How to Build a PC – Giveaways + $4700 Build in the Lian Li O11 Dynamic (5900x / ASUS 3080Ti)

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i have my ugly christmas sweater mass effect on we are playing christmas music and we are live welcome everybody to roby tech and the mini of our holiday builds kicking it off with creamy thick who is going to be the first of the builds guys i know that uh it has been kind of a wishy-washy schedule as we basically went through some craziness and uh here at rubytack basically in november but we are back and we got a lot of streams ahead of us lots of builds just to kind of end off the year which is going to be a lot of fun what is up everybody yeah hey we're in the in seven center what's up juggalo jimmy it's so good to see all of you uh going from there got so scared i was full volume oh i'm sorry sasanki is the music a little quiet is that what the problem is yeah this is a pre this is a pricey build for sure what's up everybody uh what's going on everybody it's good to see you music is low okay i can turn it up a little bit i turned it down a bit let me uh me let me see if i can get a drink here uh here in a minute uh from uh let me see if uh hey uh hey hey dad can you grab me an ice sorry i forgot to grab a string okay turn up the music a little bit i don't care just some one of the ices so yeah no just going to put this up a little bit because it's being wacky and then we'll go from there but yeah i'm excited i'm excited to be back i'm excited to be streaming we got all sorts of stuff going on today which is going to be fun we got a big build big build today which is gonna be fun um yeah uh got the bourbon out okay well voltic is taking this a little seriously but ice no no butt ice all that sort of stuff um i'm guessing today's flavor will probably be the lemon lime am i right it's lemon lime lemon lime uh there it is we got lemon lime for the drink flavor for today and so we are good to go how is everybody doing who has gotten their christmas shopping done that is the question i am so far from getting it finished but it is so good to see uh where can i get that anti-static mac so crank d we are we just reached out to them trying to get an update it's supposed to be here like literally any day so we're going from there we're waiting and as soon as it shows up we will uh we will get them up for sale don't worry guys we are hoping that they are before the beginning before christmas because i know a lot of folks have been really exist uh really excited about that yeah i don't have i don't have my christmas shopping done either um strong in christ thank you for the resubscription it's so good to see all of you and welcome back okay let's talk about giveaways let's talk about giveaways today um and uh go from there so we have our standard fare of giveaways uh basically first and foremost uh if we get two level five hype trains here on the show then we'll give away a uh we'll give away a 250 gig nvme ssd if we get 500 likes here on the show then we'll also give away a 250 gig nbme ssd and then finally uh if you look down in the corner you'll see that 50 dollars if we get 50 subs that becomes a 50 new a gift card 100 subs comes 100 new gift card 150 subs 150 new gift card you guys are used to this you guys have seen this like you know what's going on i'm going to open the window real quick so anyway that's what's going on now the difference is is that now instead of just a 5800x it's basically that tier of cpu so if you want a a 12-gen intel instead like that is completely okay and you can have either or for uh for your cpu option there so you guys you get the choice now which is the only difference now finally for the month of december we're going to be giving away a 30 80 ti to one lucky subscriber here on the show if you want to get in on that all you got to do is use your free amazon prime subscription uh basically most of you guys have amazon prime if you use that you get a free subscription to twitch drop that you get a free entry and you're basically good to go now you can get extra entries by doing things like if you've already got uh you might be lucky and you got a gifted sub which so many people here give subs you can do stuff like basically uh use your prime subscription to double your chances like the guy in july who won a 3080 tie 3080 ti or tie actually won just off of basically nothing but a prime subscription but if you want to get your entry in all you got to do is you can do stuff like you can basically do stuff like gift subs like um basically i don't think anybody's gifted subs yet today uh but so many people do that gets you extra entries subscribing to tier two get you five extra entries and subscribing to tier three get you ten extra entries uh towards that giveaway so lots of different ways uh to get in on that which is always super awesome so yeah that's all the stuff that's happening um and uh and available for you which should be good poll is up it is the roby tick what's up geek vs nerd colin hanging out in the colon hanging out in the channel saying hi my ladybug is ready so i'm gonna hold on one sec i'm gonna get this out and prepare it for this build i was preparing my extra light so yeah i miss you too buddy how's it going bud i hope things are going well so uh let's get the uh we're really close to basically unlocking the uh the the hype train so let's get that done let's get that out of the way then we'll start doing the build which is always fun that's the part everybody's looking forward to we have a build today let me tell you so if we can get that started that would be absolutely awesome who's gonna kick it off how do you sub there should just be a link down below i don't see the poll that's weird i put in an upside down apparently have you started streaming this hour i can't watch i'm glad you started streaming i can watch hey that's awesome yeah we're gonna usually this is the one where we're doing the keyboards but i have so many builds to catch up on too so we're gonna do some builds for a while oh that's bright okay it works lights lights good we're all good there what's up dc wolf how are you man i used to be i don't do that anymore that was a long time ago actually this is uh that was a long time ago uh and going from there i see the poll okay so people have been doing it guys we're super close to unlocking the uh the hype train let's see who can get us over and let's undo that literally it's half and half nobody every people are split between whether they've done it or not um well that's cool it's literally tied people didn't see it oh it's weird yeah um and oh by the way if you are you might be over at news so if you're a newegg chat you're watching i reese i restream to newegg so um the the the poll was over at robytech so if you're watching this you're like oh you're on new egg you're like what is going on that might be why is because you're actually seeing the straight the um you're seeing it on the wrong chat um and so you need to pop on over to where we take if you want to be part of that sort of stuff that's also where all the subs are and all that sort of stuff as well do you know where ddr5 will be available in north america so the only place that i have seen it is on newegg it's actually been in the shuffle for quite a bit but um i'm i'm telling you they're more supply constrained on ddr5 than they are on uh gpus so going it's going to get pretty crazy bernie dropping it there it is bernie taking is close and there is the hype train vaulting knight getting us going and we are good to go i don't know if we're going to kick that off right there but then also we got it and so we're there oh did it oh j blue eyes that's right because you always hang out here we can't get rid of you jay we can't get rid of you and we're okay with it juggalo jimmy dropping is a thousand bits igor 1980 giving a commit gifted sub we got fiddy fiddy dropping a resub thank you very much happy seven month anniversary it's good to see you yeah i've seen it on amazon too but not at retail i'm back tended bobcat gamer that is right actually tinted bobcatgamer i got my twitch summary by the way today um and you your name came up in it uh i'm trying to see it um let me see what it was it was like something like this hold on let me see it was like twitch let me see if i can find it your name came up in the in the recap and i'm trying to find it it was pretty cool um [Music] i gotta let me see might have been in this one your name came up while we're still doing that uh slight bohemian thank you for the prime sub looks like we're getting we're at level four guys already and killing it where is it it was like a twitch thing maybe it was in i saw it it was here did i do something with it it was our twitch recap and i saw it and i'm trying to find where it was i'm going to maybe i'll look on my phone maybe it was on my phone that i saw it but it was it was pretty cool your name kim well you know what i'll just search for tinted bobcat gamer that's not gonna come up in my email a lot tented bob okay well it's not showing up that way either uh i know it is here somewhere and i saw it uh drafts no it wasn't it was in trash i will find it your name came up and it makes me sad because i i literally was like oh cool because uh twitch sent recaps to everybody and uh i saw the recap but i'm i'm just trying to see where it it was and uh i don't know where which i have so many emails now that i don't know which one it went into um so i will find it and i will let you know but somebody yeah your name came up as something you've done something great on our channel bk bl blk catecht thank you for the one sub chunky milk thinking for the bits mick wilshire baggins 16 months man 16 months thank you very much and igor also giving out a community sub we're three minutes left and let's go going from there so hey i want a gift card for new and i was wondering what to upgrade between my proc currently in an art synth and my ram uh if you could go to a 50 5800 x or 5600x that would be a good one herman munster hey is newa gonna have a special deal going on soon what do you mean chunky milk uh they have deals all the time so yeah guys we're uh we're getting close let's get it two minutes left we're getting a lot of one things but going for them twitch came from no reply at twitch so only look let me look up no reply i don't know if i'm going to find it it's just this always bothers me because like the moment i want to find something like i found it and then now i want to find it anymore no dash reply uh i see let me see i'm looking to see if i can find it i'm seeing all of my payouts but i'm not seeing the actual recap no reply comment twitch yeah this is all the yeah this is all like everything i'm getting where where where's this from what what what folder is this in robio yeah so it's roby one it's in my robie one one so okay so it was it was definitely roby one because that's where i'm seeing all the follows i want to find this it's making me mad because i saw it and now i cannot find it oh that might be right hey here it is okay found it found out campaign tinted bobcatgamer your name came up let's see where it came up at here uh uh let me see where was it where was it top watched wait this is the watching restart todd you showed up wait these are all nope that's the wrong one this is the one that i this is the one that this is not the right one this isn't the one that shows how much i streamed this shows how many how many channel points and stuff that i've done but there's another one that's like for me and i don't see it dang it i thought i found it i found like the email but it's not the right one gosh this is a lie i'm so friend i'm so frustrated hey miltor thank you very much for this the thing uh vulcan knight thank you for the gifted sub and then ayo snipes dropping five gifted subs as well i know i feel lame uh it's just it's being crazy i feel like i'm literally on the stream like trying to find something and people are like what is this stream right now and trust me we'll get to pc building here in a minute but i just i hate that i just don't have access to it right away i found the one that shows who i watch but there is one that shows like who what what i did um yeah um so yeah it's going from there uh this is why you screenshot things when you see them i know igor that's a good point that's a good point made in america dropping five gifted subs thank you maiden appreciate it he's uh he's he's not only is he a tech he's easy our tech awesome but he also is a great supporter thank you very much uh thank you i like my sweater my sweater is very nice we're gonna be building here very soon and i know that makes everybody happy um going from there i think it's said it's gonna be between 4 and 6 a.m tomorrow what is this what are you talking about chunky are you talking about whatever the special is the special sale um go for it who who is like who still needs a graphics card i'm just curious well thank you pino pinio 98 thank you for watching it oh yeah evo is here oh hey guys evo's here hey i got to show you guys something hey uh let's let's get this up you guys ready i gotta show you something evo's here hey come on let's let's get this level let's finish this hype train and i'm gonna show you guys something ridiculous because evo's here um and he needs to see something we'll show here in a minute have you tried yeah me who doesn't lots of people apparently are getting them guys we're super close to finishing this level five hype train then i have something crazy to show you won't be before january oh i'm sorry i would love to build a computer i have up this gen yeah shuffle every day no luck so far yeah i've entered the shuffle pretty much all that but now it seems like 3060s and 3060s are getting really hard to get 360 ti are getting hard to get there we go cheer 200 bits there it is level 97 we have a minute left who's going to take us over the edge let's uh let's see what's going on there who's going to take us over the edge oh red red six nine two four five there it is right there and then evo drops five gifted subs just to make sure it's good and now we're within fifty we're within uh what 15 from the thing okay let's go guys let's go you guys ready for the build i'm gonna we found out that it does work on this table you guys ready okay here we go we're gonna we're gonna show you something crazy let me get my uh let me get my dad's help here hey dad can you help me evo's on the channel i'm gonna have to help you to have me help me twice okay you ready yeah i'm gonna pick it up and put it up oh you got it evo's been waiting for this i don't know for how long but it's finally done evo has been waiting for this for how long so we're going to show it off as he has been waiting for so long on this and so here it is guys evo's build this is a custom water cooled 30 90. it's got 20 how many fans does it have evo has so many fans on it uh but we he's been waiting so long yeah it's like i i don't it's like dope like these are all these are there's what one 20 i think it's 20 supposed to be 29 because these are three that's six these are eight times two so that's 16 huh [Music] 24 okay kevin's over there saying 24. okay here we go 24 fans absolute behemoth here we go guys gonna get it so you can see the whole thing and boom there it is 24 fans of awesome custom water cooled yeah she's yeah she is thick uh he has been waiting a very long time for this uh to basically get finished it will if it gets into windows like windows does boot it's all ready to go we're getting ready to ship it out uh from here let me let me show you yeah we got it we're gonna it's gonna go through testing and thermals and all that sort of stuff right now so it is uh it is a beast of a machine i'll show you from the side here uh from the here let's go to what i want wide here we go so you guys can see here's on the front you can see all of the all the fans there in the front and there's two of them it's push pull that's going through all the lighting and stuff like that right now so it should go all red here in just a minute but yeah yeah it is a monster yeah it is a monster of a pc um and it is uh it is very very it's very big there goes all red so that's that's thematically all done so obviously it's in windows right now and going from there uh the uh the amount of cabling on the back uh to show this we'll do it we'll do a twisty turn so you guys can see just how much cabling there was as well let me go to cam link and then actually we'll do it like kind of i'm trying to think of the best way to do this um yeah it's it's it's nuts yeah we're gonna try i'm sure i don't think this cable is long enough you know hold on maybe if i pull it through all the way through okay it might be long enough yeah okay here we go we're gonna spin it around thanks to my dad for helping because it weighs like 70 pounds okay so here is now cable management on this build here we'll do it right here you guys ready here is the front wide okay so this is how much cables so it looks very clean from here but opening it up you can see we have one two three commander pros we have one two i think there's three four lighting node pros we have a fan hub and then at the same time like it's it's all the cluster this is called cluster cluster uh cable manager everything is basically clustered together so it's easy to basically fix so should there be an easier an issue and that everything is obviously cable tied and everything like that uh on the back this is actually pretty pretty dang clean but the other thing too is we want to make sure it was really easy for evo when he gets it to be able to find each part so it's going to be crazy it's going to be absolutely crazy from there okay so we'll turn it around show it off one more time and then yeah we're going to take it down and let it do its work but here is the finished evo cybernation build i wish we could have built it on stream but we were a little worried about just how unwieldy it is but there it is guys this build is uh the probably one of the most expensive ones we've ever done so just in terms of we have i think i i don't even remember all the specs we have a ton of ram obviously the whole thing is custom water cooled we got 24 fans all ek water block uh radiators um obviously uh all of their high-end vector um all their high-end vector uh water cool components uh a 30-90 their limited edition uh block we had to customize the case to be able to to mount this the way that we did um and then again everything is like basically the highest end of the highest end in here and then we have a 1200 watt power supply at the bottom so i think total all-in this build was just shy of i mean with prior to commission everything else just shy of 10k um and it might actually i think it was actually probably a little bit more expensive than that i don't remember off the top of my head but it is a quite an expensive build and there it is all finished yeah it's it's it's really pretty uh now couple things you might be asking you might be asking robey why didn't you hard tube it a couple things we have to create this build in order because just given the sheer size and there's so much in which crating companies are willing to do so we had to do something that was a little bit like we didn't have to worry about the tubing and stuff so it's soft tube with uh ek torque compression fittings it just makes it easier for the crating companies we are going to drain it before we ship it and stuff like that but just given its size and scale we had to reduce in some areas just to make sure that it would actually be okay to ship um and so it's pretty crazy so yeah this year's yeah it is a it's hard to think about how big this is i mean if i go to the wide angle here this right next to it this is the rog strix can you wonder if you can see yeah right next to us this little small box right here this is the rog strix xl it dwarfs the xl in terms of just overall size so yeah that is the uh that's just giving you an idea like i'm a big dude and it is as tall as me uh on the on the table so yeah it's like half the body but yeah there it is guys i want to show it uh evo's been waiting so long to see it so we wanted to basically get it booted up so at least his dream was to see it on uh to see it on stream now we are gonna have a whole video about this this build um just given that uh just given that of course it's it's it's one of the biggest ruby tech builds uh so we will have a video with b-roll we'll talk about performance all that sort of stuff so you guys can see more details on it uh when we get to that point and the end and the the things do light up we're just we had to take it off of a rgb actually i'll fix it real quick watch this we'll fix it real fast the one light there you go now it's working and there's that there's the rgb header so so there it is there is the build his whole entire build so going from there okay well we're gonna now take it off the table and you the sad thing is is we had a crazy workout at uh orange cereal today and so this is uh this is quite a quite a quite a hefty load for us but yeah there you go fun something fun something a little bonus for you today look grab it from the back so you know have it all on your on here yeah watch it get dropped on stream takes two people to get it out there we go [Laughter] okay so there you go nice little surprise for you so you guys can see it all finished so as mom can see that it's finished it's actually done it's going to get shipped so yeah yeah we we lift we didn't lift with our back and that's why we do two people at the same time yeah it's a two-person job that's how big that pc is what'd you guys think of that can we get some hype in the channel for that you guys just saw a ten thousand dollar build so um which is actually pretty cool right so everybody enjoy there we go that's fun right that's a that's a real build what do you guys think of that that is yeah it was it was pretty cool it was pretty cool we don't do those very often and actually we do them it's on a par it's on a per person basis i mean it's just they have to be like evo has just been one of those guys who's been just really kind and always here so it takes some more pc works hey guys we got some royalty in the channel we got some royalty in the channel right here we got pc works in the channel over on the youtubes hanging out if you don't watch him he was one of the guys who did the intel extreme uh basically uh oh man i forgot creator challenge uh and he was there so uh he is uh absolutely awesome um and we're gonna have him we're gonna be doing some collaborations with him in 2022 for sure oh look at pc works dropping a 499 super chat that is my man right there but he is awesome so yeah it's super good to have him in the channel i'm gonna i need to go watch some of his streams and if you don't go check him out especially on i mean the builds that he makes are legit crazy so it's gonna be oh he's great and it's super good to see him okay let's talk about the build we're doing today because i think poor creamy thick this build has been riddled riddled with um just logistical problems uh basically at first it's just like we the case didn't show up on time then the case showed up and then basically we had a snafu with the fans now the fans are here uh he you know he's he's one he wanted push pull but it wouldn't work like there's just been a ton of things getting here so now today we're building his build it's taking forever i got to go grab a cpu though let's go grab his cpus in the other room that was the one thing we did it for another picture because we had to order one let me grab another seat let me grab a cpu it is right here no that's not it it is where is the oh maybe this is it let me just verify i think this is it i gotta go see what his build is supposed to be one sec guys this is going uh so far the stream is going uh really well we've done a really good job of uh okay yes it was okay yes okay so we do have it so let's start with the cpu ryzen 9 5900x there it is right there ryzen 9 5900x is our cpu for today's build uh for our motherboard we're using the uh rog crosshair dark hero so absolutely love this board we've shown i mean it's been on the it's been on the the books a number of times uh and it's uh it's so good uh uh to get to use now cooling the cpu he's been worried because we've used this like three times on the show and he's like hey is that mine no yours is right here brand new there it is creamy thick uh we're using the h150i elite lcd um so this is the newest cooler from corsair it's got that beautiful lcd display so he can look at his temperatures put on his favorite gifts or gifs if you're weird so uh that's the that's the cooler we're going to be using as well uh for our we are going to be we have some storage options here we're going to be using a savant rocket nvme for a two terabyte so that's a nice and very fast uh nvme drive and then we've also got a one terabyte sn750se that's basically going to be his os drive um for our crate cables we're gonna be using asia horse asian horse these are their double black their cpu cables for ram we're using their brand new vengeance rgb rt this is their new ryzen ram specifically which is supposed to have better compatibility for docp and all that sort of stuff so we're going to be using i think this is 32 gigs at cl18 so that's what we got here there's our ram option right there for our we are like i said we have a vertical gpu mount kit for this we actually are going to be vertically mounting this uh gpu so there's the vertical mount for it and then you know if you're going to vertically mount a gpu you got to make sure that you have a very pretty looking gpu and there it is right there the rog strix rtx 3080 ti pretty much one of the most uh desired uh gpus on the market and uh i think you know everybody loves how stuff like this always looks and it's one of those hey i'd love to have that card cards um for our fans these were the reason that we had to delay last week um we've got the rog the uh uni uh sl120 uh the sl 120 fans not the a0120 fans which we now have extras of and then finally for power just because it's in 3080 ti we're going to be using the evga 1000 g6 that nice small one and all of this is going to go inside of all this is going to go inside of the liam lee 01 dynamic rog xl their xl version of the case so yeah that is our build for today and it should be it should be actually very very good so what do you guys think good build do we have a good build today thank you for the sub subs guys we're 15 subs away from getting that 50 so let's see if we get to that 50 before we uh we get too far into the build yeah i think it's if the rand cliffs are good we're in good shape there you go yeah i think it's a great build yeah we have a good build good hey i'm glad people are agreeing that we have a good build today yeah it should be a very good build right um and like i said vertically mounting which we haven't done actually inside of this case so there's going to be some new things with this um which will also be very very good uh there is bluetooth and i think there's wi-fi and bluetooth on this motherboard so yeah it's kind of their high-end one yeah it's lit build okay good but yeah i'll buy that build for a dollar shizo look at you dropping it hot trying to get it trying to get it uh trying to go from there yeah the 3080 ti is absolutely rad um and excited it's it's absolutely great card so yeah and i think creamy fix is very happy ao snipes dropping 15 gifted and taking us to 50. ao's build's coming up here in just a couple weeks so he's pretty stoked it sounds like okay so there is that let's go and update our giveaway and let's start building building time everybody say building time building time where is my it's gotta be here okay here we go go in here let's go to all widgets sub goal okay we're at 50. so let's hit end goal we're going to wait 100 new gift card 50 and then 12. 31. okay there it is subscriber goal done and we're going okay so let's get all these parts off of here and start uh start playing around start building start building some stuff some stuff and stuff let's go from there what do you guys think build in time by the way this is my 160th build for the year so this is build number 160 newegg asked me on twitter they were like hey what build is this so we went back and counted and found out that this is build number 160 so we've built 160 total builds uh on the cha oh i don't want to take that off on the channel uh this year so far so yeah yeah 160th build uh the case we're using is the rog the 011 dynamic rog uh xl and you guys will see the link to that here pretty soon of which that of that 157 of them were 3000 series you guys have actually seen 157 3000 series cards uh if you've watched every episode of the show no it's not it's not in dog years it's not in dog ears it's a 5900x not a 5950. let's go 50th gifted sub box more to come yeah we're all here we're already on the win the next thing hey just when you were announcing the winner for the zotac you know what rubber band man we actually have the winner and i have it in my mail so we'll announce it today well how about we announce it on wednesday i will announce it on wednesday uh sorry on friday on friday thursday or friday's build because i want to let people know but yes we'll announce at nba thank you for reminding me we have the winner we're just going to announce it um how many did you have to manually set timings of ram to get it to run at rated speed i would say about 25 jw hey thanks man i appreciate it sounds good okay good okay well hello poland he says hello from poland um okay let's get your let's start building though where is my oh there it is where's my motherboard okay here we go top down time top down top down epic build time to build epicly i don't know where i put my knife i'll use a small knife i feel like this build has been delayed so long hello from a hole card arkansas that's in the hole yeah we're gonna have fun guys we are gonna have fun today epic top down no guys not that kind of top down you guys don't want to see my man boobs i'm talking about epic top down camera that's what i was saying let's go from there wish there was an 011 mini non-air version there is a no one mini non-air version hello from flagstaff arizona wow you guys are saying hi from everywhere look at all these highs uh okay yeah this boat this mobo is legit i love this mobo okay i'm gonna see we have two nvme drives so i got one i think that needs a circle a circle maybe guys batting down the hatchet batting down the hatches maybe today while i do this build one day a build challenge that would be worth it what do you guys think if i do a build challenge i don't know if this this would be hard i won't do it on the expensive build but on cheap build the build challenge is that i have to wear the rog ring the whole time when i do a build like it's like this is a handicap this thing is so hefty so um there it is right there top down after dark bernie you have to wear that that the ridiculous rog ring [Laughter] oh by the way guys we do have uh i do have a couple systems if you're looking for christmas gifts i do have a couple systems that people are interested in they're not expensive um that we have gaming pcs that i always i always want to give to you guys first um as options so i actually have one of the um streaming the uh the streaming sorry the starter pro pcs from nzxt we have one of those for sale it's 13.99 and then we also have the um we also have one of the h1 mini pc the mini pluses uh on sale and that's 14.99 so if you're interested those both have 30 60s uh they also have a 1100 700k sorry so you can take a look at it but again if you're interested uh they're completely built ready to go we just ship them out um and uh if you just want to dm me on discord we have a couple systems they're both 3060 ti's um and so great 1440p uh system so yeah we got a couple of those if you guys are interested and want to want to pick up a pc we have two that are in stock that just need a new home so yeah just want to give you an fyi if you if you want to get up get a pc for the holiday uh this mobo i think uh we can link it out there for the price i don't actually know off the top of my head i think it's like four through 400 bucks uh maybe there is no maybe i don't need any screws this must need all latch screws that's good here we go oh there it is 449 there it is there's the uh there's how much it cost okay let's start building let's grab my knife again and let's get our cpu in here zoom in a little what do you guys say a little zoom in little zoom zoom little zoom zoom zoom zoom do you guys remember that from mazda's the mazda zooms where is my remote oh i wonder if it's under here oh there it is i found it found the remote okay here we go okay so we're gonna do let's go and peel first zoom zoom zoom yeah that's right wasn't that that was like wasn't that the song from mazda yeah yeah us currency yes voltic it's u.s currency uh the ram is not ddr5 because it's an amd build there is no ddr5 amd support right now uh that won't be uh that won't be until right uh 6000 series thank you very much for uh helping with that uh pc guy trying to get people to go over to do the likes over on the youtubes also guys we have a brand new video that just came out today uh with eyebuy power and intel vlog style which is a lot of fun uh it's gonna be the ryzen 9 5900x is the cpu we're putting inside of this yeah thanks man i appreciate the peels i'm glad you like the peels it is a dream machine and i think uh poor poor creamy thick has been waiting for a while to get to this get this pc uh into his hands so yeah and now and now comes the fun part for evo cybernation who has to wait to find out how much it's gonna cost to ship his pc which is always fun maybe it'll be less than we thought okay there we go does your mom think it's real yet evo okay there we go with skin there like now that and your friends now that they see it's done two weeks late i'll be fine i know i'm sorry yeah it was it's funny because i was looking at the when this originally was announced was december 9th so yeah but luckily i'm not traveling i'm done with travel for the uh done with travel for the for the year um so it's like basically i just get to build and hang out with you guys and how is that not a party how is that not a good time mind you huh it's a good time right hanging out with you is pretty epic so is finding the right screwdriver there it is did he evo you can just show her the stream now you say it's right here mom man she needs to get over it thank you justin bieber music i would i it's i wish you couldn't get dmcad for listening like good christmas music you know what i mean i'm not going to use that it's not or k-pop wow you guys are you guys are going crazy okay here we go we're putting in our m.2 drives real quick m.2 drive in the thing i'm gonna sing in like my worst voice the entire day today i like m.2 drives and my beautiful pc it's so good to put in here do you guys like my beautiful scene [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] my talk is happening that's great that's what i need right there yeah you know pitchy a little bit is that buddy the elf i heard baby it's cold baby it's cold outside there we go america got tom that's right you guys know it i'm pitch perfect i love that movie um okay uh here we go we're just throwing this in there this is our sn750se this is gonna be our os drive uh he's gonna be running nothing but windows 11. actually i just upgraded to windows 11 today so it finally happened oh jw jw lopez oh i feel bad don't please don't unsubscribe because of my terrible voice i'll i'll find a good i will find a good thing to sing should i should i should i sing prettily should i try and sing like nicely now just to redeem myself [Music] i don't i don't i need i need a song give me a song request and i will sing it what i heard was angels oh you're the best sends dogs out of the room oh i don't know i don't know that i don't know christmas time right well i know i know christmas time is here the one from uh that's really high though that's for little kids okay i'll do okay let's do god rest ye merry gentlemen okay let's we're gonna we're gonna stop the music i'm gonna find let's see let's see me me me me me me i'm gonna i'm gonna get my singing voice on here we go let's uh we're gonna stop the music for a second um let me find though let me find the words let me find the words this here we go we're gonna we're gonna get the words here i'm gonna go here we go here we go god rest ye marry gentlemen lyrics okay not lyrics lyrics okay here we go here we go okay uh god rest ye merry gentlemen let nothing you dismay for jesus christ our savior was born on christmas day to save us all from satan's power when we were gone astray oh tidings of comfort and joy comfort and joy ho ho tidings of comfort and joy there you go how is that is that better god rest ye merry gentlemen and let us not display there we go remember christ our savior was born on christmas day to save us all from satan's power when we were gone astray o tidings of comfort and joy comfort and joy oh tidings of comfort and joy there we go there was two different versions there we go [Laughter] how was that now does that make it now they won't leave me yeah take it higher as everybody's like uh yeah do an aio version a-i-a-i-o yeah thanks guys appreciate it [Laughter] merry christmas ah thank you now we all have that song stuck in our heads i'm trying to open this thing okay uh let's see let's pop this open creamy fix like when is my build ever gonna get done we're having fun today we need to you know what's funny i was trying to think of a i was trying to think of a 12 days of christmas somebody did do one they put it in the channel um and they did do one um i was trying to think of like a nice 12 days and yeah and a cpu for my pc on the second day of christmas my true love gave to me two sticks of g-skill ram but i'm trying to like think of what it was uh like what a good pc version would be of like 12 days of christmas you know what i mean and i couldn't think of it because the i2 is like i was trying to get like four sticks of ram which is like more ideal and less ocd um all that sort of stuff this feels like it's missing where's all the screws oh they must be in here no it's down here i'm missing a screw a standoff and screw for my i think i'm gonna have to go into the box here and find standoffs because it's like this there's no standoff screw in here which is weird this is like a brand new motherboard [Music] luckily i have lots of screws where's my screw thing there just oh where is what i need i need ears there's lots of standoffs and lots of little tiny screws okay so we need 2280 and then now i just got to grab one of the tiny screws that goes with it [Applause] let's make sure this one fits okay we're good okay we got our screws now we can just finish this no i didn't toss it because it was brand new that was on the 12 days of christmas there was there was there was one right there so here here is 12 days of christmas i think jungle he sing it on the 12th day of christmas roby gave to me 12 zip ties 11 rgb fans 10 usb ports 9 cdk codes 8 days of streaming 7 new eight gift cards seven new eight gift cards six molex cables five golden clicks four sticks of ram three m.2 drives two motherboards and a gpu for my christmas tree there you go there is one that was a good one juggalo and then oh they got they got they got look at all the like the ai aio one there there it is um okay let's get this in now i have to sing that when we get to it oa127 post that when we get to the aio yeah need some psu sniffs oh that's a good one yeah i don't know dc wolf i'm curious if they're actually i don't know if they're actually there like i it's like it's chip shortage i don't know if there's just a ton sitting on there i may it might be it could be shipping issues it's just everything right now it's the worst you know what i mean okay come on box there we go i love this store i love the holders for these come on i've spent like 10 minutes okay so these are the these are the these are the m.2 holders for sabrin and aren't these these are great they're like little that's like you can use this as like a cigarette like a cigarette holder if you wanted to not that you smoke or should smoke but i mean it kind of feels like that but like instead you've got like a cool thing for m.2 it's like oh yeah i brought my m.2 drive you know so i i don't know i like the i like the little dry i like the little box it's like yeah you can do a credit card holder that would be good too santa baby okay let's get this in here there's our two terabyte seven rocket and it's ready to go okay m.2 is in dive i did yeah i peeled the top over that right i did peel the top off that didn't i no tom recommended it then it's probably not a good idea i'd take it back haunting ember tom don't go off tom's recommendations make sure they're verified with facts i'm just kidding tom's awesome okay we're doing a little duck bud here guys man orange theory today was killer anybody else do orange dairy is there any other orange theory members here in the in the chat who know what that is yeah it's got to be verified with the facts that's right no pulse you have to have him send you a fax that says verified i'm going to look at the bottom of this m.2 and make sure that i actually peeled this off i don't remember so long ago no not orange julius no pulse okay good i did remember i feel kind of like i feel kind of like i feel you know you ever have those days where you just kind of feel off but you're still building a 4700 pc it'll be fine [Music] no it's just i don't know it's just like i kind of feel like i'm like i'm like imagine the cost of me okay guys let's get the uh let's get the uh let's get the ram in everybody loves the ram i don't know why this this random power supply is just hanging out here let's get our audio set up for the ram no we're going to finish creamy fix build we got we got we got so we got tony the ballers build today then we're finally going to do that that freaking q95 that q85 uh freaking um lee lee build man i've been wanting to do that i just have i keep because of all the because all the streams kept getting moved around i haven't been able to build like any new case builds for a while uh we installed windows 10 we let others upgrade to windows 11. we don't force people to use windows 11 unless they want to oh so ninny piggy okay you do it yeah we uh today today was brutal it was a endurance endurance strength and like it was crazy it was like uh four two minute well like we had to do four oh sorry it was three uh two minute row for distances and then on top of that like just and then uh in between on top of hill climbs and stuff like that on the tread so it was pretty crazy hey quarter jack thank you very much for the sub 54 guys we're on there i gotta look pretty by the way guys andy the lab did just confirm with me that we are going to go do something cool with lamborghini in january in quarter one quarter one we just got to figure out what it is but i'm guessing if i can get this to work well we will be doing a custom lamborghini urus build um that we'll be giving away yeah we're doing something yeah pretty stoked about it yeah with lambo also uh also we're gonna go hang out with linus and crew we're heading up i'm heading up to canada uh next week to go hang out with lioness group or yeah next week or no it's the week after christmas to go hang out with lioness and crew they you know rubber band man they haven't been but that's just because i haven't been as consistent but now i'll be back i'll be more consistent about it okay here we go um this is our test we're gonna turn our music pause our music and let's see how these clicks are and then uh creamy thick says if they're not good he's gonna give everybody uh the same pc in chat just kidding he didn't say that okay here we go you guys ready first click first holiday click oh that was actually pretty good that was actually pretty good oh that was actually pretty good that was legit good okay next one see if we can do it again 94 on that one 94 on that one that one was also very good solid solid single click on that one these are good clicks oh 93.9 not the best one on that one okay let's see you can we can we make it up with the last one okay last one 94. okay so 94 was like so it looks like the first one was the loudest click and you guys are saying you can't hear the music i'm playing christmas music no i don't know why you can't hear the music i'll turn it up then okay i turned it up hopefully you guys can hear that now how many ram that's 32 gigs okay there we go okay so this is ready i think we're actually going to install this is actually going to use a bracket now that we've learned uh that this does not work the same way as the other one does [Music] let's get our bracket installed more rams oh let's put this away okay guys we have 139 likes over on the youtube so make sure you head over to youtube's and hit that that like button so we can do another giveaway [Music] hey good good i'm glad people are happy you just couldn't hear it before huh okay let's get getting our getting our parts out so we can install our stuff i want the amd stuff here there it is okay let's get this set up ready [Music] to be honest i'm not as but i'm not as big of a fan of this installation method as the older one but you can't have everything you want oh let's do that again not drop the screwdriver okay there's that one okay so we're gonna grab our little screws here get our brackets installed [Music] okay that's in just getting these getting these just getting this motherboard going time to get this cpu break it in yeah giveaways for today are um the whatever we at least 150 new a gift card um and then uh it'll be at least a 250 gig nvme ssd if we get two level five hype trains which i think will do i think i think it will happen i'm not worried about it wrong one oh hold on [Music] you're live on stream well hi hi hi hi how are you mary happy holidays what's going on a little bit later yeah i'm going right from here to maddie's basketball game okay but i will call you when i'm done i love you bye there we go oh oh okay so anyway that is good we have everything in here ready to go let's go ahead and strip our case guys if you have kids in the room you know what i say you know what i say make sure that uh make sure that you uh take them out because we're gonna be doing some case stripping it's the only pg-13 part of the show a little nude case sometimes you do you i don't want to have the birds and bees conversation with your kids you know what i'm saying like you need to have that without me about naked cases happy holidays oh it's so big so big and beefy there it is okay let's start stripping this bad boy down [Music] avert your eyes if you're young don't want to see a naked case okay starting to take it apart taking off the outer laying outer layer preparing for the next part of this build there we go there we go it's naked you can see it's undergarments you see the undergarments of the build now avert thy eyes young children ow there we go back is off okay um i'm gonna go and take this off in the back here [Music] okay here we go let's grab our smaller screwdriver here where is it there's just going to pull the back cover off so we're prepared [Music] [Music] do [Music] there we go [Music] now creamy you want do you want me to just go and take these out do you want these in here or no do you want these in there or no i remember you saying that you weren't going to use them but it's up to you i can take them out or leave them in it's up to you i have permission to remove the storage bay only if you want to yeah i don't need to there we have plenty of storage in this case so i don't have to it's just up to you what's up good now it's good to see you [Music] uh all a card we're wait we haven't got an update yet i know they're checking up on it so if i can get an update i will [Music] that's good to see you too uh i will tell that story a little bit later rover man man sure that'd be fine if you guys want to hear my origin story rubber band wants to hear my origin story how i became this this super hero i am today i'm good team world [Music] right now i'm trying to get this thing to come out here wow this is like generally stuck here i'll take them out then [Music] okay that was a lot of work just to get that out it does it does actually remove a lot of cables because they're hot swappable so it does actually help me a little bit now i haven't ever removed these before so we'll have to see how this happens a little learning in here guys a little learning [Music] there's that oh they're on the other side okay i see two mount cables there okay so there's a screw on the back no they're on the front you just remove the front okay cool okay we're gonna remove these drive trays we're gonna make it even more naked negative enough raid nobody says they want the drive trays i'm going to get rid of the drive trays we'll have all sorts of freaking cable management room the one thing that's going to be hard though is like we'll still want to hold all the it does a good job of hiding the channel cable part but it's fine remove them but it does make this there's just far less cables to deal with it's like a somewhat win-win okay okay one group out okay next one we're still going to hide everything underneath the channel you know what i mean just to make sure that it looks good so it'll just this whole space will just be really open minus the one little group of cables there we go yeah see how much more cables you don't have to deal with on that there we go okay now i'm gonna go and put these back on you still want to hide this stuff i appreciate it creamy thick it does create less cables i just don't have to worry about managing those cables anymore and we now have lots of room in the back for cable management [Music] okay so now the better the outside of a couple more little removals here and i think we're going to keep figure out which one i'm going to keep i think i might keep one of these [Music] okay build is ready stripped and now we can continue to do stuff well that made this build a whole lot lighter too okay cool now let's go ahead and uh let's get our motherboard in and then we'll install our vertical mount okay i wonder if there it is [Music] oopsie okay more clips here just getting all our extra stuff out here okay there's everything some metal mounting stuff some bracket mounting stuff it's gonna put all this stuff away okay there we go yeah uh chino i don't need one i have a fl i have a flooring and honestly most people don't need them unless you're doing something weird like building on carpet or something like that you don't really need to okay starting to put this thing together this is like this is like when magic starts to happen guys you guys are witnessing magic as the build now begins its process of coming together are you feeling the magic are you feeling it you guys feeling it the magic of the season hey thanks for the sub big [Music] does magic have rgb of course it does all magic has rgb [Music] oops that would be the wrong screw [Music] lego with attitude somebody just got finished watching the santa claus [Music] okay [Music] so [Music] [Music] okay there we go all of our stuff is in hey what's up john crispy brah i'm building your pc that's awesome well here you go i'm hoping you're enjoying the i'm hoping you're enjoying the uh the recap here [Music] okay we got all our screws in okay now what we're gonna do just because it's fun is we're gonna go and hook up all of our front panel connections just get those installed um we have one usb 3.2 so we won't be able to use two of them but we have usbc and then we'll just get that stuff done and then from there we'll start putting fans in because we'll have fans on the side i think this will actually fit i think we'll have to figure this out because i think we're going to want to we're going to i'm gonna yeah we'll start working through this and i forgot you can actually put an exhaust on this one okay so let's go and start running our cables here this is gonna go down to our hd audio there's that [Music] that's power does this have an rgb header too yes yeah it does there's an rgb header here too luckily all of the other fans are yeah so we have two rgb headers okay there we go there it is so we have an rgb header here [Music] this is for your case rgb okay and then we have usb c and usb 3.2 [Music] um let's use let's use this one because it's a little bit of a nicer cable usbc right here this will get cable managed [Music] okay nope i'm going to move this to right here [Music] usb 3.2 usb-c there we go front panel we have all of them here power sets reset switch hard drive all that's fun stuff power reset okay that's good hard drive that's not even when you when you miss it all together it doesn't seem lined up okay it is okay making sure try not to block it with my head there's that one and oh my gosh turn it stay use the front header okay there we go there's also installed now hd audio and then our rgb now before we do too many fan crazies or anything like that i'll basically turn these into a single cable connection here in a minute once i make sure i have all the cables plugged in the right place come on now we have a vertical vertical gpu so a lot of this stuff is actually going to get hidden this time okay so that's all in let's take a look at this vertical gpu bracket kit [Music] see what's going gonna take to put this in okay here we go here's the vertical thing for this so there's two screws there what is a there's a lot of we're going to figure out how this works never installed one of these before okay here's the bracket right here we got all of the parts here for it [Music] okay so i gotta remove the bottom three all of but the top three things here [Music] so we're just getting this prepared [Music] there we go so you can vertically mount this gpu oh really is that what you'd want to do oa that'd be pretty cool okay [Music] okay what do we got here so we've removed those remove those okay so i got two screws in the bottom here i gotta remove of the case so they're down here so i'm removing these two screws right here this is all the stuff that i'm working on right now so these two screws so if you want to vertically mount your gpu and use the same kit you know how to do it oop that just took that down okay okay so we've got that now okay so now i have to put this right here so there's a really long standoff [Music] right here this little standoff is gonna go right here this is a really long standoff like this and this is going to go right here above this okay so there's that standoff's in it looks like now i take this take this okay this is gonna okay like this okay no like this okay here we go maybe oh it just goes like this okay and then there's that screw right there okay cool so here's a little place i got to screw stuff in now so i need the sea screws these all the same or no okay they're all this no these are not all the same that is different that is different okay these are all the same okay cool now [Music] so now we're just mounting the bracket in [Music] there we go [Music] okay we take this little one right here [Music] there's that and then we have one more two more to put in and basically this thing is in [Music] okay there it is vertical mount is installed okay so here we go now vertical mounts ready [Music] take this [Music] okay there we go vertical mount is in and we're good to go there [Music] and these are just extra because these are these don't get used and these are extra too [Music] you need these these are gonna go back in here [Music] okay okay so everything is now installed now what we can start working on is putting our fans in so we're gonna have fans below so we have three fans below and then we're gonna have fans here fans here and then we have an exhaust fan that we can add to um okay so let's grab our first set of three [Music] uh i like those raging clowns they're good i've yes pluto i've done yes i've done how many 200 millimeters none yes i have done many itx builds quite a few actually [Music] okay [Music] there's our stickers [Music] [Music] go [Music] okay [Music] okay first round of fans of many here [Music] so we're probably going to want this up right and then so i'm assuming we want this up and not in the middle because you want to basically cover the bottom there so we can do this and then put that plate back here at the bottom if you want um which probably makes the most sense [Music] or we can put him in the center which would you prefer ao i mean uh sorry creamy do you want in the center or do you want up i just need to know where he wants to put the fans we can put them here in the center which might look the best but then you're going to have like this little top area that you can see yeah that's usually what people do is put the plate on the top yeah just gonna be down okay i'll put the plate on the top so let me put the plate in and then i'll put it back in that's what i thought [Music] there so we'll line them up with the top okay and then we're gonna do [Music] think about this we'll do there we'll do these will probably make most sense if we do exhaust for this so we'll do exhaust but we can use the stickers so they'll look pretty so we'll do intake intake exhaust exhaust out of the back [Music] what do you guys think right exhaust intake intake is that we get you're gonna you're getting you want to intake the fresh air for this uh basically we're gonna pull air through and then we can do single exhaust and exhaust out of the side [Music] the fans are being held together by an interlock mechanism it's actually pretty rad i'm trying to see what maiden and those guys think doing a double check [Music] so you want to do you'd say positive pressure and exhaust up top which means i mean you're still going to get positive pressure because you have more intake than exhaust so no matter what you should do intake from bottom and side and exhaust from the back [Music] you should do intake from bottom and side so you want to do intake here and then exhaust out of the top i mean that's fine okay we'll do intake we'll do intake intake the problem is that you don't get a ton of air from intake onto the side of this by the way yeah okay we can do that okay we'll do top we'll do side we'll do intake we'll do exhaust exhaust i like to bring the thing is here's a deal guys if we do exhaust then you're essentially feeding the cpu hot air for cooling versus if you do intake for the cpu because we're going to top mount the aio then you're basically getting fresh cold air for the cpu so if we do exhaust if we don't do if we do exhaust out of the top you're literally feeding it hot air [Music] negative pressure would be negative pressure would be all exhaust which is not again that would just be a lot of exhaust [Music] if we did exhaust out of so if we did intake through the bottom which gives this air and then pulls out of the back and then you do intake out of the top and it gets pulled out of the top yeah there's 12 fans there's yeah see what i'm saying [Music] but retro that's the thing i'm trying to say is temps the temps on that is that attempts is is that if you put exhaust at the top you're essentially feeding the cpu you're using hot air to cool the cpu yeah but good now that's we've we've done testing for that that's the worst place you can stick the aio in this case the aio because again the gap here in the back actually keeps it from getting air through the back through the side like we've done we have done that the best place in the in the case to put the aio for temps in this case is at the top but yeah that's yeah yeah i know yeah which that would make sense if you were doing that but the aio is that's the worst place to put the i o don't put the i o at the bottom yeah that's not a good idea either happy jammer so again i think what we're going to do for temps is we're actually going to do exhaust out of the side we're going to exhaust out the side intake intake and then exhaust which makes the most thing and even if you were doing push-pull i do still do push-pull intake you don't want na this case is too big for negative pressure negative pressures for small form factor cases so again this case needs airflow that's one of the biggest issues with this case this is not an airflow case you want a lot of air not you don't want to do the opposite if you do negative pressure in this case you will starve your ai you'll starve your gpu so you'll do top intake because you're going to want to feed fresh air and then you'll do exhaust and exhaust and we'll put stickers on these to make it through the back yes rubber band man i i get that yep we want to give the ca you want to give the cpu cold air no because again again the thing is is that what it's what you're going to create is two zones you'll have this being pulled this way which will cool the gpu because again you're going to do this plate which kind of sucks and then you're going to have air pulled and then out so it shouldn't it should still be fine you're still getting air out okay let me find the sticker thing for this okay so they go like this okay well these aren't even the same oh that's right because the fan i was like wait a minute so the right okay i'm gonna find the lean leaf symbol oh it's right there so these are going to go right here [Music] yeah that's what i want to do right it's just like talking through it it's i like i always like to use chat because a lot of times like there have been times when i'm wrong but then i do know that one thing we definitely know is that you want to feed the cpu cold air [Music] just want to make sure these are straight [Music] these are for exhaust we're going to exhaust out of the side and the back so we'll create two cooling zones one for the one for the gpu so we'll have a cooling zone here well air will get pulled in and over and then while the coolings are here where air will be pulled in and out you will essentially create a like kind of a dual pressure dual cool but that will give you two great pockets of cold air so all right cool we have a we have a plan i you know what i'm yelling too is that uh i i just realized um that uh we can still we may actually still be able to pull i might be able to this is the problem right here for push-pull it's this but i just realized i the corsair has a different screws than what i was testing with so it actually might work i don't know we'll see um i need my so i might i actually might have been wrong we tested with the wrong fan screws do [Music] okay cool so that'll be like that let's get this let's get these screwed in [Music] you're right dang it they are set as intakes some of them thank you but i put the stickers on they look really good um [Music] the stickers look really good [Music] though by the way i was looking at the 0-1-1 air and uh they did not make me happy because it's like it's not it's like it doesn't work like this at all i mean i'm excited to do it yeah perfectly centered stickers i didn't need they're going to look great from the back [Music] [Music] [Music] okay my grab [Applause] i know it's that's so funny that i totally screwed that up after all that after all that talk and then i didn't even do it right [Music] [Music] okay let's get these installed uh [Music] [Music] well they'll be fine on the top i mean i don't mind the black sticker i do think it's weird that they don't like they took all that effort to give you a sticker why not give you the same sticker but probably cost [Music] [Music] so man these stickers look super good in the back [Music] so funny [Music] okay we're gonna wow stick the other ones there we go [Music] and grab the wash stick for this next part since we want to put in all the screws here we go just putting the screws in now [Music] with the wow stick [Music] not that you really need them but you know what i don't want to skimp out on any detail in creamy thick's pc there you go he's got all the stickers even oh shoot [Music] one stick one screw got away from me [Music] there we go found it i've dropped this screw now multiple times okay there we go that is in now got all the screws in [Music] okay we got one set of fans in let's go ahead and do our aio get that done now we're gonna try if we can we're gonna try and do push pull on the top so we're to push pull intake on the top uh to pull in air and then uh through the thing so that's that's the plan we're going to see if we can make it happen though okay going to top down again i needed this last night i'm sorry donny i didn't know i didn't know okay here we go [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so in this case there's going to be a total of if everything goes well we'll have uh 3 6 9 12 13 fans [Music] this is going to go like this let's grab our next three mainly fans just gonna take this off short term [Music] come on there we go okay cool [Music] um okay look at what blondie but geeky posted yeah they're hard they're still they're they're still kind of hard to get that's the problem right i actually haven't used it yet uh retro so i don't really have an opinion right now on it okay let's get these put together oops a little plastic there [Music] so somebody's asking how these fans go together there's little clips see like this that just go like that just clip them together just like so so we'll do the same thing here there you go see now they're clipped together and we'll get these set up and then we'll want this these [Music] then the way that they hook up to the power is like this okay now get that lined up grab our screws now i'm not going to use washers on this okay so you don't want to use washers these actually have key supports for them luckily the one thing i like about this aio is this aio comes with everything you need to do push pull as well which is like a huge shout out to corsair for that does it benefit you more for someone to watch on your channel or newness i don't know what that means i mean it's always i it's i'm i'm i'm trying to basically it's it's about you guys right like i like i appreciate like doing this for me but honestly i hope you guys are enjoying it too okay last screw of this mount okay here we go screws are in now stickers important part so it looks nice there we go okay cool so there's that now what we're going to do is we're going to top mount this but we're going to mount through fans which is going to be crazy so there's gonna be some craziness here that's okay we'll figure it out oh yeah i want this one i guess i could have turned these around okay that's the way that i would normally do it okay cool okay so now we're going to move this out of the way oh see if this works this time okay i mean technically it works this should work okay i'm gonna go and put our eps power in where is my there it is yeah i know it's gonna be hard you guys are gonna watch me one-handed do this and he won he specifically requested that we hook up both eps even though there's a four pin in eight pin we're gonna go and hook up both there's that one and that one one will not be cable coned hmm [Applause] okay what we're doing right now is we're just installing our eps i need to see this is the part that i we struggled with in the last one so we're gonna see if this works because this might be too close for this so that's what we're working on right now i think i'm out of music christmas music let's go switch to the next one oh no there's more okay never mind okay we're good don't freak out okay both eps are in one not cable managed and cable combed unfortunately okay here we go see what we can do here okay now let me show you guys a little trick for how to do this if you want to do a if you want to do this in a good way is and so you can do it by yourself so what you'll need is a couple fan screws four in this case this is how you do it by yourself if i can find my there it is my workbench is a mess right now which i don't like normally okay so you're gonna take your fan screws okay and then you what you're going to do is you're going to mount your fans using your fan screws but you're only going to put a screw you're only going to put a screw in every other fan thing so we're going to go to top down you don't have to make them tight just enough basically just like this you're gonna put one in every other screw like that and you're just going to do that for all three fans you don't have to we can hide that afterwards [Music] so [Music] they don't have to be tight but you got you want to be able to move them a little bit but they just need to be on okay see how you can basically they're loose so i can i can shift them around okay one more [Music] this is how you would do this by yourself fans are you're right wrong way around so that would not help let's fix the fans i'll fix this one i was more worried about the technique than it was the other one so we'll fix the fans there but okay you want to make sure you do the same ones for this just have them loose i know i'm fixing i'm fixing him i'm fixing him i was more worried about the technique than the actual direction okay so we'll fix these real quick now there we go you just want to make sure you can slide them i want to pull air through yes this is intake yes we want in no i want these are not i had them right you guys these are intake i want intake at the top which means i'm pulling air through i'm pulling air shoot did i put these on the back wrong way i want to pull air this way yeah these are i had them right these are supposed to be intake no these are supposed i had them right yeah these are in in these are yeah they're pulling air i'm pulling air yes these are right i'm pulling air in okay yes i'm switching it around this is right this is right pulling air down yes yes yes okay yeah i'm sorry you guys i have brain farted my bad they are set to intake now yes thank you that's what i wanted okay good sorry brain farted apologies my bad my bad i want them intake okay so what you do is you just basically put them in like this with every other one you want you don't want them to be tight you want to be able to move them so make sure that they can slide very easily just loose them a little this one's a little too tight there you go see okay now you should be able to move them okay now what you're gonna do is going to push your cables through here just like that just pull all my cables through right now okay now what you're gonna do take your cables here same thing run this through the back here [Music] okay now now what you do is you can just basically set this up against it if this is going to work i might have to push this down a little bit find a place where this is going to fit [Music] i don't think this is going to work i just gotta get one one screw in but yeah it's putting a lot of pressure on the eps cable you know i can here let me just remove the cable comb move that up we can get it that way [Music] okay so what you're going to do is from the top you can basically get this down yeah that's not gonna work sorry man push pull is not gonna work it's it it goes right up against the eps and there's just not enough room yep sorry there's just not enough room for that last time was just the cables were too thick but it's just like it's just not going to work we tried there is no lower hull that's the problem is like so here oh here i'll give you guys a side view so you can see what i'm talking about let's just uh just for educational purposes so people can see what i'm saying and then just make sure i'm not being crazy so [Music] i'll bring the camera up so you guys can see what i'm saying then i i really do have to get the build done come on let's go to the side camera let's get a little light in here [Music] okay bring the camera up close [Music] okay so when i put this with push-pull the bottom of the lean leaf fans are literally pushing against the top of those eps connections i know that's hard to see but essentially it's if this is the eps connection right here the fans are right here and it's not like i just can't like there is no hole i could put it in it's just this like it's just i'd have to i'd have to literally get a 90 like a 90 degree turn to make that work and i don't have one of those that's the only way you'd be able to do that so like basically the fans hit right here so it doesn't matter what hole i'm putting it in it just it has to go there and i'm on the right thing right yeah so yeah so in other words it just won't fit without using a special adapter [Music] yeah but the only two is kev attack kept tech it has to do with what motherboard you're using where the eps connectors are all that sort of stuff but literally guys i don't like i love how you're arguing and i'm literally just showing you it doesn't physically work like if you can see here with push pull this is literally not going to work it does not no matter what i do because of where the fans are the fans hit right at the eps there's nothing i can do so it's like you literally are like it's like oh hey i know i'm not trying to argue it's just like people are like i can do it it's like that's great i'm literally showing you you can argue with me but i'm physically showing you it does not work even if i push the fans all the way to the edge this cannot in any way unless i used a thinner rad work like that yay no yeah i could i'm not trying yet i'm not discussing i'm just saying like i'm not i'm not trying to be hard it's just like people are like well it works in my case it's like yes but there's a lot of stuff that goes into why this build is potentially different than yours and i and i want to show you right like that's part of this is education but i'm just telling you it doesn't work and i showed you [Music] yeah thinner fans might work but again i mean i could yeah that would work but i don't have any thinner like noctua fans or something like that like to make it thinner [Music] so unless we want to postpone the build [Music] [Music] what about the hoses on the back of the case so that free up enough room no j blue eyes the thing is it's literally even if i had the hoses the hoses are over here so even if i put it on the other side the problem is is that the fans literally hit but it's not like there's nothing it's just not going to clear the eps the eps is not going in there yeah they're like i i promise you it's not it's just i'm not trying to be difficult i wanted to show you guys the technique i'm actually disappointed that i'm not able to do this [Music] exactly i don't want to postpone the build anymore i want to get this done [Music] yeah i can't be late to basketball but i want to make sure that i this is supposed to be educational right like i love building pcs with my community and i love that people question but it's just like the part that's hard is people like well it works it's like no i i'm showing you like it just doesn't work i'm not doing anything wrong oh yeah it's not the temps wise it's not push pull doesn't help a ton i mean it's nice it's good flex but it's not going to help a ton well i mean the more important thing is about pulling the right is actually just having the right air configuration which is what we have so let's just get this mounted and get it in i'm just bummed that we weren't able to do it but we'll get it in and we'll get it done okay i'm kind of bummed because now it's going to make this not there we go i like the push-pull really [Music] all right here we go you're gonna come and do what you need to do now thank you [Music] okay cool [Music] uh [Music] okay we're just getting the aio mounted real quick [Music] so [Music] okay well now we have the io on okay [Music] wow stick you make this easy on me [Music] there we go okay aio is mounted now okay cool there we go there we go there we go so we just have three more fans to mount and then we're actually in good shape oh shoot that taken off oh it's okay because we're about to mount that here in just a second let's get our last let's get our mount let's get our plate mounted all that sort of stuff okay let's go to side we're gonna we're gonna need to push this in because of just how funky this one is now there we go there we go okay get our amd plate on here let's push this up [Music] there we go that's like the most difficult part it's given that this thing has where'd my light go i had i really had it and now i can't find it so i can show you guys what i'm doing trying to be more inclusive in these builds it's not working because i can't find my light little thing i set it somewhere now i cannot find it oh there it is okay so you can get a little bit more light in here there we go okay okay there's that let's get this giant glob of cables up there let's get all the peel off of this [Music] so many peels on this okay first one you want to do the outside ring and then the inside ring [Music] and like they they put little bits of plastic in the crevices and so it's kind of annoying [Music] there you go okay cool okay we're gonna plug this into cpu and then we'll put it at 100 there we go [Music] yeah there you go [Music] so [Music] okay there we go [Music] then you want to twist this so that way we'll hide this one cable underneath it there we go there we go that hides that cable nicely [Music] okay okay so now everything is in the back we only have one more set of fans which is at the bottom which is great because these actually in this in this case it's actually really easy because you just basically take off this bottom little dot a dip addition did addition and then it comes out okay well except for when your screwdriver doesn't work quite doesn't reach it quite so we're going to use this one there we go don't want to script a screw strip of screw it's not pg13 stripping screws you know what i'm saying all right there we go and boom boom okay there we go let's get this out of the way put our last three fans on they're also going to be intake so with the airflow for so the uh the gpu gets the most air [Music] definitely want to make sure we're feeding that gpu plenty of air [Music] [Applause] okay so many extra parts to this these builds there we go [Music] there we go [Music] trying to get our mess a little bit more controlled here [Music] okay take a drink and let's get these fans on [Music] okay tasty drink we got everything here let's put these down okay now last set of fans guys hey thanks lifelong sorry i've been paying attention to chad just trying to cruise along you're welcome red dragon well not just you weren't saying thanks to me but yes they are amazing the mods in tech community thank you very much darth zellinder and metalloid for the gifted subs and the subs or sorry my screen went weird okay refresh this real quick because it's being wacky [Music] you love almonds that's nice okay so we want intake so we want intake on these again making sure i do this right i've been fail for fail pretty much on all these fans today [Music] there we go there we go okay [Music] there we go [Music] there we go one more baggie of screws uh [Music] where is this [Music] there you go [Music] making sure all the screws are in oh i'm glad you like it yeah you can on the oh it depends on the 0-1-1 this is the uh xl how many screws ever lost so far not many i'd say probably maybe across 160 builds maybe a dozen if the maybe not even that many i don't lose screws very often i've had them drop drop screws is different but not how did you even mount them then [Music] this build's not being given away we're giving away other things on this guys we're at 60 subs see if we get to we got to be getting close to we should be [Music] really close to uh we should be really close to that next level five hype train [Music] okay there we go let's put our stickers on [Music] [Music] okay come on there we go okay cool there we go those are all in now let's get them into the case [Music] there we go [Music] so oh [Music] so there we go okay all of our fans are now in there's that screw nine fans ladies and gentlemen [Music] okay now let's grab a zip tie right here there we go okay now all of our cables are in the back here [Applause] actually hook everything up [Applause] let's go ahead and run this bottom here this is our splitter for our usb [Music] okay cool now let's go to back kind of make it make make sense out of this mess [Music] [Music] okay first thing we're going to do run this down let's grab my second set of cables [Music] okay now we just start the cleanup process luckily there's just not a lot of cables thanks to lee lee fans we have a lot of surface area to put little bits on [Music] okay [Music] just trying to get the stuff that i'm not gonna need out of the way for now [Music] this is not a christmas rhythm built no this is just a commission back to the this is like our first of our holiday builds we've actually just been able to set some time aside and start working on builds again getting caught up so that's what we're working on right now this is a creamy fix build right now so first of many commissions over the next couple weeks as we get christmas everybody's christmas builds trying to get christmas presents out and christmas builds out so people can try i'm trying to get all the builds up [Music] that's what we're working on right now [Music] okay here this a little bit later [Music] okay this i can leave just out here that's okay [Music] [Music] there we go [Music] okay okay now let's find a good place to put our liam lee get our liam lee all hooked up [Music] there we go okay lean lead time let's grab our box [Applause] [Music] i'm trying i'm not following char right now what is that you mean chat i'm following chat i'm just looking up every once in a while i didn't know what you see you said falling char hey thanks red dragon dropping all those little bits [Music] okay let's do so we have three sets oh man we gotta fit we have one more fan to get in here which we didn't order another fan we didn't have that in there i gotta see if i have another one [Music] there we go [Music] uh too late what did i miss juggalo i didn't mean to yeah this video will always be on you yeah it's on youtube now i'm sorry i failed you juggalo [Music] creamy ass can we get him to use one of the as exhaust for the back oh i'm going to see if i can i'm going to see if i have another one of those fans because the thing is i guess i could but do you want me to do that thick or do you want to see if i have one more one more uh uni 120 fan i think these are probably gonna have to all be in order [Music] let me go look here in a second let me go see if i have one more i think i'm wondering if i have a single sl 120 because then you'll have all the same fans yeah yeah okay good let me go look because i noticed that i have one more fan you're right dude well [Music] i feel like [Music] these are all white color these these are away too jeez [Music] so what i do have creamy i don't have a i don't have a uni but i do have a black single al-120 which would work i don't have a uni i haven't i have a al-120 or we can what we can do is we can wait and i can order one and uh get one more uni 120 uh up to you and then it would be i mean it'd be here pretty quick so we could finish that we could i mean we'll finish the build and then i'll just be the only fan not there it's not going to be that big deal big deal but big a deal you want to do you want to wait for the uni 120 oh wait okay that makes more sense because that way it's all the same we'll get you another one it's an easy order okay for now that means i got to take three though change the order out here in a little bit yeah i just spaced that this kit this also has a exhaust [Music] okay so if i do i don't want to do i want to be do i can do like right here and that'll be out of the the way and then we'll have the exhaust fan will be able to go right here too okay [Music] [Music] there we go hmm yeah the sticky tape that i just used comes with the sl120s it's inside the box with the compartment i'm not using anything that doesn't come with the come with the the actual kit do [Music] what i'm just doing right now is making this look [Music] there we go making that look clean hey what's up quintus how are you man it's good to see you oh really will that work backwards [Music] good thing about this case is it's really nice to do what's called grouped cable management so everything's just kind of grouped together i mean there's still a little bit of a spine but it's not as bad and so just grouping everything together just looks a little bit nicer [Music] okay cool there we go okay so there's that all squared these are going to be for the aio okay we still have this which doesn't really have anything to do outside of just plugging in the aio2 okay we're just going to basically because this is barely used you put this in one place make sure it's maximum stickied down like this there we go [Music] 303 of 500 guys and we should be at should definitely be at the the second hype train should be unlocked for sure there we go okay so now so we want to definitely plug this one directly into the motherboard so once this is done then i help me up there we go okay there we go [Applause] so okay [Music] thanks quintus there we go take care of that one usb is now managed okay we just have a couple more little cables to get out of the way then we'll put in our super close to putting in pretty much the rest of this there we go [Music] [Music] dad joke for hype train i'm trying to think of like um let me think about let me think a good one we had some good ones that i was doing the other day that i really liked okay cool that is all done these are all in and that'll all get covered that's really kind of light i'm going to move these into it's kind of last of the cable management things right here for this build and then we'll put in the gpu guys we're actually close here [Music] why are fish so easy to weigh because they come with their own scales [Music] uh top three cases to work in uh the corsair 5000d uh the phanteks p500a and then uh i'd say let's give it a micro a micro atx the core the cooler master in our 200p max let's do that oh nice i like that one craig lilly i was in an open mic at the comedy club felt sorry for the guy before me he was a mailman his jokes were okay but the work needed but his delivery needed work okay so here we go all of our stuff is ready we'll zip tie these together once we have them done again they're all clumped which which is what i want i don't want more than that that's just everything's ready for psu now okay we can actually oh shoot crud okay i forgot a couple cables real quick um i need two more cables one i'm not going to cable manage because it's just the power i'll use that one later so i can see it there you go and then this one is so i can control the fans in the rgb [Music] and if this is the one that's the this is the most important of the two [Music] it's going to run up top nah i always like it when you find surprise cables [Music] okay there we go so this is going to go up here and i think if i run this here i should be able to find what i need for it okay let's run these and then we can actually do gpu [Music] all right we can do a side view here we go side view installation [Music] there we go [Music] this is going to go right here [Music] there we go awesome [Music] we're going to do here i have to say i'm legit pretty happy with this music that i've been playing it's very festive but still good guys let's get this uh let's get we're we're a good place to do hype train let's unlock this last hype train [Music] there we go juggalo kicking it off we just got to get three or four things to go then we'll do that because we'll be at gpu time which is always a good time to basically usually when we've been doing [Music] there you it [Music] there you go cool there we go evo cyber nation dropping 10 red dragon dropping 20 whoa and we're almost to 100 and we got to be hitting that any second lord that was awesome thank you guys juggalo dropping five and there is hype train right there you guys were just prepared wow thank you very much okay well we're on our way to 100 we're almost away to 150. [Music] should be fine level five red dragon dropping 10 more one from igor taking us to 222 guys we're on our way to 150 new a gift card now [Music] thank you thank you very much man red dragon juggalo evo you guys are all incredible ego evo's just i mean evo is just happy because his build's like about to get shipped he's like ready he's like i'm so ready roby juggalo dropping 800 bits juggalo how close are you to the next tier of the bit thing you got to be getting close i hope it goes clean too dude sending you good vibes hopefully that helps [Music] i want to send you good pc build vibes joker thank you very much okay guys 40 more and we'll hit 150. [Music] let's make it happen can we get to 500 percent that's a good way to kick off a holiday let's go and drop the uh let's go and hit the update the giveaway [Music] thank you very much guys it means so much to me [Music] we're at 110. [Music] okay flip this over joker tricks thank you juggalo jimmy obviously thank you for the 800 [Music] 316 likes over on youtube guys if we want to hit that last thing uh shoe snate thank you for the resubscription uh evo cybernation red dragon again straight crazy yo thank you for the sub digital dirty cone rl thank you also for the sub joker tricks thank you for the resub guys remember uh we only have like we only have a couple weeks left to get in on that 30 80 ti sub only giveaway if you want to get on that too and that is uh if you want to get extra if you want to get in on that drop your free amazon prime subscription to get that free entry to the rtx 3080 that we're giving away 3080 ti we're giving away um you just need your free amazon prime subscription if you want to get extra inches you can do things like gift subs like you saw red dragon and evo do or you can do things like subscribe to tier two or tier three that gets you uh five or ten extra entries respectively wow red dragon's on fire today thank you red dragon uh nikoi nik nikwo thank you for the prime sub thank you red taking us to 122 guys cables are managed build's looking good [Music] let's do one thing down here dirty cone rl thank you for the five gifted sub cryptic thank you very much igor thank you for the gifted sub taking a 400 we're so close guys 429 almost 500 percent today i'm gonna turn this over just get that coming out of here [Music] geeky powers joker 4 42 7 a.o snipes dropping five more taking us to four foot 470. 480. we're super close thank you very much for all the support 135 now guys evo drop in igor dropping one more there it is 535 percent okay there we go nice and clean looking if you take this peel off hype train completed 79 subs 2010 bits you guys are awesome taking us to 141 subs that can go away okay let's get our gpu out we're at the very end guys actually i'm gonna go ahead and run this real quick [Applause] juggalo dropping 10 gifted subs taking this to 151 there we are we're on our way now to the next tier going towards a tier like a [Music] there we go [Music] thank you very much for all the support you guys wow you guys thank you very much that is a way to kick off the holiday season right there [Music] trying to think of the best way to run the gpu cables is it over [Music] snipes dropping 20 gifted subs thank you heyo snipes [Music] wow [Music] no not necessarily i just the thing is you want to pull cold air for the the cpu [Music] guys like it's like is it gonna really affect your performance not really i would not freak out about it hey it wants to stay number one that's why that's awesome [Music] i forgot somebody was like number one for like a little while and then they were like really happy and then somebody like took it away from him was it you juggalo for some reason i feel like it was juggalo it's like i was never been number one guys were 330 or 500 on youtube go hit that like button over on youtube oh was it tinted okay there we go [Music] okay now all we have is the cpu which we're going to put in the gpu which we're going to put in right now which i totally took the things for i guess i do need the actual things but we'll figure that out now i'm trying to think of where i think we're going to have to run them over which could look weird we'll have to figure that out what we need is like a hole through the motherboard all right let's get our gpu in [Music] oh there's so many peels on this gp i forgot massive gpu peels coming guys massive gpu peels [Music] [Music] there's our strix uh i use the cpu header uh and then i set the cpu header to 100 uh main reason i do that if the pump fails uh it'll throw an error when you boot um but you if you use the i o header the one reason you want to use the i o headers because the i o header is set to 100 automatically um so if just as if you want to know [Music] there we go [Music] yeah jj talked about it and jj like jj and i talked about it actually on the asus diy day um about what i do versus what he does and it's not a big deal just as long as you just as long as you set the as long as you set the cpu to 100 we go guys peel time on this asus rg strix [Music] bird 412 thank you for the subs [Music] no if you i mean you don't unless you're gonna overclock it's it's really just for overclocking and then even then like you don't really need it even for overclocking it depends on the kind of overclock you're gonna do but there's no problem with it it's like there's not [Music] yes you need to leave your a out you want to leave your aio at 100. [Music] and just like any pump like your pump runs at a constant speed custom loop pumps also run at a constant speed they don't run to variable speed yeah yeah you need to set them to yeah that was like super sticky okay okay there's that one next side i have to say man this one more sticky than i'm used to on this [Music] [Music] there we go [Applause] [Music] there we go so many peels guys there's that one [Music] there's that one [Music] there we go okay last peels [Music] no uh lido drift it does it automatically do you just do 20 more red dragon red dragon took it back from ao snipes yeah i know it's a lot of peels there's a little sub war going on burke cg what's up man [Music] joker tricks what's up thank you for 100 bits [Music] okay we finally have all the peels off oh no there's still one more peel [Music] i think there's [Music] that's it oh yeah there's this one too [Music] there we go now we have all the peels [Music] okay [Music] okay [Music] [Music] there we go got to get this screwed in one sec guys [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] oh okay make sure this is all in right gosh darn it you want to stay off my okay wait what are you going to eps for not really yeah okay cool okay somebody bought merch guys okay we're just screwing this in it's just not the easiest thing oh actually this the where this where the holes are on this gpu is actually pretty cool just screwing this in okay i'll actually be able to go directly back behind this okay there it is looks really good okay so what we're gonna do now is we only really want one cable thing for this it looks really good i agree okay so it's gonna be like this okay there we go just getting the last of the cables hooked up [Music] how we doing the likes one more cable 348 guys come on let's go hit the like on that youtube video go pop on over to youtube.comtech hit that like button guys we want to get to 500 before the end of the stream i'm gonna have to skip deals guys because i am already late for my daughter's basketball game but i can't not finish this build um [Music] get in there okay that'll take care of that okay there we go now we just have gpu all we got to do is psu guys that's all we have left [Music] [Music] okay [Music] flip this over we are at the very end guys by the way this is the soundtrack the halo 3. i mean it just was in the halo 3 soundtrack i'm just letting you know the believe campaign oh no we'll get it done guys i no we'll get this finished i'm of course i'm gonna finish creamy has waited i know he'd be patient he'd not be mad but i'm still doing it creamy has waited so long to have this and it's at the very end we're gonna get this build on my wife would totally understand as with my daughter i was at her game yesterday i'll be at her i will hit the sec i will see the second game just so you guys know she doesn't play basketball she's a cheerleader so i'm going to be as long as i can watch one of her half-time routines she'll be happy so i'll be there don't worry i promise creamy needs to see his pc built okay yeah my daughter's a cheerleader yeah no it's uh it's uh for halo 3. okay there's that oh i don't need that you need that you know this [Music] i love how small these are [Music] ah smells like power i did [Applause] okay we need one of those we need one of those we need two of those actually see a few [Music] can i have three that'd be great two they always give you two they said three yeah okay three of those [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] last cable i need sata [Music] okay that is all the cables [Music] there we go [Music] [Music] okay first one psu your epa or your 24 pin there we go next one cpu1 cpu2 vga2 vga three vga4 and satan [Music] there it is luckily this thing is so small look at that so beautiful that's why i love this psu so tiny thousand watts of tiny can't argue with that thousand watts of tiny [Music] can we see a thousand watts of tiny okay on earth [Music] is [Music] okay there's that got my two cpus right next to each other that's vga vga vga [Music] [Music] there we go now do me a favor if you wouldn't mind since we're not going to be able to do it hopefully we're getting the likes 390 guys we have 100 like if we get to the thing and it's i just don't have them i'm not be able to wait around for you guys to get the likes we're gonna do the giveaways pretty quick at the end of the show but i will say this if you wouldn't mind tom took a ton of time to go find a bunch of deals if you're looking for pc deals let's get a link to those right now hey what's up pc guy go ahead and take a look at the deals he's got because they're pretty awesome and if you're looking for good gift guide ideas holiday or just a pc build of your own it's always worth checking out or sorry also uh merch right now is on sale a bunch of people have been buying it uh it's on sale right now for 30 off now through the thing that's at but yeah go take a look at the deals guys there's some really great deals there and if you have questions ping ping uh ping tom he'd love to help you like he's done that with a ton of people helping people with really poor recommendations i mean sorry really good recommendation sorry that's i'm supposed to say good now sometimes i hate you [Laughter] okay let's get these vgas plugged in before i do that let's grab these our three there you go [Music] no brenda's colin hello baby hey i'm almost done just about finished so i'll be taking off here in just a few minutes so i should be huh okay okay that's fine well i'll be there for maddie's game so no worries uh sure that's fine okay all right love you how much can i spend cause i might do some crazy quickly uh i can put more on there i guess i'll put i'll put i'll put i'll put some more on there so you have plenty of room okay make sure she's got christmas money guys hold on one second can't not let my wife have money for christmas shopping there we go okay she's got money quick send funds yes happy wife but she's got to make sure aaron's got christmas clothes for his christmas concert tomorrow that's all so just so you guys know tomorrow's stream is starting early um for this thing because i have a christmas concert for my son tomorrow he's a drummer so i get i do gotta so that'll it'll actually be starting at two one or two tomorrow i don't i haven't decided yet i gotta look i think it the concert starts at six so that should be plenty of time if we start at two but i can't that one i can't be late to so but that is happening tomorrow so there is a little bit earlier stream tomorrow and it's for uh and it's a giveaway stream we're going to be building a pc we're going to be giving away in partnership with nvidia and msi so that should be really awesome okay there we go so you want to get in on that tomorrow's the day though though it'll be a gleam by the way in all reality so you're just tuning in tomorrow just you can see the pc you're gonna be you can win there you go one more one more one more one more thing there we go so [Music] let's grab there we go okay build is done that is it we are ready to turn it on whoa all we got to do now is put our little back on hide all this stuff [Music] that's why i didn't [Music] and just like that you see very little cables now is the hope that what i wanted [Music] that's why all that's why they were all cable managed to the left-hand side [Music] uh [Music] [Music] there we go [Music] okay there we go everything's ready [Music] moment of truth guys moment of truth [Music] and we still have one fan to put in which isn't a big deal [Music] there we go let's go to gambling so you guys can see it is that sagging i can't tell [Music] i've not used this sag bracket before so i have to look [Music] [Music] i'll look at the front of this [Music] well it's not i mean it definitely it's just the way it sits no it's not sagging it's just the the thing that makes this hard is like i'm looking at it and it is a it might be we might be able to go up a little bit more i don't know how to make it go up it's like basically it's got an anti-sag bracket to it but the thing is is that the cape the this is angled so this is at an angle so it makes it look like it is but it actually isn't making it weird actually okay let's get it turned on though peel yeah it's angled so the actual case itself is the actual card is angled so it makes it look way like it's sagging when it's really not and you have to look up it's it's it is an optical illusion in a lot of ways [Music] oh okay [Music] [Music] all right here we go [Music] okay everything is in [Music] there we go and then now you see the whole thing okay here we go [Music] oh that's a good sign there it is lit up like a christmas tree [Music] look at that and we'll stop one more fan to put in we just have to order it and that'll be the uh [Music] there we go make it rgb there we go yeah we have one more fan to put in and that will be for the uh exhaust on the far end but i mean again you got got exhaust here intake you can feel blowing air big time into both of these so [Music] [Music] looks good [Music] now we haven't checked so we like i don't remember if this is a gen 3 or gen 4 so we might actually have to stick a second gpu in here and then go and set the gen set the thing so we may not get a post on this which is fine uh we just we uh because it's gen this is a it's the riser cable remember it's gen three or gen four so sorry there you go get my yeah us off for one second whoops on this side getting a break completely left red light get a blinking red light on this i'm just going to make sure that all these are plugged in all the way okay there we go lincoln lead red light gone that looks good build looks great it's are you sure it's a good idea to have it on a riser when the air cooled yes all in all like the thing is that's why i have these as intake so i mean the fan this will still get air to it right i mean i know it's like right up against it but there is air there is ways to get air through the fin so this is going to get cooled by more than just the fans that's why i did these for intake um and the fans are sl 120s [Music] so yeah yeah they're not they're the only thing that's rgb is this this this is definitely one of the ones that it also looks good in the front and the back but yeah oh sorry about that rubber band man i know i had to just get it done but there is the build guys okay well let's do the giveaways for the 150 new a gift card and for the one um 250 gig nvme since we did not hit that so we're gonna do that giveaway right now so i'm gonna run this i'm gonna put this over on the side here because we did not hit the light goal and i'll give you guys a closer look for it so put this on the side so you guys can get a close look at it more oh the exhaust is in the back and the exhaust will also be in the rear fan we just don't have a fan there right now there you go we'll give you a side view for you here you go here's a nice side view while we do the giveaways so the first one will be for a 250 gig nvme ssd oops that's weird let me fix that there we go there you go yeah there you go perfect picture card chris okay so let's do the first giveaway guys so first giveaway exclamation point community exclamation point community this is for a 250 gig nvme ssd no it's not subs only exclamation point community it's for a 250 gig nvme ssd okay that's going right now so [Music] so there we go man that looks so good oops one we got about one [Music] okay there we go guys eight seconds left guys eight seconds did we hit 500 i don't know if we did hey congratulations tiki powers congratulations tiki powers you guys are awesome congratulations 449 okay well we didn't quite get there guys you guys were close okay let's do the next giveaway it's for 150 new egg gift card exclamation point new egg now exclamation point new egg now 150 new a gift card starting this right now [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] okay 40 seconds left guys 40 seconds what a build what do you think night what did you think creamy you happy huh oh no stop okay okay there we go you happy 150 new a gift card guys 20 seconds left i'm glad mesa [Music] christmas music the whole time okay guys winner has been chosen kenneth d three two three seven four kenneth d three two three seven four you are the winner of the hundred dollar new 150 new a gift card congratulations okay i want to give a huge shout out obviously first and foremost because we're getting the holidays to my mods and my tax specialists you guys are rock stars and i super appreciate you i also super shout out to my incredible consistent supporters you guys are what make this show happen and you know who you are i'm not going to call you out by name but you know who you are you guys are incredible i thank you most of you are at the top of my my giveaway at the top of my uh my sub list every week and it means so much to me and it means so much to my family so thank you so much for that guys we are back tomorrow i will let you guys know what time so just pay attention to twitter i've got my son's choir concert but again it'll have a lot of room in there so it should be absolutely fine that is going to be a giveaway pc we're going to be doing playing some battlefield as well so that'll be happening tomorrow uh and then we are back again on friday i think we're doing uh we're doing uh uh tony the ballers build on friday and then another build on saturdays we got all sorts of builds we're back to normalcy back to building and all that sort of stuff i want to say thank you so much for tuning in i'm sorry i got a little distracted there at the end just trying to get the bill done so we can get to the game i super appreciate you you guys are incredible i hope you have a great night and i'm super excited to see you guys tomorrow and for the met for the rest of holiday season we'll talk to you guys later bye guys
Channel: Robeytech Live
Views: 108,713
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: robeytech, pc build, how to build a PC, gaming pc, pc building, tech, technology, custom PC, PC, building PC, robytech, robeyetech
Id: TfKKk0pR4pI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 224min 11sec (13451 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 15 2021
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