit off oops i don't think i'm going to be able to get it in and it's not something that i can fix there's just they're just the holes are that much see if i can get it just that much over [Music] looks like the hole needs to get whoa [Music] oh the power is unplugged that's weird [Music] there you go i don't know if i'll be able to get these in guys i might be able to if i can just get one and the other ones usually come in but [Music] yep [Music] i can't i'm not i'm sorry i'm not gonna fix this there's just no there's nothing i can do it's just gonna have to stay screwed like that it's like uh i just there is the holes don't line up and i don't wanna break the fans to make it work they're just that much that oh there we go i got that one in maybe it'll work hold on once i get this one in maybe it'll work it's not going to break the fans for it i mean it's secured it's just okay that one works it might slowly start getting its way in there it feels like the holes are just slightly off got that one in this might help it pull in a little bit more we got that one in well it's like a miracle christmas miracle right here level four height guys let's finish it out okay so just as a reminder for a lot of people are looking at this this is the last if we get level five on this one we'll get the hype train the final hype train there we go i got it in wow uh that'll give us a 250 gig nvme ssd which is the last giveaway of the show thank you very much kindergartener for let's finish this out um okay so uh for those there's 2 900 people here right now those who don't know we also reason for gift for also subbing is we have the the sub only giveaway for the month of december which we're giving away a 30 60 ti a 30 70 and a 3080 to three different subs over at twitch.tv rubytech all you have if you're over on youtube.com rubytech or twitch.tv pop on over use your free amazon prime subscription you might actually end up with a free a free gpu because of it um and then the other thing too is that you're entered to win the sub only giveaways and you get extra entries oh sorry no if you want to get extra entries into that you can gift subs like what you've seen people do or you can do uh subscribe to multiple tiers tier one tier two through tier three those get you extra entries to all giveaways plus because you get three extra entries for tier one four extra interviews for tier two five extra interviews for tier three and on top of that you also get bonus entries for actually having just going to a subscription uh to doing the higher tier and then finally if you subscribe for multiple months that also gets you extra entries so there we go guys level five hype train let's finish it out let's see how high we can go we're halfway to a 30 60. can we do it more than look we're seeing all those prime subscriptions come in now if you want to get down for that guys we've got we've seen eleven hundred percent hype and you guys thank you so much for all the support you guys continue to give me uh here during the holiday season and uh go from there oh icp that's right aussie pete is uh thursday yes we i i don't we need to look at your build i forgot what yours i think yours was thursday i need to go look again um so anyway let's keep going guys youtube is no longer live what there's 1400 people there uh you got to go to the other video there's two videos guys there's there it is live did you see my message i have not seen anybody's message on twitter i've been busy building the pc so thank you very much for all those gifted subs we'll call them out here until we finish this out for two minutes to see how high we can get just i love you too science educator what do we got left though thank you very much senpai each one for your tier one subscribe uh can someone uh all channels are live yeah everything seems to be going yeah talk slow um let's see what else we got going on here you blew your time limit what are you talking about oh yes aussie pete i know who you're i know your build is i know what it is i think the thing is i gotta look everybody's the graphics cards got delayed for some people so we just need to talk after this going from there hey mostly martinez thank you for the tier one six months that's awesome thank you very much for that zombie slayer thank you for your subscription to prime i think it actually is hulk if it is if you're tier one subscribe then it gets you it i didn't know if prime i i me you might be right so if you are then it is a tier one i wasn't sure so i might be wrong so thank you very much a half 500 percent thank you very much felipe crank for that there it is yeah it does work there it is right there so it does count as a tier one so i think they are the same so you don't you don't have to worry i know tier the way that's the giveaway works for the the bot i work if you go to tier two and tier three it gives you a bunch of extra entries um as well so um i might i think i might have to change that i'm not sure i was trying to figure that out i thought it would jump that up there so anto the giveaway is there were giveaways the giveaway is we are giving away two pcs anto over on uh youtube was like hey it's a it's not a clickbait giveaway we actually are giving things away we're giving away a we're gonna give away 150 new a gift card it's giveaways plus uh the clickbait title is i'm pretty transparent about that we're doing a build i didn't say we're giving the pc away 8 pm eastern okay good to know thank you very much for letting me know that 8 p.m eastern tomorrow is another giveaway restock guys just giving a look we're at 49 left 49. 586 thank you very much guys you guys are amazing uh yeah so if you are yeah their entry for the monthly is automatic i draw the we just drew the winner yesterday for december uh for november drafts one december um we had two winners for uh sorry for october um one of them was fuji um so yeah all of his people are getting their cards there's no there's no i'm not hiding giveaways in fact a ton of people just got their uh winnings just the other day um i appreciate it yeah if you have won and gotten a gotten a a prize for me can you do a raise of your hand uh top angle is a uh it's a uh a7 mark iii so if you have gotten a gift giveaway for me uh let me know raise your hand i know there are people here definitely have so there you go burn fps has gotten one one gpos i won gpu codes but i didn't get it what how do i move up here you can just go and go from there uh each i won there you go bun bud one there we go somewhere mug z1 so you're seeing people what kind is that there you go game pass ultimate somebody won game pass ultimate you didn't get your game pass ultimate code you need to talk to i know we've given all those away hey burnt fps got an nvme so there you go oh you did oh okay he did i won 439 is that right stable fish i did get them how do we enter okay so anyway there you go there's people who've given their gotten their codes gotten their giveaways thank you very much again for all of your support guys green smoke thank you very much for the five tier one subs you guys are incredible um and oh filth pig won a uh year a month the game pass so there you go yeah people have one and going for there okay so let's get our let's get our aio installed and uh keep going thank you very much for the hype train we'll do that giveaway right now since i'm here we're stopped all widgets okay so everybody say thank you twitch everybody say thank you twitch because twitch unlocked this one giveaways custom okay so again for giveaways the way this is gonna work is i'm gonna give you a command for two minutes that command is gonna be active all you gotta do is enter once you can try twice just to make sure you do not get a confirmation if you spam you could get timed out which means you can't claim your prize so don't spam just enter once at the end of two minutes i'll tell you when the giveaway is over you do not need to enter the command anymore i just run giveaways during these short moments so during that giveaway right now the command to enter is going to be exclamation point twitch exclamation point twitch because it's twitch you unlocked it the exclamation point twitch is the entry code and starting that giveaway right now two minutes guys okay let's get our aio this is gonna get put over here for now i do need to put in our bracket for the aio i forgot about that i'm gonna install our aio bracket real quick okay let's take this out [Music] go [Music] there's that now what i need is my little posts for here there it is this is the amd bracket we'll be using later i'm gonna need these [Music] okay let's put these in there's that one and that one okay next up last two [Music] [Music] okay [Music] okay last one to put in here okay congratulations to justin justine67nl congratulations justine67nl you are the winner of the 250 gig nvme ssd that we're going to be giving away so congratulations justine or jay you no just me sorry just me sorry just me i'm trying to get the panda she pulled it before and that was my fault uh congratulations to just me just me six seven nl congratulations just me six seven and l you are the winner of the nvme ssd so congratulations just me and you will be getting that prize next month okay there we go putting these away i'm just gonna get the stuff out that i need for this now these are all the for the cio okay what we're doing right now is we're just going to get all the stuff out that we need to actually get this installed now i don't need that okay here's the stuff i need i need these four things i need these four things okay everything else goes back in the bag intel we don't need we don't need that we need this stuff we will need all the cables but that's not a big deal okay now that is done now what we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and install our aio get that in get that screwed on and we'll put it into the case so just pulling this up okay going to side camera so you guys can see we're going to do here [Music] okay getting all this stuff unscrewed so we can run it through its cable stuff okay there's that and the only other thing i want to do i want to pull this stuff this is the rgb okay then i want the asus rog one okay this is gonna get run through here it's pulling all the cables through that we need i'm trying to think of that's the only cable on this right and then there's power [Music] oh that's it okay everything else i don't need okay so let's get our aio installed the only thing i want to run right now put this down i want to run these up here and you need to stay in here there you go okay there we go now luckily these are pretty easy to [Music] install nice light [Music] okay one more right here screwing in the there you go okay aio is now in we're just going to kind of pull it finish it out get our other screws in [Music] nice easy system here there we go getting closer okay three more screws and then the i o is in like all of our fans minus the bottom fans are installed just got to get our aio mounted it's always kind of a challenge here with these particular aios but we'll get it done and we'll be good to go just because these uh way their brackets work it's not my favorite in terms of installing the i o but um we're going to keep this from swimming around there we go okay okay going back down so i want to find [Music] the bottom is how it is right okay it's like this that is our bottom right there [Music] okay [Music] okay what we're doing right now is we're installing our brackets as you can see thermal paste is pre-applied you know that comes up a lot on this question it's like what about the thermal paste it's on there okay one more bracket screw and then we got to do it on one more time at the top okay last one way you know which direction these goes because they're inverted so the screw heads go into there we go [Music] and one more okay now the last part i do i did that didn't i yep i really just i installed this upside down even though i checked it i want this like this [Music] don't i mean where's like this don't i i think i just installed this backwards looking what i'm looking for is the shield inside it tells me the direction [Music] come on yeah that is it goes like this oh wait yeah i did it backwards geez roby after all that guys i totally installed it upside down well i just wanted to practice gosh darn it [Music] rip can we get an f in the chat for that that was a fail on my part so i want to lose that screw [Music] it's like the most awkward thing to hold guys thank you very much for the thank you very much for the support guys i can't believe i checked it and i still got it backwards okay put it the right way now there we go okay that one's in let's do it again yay because everybody enjoyed that after this guys we hook up our front panel connectors we're going to quickly do our fans which are actually pretty fast in this build because our fans only need one connection per pair which is pretty cool [Music] okay there we go there we go one more now it's right i think watch me do this i've done this wrong twice okay that is correct now we have to do is we have to get one this is always the hardest part of this build um because this the way that this aio requires is that okay i might oh that might have worked okay it needs one screw to get the other screws up okay that worked as you tighten it the other screws come up there you go and then oh shoot really no really there we go let's get that other screw that just flew out pretty good where to go where'd you go where'd that other screw go need another screw oh it's way over there one of the things that's nice about having something like a magnetic screwdriver and reach long distances okay there we go now this is not there's not a lot to tighten this doesn't tighten that much okay aio is in and installed now cool okay now for cables they're very small in this one you have one for your cpu then you have your your your uh rgb and that's it not a lot of cabling like the z73 that we plugged in the one yesterday okay let's put this down a little bit okay [Music] we're gonna take our cpu fan plug it in right here [Music] okay cpu fans plugged in now what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna grab my rgb here plug this in i'm gonna do is i'm gonna tighten this like this and then shove everything else in there [Music] okay get in there thank you it's kind of being a pain in the butt okay cool there we go there we go we'll tighten this so we're going to zip tie a couple places on this just to keep it in there zip tie right up here at the top keep it clean [Music] there we go there you go that'll stay nice and clean now the first of our cables are now being hooked up okay [Music] okay pull these ones through here okay now at this point in time aio is pretty much hooked up so we're gonna go ahead and take that off not a lot to it now we're gonna flip this over put all our front panel uh get all our front panel connectors kind of plugged in and then it's basically gpu and psu and then we turn it on you just gotta but the rest of it's actually pretty easy one thing i'm going to grab real quick that i have here is we don't we are going to use it we have do we have two i think we do okay so what i'm going to do is i'm going to grab one more of these and this is going to keep us from having those big bulky other cables out [Music] so i'm in the front here i'm going to take these and these are special cables for the usb 3. plug these in and run these through here for now we don't have a big bulky thing popping out there run that [Music] makes it a little bit cleaner there we go okay so that's all clean now we can just turn over do our fans and do our front panel connections and we're getting super close on this build guys over halfway at this point okay so we've got these two things right here the easiest thing about these two things so we have to plug into is right here there's that one and this one goes right here okay let me go ahead and figure out does this have usbc i think this one definitely does right yes so there's our usbc which we should run through the top for this one okay these are not necessary so i'm gonna do real quick for the ones all these sata put this up here this is all for the fans it's all stuff we don't need to worry about right now i'm gonna run this is our front panel i'm gonna run this down to the side we're gonna run that one up it's running okay what is this okay hd audio run this down the side i'm just trying to figure out the direction i want to run some of these things now this stuff right here this is all stuff that i'm not good that we're not going to use so i'm just going to zip tie it up and this is all the sata do you wait let me verify do you need any of this hooked up the saddest stuff hooked up can you let me know on discord real quick i'm going to check discord do you need any of that hooked up um okay somebody's saying reset sub goal read super chats oh what huh i can't i what are they i need to know them can you can you tell me them text is the best okay um [Music] okay i'm just i'm just checking discord to see if he needs any sata drives okay he's seeing two okay so we're gonna take two of these we're gonna take this bottom bay and plug in so the top bay we're gonna ignore so this one we're gonna take these two there should be two here or is there just one there's just one no is there two yes there's two okay there's the two i was like there's two okay so these are gonna get hooked up and this stuff right here we're going to zip tie actually might be able to zip i'm actually going to go i should be able to zip tie this actually i'll be able to lose it so i'm going to put these these go right here so i'm gonna go ahead and hook those up and then try and zip tie the rest of this stuff up you do not get trapped in this okay so what i'm being very careful of here guys is that cables don't get intertwined as i start cable managing okay so i'm going to zip tie those here in a minute i'm just going to get all my front panels hooked up so there's that okay down here i have another pair of rgb here [Music] okay there's that so rgb okay so front panel that we have down here is we have nothing here we have these okay so we need this these are all going to be not twisted up we want these all independent push this up a little bit okay there's that front panel connectors go there those don't go there this okay now what we need is we need this this is our fan hub this is like all the stuff that you have to hook up to make all this stuff work so we're just getting it all kind of front panel hooked up and ready to go okay so this right here also going to go down to the bottom here okay there's that then we need our usb okay here's our usb [Music] okay oopsie and lastly we need rgb luckily there's an rgb down here too so we'll be able to split that and put plug both of these into this it'll be great what we want and this okay that'll split okay so this and this are gonna get plugged into this okay so this is gonna be so we need this and this down there okay that's usb this is not something i need this which is front panel okay almost our front panels are almost done oopsie you need to stay in please okay there we go and then finally we're gonna grab this right here take this out and that'll take care of this one and this is for the front panel like the little light in the front whoa okay so there we go there's all our front panels okay there's all our front panels run through okay so that's everything to hook up to the front everything else is ready and then once we get all this stuff hooked up then we can cable management connect our our cable i mean connect our connect our fans and be good to go but everything should be ready to go okay so here we go we're gonna try and hold this stuff in is flip it over and then you connect all the massive wires on the other side [Music] there's all our massive wires right there all right first one these are the two drives that he needs i'm gonna hook these up there we go there's one there's two drives are hooked up now there's our usbc there we go okay now this is our usb for our head or fan header controller i mean and we need rgb which is all the way over here unfortunately but not a big deal we'll get it plugged in and i wish it was a little closer here yeah that's another one okay whoa come on okay that goes down there there's our system fan header for that okay and then we have our hd audio it's supposed to go all the way over here come on there we go okay hd audio which goes way over here and then finally front panel connectors hard drive [Music] reset next to it power plus and minus okay there we go front panels are all hooked up okay now for this one little funky cable i'm hoping that we can make it just long enough so we don't have it popping out but they're rgb [Music] there we go okay okay good it's just sure it's just short enough [Music] okay i'm going to just to keep this looking nice i'm going to do one zip tie right down here so you want to just keep this short [Music] okay there we go [Music] there you go okay cool now you can't see that there you go all of our cables are plugged in now we can cable manage on the other side whew guys we are super close to this now now before i do this next step i'm going to go ahead and install our bottom group of fans so we can run those cables in and we'll actually have most of this stuff done okay so we're going to grab this [Music] that'll be all nine fans installed [Music] actually put this down here that's right okay put that like that click it in why is it not staying in not do something here there we go okay cool i'm gonna screw this bottom one in why is it not screaming there you go no it's right there it's like where's the other screw [Music] [Music] yeah cool those are screwed in now okay now our fans are in we can just finish our backside that sounds dirty we're gonna finish the back part of this and then put in our gpu and our psu and actually be in good shape because we have all of our everything's ready that's what pretty much with the front of this it's very close to done okay now what i can do that i have this stuff managed is this is gonna be used oh i forgot about that one one cable i didn't okay so i'm gonna tighten that up there these are going to get zip tied together so i'm going to grab my coalescion my coalescion of zip ties luckily this is nowhere near as many cables as uh nowhere near as many cables as a freaking saturday's build get all our big cables out you just want your big collection of zip ties now there's our middle group there easy this group run it all along the side here where's my small that's what i was looking for [Music] there you go [Music] [Music] [Music] what we're doing is just making sure that things stay looking clean what we want [Music] there you go okay so that's out of the way now i wish there was a way to okay cool now these i don't want to do a whole lot more yet actually this i can do this and this okay i'll just do it like a little elbow here [Music] a bigger clump here where's my bigger ones let's use my big ones okay get a couple big ones in there get this thing out of the way okay we're getting really close here okay there we go now these i want to wait until i get i got to get my fans plugged in so we're going to figure this out right now let's get this stuff kind of we got we got a lot kind of cable managed here okay so let's get these kind of cleaned up there we go here we go there you go nice and clean looking okay [Music] okay now let's get our fans hooked up figure out where these things are gonna be able to plug in at there we go there we go there we go okay now fans we just need our fans in the fan box which is there's a fan box i was like where's the fan box oh there's a fan box okay here's our fan box now we have three sets of fans here gotta figure out where these are gonna go so make these two here we go uh okay that's fine if we do it this way okay there we go there's that one now we have another set right here make these four [Music] there's four there's four uh i think i might have to do i might have to make this three [Music] there you go i don't know these are like the uh corsair right which you have to do in order okay there's three oh no one cable mister that's i'm not really worried about okay okay these are the last two this is the last set of fans and these are gonna be one we'll figure out we're going to put this on the bottom like where we're going to put this on the actually have the room right there i might put them right there okay make sure we have enough room for there we go okay let's grab our sticky oopsie touching this let's not do that there you go okay last bit of backup connections here i think we can put this right here maybe not okay one change to this we want to fix so i'm fine with this but make sure it's clean looking i'll make sure everything looks clean right okay plugging this in there we go last [Music] spinner come on [Music] there we go okay cool now we're gonna do [Music] run this little bit up here [Music] [Music] okay short shorty mcgourty one here come on go so okay making sure our cable management looks clean [Music] there you [Music] okay getting everything kind of okay so there's that one see what we got here it's kind of in a weird just getting this last little bit of come on cable management under control here okay now i can pull these out because this is all stuff i don't need this is like the power oh i need to plug that power in here in a minute okay this is all to this bottom part here so we can start scrunching this up luckily it's all kind of ready to go here we're all about the same length there we go i'm a little worried there that but if i do it like this it should be you don't want to do it too close to the there you go that leaves us all we have to do is do the power okay okay here we go then one more right here and we're done okay [Music] now i can run this last little group of cables here [Music] okay and then [Music] okay [Music] almost done guys with the cable management side of this because the other once we get to the power supplies that stuff's just cable managing itself but this part is just making sure things are together and managed and look nice and yeah that's what you want well looking managed and nice you know well probably there's some people here like why is he taking all the time to do this but you were spending this kind of money on a piece of hardware as well make it look good in the back there we go [Music] okay last little group of cables which is right here that'll be the last of the fans here and they're just they should actually already be pretty close to clumped up there in there pretty easy because they're like right here [Music] that's not for that there we go that's all i need for that one there you go looks pretty clean [Music] what do you guys think you want to clean do one more right there [Music] what do you guys think of the what do you guys think of the cable management very clean good who else takes this kind of time with their cable manager anybody else [Music] anybody else take this kind of time good okay so there's this we're gonna plug we'll actually go we'll have one of these it's gonna plug you got to figure out which one i got to plug in i think it's this one actually so we'll plug this in that's our for this drive set oops one more little dangling thing here whoopsie now we got now we can turn this over we only have a couple more things to do we gotta turn this over gotta hook this up like this one like i forgot about it but not a big deal [Music] [Music] there you go then we gotta all we gotta do is plug this in i think goes right here oh there's this that will power in a minute but this goes right here and then we'll zip tie that up but let's turn this over and get our power in i'm going to shove this whole thing in and we'll worry about it later okay so now it's extensions gpu and we'll actually have do we have a third does not have a third rgb pump fan there's a jrgb there but it's not it's not it's a it's not i need a three pin oh wait there's one right there okay cool looks like i knew there had to be another one do those later keep those under control okay so we have one more the rgb is in the wrong place it's down here it's like what there's there's gotta be more than one okay let's take this and then this goes right here right here's our rgb okay rgb is hooked up let's zip tie this two things real quick that's annoying make sure that our cables look like crap front either [Music] uh [Music] [Music] again i'm going to turn this around shove it in this little slot i'll keep it controlled okay do that one and then we're done all the little diddly little did in the [Music] dumps [Music] [Music] so [Music] so okay cool there we go now for cables okay do we got here time to get our cables done [Music] okay [Music] thank you very much for the super chat i think blondie's going to send me all these i want to say thank you to all the people who did super chats i'm going to see if blondie actually texted me then i might not have that was a lot i know she has not but thank you for all those super chats guys actually hold on wait i can get them what let me just look at the site let's see let's look thank you to the super chats one sec i'll bring them up right now let's say there's been a lot 262 subs too thank you very much for that okay super chats so thank you very much to uh love the work man good to whoever wins thank you very much love to build keep it up from zero michael dingwall thank you very much for the uh love the builds keep it up thank you for the m.2 nice boot drive for my buddy michael said um hey it happens it's been that kind of day community too dropping the show support thank you very much for the ten dollars so thank you very much for all those super chat guys even the people just sent me little messages i appreciate it and your support that is not going to do me any good okay that is a thing these are not going to do me anything okay grab that we go [Music] this is a gpu one okay let's get our this is going to be kind of interesting right because the way that this this thing works there's actually not a whole lot to this extension it goes like right here interesting that won't show a certain way this is quite the uh quite this version of wish you a merry christmas there we go there we go one more there it is [Music] there we go okay cool there we go nice simple thing there now for this one thing we are going to do different on this one is just because i want to make sure he has both power cables is we're actually going to use the psu stock cables giving us black and white [Music] to run these that is not a psu cable there we go and i have two of these [Music] push these up okay and we have one more which is in this box [Music] where's the other okay don't need that one [Music] bga there's our three vgas but another okay cool to showcase the back io oh you want to see the back i o okay yeah i can show you that here in a minute let me uh get this let me get this little thing and i'll show you guys the back i o here in a moment there's a lot of back io but we'll get there in just a second let me get this let me get this installed it's getting it's already 9 15 and we're not even we still have a lot left to do so we had to bench test this thing and so it made it a little bit different come on [Music] gosh darn it okay there we go so i'm gonna do here is run these up it'll run like that ah dude that looks like i don't know if i like that i think we might the problem is is that i don't think oh one sec let me see see what's going on here let me pull these through the back i was going to run them up but i don't want to do that actually hold i on we had these there's is there a hole up there yes there is but i don't think i can get anything through it no he can't okay well maybe i can no it's just that much too high now so one thing about the other board is that the cpu power was on the other side this board doesn't really do well with but i can bring them pretty high up they don't get shown all that much [Music] where's my there's cpu cables okay so that's done yep okay cool it takes care of that okay let's take our zip tie nobody will get that zip tie up there here we go okay cool there we go and then i'll hide that too clean again okay cool that looks clean one more right there i'll give it a pro look do this and give it group like it's grouped together there we go okay cool then we'll rip that around and it'll give a good clean look okay cool there we go looks good okay so there they go cpu cables are plugged in psu's cable plugged in now what we're gonna do technically his build is done he is not doing anything else to this but we're going to put in a 30 90 just to test it and boot it up but this is how his build is gonna get shipped because he is not uh he's gonna get his own gpu um but we're gonna go ahead and wire it for a 30 90 because that's what he's going to be installing at home so let's go ahead and put a 30 90 in it put our psu in power in and then go from there okay so and we'll run all of our psu cables out of the side here we might be able to run them down here let's see how it looks okay so we're gonna grab our 30 90 here everybody say psu time psu time oh there we go psu time or sorry gpu time my bad sorry gpu time not psu time gpu time okay gpu this is our rtx 3090 get it into the build here okay not cheap i don't know why i'm saying psu time okay there we go this is my i love this there it is right there geforce rtx this is the tough gaming 3090 okay [Applause] okay when we turn this over after i hook up the gpu i'll show you guys the uh he wants to show off the i o there we go there we go there we go okay cool okay so now what we're gonna do is let's get this installed where's my there it is it goes right here okay oh beefy boy oh this only requires two uh two connections we'll uh add a third [Music] we'll add a third for him just have it kind of in the back but this one doesn't actually require more than that cool there it is top down rtx 3090 okay there's that i just need gpu cables no one has that is not i don't know what i was looking for there we go so what i needed i need this okay cool now let's grab figure out i think we can run these down here how many of these we need i don't know if this or like maybe i think this actually might look better from the side okay yeah let's put our uh this was looking for is like where's the where's the thing [Music] is boom i think this case i think the one thing that's kind of rough is like if i were i think like using if i was going to put a 30 90 in this i'd put like the aorus or the evga i wouldn't even do the strix i do like an aorus or an evga 3090 just because they're so thick that they just take up more room i think the case kind of looks weird with um like a thinner card like this um but it'll work for you know for now um and it's i mean it's not like it's a terrible looking thing it's just saying it's like the root the case is so roomy that uh i think it almost works better with just a more roomy build i mean roomy case in roomy uh gpu there you go you know what i mean you need like a thick card which is great i mean that's what this this is what this case is for is like a thick card or for a lot of a lot of stuff to fill it up you know i mean like custom water cold or stuff like that so which is always he's always better okay there's four see that didn't work the way i hoped it would [Music] no this is gonna look i think it's going to look very good is what i don't think [Music] come on stuck on down here sorry stuck on something down here oh geez there's a lot of cables right here okay now we can show you the rear i o [Applause] okay okay now i think because everything else is done the build is done so let's show you guys the rear i o because we wanted to show that off a little bit and then we'll uh finish hooking this up and be uh we're at the very end now psu time okay so here is i wanted to show this off here's the rear i o for you you can see that there's a crap ton of rear i o here like literally just a crap ton uh basically vr ready uh what 8 9 10 11 12 13. freaking connections right there it's like basically a lot of usb right there for uh for uh his uh use and entertainment so to speak so anyway we're gonna we're gonna finish doing our psu now um we did plug in the rgb so yeah everything's ready to go that's just basically the end of the build here okay that's our cpu there's our psu i mean our psu let's grab we have one other cable to plug in our vga is down at the bottom this is our power for our fan hub this one goes in here and then let me go this way maybe not i go this way there we go okay so there's that power power cpu using let's just get our psu in which is actually mostly ready get a couple cables from it but nothing too crazy okay so we need definitely a lot of sata here we need one two three three sata right three sat okay okay [Music] there's four on here but we might use one just for these two just to be safe here this needs to get quick okay cool that's done okay there we go now let us plug in our stuff for our psu that's what we got to do should be easy peasy lemon squeezy we have left here okay here's our psu ready to go okay so we need our v we need our sata [Music] and i want two of those just to be safe there's one okay vga we want a couple like one we want two like two total here there's one and then this one will allow him to plug in we'll have one so he's set up for a 30 90. so i have vga one and a vga2 is that vga and i have one already unplugged i was like it was like that said i was like yeah i have one ready for him there we go okay there's another vga you see that'll set them up for a 30 90 any one he wants to use then we have our cpu and cpu two which are already in here so oh let's get let's grab one more sata just to be safe nobody wants to be sad if we don't have enough sata okay there we go okay there's our sata oh okay cool [Music] whoa whoa whoa whoa came undone there you go okay vg [Music] 1000 watt psu plenty of room okay grab everything out of here [Music] okay that's it psu is gonna plug we're gonna screw it in and then it's done screw it in and zip tie it all up okay get this psu in there's one screw oh man it doesn't smell like anything i think it's been aerating i think i i did i think i let it sit out too long it didn't because i i did the test at the beginning right we ended up bench testing this i think it let it sit out so it lost that smell there we go one more and then it's time to plug this all the stuff in okay psu's in now all we got to do is grab this stuff since this one's ready to go this is cpu 1 and cpu 2. these go right here come on baby okay cool [Music] there we go okay cpus are hooked up first one next up let's do vga because they're down here at the bottom then we'll do sata oopsie that out of the way vga1 here's vga1 we're going to vga vga both of these together so let's grab our second one here and we'll grab them and have them all cable managed together he can add a cable extension if he wants i think it's his second 30 90 and he gets his 30 90. there you go okay next group last we only have a little bit left all we got to do is hook up our psu 298 so we almost hit 300. okay guys so we are getting dangerously close to doing that last giveaway for the gpu i mean sorry for 150 new a gift card so we want to get that we want to get that last we want to get those last subs now's your chance if you don't it's all good so let you know we're close this is really like we're probably 15 minutes left of the stream hops and then we're gonna find somebody to raid open uh blondie's got some raid targets tonight i know we were gonna raid uh we had a pretty cool one last week and then uh we ended up having to we ended up raiding uh awesome hardware which was perfect but uh yeah try to find little streamers or little not little little isn't the right turn smaller streamers let's not say little smaller streamers to do this to to to raid and help grow so now remember if you're if you're here and you're you're watching this at the very end there's only 24 hours we've actually lost quite a few it's late though um but if you're uh for those of you who don't know if you're hanging over at twitch.tv newegg or you're over at robytech we do have the sub only giveaway that's happening this month uh it's in the month of december and that giveaway is uh we're giving away a 3060 ti a 30 70 and a 3080 to three different subs so all you got to do is sub if you're over there pop on over use your free prime subscription um and then that gives you tier one and then you're automatically in good shape to basically get any one of those prizes at some point in time so if you want to get in on that it's a great opportunity great way to do so and if you want to get extra entries if you're like man i'm greedy i really want to get i really want to win you can always give subs like a ton of people here have done today um or you can uh you can gift subs or you can uh subscribe for multiple months that gets you extra entries and then finally you can do uh uh tiered upgrade your tier and that gets you the most extra entries going to tier two or tier three so as an fyi okay this goes this way okay so now all of the drive bays are powered so he didn't want to he hasn't powered so if he wants to add more drives later they have power tie this into this last okay last thing guys last cable coming up cable last cable this is it the end it's here i mean i feel like there's one more no is there only two are only okay there's four so here we go these should be the last two that's the fan and this is the rgb for the bottom and that is it we are done okay and then just gotta make it look nice last part of this whole thing is undo all that and then skimp at the end on the last last one okay cool and there we go guys nice clean looking build very clean and and cable managed as well so it's easy to get to he's got an additional so i know you're watching this right now burn uh all you got to do is you got to add a cable extension to this right here that would get you your last cable extension you can just cut this zip tie and then you could add your third cable extension for an additional 30 90 but you're you're good for any three slot powered card there we go easy peasy lemon squeezy let's just test that the cable this is what it will look like this is what i'm talking about clean look at that look at that how is that huh how is that you barely like you barely see anything i'm just saying that looks good that looks no it's not dude it's not this but look how like like even if i took this off this looks nice it's even if i took it off it looks nice but the thing was is that it is so it looks it's so i did it that way so when you do put this on it looks that much cleaner now i should before i tighten this down and make sure that my gpus don't look freaking wacky right now because there's a very good chance it does yeah that's what i was worried about it actually doesn't look that bad how did that do that what what's that guys before we do the big reveal [Music] oopsie stay on i might wanna [Music] [Music] [Music] okay cool now cable looks okay let us close this up well put this on real quick turn this on just a few seconds i'm just going to seal this up real quick because this is now in good shape whoopsie where did i knock over oh probably knocked over that thing i've been waiting [Music] okay last screw okay and now we put it up and it weighs a bajillion pounds still but it is ready it's ready ladies and gentlemen okay here we go cam link here we go guys there's our build there it is right there ready to go [Music] okay here we go let's pop this in let's grab all our stuff see and last bit okay turning on our power and bring on our power and there it goes [Music] and boom [Music] and there you go a fully built pc what do you think looks good lights down done okay i'm gonna turn the lights down here we go [Music] oh he loves it he's let me know he loves it there you go guys that looks so good it looks so clean there you go i don't know it but it is it has only two eight pins i also understand the 30 90 founders edition actually also only has two eight pins so here you go and i'll give you guys a little bit of a so you guys can get some different angles here a little bit of a different angle for you so you guys can see a little bit more of the then you've got the you've got the rgb on the front too but yeah there's the whole build uh it's already posted here you go just sitting on the bios right now because we got it to work all before it'll pop up in just a second but yeah it has posted we already we already tested that well hopefully there it is and there's the post ready to go but yeah first built so so today i'd say that this was a very educational experience um if you guys missed the i think some people probably missed the entire stream but we uh not only did that we also actually uh we actually did a uh uh bench test to this beforehand because we had to to make sure the uh to make sure that the uh the whole thing work that to flash it so um it would work um so that's what we were doing before um so we got all that stuff done and then after that uh let's go to the side camera so you guys can get a nice other side view of it we'll get the side view of it so you guys can see it there you go [Music] there you go back it up a little bit so you can see the whole thing [Music] so yeah yeah there you go so there's some there you can see the entire build as as it is right there and good to go looks really good okay yeah the xmp right now guys it's just set to it's just set to uh it's all defaults we haven't put the os on it or anything like that yeah but we'll get that we'll get that all done now what we're gonna do is uh get ready for the uh get ready for the final bit which is uh we do that giveaway what i'm gonna pop what i'm gonna do real quick though is i'm gonna put this away and we're gonna start our giveaway in just a second [Music] there we go okay get ready for the giveaway but give me one second guys i'm gonna go grab broke off oh well we can get one of those [Music] we'll start the giveaway okay let's turn this off it's super quiet get ready for the giveaway ladies and gents i'm gonna give it you have until i start this to get this last bit if somebody wants to make it happen and get the last number of of subs but that is it i'm just letting you guys know we're super close to the [Music] giveaway there you go i unplug this or [Music] okay here we go letting it completely drain cool there we go now [Music] okay let's start the giveaway this is for the very end of the whole thing i super appreciate everybody being a part of this today thank you for all the subs as we get closer to the whole thing you guys want me to give it like three minutes i'll give it three minutes till 10. we'll give it to three minutes no the prime subs are counting everything is counting i'm watching people count so we're like i'm watching it go i'm glad you learned a lot guys i'm glad you learned a lot ten o'clock man that's a late that's a late stream but it's done and it looks great so there we go we'll give it a couple more minutes we'll give it we'll give it two more minutes guys and then we'll we'll do the giveaway next install i'm going to let windows install i'm going to start my install here okay so yeah just to go recap real quick what happened today uh basically oh and what's happening so no stream tomorrow next stream is on wednesday uh we are doing wednesday wednesday is uh is one of the uh i don't remember all the people um we have a lot of we have a lot of we have three more builds left i know aussie pete is one of them we've also got a build for um i think aussie pete is thursday so i think those are all the builds that we have this week so we got four more three more builds aussie pete uh we've got uh uh the the gift to the sun that's happening this week and then finally we have another one on wednesday they're all very different so you got a fan we got an evolvex build so that should be a lot of fun um and then uh that's it there's no stream this weekend and then there's another stream on monday that's the mod monday stream with intel and then there's one more stream on wednesday and then we're going away for the holiday break and then we have monday wednesday of the next week and then we'll wait for new year's break but well that saturday after new year's is probably when we're going to do one of those three builds we'll build a pc that we'll be giving away right on stream right afterwards so it should be absolutely awesome so we've got some really great stuff still coming up anyway guys we are going to do the giveaway it's nine well we'll give it one more minute i don't think we're going to get 60 but i super appreciate 340 subs today that's massive thank you for being so awesome and so amazing to me and my family and the team that works here so hard on making sure this is great don't forget to check out cd keys if you want a cheap windows os key uh that is there for you as well um but right now let's start the giveaway it's 10 o'clock heck of a stream here we go everybody say thank you newegg because honestly they are the ones who make a lot of this stuff happen this is a 150 new egg gift card um say everybody say thank you newegg is what we're about to do now okay so here's how the here's how the giveaway works guys i'm going to tell you the entry to get to do the code i'm going to tell you the entry to enter the game to enter the giveaway wow my mind is mush tell you the code the end of the giveaway it's going to run for three minutes you only need to enter once don't spam because if you spam and you get timed out then you won't be able to claim your prize okay you just want to enter once okay and then if you're over you got to be if you're over on twitch.tv unfortunately you got to come over to twitch.tv rubytech to enter if you're on my youtube or if you're on my twitch here you're fine okay guys starting this now it's going to go three minutes the entry code is exclamation point new egg now exclamation point new egg now that giveaway is happening right now and windows is installing guys just you guys know so there you go everything is good the the build is working look at that there's our it's gonna pop up there's windows installing so everything's good there we're all in good shape another successful build for rubytech this what i can do now is i can throw these on because i now know it all works there we go boom looks so good it does it looks so good such a great looking build just saying it looks really clean i like the way that looks okay it's restarting after its first [Music] 321 days remember this is whiter [Music] we'll have the giveaway winner in just a few seconds guys [Music] [Music] it's only christmas [Music] if updates are going and installs are still happening giveaways ending in 15 seconds guys 15 seconds [Music] that looks so good yeah it does need a sag bracket you're right there's a little bit of sag on there just now that i get to see it from here so yeah a little bit of sag but that's okay it's like it's just for uh it's not his build so he'll put another one and he can do that okay guys congratulations to see lemon sealy oh man see leo man congratulations celia man you are the winner of the 150 new a gift card congratulations my friend hope you uh enjoy spending it we'll get you that code here and uh just at the beginning of january when we hand out all the giveaways for that stuff okay guys well we're gonna do a raid we're gonna go raid somebody uh this is where we got a small streamer we got um uh we got uh middle middle ditch uh he started he started in silicon valley middle ditch apparently he started silicon valley he's got a he's playing cyberpunk so let's give him a raid and let me find him real quick [Music] m-i-d-d [Music] l-e-ditch there he is he's playing he's got 641 people oh yeah this guy okay well let's raid him uh he's a he's a famous streamer guys i mean a famous art guy so he's playing cyberpunk should be fun let's see uh let's see how it goes and uh thank you very much for hanging out and we will see you guys later bye guys congratulations
Channel: Robeytech Live
Views: 211,418
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3090 build, 5950x 3090 build, 5950x build, custom PC, gaming pc, gaming pc build 2020, how to build a computer for beginners, how to build a gaming pc, how to build a high end gaming pc 2020, how to build a pc, how to build a pc step by step, how to build a pc step by step 2020, how to build a pc step by step amd, how to build a pc step by step for beginners, o11 dynamic xl, o11 dynamic xl build, pc build, pc building, robey, robeytech, robeytech pc build, technology
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 235min 52sec (14152 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 14 2020
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