How to Build a PC - Giveaways + $2500 ANTEC DF600 FLUX Review - Ryzen 9 3900XT /2080 TI FE|Robeytech

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yes uh so uh uh huh foreign so uh um uh oh boy okay well um you guys kind of forced my hand here because if we want to unlock so remember we're gonna kick it off with the hype train hype train's going uh we have a 500 gig nvme ssd uh from western digital that's currently up for grabs but we got to get that height train twice for level five so um i see that it's we got two minutes and 47 seconds left so we'll kick off the thing now because i don't want you guys to miss that giveaway opportunity also don't forget subs get you an extra entry subs you uh for the month of september we are giving away a 30 80 to one lucky subscriber here on twitch um so if you want to get in on that and you want to get in on uh basically uh potentially doing that getting a rtx 3080 for the month of september then you want to get in on uh that sub which is one of the best ways to basically fill up that that whole thing um subs uh remember if you do a sub a tier one sub get you one entries if you do uh tier two tier three that gets you extra entries which are on sale for the month of september if you gift subs that gives you extra entries and then if you do multiple subs like if you sub for three months or six months or whatever it was that also gets you multiple entries so there is a lot going on here i want to make sure that people go in there free primes do free prime subs do count so all you have to do is use your free prime sub if you are is uh if you are uh over on youtube you can pop over to rubytech throw in your free prime sub um and then you could potentially win an rtx 3080 that we're going to be giving away uh the first week of october so if you want to get a potential 30 80 then you might want to get in and drop your sub now uh we'll go through the other giveaways that are happening because a lot of people might as well just talk about all of them if we get to 30 subs we give away a 50 and they're made in america dropping it like it's hot we get to 30 subs uh we give a we get we give away a 50 new a gift card if we get to 100 subs we give a uh sorry 60 subs we give 100 new a gift card if we get to 100 subs we give away 32 gigs of ram up to uh you're up to 150 bucks so we have a lot going in there um and we'll talk well yeah don't worry we'll talk about um we'll talk about 3080s and all that stuff here pretty pretty soon but if you want to get in on it yeah i know this this giveaway is going to be uh uh this giveaway is going to be a big one for everybody because of the absolutely train wreck that was the rtx 3080 and uh thank god for those amazing bot people um who essentially i think one guy got 47 uh nvidia rtx 3080s um so yeah some people got 30. so yeah this is the uh this is that makes me feel really good what's up anyway guys now that we're through that looks like we got level five so i didn't want to i didn't want to lose that yeah there were bots yeah uh i didn't want to lose that guys welcome to roby tech ruby tech is a show dedicated to peace harmony building tech tech news tech commiseration in this case yeah we're trying to do peace because today let's just i'm just going to take a break i'm going to rant here for a minute today has been a terrible day for getting anything now i do want to i do want to comfort you on wednesday we are starting rtx 3080 builds we do have rtx 3080s i will i have them they are coming four builds for commissions et cetera so wednesday next week we will kick off roby tech we're back to our regular streaming schedule i know some people are really angry just given the number of streams and stuff that i've had to skip because i wanted to make sure people could pre-order not that anybody could freaking do it um right but uh so but we're back we're building we're playing with the rtx 3080 in fact we're going to take the build that we built today which has a 2080 ti and then we're going to benchmark it with the 2080 ti and then the last half we'll play with the 3080 so we're going to do live benchmarking next week on wednesday so look forward to that we actually are using a we're actually using a founder's edition for that so we don't worry we do have rtx 380s we're going to be doing a lot of where i think we're doing pretty much rtx 3080 builds most of the rest of the next forever minus a single 2080 ti build for a good friend of mine's daughter who had a spare 2089 and was like whatever i don't have just founders editions i have zotacs i have evgas all that sort of stuff so we have a lot of different cards we're going to be going we're going to be going through all the different cards the thing is is the hope is is that we're actually going to start pushing the shows 30 minutes earlier if i can so that way we can get to the and sometimes trevor may show up late trey's looking to be going way uh 30 minutes earlier so that way we have time at the end to benchmark these particular cards and so we have one we should have one of every card and we'll be able to go through all of them so you guys can make you guys can make informed decisions about which uh which card you want to purchase next year when they're finally not being bought by bots um for all that sort of stuff but anyway uh my day people are asking right now they're like hey roby how was your day today my day started at 5 30 a.m i had a team of people there uh ready to purchase uh rtx 3080s um i had my you know because i have a lot of commission build so obviously i don't i can't give samples to people who do commissions like that's not okay that's against that's that would make that would make some very angry um uh samples um so anyway uh we uh we had um i was there uh we started trying to buy right at six o'clock and we um there was a team of four of us and we got none we got absolutely not a single not a single 30 80 amongst all of us it was actually due to the grace of some other people who um found like for instance we ended up like i ended up getting some zotacs off of like dutch amazon and then some people who had uh who are also like were willing to just be like hey like i ended up having to spare one and i know that you need them for commissions i'll sell them to you for retail and so that was that was pretty uh that was pretty nice so because of that we were able to fulfill all of my commission orders and stuff like that um and and so that's been pretty nice um i also tried to pre-order ps5 i did but i did potentially pre-order one yesterday on gamestop but i never got confirmation like it shows my paypal chart so today right before the show i was like you know what wow dude we're we've gotten holy crud we're at 647 you guys are crushing it right now okay guys um so anyway we uh guys we have to get through it yeah we have to i want i'll get through it um yeah we'll get yeah we'll get through we still have another one going in there yeah we're like 647 percent i think we're at like how many subs do we have already we're at 46 subs and we we just started people really want their 30 80. um so um we uh so anyway uh i went to i was like oh you know what maybe we'll kick off the stream off right so walmart 6 p.m got on right before the stream was like okay everything's all set the stream's ready to go i'm going to try and pre-order my ps5 and then trevor's like just watching me like it was in the cart checking out and again it didn't happen but sorry yeah it's like no it was it was it was there so i i want to let some people are asking are bots or people buying these and the answer is no it is bots we have like so so pc magazine pc magazine just ran a story today um from an organization that basically is able to just bypass all of the thing regardless of if it's one per household or whatever it was and was able to purchase units the majority of the units um across the board and um because of that like you myself all of us who are just trying to be regular consumers to purchase these cards were unable to get cards today i mean it was like terrible so the thing is is like i can track like for instance on my like because i i sent a lot of people out and i was uh i sent a lot of people out and like like people have the links and i can see how many people were able to purchase cards like from my links of which he was like you know 20 30 000 people were like trying to use those links nobody like not a single one like that's how fast and like how quickly this stuff now a lot of companies are actually going through and verifying that they're human buyers and stuff like that that is what nvidia and others are saying so we don't know if orders are being canceled or whatever on the back end and then they're going to continue to get stock but it was super depressing to have that company come out and basically be like yeah we are essentially just making sure that our customers can get whatever the heck they want so they can sell their stuff and make a lot of money off of off of this stuff right and so um you know and now now the funny thing is is there's now an organization whose whole job is to go on ebay and bid the 3080s that are on ebay to such ginormous prices that nobody can actually do it that they actually end up getting cancelled so there's an organization that was just basically now going up there trying to stop that like to give hate to the scalpers who are trying to secondhand these tickets so um yeah that one for 80k there are most of them are for like 10k um and the same thing is supposed to be doing that for um yeah 75 a month for that bot feels bra yeah so it's like it is um it's pretty messed up what's going on and i feel really bad because there's a lot of us who try to basically um get there's a lot of us who tried to get cards and was really disappointed like i was in there there were so many people in the ruby tech discord server who were like we're all up we're all having a good time all excited and then just servers crash and the thing that's really tough about bots is because when they're doing stuff they can do such ginormous ip traffic they're at the same time that their people are hitting it they're creating a ton of it to take down sites so they can basically make sure that they're the ones who are going and getting them that's awesome toad like that's cool that a lot of people are going in there um yes and that i and so gardy luco i do i like i have talked to them they do they have human beings who are confirming that they are human people who bought them now understand from what we're getting from retailers is that the initial stock because of covid and everything else or sorry human malware i mean not that we get cards pulled up but because of human malware um the initial stock of 3 000 series gpus was really low and so there wasn't a ton for people to go through for people to sell through so that is also potentially an issue so for them to verify it was not as big of a task as you might think it was so um uh you know you know it feels bro that was i actually had that same thought as like if for like if organizations like uh walmart target like amazon or even um um new egg like on items that they knew were super hot require a captcha before you um before you get to a purchase like maybe that might stop it because that would stop the flow um but um i i'm sure that there are very smart people at these companies because they also don't like the bad pr of stuff like this like that's the thing is that's not a good situation for them so i think like when you see companies like newegg and you see companies like nvidia who are trying very hard to do right by the customer like they're trying to think about this stuff so just done a pretty order yeah i think in the pre-order thing is like the other thing too like there was there's been huge amounts of backlash against pre-orders yeah and yeah well if you do a pre-order once you'd be able to verify before yeah but the problem was is that everybody's like saying the the like us is the as the community have been like pre-orders are bad so i think companies this time are like hey we're gonna listen to feedback and not do a pre-order and now everybody's like why did you do pre-orders so it's like a non-win situation because i think the thing was i see like like i see the the i can't think of words i i i understand like coming out against producers with like video games because you don't know what they're gonna be but yeah i think the reason that like hardware i think the reason that people don't like pre-orders is because when a pre-order is done like you know that there's no chance at launch date you're gonna get it in the case of when a pre-order doesn't happen everybody feels like there's a chance it's it's actually the same mental psychology so here you guys are going to get a psychology lesson teach us why people like battle royales and the reason that people like battle rams so i'm just gonna i'm gonna game theory you're you're talking to a game designer somebody's diving developing games for 20 years and i'm going to tell you a little bit about why people like battle royales one of the reasons that people like battle royales is because up until even the last 10 to 15 people the last five minutes of any match people feel like there's always a chance they can win and regardless of skill they always feel like there's a chance that they can win so they will stay engaged in the game and play the game longer knowing that there is always a chance in most games whether that's you name it call of duty um like non-war like call of duty halo um uh um uh what's up um what's the super fast uh um csgo yeah cs go valorant people actually know within the first three to five minutes of the match whether the game is going to go one way or the other and and aware that that breaks down is that the high high levels at esport pro levels where you actually have players who are so good they can actually turn the uh turn the tide of a match so that's like when you watch like league of legends and stuff like that where you could see stuff where it's like oh my god like you know they're coming they're doing they're doing a reverse or whatever it was but in br's like at any point in time just given the the state of how the game works and so many elements because of that people are engaged i think one of the things that exists and the reason that people don't like pre-orders is that hope is a very powerful thing and so if you don't get a pre-order your hope is almost zero because you're going to get something at launch so the hype once a period has gone away there just becomes nothing but a ton of time of angst between the pre-order and the launch and even after launch because they feel like something was unfair about the pre-orders then what what about just like staggering staggering i think they're they're going to try all sorts of things but i think that's what i think that's what's going on here yeah it's like they're yeah or what it does is like you could do something that's like hey we're going to do pre-orders and then we're also going to make sure that in-person retailers will have them on site and you cannot purchase them online or something like that there could be other things like that but um something like that might potentially be an issue um and so anyway that's i just want to give you that's why i think why you're seeing this particular like especially for the 3000 series why they didn't do uh pre-orders um and then why like for playstation stuff like they are doing pre-orders and they're trying to stagger them is that they're trying to find something that is the most friendly way to do that sort of stuff so yeah and buy it yeah summer reports you'll have a lot more xboxes out there than ps5 and i i do know yeah i think i think jw to be honest i don't know if there is a such thing as a good place to get a gpu at release i mean truth be told new eggs new eggs unlike best buy site which is still not recovered right um uh which is still not recovered um it's just on it it's just like oh yeah well like it wasn't for a while and so i did it hold on one sec um it still wasn't recovered like that like of all the ones that like did do it like that was the one that had the best like was the one that stayed up the most but the problem is is that because of things like bots or whatever it was we don't actually have a good answer to know where the best place to go where the plus place to do it is so that's where we're kind of at um yeah i'm on best buy right now yeah i mean like it's yeah so it's like it's uh so we're going from there so i haven't built the pc yet so i'm getting in there sorry guys let's go ahead and uh we're gonna go to the next tier for the giveaway and then we'll get we'll get started on the build stuff i had to i had to commiserate a little because i know a lot of people probably wanted to chat about that i know there's a lot of people who are as disappointed as i am and um as disappointed as i am in not getting a um and not being able to get a 30 80. um so i wanted to make sure i put that and zero talked about it and all that sort of stuff on best buy's website the 3080 is 30 off retail price but you know they're sold out yeah yeah yeah so they went down in terms of the price and stuff like that yeah okay okay so anyway uh we put that in there we're now going towards the next one and yeah i know it's like the whole thing is like it's like the whole thing is going in there uh 3600 with the 3070 it will work like you the thing is is that here's like here's what we're pretty sure and i think jay did a really good job of this when he talked about his video like he went and did 2080 testing and when he was doing a 2080 when they did their original benchmarks for the 2080 and they were doing with an 8700k which was the gp at the time um they were getting what they thought they didn't know how much they were being bottled like because there wasn't a better gpu or better cpu available at the time but then they re-ran their benchmarks with the i9 10900k and the 2080 and then the i9 10 100k and the 3080 and then they saw that the 2080 would actually had done better than their original benchmarks because you didn't fully understand where you were bottlenecking the problem is guys is that when you're talking about bottlenecks the bottlenecks honestly are if people who want to play at insanely fast fps right if you're playing at 60 80 120 or even 240 frames per second bottlenecking doesn't matter to you because you're not like where you're going to see bottlenecks is like you're like oh you might not get 360 fps you only might get 280 fps and that's only at 1080p because that's where the cpu can potentially bottleneck at fort at 1440p or at 4k that's where you don't see that problem because most of that starts to rely on the gpu so hopefully that answers that question and we'll go from there okay yeah i think i think people did yeah bid with like again 3600 xt is going to be completely fine you shouldn't like you shouldn't not get a card because of what your cpu is right at some point in time you upgrade and we'll probably know more of that with a 4000 and go from there so yeah that's where it is so anyway moment of peace and respite for all of us who tried to get a 30 80. for those of you who are successful congratulations for those of you who are helping me out and you know who you are i appreciate you as well for allowing me to get 30 80s that we're going to be able to use here on the show um you guys are amazing my community is amazing and it's going to be a lot of fun once we get into this and everybody starts to get their 30 80s on a pretty consistent basis um i am going to pre-order a series x but because i work for microsoft i was able to get my pre-order in obviously because i work at xbox so i will have a series x at launch so but but hopefully hopefully i'm getting a ps5 too that's what i'm working on i'd like to have both obviously we're starting game streaming the hope is this saturday but if not next saturday is when we'll start the game streaming again so we're trying to make sure that we're all set up for that if you guys have paid attention to my my redo of my room no i i don't pay attention at all yeah it's looking beautiful by the way uh the cable manager with the 3080s you guys you guys wait i i think you guys will be impressed with what we're able to do specifically with like cases like fan sets and stuff like that you don't worry the founders edition i have i do have those special cables asia horse has confirmed and an asian horse is sending me they have the new 12 pins that they're doing so i am gonna have uh asia horse who's a big obviously a big supporter of the show yeah yeah maybe i'm i'm like i'm not worried about it i'm not getting rid of it so uh there i expect 39's to go quick i don't know if as quick right again nvidia got a hiccup and because of that people were able to pick them up so i don't know i'm expecting because of things we'll learn from the 38 and hopefully the 30 90 will go smoother um you're welcome guys i'm really glad you guys appreciate it yes the i9 9900k will work within nvidia so when is have they said around when that's coming out the 30 90. let's make a review of the 30 but let's not have enough for consumers i don't that's actually not what happened at all so i need you guys to understand it has nothing to do like you have to understand like nvidia probably sent it out to maybe a thousand people there were way more than that and the majority of them were bought by people who bought them to sell them and scalp them it has nothing to do with nvidia or the companies on a or the resellers trying not to get you gains for consumers that is not a thing either if you want to be angry at people be angry at the people who are on ebay right now trying to resell the cards at ridiculous prices so you couldn't get one it is not their fault the other thing too is you can blame the human pandemic and people's stupidity if you want to do that that's the other thing that basically became an issue those are the two reasons that we are having problems it has nothing to do with nvidia or newegg or walmart or any of those guys they just try to sell you guys cards so please and it's not us either we don't have a ton of cards so it's not and the other thing too is so we're not selling the cards and we're trying to make you guys have good information that's like i literally have helped thousands of people build pcs because of the information i give them and make informed decisions we are the primary way in which you get that information and so we take that when we take that responsibility like with massive amounts of respect so please don't sit there and get angry at us we didn't cause the problem so anyway um okay um so let's get into building oh well hold on let me go through the whole thing because we actually didn't even do the for the first thing so 600 560 people here um and uh yeah let's uh let's go through so anyway guys welcome to roby tech i know we've gone on our rampage ruby tech is a show kit dedicated to pc building tech news tech deals tech commiseration and gaming as well um this is a live stream so unlike my vods which come out yeah it's a live stream i know this is a live stream unlike my vods that come out on wednesdays and fridays which we have some awesome stuff coming out this week and we just we had the we had the the aorus build yesterday um these are live they're unedited we make mistakes we learn together i learn just as much as you do when we do the builds here um so because these are live streams and i stream to both youtube and twitch i'm not just streaming to a single place so if you're watching this on youtube going who's he talking to i only see these chatters that's because i also stream to twitch and if you're on twitch going what do you mean i they don't use bots well that's because i do everything on youtube and because of that there's a bunch of different mechanisms so it gets things makes things a little bit strange but awesome community literally tens of thousands of people tens plus thousand people watch this show every time we stream which is incredible and i'm thankful for the community who makes that happen what is happening on today's show that is the question oh the bot is den oh my gosh and the stupid bot like i don't know what's up with the bot okay so uh let's talk about let's talk about what's happening on today's show today's show we are looking at the antec df600 flux um one of the things that we're doing up until the 3090 launch is basically looking at new cases and helping you guys make informed decisions as we have ryzen 4000 on the uh ryzen 4000 on the horizon as we have rtx 3000 on the horizon as we have rdna 2.0 what are the best cases for you to build in given that we have some new cases um that are coming out so we've gone through the lean lean mesh 2 we did the cl500 from deepcool and today we're going to do the new df600 from antec which has a very unique cooling solution that we'll show you a little bit later they actually sent me a video we'll show that off so you guys can see a little bit about why i'm excited about the case and then you can make your decisions in terms of aesthetics and stuff like that which which is probably a question so we're going to do that we're going to build that get that done today and show that up we're also going to be using this one for our benchmarking show next week on wednesday where we're going to take a founder's edition rtx 3080 and put that in and compare it against a founder's edition 2080 ti um and we also have a founders edition 2080. so we can do our benchmarks here live on the show and you guys can see the different games and see how things uh how things did so we'll do half the show on a 2080 ti write out a bunch of benchmarks and then we'll do the second half playing the same games if you are interested in that please let me know in the comments below what games you would like to do or follow uh hit me up on discord and let me know which games you'd like to do if you are a subscriber in the subscriber chat um giveaways we've covered all that stuff but be given that we now have as many people as we do i want to talk about those we already have unlocked the first half of a giveaway which is um if we get uh two hype trains which happen twice um they're driven by twitch and if we get to level five if we do that twice and we'll give away a 500 gig western digital nvme ssd um if we get 500 likes on the youtube channel we'll give away one year of xbox game pass ultimate which gives you a hundred games on xbox and also a hundred games on pc plus ea play now which is cool and you get to you also get to um you also get um xcloud which lets you stream xbox games to your android phone which we are doing a video on later which is which is i played it it's amazing it's freaking cool um so we'll show that off a little bit later so we're going to be doing that as well which should be awesome um and that's right then we also give we give one away we halfway through the bill we give away three months of game pass ultimate and then we do the other three months when we actually finish the build at the end we have the giveaways that are the 100 dollar new gift card and the 50 new a gift card those upgrade as we get more and more subs and then also we have the month of september for the month of september if you are a sub on twitch or if you donate subs if you do sub uh sub what are they like sub like sub for multiple months or you do tier two or tier three subs you are entered to win towards an rtx 3080 that we'll be giving away the first week of october so you want to go over to rubytech yeah free amazon prime subs work for that all that sort of stuff so that is that is the that is the intro i like to give you guys a full intro i didn't get to go through it the entire time but that is what is happening today should be super awesome where it should be a really really good show so yeah it's going in there um and yeah and then also the other thing too is that um people were talking about people were talking about what sorry check walmart check walmart oh okay we're gonna check walmart real quick hold on one sec guys we're gonna check walmart because apparently oh oh no that's that's that's the that's it says that one's not there hold on one sec guys we're just trying to see if we can get like a normal oh it says it does it has a pre-order or try this again check out we're trying to see if i can get a trying to see if i can get a playstation 5. and out of stock i literally got to the end and out of stock keep smashing that checkout button there you go like oh no no no go back okay hold on it literally was there and then i i was able to go and do it and then i'm trying to get oh i'm trying to see if i can i'm trying to see if i can get this it's still there people are saying that i can like you can actually get to the point where you're you actually get to the point where you can get this okay well i tried and it didn't work oh we're gonna try one more time yeah i mean until it kicks it out of your yeah exactly until it kicks it out of my cart it's still in there i'm just gonna keep we're we're trying to see if one thing will happen well today seems to like i'm literally in this perpetual circle of trying to um get a playstation 5 on the site nope somebody said they were actually able to like this worked yeah i think that these people are crazy yeah well i tried okay okay we tried anyway guys so that's the thing let's go ahead and go through there uh any one word on the showing uh 2080 uh 3080 yes we have the asus strix is coming out there it's a later date the same thing with the aorus i think those are the 21st is the plan for those that's what all i've heard okay um let us talk about what is in today's build i think we're running in there i uh so somebody's asking if uh if the cpus i think will be as hard to get as a gpus i don't think so i think those will actually be a little bit easier i think we need to reset maybe start this off with a dad joke oh then oh yes we haven't gotten we we have some good ones i had some good ones some good dad jokes so let's kick it off with the dad joke i just i can't i ca i'm sad that i keep not being able to get the stuff that i want as soon as i get this in my cart i'll okay there's a band called 999 megabytes they haven't had any gigs yet i like that one there's a band called 999 megabytes they haven't had any gigs yet that is that one was particularly good so there we go i'll keep trying for you you just you just continue i'll i'll try over here okay cool if you get one then just let me know i'll venmo you um okay where am i doing okay let's talk about what's in the build today oh i actually have i forgot i like have it up on the website so let's let's bring it up and we'll talk about the parts that are in today's build and go from there so let's let's refresh and uh let's start fresh and that is that is the joke of the day i think i'm i'm excited i'm i'm i i'm hoping i'm looking forward to showing you guys all these different cards and uh letting you guys make decisions about them benchmarking them and actually helping you guys make a choice so when they are on sale when they do go on sale and you are able to get them you can make them go in them where do we post them jokes uh if you go people want to know where i get the dad jokes if you go to our discord channel which we're gonna hopefully there will be a link uh showing up here pretty soon i am gonna do this one thing which is which seems to help if i sign out of here let me i'm going to sign back in this sometimes bring the bots up so hopefully this maybe fixes the bot problem um let me know mods did that fix the bot problem if it did let me know i'm hoping that it did because if it sometimes it does um there you're gonna get a link you're gonna get a link to the you're gonna get a link to uh the discord channel and that's where you can go drop the dad jokes going from there oh no we're not asking about the dad jokes oh no oh the clock i'll turn the clock back on there we go let's get the clock back on only okay clock is back no the back of the clock's back up blocks back up okay yeah yeah so there we go i've seen a bunch of those yeah the ones going in there okay so let's talk about what is in the build for tonight um remember and we'll talk about the kit we'll talk about the case first hopefully this is why is this not showing up oh i must not be let's not be mixing this no man this is like this whole thing is like it's being wonky my air service hold stopped set guys i'm just bringing my error server back up spend the day already there we go okay here we go now we can walk through what is going on for the build i finally took it out of my cart oh yeah here we go so here's what's in the build for today which is awesome so uh let's talk about the case first because this is the uh this is the this is the whole point here which we always like to do and this is the antec df600 flux now i'm going to show you guys this video because i think one of the things that we've heard and that people were pretty quick on when they talked about this particular case is that um just the overall like how probably inexpensive it looks and it is like it's only a 70 it's like 69 retail for the case um so it's not it's not like the most expensive case in the world um but i am impressed i will say this i'm impressed with how how much is in this case i'm going to turn up the brightness a little bit so you guys can see the case a little bit better um so i'm impressed with how much is included in this case given uh given its price point so here it is all in all i think one of the things that i think the community reacts to pretty quickly is that this like plastic on the front um which is you know it's like you know it's one of those things that's like it you know i it kind of feels like hey you know 2005 called and we kind of want our case back um but the thing that's crazy about it is that there is probably there's a ton of room behind this thing for airflow which is one of the things that's been one of like one of the things that i immediately thought of is like hey what's airflow gonna be like thank they i wanna let you guys know if you look here let's look at the side camera um if you look at the side camera here and i show you this like you can see just how much room you actually have here to actually pull in air and it's like it's good it's a good quarter three quarters of an inch that it can pull in through here and then the other thing too is that and i'll pop this open is that um there is no the holes which is one of the things that people have talked about is like they're using mesh too as a dust filter has been really restrictive for airflow but on this particular case on this particular case you can actually see that the holes are really big so that those holes are not going to reduce airflow uh when it comes to basically pulling air through so this should be a very high air it's designed to be a budget high airflow case is really what it's supposed to be judging it to be um the price is 69 there is a dust filter at the front but it's actually really wide mesh it does come installed it comes with four stand four fans built in at the beginning uh four fans uh three of them are rgb um and then the other thing that's crazy which is uh the other thing i want to kind of show off here is uh this part as well um which uh you know some some people are looking at is that also comes with a built-in uh fan header which is which is actually this in and of itself is one of those things that a lot of people talk about so this is actually got a six fan hub built in fan is it six yeah six six hub fan plus rgb so it's got three addressable uh addressable rgb header and fan header so for price so which is pretty which is actually pretty crazy given the overall cost yeah and so this is the the 600 flux now what's your question right i always try to interrupt you when you're talking no it's my favorite thing but the rgb header do you just have to do the rgb out to the motherboard yeah so all there is is like there'll be one and it's one three pin addressable which is like most which most now modern day x570 b550 boards have so there you can hook a bunch of addressable rgb whether that's strips etc and then you'll plug it to this and then and then just one one yeah yep yes which is pretty cool so um this was like probably the thing i was most stoked about is like i've been a huge fan of fantax um we with a huge uh fan of fantax who always includes like a fan header but this is both a fan hub and an rgb hub which is pretty nuts and then the other two showing you um here on the side when you look at the side camera the other thing that i really like about this is if you look at the size of room you end up with like about an almost three quarters of an inch of space here i'm trying to see if i can get in a way that you guys can see almost three quarters of an inch of space here in terms of doing cable management which is another pretty cool thing so um you know for all of the things that we might you know all the things we we kind of we kind of spit on this in terms of just the the front panel um i guess aesthetic look for the most part this case has a lot of really great things going for it now the last thing i want to show you before we go into this real quick is they actually provided me a video that i wanted to show off and i i i don't have a better way to do this and this is not a commercial this is this is a review i wasn't paid to show you this that i want to be super clear but they just did a better job in terms of showing this so let me show you this video real quick um that kind of shows you why i'm pretty stoked about this case and then we'll go from there so i'm going to add this video um and then show it off and then that that's it that's all that's all it's just one little video so i'm going to add a new source i'm going to call this df600 and the source now hold on one sec browse downloads downloads here it is okay here it is check this out [Music] [Music] sorry about that guys i should have i didn't i i didn't i forgot to set the audio i forgot to set the audio for the video sooner my bad i didn't mean to blow i didn't mean to blow your eardrums out i'm really sorry about that uh anyway i just want to show you so the thing is is that they've actually got in the case so let's get this off real quick inside of this they actually have built in a chamber system very similar to i mean the closest example i can think of is the um is uh the mac the mac pro that twenty thousand fifty thousand dollar pc so what it has is they basically built a cpu chamber and a gpu chamber we can stick a single fan here and this is gonna be super interesting giving the 3080 which is why i want to test it with this is that this actually has a fan that blows directly up and so all of your air is carried through and then through the exhaust which is going to be pretty nuts so we are going to put all the fans in this set this up in the way that they have to set up the flux is the name of their their cooling system and then see what it actually does for chamber so i mean does for temperatures so pretty cool thing gonna check that out should be neat i am super sorry about the audio volume guys i apologize so anyway that is the case 69 of course it's sold out because the bots bought that too just kidding they didn't buy this uh 69 bucks um only thing that i would knock is obviously this really just the front is just super cheapy looking the other thing i thought was super interesting is they were like hey another thing is they give you dust covers for like your usb things there so oh here i'll go to top down you guys can see those a little bit better but you can see it also comes with dust covers i don't know if like that's a big thing if that's something you care about but hey you got you got some dust covers for your usb and your audio ports so pretty cool um and then again the other thing that's nice about the rgb is that it actually has an rgb controller as well so we're building it it looks like it's pretty easy to build in lots of room in the drive tray which you like lots of room down at the bottom which is cool um lots of little you know it should be fairly easy to build in i just wish that this wasn't a thing so and we're going to be replacing all the fans with the they sent us they sent me these uh prism 120 argbs they sent me a kit to basically use all of these so we'll throw all of these in here as well so that's that's the case that's what we're going to be building in today should be fun i'm going to pull off this front panel real quick there we go whoa that pops off ridiculously easy yeah like here's it i mean like here let me put this back that's like light there we go those liam lee fans would look really good on this but yeah here's that like you can see it's like just yeah it's very plasticky crap yeah and the only thing that's pretty crazy about this about that stuff is just how easily this scratches so yeah yeah a saw yeah salsa i mean all in all like it would be cool and i wish maybe i'm hoping what like maybe if this is popular this is popular for them i think this is actually the other fan this is like it actually comes with sorry guys it actually includes four uh five fans this is the fifth fan it does come with a fifth fan so it actually comes with the fan so you can use the flux system right out of the box so which is pretty neat okay so that is the that's the case i wanted to make sure i did a deep dive on the case you guys can look at look look and know what we're reviewing i it was interesting enough that i like i'd never done something the antec but really it was because of their cooling system something that was like hey i want to check it out and we want to build that for our viewers so let's talk about the other parts that are going in here um using one of my favorite boards we've done a lot of orris boards i thought it'd be fun so we're going to use the uh b550 msi tomahawk for this build um i'm okay with using this for a 3080 because again pcie gen 4 will be on the top slot and then it'll also be on the uh it'll be on the top slot of the by 16 and it'll also be on the top m.2 slot so you're good there in terms of having pcie gen 4 for the 3080 and then if we wanted to throw like a pcie gen 4 m.2 drive we're good for that as well so this is the board we're going to use should be pretty awesome and should be more than enough power um for the let's see what else we got oh for gpu uh like i said i talked to you guys a little bit about this before but we're gonna be using the geforce rtx 2080 ti uh the 2080 ti uh is the uh the uh obviously currently the currently big boss um of the until today right so it's like it'll be fun we're this we're gonna be benchmarking this next week and then we'll throw in a 3080 router's edition and test with that so that's what we're going to be using in here which should be cool um let's see for power this is another antec thing i am going to replace this before we get to before we get to next week though is that i wanted to put this in there because i've never used an in-tech but we need 750 watts for a 3080 this is the neo uh eco gold actually can you go get me that nzxt one in the other room we're actually we were gonna i was gonna put this one here but given we're gonna be doing this we're going to be using the 850 watt we're going to need 850 watts we're going to use that nzxt one again and throw the nzxt one in here um just because we need it for this but this is what we were going to use is the neo echo gold zen antec did use this we'll find this in a different build but given we're gonna put a 3080 in this later we need to go to a more powerful psu um for cpu for cpu we're going to use the ryzen 9 3900x so here's our ryzen 9 3900x uh this is the um the uh 12 core 24 thread 3.8 gigahertz should be more than enough power for both the 2080 ti and the 3080 um so we're going to be using that here that's what we're gonna use yeah perfect and then for our power supply like i talked about we're gonna use the that nzxt c850 instead of that 700 watt just given that we need to make sure we have enough power we're gonna be using the ryzen 9 that should be perfectly fine for that uh for ram we're going to be using the tried royal z rgb 3200 megahertz i actually have a 3600 megahertz kit in the other room we're just going to use 3200 megahertz 32 gigs it's gonna look perfectly fine and we're gonna be good there so that's good and then finally for our m.2 drive we're using the uh uh we're using a pcie gen 3 because we're going to stick this in the in the second slot we're going to save that top fourth slot because we're going to play around with it with a pcie gen 4. there's going to be a surprise next week so you're going to want to tune in next week because we're going to have something super awesome for that um you have to find out what's the secret the secret so next week we're going to we're going to fill that with something else uh coming up on on the uh on that wednesday so it should be should be fun so we're going to use this for our os drive it's got an os on it and everything already and then we have some other fun stuff for that i think that is everything you don't have to tell them i am not going to tell you because you're loosely loose lip sync ships buddy loose lip sync shifts and then of course i tried chat we're using those and uh we're using the uh asia horse cable extensions i'm hoping by next week we will have the 12 pin for the founders edition i've asked them to get it to me they're working on it so we should hopefully have the 12-pin so we can show these off for asia horse's new stuff so these are the cable extensions we're going to be using that is the that is the build uh all that stuff if you want to check those out um you can look down youtube if you look down in the description below all the stuff is listed there apparently the bot i don't know what's going on like i don't know if streamlines if streamlabs is just having issues with bots or whatever the heck is going on but yeah we've just been having lots of issues with the bot since last week i keep trying to reset it and get it to work and it just stops working so have you emailed the bot is only down on twitch so yeah i don't know what's going on there i'm moving so high i so hard to cancel my wow sub but kept keep robbie sub thank you very much mister that's awesome that is only down on twitch i don't know why that's terrible i don't know why fix it come on street stream i know you're here watching our stream we need streamlabs we need some good news okay uh folks are asking okay so now we're getting ready to get started we're gonna start the build here in just a second people are asking about the giveaways you'll know when to enter the giveaways guys i i hope like it's not hard when they're active you'll know so outside of that and most of them are at the end of the stream so you have a ways if you're going to want to hang out and do that stuff you'll know when they're here and and i i don't even know what i'm telling there i know i don't even know yeah it's a knowledge giveaway thank you tag uh tag him um i will tell you this we're gonna start the build can we get that one last sub so we can go to the next i don't want to have to worry about that let's get one sub one sub what did he say i agree no offense what did he what did he say let me said i agree no offense sorry i have like 30 seconds just reminder for anyone asking give me a stream please don't ask for spam okay there you go thank you i'm gonna start the build this is gonna not be a four hour stream there we go 60. okay let's let's let's clear this and go from there okay you guys gonna time me you guys ready it's seven o'clock we will be done with the build i'm gonna rush we're gonna we're gonna see how fast i don't believe you okay uh maybe i don't want to rush i want to teach people though okay so here we go we're going to the we're going to go to the this is for the 32 gigabytes ram kit reverse psychology oh my gosh 60 09 20 20 20. i like how people are like can you can you hurry like i thought this point was to watch and have the fun with the like with the builder like maybe is that not it maybe when we get the new stream maybe when we head up the new street and i can do that oh is that what it is yeah and then you can focus on this and i'll yell at you from a like a corner desk or something there we go we're okay so now we're guys we've unlocked the 50 we're now at the hundred dollar new gift card if we get to 100 subs then we'll give away a 32 gig bit kit of ram worth to up to 150 and so and understand these don't stack anyway it's time it's time it's time who's ready okay everybody stand up everybody stand up there's 800 of you right now stand up let's soak in the build vibes coming you can see tech jesus over here we got the we got the canadian hardware canucks coming down from the north bringing in that air to wash away all of the smoke that's currently here we're doing some like yeah i don't know what's going on like i just like i'm trying to change it up we're gonna go all the tech jesus is looking over us steve he's basically making sure we go so we are good to go we're ready to go this is gonna be a lot of fun let's get started ladies and gentlemen let's grab our board and let's start building what what's going what's going on i tapped the camera tap tap it in tap it in what the heck yeah no guys it's just we're just having fun it's not like if you guys if you don't know like gamers nexus his nickname is is is tech jesus because he looks like tech jesus so anyway we're going in there having them going from there so that's where that that came from tech jesus is just it's a it's a nickname we're not really trying to start a cult over here if you think that's what's happening you're here you're severely concerned you have nothing to worry about there's no cult starting here um do you think okay well i i do think that because we're not really trying to start a colt we don't want to start a call okay we got some oh we only need one of these so we're good there everything else i don't need anything else inside of this box we're gonna be taking this pc apart eventually so this one is not gonna get to store like i normally do oh there we go some other hey the direwolf dropping five thank you very much for those subs guys okay so whoa now um i'm gonna do a quick tour i'll do a quick tour because i always like to do tours how many people are new for the channel i'm just curious how many new folks do we have i saw one person i saw one person at the beginning who said hey i'm new i want to like i like who's who's new to the you're not new oh you're not new who's new okay i'm not no me i'm new me okay cool so we have some new folks welcome to the show or on the show remember guys every wednesday thursday friday starting at six o'clock unless uh unless you guys make me angry and then i just cry okay so let's walk you guys to a quick tour of the b550 motherboard versus the next 570 because i get this question a lot let me just tell you right now i'm gonna walk through the walk through the uh walk through the motherboard and then i'll tell you the difference between x570 and a b550 this is a b550 motherboard this is compatible with amd's ryzen 3000 4000 series when it comes out um and so that's what this was this is just this is the newest platform for amd this right here in the center is your socket this is your am4 socket they've been using this for a while this is we're going to stick in our cpu up here at the top and the bottom these are actually the brackets that you use like we're going to be using our rates prism cooler in some cases for aios like for instance the corsair h100i platinum you would have used that for your basically or your uh for this as well in the top left up here this is your eps power connector sometimes you see more than one of these this is what gives your cpu and your vrm power this is what basically powers up your cpu and it's dedicated in this case sometimes you'll see a second one it'll either a four pin or an eight pin that's what's called high like like high end cooling or liquid cooling l in cooling something yet most the cases you do not need every once in a while some motherboards require both to be plugged in even we only have an eight pin we don't have to worry about that up here these are fan headers right here these two these are fan headers these are where we're gonna plug in our fans this right here is an addressable rgb header this is actually where we're going to be plugging in we're gonna be plugging in the uh the uh rgb header that we found on our uh case which is pretty rad uh right over here on the right which you can't see because of my picture right over here on the right right here these are also fan headers we got two so we actually have one two three four uh let's zoom all the way out see you guys this is ooh actually you know it's funny i didn't know how many this actually has we have one two we have three okay one two three four five six fan headers which is actually pretty awesome okay so continuing our tour over here on the right this is your cpu power connector or your atx power connector this is what powers your motherboard this right here is usbc uh or usb 3.2 gen 2 not gen 2x2 but gen2 these are your uh your memory slots you've got two they're in dual channel configurations this is the pairs are from left to right so this is one pair this is two pairs so you have to have one slot in each one dim in each slot each pair in order to activate dual channels so you never want to stick ram next to each other that's basically the short of it unless you have all four all four that you're going to fill in uh this right here is your chipset this is your b550 chipset so that's where it sits this is the thing that basically does all the stuff for your motherboard right here this is your sata connectors we've got six of them on this motherboard which is pretty awesome oh there's a seventh header under the vrm oh there is he's right there's seven headers seven headers seven ways to hit oh wait no seven minutes oh never mind that's all right no no okay uh bottom over here this is actually uh your front panel connector yes front panel connectors um this is your usb 3.2 you've got two usb 2.0s um you've also got do you have a tpm no you have an hd audio right here uh you have two m.2 slots you've got one by 16 pcie one by eight and then two by one pcie uh connect uh slots themselves um one of the differences and people ask hey what's the difference between x570 and b550 and there's three kind of key ones one the only the first by 16 slot is actually pcie gen 4 which is fine uh for 3080 30 70 uh a certain x 5600 or 5700 xt cards um the thing is is that for a 30 90 it would work but if you wanted to do sli you could not do sli with pci hn4 and a b550 because you need both of these to be pcie gen 4. the only also the only the first m.2 slot is pcie gen lightning gen 4 in this case the second one is actually pcie gen 3. and then the second thing too is the last thing is is that the chipset itself is not actively cooled on x570 you need to be actively cooled i don't think there is one that doesn't need active cooling um so there's usually a fan or whatever it was so those are kind of the main differences between b550 and x570 hopefully that was helpful hopefully you learned something if you did then we can retire i built the pc now we're done that's what you get with a speed one you guys just want me to be done early fine i'm done i'm going home i'm gonna go do my own thing and you guys can just hang out and play your video games and all that sort of stuff so have you ever done a build with uh sli i have yes i have i have done a build with this on oh this people were like no no leave no i have not i have not done it on stream okay so here we go uh ryzen uh 37 ryzen 3900x let's start installing our cpu we're gonna zoom in on this real quick we'll be pretty quick i'm just trying to go quick main reason is that i am very tired because we have not i have not slept much at all i didn't even sleep very well yeah i stayed up playing a video game too late i have about the same yeah as you've got you guys yeah i haven't i haven't got to stay up late and all that sort of stuff so it's just one of those things that's like you know you want to you want to make sure that i i want to i definitely want to get some rest and uh that's going to be important but we'll go from there okay so let's get our let's get our let's get our cpu in um so this is your ryzen this is your ryzen cpu chip you want to kind of again we want to be careful trying to touch on the side you don't want to touch it on the top um you know the thing is this is called the ihs when you put this in you basically want to have it sideways and when you have when you want to have it sideways unlike intel which is uh like uh uh horizontal uh ryzen is actually vertically um vertical in terms of how you plug it in so what we're gonna do is we're gonna we're gonna go like this and then you're basically just gonna set oh crap you're gonna sit this down you don't wanna oh did i oh i bent pins oh guys it bit pins on this thing so you don't you don't wanna bend pins so you don't wanna slam it into that like you don't wanna slam this you don't wanna do that like that's not a good idea that's pretty hard on the cpu actually um and you don't want to like you don't want to like let's see if i'm going to see if i can bend bend them back there let's let's let's bend it back i'm trying i'm trying to see if i can get him i think i think i get them bent back in there i think it's gonna no i guess not so yeah you should i'm calling guys i think i can get it bent back like oh no that's worse i saw something stuck in there is there something hold on let me let me see if there's probably something stuck in here let me see if i can like let me let me see if that if that'll do it i don't i don't i don't think this is working let's see ah man i have a pc before i think someone's got oh is there hair in it hold on let me there's probably hair in this thing hold on let me maybe if i get some hair out of it like that'll this will does that is i think my beard is actually pretty strong so you could probably clear it out with doing that yeah you have two oh my god yeah people like people are used to this before you have people say please don't do the fake gpu thing again oh dude they're so done with it i'm sorry okay i won't do it for a while i won't do it for a while i promise this is not this is a broken cpu guys we had it this is my prop cpu i just can't i can't they just can't i just can't not do it i like playing i was going to tell you before and people are like please don't do the fake gp cpu again okay so let's go ahead and put the real one in now so since you guys going from there i'll put the real one in no one's allergic to peanut butter right no yeah yeah nobody's allergic to peanut butter we'll actually put the real we'll do peanut butter one time yeah we'll spread it with peanut butter and like use it as like coming um so anyway we're gonna go and put that in there this is the real one this is a ryzen 9 3900x we got it in there uh you just want to set it and wiggle a little bit make sure it's good and then pop it on down so some people are people haven't seen that so yeah i know that's the thing is like every time like we we still have so many new people so like every time i do it like some people are like genuinely like panic like what kind of tech channel i thought you grabbed the the new one and you accidentally oh and then i was like yeah and then you were like you're like oh no no i oh it was all on purpose it was on purpose okay let's get our ram in here the board is fine guys it didn't i didn't bang the board all i did was bang it on that little that little edge where's my you got me twice with this i'm super salty okay here we go let's get our let's get our all bought by a bot yeah they were a lot of them were bought by bots some people did get them okay let's throw our ram in here real quick and i promise i won't mate the ram we've done the ram mating for a while we won't mate the m.2 like so i need i need to hold off i need to find other jokes or i need to find other jokes i was surprised that that's okay for you to do what to mate ram yeah i mean just like you're not afraid that you're gonna break it no i yeah i'm not okay so guys there's a little slot right here in the here there's a little slot in here that is like uh lines up with the little slot right here you want to just basically stick it in like so and then you want to push it in and you get a nice click like that's how you know it's it's uh nice and good so and because we're putting all four of these in it's really straightforward there okay so there we go there's that in no giveaway we need 500 likes on youtube yeah 500 likes on youtube or uh when we uh when we do the second we do the second um that won't be until like nine o'clock though yeah yeah until nine yeah we gotta go until at least nine but the question that people are having is like can i have the pc built by the time we get to the second hype train that's the oh i don't know can you shush okay okay there we go that's all in there's our ram so we stuck that all in there it's pretty straight forward from there should be good to go good to go good to go ram who's having a good time the ram is ram's having a good time i'm gonna self-promote don't you worry oh man i'm trying to see we have other ones 300. um okay oh yeah okay i had a salesman try to sell me a coffin the other day i told him it was the last thing i need that was a good one okay oh man i'm not reading that one that was it's funny but i want to read like it's funny but i don't i don't know if it's appropriate so i don't i won't go for that one i wonder if i've ever stopped you before oh and oh whatever i still like the other one that still was my favorite from uh last time was like what was the difference oh yeah chicken yeah chicken caesar salad yeah i love that chicken caesar salad the other one that was super good was the uh what's the difference between snow men and snow women snow balls snow balls he's like trying to control him he's like ah that's not gonna happen that's i've tried yeah he's tried it's not it doesn't work okay here we go let's go and get our m.2 in here real quick 4080s do not exist uh oh they do i was oh i wasn't supposed to say anything you cannot pre-order right now on new way you cannot pre-order a uh you cannot pre-order uh 48. 48 on newegg right now that is not a thing i promise you cannot go download ram from newegg right now okay here we go getting our lightning m.2 in here okay there we go oh no i didn't want to put there never mind sorry i didn't pay attention to my own didn't listen to my own instructions ruby trey control me tut i tried that once i don't remember no there's a there's a whole it didn't import subreddit just about dad jokes oh oh really oh dad jokes subreddit i love i i'm gonna say i appreciate all the people on discord who go and put the good dad jokes up on discord so those are i am very appreciative of you they make me laugh and i'm grateful for that so continue to do so if you find a dad joke that you really like uh jump on our discord and pop on down there and uh put your favorite dad joke in there and and i might read it off on the show so yeah nice yeah we got oh nice amount of subs wow okay some people some people's minds in the dunner in the gutter i don't know about that one are you reading you're trying to find good dad jokes yeah so you're supposed to dylan ran from the verge that's right by the way i saw a video that said he was back like there was somebody who like said the verge guy was back so i don't know what happened there i i need to go find out what that video said oops there at least it wasn't like something important oh yeah i know it was just so the person who stole my spectacles i will find you i have contacts that's pretty good i like that one because the other one was like yeah the the the powerpoint one is pretty good or the word if you personally stole my office i will find you you have my word some people's minds you're one asking trade to control you oh my get a safe word wow that is that was that like took a dark turn okay uh where's my tiny screw i've seen my big screw i took out tiny screws oh they're there oh there's a tiny screw okay so here we go right here uh when we install our m.2 there's a little slot in the pcb pcb stands for printed circuit board you want to take that little slot and pop it in here just like so there you go we're going to take this little tennis screw cover it up and there we go someone said verge guy is back and is calling everyone angry gaming gamer nerds because he has a piece a better effing pc than all of them well really i don't know is that really true because that would be that would be epic i was like like that that's awesome in so many levels that that guy is so angry now that he's like going he's like going on the attack i know so i know several jokes in sign language i guarantee you no one has ever heard them before oh that's that's wow wow that's pretty good though i need to get you telling bernie i need to get some long ones i like those why is this is this like supposed to go in here and i'm like trying to see if that will there we go okay he's drinking he's drinking a gatorade knock knock oh by the way i didn't die i'm not in travis middleton i can see you yeah i do not ignore facebook there's just not a lot of facebook chatter you have to understand there's there's there are 989 people of which only four of them are on facebook so we don't we don't they actually don't pop up all that much so i it's not that i'm ignoring you it's just you don't you don't go that much i do not ignore any i try not to ignore all i ignore i actually ignore all channels equally yes yes he does that actually i would actually say that most channels i ignore because i don't get to see a lot of the things oh yeah that i have heard that joke before too dad did you get your hair cut no i got all my yeah i got no i got them all cut yeah okay there we go that is in okay i was just making sure that looked good i did peel that didn't i did i peel that i don't remember yes i did no i don't remember i'm gonna check yeah it looks it's sticking so i think i did yeah i peeled it okay that was there was there was definitely appealing what did the pickles say to the other pickle when they fell out of the jar and onto the floor what just deal with it just deal with it good one i enjoy snacks so do i how do i there was one like that that i remember reading that i thought oh yeah that's what it was bigfoot is often confused with sasquatch yet he never complains i like that one every morning after waking up the first thing i do is make my bed tomorrow i'm returning this piece of junk to ikea that's pretty good okay uh last thing we're gonna do is we're going to install our wraith prism cooler but before we do that guys we do have a special treat for you today that's right we get a bob rossit today bob ross in time everybody loves bob ross i'm gonna paint some happy little trees and we're gonna paint some happy little we're gonna paint some happy little times here so we're gonna get this down zoom in a little bit what's your question travis and uh i'll i'll relay it there we go put a little bit of put our little doll up on here there we go okay here we go preparing i'm prepared get your fingers right okay you got it one of the things we're going to do our finger exercises finger exercises you wanna make sure you have eye and then it looks like in italy bumblebee bumblebee bumblebee bumblebee bumblebee bumblebee bumblebee bumblebee whoa [Laughter] trying to do these guys they're not free okay here we go enhanced enhanced okay uh let's uh here we'll do this we'll do this so you guys can see it a little bit better um luckily i have all of the control of all the lights so we'll turn when that light connects it's coming it's coming it's going to turn on oh there it is okay here we go so we'll turn down the light a little bit on the top so you guys can see there we go now you see the painting a little bit better there we go okay here we go we're using cremit ii by the way the crimiq criminique um there you go it was actually uh we're going to start painting here that one's funny now uh what i like to call this is like it's called uh the snowstorm that's the uh that's the masterpiece i'm working on right there so you want to make it look like it's called ryzen is a ryzen in a blizzard how have you ever built in a uh a data x pg case or battle cruiser if yes thoughts on the case so actually it's funny you would ask that adata is sending me one and with their fans and all that stuff and uh so i should be ha i should have an episode of that very soon i have not built in it but we are literally they reached out to me last night to get one set up so we are going to be building in that case here very soon so travis for your answer not yet no thoughts it's coming yeah there you go there we go uh tsunami with certain rgb uh programs like i know you can with aorus was he asking can you sync music to rgb in the ram uh i i yes i do know yes you are right i know that iq just added it because of their light pillars i think they're not i think it's not just i ha i don't know off the top of my head i've actually never tried i just know of horse because i was playing around with it okay even though not all my fans work and i don't know why darn you thermaltake there we go it's always fun when you know you have one company that's like yeah we're compatible with aorus and all this other stuff and then you go to aorus website and they're not listed as being compatible and then you go to the forum they're like we're not compatible with thermaltake that's weird okay they said they're compatible but they're not okay there we go it's all oh i should probably put that back on the screen sorry guys just want to make sure that it looks really like it's nice covered we want to make it nice and even someone said you missed the spot it's it's good enough for it it's good enough for there we go here we go i've asked this before uh but it's better to put it all over the cpu than just a little like yeah because you get an even spread which means across the entire ahs you're getting an even amount it's like it's just it is better to spread it if you can that's why like when you look at coolers like aios they're always evenly spread this is like the the same thing versus going like versus just doing it the other way it's not going to be a big difference but if you can and you want to take the time and you have the tools then you might as well do it you can use things like credit cards uh three by five postcards there's all sorts of things that you can use credit cards okay yeah if you want to get thermal paste all over them like that's up to you right what is the fin you're using um it actually came with um this fin actually came with the uh you haven't bought any of the pencils i needed yeah i saw i actually saw it on instagram the thermaltake stencil so this this actually came with the optimus my optimus water coolers and so i have a couple of these and those are what i use to do my my spreading my spreading of the thermal paste thermal paste spread okay here we go okay we got our got our and don't worry this one is a used we've used this one before so that's why i'm just sticking on here there there is no thermal paste on it so don't panic just you're like wait you're gonna ruin it it's just thermal paste all over that beautiful pad you have today i will be talking about the makita 18v cordless half inch hammer drive you know the drill nice there we go okay here we go we got we got that out we're good there okay let's put this away and okay okay that's all out and good so one of things i'm doing uh just to give you guys a just to answer a question is like hey why am i using the i'm using the usb versus the addressable rgb honestly for the race prism cooler i've had a ton of issues with the addressable rgb even though it has an addressable rgb header um so i'm just going to use the usb because it seems to do a better job in terms of controlling the coloration on this uh the the color the software that you use for this is actually developed by cooler master so if you are wondering like hey what software do i use to change the colors on the wraith prism pro you actually use um you actually use um cooler masters and so this should be the cpu fan is right here okay we're just connecting our cpu fan real quick do you plan on collaborating with any other tech youtubers in the future yes we are we definitely for sure guys you have to understand is like is big i am i am not as big i'm not that big yet so it's just like even i reach out to them and i try and like i've met some of them i've met jay once at pax and i've met i know like we've done things with luke la friend yen la for yay from linus tech tips but we like we're not i'm only 70 000 subs right like it hasn't like oh 72 000 sorry and it's not to say that growth hasn't been great and fast but it's just like it's still comparatively to those guys it's fresh in there yeah exactly just take some time so i'd love to i've asked to gosh darn it 329 likes on youtube we need to get to 500 for that giveaway okay trinity there you go that's what the problem was like locked in so we'll get there yes i'd love to do some collaborations and i i keep asking to and at some point in time i'm sure it'll happen i just got to keep growing and keep focusing keep keep on keeping on you know what i'm saying there we go so we've got this locked in we're just going to do this like all this there's this little tension once you have them on both of these little lats so there's these little latches on the side here and we'll zoom in and that's what actually these are attaching to these little latches there's one on this side and there's another one on this side and then once you actually have those latches in all you're going to do is there's this little tension arm and you're just going to pull it down like that and then that will lock the um the cooler in place and then so now our cooler is ready our m.2 our motherboard is ready now we can put everything inside of our case so that's i just want to make sure i show that stuff i try to keep you guys learning edu keeping you guys educated since 2020 2019 that's right we're coming up on one year one year is next month oh how often do you recommend cleaning your pc components honestly uh it depends on how dusty um you should try at least at least your fan stuff you should probably clean if you see notice dust blockages and stuff like that you should try and just pay attention to them and clean them as often as you can to keep that the airflow going but if i mean you shouldn't have to blow out your pc probably but maybe once a year would you ever make a video on how to clean your pc yeah we're probably going to do stuff like that we do by the way the video we have coming out we have two videos coming out next week one is on how to use xbox game pass ultimate and on streaming and stuff like that but the other one that we're adding is we're also doing one on how to install windows so we have that one that's been been requested for a long time okay so what we're gonna do right now is i'm wondering how they they i guess they there's enough room here we're actually going to remove all of the fans we're going to put our cool new wraith prism fans on this which this could be the thing that slows me down the most because oh anytime fans always take time so unfortunately but we want to do it right that's cool that you can kind of position your fans yeah spread them out if you wanted to i guess okay so we're going to there's not a hole i'm trying to think of like the best oh but check this out we got something new we got a new remember how lighty was going now we have these i think it's on doesn't look like it there it is and so you can actually turn it up and magnetic there you go so now we have like so you guys can see now we have it like we have these new lights we can now show so you guys can see a little bit better inside of the case when i'm doing stuff so that should help so we're going to go over them what's what's what are they saying oh you said yes i can yeah because i i looked on the camera oh see inside the case oh yeah i turned it around so you guys can see i know i was just looking through the camera okay so what we're doing right now is we're going to side kick where did you get that robie uh i they're online they're called nan lights i'll put a link i'll put a link in the description but that's where they're they're called man lights um and this is the small one they're they're not cheap that's the one thing i will say they're 100 bucks a pop which is not which is not not cheap but they're they're really cool they also will connect with the other ones like we use a lot of that lighting like a lot of the lighting you see around the studio is all done by man light on the pava tubes the thumb light on the youtube is uh man lights yeah yeah yeah exactly so that's that's i we really like them we like the way they look you have a lot of control you can change the color inside of them stuff like that so they're really really nice um they're really nice lights okay here we go just getting our fans done 15 of them 14. oh yeah the nan lights i think we have a lot um and the big ones like the big like the tall ones that i have here in the back though that do a lot of lighting those are like 800 bucks a piece i'm gonna have a heart attack yeah they're not they're not they're not cheap but they like the rgb spectrum and all that stuff that you can do with them just really amazing yeah right they're really cool lights um but they're just really pretty like a whole week of working for me yeah they're not they're not they're not cheap and they have like they have like the small ones and then they have the like they go all the way from like the really small ones just came out not that long ago um which is the ones that i just showed you the little small one those ones are i think they're just like a little bit over a month old and then all the way up to the really large pavlo tube ones which are the the ones that we use for most of the main lighting and then all of our photos we use the big big ones um which is cool the in the photo studio okay so let's unplug these cam leg okay okay sounds good we'll miss you what we're doing right now is we're just gonna unplug all of our getting our usb stuff we're taking off all our fans we're gonna put our new fans in there we go there we go who's enjoying the fan removal okay so there's those and they should i hope they easily i think these actually also use the rgb which is kind of a problem there we go here we go there we go okay this should be all disconnected now which is great okay okay so now we have some extra rgb fans i haven't used has anybody used has anybody used antec rgb i'm just curious i have i have not i was just curious if anybody else here has used uh their rgb fans okay there we go okay let's get these last two fans out these are like these are like awkward ones where like you have to like if like have a special i don't know how you get these out unless you i think you have to remove them by moving the drive tray at the bottom yep we're going to remove the drive tray to remove the last fan that's kind of annoying but i don't know what another option another easy option to be just given what you have to do here so we're going to remove this bottom drive tray there's two screws that allow you to just kind of remove it like so then this just kind of slides off which is nice there's our drive tray out and then now we can use our screwdriver to undo these last two screws okay so we're gonna set up the full flux system is the plan but all with rgb that's what we're doing now okay so there we go all of our fans are out okay so here's all our rgb fans rip fans rip fan winkles there we go there's our fans i'll go into the back corner with the other fans okay now let's grab our prism fans our pack of five here i'm assuming these are pretty straightforward in terms of building so let's get these open with our knife there we go i still have i still bought it okay good just making sure oh my gosh i haven't recorded any of this so that's good guess we're not recording this one that's fine okay so here's what's included in this this actually has a fan control box i'm gonna see what we have to plug in these are pwm fans these are four pin i do not know if i can use this pickup even though it's on a timer it won't pick up from oh if i started recording but then there's no point right because then you've missed like the entire show no i so it it just even though it's counting everything yeah it's just i didn't i had to hit record i forgot to hit record okay so here's our new wraith prism but the problem is is that these are four pin and even though they're they're looks like they're daisy chainable but because they're four pin i have to use the control box which is kind of unfortunately said her hands are clean she did ask if you were recording oh she did i did not yeah i didn't i am not recording i forgot to write distracted today yes it has been a distracting day because i i instead of hitting record i decided to try and pre-order a ps5 that did not succeed so there we go okay what we're gonna do real quick is we're gonna untie untwist all these things and run all these new fans these are big fans like they're thick boy kind of like they're not white like the other ones are like chinsy these are like like really big fans or get all these out i'm assuming the rgb stuff should still be controllable it just kind of sucks that this isn't a pw if like this was a pwm um fan header that'd be a little bit nicer and i'm talking about this one right here this top down one but again it's only a three pin not a pwm so we don't get as much uh we don't get all the awesome because of that so we'll have to use a control box which we have room for the control box so i'm not as worried about it okay so let's get our fans back on here where is my big screwdriver where's my big screwdriver what happens then the drawer no i know it's got to be around it i know i did oh it's inside that's why i couldn't see it okay got my big screwdriver back okay here we go we're just now gonna put in our new fans which i think will look a little bit nicer actually i'm hoping there we go new fans there's some thin holes in these fans seriously ruby trying to be faster here but not succeeding not succeeding with my fastness my super speed pc building is not going as fast as i'd hoped okay okay first one is in you must be one with the pc and yeah i must i must have to be something with the pc because it does not seem to be going all that fast here okay and seem like it lined up all the way there we go okay got it that's gonna be the slowest one right there i think for the sake of this build i'm gonna put this back in come on youtube what are they at how many likes we have 383 383 likes guys remember if we get to 500 likes we do a good one we do a giveaway that's up to you it's up to you to unlock the potential that you have inside of you it's like your super power give away superpower but i give you the power i everybody got your power everybody watching youtube right now you just gotta click that like button and we'll do a giveaway yeah you just gotta yeah everybody how many people are watching right now 706 of you yeah 76 of you what what trey said there we go one more gotta get to 500. and then we'll do that's usually the first giveaway that we do i did not mean to hit that button okay there we go no you got to hit the like button not the thumbs down button oh jeez don't teach him the wrong thing uh roby after all that i didn't realize that now i have to take this off again i realize that for me to put that fan that fan needs to go up to a certain point so i'll have to fix that i wasn't ready for building [Music] exactly that's up to you youtubers come on youtubers man you guys jumped 100 and then you just stopped yeah come on youtubers what you doing the youtube piece okay we're gonna get this placed correctly now i think it should be okay now what we're gonna do is do this so you guys can actually see what i'm doing put aside here just getting our fans hooked up tonight okay do it push the button i try to i try to be creative with those uh post captions which ones on the on the time stamps for the video oh yeah like it's working it's working that's from star wars when anakin oh yeah it's working yeah but people don't want that that's going that's going to cause them like sadness because then they'll remember episode one why are you doing that to our audience episode one is the best of the prequels really i like episode three because of all the fighting i mean i like i like it when all the clone troopers my favorites episode two and they frolic on the space cows i mean my favorite parts when you see all the clone troopers before you realize that they're just gonna turn it destroy there we go okay now we actually have fans in the right place looking for fans and all the right places just stick to the originals stick the original red hopper hey thank you very much for all the subs guys we're going to get that whoa another blue 50 more youtube come on you got it in you you got it youtube you got the likes in you you got the likes and you do neuter thank you very much farmhand you got the likes in you hit that liking make it shine get around 40 more likes youtube and i will shut up about hitting that like button hey what's up p51 hiran hey you're a fan of this build those are good jokes good good i'm proud of you for your dad your dad joke-ness okay here we go have you seen the the tick-tock or video or the tick tock what's that what's a tic toc or the there's it's like a meme but it's not i mean it's not funny but this guy renames all of the videos or this video and then make more sense yeah yeah yeah and because they're in the wrong order yeah yeah people like i've seen that one yeah i was like that makes a lot of sense like why are you not working for star wars the wars of star we won't get in hey jeff schreiber thank you for the 4.99 super chat dropping it like it's hot lightning i'm going to take my little new light in this case i'm a fan it's going to be useful 38 more likes youtube look at that look at that there was 741 people watching where you need 38 likes and we'll do a giveaway 38 likes and we'll do a giveaway okay i'm using the fan the fancy light i'm using the fancy light see that ooh i do see that look at the light you see the light see the light am i supposed to go towards the light don't go towards the light stop going towards the light okay there we go another another light another fan in 17 likes youtube come on let's do a giveaway we want to give stuff away but you just won't let us okay okay last fan on this of this fan collection okay we're two two two of five on number three [Music] but the good thing is is like because there's no aio like once you put this in like that's like it like then you just connect the front panel and all that sort of stuff it's like it goes really fast really fast it's going to go really fast it's going to be my micro machines microphones if you don't say microphones it's not the real thing you remember those who remembers micro machines remember my questions go smash that like button four three four four huh hurray i thought you were trying to talk fast like sonic oh yeah which actually wasn't a terrible movie all right sonic was good i thought i like sonic a lot [Music] ranger when you're ready it's giveaway time oh it's giveaway time what's up we need like a we need like a giveaway song like like you know like what was it was it yeah what's it like what's the what's up like it's like um you unlocked the freebie no but it's like uh oh man now i've forgotten it because i was like thinking of another song so now it's all gone they're my jokes daddy it's dead it's a terrible joke killed it you killed you killed the joke okay let's get this let's get this last fan in and then we'll do our giveaway fan and then giveaway if we get to a thousand likes then you get free hugs if you know where i live and i'm not gonna tell you that's not true don't let's not do that because then people will want free hugs and then and not only that they'll find you i don't want to be found i'm i'd rather be lost than found you sure no i'm good oh i forgot we got we got i forgot to put the po box we have a p.o box i know people have been asking if they want to send us stuff when do i get my email oh i need to do that i'll do that too so people can write you no don't ow oops business only business only only send me yeah we're at 500 he'll i i will get there we'll start this is why i need to have my own spot and control well actually like i mean all you have to do is like if you log in like you have i think if you have stream labs as long as you're logged in as me you could technically run it i guess oh yeah that's all it takes i don't know if you could like i think yeah anyway i'm i've done the last fan so we're gonna do it we're gonna do it right now we're gonna do it we're gonna do it all right calm down we're gonna we're gonna do it we're gonna do it everybody we're gonna do it calm down we're gonna do it calm down we're gonna do it well that light's really bright oh my mind my eyes here we go check this out here we go see there's a blue one can you see that oh it's rgb it's rgb we'll put that in there we're gonna sell it's like a party time celebrate good times giveaway it's a celebration okay here we go cloudbot come to me cloudbot where is cloudbot there it is podbot giveaway time giveaway okay we're doing the we're doing the youtube one remember in this case youtube there is no extra entries for twitch folks given this is the youtube there is no extra entries for subs in this one this is for a year of xbox game pass ultimate which gets you access to 99 games on xbox 99 games on pc and you can stream games to your phone now and with android and sometimes they put new pc releases like uh yeah like uh like uh what was it wasteland yeah wasteland yeah wasteland then wait three's there the newest one is uh did the bot go crusader three no we're not we're not seeing the ball okay i'm gonna try this again so i've noticed that if i log out and log back in it will come back okay so we're going to log out and try this again here we go log in back in switch the twitchers there we go uh cloudbot here we go doing giveaways we're gonna see if this works what are you people doing with the w okay here we go do you see it if you do exclamation point exclamation point youtube you should get an entry see if it shows up exclamation point youtube okay it is working so the bot is reading that exclamation point youtube okay that is working the entries are going okay let's get our other fans on while we're doing that while people are are distracted by the giveaway how many games on x-cloud i think it's i don't know actually off the top of my head more than two when i was playing it was like 30. oh no there's way more than that now i think it's like it's got a ton of games i know okay it's got a ton ton of games i hope the lag is a little bit better it ha well i mean i played i played uh i played uh i think i you know it's one of the things i want to test and so i'm waiting for my galaxy fold 2 which is supposed to come tomorrow and that'll be 5g you're getting one of those heck yeah man your third old phone yeah i know i because i have the i have a surface duo too oh so fourth yeah okay there we go okay just pulling all our fan lights in here and getting our fans plugged in here there are two types of people in this world people who finish what they started i i don't i don't what oh people who finish what they started and then people who don't and because they but they couldn't be that's why it's not said oh because if they say it then they would have finished it so that's why there's two types of people in this world that's a thinking man's joke you got to be thinking okay um i i wasn't i just i'm like i i don't get it i don't get it i don't get it okay here we go we're gonna put this back in i have to say like the modular nature of this case is impressive like just how easy it is to like take like drive trays out um the fan like the fan stuff aren't too the fan stuff like putting fans in wasn't too bad again that plastic like if they just wouldn't have done that plastic at the front i think it would be like a no-brainer case it could have just done cool some something cool like all mesh something or other right but um but all the other stuff like i was building in this case is actually really nice was it because this too like not doing pwm that's kind of that's kind of like if you're going to throw a fan hub in there do a fight do a pwm fan hub because it's just the limits now you just got like now you've got this whole spot here you can't really do anything with um because you're missing a p you don't have a fan i mean it's like it's a nice addition but again i can't do pwm which is kind of lame okay what's the opposite of a hero anti-hero averro what a darrow oh my god that's that's that is that is special uh here oh yeah i get i get it i get it um okay uh lat we're doing the back fans we are picking a winner our winner is me i won pk ridicule pk ridicule pk ridicule pk from youtube we actually got youtuber youtuber won the youtube prize today youtuber youtuber hey bert hey bert [Music] right [Laughter] [Music] i can't see what youtube is every time there's a giveaway chat crashes oh my gosh uh no it was uh oh i don't think so i can look at this i can look at the i can look at the the entry let me look uh analytics it's a 72 so i it's one away this does have a fan hub it does come with a fan hub inside of this with this kit um i will show you it here in a minute i just am installing said fans because that always takes time especially if you're installing like five fans installing fans is always slow i don't i don't know if you should say i don't think protesting works my whole life i've seen end road work signs but they keep working on roads oh my gosh that's pretty bad i don't know what do you guys think offensive not offensive should we kick trey out of or being oh the other thing too is like this does not have a lot of rubber grommets and things to hide cables that's the other thing too where you can definitely see like i'm looking up at the top which isn't as big of a deal because like if you like a lot of times like aios or things like that but you're not going to get a lot of cable hiding especially you're just going to want to run cables in between um that's not it's not as big of a deal because of how they've kind of placed it but yeah there's some there's some there's some concern there too as i like as i'm building i'm just kind of seeing these things okay so now the last fan they're recommending goes right here this is our last fan uh some people love me so i don't know if you can get rid of me oh is your brother here today uh who won i forgot the name they i did announce the name there's somebody on youtube p k something yeah it's like he was a youtuber a youtuber fans not oh the fans are i'll fix it yeah thank you that'll drive me bonkers too and do not worry guys okay let's drop the 100 okay so here's the fan hub right here we're installer i'm curious if there is a if because of how these fans you're going to need longer cables for this so let's see if i can find if they gave you longer cables for installing this one fan okay because these are going to use longer cables i mean longer fan uh longer fan cables okay they gave us okay in the box they gave us um yep see they gave us two cool that's awesome you got some uh oh look oh this one's sponsored by the verge as well i love all the things like every case is sponsored by the verge guys like look at this they all come with tweezers wait did you say we should take it easy or no no i didn't see that okay screw that it was gonna dude is gonna ruin people's lives number how often i spent two thousand dollars on my parts and i watched your video would you be able to assume for that i don't know man do you want to find out i mean like i don't want to find out though well i mean technically their video is not up for watching yeah that's true okay so we have to lose the only one we got to bring up is the top one this one's going to go up a little bit more oh that's that how is that gonna how is that gonna go this is going this is high as it does and i i can't i don't know if i can make these even or maybe they have to be spaced out maybe that's what i have to do i think these are gonna have to get spaced out guys i figured it out yeah you're gonna have to space these out and i think they did it on purpose for the flux stuff a flux capacitor there we go now it should be even because they're like basically on the edge there we go there we go okay okay now we just got our last fan which goes right here in the center to activate flux let's go to the side cam here we're gonna activate the flux capacitor or it's actually not the flux capacitor it's the flux lighting system or flux cooling system and then this uh i need it to pull air through not suck air out it's pull air through right yeah so i need it to be backwards should be hello honey let's watch one second guys i'm gonna watch this video because it shows me i need to look at what they wanted to do with airflow apologies i'm i promise to turn it down i'm not going to show you the video i'm just going to show me the video and turn the volume if they're pulling it's falling that way no i'm looking at that they have a video of it so the fan pulls air through yes it's supposed to pull air through oh no it's supposed to pull it's supposed to pull air through down and into it's pulling air pulling air this is like it's not showing it looks like it's pulling air from both places on one set guys i'm trying to figure like they have a better picture on their website so one sec look on the antic website they have a better video i'm curious what they when they say how they want uh d600 there we are df600 i'm wondering yeah so it pulls air you want it to pull air from the bottom so they actually want it this way okay that's actually how they want it like that okay cool just making sure i did this right so this is how you like by doing this we've activated said flux capacitor now the flux cooling system no the giveaway for the pc ends at i think it ends at midnight right i think it's midnight tonight so it should still be going okay so we're just gonna add this last fan here and then from once we do this last fan we'll do the halfway giveaway because at this point like we're gonna be halfway at that point okay let's keep this in the right hole here there we go okay we're adding our this is our fan these fans right here that you're seeing are specifically for that cooling and this one is pulling cold air from the air in the back so this the the air in the back it's pulling cold air up into the gpu and pushing everything to the exhaust in the top is basically the the science that they're doing in this so one time where a magnetic one fills me a little bit okay there we go okay so there you go so that's all of our fans are now set up okay okay so then let's do our last part then we'll do our giveaway which is just hooking up the last bit of our fans top down here just drop the drop dart i was like did you drop that and just open that why is it on a site i thought it was inside camera oh i guess you guys i guess you guys couldn't see the whole thing i was doing i thought it was inside sorry guys so yeah this is the fan i installed oh yeah that's right with the top down because i'm getting ready to do the controller i was doing the right thing okay no it's just the air was warming up okay next thing we're gonna do is we're going to take this is that controller the fan controller for these this deflect system or sorry these these fans oh this is fancy okay so here we go so this is a fan and rgb very similar to this one if i wanted to what you could do is you could literally just unscrew this one um it doesn't have it does have an rgb control too you can actually control this with um it's always actually almost all the exact same power stuff which is pretty interesting but we're not going to do that we're gonna have everything controlled off of the rgb in the we're gonna have all this controlled off of the rgb in on the motherboard so i'm gonna take all of this stuff and i'm just gonna put this up here and that'll just stay there for now okay now what i need is i'm going to disconnect all this stuff and we're going to put this other rgb controller on the far left because these these fans are definitely long enough they should all be long enough to do that now they all daisy chained together which is kind of cool they don't really need all of the connectors but you have the option which again i've never used these fans so you're hearing me a little bit talk out loud in terms of what my options are here you basically need to really wish that i could take this spot i guess i could just disconnect this and then i wonder what's underneath you can disconnect this and then let's do this where's the screwdriver take this off you don't need this there's two screws for better control here okay so it's got two little standoffs so you can actually take these standoffs it's pretty neat let's remove i'll start i'll start the music again that one this one and starting it again music's back they give me a standoff yes these are okay cool so if you're ever looking to oh no maybe they didn't have you ever thought about making a video on what not to do for pc uh yeah i think at some point in time like i think it'll be fun to do that i don't know if but then again the verge already made that video so i mean like copy the verge video yeah just be like here's what not to do just like this like do it without the stupid edits oh and actually show people what happens if you like what could potentially happen oh yeah okay i'm gonna unscrew this turn it there we go right no i i get that but they also have it cut up and edited and this would could be like a live version of it to actually show you without post edits okay we're just going to magically theirs was all the right positioning turned on okay get that out of the way okay so now we have this open spot right here which we can use for said antek thing which is nice okay so now all of our fans and stuff can be in the right place and like i said when you look at the top of this this actually has rgb and pwm so we're going to hook all of our stuff up here and i would normally stick this like but because i'm not keeping this built i'm going to not stick it all together and all that kind of jazz my fan control box where's all the oh i guess it just oh it has a single plug this is the one that comes out of the uh there we go okay so this is this is our this is this is what makes everything hook up to the motherboard and all that stuff so it's just one goes right here and then it's actually if you had you could you want to control it with an rgb i want to control it with the rgb header which we have around here somewhere i can find it and then oh here it is right here and then you can actually push this right here and i can actually control this with the rgb on the fan okay so there we go we're all we're all connected now minus we're gonna get all of our other fans on real quick so we have five fans we're gonna connect there's our rear this is our bottom fan we'll make it look pretty here in a minute so there's this one there we go okay next let's do that one last there's two trying to get them all organized here and connect them all together so they're not there's three come on what the heck is going on here like weirdly how is this even okay here we go there we go okay there's two here is what is this connected to oh that's why okay here's the bottom right here here we go bottom hook it up the bottom here from the bottom to the top from the bottom to the exactly what i'm doing good job trey i'm glad to see you're paying attention you're such a good student i try it man okay here we go there's three okay and then now we take this one right here i'm telling blondie i'm going to tell him blondie what are you going to tell him what did i do now not what you did that's what she did what did she do did you fall asleep uh not that i know okay here we go this is the oh this is the next one okay so i'm just trying to get these all plugged in what that's okay okay okay last fan hitter and then all of our fans are hooked up and ready to go minus plugging them into the uh the motherboard which is the easy part there we go and here we go last fan right here okay so that's easy so now all fans are hooked up we can actually do this take this out okay and we'll run all these like nicely through here we can that we that are running through here i'll get them all kind of separated later this is always the problem with rgb you know what i'm saying it's like it just takes so many cables to make it work so then you gotta do a little bit of controlling here there's a lot of controlling in this case [Music] okay we're just gonna drive these in here we go okay now all those are controlled now what i can do is what you want to do like usually in like little cable situations like this is again you kind of want to kind of pull things as tight as you can and then from there you kind of find like these natural almost formations of like where you can start to cable manage right like right there and then as you pull this like you can so just try i don't want to do too much because again this whole case is going to get is going to be taken apart because it's not it's not it's not a full build like it's going to be it's not a build that's being kept so okay there we go so what we're going to do right here is we're just going to kind of clean this up so usually what i'll do is i'll try and find like one like little there's there you go so that that looks good and clean right there take our little tweezers a little bit at a time start controlling the the blocks working what what that's that's that doesn't make any sense why is the bot working and then we're going to do here kind of the same thing yeah the bot's working hey cool i don't know why maybe maybe someone from streamlabs was actually like watching us saying hey he's got he's got more than 10 viewers let's make his experience a little bit better oh my god this is like just it's like a freaking spaghetti nightmare right now this is brutal and because i can't stick this down i don't want to stick this down it's like makes it way worse those go down use some hot glue yeah that would not be i don't want to i i need to be able to take this apart because it's like okay i think i'm starting to get it at a point where it's like semi-controlled there we go it's not going to be the best looking because again i just want to have it enough that it's just it'll stay but it's not going to be the prettiest because again it's not a build is being taken apart so i don't want to be too crazy but it's like it's just i like i like the ocd person in me wants to make this look way better but i just know it's not worth the time okay there we go at least we got them all kind of cleaned up here this should stay which is the thing i care about the most okay now what we're going to do is we're going to take this a little bit here there we go that looks better it's clean enough is really kind of what i'm looking for right now oh i don't want to do that yet okay so we just got it clean enough that's really all i care about this is going to go into the motherboard and pwm at the bottom and then we'll so now we can do our motherboard but let's do our giveaway real quick and go from there not the prettiest sorry guys but we're not i can't i don't want to do more than i can't really do more than that because like i said we're not keeping the build where is my freaking oh there there we go okay cool all right let's turn it over and then let's do our giveaway for halfway we're halfway guys actually we're more than halfway this will go pretty quick now that we've the rgb stuff was probably the slowest part okay cool okay there we go okay during our halfway this is now remember in this case guys in this one we definitely do get um you uh you twitch streamers uh twitch subs you do get extra entries in this one this is the halfway one command giveaways and this is the halfway this is for three months of xbox game pass ultimate there we go saving this okay this is for three months of xbox game pass ultimate starting that giveaway right now no matter what i do i can't master all 26 letters of the alphabet i don't know why oh okay here we go you don't know why i don't know why making sure we don't have any we don't block and what i'm doing up here at the top is making sure that i do not get like that cable trap there you go one thing i'm telling you about is one thing you always want to pay attention to specifically with a lot with cables with a lot of fans is on your i o shield make sure that you're you're uh not trapping any fan cables inside of your um inside of your uh your i o shield that happens far too often more than you would know so definitely don't want to do that okay so let's get this screwed in and then we're good to go keep going fanhub for saving me do you think birds ever plan out their day or do they just wing it oh this is velcro oh that's cool it's nice they give you velcro you could have velcroed it but then but then i still need to screw the other one back on so that even even as nice as that is it's like there's a lot of mounting options which is nice uh all in all like this is a like nothing beats the current lily and lee uni 120 fans like they're like their mechanism is just pretty incredible but i mean like at least this comes with like for what you what you pay what comes in this kit is actually pretty pretty impressive how tall is a butcher i don't know one meter one meter come on you guys we don't forget you we also will read your um your entries your dad jokes 54 seconds left we will read your dad jokes but if you're on discord that's where we'll get yours if you have a really good dad joke that you want us to read make sure you join us on discord and we'll uh read yours we go 72 73 subs so far today okay now let's finish this little part let's get these and put away i'd rather say game pass is really straightforward but let me know if there's anything i can assist on there and if you see problems oh well hopefully won't see any he works on game pass oh really oh nice who was that my brother oh yeah no yeah no it should be fine that's cool that he reached out trey's brother works on game pass he also works at microsoft like other people do here okay okay what do we need we need the here we go uh motherboard screws should be a pretty straightforward process here you know what's great what chat just telling each other dad jokes oh they have they've been telling that's awesome okay getting our getting our motherboard screwed in well this is gonna be interesting what does the doctor say when you can't pee you're in trouble i've heard there was one that i used to know that was kind of like that which is like when you're going to the bathroom yeah you're a russian i i've heard a bunch of different combinations of that and then it's like when you're in the bathroom european but then i forgot what it was at the end no well it's the way i heard it is you go to the bathroom fight okay you go to the bathroom russian you come and then you come out yeah that's thanks thanks for that joke okay you go in russian you come out canadian what are you when you're oh european okay yeah yeah there you go something some some along those lines there is there's somebody's telling the dad joke for the haircut one which we did earlier oh i got them all cut son there's one down here at the bottom that i can't hit which because i i guess you could you're like they want you to screw in the motherboard before you put in the fan i'm not overly worried about it again this is just to show you the build process inside of this but one thing uh one tip before you basically put in this last fan make sure that you um screw in the motherboard first then mount the fan because there's gonna be there's a couple there's a there's a screw on the motherboard that you're gonna wanna get in do you need it no but if you're ocd i like how chat's even telling people stop spamming and you just enter once okay there we go okay did we oh somebody drew it hey roby it's hockey um okay so there's one i do know that there's one screw down here guys we're not gonna worry about it for now it's up hockey oh hockey yes hockey's built we're building it's not suppo oh it's no it's you're right it's exhausting some of it oh hey that's good because i need to remove it anyway right i need to suck air through you're right thank you for that fans backwards after all of that i still put it in backwards easy fix oh wait yeah cause i want it to intake i don't want it to want it people need to stop saying the navy is part of the military they're submarines they're what yeah i didn't really do oh yeah that's a that's a okay here we go we're gonna switch this over and then we can throw in that last well like if i carried i don't care i'm just gonna flip this fan over so it's the right way real quick because somebody's not caught he's giving it to me just kidding oh no this one fan is like oh no okay i kept asking my dad over and over what scales are used for he said wait okay we're gonna have to use like a special head on the screwdriver to get this one and there we go like where it's tough where it's like like there's some like there's some little special things like oh well wait till you get that wait till you get this i said wait to put that fan on but the problem is is that if you wait then the aio if you have an aio or a fan cooler i'll show you what i'm talking about here i said hey before you if you're gonna put this in i was like hey wait to put this in so you can put this last screw in and let's put it in real quick since i'm here um but one of the problems is is that if you have like a standard screwdriver you can't get to this corner screw and so i have this special ifixit screw head that allows me to do that but not everybody's going to have that so i'm going to put this last motherboard screw in real quick did you say uh a reason as to not do it first well i i didn't because i was like oh yeah don't do it first because you want to be able you get blocks one of the screws for putting in the motherboard just like i just showed but the problem is that now when i when i'll show you here in a minute like now when i'm screwing the the fans on this last fan you could really i mean you could just put in three screws if you really cared but if you were like if you were ocd and somebody's gonna be like oh you didn't put in the four screwed you're gonna need a special you're gonna need a special screw head like what i'm going to show you here in a second putting those in and then for this last one because of where it's at see i got to put this and then i got to use this right here which allows me to bend and then screw in that screw now it's all in but if you didn't you need like one of those like little stubby ones those little have you ever seen those stubby screwdrivers yeah yeah you'd need something like that to screw that last one in so just a little heads up again just giving you some little tips on building in the antec if you wanted to okay okay we're good there okay so everything is in now we're going to turn this over and put in all our front panel stuff then we'll install our gpu and go from there it's like we're getting then after gpu is install your psu okay so our we have a fan header and i think there's this is in the top left so we're gonna put this up here there's that okay so what we have is our this is our hd audio we'll go to top down okay so what we've done is we've taken our this is our lighting node right here this is what this is this is lighting node and fan header so this is going to go up here to where our fan header and lighting node are up here this hd audio is going to go on the far right this is our usb from our rgb from our print wraith prism that's going to go right here in the middle also in the middle is going to go our usb 3.2 and then we have our two front our three front panel connectors those are going to go in the front right here and that might be something else that we might have issues with is putting in our front panel connectors okay so there's all of our connectors that we need for this pc are all on the other side now so what we're going to do is turn this back over yep we're going to take that fan out again well maybe not i think i might be able to do this but usb 3. yeah you're going to have to so again you gotta take this fan out again because you can't get to you can't get to certain headers so it's almost like this is like it's like build the entire pc then put this fan head this fan in oopsie where'd that go because you gotta hook up all your connectors let's uh live and learn yeah live and learn a little bit here guys living and learning living and learning with roby tech living and learning with a ruby tick with the ruby tick uh some people are calling for me to be uh let go because my dad jokes that have been reading off no they're not happy uh i guess i'll be seeing you you ready to go home and go to bed on the other side on the other side i'll see you on the other side okay there we go okay so that's out of the way so now what we're going to do is hey we're not going to get rid of trevor because he's awesome and so stop being mean guys okay so we're going to take our power switch and our hd we go to the bottom left here and then if you're watching this then uh if you're oh well we're not watching this because we hit forgot to hit record so not that i'll show i'll zoom in so you guys can see all this stuff here in a second and put that one in the right place son of a biscuit i hate that anything else was so good how close three to nine o'clock what time is it 8 26 okay i'm still feeling nine still feeling nine guys it's a pretty fast pace for building this pc okay there we go now okay front panel headers are built they're in those are antec fans yeah these are antec prism 120 argb addressable rgb fans yes this is going to go right here this is going to be interesting because this i'm gonna have to push this plug in a little bit okay and then this is our we got one usb which is the [Music] there we go then over here is our hd audio this is going to go right here okay the one the other thing too that this i just realized that this case does not have is um it does not have a usbc that's another kind of like little little hit no usbc on this and then h this is our addressable rgb i'm gonna grab my little light here these plug in via usbc there we go there we go a lot easier to see when you have like light here there we go okay okay so now all of our connectors are connected now i'm going to do one other thing just because i now know i'm going to have to is i'm going to go ahead oh man that is going to be tight i don't know if that's okay it's still going to work okay good barely but i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to run our um i'm going to run our i'm gonna run our uh cable extensions to the bottom here because for the for the gpu because if i don't do that then i won't i won't be able to i don't know if they'll ah actually yeah i don't know if they'll fit so i'm going to do this just to be safe and then we'll put in our gpu and be good to go i don't know if i'm going to be able to do that right actually because i think i'm going to have to run them off to the side because if i keep this here i'm gonna have to make sure they do not touch this it's gonna have to go like into like a weird you thing huh okay well think about that okay we're gonna grab our rg we're gonna grab our two we're gonna hook up what we're gonna do these cables here real quick there's one two three and four okay all of our cables are ready okay put these away okay here's our cables i want this to go in here any more of these put this away too i don't need these anymore either okay preparing to clean up our workspace let's go the box okay cool um fit cables okay so one ah crud i'm gonna go ahead and i just got to realize where's my gpu i just need to make sure what i'm gonna verify would you be able to put the fan underneath the shroud no i mean potentially no because i no because uh i don't i think that like that would be too short for the p there would be no psu the psu wouldn't fit so it's a good question actually i hadn't thought of that but no good job chat okay so these go like these are the ones i need okay i was just verifying which direction our little fan things go our headers go okay now i can pay attention to chat for a little bit because we're just putting on cable screws i mean cable comes hey thank you very much dave welcome uh which which cooler master case i've done a bunch of cooler master cases uh we're doing the nr200p tomorrow yeah you need a really short psu like maybe maybe if you did like an sfx but it wouldn't go in there hey what's up valden how are you doing man getting close guys this is like we're at like the like the end here we don't know when the rs cards come out i heard september 21st i know it's not i heard it it's not it's it is delayed launch and then they have the gigabyte cards are out but the auras cards are later i think they're september 21st if i if i is the data i remember but not sure have you done a build with the p400a hey what's up ram how are you man yes we have we did a build actually the build that we just showed the p400a we did a while ago we've done the p400a the p500a the p600s the evolvex we've done all the fantastic cases okay so what i'm doing now is i'm just going to run this cable like this i just want to make sure that this is run these are the ones that i'm making sure are in before i put the are you still doing the 10k build that you talked about earlier in the month oh yes it's a thread ripper it's uh yeah it's all it's uh it's coming yep that one is that one is it's with the 30 90. team yeah there's a lot of fan yeah there's a lot of i think that a lot of people actually have fantastic i think there's a lot of people like my uh eve my streaming rig in here is on an evolvax so yeah do you have a favorite case i have a favorite series of cases i love the cooler master td500 i like the phanteks p500a i love the p600s i love the um i love the lienlee landcool 2 mesh specifically um and then i like the i think if over and then um i think those are like kind of my favorites that are built in i've built a lot of them um i do oh i also like the lienly dynamic xl the xl the dynamic zero one one xl and the normal dynamic zero one one crystal 680x is really good so those are all cases i recommend but i'm actually like it's funny because i'm having a really good time testing these other cases like this case like if somebody said hey if i was going to get the dyn if i was going to get this case i'd be like yeah this case is actually pretty good like i don't airflow wise we have a lot of room for air all that sort of stuff the only thing that i would say is like you don't get usbc which is kind of a bummer but everything else for this case is actually it's actually kind of a dream to build in really easy to build in um and then the cooling mechanism for it i just wish they'd probably i hope they go with a more premium version of this case for the um so it has like a little bit more of those premium looks and features okay there we go okay so there's all of our cables got them in here okay so now okay so there those are going to take care of that now i can put my fan back on i just want to run that now this fan situation is interesting specifically because of where and this this isn't always going to be the case it depends on the motherboard but the reason it's interesting is because where the usb 3.2 sits you're gonna have to compress that cable a little bit to get the um [Music] to get the fan in that's what i'm working on right now just a little bit um so just as an fy shouldn't be a problem um there is some i just i've never been a big fan of usb 3.2 like the cable is just kind of a pain in the butt um it's not like the most like bendy cable like i'm really glad that usbc is out now um but like because it's just it's a honking cable half the time if you're trying to take it off like it'll take like the whole connector off of the motherboard so just not my favorite cable okay there we go so that's all connected okay let's grab our little extra screw here what we're gonna do is we're gonna we're gonna have to elevate this these one little cables a little bit but not too much to make sure they go in okay there we go okay now it's all in now we can finish our cable stuff but let's let's just because we're here let's throw a gpu in that's always a favorite part that's a that's a that's a that's a crowd favorite the crowd favorite right trey right it's a crowd favorite when we take out the gpu every you suck roby where's the 39 is that's why i watch your show so you're supposed to show new technology this is this is this is this romeo tech he's you're saying hey five dollars i think you're welcome man what you guys are saying right thank you for the super chat man i'm sorry i didn't didn't catch it i didn't i didn't mean that we uh didn't know we were watching ruby old tech that's ruby newton hey i i thought you were a boomer but i guess it's for true as they're saying man that's what they're saying behind my back call me a boomer yeah retro attack 2082 retrotech ruby ruby retro tech why don't you get why why don't you go buy all the why don't you go ride a bot and get your own 3080s too soon hashtag two seasons i couldn't find anything because i didn't look very hard now i was like i don't i don't really want to look into this i don't get one i guess i don't get one you'll get one just like i got the ps4 oh wait a second oh wait a second yeah okay but you know remember it's still this is still a pretty card little pretty card it's still a pretty card so pretty you should use the one behind you oh you sure you guys should i put the titan in there no i can't i'm not putting the titan in there i i thought that wasn't the real titan i thought it's not it's just a shroud yeah that's that's why i was saying you should throw that one someday oh and just really like really get people like going yeah now they know they've ruined it now they know they won't remember they will remember because i won't remember but that doesn't mean anything it means everything it does not i've met you ouch i've met you and that means something who are you again where am i yeah what's my name welcome to ron welcome to roby retro tech why don't i get on the floor how did i get on the floor who are these people sorry uh okay okay we're gonna pull that down so we can hide it behind here so nobody can see it there we go okay cool okay there we go psu uh there we go need me okay it's in what is that two those are i don't know what those are for i don't remember taking oh that's right for the use use the 2080 to comb your beard i will when when when we're finally done benchmarking and stuff like that we'll we'll do something incredible with it it's still a 12 i mean it's still like a 1200 graphics card that's like that's like not a good thing like if i like that's like just getting that's like borderline getting belligerent with the the the the good graces of the companies have given you those things you know what i mean right i mean i i legit paid 50 for somebody's broken it's not like i i like i went and felt like took a perfectly good ryzen cpu and was like hey i'm just going to use this and abuse it like i legit oh i legit like went and got like somebody ruined their own and i was like hey can i buy that for 50 so i can play jokes on my audience that's that's different like i didn't like go and like buy a 400 freaking cpu and ruin it right yeah if i put a 3080 would be cheaper and it would be 30 better than what we have right here if i had a 3080 right now which we're going to be testing on friday don't forget come back we're going to test this exact same build throwing a 3080 in it 3080 founders edition tomorrow no oh sorry not friday next week wednesday i gotta it's the builds the cars are still coming hey look my watch matches my uh look at that look at how chic i am my watch matches my i'm i'm so chic you guys i'm so chic i don't even know what that means i'm chic i'm like so on trend right now you guys are so jelly of my oh legit oh please make him stop so jelly of my legit they call me robie le chic okay there we go okay we got we got it we got our we got our motherboard in we're gonna grab one more four pin oh yeah i got one more four pin right here for the cpu cpu one in the top left i can't control him i've been telling you guys this okay that's not the way you want it you are turning into my boomer i'm i'm on tick-tock i'm not a boomer boomers aren't on tick-tock i mean chipotle's on tick-tock what does that mean wait chipotle's on tick tock i gotta follow him they uh they uh show everybody their recipes oh really yeah how they make their stuff oh that's cool i'm not a boomer i'm on tick tock i just i follow social media trends i'm legit i'm roby le chic let's see le chic okay last last cable combs and then we're gonna put in a psu and turn this baby on i don't know i haven't never used them i know i would if those boys orders bots oh yeah i know that i would hope that we're gonna find out here pretty soon if these fans are quiet hey by the way guys shout out to remy g rem has been a huge fan he also runs a show called upgrade i don't know if he left um super super cool dude um he is now also streaming on twitch slash remy g i believe um either that or twin rim b h maybe upgraded see see what i did there anyway uh remy g super good guy uh and uh if you want to check him out he uh he does additional if you're if you're if you're itching for more tech shows uh he legit runs a really good show um is your is your uh if you're still here rem does your um did you get your pc fixed ruby the sheet exit um we're close to here then we're gonna run this like we're gonna do the post giveaway and then i think it is 8 43 so we actually should i'm not mistaken we should have been we should be able to unlock the last giveaway for the night which is the twitch giveaway which all we have to do is get to level five hype so if somebody wants to start dropping those subs and dropping those bits we should unlock the last um we should unlock the last uh the last giveaway um for that that we're supposed to do at the end of the show so uh ether pro 2 is i haven't built in it it's actually sitting right outside the office right now we were supposed to build we were supposed to build in it asap um i want to do a dual build i'd like i'm saving that when i can do dual 3080s in the same build just because why not we're gonna flex he did get his partially get his pc fix he had another old gtx okay okay cool okay cool that's good to know but he left okay guys so remember and then if you sub we're giving away an rtx giving away an rtx 3080 at the end of the month and all it's a sub only giveaway is a celebration of september so if you want to get in on that extra entries to those people who um sub for more than uh so for consecutive months extra entries for people who gift subs extra entries for people who also go to tier two and tier three subs so if you it's uh and then if you use your free sub you get one entry but you can get extra entries by upgrading your subs like rem's a thing i know me too uh i'm waiting i think that's the asus rog 3080 is next week as from what i understand there we go thousand bits from drop thank you very much dropkick we should have it it should start here pretty quick we got to get a a string of them essentially thank you for the bit love though okay here we go last cable where we have to hook in our plug in our there we go i won't say i will say without the rubber grommets like as much as i like miss the rubber grommets they do make plugging things way easier when they're gone there we go how do you get that fuji dropping it like it's hot and here we go hype train has begun do you want to unlock that one tear that 500 gig sorry 500 gig uh uh m.2 drive from western digital that's what we're giving away if we get to two level five hype trains we're at level three already there we go venom dropping it thank you very much height do it guys do it do it do it high transactive guys let's get to 100 and give away that 32. we gotta get to level five yeah we got two well we're gonna i think we'll do that i think i just want to get to a hundred so that way we also give away that oh uh i i see what you're saying i'm trying to get all i'm trying to do all the giveaways i got you i got you okay if i run this right here so let's do oops okay here we go we're gonna run now we're just gonna run these little things and get them ready for their journey into the plug here we go okay there we go this is gonna go right here these are gonna get like with it i'm gonna put those right there pre-order for the xbox one x or sorry series x is eight across the board that's not so 22nd though right right yeah so it's just not now so don't go don't panic now sorry not like panic not now there's no 22nd is when the series 8 a.m your time 8 a.m pt well this is 8 a.m like it has 8 am pt 8 am bst 8 am aest okay so that's like world time but it's like the us if you're in the us if you're in the us it's 8 a.m wherever your central like whatever your central country time is yeah that is when you uh you should be ready to pre-order who's getting a series x oh there we go one of your players about xbox and i there we go talking to the wrong person level three right there dropkick dropping dropping kicking dropping kicking i love my xboxes dropkick just dropping kicking some more subs okay there we go this'll that'll hold this thing in place too i think i might actually just to keep this thing still i might do one more zip tie just to keep it all in the right place one zip tie to keep it tied down what are you gonna have for dinner i had spicy nugs i already had dinner no i'm trying to not buy fast food because that's where my money's been going oh i'm trying to think about what to buy a house that's right that's right that's right we're trying to buy a house i've been i've been really we've i said i should say we've been really good about not eating out i have not i we eat door dash three meals a week three meals a day three million three meals three meals a week three times a week we don't know we three we door dash three times a three times a day like my whole family and it's all like different orders it's not even from the same place like everybody orders doordash and whatever they want i want this i want that 210 we're four subs away guys four subs away from giving away that ram rambo [Music] there we go okay there we go i'm just like all i'm doing is getting cables controlled we're good there i just want to keep this from falling so that's all i really did i'm not overly overly cable managing because this again remember this build is not i have no anger man i just like my xbox better i like the controller better my hands and then ps4 i don't like the joysticks on the ps4 my favorite picture i do all of my like people ask like hey when you play games how do you play games and i use it i use an atari joycon one button baby that's all it takes i just i push i make everything go to that one button and then it's just like it just does everything i have i have been playing assassin's creed for four years scuffs are good dad those are good controllers scuff controls are good okay um okay we're we are ready we are ready we're ready ready ready ready to hook up a psu awesome power supply time gonna be it's gonna be yeah it's gonna be electrifying i'm so happy that you picked up on what i was saying i did come on guys let's get those last three subs drop those last three subs come on my elite controller there we go duquesne duquesne hey are you duquesne did you drop those subs because you know you don't have to save for an xbox series x anymore because you know that nick uber nick is giving you pcs series x's and everything else and is that why you did that nick i mean decaying i'm pretty sure that's why duquesne is doing this because he knows he doesn't have to save anymore because he knows that uh uber nick is buying all of us new hardware isn't that right wow i should yeah should do yeah super nick has given me everything that's that's right ducane he is duquesne is absolutely awesome halo like halo streamer just overall uh uh he also uh forged like forge aficionado just overall super du uh cool dude um he's really bummed because we're cutting race from like everything so like that's why he's super i'm just kidding we're not um no he's a really good dude uh like him uh and it's been cool getting to know him duquesne's good people okay now we're going to get our cables out we need to worry about please refresh and then you can get some trouble [Laughter] uh opt optin optano mon is saying that i'm a liar and i have yet to have somebody not say that i've done a giveaway so if you don't if you don't believe me then you don't have to enter but that's your choice i've given away everything i've given away i give away a pc every year every month we have like i've not had somebody not get their giveaway and um or like if they haven't is because of like some sort of like issue like uh i can't ship to their country but then we always try and make it right so that's not true so you can say that we're not doing it but they uh they all the there's a lot of people here who won my giveaway so you can believe that if you will you want to have the sour grape syndrome and cry yourself to sleep thinking you're not going to win a giveaway you do that buddy you do you i never get anything hey like who who here is one who hears one um who here has won uh the yeah you've won tiggers one uh who's won the ram i i like what it works is like it literally just comes direct from newegg right to you yeah you do you boo that's right thank you thank you okay so here's the cables i grabbed that i need for this uh this is your 24 pin cpu connector you're good there this is playing this is what you're plugging in or your motherboard your motherboard motherboard now if you like if you want to and you want to get the big daddy and get the father board those those are so expensive they don't exist um this is your sata connector this is what powers your this is what i'm going to power our um rgb controller it also will do things like hard uh physical hard drives like ssds stuff like that so that's there why is it called a motherboard i don't know i actually don't actually that's actually a good question we should look it up you have the you look at it i got the power he's got the power he's got the power of bing you're using bing right like that's what you're using by the way this is a cpu connector right here it's called ps3 right there and then cpu on the other side you also you know here's the thing if you're an ex if you use xbox if you use xbox you should use bing because you get free points you get free you you get points just for using bing and then you can turn them into uh xbox points i mean like legit like i have gotten like i've probably gotten three four hundred three four hundred dollars in freaking stuff just okay we're gonna start using being i'm just saying you could use i know it's bing but i mean like all in all like bing does a really good job i mean it powers flight sim because it's not a daughter board oh oh that actually might be right shrimpy because it's not yeah a daughter board is is the name of something like that's actually a good point but i i think i don't know why they called it people are saying like boo bing okay i was just trying to help you don't have to use it i'm just telling you you call it a motherboard because it is the main circuit board in the computer and and it can be extended by plugging other circuit boards into it these extensions are called daughter boards which is which is what which is what he just said it's a well except for it's not like a lot of people use bing i mean it's not as many as m as google but yeah i'm not i'm not gonna i like all in all i like being it gives me good answers but you you you do you boo testy uh who won the giveaway we haven't done one yet the giveaway is coming up we're actually getting ready to do the post giveaway and then we still have to do the giveaway for the m.2 drive that's coming up too we got two giveaways right there and 32 gig ram kit actually we can do that uh before i when i uh i'll i'll uh get the psu in and then before i connect it all up we'll start the m.2 one so we can just do like final final connection stuff put that right there well the giveaway is running versus like trying to run three giveaways at the same time what are we doing time wise 855. so close you're close so close i'm like i'm not satisfied with that answer but that's the answer i don't like it okay well then it doesn't really make sense is it because you banged it just kidding because i goggled it i goggled it okay we're gonna get this in oh and this is like weird i mean it doesn't really tell you like why they call it a motherboard in the first place i mean i guess it does but this is like really i wonder if i think it would actually be better i think this is actually what i'm gonna do and actually put it down here unscrew this connector down here and then we'll run that then take this out instead of scratching up our beautiful 850 watt power supply put this down here like so and then wrench it down like that ah look at that that works so much better okay let's screw this in real quick and put our put our hard drive tray back in real quick there we go oh did you see new egg is doing 10 off the seagate i did not because of packs online oh really yeah oh i should well we're going to do a new egg now tomorrow so we'll we'll definitely talk about that there we go there we go new egg now tomorrow oh well we should probably like make sure this is in the hole come on get in there son of a biscuit here i'm trying to go fast and then i get caught up by little there we go there we go okay now it's in it's in tray it's in it's in okay we're gonna do that last we're going to start a giveaway in just a second and then we're going to get this psu hooked up okay trying to give away now this is for the western digital m.2 drive and this is there you go this is this is the twitch one remember if you want to get extra entries remember uh twitch uh twitch subscribers um you get extra entries if you're a tier one sub you get one extra entry tier two you get two tier three you get three oh sorry tier one you get three tier two you get four tier three you get five yeah that is right i know okay starting that giveaway right now western digital 500 gig m.2 [Music] okay starting that right now boom giveaway is beginning okay now while we're doing that let's get our screws the last these last little things done go to our side camera screw up a little bit so you guys can see the screwing in of the power there supply go power supply screws going in there we go right there [Music] um that's what we want right there boom and boomer boom and boomer who's watching by the way have you have you been have you watched cobra kai i've been watching cobra kai that's not that's not a new thing well i know but i just remember you need a you need to catch up while i'm catching up i'm watching the cobra kai the cobra kai on the old i want to watch two seasons and one night wow that's a lot of time well yeah how many aren't there only two seasons right now yeah yeah yeah i wasn't three comes next wow okay i'm watching i'm watching the i'm watching the cobra kai on the boom on boob tube i'm sweeping the leg they uh they posted a trailer for season three but it was like a recap of season one showed a little clip of season two in like point five seconds of season three oh i saw the one that was like like i was like watching i was like oh going and looking at the trailers because we're like i'm i think i'm still in season one cobra kai is really good yeah i mean that guy should have been arrested like nine million times which one the the blonde dude who like drinks and drives and like basically is just like legitimately like i'm hoping that it's a redemption story because if it's not then i probably not okay so here's the like at the end of i'm watch season i'm not at the end of the kid yes spoiler at the end of karate kid wait wait was karate kid at the end of karate kid uh uh johnny goes up to russo and says you're all right you're all right by me yeah but now spoiler starts season one he like hates oh yeah he's like superman but then again like larussa's like basically been successful in all the ways that he hasn't but like that guy's saying mike that guy needs to get over it i'm just saying like how where they ended and where they start doesn't exactly did you watch karate kid part 2 though yeah with like where the sensei like all this sensei weird stuff happens yeah exactly yeah okay okay so we're good there we're not gonna we're not gonna we're not gonna take this stuff out okay what do we need we need this which is our gpu first we're gonna hook up our cp or ps or what are you what are you saying words that aren't what i'm meant to say my mind is this is what i'm saying words what i aren't meant to say i'm hooking up our p our main power our motherboard power there we go okay put in their thing and the thing and then i'm plugging this thing into this thing and then the thing works okay this is our pcie uh for our gpu boom and then last cable with the giveaway oh she's just she's just running blondie's just being a boss and just running the giveaway i don't know who won who won actually pick it yeah she just because she has control she said come on ruby i'm tired of your crap that's right i'm used to that like everybody just started my crop all right we're in we're in like flynn ladies and gentlemen this build is complete it should be anyway it all works okay that was how what do you do 903 903 and i had to run a giveaway you guys doubted me you said this was going to take four hours 903 i mean with the way our sulky stream started because i know people were worried but we got it done oh so midori mesh taurus one try to come there we go so there we go nine oh it hasn't it's still done okay yes thanks for thanks for raining on my parade but the build on my parade okay so we gotta run this is one weird thing here gotta fix which is gonna figure out get these down to the right spot here i want these to like not be these like literally do i have like legitimately backwards how do you do that now i'm just nitpicking but that's what i do gotta have that rubytech seal of approval you know what i'm saying i don't want to hit the fan but they shouldn't there you go so how do i get this again i'm going to have to like do like this crud i have to figure out a new way to run these okay this is why you know i will tell you this is why you never want to you want to make sure you have a lot of room and slack on your gpu cables on your gp ones in the back so that way you can work to make sure that they look straight and legit nice like that which is what you want so okay now we go we got it all ready does look pretty let's uh bring it up let's do it let's do it here we go let's grab our really chinzy where did i put it chinsy front of this thing okay let's put this on the back let me know if you want to have a good time i want to have a good time okay there you go now it's all black there we go now we can grab our where's the front oh there it is here's everybody's favorite part z plastic easy plastic there we go there we go everything is plugged in ready to go to clean up the front you got to be careful with this fro like the plastic because if like you push it too hard you will scratch it so there we go okay does it post is the question now i have a little special post cool thing i'm going to show off and i've been meaning to show these off um and i'm going to show them off here i will put these in the description i forgot to do this this time but if you want to check this out check out later on the vaude um i'll also create a new thing for these uh later and they're these new they've been a trend for a while but they're these little portable monitors and uh i have i've been using them and i've been a big fan and so they're about the size of a tablet this is actually a 1080p this is actually a 1080p it's run by a company called labtists uh labbests uh lapis uh gracefully sent us this to check out it's a full 1080p uh 1080p actually like asus has one it's like 240 hertz um the some of them have hdr they're perfect for gaming on the go um like doing stuff like that so like it just basically comes out here we can play games on all that sort of stuff it's really easy to kind of hook up so you can you it actually will work with just a usb cable but because i'm using hdmi um we uh we i have to use usbc to power it um but if you have like if you have like for instance my razer blade all i have to do is plug in usbc and it'll power it and it'll display to it at the same time so pretty cool little devices um and really nice for just like if you need a second screen on the go they're pretty cool um and so showing this one off today there we go and we're that way i can see if it posts and actually control it from here okay so we're gonna grab our power and all that stuff power in there we go and okay i don't see lights but there we go oh snap and there it is now we aren't getting the full power of the system right now because i don't have the i don't have the the thermal pad the the front panel on it's not sucking the way it is but like here's the front it's actually not a bad looking like once you kind of have it all going in there and stuff like that it's actually a pretty good looking case fan wise fans are pretty loud i mean not too loud so far but they're not the quietest again i have a lot of control but i do love how um how bright the colors are okay it is posting so it is posted i see the post so we are posted guys people said oh it's not posted but here you go right here there you go your power there you go you're posted you can see it in just a second and there you go see you we've actually posted so we are actually posted and you there you know so there we go um i don't know why i'm not seeing it on here though i should be able to see it on here but i don't this is fine i still see it there but okay so there we go let's start the let's do the post giveaway i'll turn it down a little bit so you guys can see here let me let me i'll do the side view and we'll move our little monitor here for a second so you guys can get a good side view of it then we'll get our monitor out hey there we go i guess i can just keep these plugged in oh jeez you mind handing me that i got it i got it there you go thank you okay there we go here's our side view so you guys can see a good view of what it looks like here and i'm going to bring it up a little bit so you guys can see there we go and then while we're doing this we'll run the post i guess i could have got up and uh done that okay let's run our post giveaway this is for a three month of game pass starting that giveaway right now it looks really good all in all like i would say like i'm like more impressed i want to i want to get the case on so i can get like a good sense of let's put this on get a good sense of what the this is a thick boy panel man i'll tell you that like in terms of like tempered glass like this is not a light tempered glass okay okay yeah you could definitely feel air like more air coming through once i put that panel on there's a peel on the inside i can't tell there we go so there now it's now you can definitely feel more air coming through now like so there's like you've got you've got quite a bit of air coming through that yeah there's a peel on the inside of this something in my eye oh no please just can't tell if there is or not yeah there is feel there we go here we go guys ready here's a peel is it appealing it's appealing boom there we go okay now we get this back on clean off the corner real quick i put my fingers that's a thing like i will say like there is obviously some money that they spent on the thickness of the glass because the glass is actually really hefty and this is like i know you guys can't feel this but the amount of this thing is spitting a ton of air like way more air than i'd expect so i mean these fans are moving quite a bit of air and there you go there's that nice clean there you go like that your next emote should be appealing yeah no kidding so here let me turn down the lights a little bit so you guys can see that we're gonna draw we got 20 seconds left on the winner um okay here we go okay here we go let's turn the stream things down there you go there's some nice you can get some good color on it then you can see the yeah the colors are nice yeah the colors like the colors of the rgb fans are actually really good like as much as like this the one thing that's nice is like even though i don't know if i'm a fan it's like the the way the light plays off of the plastic is actually really cool and then you get this nice angle like that angle right there that one right there is actually really good um so it just does a really good job of showing off the rgb which is pretty cool congratulations swampy gator swampy gator from twitch won the uh won that thing so it's actually it's actually a really nice looking case yeah so i like uh i like so like i like i am like genuinely surprised like this is like genuinely surprised at how good this case came out so uh props to antec like again i think the the one thing is is like as much as seeing the plastic without everything in once you kind of see the way the light plays off the plastic it actually ends up being really cool there we go we'll show a cam link once you can get like kind of a wider wider shot there so yeah nice nice very nice looking build um and like the prism case like the prism and now again we have like we do have control of all the lights which is nice because we have all that stuff there so you've got like a bunch of different light options there oh that's kind of crazy nice white there so some good options there for colors yeah a lot yeah you really you really do i don't know what th this christmas christmas time watermelon christmas time is here happiness and cheer love for all the seahawks there you go yeah look at this oh never mind it's red and green there you go uh michigan state no michigan michigan state's green oh sorry michigan wow you have a lot of options here i can't even get back to the rgb one which one's like rg i just want to hold it no there's like you're still just cycling through there there so yeah lots of options in terms of coloring and stuff like that which is pretty cool yeah no there is a point so again people are asking about that point there actually is a point so this fan and you can feel it here from the back the bottom fan is pulling air from the psu shroud i'm going to show you the video again i will turn it down but this is actually what that bottom fan does so check it out it does have a point so again like i said this is their flux cooling platform and what it does is it says that it comes with five fans and these are included in the case without the prism ones and because you have your temperatures in the gpu it actually creates a dual cooling zone with pulling air from the psu shroud from the outside which causes cool air and then you end with like a dual airflow situation with a gpu airflow area and a cpu airflow area actually improving overall cooling which is very very akin to the cooling solution in that fifty thousand dollar mac so it is a much more cost effective way of doing it and that's where it was so that's like that's why they did that so yeah if that is true valve here um not having usbc it would be nice to see a system like this that actually did include usbc like a more premium maybe with a tempered glass front something like that which should be pretty nice again just want to show it off i i am pleasantly surprised at how well this case ended up being it was not bad to build in and the cooling solution stuff is pretty neat too so um pretty cool and then we got our little we got our little thing there so we'll set this off the side let's do this last giveaway right here i can see my little monitor there how many do you have that is well that's my that's my ipad so that's just oh that's your ipad okay here we go so here we go we're going to push this off to the side here we'll get a side one and then we'll run grab a mouse and keyboard because we want to make sure that this is like it's actually already got an os on it so all we want to do real quick is just make sure while i'm running this last giveaway which is for the which is for the um and by the way there is usbc on the motherboard for sure um the last giveaway which is for the ram kit 107 guys 107. not not not the 177 we got on the first september but still pretty dang good pretty dang good so thank you guys for all your support here's continuous support there so let's hit f1 okay there we go so we're in there um we're gonna go ahead and hit save and exit where is our okay that's fine whatever just run you said you can yeah you can feel a little you can feel the air right here feel right here at the top now right here at the top you feel the air pulling through which is pretty cool yeah pretty neat i like again impressed more impressed than i thought okay so let's run this last giveaway congratulations swampy last giveaway for tonight is for the uh ram kit uh 32 gigs of ram 32 gigs of 3200 megahertz ram uh remember if you um if you win this you can spend up to 150 on the ram kit of your choice um if you want to spend more you can always obviously pay more and do an update we can talk through that starting that giveaway right now okay uh chat just one way oh we know i just gotta i just gotta there you go um i gotta i gotta get some more of that deal rgb oh yeah it's actually on a really good oh it's on a good it's on a good deal sixty dollars for 16 gigs f12 it gets me too is that a good price sixty dollars for it yeah that's pretty good actually it really is i think i paid more for that when i don't see it last year now is there a rule that you shouldn't mix ram companies no that actually that's okay it's not really that's not as big of a deal as long as it's the same speed yeah ram will always run whatever the lowest speed is that yes it'll go to whatever the general the lowest speed is i believe that is correct i haven't i've actually i've never tried that we got things to try on the show i do i got things let's let's play this stuff out can i get into an os like that's there is an os on this drive where's the boot where's where's my boot thing um why do i not have the option of booting here no um trying to remember what i need there's a way to oh storage there's the western digital there's 500 gig it's got it in there do i need to do i must oh it's in settings why boot i don't know why it's like oh boot mode select this okay here we go no there you go there you go going to legacy okay that should work okay 20 seconds guys just want to make sure i get into an os that's what i'm making sure come on baby there we go and we're in windows yay yay we're in windows yay [Music] uh so people are asking like for the 30 90 and all that sort of stuff like will i be able to get one we hope so i hope that they've learned stuff given that you know we still have almost a week and a half before this go on sale on the 24th so i'm hoping that things go from there um we don't we just don't know right like there's a lot we just don't know at this point in time as you guys can see though just to kind of get you get you up to speed uh we're picking our winner looks like our winner is being picked right now and there you go but there we are we're in windows and we're good to go so we're ready to go for when we actually do the testing next week which is going to be cool so and uh less than no it's the 24th right is it less than a week oh well it's a week from today it's it's exactly one week away right so yeah it's a 24th so uh you're not gonna i can run i don't actually i don't know if i i don't think i have 3dmark on here yet i'm uh i will get all that stuff in i don't think i have 3dmark on here that's stuff that i'm going to download um and go from there so this is a red guys this is just a this is just a drive that is for os's it does it it has a lot of stuff on it this is on an msi so if i use polychrome or whatever it was then that would be up there it's just it's this is like a i have drives that i can basically put in that have windows and go from there uh who did win it's not picking a winner okay i'm closing entries fun i'm waiting for it to let me pick a winner is it stuck the bot is being weird hold on guys oh winner's been picked oh winner's been picked okay winner has been the winner has been picked okay well ladies and gentlemen i want to say thank you so very much for hanging out with us tonight uh i would love to know your thoughts on this case if you could just let me know all of that stuff down in the uh comments below what did you think is this something that you'd be interested in i'd love to know all of that stuff also while you're down there make sure that you smash that like button hit that subscribe button and ring that notification bell so you get a notification each and every time we go live right here on roby tech which is wednesday thursdays and fridays starting at 6 p.m pacific time you can follow me on social on instagram twitter tick tock facebook all at robytech all those things are awesome we appreciate it we also have an amazing community over on discord where you can join us the link for the description is down below our mods are also going to be linking that uh where we have like-minded people who will talk to you about builds uh pc building uh tech questions all that sort of stuff all those things are answered over on the discord question finally don't forget tonight at midnight this is your last night to enter the intel special edition giveaway that giveaway is happening right now and it ends at midnight we'll be drawing the winner wednesday of next week which should be absolutely awesome i'm really excited about whoever is going to take that away outside of that guys we are gonna go get some rest i'm gonna go get some spicy nugs we're gonna go chill a bit and we will see you guys tomorrow wednesday bye guys if i can find the opening there it is a dare hello you
Channel: Robeytech Live
Views: 35,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3900x, PC, amd, building PC, custom PC, df 600 flux pc case, df600 build, df600 flux, df600 flux case, df600 flux review, gaming pc, how to build a PC, pc build, pc building, robeyetech, robeytech, robytech, rtx 3000 series, technology
Id: oWW-bx06ApA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 209min 34sec (12574 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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