How To Build a PC - Giveaways + $1000 Intel Gaming PC - i5-10400 /2060KO Ultra in MB311 | Robeytech

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] do [Music] it's hype time ladies and gentlemen hype hype time nine seconds that's right guys we actually we actually transitioned we actually like were ready to go today just given all of the weirdness from yesterday like truth be told like so trevor like hey trevor's in the trevor's in the house what's up guys yeah trevor's in the house we got trevor and on top of that like we're ready to go because i had everything set up and then with due to that just massive technical difficulty like it was like oh i guess i'm not streaming today so anyway it was all ready to go we're like we got ahead like i've been sitting here for about 10 minutes going i i've forgotten something and i know i probably still did like i know i've probably still forgotten something like something isn't set up all the way but i was like legit like concerned about what i could do um but you know what i should do right now is uh i should go ahead and hit record because we do need to do that so ah we're gonna do that again anyway guys welcome to roby tech i am your host justin roby this is a show dedicated to uh pc building tech news tech deals hanging out with trevor dad jokes tech dad tech dad like all that sort of stuff we got a lot going on there everybody loves the shirt yeah i wore a different shirt today i'm not wearing a jersey today cash thursday cash thursday like i'm like i'm ready to go to jersey whoa hey we already got hype train going uh i should let you guys know for hype train so we've got a new we got a new giveaway for hype train if we get hype train on both so that means if we get to level five two times a day we're gonna give away the seagate four terabyte expansion hd so yeah that's a nice little 129 dollar thing that we're giving away today so it's up to twitch 120. uh if you get this up uh so another trick the way this works yeah that's the way that this basically works um uh the way that this basically works is that um if uh bits subs all that sort of stuff go in there up ultimately get the hype up if we get to level five hype then um we activate uh you get a bunch of emote uh emojis oh my gosh just based on what they're called emotes oh my gosh my mind is already mush uh you get a bunch of emotes and then the other thing too is that if we get it twice then we'll give away this four terabyte seagate expansion drive which everybody really super loves so um there's some pretty awesome stuff going up there yeah there's gonna be it's the giveaway hasn't started yet but there will be giveaways and i'll go into all that stuff but you guys already started the hype train right away so i had to i had to get going and let you guys know what was going on for the hype train so we gotta get to level five we gotta tommy yeah the giveaway is you western year western europe uk canada and north america basically is is the giveaway so yeah if you uh if you're there you're good to go um the pc that we're doing is not we're not giving away you still have the giveaway that we are doing for the intel gamer days pc uh which you'll see links for all that sort of stuff so we got a lot of stuff that we're giving away and i'll go with all the giveaways but let me go through the details and go through the rest of the uh let me go through the rest of what's going on because we've like jumped through the whole intro now everything right it's already hyped and everything's crazy already um so uh this show happens every typically every wednesday thursday and friday starting at 6 30 p.m unfortunately we weren't able to stream yesterday but we're back with a vengeance today back with a vengeance with events bad vengeance and you guys need it's like right now you guys have forgotten all the uh you guys have forgotten all these thank you for the tip the 10 tip dude that's awesome uh now you guys already back with a vengeance and already starting that uh already starting oh that's hockey hockey is one of my new commissions he's just like we're doing a commission right now for hockey that's hockey he's a he's actually going to be doing a build in two weeks so welcome hockey welcome to the royally tech family one of not it's an exclusive club but it's growing it's growing in terms of the amount of people we're building um but yeah we got uh we got a lot going on we're gonna get to this level flying hype uh the show if you are new to the show do we have any new folks there's already 440 people here so do we have any new folks let's get some raised hands from hand raising if you're sure number one you did not wear deodorant today i could smell it from here oh my gosh dude just kidding no he smells fine uh no oh there you go dylan uh we got some twitch is broken what do you mean twitch is broken uh people are saying twitch is broken i don't know what's going on there uh okay so new lots of new folks it's awesome lots of new folks welcome we got some new folks in here um and uh thank you very much for hanging out if you do not know what's going on um this show is live so if you're if you're on youtube and you're watching the vod later on if you're on twitch watching the vod this show is live which means i make mistakes i drop pc parts like i nine ten nine hundred k you know i nine ninety nine hundred k's i drop things um i have a good time sometimes i make mistakes we all learn together but we we usually build a pc every time and uh it's a learning experience for everybody and the main thing is that we also eat thermal paste and i not no that's not a trend we're going to start i have eaten thermal paste but we're not going to continue the trend of doing more thermal paste stuff my bad um but yeah we have a lot of fun on the show it's a lot of cool stuff to hang out uh and uh that's kind of the gist of it um i streamed to both twitch youtube and facebook so it's not so just because of that every way i interact is different on twitch we have the bot and it does a lot of things over on youtube you can check out the description all that sort of jazz there's a lot of things that you can kind of get to facebook unfortunately you just hang out but i love the five or six people who always hang out on facebook like every time our facebook our facebook uh faithful the facebook faithful the ffs um and and i love them right like they're always here they're always hanging out so thank you for all those bits guys um let's uh let's um if you want to know how to support me there's a couple ways uh we're still waiting for the paid subs on youtube that's still coming we're still waiting for youtube to approve it uh over on twitch you can just hit that follow button or you can hit that sub button um we got a big month coming up we got sub uh september is around the corner september so uh thank you for all those subs but we got even more coming up with get prepared for september september starting thanks to capital one uh in just a couple days uh apparently yeah capital one is sponsoring september so not my september that's like all of twitch september so we got something okay we got some big uh we got some big stuff going on there so thank you very much for all that sort of stuff um let's talk about what's going on the show today we're going to be building and we've been trying to build this now for two weeks the 1k intel build this is the bill that has met maybe maybe this has been like amd trying to like keep us from doing this i know that's not true ambi is very kind they're they're a big friend of the show they've done a lot of support but this is the intel 10 400 the 1 000 basically gaming beast of a pc is the rumor right because if you look at if you look at the comparison between the i5 10 400 and the ryzen 7 3700 x for gaming they are on par and the ryzen 7 is a 289 dollars and the and the i5 is 184 so it's literally a hundred dollar difference you're talking about getting better gaming performance from a less expensive machine so where i didn't have to spend 100 bucks where i usually might see like i'll put like a 2060 i was able to put a 2060 ko ultra in there which is a 2070 die and have some fun with that so should be uh should be awesome uh and we'll we'll be showing that up um i don't show overclocking mostly because uh you don't hey you can't overclock a 10 400 it's not a k model so there's no overclocking on this one anyway so you can't overclock at 10 400. now if you're talking about does a ryzen 7 3700x overclock outperform a 10 400 absolutely you do have some headroom on horizon to overclock but then again that's what you're like you are paying 100 plus dollars you should be able to do something like that so it's no it's a 10 400. so that's the thing that's crazy about this and you guys can see all that stuff if uh we if you're looking at youtube you can see that all the parts down below if you want to check them out we'll walk through the parts a little later on if you're over on twitch you'll see that stuff kind of show up over time and go from there guys i want to take a moment take a break we have two minutes and 40 seconds left and we are 91 away from the level 4 hype train and we stopped to get through level 5. so i want to make sure thank you very much medic uh who's the bill for tomorrow right yeah medic is to build for mar we're building his pc tomorrow guys we need to see we need to see that stuff i want to give this away i want to give this thing away i don't want it to die right at the beginning so let's get let's get those let's get some sub some gifted subs up in the house let's let's unlock some 50 new gift cards let's do all that sort of stuff because that's what we got to do um and if you're over on and remember you get your free prime sub if you're over on youtube and you're going how do i help unlock this giveaway um go over to slash uh rubytech and use your free prime stuff we got a minute and 56 seconds left guys let's figure there we go 10 tier one subs epiphany there he is right there for the win the question is is jafaz is going to come back because he hates being not being number one so we'll have to see if he comes back on tomorrow and like is all like ah i'm gonna be number one so there we go now we're now we're at level four i think that's gonna get us pretty close to level five um but expect oh you see browser monkey says expect subs real soon dude hey you got to say everybody's saving for that 3 000 series nvidia we're like in 2000 so nvidia's been doing like the ultimate countdown for a 3000 and today was 2015 which means we are five days away from the announce of 3000 series so we're getting super close um and it's going to be it's going to be pretty awesome so i'm pretty excited about that because i've seen like as somebody who like we have a lot of affiliate links and stuff like that so okay well there we go we don't have to worry about it oh we're good 220 thank you very much guys guys we're good you unlocked it we only have to do it one more time and then we'll give away this sim okay so i don't have to worry about that but i know a lot of people are excited about 3000 ryzen i've seen the thing is is because 3000 is ryzen like i have like people like hockey and these guys who are like hockey i have like three commissions and i have the money and they're just like the moment they go on sale like i'm just pre-ordering those cards right because it's like i'm out of room for i'm literally oh i think i've got like one slot left for the month of september outside of that every other day is booked um and some of these are 3000 series nvidia cards so we like i'm there day one propping that pre-order plus i have to get all of my own right so it's gonna be crazy now people are asking am i gonna review them yes um i will definitely be reviewing 3000 series and video cards but i do not my daughter's calling and i'm declining uh i do not i do not shut down i do not do graphic card reviews i mean to be honest there's just people like hardware and box and those guys who do it what i do is i will show you builds and we'll play games and we'll do all that sort of stuff so again we'll do some live some live benchmarking here on the show we'll throw in 3000 versus 2080 and all that sort and do it all for you you guys can make informed decisions versus me just going and doing another canned one with a bunch of others so there should be some good stuff don't worry we have some good stuff going on here um let's talk about giveaways because we haven't really covered that yet so right now we're literally five subs away from giving from so no matter what we give away twenty five dollar new gift card that's that's like the base level we give away twenty five dollar new a gift card we give away three months of xbox game pass ultimate which wasteland three comes out tonight and flight sim is out all of those are in game plus ultimate for pc um so that comes out and then we also give away another one when the pc post so no matter what those are the three like core giveaways we give away every week now the 25 new gift card the more subs that we get that upgrades over time so it becomes a 50 new gift card then a hundred dollars what's what's up oh five dollars did we get five dollars for the girl someone's asking a question oh what was the question oh we're getting texts and all that sort of stuff yeah so okay no anyway so if it gets if we get to 60 60 subs it becomes a hundred dollar new gift card if we get to a hundred subs then it becomes a people get to choose a 32 gig kit of ram that's worth 150 so that's the hundred we get to 150 it becomes a 2060 ko if we get to 300 subs it becomes a 2080 super so that's how the giveaways go every show we could go all the way up to a 2080 super and i'm pretty sure we're going to be giving away some 2080 supers when we get to uh when we get to uh september um so those that's how that giveaway works and then again you still have the for uh youtube if we get to 500 likes we give a one year of xbox game pass ultimate and if we get to both hype trains which we've already unlocked one then we're gonna give away this four terabyte expansion from seagate so that's how it goes so again what about tightness titan is a thousand subs we get a thousand subs in a single stream we will give away an rtx titan and it sits here in the back ready this is the giveaway titan it's just sitting there so this is it it's it i have it it's ready to go uh and i just got it tuesday thinking oh yeah people are getting their their gifts yeah things are still coming out i give them i usually ship them all out around the end of the month so here it is there's only a 30 80. yeah i take there you go ram so again if we get to 100 subs which we have done almost every time almost every time we'll get 100 subs then we'll give away a we'll give the way a ram so it's going on there there we go thank you very much for all that i have uh i've built two pcs to nami you didn't win a 2080 super browser monkey did he i don't know maybe he did i don't think i think there was only one guy and i couldn't even send it to him because he's in lima i was like we there's like literally rules against sending that stuff so i was like okay so that's where we came up with the new rules for worldwide yeah um okay so uh how much vodka is that bottle oh yeah i know this is this is how i get through the show no that's not true um okay so i think i think that's everything is there anything i forgot guys it's gonna be fun and by the way i'm loving my shirt oh oh oh oh i did forget something so something that is new um so we are now using we are now an affiliate partner with luster and luster is a new shopping tool now they don't do things for pc components but what i did what i was excited about for them and you can check the links in the description below sorry it's only on youtube right now we'll get them over to twitch later on but if you're looking for gaming peripherals or monitors what this does is this trolls the entire trolls trolls trails what is it like scouring scours yeah scours the entire internet takes all of the reviews and then what you do is you go to amazon and it recommends uh based on reviews across like windows central like all of these review sites and says here's a number one monitor two monitor three monitor four monitor five monitor for every price point and so there are links down in the description below also if you're on discord you go to help ruby links i announced this a little earlier you can go and check it out it'll help you shop for things like gaming monitors gaming mice mechanical keyboards and stuff like that so i have links for all that stuff in the uh description for youtube we will make a we will make a um we'll make one for you for twitch here it'll be i'll do an exclamation point lust or whatever it was it'll help you do that stuff or you can check it out on discord it's really worth checking out it's another way to help me but the other thing too is really i was the reason i was excited as an opportunity to help you find components and be feel a little bit more confident about the things that you buy i use it it's been pretty cool i've bought a couple things using it so if you want to check it out it's there and it also helps me out so yeah there we go from there um so that was the other thing uh giveaways we've already gone through if you want to ask um you can uh we'll we'll talk about them throughout the show but we got those listed all but all throughout the uh thing 665 people who's ready to talk about the build because this is going to be pretty fast this build's going to be pretty fast what is all that this is um somebody's just putting all the links who made that shirt so i don't remember where i got this shirt but i like this shirt i have two of them and what if if you've seen top gun which was supposed to be out already the top gun too right but the second yeah it's now next year it says because i was inverted so that's where this shirt comes from that's that's where this is in so um if uh i'm gonna ask a moderator moderator one of the mods if you can go into the youtube description it says wanna buy um want to buy and it shows all the lesser links if you guys could post those for folks in the um in the in the two chats just here and there that would be super awesome uh they're down in the description so i'm asking mods to check that out um somebody asked dad jokes and uh you're right like we haven't we haven't had one yet so that's super important like we can't not start the show without uh let's so let's do let's do tech dad jokes because and there's got to be some really good tech dad jokes um okay worst okay worst dad jokes let's start with this worst dad jokes horrible dad jokes um did you oh no i've done that one uh i don't place okay here we go i don't play soccer because i enjoy the sport i do it just for kicks that was a terrible dad joke right that's a terrible dad joke man oh man um so yeah there we go there we there we go um now is not a so somebody i will ask this before we go into the points uh real quick somebody was asking uh is now a good time to buy a graphics card if you are buying a 2060 super or lower then it is a completely fine time the only thing that we're going to see on monday is 30 is the 30 70 and above everything below that we're still looking at probably january or earlier so if you are looking at like a thousand dollar or 1500 build more than likely this is not going to be a problem in fact i actually have a really great video that i've already put that talks about whether you should upgrade and when you should look at upgrading because the other thing too is i will also say this they will be announced on monday if they go for pre-order they will be sold out by that day and the odds of getting one any point in time after that will be extremely slim because um quality quantities will be very limited so again i'm just letting you know if you are wanting to get a 3000 series graphics card monday is probably going to be the only day they will probably refresh maybe once or twice over the course of the three months and they will sell out instantly so the shirt is upside down so you are tripping you're both you're doing both you're tripping and you're both so um um okay so that is it let's talk about the build because we got some we got some uh uh we we got some stuff to go in there and go over but before we do that can we just get two subs all right this is driving me nuts we're 28 at 30. can we just unlock we just unlock the other two no no because we're gonna go in there get we just go ahead and get the other couple subs in and then we'll go to the next we'll go to the next tier and instead of going for the 30 to the 50 new a gift card we'll go towards a 100 gift card um let's go uh let's get it done come on let's come on let's just just finish it out guys come on they're thinking for the five bits don't irritate me kilt man killman's like let's just leave it alone to irritate him yeah um the hype train said was 30 subs so is it broke no i don't know okay we're 29 we're 29 and then on a three month streak okay oh there you go 30. so thank you thank you eternal and thank you everybody else eternal you're awesome okay so let's go ahead and unlock and go to the next one and then we can go into the build what was that that was a donut i don't know what donut was there was a donut was that a donut oh there it is don't hey hockey with another ten dollar donation thank you hockey um okay let's go to our sub goal it's not like 30 dollars now i don't know i hope he's not paying me for the entire build via subs that'd be pretty crazy um okay so this is for a hundred dollar new gift card uh we're at 30 uh 60 subs um and we have 30 and this is till 8 30 20 20. okay there we go okay on to the next tier ladies and gentlemen and thank you for all those donuts and everything else like that you dropped your pocket what do you mean i dropped my pocket what pocket oh okay you paid you a thousand dollars you paypal okay awesome you dropped your pocket what pocket epoxy toby what pocket did i drop um okay um the so i i will also say sorry somebody's asking before we go to the build because i know i said we'll go to the build uh if you're looking for third-party cards third-party cards will not be available for pre-order they usually delay they're usually a month or two behind and so it takes a while for third-party cards to come out so i do not know again this is just going off of what happened with turing we don't know what's going on with ampere but usually historically only founders edition cards will be available after that you'll have to wait for third party cards to come out and they there is a delay um uh so jackster the way that so somebody's asking the way that this last the last giveaway happens this one is that giveaway happens at the end you do not get like it's not it doesn't climb it just gets better so think of it as like you start with like it's like trading up you guys are trading up for a better giveaway at the end of the stream so this giveaway that's happening that we just unlocked for the 50 new gift card will not happen until the end and it will be whatever it is usually it's ram or a gpu sometimes it's a 100 gift card but it's worth hanging around for guys we want you to hang out man this is what it's about it's about being here enjoying some learning some and having a good time the giveaways are just going in there um okay cool makes sense um should be at 32 already guys i have the i will look at the analytics right now and you are right it's off so we'll fix that you made two people sub for nothing i'm sorry i'm sorry okay so we'll go i always check this if people think that stuff's off i will fix it okay hold on um all widgets i don't know how this gets off but it does sometimes so i can't i can only do what like if that's what it does okay there we go there google probably a dad joke one and there you go okay now it's caught up this tastes funny okay so we're all good there everything is in okay okay so here we go let's talk about the build let's talk about the build guys okay give me a dad joke he's got a new down joke here we go what did one shark say to the other while eating a clown fish what did one shark say to the other while eating a clownfish what's that this tastes funny fist that's pretty terrible that's pretty terrible that's pretty terrible okay here we go um let's start with the build let's start with the uh let's start with the cpu like we talked about this is the i5 10 400 right here guys i will let you know that if you're looking at the thumbnail the parts have changed since the thumbnail we've made a couple things one the mb311 which is part of this case wasn't available at the time when i first did this build so it was the mb320 which is the mb311 but with a non-mesh panel i would definitely recommend the mb311 if you're gonna buy this buy this pc that is a esh and it's much better for airflow so that's the first thing second thing is that i forgot when i first built this that this piece this cpu actually does come with a stock cooler we're going to test it with a stock cooler but we do have another cooler if you do if you don't if you need it i have a recommendation it's right here it's the hyper 212 black edition from cooler master if you're looking for something a little bit bigger but again because you can't overclock it and this should be more than fine because we have an all very open airflow case i'm not overly worried about it so i'm going to use the stock cooler so just a little bit of caveats if you're looking at going wow this looks different than what iu had originally recommended so go with the parts that i'm going through not the parts that are in the picture um okay so i5 10400 is the cpu in this case which is pretty awesome uh this is a six core 12 thread cpu this is not overclockable um but it is 182 bucks it was originally 200 they've already dropped it down to 182 dollars um it's uh it's sitting at 2.9 gigahertz um and then from a gaming perspective this is actually supposed to be on par from a just gaming performance perspective uh as a ryzen 7 3700x but we're gonna test that we're not we're not for sure we don't know for sure but we're gonna see in our testing today so there's that that's the cpu um for the gpu to go with it because we had some extra money we went with the ryzen 7 i'm sorry horizon 7 that the g4 rtx 2060 ko ultra so the ko ultra is the higher end of the tko i always recommend the ko the k ultra is actually the higher end this is the higher bend of the um gpus again understanding the ko ultra uh the thing that you think about is this is the 20s 70s and 20 80s that did not make it from a binning perspective uh basically uh evga bought them all and then stuck them in their kos now when you compare this a lot of people say well roby why not a 5700 xt or even a 5600 which actually does from a gaming standpoint perform better than a 2060 the problem is is that you miss rtx which a lot of people care about and with next-gen consoles coming out rtx ray tracing will mean a whole lot more the second thing is is that because i always want to provide for streaming and invection codec is so important that's why i choose nvidia the third thing is is that when you play games like dota league of legends it doesn't matter if you have a more powerful card because more games are tuned for nvidia they have a tendency to perform so if you're gonna play any legacy titles or older legacy titles then nvidia always performs better than amd so those are my reasons i have yet it's not to say that i don't like amd's i do have 5700 xts in my my in a lot of my small form factor pcs but again it's really hard for me to recommend them just given some of those things i i hope like everything's happened with amd and processors that that will become a whole lot easier as we get further along in the gp market specifically given we're so close to the release of big navi and hopefully that'll make things better specifically given that both the ps5 and the xbox series x are both rise running amd processors which means hopefully we'll see more games especially these high-end pc ports that will be better optimized for amd making it a lot easier to recommend so i have faith amd's in we're huge fans of amd they actually said congratulations to me um when i did the thing so amd is awesome we follow them i love amd i use a lot of their stuff i will continue to love them so that's why i just want to give you uh an update on that i like to give i like to give you notes yeah i said congratulations because fantastic put me in a quote like i've started getting quoted for reviews and stuff like that so fantastic will put me in a quote in there amd is like we love you and i'm like oh stop it no i'm just kidding no that's not i didn't do that at all so anyway that's what that's what happened there um a lot of people are asking a lot of people are asking me uh what the pros the prices are i don't know i don't like work guys i can guess but we'll like i've heard that he basically sits on stage and he can be determining prices all the way before he goes on stage so we will find out on monday it's so close it's so close um ko ultra is apparently the ko so the 2016 super is apparently is still a better performer so um that's going from there um for ram i love these i love these kits and again this is like like i've done so many just high-end builds as of late to get to go back and do something a little bit more reasonable is a lot of fun this is the corsair vengeance lpx 16 gigabytes of ram um and so uh this is uh at 3 600 uh sorry 3200 megahertz um it's it's xmp so we should be more than good enough in terms of running it at 3 200 megahertz and that's you're still going to get that extra boost speed which at 1080p actually does matter this should be should be and we may taste this test piece this we may taste this i guess i'm thinking about throwing this i'm hungry again we may test this on a later show to see how this pc does at 1440p so again about to give this a go and uh check that out later so there's a ram for motherboard and i you know it's funny i almost put i almost threw this in a different board but i was like hey i want to be the same so we're going to use the uh the same one that i recommend this is the prime z 490m uh from asrock it's a 1200 watt it's a 1200 watt uh sorry 12 12 lg a 1200 socket experience yeah just breathe it's an lga 1200 socket um in terms of uh in terms of uh phase and all that sort of stuff um it's got it's it's actually a fairly loaded it's still a base level z490 it's still got uh i'm trying to see what the phase power is i forgot to look that up at the thing i mean what you're looking at it looks like what four by sorry five by eight so it's like a 12 phase it looks like 12 phase maybe i'd have to look it up i cannot find it on the back here i want to see what it is phase power what's your phrase what's the phase power um but uh i love asrock boards i've had a really good time with them um i i've i've always been a fan um they they uh and so it'll be good to check this out and and given given we can't overclock it it doesn't really matter a whole lot so there's there's that option it's more than enough power and more than enough board for an i5 10 400. um okay uh let's see that was that we're gonna we're gonna get out of that we're gonna go back to here okay so for for m.2 uh we actually have we recommend the crucial um because we're going to we want to play games right away we're actually going to be throwing a intel uh we're going to be throwing an intel and uh m.2 in there because it's already got the os on it and all that sort of stuff so we're already fully loaded but the crucial p1 being at 104 bucks really really good deal so if you're looking at this and this is sub a thousand dollars now um going from there what's up buddy um if you don't have an m.2 drive is it worth getting yes i would say yeah m.2 is like again m.2 is just in terms of the read write speed even over like a typical physical sata drive or much faster especially for uh read write access and stuff like that so yes it is recommending in fact uh both the series x and the ps5 both both use m.2 for um their storage solutions um for power we're using the evga 650 b5 it's an 80 plus bronze certified fully modular um it's uh again uh really have used a lot of evga recently um nice really easy price at 89 bucks 650 watts is more than enough power um and it should be um more than capable of powering our our our little a little beast of a pc and then of course finally and we'll show this off a little bit later we've got the cooler master mb311 honestly uh let me tell you this on cases coolermaster's been kind of killing it this year between the td500 and now the mb311 these are rated as some of the best airflow cases that have come out and especially this case and it is microatx so that's the other two i forgot to let you know this is a small form factor so it's gonna be a small build but for what is essentially 60 bucks or the kind of for what you get in this is actually really awesome includes two rgb fans we're gonna throw in a fan in the back but all in all pretty awesome for the build and all that sort of stuff it's asrock the motherboard is asrock not asus the ace is so i had an aorus in the picture but i went to azeroth because it was cheaper so yeah it should be nice nice little small build and go from there so anyway that's all the parts guys that's all the parts what's up you sure yeah what what are we sure what that the motherboard says oh sorry you're right sorry it's asus i was like i could have sworn my it's asus my gosh wow i'm on fire it's asus it's an asus board not asrock wow uh that was a brain fart uh there we go so the motherboard is the asus prime z490m uh used i don't know where i got azure from uh the thing that's so crazy about this particular board is that i've used this version on the x570 i like the prime boards they're usually at the lower end but for the most part they have it where it counts will have more than enough support for basically anything that we need um and so yeah i'm not confused at all just straight up just although just just i can already see this is gonna it's gonna be all over the place yeah so you can own that i need some coffee i'm just going to start drinking some vodka right asrock is on your new egg list is that what is asrock's on my new egg list did i really just put like did i not even buy the right board this is a micro yeah okay so this is not even the board that i wanted to buy but you can get this one how much is e490 okay we're gonna fix that right now how much is the z490 prime m plus i didn't even buy the right board man i am on fire today that's the wrong board yeah it's not even the right board it says amd no it is it's a z490 here i'm well that's wrong sorry right there it says amd it says on the bottom oh crossfire it means it supports crosstalk okay yeah it's the yeah it's just crossbar this is the right one okay so i'm gonna fire i'm on yeah i'm i'm nailing it today that's because i've i've freaking shifted parts on this build like three times as i've done i cannot tell you to double check i know and i did i checked that we have a motherboard but i didn't check that it was the right one so um so i want to look at this let me see how much this is e490m plus and we'll update that real quick because i want this to be right yeah so it's like ten dollars more so yeah it's still it's still a thousand dollar and you it's it's shipped by new york so let me update that real quick guys we're gonna update we're gonna update the i told them guys the site and all that sort of stuff yeah i knew i was gonna miss something it was this was going too perfect i said bro was going to perfect it's going too perfect d4 90 mm you did it's like okay yeah there it is okay so at least it's my creatives because that would have been that would have been terrible because then i would have been like what am i gonna do when they come for me i'm not the one who caught it someone else caught and i just relate because you know i'm here to rechat okay uh all wish lists um hold on one sec guys we're gonna get this fixed it's gonna be right we're gonna make sure it's right it's cause of you guys you guys brought it to the attention of roby not doing things the way he's supposed to d490m bum bum bum bum it's actually it's yeah it's it's i think it's actually might actually even be less expensive there we go okay so there's the right good job chat the right board is there this is why like i'm okay i'm okay with being wrong i'm okay with making a mistake there we go so it's yes 9.76 now still under a thousand bucks we're going to just quickly real quick i am on yeah we're gonna real quick fix the description because the luckily everything else will be right like all of the stuff that's going in there will be right but this is the this is we're gonna fix so we're gonna fix the description real quick this is the asus prime z490 m z490 plus where is it motherboard [Music] there we go and now we're gonna fix it on here so you guys have the right link from from where i'm sitting i can't read the whole box all i see is amd and bold letters it was like it's it is not an amd board that is definitely not true that that is my bad yeah that is not yeah okay so here we go that would have been that would have been terrible it's like oh well we we're gonna do this build thank you very much we'll see you tomorrow nights because i didn't even get the right i didn't even like buy the right parts um wow that's pretty impressive okay um okay guys the link uh the the link in the the link in the descriptions will be fixed in just a second um so we're just fixing those real quick i want to make sure it's right right because if somebody wants to go and buy this like it's worth buying uh if if we're if we're correct so we'll find out here real quick okay here we go so that's that and then it was it asus i don't even know how i'm how did i do this i bought it right i thought i bought it right off my own wish list so i guess secretly it was like roby you really want asus on this okay there we go saving that okay now the links are all right everything is good everything is fine we will pretend that that did not happen i don't know what you're talking i don't know what you're talking about everything's fine everything was yeah i don't know i don't know everything was good yeah hey so did i happen to mention the motherboard for this build is the asus prime z 490 plus please tell me something about that yeah this board is really really incredible um and uh yeah you should get it uh i would not recommend an asrock if you were thinking about it i would recommend this one instead because i'm just kidding azeroth's awesome too anyway guys updated thank you for thank you for catching it thank you for doing that i apologize again either one if you got that azeroth board or if you got this board both of them are great um but we're gonna go with the a suit so there it goes like that yeah it's a good looking board that's a good looking board it's a good-looking board there you go okay um yeah so that's it that's the whole build maybe we should build it i don't know what a given how well things are going right now i'm not sure how well this build is gonna go not sure at all toast yeah azeroth yeah i know it's in azeroth built yeah bernie i built your pc so we definitely we definitely know what's what's going on there oh i'm gonna put for the yeah will it post that's the question given everything else is going on today will it even post will roby post i mean it's like the thing is am i going to reboot that's the question we don't even know anything we might need a reboot we might need to reboot roby what it is guys it's because he's not wearing a jersey yeah this is what i get i i listen to feedback the people are like you you always wear the same jerseys and then i put on a t-shirt and everybody's like what is going on um you are burned you even have your shirt backwards yeah there you go yeah i i know i deserve that i deserve that that punishment i should just go into a go into a go into a room and just cancel this whole thing don't reboot do barrel yeah yeah don't yet just just stay just stand on your head somebody can read your shirt correctly okay uh the shirt says because i was inverted it's from uh from top gun okay so let's get started um let's get some build hype in the channel okay first and foremost everybody stand up everybody this is what we do everybody stand up everybody stand up okay center your focus in we're gonna get our built we're going to get to build gods you can see tech jesus steve just looking over us from gamers nexus we're preparing to have that moment we're going to get the good vibes going the dad jokes are starting to flow everybody just kind of take that moment because we're going to build a pc today it's going to post we're going to have some fun playing a little bit of games let's get some hype in the channel let's get this going guys good he's standing up we got a couple of people we got a couple of people standing up that's the way it is all right let's start with this board right here this is the ass rock just kidding no [Laughter] here we go here we go again here we go again okay here we go let's get it going um where is my oh there it is hey by the way this works now so ours i was a little worried last time our zoom stopped working oh but it now works now so there we go so there it is what did you do to it i don't know it just stopped working i think i just need to turn it off and turn it back on again so oh wow this uh the motherboard's actually sealed oh that's because they mailed it to me that way where is whoopsie whoa i caught that yeah they don't want the you know the motherboard disappearing yeah exactly you're like oh i didn't even get i didn't even get my motherboard so there's an empty box there's an empty box there we go open it up thank you very much for the subs guys all that sort of stuff okay are you i do give oh so somebody's asking do you give away full pcs we actually have a full pc that we're giving away right now um that you those links you can check down in the description below or the or our mods um have that link going there we're giving away the intel gamer days pc uh we give away a pc every month um so this month we're giving away that one last month we gave away the 2k nzxt build uh next month we're giving away i have a pc sitting in there what pc have we not given away i have a pc that i i huh minecraft oh yeah we have the minecraft yeah that's right we have the minecraft dungeons pc we haven't even given away yet so we have the minecraft dungeons pc that's coming up so we have all that stuff that's coming in there and those giveaways are uh those pc giveaways are still yet to happen so thank you very much for that i forgot about the minecraft dungeons one so we're gonna we have all that we have all we have all sorts of things we do give away a full pc every month uh here on the channel in partnership with newegg so and those are available up on gleam the giveaways that we that we talk about that are happening on here as we give a we're gonna do a giveaway about halfway through the build that's for xbox game pass which you could play wasteland tonight or this weekend when uh blondie hands it out that's not to say that you'll get the thing um but you'll be able to play wasteland or the new dope nod game or flight sim so those are all going to be out um and then we'll give another one that when the the build post and then we have all of the other giveaways that happened at the end of the stream so lots of stuff that you can do and earn and get from going up so my problem is i get stuck on one game and i just keep playing that one game uh somebody asked sorry see that one my problem is i get stuck on one game i keep playing it until i get bored of that game usually happens with like call of duty and stuff oh okay well i mean then i miss out on other games yeah because some games go out and leave game pass somebody's asking if you win the pc if you have to pay for shipping no you do not pay for shipping the only thing you got to worry about is the tax implications that come with winning a 5 000 pc so there is tax implications you have to get a 1099. okay so this is our motherboard we always like to do the tour we'll do it with we're gonna do it with crimic man today we're not gonna use the knife we're gonna use chromic man oh we're gonna use grenigan okay so let's uh zoom in real quick and we'll walk you guys through this board so you guys can get like a gander at uh the different stuff okay so right here this is our socket this is lga 1200 this time so the last intel build we did was actually a 9th gen which was lga 115x this is lga 1200. the one thing i will say is a lot of people i do get this question up quite a bit times like hey given that they've updated the socket do you have to worry about if i install a cooler or anything like that if there's a problem now they've upgraded no it's still the same in terms of installation for your ai os all of your stuff is backwards compatible the only thing is you can't stick like a 9th gen or 8th gen intel into this socket so that's the only thing from a difference there over here to the right these are your dim slots these are from memory we got four here they're actually different color this is something i've noticed a lot more with asus the dark gray is the dark the black is one channel the dark gray is the second channel um the pair together one black one gray equals channel one the second black the second gray equals channel two so this is a1 a2 b1 b2 you have to put one either uh together you have to have one in in this case if you want to activate dual channel you have to stick it in a2 and b2 to activate d channel dual channel if you had four then you'd stick it in a1 a2 b1 and b2 because we're only using two sticks where you'll see me install that to activate dual channel you do not stick them next to each other then you'll only have single channel you won't be getting the full the full um power of your ram so that's just something that's pretty important what's up follow the video or putting in your right now yeah don't put don't follow the verge yeah don't do any of that stuff like this so yeah we're not gonna don't do that don't don't don't follow the merch okay uh up here in the top left these are your eps cpu power connectors um you only need where and you'll see me only use you only need the eight pin a four pen is usually in addition for doing what's called extreme overclocking like for instance ln overclocking but because we can't overclock we're not going to be using that um right here these are our cpu and aio fan headers so these are fan headers the one that we care about is the one that's on the top which is our cpu one that's where we're gonna connect our our uh we're gonna connect our header our cpu header so that way it knows that there's a fan involved this right here is uh your powers your uh motherboard power you have two usb 3.2 right here or usb 3. um sata connections right here you've got four this is your front panel connection right here this actually has tpm tpm is a security measure so if you're going to do stuff like bitlocker or encrypt your files this is where your tpm ship would go we have an additional sata connection here we have one two um two more fan headers for a total of five so you've got one two three four and five fan headers on the board you've got two usb 2 uh you've got an uh an rgb an addressable rgb header and then you've got your hd audio over here to the left you've got two uh by 16 and a by eight uh pci slot you've got two by ones plus you've got two additional m.2 they've got a one and two now remember on z490 none of these are pcie gen four um they do some do support pci agent four but because intel doesn't support pci agent four thinking a pcie gen four m.2 it is not gonna help you at all so um yeah so yeah that's that's all the stuff that's going on from here that's what's happening that's the motherboard in a glance i like to go through this some people don't know so uh some people like to learn and that's where we go from here but let's get our let's get our cpu out and go from there here we go time to start putting stuff together um you do not have to be a u.s resident to join the you do have to be a us resident to join the pc giveaway that is definitely true okay here we go okay all right this is i'm excited boom we've opened in intel [Music] okay open it up open it try to take good care of the box [Music] the pc giveaway the pc giveaway you guys can you can you'll see links for that stuff guys okay so like i said a couple things about this this actually does include a stock cooler you could actually see that stock cooler right there it's not it's not crazy but it's going to be more than capable given that we're using a high airflow case for what we're going to do today if you want to upgrade i'll have a recommendation i'll put it in there we've got a hyper 212 it's about a 30 cooler if you wanted to do something a little bit nicer we're going to go ahead and open this up i have not installed this before so there's some new here as we get that up harry hale henry hall thank you for the sub there is our cooler right there and it actually does have pre-applied thermal paste already and this just like it looks like it just clips on it's pretty pretty simple in terms of your cooler so we'll be trying that and see what our thermals are like and then go from there and then here is our cpu right here it's all locked in here so the way this works is there's a little so you guys can see there's a little latch in here that comes out there you go and then this comes out of the plastic it's a little bit harder to open than typical and i'm not going to throw this away because i'm going to obviously be taking this pc apart later because we might use these for benchmarking or something else later we're going to get that all put back together oh we're already at 300 likes on youtube dude 300 likes on youtube people want to get that giveaway okay let's get this back in here this is all like wacky okay emotion sometimes there we go okay so there's our box ready to go okay so what we're gonna do is when you're gonna install your your cpu your header i mean your cpu all you're going to do is you're going to go to the top left you're going to open this up you're going to try very hard not to have it shoot out like a gun just like damn last time huh no we did did we do that have we done that yet no we haven't okay so what you're going to do is you're going to grab there's our little look at look at it beautiful i5 there it is 10 400 right there just going to grab it from the side just pull it out like that and then a couple things just just remember about remember about when you're doing when you're touching these things you don't want to lick the pins we have yet to do it but you can use it as a brush but no you shouldn't use it as a brush you shouldn't use it as a mirror uh to hunt um to hunt medusa like that's not a thing you shouldn't do it for you shouldn't use it as a shield against mini pigment uh mini pygmies all in all like there's just lots of things you shouldn't do now the one thing i will let you know is that uh the way this works is we're gonna go ahead and pull this out like so pull this up and then there's two little dimples on the side you'll see there's two little dimples on the side of the cpu there and there's a little gold arrow all you're going to do is line it up and then you'll know that you're installing it correctly because the orientation for the text on the cpu is actually horizontal so just want to drop it right in like so and then you can just check it by wiggling it a little bit you're going to pull this down you're going to put this underneath so let's zoom in a little bit so i'll show you a little bit closer we can get closer closer closer do it what movie is that from you might know okay so anyway we see it a little closer this is going to go underneath this latch and then like magic this little black thing is just going to pop off wait i don't take it off beforehand no you don't take it off before it just pops off throw it away there it is you just it pops off it's just it's like magic i don't even know how this happens it's like and then i think what it does is it like actually like ends under it actually ages you like you you you room it removes years and that's why like i'm so young because of all of the years that i i i get because i open these up and you throw that away right no don't throw that away that's a good question because sometimes when you have to return the motherboard manufacturers they require you to return that with it so but don't follow the verge yeah don't follow the bird oh i need some i need some more going in [Music] all right so there we go from there next thing that we're going to do we're going to grab our cooler you can see there's a little it's not the most attractive thing i will tell you this but it's got a beautiful little intel now this looks like it just pops on this is interesting i do not know how this works it looks like it's upside down no it's not upside down i know so it just goes like this so there it's in the holes this right here there's a little attachment right here that goes into your cpu which is up at the top which is barely on now this should oh yeah it just pops in and this pops down too is that popped in oh that's all popped in wow that's all there is to it huh i feel like it should do more than that but okay so what we're going to do is we're just going to pop this up like so that's going to go to the cpu header i think it knows exactly how long this has got to be that is like the perfect length and then we look at the bottom yep oh so there's a cup this this one is not popped in but yeah they just pop they uh sorry they just pop right in to the little holes i wonder how hard this is going to be to get out which one is not in there's one that's not it this one [Music] you have to turn it or something i'm looking i'm looking oh it says turn oh turn oh there goes yeah turn there you go turn and then as you push and turn okay so it's not quite under yeah it did it's it's definitely clipped in but it's your first time ruby this is my first time on this for this particular one yes i've never installed this particular cooler now there is a way to get it out apparently but we're gonna i'm looking at it flip it in clip it clip yeah it clips in and then as you turn it it gets wider which is what we did here so that one's clipped in and you just clip it in like this but this one is not clipping in like it's supposed to yeah i like that idea use a hammer no we're not going to use a hammer okay it is touching the thing but this one is not i wonder how hard i'm going to check i'm going to zoom out a little bit not as not as not as intuitive as the intel thank you very much jackson shaw for the five hundred dollar five dollars five hundred dollars okay we're gonna undo this i'm gonna see what this takes these just come out like that and then they should pop off here oh yes it just pops off someone said don't turn them that's worth taking it out it says don't turn them that's for taking it okay we're gonna look at the box i'm gonna follow the instructions i'm not i'm not afraid i'd like i'm not gonna i'm not afraid to look at the box and go from there uh come on now we're gonna seal oh this is not sealed okay so here's what it is it says install thermal solution instructions if applicable not worried about it it says just make sure that they're all out push all the way down one two three four and then you twi you turn it yeah so you're supposed to turn them okay so i had it all right but it's like i think the big thing is that i didn't put it you're supposed to do it in a certain order so we're going to disconnect all these those are all out like this how'd that work out for you chef boyardee what put thermal face on inverter oh did he really i don't think he really did okay wow this is this is definitely learning from here so we're gonna try this again i now know what i'm supposed to do i clipped you're supposed to do it in a certain order that one's up this one is not up though and that one's supposed to turn okay if this is up i don't want to damage my motherboard that's what i'm looking at right now these are all up that's up this is like locked in yeah it's got the little clip in okay that is unlocked does have to say everything was going i know this is i'm telling you man this is what happens right like you like i thought everything was going well his hat opened his mouth this is not coming up this is not coming up at all and it's making me nervous because i don't want to break my motherboard it's all in the right place it's just like this last one is like being wonky turn it over anywhere this little clip just all the other clips just came out but this one is not coming out can you push it from the back side no tip it down this is just not coming out dude there's not really anything else to this is not as easy as i expected it to be making sure that this is like twisted all the way out everything else is in these will all go down right like this one wouldn't even go down this is just supposed to pop in that's supposed to be the first one but it's not popping in oh lord guys it was supposed to be a simple installation is not going the way it's supposed to be i'm checking one other thing i wonder if this is i wonder if there's like a special like if there is a this i don't know if this is like it's if i'm putting this in the right direction is the other thing too so i wonder if there's a certain way like because of how this is installed like i've got something stuck right like this is actually supposed to be twisted a different way but this makes sense because that's where the oh maybe yeah that's where the header is so there's no other way to fix this i'm gonna try and twist it this way oh no that's how it was okay so yeah i had it twisted the wrong way okay so there we go we have our thermal paste on which i'm not overly worried about okay so all you're gonna do is you're gonna you're gonna make them all twist this way that's how it works i'm twisted the wrong way oh you're tightening instead of loosening yeah so you wanna make sure okay so i'm gonna make you keep you from making the same mistake there is when you look at this i'll turn it over when you look at this when you twist these there's a little pin that goes inside of them but if you twist them the wrong way that pin will not go it will not engage you have to make sure they're all twisted so all of these are turned all the arrows are turned towards the center like an ikea thing all the arrows are turned towards the center and we're just going to set it down on all the holes right so you make sure it's in all the holes and then what it says is the first thing you're going to do is you're going to plug this in here like so and then this is the first one so it this should just pop in it should it's not it's not been the case so far there it goes okay there's that one it goes one there's one and then two is on the other side two is there and then three is here and then four's right here come on there you go and then once they're all in like that you then twist them turn them to lock them there we go there we go and then there we go okay now that should yep and now you look at the bottom everything is locked now our cooler is on okay that is the right way to do this i learned something and you've now learned something okay our mother our cpu is installed wow okay that was crazy four hours later four hours later yeah or just use an aio or use a less complicated like that was like that was that is legitimately not a couple things i don't like about this so i'll just i'll just be fully transparent don't like that this just snaps in right like most of them there's like some sort of back plate that it screws into or whatever it was i have not installed one of these before but i was like hey if it comes with it it makes the most sense it's obviously good enough from a stock cooling perspective i don't like how it clips in right like but it does it's very like i've been able to remove and take it off but not my favorite in terms of the install and i will say this the stock coolers the the wraith prism coolers that come with the in the amd much easier in terms of their installation and stuff for sure um i've done a lot of pc builds obviously and that was a bit of a pain so um yeah i'm wondering if i can like give this a little bit more is that and going to hit the wire from here it looks like the fan that's going to hit the wire yeah it is that's awesome this is like it it just looks like it's just not quite here what i can do is i can do this though like this is like also just not quite yeah this is like not quite like they did some cable management here we can do it this way and what i'll do is i can this is not like the prettiest cabling trying to think of like the best way to yeah because that like has to like go up it's not pretty at all no not at all like at least with the prism fans you have something to look at yeah at least they're a little bit better looking yeah there's not really a whole lot what i can do is i'm what i'm going to do is i could i could do this and hide it underneath like that and then it would all be hidden so what we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and just like do what i always do use some tweezers use some tweezers and we're going to hide we're going to hide the cable hashtag the verge i'm going to grip that we want some length okay this will go like that like that and then the the jeep the thing will hide it okay where's my all right 392 likes at youtube thanks blondie there we go i'll hide that like that and then the this will keep it off of the heatsink be great i'm using that i'm actually what i'm doing is i'm using the tweezer head to keep it off the heat sink there and we should be good then the the gp the stuff will the memory will keep this down so we'll make that hide hidden that way okay okay let's put that top down and we'll fix that but we had to make sure we got some more room there okay let's install our ram i forgot we're not gonna get that kind of thing so we're gonna install our ram now zoom back out okay so the way the ram works is remember guys so we have a little slot in the pcb right here i'll zoom in so you guys can see that thing i got caught there we go so we got a little we got a little bit of we got a little bit a little slot in the pcb here what you're gonna do is you're gonna line it up with the little slot right here what you do is just stick that in just like that and then you'll get a nice little satisfying clay that wasn't very satisfying that was really weird i don't know why that why that made that was such a letdown that was such a letdown it's like a loud like the click from the motherboard end you the red like all here i'm gonna look at the cables here in a minute and then same thing with this one we're gonna go from here going like this click click i'm trying to think of like the best way like this is like this this this cable here is driving me bonkers it's because you gotta rotate it 90 degrees rotate with that the fan yeah i could i mean like the yeah it's like all in all like it's it's like just like the way it's supposed to work which is like across the whole thing like it's like it's going to hit this fan what i could do i could do this actually huh maybe that gave me a lot more room okay there we go it's so ugly it is it's just really not an attractive thing if i did this there we go that seems to be better okay there's no other clip for this though okay there we go okay that's better okay so we got that in let's go and install our m.2 real quick yeah i mean like all in all like my recommendation like after this whole thing is spin the thirty dollars if you don't wanna spend the thirty dollars but spend the thirty dollars on something like a hyper212 black and use that that would just make a big and it's gonna bring up the overall quality look of your build by quite a bit so um i would do a hyper 212. i wanted to show you like you could use the stock cooler this is what you're gonna get i don't wanna like again trying to save you like what is it like in terms of budget but if you have a little bit of money to spend install like use the hyper 212 black this is showing me that amd is king not necessarily we haven't gotten to the test yet we've just all we've done is we've put in a cooler that's all we've done and again they're keeping the cost of this really low so i'm i'm i'm always expecting some level of pain okay let's install our m.2 drive real quick we're going to go right here and zoom in our m.2 what's the difference between and remember i recommended that crucial this is an intel 660p is what we're doing and that only reason that we're doing this is because we are using um we're using what that's our this has already got an os installed on it um what do we got in here we need this and we need this okay so there's our screws and there is our i o plate okay so what we're going to do is we'll install our standoff install our standoff real quick so on here you can see it says there's 2242 2260 and 2280 that is millimeter length for the actual for the m.2 straw slot so what we're going to do is we're going to just take this to 2280 which is the length of the m.2 most m.2s most m.2 the 2280. we're going to put it right like this there we go and then what we're going to do is we're going to take our little m.2 and you can see there's a little little break in the mdot in the pcb just like that we're going to do is just stuff stick it in here we go and you just oh that one just goes in there so we won't even we only have to worry about it okay now we're going to do is we're going to grab our super tiny screw driver what if the stream ended before second height what if the stream ended before a second hype train oh that won't happen that won't happen now you're just doubting yourself i won't no i don't want like we'll play games and do that so if we'll make sure there's always two it'll always be two hours long and boom okay so finally with way more pain than i anticipated the actual motherboard is completed wait where's my diving man uh he didn't he didn't come out today he didn't come out today he didn't come out to play sad day no no it's no diving man today i am going to grab this m.2 usually don't come with a pre-installed some do come with standoffs like so like higher in motherboards they actually come with pre-installed standoffs and sometimes screws uh uh pre-installed os no no no industries do not does it this is just because it's my own so it's it's already ready with a os on it so to make it faster so yeah this is just go from there okay okay so now our m.2 is in let's go and get our case out um we're good to go there let's go and move this off to the side this is a small build so we don't need as much work space you can just actually push this one off to the side this time and we're going to be good to go there and let's grab our cam link it could have been a whole amd system by now oh guys so you you guys are fanboys again we're gonna test i still think that for a gaming experience and price this is still a great build i'm just saying like if you are like some people cost is everything they don't have 30 bucks i mean this is like i'm like hey what what is this going to run like and that's okay some people yeah you could buy a 3600x or whatever it was but yeah this is still a pretty crazy one to go from there so um okay what we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead and take these off pop this off right here oops first we're gonna put the right screw head in yeah this is a great build for the value i agree but i i do i do have to say um the the stock cooler for amd much nicer yeah intel could definitely take it i like the the brackets on the yeah the intel intel could definitely take a uh a note from what amd did with their brackets shoot they can even learn from cooler master okay there we go now these are captive screws which is kind of nice so the screws which is kind of cool so we've taken that off so our things is there thank you very much for the subscription 38 guys we're getting close to that 60. there we go maybe everybody hates on eight uh intel because amd's just has been cheaper to go with in the past yeah and that's and again that's what we're gonna see again we're this is like just based on stats this should be more powerful than a gaming system intel is too complacent and that's true that's why i love competition and that's like you've already seen things now one thing about this build is right here in the back it comes with here is your other micro your other thing so it just pops in there it's stored in the back you don't need it just as an fyi if you're uh looking for your other uh your other uh mesh okay so uh overall a pretty simple case all your uh all your little stock all your little components and stuff are in the back here just as an fyi so it comes with that it comes with a bag oops that i just dropped how you're throwing stuff at me so there's your little bag of stuff you can throw in there to make yourself smell fresh the thing that's crazy about this for 60 bucks all of the stuff that's included in this is also it's also got drive trays it's got an rgb controller so you can actually do an external rgb controller which is pretty nice um there's a lot of stuff that they included for 60 dollars which is impressive the only thing is just as another update the one thing that you will have to realize is that in the back here you have to remove your pci things before so determine where your where your card is going to go and remove these before hard it's a little harder when the motherboard's installed that's my only complaint in the case outside of that it's got two rgb fans it's very light there's no there's no there's no dual filtering so which makes it really easy which means you're gonna get good air flow all we're going to do is we're going to have air come in and then basically a single exhaust in the back and it's as simple as can be and then everything that you need for rgb and everything like that is right here so they even got fan splitters making it so you don't like all your fans are all going to be able to just work with this uh with this motherboard which is uh with this with this setup so overall really great case really impressed with this and for 60 bucks you really cannot go wrong all right remember though you need it is micro atx micro okay so what i'm going to do right now guys is i'm going to go ahead and remove i'm going to quit oh i'll go to the side camera so you guys can see i am going to quickly remove these um the ones that we need for um our we're going to quickly remove the ones that we need for our gpu of which i don't think i needed to but i took two out just in case okay so we're good there um and now from there we can install our motherboard top down well actually before we do this let's go ahead and no yeah we'll go and install our motherboard i was about to say i was like oh yeah i should install my fan but no actually let's put our motherboard in first okay so first part you know coolimon i actually have it i haven't tested it so i don't know so i i'd love to tell you but i haven't tested it so i don't have an answer i don't think it's go i don't think it's going to be i don't think it's going to be all that great given that you're pulling air from the sides but i can't say that for good thank you very much land for this for the sub 38 on our way guys we could just get to 60 then we'll be closer to that ram giveaway which is always good okay so what you're gonna do is you're gonna take your i o shield um if you're installing this exact same motherboard uh this is gonna go on your top left top right um and then this is how this is basically the layout the way it's going to go is you're going to put it in this little square on the bottom and you're going to listen for a click it's okay to push it kind of hard you just want to make sure it goes all the way in i mean i'm not going to hammer the bracket in no you should not didn't have to hammer the bracket in this is the case is actually a little bit bent here in the back so here we go there we go okay there we go so just like that don't be afraid to make sure it pops all the way in but yeah there it is it's nice and installed um and then what we're going to do is we're going to take our motherboard and the standoffs are already in here what you're going to do is you're just basically going to set it down like so and then push it all the way against the edge there and then these little metal things are just kind of a pain in the butt so you just want to be really careful of making sure that it doesn't clip on any of the metals and i'll show you those a little bit later given how well everything else in this board has been go this motherboard this install has been going i'm probably going to get stuck on a metal peg so i already see a couple going in there feel free to just make sure because you don't want to have anything get blocked which can happen okay so that that's a good installation i'll show you what it should look like as you can see none of the nut oh see yeah none of yeah that's okay these are all okay none of our things are blocked by the little metal pegs and so you're good there okay once that's done you can see all our standoffs are good now we're going to grab our screws and get that installed here's our rgb controller we got some more tweezers from the verge right from the verge right from the verge they give you tweezers all of the all of the cooler master cases wow they gave you a holy crud 475 likes on youtube look at all these tweezers it's like a lot of tweezers yeah i'll be doing some good cable managing with that yeah you can get like i'm like surprised like how many you get like a lot of tweezers with this okay and then you've got some hard drive installation brackets and then here are our screws what should you do with the porch or block take it back out and and keep working on it you just want to double check that that is something zip ties yeah ajg it's a joke a lot of people going in there hopefully this swiss army knife has a screwdriver yeah okay there we go getting this out and we're good there we go there we go okay come on give me the screws not coming out because you curse the verge yeah i curse the birds the verge is mad and so now because that won't give me the screws 15 more 15 more likes they're always the first they're always the first one like the 500 likes is always when we first started doing the youtube likes and all that it just took them forever but now they're they're likers they like it no i think i think you've probably trained them right like the other thing too is not like just like people have learned okay here we go first let's get our screwed in because i think by the time we get done with this like you guys will have like hit that that giveaway it's not necessarily verge hate they just put out a very bad build guide that it's really hilarious yeah that you should never use to build a pc but don't use it to build it yeah don't use it if you don't use it to build a pc and remember guys i will tell you this if you are a thinking about that twitch sub twitch subs outside of this for this first giveaway which youtube is the only one twitch subs get extra entries into all of our giveaways but just as an fyi there's always a nice benefit over 500. oh we're at 500 okay let me finish the screwing that doesn't sound right screwing at least you're screwing with confidence yeah i'm screwing with confidence so 521 wow that was kind of good there we go and then let's grab this one gonna get our motherboard installed real quick yeah if you give oh 299 what's the total cost this bill uh goose uh it's down below it's uh 967 dollars and this is going to be like it should be a really great gaming build for the cost yeah that verge video so bad that it just gets funnier every day with me especially watching like a youtuber's reaction to it how those builders are like freaking out yeah ram in the wrong spot psu the fan sorry the power supplies backwards okay last one there we go okay so pc is done i'm not sorry pc is not done pc is done pc is not done post post post it's not working i don't understand okay let's do the first giveaway okay first giveaway cloudbot giveaways now this is for one year of game pass ultimate thank you very much youtube folks remember you do not get extra entries this time uh uh subs um because this is for the youtubers so everybody can enter but you they all get an extra they all get an even chance okay starting the giveaway right now let's get that going starting the giveaway right now okay now let's see we got all that in let uh there dude there's so little to do because this build is like so simple um which is nice it's nice to have a simple build so we can actually play some games no that one's dumb what's it what's a good what's a good dad joke what do clouds wear under their shorts what do clouds wear under their shirts i don't know what thunder pants wow that's really bad that's pretty terrible my wife used to send me a bunch but she hasn't sent me any in a while okay um okay let's get oh let's install our exhaust pan we're gonna grab me will endowed well in doubt i don't know why i said well in doubt a well-endowed cooler master exhaust fan well endowed what's up with me today i'm just gonna go over here oh man i'm on fire jeez okay let's grab some fan and tastic fan screws grab some fan screws they don't give me any fan screws that's one thing they did not give me fancy okay let's go to the side camera for you trey you turned off your mic right okay here we go uh we're gonna do now we're gonna install our fan follow some fans real quick a fan not some fans a single fan nothing nothing too crazy you should be able to see put our side camera okay the main reason for this is just to ex to fully build our exhaust loop [Music] i'm gonna grab some screw fans there we go okay there we go okay little fan no i did not did you did you turn off your mic yeah okay i was like i was like yeah that'd be awkward yeah uh trace peeing had anybody pee on your string before no and i don't want that to ever be a thing we don't want to clip that okay uh eight seconds guys and then we'll choose our winner it'll be just about the time we finish this fan installation for the for the fans i'm i'm sure kevin one of these days is gonna come up here can you come shut up please shut up i'm watching sailor moon i'm watching rainbow bright rainbow bright see the shining light anybody remember that show that's old absolutely not 14 okay here we go picking our winner now congratulations to heaven's smile haven't smile 94. you do you know heaven's smiling i've been small 94. heaven's small 94 won this one for a better one i will don't uh if you want to it's not hey valiant one it's i actually have one it's not that i'm not worried about the cost i'm just showing the build in stock if you wanted to do another one that's totally okay it has nothing to do with cost it's just everything in terms of um showing the build like we're just building at stock we're trying to make this as inexpensive as possible what that kind of the cpu fan is they're gonna you're gonna what i'm gonna shoot off like a rocket it's gonna make the cord come unplugged no it's fine no it's not what oh it looks like it's just from here it looks like it's caught up it's going to get caught catch on that uh on the bottom one there yeah no it looks like it's okay yeah watch it just get cut that'd be it that'd be amazing it's yeah it's okay like i said just from this angle oh not my favorite not my favorite fan so far okay let's see uh let's go and do front panel connector get all our connect connections done there's like very little this is going to be a very simple build let me just um we got one right here this has got it so um zoom out so you guys can see this [Music] thank you for the offer though yeah yeah use the hyper 212 black edition that's what i would recommend and uh it will make a big difference okay i'll tell you what guys you guys just really want me to update the are you guys really just wanting me to update the the cooler if you guys let's put a vote um if you well let's put a vote if you guys would rather me just update the cooler or do it this way you tell me yeah everybody's like i take that cool everybody's like freaking out okay fine we'll just take just we're gonna take the dank stock cooler off why why don't we do it like after okay we'll just do it now it's fine it's fine i had it in the original cost i'm gonna put i'm gonna add it back to the build we're gonna add it which is what it originally had so we'll just add it back to the build one second guys we'll add it back in we got plenty of time it's only eight o'clock um okay so we're gonna do hyper 212 black i actually already have the links and stuff for them that's what happens when you succumb to people no i think i i don't it's not that i don't want i don't i wanna i want to respect right like it's just like um cooler is there it is okay i'm adding it in i'm adding it in now guys so if you look at the youtube description we're changing the cooler to the hype oh wait it's actually already in it's already in the description okay so we're just gonna add it we're just gonna add it to the uh to the thing we're gonna add it to the wish list people are like we're done with this thing it's people are worried okay we're adding it okay done it's done well we're gonna get rid of this this garbage cooler and i would just say don't use the intel i5 stock cooler garbage garbage garbage garbage [Music] plus everybody really wants me to do the um everybody loves with bob ross like that's the other thing too is like because i'm in a bob rossiter we want to see the panting everybody loves to see the thermal pace painting it's like okay so we're gonna do did you uh get those uh thermal applicators yet they're horrific yeah oh i didn't i forgot about those okay what would you do without me some days okay not all the time just some days there's okay it's off everybody's happy okay just so you guys know just so you guys know everybody can watch this is what i would recommend for the intel stock that is this is what i'd recommend for the intel stock cooler because i just think if i open in full agreement don't use that cooler okay so let's go ahead and kill clean it off we gotta light that on fire the light is on fire okay so if you're gonna do this don't use the stock cooler let's put a real cooler on it and really do this by the way i'm probably just gonna give this build to my son he's he's he's using the 500 build so i'm probably just gonna give him this one because it's it's still a better it's still a better thing so he's gonna be pretty excited it's a surprise for his birthday so hopefully he's not watching the stream no he's not he's at home playing rolling lines it works as a paper weight in a pinch yeah there we go okay everything's off there you're not a fan of the stock fan yeah i'm not a fan i was not a fan i was gonna do it just to try and save costs cause some people are like i know the internets they're gonna watch this be like you could totally use the stock cooler you're but it's like dude it was it was iffy yeah it just like it just you have a bigger fan on it yeah it's just like let's let's go with something that's going to look nice okay here we go so this is by the way this this is a little bit of a complicated thing to put together so we're going to take this out and get this built 21 left wet there we go everybody's really happy about this build everybody's happy that i've switched to the real the other cooler oh yes there okay let's get this out of the way and let's get our hyper 212 built and when we edit this together because this video will be vaude edited together then we'll make sure that we put this together we'll have the moment i don't have to figure it out let's see ryan just do your stuff no it's josiah just said that oh jimmy young along was like hi daddy that's not my do it son like the fort yeah if you're gonna use it as a paperweight make sure you lock the four corner pins okay here we go [Music] it's all our cables everybody's gonna be happy because it's like cooler this looks so good look i mean i love the way this cooler is and for 30 for 40 bucks right like i didn't know it came in a black edition i've only known as the rgb one no the non-rgb one yeah it's pretty straightforward in terms of this fan plugs into the cpu it's like it's not it's not a complicated it's just the only you have to worry about is the is the mount the mount stuff i forgot if i wanted to add a second fan that's what that's for you wanted to add a second fan which i'm not going to i'm okay with just one okay here's all our mounting mounting hardware keep that in there here's our back plate that's right this goes back in okay so i'm gonna just get this kind of put together first thing i gotta do is get the bracket installed we're gonna go to top down there's our beautiful cooler much nicer i'm not gonna use i'm gonna use the cremic stuff instead now if i'm not mistaken the one i need is this one i'm not mistaken why it's the square uh two times it should be intel lga is not worried about that put those in okay so it's the cur it's these okay so these are the intel okay what how can you tell because i just looked it up i didn't know they're different yeah so these are these are the ones i need for intel and these are all the brackets i need and the pins and stuff this is there's some there's some there's some building that has to go with this which is pretty fun oh that nice yeah i've seen that that is not i'm pretty sure that's not uncommon oh this is if you want to put oh that's right because you have to take this off so you have to take the clips off to get the thing in then you peel and then you put that on okay and those are for the lga 115x okay so what first thing we're going to do is let's go and put our clip together real quick so it should be the inside this one so it says you look on the on the thing on the back plate it actually tells you which one's intel so intel is these ones right here so this is the ones we're going to use for intel and the other ones are for amd so the things that you need for this i'll zoom in so you guys can see that a little bit better okay so right here on it actually tells you which ones until it says intel on it we're not going to use this we're going to use our crimique i like my crimini i have lots of this i have like so much of this cooler master like i have like i have like cooler i have like a cooler master family over here this is all our installation hardware way this basically works is you stick these in like this and then what you do is you grab the eye and then this just goes right over it like so that's all there is to it and then now you've got your standoffs you're going to do this for each one of these little sections here there we go there we go and then we need this one there we go and then finally the last one and then now we've got a completely built back plate so what we'll need after that is we'll need these these are what are going to go on the motherboard and then these i do not need those are for another i wanted to do amd then later little nut right here is so i can tighten these down so this is an fyi this is all the stuff that i still need for installing my board they're saying the camera is not in focus oh it's just not zoomed it's zoomed out quite a bit sorry we'll zoom it out sorry so just to get let you guys know again the pieces i need as i need these right here these are for basically tightening it down yep and then this is for tightening this is for doing this is so i can tighten this stuff so again i don't need this and i don't need i don't need all i need is these everything else just goes back in this is all amd components i'm gonna save that because that's for okay this is what you need for doing your ins intel installation and put those back why do they give you so much thermal paste i don't know they just do like does thermal paste ever go bad i don't i don't that's another question i don't have the answer to does anybody else know i'm out whoa whoa you just knock that let's see if it's still set yeah you you made it crooked didn't you yeah you've knocked something because that that yeah my dumb yep i see it there it goes that's better okay good okay so going back to top down way to go buddy okay so that's fired that's everything i need for this there we go there we go and if you're like looking for a step-by-step guide for this i actually have a full step-by-step guide in my first 1000 build it actually shows you like everything about putting this together okay so here we go last thing we're going to need we're going to take this off the way this is going to work we'll zoom in a little bit here so you guys can see it uh you're just going to unclip this skyler cell says thermal paste can dry up over time and lose performance so that goes like that and then same thing on this side take that off and there's our little brackets this is just going to come off and we'll use that later and then this is what you need for the when we put it on i'm going to grab these because i don't need these anymore and grab my little baggie yeah i i know bernie i know okay okay now for the final part which is putting all this together get this out of the way so we can we can get this built i don't need this either we got room now what i am going to do real quick i'm going to install our brackets and then i just what do i do with the brackets there's here left by the screwdriver left left okay so now we're going to do is we're going to install our installer brackets these just screws in just like this there we go last one thank you very much for all the subs guys 41. i'd like this to see if we can get before the next hype train the next hype train if we get the 60 so that way in the height train we can get towards that towards that uh ram okay there we go so all set up this is ready to go get this off to the side and we're now basically ready to put our stuff in on the case so for the case on the back here turn this over make sure you guys can see okay it's actually pretty good there you go okay so what we're going to do is we're going to take our little bracket you can see it's already kind of set up and you're going to kind of get it to remove it until you can get all these kind of in the hole [Music] they're usually like pretty far out there we go that's pretty close there you go okay there it is that's your brackets installed you're going to hold it and what i'm going to do is i'm going to turn it on its side get our side camera i'm going to grab this right here make sure you guys can see it just like that [Music] okay there we go i have these little nut these little nuggets right here we're just going to screw those on screw one on do here there we go same thing grab another one place an indeterminate location and i'll show you the rest from the top down so then just screw this on and then once you have two on you can lay it on its back and finish this off there we go and now we go to top down and get our last two in [Music] here we go last one right here okay now last part is grab our little tightener which we have right here we're just going to tighten these down you don't have to go too crazy just tight enough there we go you worry about over tightening it there we go okay now it's all tightened now we can do our thermal paste painting bob ross get your heart out time with bob ross time for bob ross time there we go bob ross time and the thermal pace you again you do not you can totally use the cooler master like it's totally okay i'm not saying there's any issue with the the cooler master one both timber really what i'm gonna find is [Music] oh there it is like where's my thermal paste applicator okay here we go we're going to take some chromique [Music] and this is uh this is a ceramic thermal paste so what's the difference just heat dissipation this ability to trans transfer heat is higher yo pan uh cooler master logo what someone said cooler master logo pimp it paint it oh paint it oh paint the cooler no i'm okay i'm just gonna i'm just gonna i'm just gonna literally just cover the the hey i'm gonna get to make sure there's good coverage for our there we go there we go bob ross in it i'm painting some happy little trees make sure you give him a friend i'm gonna give him a friend [Music] are you supposed to spread it throughout your your whole cpu yeah ideally like it's better because then you'll get a nice even thin layer which is just means that you're going to get good heat transfer between the entire thing i mean i'm not saying that there's anything wrong with doing with a dollop it's just this is always a it's just just like it's overkill but it's good it covers your butt there we go make sure it's nice and even [Music] this is right this is how you know like a little thermal paste goes a long way i don't know looks like you're getting a little too perfect there there we go okay and we're good [Music] we got already got some uh there we go nice little spatula you got there nice little spatula my thermal applicator thermal applicator okay next stop we're going to install our and it just goes just like that oop no make sure you put it on the right way uh-oh caught it okay there we go and let's zoom out a little bit so you guys can see that we'll do the halfway build after the halfway giveaway after this because uh now that we're we've added a cooler that feels like a good place to do the halfway okay so we're gonna start it and we're just gonna do a nice star pattern as you remove the peel did i remove the peel no crap but luckily we have to remove the dang sticker man this yep nope it's still there now it's off so son of a gun i'm on so i didn't say anything and then chat was like did you remove the peel i did not yeah remember the waterfall there we go okay we still have a nice covering of thermal paste which is fine man i've been batting a thousand today lord i should have canceled today's stream oh man i mean this is the cooler jeez okay now we'll install it correctly that's gonna make a big difference in terms of its ability to do heat dissipation okay now start welcome to robbie birch yeah no kidding oh we all do it thank you for the 1.99 sprinkle okay we're just going to finish doing our getting our thing installed do there we go okay i was like i was like i was about to just have a moment i'm like is this even gonna clear but it's fine i didn't measure that right well wouldn't the pc part picker or newegg part picker tell you that it wouldn't fit yeah but i don't do all this stuff via pc part picker i always check dimensions and stuff just in case because they do make mistakes wow so i mean not that i was overly worried about it but yeah we're good there okay that was that's null installed that's now installed now what we're gonna do is we're just gonna install our fan remember you wanna stick it because we're gonna put we're going to push through you want to stick your fan you want to stick your fan like this you want to make sure the fan is pointed this way and this is this way that's pulling air through we're going to do is stick it like this and then we're going to clip it on remember the this goes in the back this is a lot harder when you actually have the build in the case but it goes in the back screw like that and then you just pull there's that one we'll do the other side here we go oops it doesn't help i need to get that in there we go that would help crud a lot easier when you have this nut inside the case my recommendation is don't do this inside the case but and this just tells you like even on a thousand dollar build you can still have a lot of pro you don't have to have rgb to make it complicated nope definitely not okay that one's in yeah the other side there you go okay there you go fan is on this is in we're gonna go ahead and quickly what we'll do is we'll pull this through the back real quick and then we can just do our front panel okay what i am going to do real quick is push this to undo this twisty tie and i'm going to pull it to the back and then i'm going to keep that void if warranty void thing and make sure that it's uh gone okay there we go okay i'm not going to pull it off what you do is you slide it so it's in the back and then because you don't want it okay or i'm just going to remove the warranty i just waited how did you do that i pulled the sticker off the sticker is if you if you remove the sticker you void the warranty but not overly worried about it oops okay now last part guys is we're gonna now we're gonna be able to do our front panel connectors and get all this stuff done build's actually pretty close to done okay so this rear fan zoom out okay rear fan going in the top right oh but let's start that giveaway sorry forgot about that we're gonna do the halfway giveaway this is for three months of game pass remember subs now you get extra entries uh twitch subs you get three extra entries tier two subs you get four tier three subs you get five and we're going to do halfway more than halfway but we're going to call it halfway okay starting that giveaway now okay this is so now what we're gonna do is these are all fans okay a little rgb here figure that out here in a minute okay what we're going to do is these are the front panel connectors we're going to do is we're going to first one goes right here usb 3 actually goes out of the side undo this usb actually goes out of the side like that and then hd audio goes way over here and then we have here front panel connector there's not a ton there's our fan header and we have actually another we have another connector which we could if this go yep there's our connector for our rear fan and so there's all our fans are connected so you can take this put this right here so that'll be all of our fans then the last thing i need is this which we're going to use the addressable rgb for we're not going to bother using the rgb for um the rgb for uh controller i'm going to undo this and this is our asus and their asus rgb is right at the bottom oops we're gonna put this right here as well and that's all of our connections then we'll time all up here in a minute okay okay so usb 3 usb 3 right here in the top left this is basically just going to go right here there you go there's usb 3. then we have our rgb right here but let's start with our front panel the front panel we have power plus minus we have all of them here yay hard drive and resetter first and i'll zoom in on these so you guys can see them a little bit later there you go hard drive reset there we go next up power switch goes above that we'll have josiah show a logo if you're watching the vod of this later on you guys can see how i'm hooking this up there's front panel connectors done next up there's no usb 2 but we do have a fan header kind of weird here and under our fan header and header is going to go right here takes your fans so all of our fans are now connected that's something that's really nice about the cooler master case it's just the fact that it's actually got that splitter next up is we have our addressable rgb it goes right next to it we can control with our our sync stuff yeah come on get in there i'll show all these zoomed in here in a second come on ugh this is such a pain this one is come on baby come on get in there like literally the worst you're the worst welcome to my nightmare right now it's almost as bad as when i tried to get the uh the uh one time on my first like my third or fourth ever pc build on stream it was uh for power builds and uh it took me 27 minutes to get the cpu installed because the the the the thing the thread ripper attachment just would not catch it uses a torque wrench and it just would not catch to save my life oh my gosh come on only one way for it to go in once you get it in it goes in like very easily but it's just like i'm literally struggling with one cable okay i'm going to do this hd audio cable just to catch make myself feel better come back to it come back to it there we go hd audio took a whole whopping second oh that may be wrong no it's yeah that's why it's not working because this isn't a that's not an rgb that's the wrong kind okay let me switch to the other rgb header okay that's uh that would make more sense i thought there was address mode that's actually it says it's a spdif out so it's not an rgb header we're gonna see if they have another one but that's the only one they have okay let's fix that okay easy fix using the wrong rgb header the rgb header i want is this one no do i have another one this does this actually have that's a gigabyte it's an s this does not have the right rgb header this does not i need an i need an addressable and i thought that was one but it's not going to see if they have another rgb header anywhere on the motherboard sometimes they do they do not so we'll actually have to install the the um controller that's fine okay live and learn we just figured out something we need our fan controller our our rgb controller this is easy it's right here easy peasy lemon squeezy and while we're back here we'll just go into our cable management okay so right here that's not that it's this i'm gonna grab our maybe this one yep there it is there you go okay so now that's hooked up there's rgb header all hooked up there's gonna be power and then we'll have this in the back so people can change so we can change colors and figure out what color you want okay let's go and cable manage this real quick we have a bajillion cables was there did you pick a winner for the giveaway oh no sorry let's pick a winner congratulations to furion double oh seven fury and double07 you are the winner of the halfway oh i need to grab it too far there we go [Music] okay mine has a different number than that what did you say okay what are we stuck hold on is it really 2 000 oh yeah wow we have almost 2 000 people wow the worst build i've probably done in forever and i have almost two thousand people watching welcome everybody uh no uh vic it's a completely different connector i already checked that um uh vinnie pic pc 2000 people wow that's crazy that's nuts um welcome everybody we're uh this is like the worst i've ever done in a build all right by the way tomorrow's build which is for medic d3 um you are going to want to be here for that that's like we're actually vertically mounting the gpu it's a 1080p it's a 1080 ti it's like all the bells and whistles we have more giveaways for that as well there should be an absolutely awesome build if you want to come have some fun and see something a little bit more hopefully better because roby has been ruby's been on fire today in terms of uh just quality let's use that term okay we're doing really quick because we're just going to finish getting this set up we don't want to see it go smooth nothing to learn from that that's true yeah it's all smooth yeah you guys have we definitely learned quite a bit in terms of this one for sure so thank you for sticking through it and you guys it's what i want to do is i like i do not know everything there's way too many parts to install sometimes to get to to be the guy who says that he knows everything um so um yeah i appreciate you guys just being a part of this and learning with me um i build a lot of pcs and uh i'm i i still sometimes i'm just humbled by what i learn as i build i'm like oh yeah like i learned that i don't like intel stock coolers i learned that today definitely don't like intel stock ajg says it's dad joke time okay we need a dad joke okay i'm gonna bring one up okay here we go nope wrong flame okay worst dad jokes we're on their thing um okay if you see a robbery at an apple store does that make you an eyewitness spring is here i got so excited i wet my pants i don't understand that what kind of magic do cows believe in moodoo okay those are really terrible okay uh want to hear a joke about a piece of paper never mind it's terrible what once you hear a joke about a piece of paper never mind it's terrible terrible oh okay um i started out i start a new job in seoul next week i hope it's going to be a good i hope it's going to be a good korea move yeah these are all lost on these are all left on trevor i got that one oh okay he's like oh wrong bad he's like those are terrible well let's see what google has okay google tell me a dad joke i will i will my wife has been like mad about me not using herself because they always put their best foot forward i think we've heard that yeah we have we've heard that one before yeah for sure the korea one was good i like that one it's a good korean move okay um what we're gonna do now is we're just gonna kind of collect all of our collect all we're gonna make this this so it's out and now see why they gave me so many zip ties there we we go change our rgb from that would have been nice to be able to do it otherwise we'll change this for there the last thing is we're just going to zip tie these together have a pop there we go that's the easy stuff right there easy peasy lemon squeezy okay now all we got to do is install our gpu or psu and then that's it it's a couple cable extensions but cable extensions are always fun everybody loves the cable extension if you guys want to submit i actually i'll tell this if bl i will have blondie i will have blondie create a dad joke if you guys i'll create dat she'll create a dad joke uh section in discord if you want to submit dad jokes for papa tech for tech papa as they called a tech poppos whatever that's what we've been until tech papa if you want tech papa to tell you like a good dad joke you want to submit some good dad jokes we'll put that up in the discord and put some good dad jokes in there and they have to be appropriate right because we have uh we have we have some uh we have some uh good ones okay so that that looks much better our build is much cleaner now um now we got to do is get our gpu and our cpu in i mean our sorry our gpu and psu okay do you hear about the world's largest pickle no it's a really big bill i've heard that one too okay um what do we need okay now we're gonna put in our gpu and stuff like that and then we're we're good turn this over and that's just so we can i wanted i wanted that to be out so i can get to it this build actually looks like i have to say with the black with the hyper 212 black this actually looks pretty clean i like the way this build is turning out with all the gray and black it's actually a very nice looking build um okay let's get our gpu in nice little clean build i like clean builds yes it's some micro yeah it's a micro atx for the fight is it oh did we get nice okay raspberry yeah i can get that i know a lot of people like that stuff yeah it's an incognito build gpu time uh let me check oh you guys yelling too is if we've had a lot of donated subs that sometimes they'll go there no it's it's right it's the the thing's right that's the right number of subs so yeah everything there is good i just checked the the stuff 460 people 1460 people on uh 1460 people on youtube right now thank you very much all youtubers it's been moving but guys come on let's see if we can get those last let's see if we can get those last um so that's what 14 we need 14 more right 14. so we get those last 14 so we can do the that we can unlock the 100 and be towards going towards the ram so we just need 14 subs and remember if you're over on youtube if you want to go to rubytech and unlock some extra giveaways just go over and you can use your free amazon prime sub why don't eggs tell jokes they crack up each they crack each other up that's why eggs don't tell jokes it's a good one that's a good one no the twitch viewers is 411. oh there's all you guys you guys are my faves that's where all the support is there we go boom gpu is out oops there we go there's a sub oh tate with a with three with uh five gifted there you go five gifted taking up to 51. getting super close guys there we go hype in the channel getting close you want to get yeah the goal is to get to as close to 100 because like the the the when you get to the hype ones i pretty much have everything for my first build just waiting for the gpu i'm going to start putting together on monday wow you're welcome i'm awesome i'm glad you did i hope you learned something from this build because boy did i learn a lot from this build yeah nine left guys we could do like one somebody could drop a 10 spotter and it'd be like all done okay so we got our we got our gpu out now you know oops except i forgot to put everything back in it but yeah that's that's that's by design any news on the mats uh news on the mats so we are still waiting for newegg is in the process of approving us for selling uh cindy sent us an updated design which is pretty cool so uh it's all they're all in progress guys we're trying very hard to get them up we will have them for sale soon i know people really want them did anybody use the lustre stuff do anybody take a look at the lester stuff what did you guys think i'm curious what's the name of the casing what casing i'm sorry i don't know what the casing is okay what we're going to do is we're going to take this off put that in there hey what's up okay so we got everything here what we're gonna do is just do our peel here real quick get all this extra stuff off it sounds like music stuff different music music is the so okay okay sound of summer here we go getting our music back going again okay let's get our little plastic off here there we go there we go wow okay there we go look at that nice little small beastly monster ready to go in and luckily i was right it's two slots okay so we're going to top down just enough room here i think this i think this build came out looking good it's like good looking it's attractive like trey hey hey yo there we go looks good it's a salami mommy that's a great name it's a salami mommy oh i need a i need a screw yeah two screws can you go back to the nba can you go back to the no i don't know i think it's already been incinerated yeah i think yeah it's it's it is a very attractive board it's just the question is is like um it's just been it's just been little bonkers with the um with all of the mistakes that's all but we're learning all in the name of learning okay there we go that's in yeah tonight it is definitely very nice and compact the only two this impresses me about this case so i you know i know i've kind of raved on this case already but the one thing that is also very impressive with this case is the amount of room you have for cable management on the back as well there's just a lot like they did a lot for this a lot for this in this case well and i'm impressed every time i do this so um good you know big shout out to cooler master for doing this and particularly just this this case okay let's put our colored or fan or we're going to keep this in cog we're going to keep this incognito incognito keeping all black black theme it's a blackout build essentially i don't actually i think there's a little bit of rgb on the g-force plastic huh uh no i i didn't um i can it's like uh i don't know i don't know if this i don't know if this peels it doesn't i can't tell i don't want to screw it up it don't it doesn't look like it peels i'm committed oh no it peels okay it does peel confirmed peels there you go i thought that said how can it be edible for the giveaway there we go and peel okay now all the peels done how appealing how appealing okay now go ahead and do our cables real quick these should be fast my favorite personal build themes is i would say i really loved we did a cyberpunk themed one well before cyberpunk became a thing and we did that in the forgotten name of the case but we did that for a good friend of mine taravoker and that was a lot of fun and actually the thing that was super interesting about that is that um i did that in uh in uh cahoots with uh with my co-host at the time with uh brennan with brennan dactyl with brenna that was a lot of fun and that was a very attractive build the mclaren build and the xbox fractal build were also some of my favorite i really like the intel gamer days when we just finished that one is super hot and then we're i'm really excited about the venom build that we're going to be doing i think the plan is that'll be done next week okay guys we're almost done we got very little left just putting our putting our cable combs on which in this one is really easy that venom build is going to be pretty rad it's in the cougar it's in the cougar the kylo ren build was oh i forgot about color yeah that one that one is uh the winner just got it he sent me i was really nervous about that because he had like fill the loop but he did he did a masterful job but he just got the build yesterday or the day before got it all filled he's nice and happy that build looks so good it i will tell you this video does not do that build justice um yeah i have a lot of really favorite builds i'm i'm really just fortunate and lucky to get to do this and it's been pretty cool so i appreciate all that stuff oh yeah i know because you want to yeah you and i talked about it last time right like it's hard for you to like i have to agree with you if it's selling for like a thousand bucks right um um i would say like the one that i have right here the the hyper 212 is a great one any of the noc201s are great for cooling the 3600x that's pretty weird that you're getting so hot i haven't had many problems with the wraith prism cooler you could try just getting some grit some grizzly some thermal grizzly knot and just replacing like cleaning off the thermal paste and applying different thermal paste and see if that improves it before replacing your cooler i always screw with confidence that's all i do screw with confidence is the key to success with that venom build are you going to be able to do what you're envisioning i'm hoping yeah we're hoping i'm trying to make it work for the custom water cooling we're seeing what we can do here i may mortgage your house but it's fine i don't have a house yet so i guess i know i'm waiting for you to buy that oh okay there we go we're getting installing our black cables here i live in a van down by the river looks good is it black cable i don't need that one i do need this one [Music] okay we just need a single [Music] people are just now noticing that you're not wearing an esports jersey so really yeah i haven't worn one today i'm wearing the i'm wearing the uh because i'm inverted the top gun your shirt today a lot of people are pretty happy with this like the one other time i wore this i'm going to try i'm going to start branching out adding some other shirts to my wardrobe what about some halo shirts some halo shirts is there any cool halo shirts yeah there are um i don't i have the i wear the i usually wear i wear my halo hoodie a lot in the winter um i like hoodies like are they as cool as destiny shirts um they're different they're not i don't think anyone is as cool as the other i think they're just different best answer is that a is that a non-answer it's it's the answer that in 72 or 42. what's halo you're gonna make me die there we go okay nice clean build there okay last cable last cable of the day [Music] i wonder how i'm gonna do this one i wonder if this will this go i don't think it'll fit in there i'm gonna try i always like cole martin's response to spam what is it spams for frying guys or spams for frying pans guys please don't that's good the hope is to make it look clean it's you know that even a thousand dollar build can look clean that's the hope right showing you that like it's just a little bit of care you can make even a thousand dollar build look really nice simple clean efficient and hopefully fast is the hope though i've killed a lot of time of uh that i was supposed to be playing games hey some of the stuff gave us trouble yeah we we had more trouble than we thought this i thought this was gonna be a pretty simple wham-bam thank you build but it was not there were some troublemakers in this one okay there you go almost done one more cable one more cable comb gpu what does he say the gp off the side i'm gonna do the bottom because i like the way the bottom looks because you end up with that nice clean 90 degree look i think it should fit i'm hoping anyway there you go oh god you can get it in there get in there dude get in there thank you batman there's enough room yes there was yes there we go oh that looks good i like the way that looks see there we go that's nice and clean see nice clean looking build simple clean elegant speaking of batman what we're getting oh like 50 batman things two new games in the in the batman universe i guess one's the dc related the other one is they also have that new they also have the new uh that new rocksteady game looks pretty rad too yeah that's what uh rockstar is doing suicide squad yeah or it's suicide squad kill the justice league or something like that yeah something like that and then there's wb montreal is doing gotham night or nights or something like that where it's co-op and you can play as batgirl red hood nightwing or robin i'm gonna play as night ding you got them i did okay that should be good right there we've got a nice long cable for this and we'll twist that down and boom there you go and then the other cable will keep that low but we've got to keep this low so that way it that'll be where we connect our power one little cable there no yawning i'm sorry no yawning here we go it's too early what are we at 56 guys we're almost to the hype train we got to finish this out let's get this last let's get these last three subs so that way we can unlock the hundred dollar giftway gift card gift card and don't forget then we're then we're on our way towards that getting uh upgrading 100 gift card to 32 gigs of your choice of ram are up to 150 bucks in a few subs no the sub counter catches up so if like somebody does gifted sub it takes a little while to get through all those subs so trust me if the counter is correct guys yes we did check we did check it's all correct cometh downeth i don't know why i said in latin it's so much cleaner in latin when you say it's not really latin come with donald trump thomas i layeth the spammeth down hey oh hype train has started oh hype train is incoming guys okay this is it remember if we get the second hype train then we're giving away this uh four terabyte seagate expansion drive um we've got one it's up to you guys to unlock the others um we just got to get to i'm going to go ahead and put up the other giveaway oh wow there's level one i worked on my 12 hour shift today too okay i'm gonna go ahead and fix this because we're at 59 okay here we go i'm just gonna i'm gonna give you guys the 60th one just so we have it sub goal all right this is 4a 32 gig ram hit 150 value awesome music okay where is it going on we're at 61. oh sorry we need 163.08 thirty twenty twenty okay there we go okay starting that goal now okay let's finish it out guys now that new goal is up 150 value going in from there okay let's while you're doing that i'm going to start working on our psu ps3 oh gosh oh my gosh it's at the very end i fit there we go level two okay getting in there okay last part last part we're almost there i'm excited about playing wasteland i'm really excited about that checking that out tonight i've got it downloading who's got it who's who's going to check out wasteland i've never played one or two so i don't even know what it's about about waste land about a land of waste do you weigh lace to the land or is it land of waste why are you asking these kind of pointed questions your waste my way all right there we go who's waste everybody it's everybody's waste it's the whole wasteland okay another one of our i love that they give it so they every like every time evga gives you one of these jumpers so you can like oh here's my 650 watt for calling my loot i just think it's cool they give you this like every time what is it it allows you to turn on the psu without having it plugged into a um uh without having it plugged into a motherboard so it and then also when you need to work uh fill a water loop you use that plug it in and then that'll allow you to have the the power supply on without having to power up the motherboard and everything else so pretty cool come on guys three level three we're on our way here we're like we're at what 66 63 come on let's finish it out let's do it you can do it remember if you're over on youtube you can just go over uh go to rubytech and you can also try and unlock this final giveaway i don't need that oh i guess i can just use that one um i do need a sata that's not sata that's not going to work this is a gpu there we go need one of these that's it that's everything something else just goes in the box in the box in the block in the bring back college football ea sports not bringing it back oh this also gave me some like colored ties and stuff like that how very sweet of you okay we're not throwing this away because in case i take this build apart i don't want to get rid of the extra components here i might give this to my son i might not okay there we go you very much where are we at where the giveaway hasn't happened yet the giveaways are getting close to happening we got okay 32 it's not a 150 gift card it's a 50 it's now 100 gift card right now we're on our way towards a if we get to 100 then it becomes a 32 gig they they don't stack they replace it's like it's getting better the giveaways get better and better yeah so it's not like yeah i mean that would just be completely unviable okay there we go it's in your wallet yeah ea sports it's in your wallet okay there we go very much okay hooking up our cables real quick so we're doing i'll zoom out so you guys can see a little bit better keep this this is supposed to be a much faster build was supposed to be it did not turn into that okay so i'm just zoom out so you guys can see so you guys can see i'm hooking up what i'm doing right now it's looking up our power so we've hooked up our sata which goes into sata one what's a sad about you i said nothing's sad i'm i'm not i'm i'm happy that this build's almost over because it was it's made me sad multiple times that's for sure there's our motherboard next one is our cpu connector and you see right here at the top right it says cpu so you just plug that in like this the split end is the part that you don't plug in and then over here is we only need one vga so we're just going to plug that vga into vga1 like so it's a me mario okay there we go and now our psu is ready to go this build will be a reference for future generations it'll explain the extinction of the intel cpu cooler yeah no kidding maybe oh come on here we go make sure nothing's trapped back there oh it's trying to get dropped there we go okay now lift this up whoop okay we got to lock it down now it's locked lock it down dude lock it down okay now let's go ahead and put in our let's go to our side camera you guys can see the screwing of the psu side camera side camera oh no it's still not high enough i don't know if we're gonna be able to get it high enough this is like i don't know if this table goes that high let's see oh yeah there you go let's put that out of the way you guys see that can you see it can you see it with the with the with the thing in the way okay there we go slow motion zoom in there you go and now we're doing is just gonna screw in our last little screws here all right made it to level five there we go there we go and one more whoa apparently it's just going to go down it's like i'm just going to go down i'm sick of your crap did he just decide it's going to go down okay there we go okay that's screwed in everything's all done put a top down don't know why that happened it looks so clean i'm glad that looks clean every once in a while through trial and tribulation we end up with a very good looking build okay next up okay we need our cheap okay so sata because these are what's gonna power the rgb i'm gonna put this way down here change our light colors here in a bit then what i try and do try and push this like right here so the button is actually so you can find it so i can find it it'll be amazing okay now this is cpu all right okay guys fifty percent level five we're uh what 60 69 so only 30 subs away from unlocking uh unlocking that um unlocking that uh ram giveaway no matter what we're gonna wait a hundred dollar new gift for it though okay come on there we go there we go cpu's in okay then vga goes right here there we go vga is in there we go and then finally the last cable it's the never-ending cable reach the stars a sudden fantasy [Music] dream a dream this is this is the never-ending build that's why i'm seeing the never-ending story the never-ending bit hill come on baby oh there we go go okay it's all in build is done the never ending build is done we're supposed to be a fast and 94 percent 94 percent wow damn link though i have to say i i'm gonna agree with trey trevor that this build came out looking super clean it really did yeah it looks it it looks so much better with the h12 or the 212 yeah there we go okay at level five level five okay so we are at 70 i can't even tell how many subs we're at it's it doesn't read i'm gonna i wish we could fix that but and we're super close to okay so we got another giveaway if this oh we're at 71 subs okay so we're right that was right that says 70. i gave apparently i gave him some okay so now let's see if it turns on is the question with all of the cooler changes and all that sort of stuff does this even does this even turn on now what i'm going to do i'm going to go ahead and put the back on here because it's like it's funny because like this one like we could put all the parts on and it wouldn't really matter because it's all all black outside of the fans of the front is it black and black yes roby is on the west coast yes i am on the west coast there we go what continent though i'm on the yeah i'm on the west coast of malaysia here we go okay there we go does it post is the question are we doing the post giveaway are we giving up and just crying all the way home that is the question assume the fetal position assume okay here we go let's grab our grab our our stuff okay boom boom i see link lights already oh that's already on okay here we go let's see if uh if uh see if um tech jesus has really supported us he's really been here the whole time okay here we go [Music] oh look at that we got lots we got lights we got power [Music] they're in that's on there it is i see all the fans are spinning oh oh oh and we have we have uh we have a post as you guys know it posted here we go you guys can see the post right there so it did post we have posted show you guys the front there's not a whole lot to look at from the side but you guys can see those cool fans there at the front i'm waiting for the post thing to show up there there we go see there's the post joe's right there i5 10 400 32 16 gigs of ram and then there's our lights the cool thing is i also did something pretty neat is right here look i made it so i can control the lights from right inside the case there you go there we go and there's our nice purple which i like better it made it easy so you can change the lights if you want to okay so let's do the post do the post giveaway thank you very much for all that sort of stuff come on guys let's let's finish this let's finish this out let's uh finish this out let's go ahead and make sure that i also want to see if we can get to 100 100 subs we haven't yet we've yet to not do it let's make it happen because we want to do those giveaways here at the end but we're going to do this giveaway that's happening right now remember subs you get extra entries this is for three months of game pass ultimate which gets you access it flights in it gets you access to wasteland it gets you access to that new dotnod game grounded all those games are free with game pass both on pc and on xbox on xbox one x okay so this is the post giveaway doing that first command that broke me giveaways that's what i'm looking for like what the heck am i looking for okay boys okay so custom and this is for three months of game pass there we go you know what guys let's do a year we're going to do a year game pass we're going to do a year or two mine remember subs so this is going to give you a year of game pass if you win this starting that giveaway right now 120 second ad okay let us go ahead while we're doing that with it while it's running we're gonna get this off to the side and let's go ahead and get some let's get some games going see if we can how this thing performs there we go i'm gonna push this all the way to the side man that looks so much better with your right that other cooler made such a massive difference okay so the question now that we've got the build done the question of the hour is does it does it perform like we expect it to that is the question now that we are here to answer i'm going to take all these out but just keep getting stuck on the magnets okay here we go okay okay let's grab our mouse and keyboard also brought to you by cooler master in this case oh it's funny we have a whole cooler master like none of that check this out like we also have has the monitor a review which i just reviewed this monitor which there's a link for in the description i just got finished reviewing it if you're looking for a awesome 300 monitor this monitor is amazing um i am super impressed with this so cooler master just started making monitors and uh this is their first entry they had a 32 inch version which we're still reviewing and then they had this one this is their 27 inch it's a 1080p 1080p 144 hertz and i have been very impressed with this monitor so if you're looking for a good uh 300 range monitor i know it's currently sold out but uh i cannot recommend this one enough for the cost it's got hdmi 1.4 hdmi 2.0 displaypoint 1.4 and uh even though it says three millisecond our greater great testing sought it closer to five this is like an all but it's like what's funny is like we have this whole cooler master theme going right now cool master keyboard kill investor glenmaster mouse yeah this monitor is really sick and like i said there's a link in the description if you want to check it out okay okay guys picking a winner in just a second and then we will do our last giveaway uh after uh at the end we still have to do the hot we stuff to do the hard drive giveaway okay we got room for game here just gonna get into this okay i'm picking our winner now congratulations as i lay dying as i lay dying that's the sad name okay we're gonna go ahead and enable that and then we're gonna save and exit i'm going to capture okay guys we're getting ready to do that last giveaway this is for the seagate drive see if it gets into windows though that's my question it's always the thing when you switch when you switch um you switch to uh oops yeah let's not do that i also forgot they're doing a digital uh gamescom yeah they are i saw jeff keeley was doing his part okay here we go we're gonna peel this get the peel right there it goes okay so we got the peel ready for this as well guys oopsie okay you gotta fix that now we're good okay our os is up i don't know if i like all these oopsies nice little peel there put our cam link and get the maximum like it's like a sunburn it's like taking off the skin i think in one just giant sheet your skin just comes off it's the best visualization whoa when you do that i'm gonna go ahead and screw this in real quick there we go that looks good okay let's pick our winner oh you know it's as i lay dying you're my new you one okay so we're gonna get ready for this next giveaway remember we uh this is uh this is for our seagate expansion drive where'd you go oh okay there it is there we go okay so we're in we got 16 gigs it's all overclocked we're good there we're getting ready to do that giveaway let's go ahead and while we're doing this though let's pull up steam oh i forgot let's plug in our network connection which is plugged in like he already did that yeah but it's not i i'm guessing that i need to pull the driver down if i'm not mistaken because this is a this is a z490 and it's like every time yep he's a driver we're gonna grab our driver real quick and then we're gonna start that giveaway okay spx fix our giveaway seagate the seagate four terabyte what s what is it called four terabyte expansion expansion there we go okay remember subs you get extra entries to all this to this one specifically oh same as the same as always uh three entries if you're a tier one four entries if you're a tier two five if you're a tier three give it to seagate thank you for sponsoring this starting that giveaway right now and then oh just grabbing the drive real quick guys okay grab our drive and this is for what is this the uh z490 prime prime plus z 490 m prime m 490m plus there it is report driver windows 10 download download thank you house to us thank you very much [Music] okay use this one how many did we get okay there we go let us try this again okay get this installed okay here's where we are guys widgets okay picking our winner now congratulations pork bob pork bob over on twitch congratulations you are the winner of the mayor of the oh okay so now that's all set up so we can go from there okay let's run our let's run our our um super cool looking video game right yes well first yeah the super cool looking video game is always first first we're going to update our driver what we're doing first making sure everything's good because once this is done then we can basically we're going to run our benchmark see where it is there and then let's just see how this thing performs and something simple i should probably go ahead and launch make sure that it's updated so while we're doing the the one let's get steam in here and that's all good wasteland 3 is now available here we go there we go i'm updating my i'm updating right now i'm updating benchmark 3d benchmark it's ready to go we're just going to wait for our gpu to install but while we're doing that let's go ahead i remember we we should have everything updated so we'll check cod cod is always a good one we can see what this was ah it's been a while has it been that long is the question i can't remember if there's an update or not uh there is it's 17 gigs that's not wrong that won't take long now by the time we're done with uh by the time we're done with 3d mark it it'll be done so we're just waiting for the gpu real quick and then that's it do i look frozen okay no i was just was just being slow okay oh let me get my thing up here okay we are super close guys how many subs are we away i think we're 30 no we got to be less than how many subs do we i can't it says that someone was wondering if it was stuck at 70 or whatever let me let me check no way we're at 78. yeah so we're at 78 guys maybe today's just not the day for the i mean it's not like a hundred bucks is not like it's a bad thing it's just i'm used to somebody dropping it dropping it in and dropping it like it's hot at the end 70 no it's 78 did we hit 79 oh yeah i gave you guys a sub because i counted it wrong is waste on three yes wasteland three is a pc game if you i can see let me see how let me see how big it is um we can check cause if it's if it's big if it's not big i can download it and we can check it out on this pc oh checking come on why are you i'm connected oh my gosh there he goes okay so there it is check wasteland day perch wasteland there it is i already downloaded it on my other one i don't think it's that big but we'll find out hey why does this say i should have this game i just gotta download the beta app okay hold on and then once we're we're just waiting for the i think we're wait this is oh it's installed i didn't even see it finish that there it is okay hold on one sec guys check this real quick this will that way i can get wasteland three i definitely i forgot it's part of game pass i have to have the game pass app installed at the end of the stream people are asking about the giveaways at the end of the stream guys yep it's at the end of the stream okay let us while this is we're going to just wait till this goes so we can get the install going and then uh once we get the install going we'll run our 3d mark and then we'll check out a couple games and then that's it we got where that should be it for the day time time is there goes okay it's just making things awesome right now guys thank you very much for the subs guys because we want to see how this performs that was the kind of the key thing like we got this all done sorry it took as long as it did it came out sick but it we're at the very end right now okay there we go i'm gonna start the wasteland three install there we go we're signing in there it is man i'm so excited i can't believe it's like there already i would install uh i would install uh it's only 38 gigs so it's gonna be pretty quick yeah okay oh four titles got updated check them out did we get more subs i think so we'll check in here in a minute guys just getting this this thing start okay there you go wasteland where are you there you go there you go installing it i'm gonna install it on here there we go nice three point only 3.2 gigs okay there we go whoa what is the other one okay cool oh not on the usb drive let's get that rid of okay there we go okay we're installing wasteland let's run 3dmark while we're waiting for that install and those updates to go should be pretty quick for the download and all that sort of stuff the monitor is the new cooler master yeah it's a new gl gl27-cf i think is what it is the gl 27-cf here we go guys we're launching our launching our 3d benchmark okay so this is this is going to basically tell us how this like that one thing that we wanted to know at the very end was i'm going to hit continue launch and my son's going to kick me out i'm sorry he's going to be super mad um but because he's playing a different game right now but this will tell us like this will give us an idea in terms of you think about just sheer game performance we have some 3700 x's that are already on here so this will tell us where it where it kind of sits from a 3700 x and then again what we'll do is we're updating cod which is almost finished now um uh maybe not it says it's almost finished here um but uh by the time cods update we should be able to check out some some modern uh some um some uh how that does in the battle royale and then from there we'll uh we'll check out wasteland three at the very end and then i'll call in pair of jumper cables walk to a bar and the bartender said something but i missed it yeah something else is yeah it doesn't show it shows it shows it's doing this but we'll have to see but let's run this and go from there because this is kind of one of the big things that we always like to do i'm going to turn off the music here because this is always like one of those things that people there's sound that's going to come through this so we're not going to compare john yeah a pair of jumper cables walked into a bar and the bartender says i'll serve you just don't start anything oh is that what it says by the way guys it's still 79 subs so it's not showing new subs there hasn't been there hasn't been any new and we have until we have until we have until uh the end of the give or the end of the thing to uh to go from there so yeah okay running our demo here it goes and grab a drink congratulations by the way for the seagate winner we still have the 100 new gift card that we're still gonna give away here at the end this is the test right like this is what it's all this is what it all goes in there such a great game yeah everybody likes yeah everybody likes the way this part looks so here we go this is like this is the test of the build it's really slick like honestly this build came out so so sick very clean uh it could be follows yeah it could be [Music] this is loud on the here's this here we go i'm gonna try and give you guys a little bit more of a view of the build just so you guys can see what it was that we actually finished now that it's done that build i'm sorry i'm just so impressed with how this build came out this is what we're this is what we're benching which is this is the the build that we did this monitor looks so good it's funny because i've been using that that really high-end like hundred and i think it's 240 hertz uh the e-sport monitor and just the color on this looks so good so i'm just i'm super impressed with this monitor for 300 bucks [Music] is that a 2k 1080p this is 1080p yep i have the yeah we're benchmarking the pc we just built guys we want to make sure people want to see how it runs like this is a thousand dollar build that we have heard should compete with a um should compete with the 3700x from a gaming perspective we're just seeing where those 3dmark is a great place to start in terms of seeing where it's at so that's what we're doing it's just it's again you guys are just getting to watch the you guys are just getting to watch the the test and then we'll we'll bring up our we'll bring up our game bar and all that stuff when we actually run the game and stuff someone asked me to i was like well damn yeah someone asked me two stretchers that's pretty good i was like well damn that's pretty good benchmark gta i don't have gta i i am working on new benchmark drives which were two terabyte thanks to western digital uh name of the game this game is just uh 3dmark it's not it's not actually not a game it is a benchmark that's that's the joke yeah oh it looks like no no i'm not saying what they're saying i'm just in general like i keep saying more games oh are you talking about the subs finally caught up was that like oh so now we finally now all the subs are coming now somebody could just drop what do we need like 21 no yeah 21 subs and then we would give away ram i know this is kicking yeah i know that's the point this is a or one thousand dollar build this build should be quite powerful it's a 2060 ko ultra um and uh it should look that that's the thing it's like for a thousand bucks for 1080p and it could do 1440p too i did a 500 build emmer and that's uh that's actually what my son is playing on now so if you want to check out the 500 build it's up on the youtube the giveaway has not been announced yet we're going to be doing the uh giveaway at the end of the stream so we're going to get through the benchmarks and go from there on the youtube you say on the youtubes yes on the edge just download moran don't do that don't don't jump on mrm that's not a thing yeah in terms of like its frame rate and stuff like that it runs really well now again what this benchmark does is it adds more what it's doing it's doing dynamic resolution to keep the frame rate at a certain point so it adds and changes resolution to keep frame rate and then from there that's how it basically rates what the build should be at the end uh 2060 is over a 1660 or a 980 ti nice can this build run crisis three yes dive how well don't know play the new halo we're not going to be playing halo infinite today because it's not out yeah that's normal for now like again we don't turn on vsync we unlock frame rate again main reason is that you if you lock frame if you lock vsync it will lock to the frame of the monitor but given that we're using capture that means it's 60 so i do so we turn off tearing so it doesn't have to so it doesn't do that so we want to make sure to see what the freight what our maximum frames that we could push are for these games no it could run flight sim 2020 on high i if i could download flights in 2020 but it's 96 gigs it's pretty big wow can it run powerpoint maybe powerpoint is pretty pretty epic okay here's our cpu test this should be very good for call of duty that's the game we're gonna test after this if it's downloading like it's supposed to what about minesweeper i don't know yeah i know you could just get rid of half of half of cod yeah cod is a big a cod is a beast it seems like this is stuck i don't know what it's stuck on let's see what's going on here because like this this download for cod should not take that long okay we're just waiting for our oh or it's done oh there it is 7 300. okay so let's see what's going on here oh this is locked up that's what's going on here okay let's run battlenet again okay let's exit balance try this again what's that guys i want to make sure that we can run this then we'll we're going to check the comparisons here in just a second just need to let bottleneck log in again okay oh by the way call of duty is updated just so you guys know so we're good there okay let's compare our results this is a valid score so we're gonna bear our results online there we go then we're going to look at my results so this is an i5 so on par with this is an i5 10 400 with a rtx 2060 ooh check this out though 3600 x lower score lower score and 3 700 x oh 3 800 though check this out so here's interesting this is a 3800 x with an rtx 2060 ko and it's within 100 points and understand both a 30 let's see i'm curious what a 3600 let's check well 3 600 x is what uh new egg oops that's no i went okay here we go new egg this is a hundred and it's 208 that's on b h let's not do b h i'm in like a new egg uh new egg so a new egg which i'm getting one percent cash back i've always buy this so again new egg 214 dollars still 50 more than this particular cpu and if you look at the results we're within a hundred points of that and even the 3800 x which is again with the 2060 ko even the 3800x which is this is where the 2060 ko within 150 points so remember this is a 180 processor now let's see how this runs in a game we're going to test this now with um test us now with call of duty country that just gives you an idea in terms of when you think a lot of people say hey price per dollar price per dollar how does amd how does intel compare this is a 180 processor yes you can overclock it that is a difference right if you wanted to overclock it but for literally 50 less look at what you're getting you're getting game performance that's on par with a cpu that's literally 50 bucks more i want to see it run cyber i yeah i and i would guess yeah tag man if we did the heaven back mark then you would uh i would agree so that this would be higher power per dollar sorry not price per dollar power per dollar yeah the higher the score the better so like if you looked in there i had like a 10 900 k with uh 10 900k with a with a titan and that was like 14 000. uh le bum james and yeah the 10 the the 10 400 is at 2.9 gigahertz so the rise in seven this is the point they're trying to say is like for if you want to this is a that's a thing that's crazy is that the the rising like most ryzen seven thirty seven hundred x builds most rising 737 minus ryzen seven thirty seven hundred x builds are um two thousand bucks but this is a thousand dollars and if you wanted to instead of spending 300 you could spend 300 more instead of buying a 200 and a hundred bucks dollars 100 more you could buy a 20-70 which then makes this 144 hertz i'm just telling you game wise game wise this is actually pretty impressive just restarting let's see how our wasteland is doing oh it's way sun's almost done too uh we can do a 10 sec we can do it i i depending on next i think i actually have an open spot next week on storm sim so we could do a 10 600k benchmark next week if we want to check that out i just again 10600k then we open up a whole lot of 10600k we open up a lot of options because now you can overclock yeah that's the thing right it's like again for you it's like if you want to maximize game power if you want to maximize game power this will cost you less and you will get better performance or as good of performance in game and that's the part that's crazy then we're gonna go to warzone and the thing is is like even at 2.9 right like there's a lot of other things in terms of optimization for intel and other things like that that will also be very good again right now we're just going to wait for our multiplayer in progress i do i'm working on one for overclocking on i'm working on one for overclocking on uh for your gpu and we're gonna do one for cpu it's just guys it takes a while to do all these build like we have a lot of stuff that 10 600 with a 30-70 that would be a good that would be a good thing yes we are we are gonna have all of we are going to have the entire suite of new nvidia cards when they come out so we'll have all of them yeah i mean yes you should be able to handle games at 1080p it's the question is and we will test this like the hope is is i want to do a follow-up next week and test this on 10 on uh on 1440p so you can see what this is from a 1440p and stuff like that uh 1200 psu is really big for that case i'm not sure if it fits but you can make it 4k this would not be a good 4k build the 4k i mean you could run 4k at medium to low settings if you wanted to but i would not recommend this for 4k honestly 4k gaming 4k gaming is just it's interesting right like consoles do a pretty good job but even if you like i'm right right now i'm playing assassin's creed odyssey on pc at ultra settings at at uh 1440p with max ray tracing and it looks better than a 4k console because of the because i'm over doing i'm super sampling the texture resolution so there's a bunch of things like that you need an 850 watt for it's 850 watts is the rumor the minimum power supply for 3080 and higher is 850 watts uh we haven't heard anything about the zen 2 the zen 3 cpus yet all we know is that supposedly they're supposed to be near into year minecraft edgy i'm pretty sure this would run minecraft education edition without a problem 1080p is enough and this is like there are great monitors like all in all like this entire kit this entire pc pc monitor and keyboard and mouse all in would be about 1500 bucks that's pretty good and what you have is a high-end you have a high-end 1080p gaming pc and we're going to test it here in just a second yes ajg that's the big point right what's the i mean does it run mario teaches typing i too that's a why why would you want to go to 4k than if well i mean the thing is is that the thing that's interesting about 4k is that it's the it's the question of television so television is like televisions are at 4k right so 4k gaming is important in the living room and that's why consoles are so in are so critical like i enjoy playing games at 4k but when you play something when you're when you're third you're six feet away versus i'm you know right right here then that's where resolution starts to make a much less difference so 1440p will actually look better and you can super sample the res the textures and it will look way better and then the only two is you're just getting a whole lot more msaa all those things that are are huge hogs and performance that consoles don't have are things that pc gets and you get more of it at 1440p now when we get to 3090 you know we could look at you know like i have in the other room i have that 4k 144 hertz uh asus monitor i'm excited to try that with the 3090 and see if i can do 4k at greater than 100 fps with ultra settings and like things like flight sim stuff like that that's going to be awesome is that when it's it'll be beneficial when it's over 100 frames per second yeah that's kind of when it's because that's when you can start to do competitive like right now you could play competitive 1440p which is super and then again broadcast all those things look a whole lot better so i didn't hit play because i was just waiting for the i was just waiting for the um i was waiting for the multiplayer resolution pack to finish that's why i was doing that it wasn't that i wasn't i wasn't it wasn't that i wasn't hitting play it was that i was trying to get both consoles supposed to have ray tracing yes both consoles have retreating and both of them are by the same company uh is this better than an amd build i would say that this is this is from a gaming perspective this is going to be cheaper than a certain than certain amd builds yes it just depends i like a i have a lot of amd builds too guys again we're just showing you that intel's not down and out and even at the lower price point intel's not down and out and you have options to buy things like an i5 10 400 and still have a really great gaming rig can i please win 500 if you i mean you can find places it's not gonna be here and there you go and if you want to win a pc i am giving one away there it is right there i don't know about arms three there's i'm not gonna know about every build again we're trying to use this as like standard benchmarks to kind of go things and go from here so we're looking at this is call of duty let's bring up windows g by the way okay so let's bring this up so you guys can see it the xbox one x doesn't run through 4k the xbox one x most games do not run through 4k they use what's called dynamic resolution the resolution changes uh to keep the frame rate high there are like there are games like there are games like halo 5 and there are games like forza that actually keep their frame rate locked at 4k but when you look at the difference between like forza horizon on pc versus forza horizon on xbox there's actually a pretty massive disc difference in the texture resolutions okay is it better than the 1000 the it is you are yes you are getting more power out of this because you're getting a ko ultra and the pc is as is but it is from it from a gaming standpoint there we are right here we're running at 104 frames per second so we're at 123 frame frames 115 frames we'll check the settings here in a second that was a good shot i actually looked like i was pro on that one let me check let me see here's our steps here's our settings right now we are at high we're at a high and we're running easily at 100 frames per second [Music] oh 123 but yeah 106. and we could even change the resolution or the msaa to get a little bit higher oh i oh i shot him those extra hits it didn't help me we're still waiting for slots okay there we go 118 frames per second do so yeah like i said now we're at 120 inside no problem i mean all in all like super impressed with how well this runs and if you remember specifically we ran the 3600x these are very similar in terms of both the 3700x and 3600x that we were getting in terms of speed trying to find my way up there's people above me there's a stairway up here somewhere there's somebody there killed so many people we're gonna have somebody come in there so yeah again i feel like this does a pretty good idea in terms of showing you what performance oh man i'm out of freaking health oh i need it i need to reload okay there we go that shows you i mean all in all that shows you pretty well in terms of what the performance is going to be like uh on this game in terms of just overall uh yeah no nobody was playing he was like nobody's playing solo so let's check this out real quick we're in with this let's check out wasteland i don't know we know nothing about this game so let's give it a go this just came out today and if you won xbox game pass this game just released so you can check this out uh i don't know we it's the 30-60 we don't know about that that we'll find all of that stuff a little bit later there there's not you so i'm not gonna i can't answer that question about the thing uh the 3d mark score was tonight and it was third it was 73-12 uh maiden america and yeah this is like if you guys want to hear like there is no sound there is no sound from this pc it is like incredibly i quiet link real quick here we go and then we'll start the giveaway and check out this game real quick okay here we go there we go confirm okay let's bring up let's do this last giveaway guys unless how many do we have what's our what's our count at does anyone need to drop we're we need 19 subs i'm gonna give people like we could get one what does it say so what we got we got one we could have one person drop 20 and then we would unlock the next giveaway or we can just go we can draw it and start it now it's up to you guys well i'm going to give i'm going to give it i'm going to tell you what i'm going to give people two minutes we'll give people two minutes and see if somebody wants to drop 20 because then we could we could basically uh we could give away the the ram um i want to select oh this oh there's okay there we go normal difficulty friendly fire off there we go i'm gonna be just okay okay so again we don't know what this is i don't know why we're not getting let me do this there we go 118. and this is a brand new game just came out today a few years for the desert rangers when the world ended they tried to bring some order to what was left of arizona but then the cochise ai woke up and they found themselves in a fight to the death with its robot army two minutes to unlock that ram giveaway all it takes is one person to drop one person to drop down that last little bit and then we'll give we'll do the we'll uh we'll unlock we'll do that last 100 new a gift card then the rangers heard from a fellow calling himself the patriarch said he owned colorado but his kids were trying to steal it from him and if the rangers were to come and put them in their place right arizona supplies it needed to rebuild and survive oh there we go 10 office official teams with 10. okay guys we are officially 10 away ten subs away from doing the ram oh he got it close we're nine subs we could we're so close to doing this last bit squabbles they weren't really in a position to say no i think he wants to unlock that last giveaway guys scouts check out the ice and lead us across yes ma'am so the brass and ranger team november across the rockies because the 80 was promising the rangers wasn't just there we go fuji with five what does that tick us to four more guys and ta tate there we go tape there it is look at that clearing it out 100 subs nice let's do this last giveaway ladies and gentlemen i see i can always count on you guys see that's the thing giveaway custom this is for 32 gigs of ram remember subs you get extra entries and all this stuff okay starting that giveaway right now that's awesome there we go let's go okay starting the giveaway right now guys okay it's been rough road lately that guy's dead that's the thing about the rangers it doesn't matter how hard it gets or how many of them fall they keep on fighting the rangers never stop fighting you hear that rangers never stop fighting i heard that power rangers power rangers never stop fighting oh i did the wrong command okay hold on guys gosh darn it cancel closing the entries hold on cancel we're gonna fix that i forgot this is for new egg so we got to make sure that we do it right this is we got to do a new egg changing the changing the command guys there we go oop no not that one cancel gosh darn it okay here we go breathe the robie breathe robie this is what we want okay there it's now it's the right command okay now it's the right one okay we're the young rangers okay who do i want to be do i want to be this pair i don't want to be the punk lovers ooh father and daughter mentor and student tech heads ugh we got to be tech heads dude we're going to be tech heads tech heads tech heads okay 10 kids seconds tech heads seconds tech heads who's that tech heads we're tech heads guys uh okay oh wow that's some language this seems bad uh what is it shoot i think we want to do this okay i can shoot that guy there we go oh i killed him um i don't think i want to move because that would be a lot of shooting uh reload um okay i'm defending and now i can shoot with this guy nice out of range okay i'm trying not to hold on let me see if let me see something here uh hold on let me do this windows g and pin this i'm going to put this over here because we can't see then i want to go to options and see what our options are for graphics oh it's sitting at high okay let's go to ultra texture pull ultra shadows all very high can we change entirely okay so over here is saving clothes here we go okay let's go i don't know what to do here so let's that's semi defense that's summit defense this seems okay now i missed i think dorsey killer defending oh this is not oh there's a robot that seems problematic this looks way better with all the robots oh oh dude everybody's getting really hurt come on you piece of there's the problem hang in there november almost got it i don't know what's happening okay here we go i need to kill something that would go oh there we go oh i just hypered myself that seemed like a good idea ruby not oh shoot i should have shot that dude there we go okay let's pick our winner picking our winner congratulations to cs go smokes duty oh everybody's dying everybody's dying that seems bad congratulations cs go smokes you are the winner of 32 gigs of ram november you have targeting control okay so let's see if we can hit there oh that looks like a good can i get them all there we go i won did you oh no there's still more dudes we can do here oh oh that wasn't good i'm gonna get myself killed oh snap there we go come on let's kill this thing oh you missed you ladies terrible here we go boom and we won the game so this was so this is basically 1080p ultra brand new game i mean obviously not the most demanding game but brand new game sitting at 1080p ultra look at that gpu at 55 cpu at 29 easily run in this game so um yeah i mean this gives you a good idea there you go you got to see a couple games so like i said where'd we basically end up again we saw very similar performance to the 3700x with the exact same cpu i mean exact same gpu just slightly less um we saw call of duty 100 frames per second easily with room go from high to medium to whatever it was if you really wanted to at 1080p if you wanted to play competitively um and at the same time it's all for a thousand bucks which this is a thousand dollars and that you could be 1500 with a 144 hertz monitor keyboard mouse and uh thing so again it's just giving you options tomorrow we're building an amd build we're building a 3900x a 3950x build tomorrow um so again we always want to give options i want to show you lots of different things but from a gaming and streaming standpoint this is a great option for a pc uh at that price so um uh that's kind of it for the show i mean we showed you i mean like today we basically showed you um we showed you uh full build we showed you um we showed you what how it would perform we showed you you know what the benchmarks and all those other things would be i want to give you guys a couple minutes just to ask any questions it's 10 o'clock so we need we need to kind of wrap it up but i just want to make sure that you guys are good and if there's anything that you want to know in the short term let's let's give you a chance to ask that stuff now what's the answer into the universe uh if the answer universe is what is it 42 or something like that i forgot what it was i forgot what the answer was satisfactory this is fat satisfactory okay we're just turning off the monitor now we're going to get this out of the way so you guys can see so i can see you yeah i i think too definitely check out this monitor if you're looking for a good monitor the other one was we're looking at the g27-qf from gigabyte which i've also been using that monitor it doesn't have speakers which is the thing that kind of bums me out about the gigabyte one but uh very impressed with that monitor someone asked how do you think next gen amd will compete with intel i don't know again i do know that what we have is we'll have a lot of folks we'll have a lot of developers who will now be knee-deep in next-gen amd just given that next-gen amd will be on a lot of we'll be on all the next-gen platforms which i think is going to be cool um but in terms of what that means from uh like in terms of performance and stuff it's their first time at hardware ray tracing so it'll it'll be interesting would you give you got past 100 subs we already if we got 100 the next one is 150 and we give away 2060 ko but we've already done the giveaway so that's it'll you'll have to come back for tomorrow for the for the next tier to give away and and uh trey seems really sleepy so i he's tired how do you download ram you don't whatever and guys okay so as a big thank you i do want to give a shout out to my mods my tech specialist and all of the people who hang out we had over two thousand we had almost two thousand people at one point in time during the show which is crazy and my mods and tech specialists do an amazing job of making sure that sure that this show continues to run and continues to do well so thank you for that guys big crowd tonight uh plan for tomorrow's build is pretty epic it's an all asus i mean sorry all all aorus build so aorus 2080 ti uh 3950x like uh it's a corsair dominator ram um it's a high-end build all in the phanteks p500a so a much more no yeah no asrock a much more uh much more uh high-end build tomorrow if you're looking for a high-end build man super impressed with this build and it came out it's so it's so quiet and it's so clean i really love how this build came out so super impressive quiet i'm impressed with that case okay guys uh so yeah i think everybody knows what's going on i hope you guys had a great time we are back tomorrow how was the birthday weekend with your kid did he like the pc um my uh we birthday weekend was uh we were at a water park is what the plan was so we were at a water park he hasn't gotten everything at his his room makeover his actual birthday isn't until august 30 august 31st so yeah how many times again it was needed to won a minecraft okay can it run persona 4 golden yes this could run persona 4 golden anyway guys thank you for the stream i want you guys to have a great night we're going to let we're going to let trey go to sleep and we will see you guys tomorrow starting at 6 30 p.m bye guys so do you
Channel: Robeytech
Views: 46,309
Rating: 4.8710799 out of 5
Keywords: $1000 gaming pc, $1000 pc budget, $1000 pc build guide, $1000 streaming pc, $1K streaming pc, $1k pc budget, best $1000 pc, best $1000 streaming pc, best $1k gaming pc, best $1k pc, best $1k streaming pc, best parts for $1000 gaming pc, best parts for $1000 pc, best parts for $1k gaming pc, best parts for $1k pc, bitwit $1000 pc, fastest $1000 gaming pc, fastest $1000 pc, fastest $1k pc, gaming pc, how to build a PC, pc build, pc building, pc gaming, robeytech, technology
Id: 5O28Juz5qUY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 226min 36sec (13596 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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