How To Build a PC - Giveaways + $1500 Small Form Factor Streaming PC (3600x / 2060 FE) | Robeytech

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you wanna be next to me [Music] i wanna be next to me [Music] dreams [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] time so so so [Music] [Music] [Music] what is up everybody what is up everybody it's time it's time to build some pcs don't you think i think it's time to build some pcs i think all you guys want to build some pcs what do you guys think and we'll stop the countdown let's let's get it going let's get it going what do you guys say just go live let's go live what is up everybody hold on i'm gonna hit record real quick so that way we got all of the all of the fun stuff being recorded for today's show how are you doing thank you very much for your patience sorry for the delay um we were waiting for ups coming in clutch at the end with a last minute changearoo to the old uh build that we're building today so i just got finished updating that so thank you very much it is time to build guys in fact i am recording thank you very much so i appreciate that the records are on and i appreciate that guys ruby record everybody's saying ruby record what is going on everybody it's so good to see you happy friday um it's a good day it's a good day um outside of um obviously the big news um and you know i figured i'd take a couple minutes uh to kind of uh get things started and talk a little bit about what's going on with the 3080 so uh igor's lab uh just did a report i don't know if people got a chance to take a look at this but um on the back i don't have i do have one let me show you guys this real quick um but before i i'm gonna get into that so we're gonna talk a little bit about the 3080 what's going on there um and then just continue oh my one of my lights isn't on now let me fix that um and then we'll uh we'll get into it i keep forgetting i gotta i gotta gotta do the intro and get everybody up to speed here in a second um but yeah we're gonna talk it we're gonna talk about it get it all going and get you guys up to speed on what's happening in the world today um because there were some big reports for uh the 3080 and i want to kind of get everybody up to speed on that but before we do that welcome everybody to roby tech ruby tech is a show dedicated to pc building tech news tech deals and all that sort of stuff this is a this is our special typical new egg now episode but um instead of doing the typical deals what i did this time is the whole focus was on uh streaming pcs because i know it's it's actually something that i've gotten a ton of questions about like hey if i want to build a streaming pc what's a good budget streaming pc what's a minimum spec streaming pc and there this is a little bit above this is what i call recommended spec minimum pc so we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna get into a little bit of that this show usually happens every wednesday thursday friday when it's not a freaking massive launch season like what's happening right now but it usually happens every wednesday and thursday and friday starting at 6 p.m pacific time it is uh it is not it has not been regular for the past month because we've had a lot going on and i expect it to be even more crazy as uh as we get into ryzen 4000 launch and obviously big navi launch which has been absolutely nuts for those of you who don't know this show is a live show which means there are mistakes we have fun we do a bunch of fun stuff and all that kind of stuff together and so things can get a little bit crazy here you know we'll uh we'll we'll lick we'll lick cpus we'll throw around gpus we'll mate m.2 we'll have a good time and that's what it's all about you guys should have a lot of fun that's the hope is that we build pcs but you have a really good time but because it's live we're not just live on youtube we're not just live on twitch we are live on multiple platforms and because of that things can get a little wonky like on twitch we use a lot of bots to sell information and let people know what's going on over on youtube we use we use the descriptions down below and there's all that information to share between of two of them if you're curious about the build today take a look down in the description below if you're over on youtube all of it is all blasted down there for you if you're over on twitch all you got to do is basically you'll have the moderators they'll do stuff like do things like put those links up there for the builds and all that sort of stuff so we'll continue to have that stuff kind of happen throughout the show um uh what is happening today i've talked a little bit we're going to talk a little bit about 3080. i've spent some time looking into this myself i do have some information and some recommendations if people are trying to get 30 80 cards to kind of stay with away from the recent the recent thing that's going on um we uh we're also going to build a my streaming pc so i've been redoing the gaming room in fact we're going to be debuting that um on october 2nd with our first ever game stream which we'll be doing we don't have a time yet but we're doing uh star wars squadrons and then so we'll be debuting that that'll be friday um and so uh we'll be playing star wars squadrons in the new streaming setup and all that sort of stuff so that should be a lot of fun but this is the pc that's going to be used for the streaming let's talk about giveaways uh hey man since yes i did i saw that trick i saw that you're uh you're wanting to build a crazy pc so we'll uh we'll be going good for that um so thank you for letting me know uh for those of you who don't know for uh going in here um there are giveaways we do have giveaways this is september and so as part of september um everything that the the whole thing is kind of around subs and all that sort of stuff right now right now at the end of the week at the end of the month which is less than what six days away right like six days away uh we're going to be giving away a 30 80. um we are giving away uh we're going to be giving away a 3080 here on the show i believe it's going to be an evga for the win so it's not even a cheap 3080 it's actually an 800 card so we're gonna be giving that away at the end of the month um the way that you get in on that is you just go ahead and you do your subs uh you sub over here on twitch so it's basically if you are over on youtube right now or you're on twitch and you have amazon and you have amazon prime you get a free twitch sub you can use that that's your free entry into the sweepstakes that's happening for the month this is just for subscribers over on twitch um if you donate if you do give or donate subs that gives you extra entries into the 30 80 giveaway and then if you um do multiple sub sub links so like you sub for three months six months that gives you extra entries and then finally there's tier two and tier three subs that also gives you extra entries and each one of those entries are different i'll be super transparent about that uh right before we do the drawing but honestly tiered subs are usually some of the best ones because those are the ones that you spend the most on per month um we also have the typical giveaway so we have this thing called hype train uh it hasn't started yet but it will probably start here very soon if we get two of those if we get two of those on twitch in a single stream we'll give away a 250 gig uh m.2 ssd um so we'll give a 250 gig m.2 ssd if you are international um and you win this what we'll do is we'll give you a new a gift card for the value of the m.2 uh ssd so that's the way that that works um we were able to figure out a way to include international folks we're also giving away um gift cards and that's a 25 new egg if we get to uh right now we're giving away a 25 new gift card no matter what if we get to 30 subs we'll give make that a 50 away gift card we get to 100 subs that becomes a 50 new a gift card sorry 100 a gift card whoa stop that we get the 30 subs that becomes a 50 new gift card if we get to 60 subs that becomes a 100 new a gift card and then if we get to 100 subs we give away a 150 new a gift card um and that's kind of the way it goes so it becomes tiered and upgrades over time so the subs are all super awesome finally if we get i'm going to change this if we get 600 likes now i'm upping it up i get 600 likes and we get 30 comments 600 likes and 30 comments thank you very much tristan kate is dropping it he started off right there we get 600 likes and 30 comments on the youtube video as soon as we do that we will give away uh xbox game pass so it's 600 likes and uh and that's xbox game pass ultimate which gives you hundred a hundred games and a access to 100 games on pc and on xbox so we got a lot going on there so those are all the giveaways uh the twitch giveaway for the hype train uh always happens right after we get finished and then the youtube one is right after we hit that threshold so those can happen at any point in time uh during the course of the stream so we got a lot going on and say what's up everybody hey what's up d-dub i broke a bug now and it's starting the process of building people that is awesome congratulations i'm excited please share it with me the other thing i want to let you guys know is we have battle of the battle stations which will be launching in october so i'm going to tell blondie this but if you want to submit we're going to be putting a submission form at the end of this week this weekend for people who want to submit battle of the battle stations um we will be choosing one winner per season that person will win 250 plus they will get a plaque if uh we give them an approval and they'll be judged on a bunch of different stuff so we're going to be putting that stuff in pretty quick if you want to get in on that and so look out for battle of the battle stations that's going to be coming up we're going to be kicking that off so get your battle stations ready we're doing things like cable management a lot of things that you kind of see on techsource but we're going to have our little bit of a slant there as well so we've got some really cool stuff coming up and that's going to be kicking off in the month of october so i think that is kind of everything is there anything i missed can uh mods anybody like this oh i do want to remind you also don't forget the first two weeks uh first two thursdays in november we're doing the mod slash tech specialist streams all of the money that we get from bits donations all that stuff goes into a giant pool that i split up among those guys to give them a super awesome christmas geo bear thank you very much man thank you for the thank you very much for the super chat dude geo bear shirt now anything that we get during those two thursdays uh we'll go directly to them for their holiday shopping maybe they'll pick up a series x or whatever it was but it's gonna be pretty cool so i thank you for that so that's gonna be the first two thursdays in november so save your pennies there at the end not that i i appreciate you guys supporting me and my family too so it's gonna be lit okay so that's it so i want to go through first and foremost and i want to go through something that is happening right now that we've learned out this is a little bit of breaking news this broke this morning from igor's lab about crashing issues with the rtx 3080 um so just to kind of make it simple for you when nvidia releases a gpu typically what has happened and is they've released what's called a founder's edition or a reference what's called printed circuit board and that reference printed circuit board is what what are called uh what are third-party board manufacturers called aibs go and use to go and make their versions of the card so if i like we we have the um so here right here we have the founders edition and what has typically happened is the founders edition cards there's the founders edition rtx 38 right here the founders edition cards of these um have typically um always been like reference but this time for the first time these are not referenced these are uh nvidia's own custom pcbs so short of it is is that um when aibs go and get this stuff that's how they go and learn to make their cards and so here right now i have in front of me i have an evga 3080 and we'll use that as a reference because this is one of the cards that has the issue we have confirmed so what happens is those aibs they get they get a circuit board and then they can use that to go make their own cards and then they have options that they can choose when they make their cards and this is why some cards can be more expensive and some cards can be less expensive well in the case of one of the things that can be modified is right here on the back and i'm going to go top down so you guys can see this a little bit better so we're going to go to top down real quick we're going to zoom in so you guys can see this a little bit better here so right here on the back of the rtx 3080 i'm gonna get this out of the way real quick so right here on the back of the rtx 3080 this right here is actually the power delivery for the gpu and so you can see on here these are basically these are for a lack of i'm going to make them super super simple these are transistors and these things do things like what they do is they limit the amount of noise or the amount of uh basically disturbances that the gpu gets from the power delivery system so the cool thing about the evga for the win is that you can actually see all of this the neat thing is right here is actually we can see one of the issues that's a problem so these right here are uh these right here are more expensive transistors and these are less expensive now on the reference version or sorry on the founders edition of the nvidia gpu both of these are the expensive version but in some cases things like evga gigabyte have used all inexpensive power delivery protectors i'm just going to be simple i'm not going to be not going to go and give you the full name i've used um and the asus cards that don't have the same deficiencies okay so it's not just but there are yeah so this is where we see so we've done our testing so that's good that i see sniper is doing this so again we're going through and figuring this stuff out but we have particularly on this card specifically we have found that this has had this does have the issue and then there's been other cases where that stuff has come out so what we're doing what we're letting you know is that um there are there are um there are issues that people are learning and again we're trying to work through this real time and we're reading all this stuff i've only read the things that are going on so the issue is is that what happens is when a card so i'm done doing this what happens is that you have what's called the base clock you have what's called the base clock speed for a nvidia gpu right now i think it's 1710 megahertz and so the thing was is that because of cooling capacity on certain cards or basically uh you know how effective they essentially are the gpu is able to using nvidia's own technology boost its clock above that given the dirty nature of the power so to speak and i think one of the best examples i ever heard is like it's basically like say for instance you're studying and i did the jay's two cents but jay just did it best i'm not gonna go and reinvent the wheel but if you're studying in the middle if you're studying right now and like you're doing it in the middle of like a frat party and you're trying to get all the information done but there's all these distractions and then you make mistakes well the problem is right now is because of these inefficiencies and we're it looks like we may have more than this but um because of these inefficiencies we're getting the gpu to crash and crash quite effectively now things that people are testing and we actually have optimus water cooling is testing this stuff specifically on the 3080 from what i understand is that they are testing what is called under volting or basically not allowing the boost clock to go above a certain speed and this improves stability rumor is and this is just a rumor right now is zotac which a lot of people have been kind of poo pooing on um has already done this knowing that there was some potential deficiencies with and it may be more than just the power delivery but intentionally under volting so their their clock speeds stay lower so they don't crash so the problem that people are having right now is that you put this in the box you have a really good cooling solution the car does its thing and tries to push and give you the maximum amount of power and in doing so causes the game to crash or crash the desktop on a consistent basis so that is the problem and so the thing that people raise right now we have no official word from nvidia no official word from any aibs in terms of what is potentially happening now the interesting thing is something that somebody said is they said that the asus cards that people are having if issues with the asus and reference cards and that is something i have not seen i have only seen issues with certain other cards but we in our testing that we've sent no don't avoid zotac so i want to i want to be super clear about this um what i what i am saying is is that there is going to be a fix for this we expect there to be a fix because now as more cards are getting out there this is becoming a this is becoming a bigger and bigger issue and in doing so nvidia is going to have to do a response more than likely what is going to happen is right now you are seeing 30 80 benchmarks based on a power delivery system which is unsustainable or maybe something else but unsustainable by most of these cards and so where we were seeing massive gpus gains that may actually be a little less because what they're going to have to do is throttle down the clock speeds for the boost which means performance is going to go down it could mean that it could mean that uh what we're looking at is that big knobby instead of being rumored five or six percent slower is now closer in terms of the overall performance for 30 80 but we don't know point being is is that right now the only fix that people have if you are getting 30 80s and you're potentially having this issue is until they have a bios update or sorry a firmware update if they until they have a firmware update you may end up only being able to do stuff like uh going into using a msi afterburner and setting your power delivery down to like 90 or 95 so that way it keeps the card from pushing beyond a certain point which gives you that stability so that is what's going on i wanted it like i tried to again i don't want to do like some people like the big thing is is that when you have a live audience we could talk a little bit about it says um i'll talk a little bit about it but the other thing too is like for us it's like trying to put it in a way that's a little bit more clear and i hope that's going um clocks are lower is that what it is uh yeah it's been a bit of a mess amateur hour cod stevens is are you just talking about with the whole thing it's not it's not that it's overclocked it's that the card is capable of going beyond what it's it's its limits are given the power delivery system now somebody had said okay so okay so what did uh so i can sniper do you can you post what the official and i super appreciate you being on top of this this is what i love about live shows because i can learn information real time and hopefully we'll have this out and we'll make sure we put this this out there so people can talk about that the only fix is more cowbell nice dub um can you post uh we're gonna have uh icy sniper post the official statement on twitter i haven't had a chance to look at that i've been busy uh doing our little testing today and uh so we wanted to see what we could learn based on what it was because again i don't want to do this i don't want to give you this information unless i can go and confirm myself but he's going to post the link i'll look at let me uh let me here i can go to evg right now and i'll see if i let me i can bring it up if it's actually on twitter so hold on one sec guys this is why i have the technology i do no i don't want to go to i'm not too used to buying cards right now that i'm not i'm not actually here we go oh that's not what i want i want twitter where are you twitter sorry i'm uh i'm programmed with all of the graphical with all the stuff that's going there so point being is is that should you avoid certain browns not necessarily because it sounds like this brand okay here it is there's one right here i'm trying to see what his forums but this is it recently has been discussion about the uh during our mass production okay here we go so here's here is here we go right here from ipad this is right from evga's forums recently there's been some discussion about the evga geforce rtx 3080 series the one that we're showing right here this is for the win which i have i have some of these too during our mass production overclock testing we discovered full six post caps that's the official term and the mlcc is the other term solutions could not pass the real world application it took almost a week of r d effort to find the cause and reduce the post caps to four and add 20 ml cc caps which are those transistor things i was talking about there there you go um shipping product uh prior to shipping production boards this is why the evga rtx 3080 ft 3 w series was delayed at launch there was no six post cap evga geforce for the win board ship but due to the time crunch and some of the reviews were sent pre-production versions with six post caps we were working with those reviewers directly to replace the boards with production versions this is saying that series with five coast post capital stimuli is matched with the xc3 spec without issue also note we've updated the production production pictures in ebj to reflect so they are saying they are saying and so this is different i'll be clear this is different from our testing now because this is a production board we got this off there we have had issues with this so that is interesting that this is what they're saying but in our testing we are actually having issues with this card so um i don't know i'm going to reach out so i i'm going to reach out to jacob and talk to ask about this because they're saying that they are not having the issue but we actually are having the issue i like i specifically have not got to test this we had we had the um we i'm talking about specifically um uh the folks at optimus who are having that issue so it's interesting in terms of uh so i don't think so uh people are asking what does tech jesus think i don't think tech jesus i think they're doing their testing right now i just had an opportunity to talk about it given this is a live stream and this is an opportunity to literally talk to you know ten thousand plus people to give you guys an update in terms of where there is there is an issue we don't know how bad it is um it doesn't if you are having the issue when you get your card my recommendation is for now what has worked and what we have seen is that if you under volt um if you under volt your gpu using msi afterburner and we'll get a video out on this i'm sure there's going to be plenty here pretty quick in terms of setting it down to 95 maybe we can show it here on the thing yes this had five so this one that was this is the the for the win three is not what i have this is the um this is the this is the four that win three sorry so this is the for the win three that has five post caps the xc3 sorry this is the xc3 series which has five po caps and six cos caps which is what you see here so they have a six one which i which which no neither not i oh sorry either i or j jay also has this card where he has five and then the 10. so and he's saying that this was matching with the xc3 spec without an issue so anyway we're looking into this this is what we're looking in there and uh yeah plus three yes that's true sebastian um so again we have seen issues we're seeing we've seen issues we're not sure um we're looking into it point being is that but what we have seen is that people have people have seen that their stability is increased when you undervolt the cards they have not seen the issue on the production from what i understand and i don't know if anybody else has read any differently so i'm letting chat text specialists we'll go and catch up on this we'll we'll have this information we talk more in discord but the zotac cards we actually haven't seen issues with because of them doing it so um that's because of them doing that so that's what what we're seeing yeah so the ice is tough which i have i so my asus tuff come in on saturday so i actually have some asus tough ones um and they're both coming in founders edition some people this is the first time i've heard that the uh the uh the um yeah they all they both have six in lcc that is correct um but people are saying that the founders edition and people have had issues with the tough which i have not heard but somebody's sniping said that he had seen it so so they're not so again the problem is so and this is i think jay put this best um as did a couple of other folks the thing is is that when you talk about what you get so when you pay your 800 600 700 bucks what you're paying for is a gpu that can clock up to 1710 megahertz per second 1600 1710 megahertz at that speed at what is guaranteed you do not have an issue so the cards are not technically faulty it's when you overclock the cards or when they boost above that threshold that there is potentially issue so it's really hard because what happened was is that where the issue is now and what what nvidia is going to do about this is that there was a cards were put out there capable of doing more than they really could and now they have to take a step back that's really what it is but that is not saying that the nvidia gpus are still not crazy powerful they just because it sounds like all of the time crunch there wasn't enough testing and because of this this is what happens when you are uh when you don't test your product enough so that's what it is so it uses the best mlcs and keeps all the ms yeah so that's that and that's the that is the truth and so right now um yeah they did they did leave the door open and so uh there is a chance in this case because of something like this um that uh we could get a big surprise um on october 28th uh when a navi announces their um their awesomeness and then we'll see what essentially happens guys i'm sorry i don't have a ton more information again i learned about this late in the afternoon and in doing so i wanted to make sure i was as prepared as i could be i am still a little ignorant i apologize but i still want to have the conversation to make you aware there are plenty of sites um that are out there that are giving you more information i would recommend like i said staying to the core ones jay's two cents great idea um and also uh gamers nexus which i'm sure will cover this i i can't really speak oh i would also say hardware canucks um those three i would recommend um i would say like for really technical breakdowns i would stay away from bit wit i also another one that would be a good one is pulse hardware um but those four would be my recommendations as this information breaks and really getting you the good deep dive because those guys really know their stuff i also was i'm an electrical engineer i was an ee major i have a lot of info i have a lot of knowledge in that area i just haven't had a chance to really dig in and that has been a problem so i'm sorry so i appreciate that guys and thank you very much i i see sniper thank you very much for jumping in on that and helping me with the information yeah yeah exactly so we are going to be doing new 2k builds and all that sort of stuff so anyway guys that is what's happening that is where things are i didn't i hate to start off on a sour note but again breaking news want to make sure you guys are aware if you are having issues i will i'm going to talk to our tech specialists we'll talk about things you can do in msi afterburner which should improve your uh improve your circumstances if you have the issue now that's not to say that you will so don't go and intentionally do this but if you are noticing a lot of crash to desktop once you get a 3080 we will uh we'll have that squared away and give you instructions on what to do so that can be squared it's really easy it's not a hard thing to do until we end up with a firmware update or driver update from nvidia that should potentially fix the problem so anyway okay so that is that we've talked about the 3080 issue now let's get to the build because i'm super i'm super excited about this this is for this is for my this is for me how was the last time we did a build for me guys this is this is for me uh we um so uh for those of you who don't know i think i've shown let me see i have a video let me show you let me show you a video i wonder if there's a way to show it i'm trying to think of like the best way to show you where things are right now i'm gonna see if this one let me see if this there's a cool way to do this so one of the things that i'm working on right now is we are redoing our um we're doing we're redoing our uh our what's what i'm looking for where are we doing i'm do redoing my gaming room that's what i'm doing so i'm redoing the gaming room and part of that was setting up a new streaming rig and all that sort of stuff i was trying to show you guys here i'll just put the link in chat if you guys want to see the room it's in chat so that's the that is the state of the room as it is now um we're going to be doing a video big video reveal on it right now the total cost i think at this point in time is about 30 000 so it's a very pricey room um but we wanted to make sure that it was like absolutely the most epic thing that you ever could so uh it would it should be super cool and all that sort of stuff there's the there's the link right there we put it in there um for you guys to basically check out so um uh we haven't built anything yet we're gonna build it so what uh so anyway we're gonna we're gonna basically uh this right here is going to be the streaming rig that is going to go with that um where that's going to go with that um that basically those crazy pcs that are all part of that that we're going to be streaming from when we start kicking it off next week um and so what we're doing is one of the things i thought because i get this question a lot is people like hey roby what is a great budget or a you know really nice like like quality streaming rig but at the same time not so expensive that you know not so expensive or so cheap that it went up so here we have right here is we have a 1500 essentially a 1500 compact and i mean this is like you guys are used to be carrying cases they're like absolutely massive but this is the cooler master in our 200p really small case um and we're gonna get everything in here and we're gonna get it all built up and then this is gonna be the rig that is going to power my uh streaming pcs from now so yeah this is what's gonna go in why are you guys sad this isn't you're not you guys are getting sad so um how is your wife not that she has i'm this is essentially i'm dead case not listed so here's the deal the case is listed in uh the case is not available on newegg if you check the youtube video there is a link to it on amazon unfortunately newegg does not sell it now one of things that i do want to let you guys know is that i know everybody doesn't want to necessarily build a white one so i've given you in and i'm sorry for people on twitch if you go to youtube and down in the description you want to watch later on there is an alternate version which is all black so if you want to do an all black one you can and there's also an atx version so if you just want to choose an atx case in my case i did a td 500 and that will show you how to do it all of those are around the same exact price they're all 1500 and they're all perfectly capable actually even in some cases of gaming and streaming at the same time but if you're looking for like a quality streaming pc and let me tell you a little bit about the criteria i chose when i picked the parts for this number one i wanted something um i wanted something that a because i stream like a has enough ram to basically do certain other things that you end up doing on a stream pc usually light video editing which is why i gave it 32 gigs of ram i also there's a lot of multitasking specifically chrome switching between applications all of those sort of things which is why i didn't do something like a 1600 af and why i also did an x and then sometimes there's also things where like hey in a pinch i want to do some testing and so i want to be able to do some light gain testing so those are the reasons that i chose the specs i did for the cpu for the gpu um i did the 2060 super uh main reason being is that it gives you the option because if you're not going to use premiere but if you wanted to use there's other um oh my god my mind davinci you want to use davinci resolve or something like that where you could use the already the power that we have for the invecan codec but also also doing some light video editing on this thing that was something that was completely capable of and that's why i did a 2060 super so you could still do something at a relatively high speed again there are options you can do to make this less expensive but i wanted to give you something that was well within the range and the only two is this is a this is a streaming pc that could last you two three four years versus you know because a the board is scalable a the gpu is going to be more than enough power for a while so i'd love to see i'd love to see what yeah and dual channel is another thing too will a 3070 fit in it yes it will um i don't know it's 600 watts nobody makes higher than a 600 watt sfx power supply cooler master which we will get a unit for that cooler master is working on a 650 watt 850 watt and 1000 watts sfx power supplies those will make you so you could put like 30 80s uh 3090s in cases like this but right now um the power delivery on this is it's 600 watts which should be okay for a 30 70. so yeah it's a little bit more expensive yes exactly oh and it's no this this oh yeah okay so this is basically your your pc so anyway this is where we are um and this is what we're doing today so that's the that's the parts we're gonna walk through the parts here in a second one things i forgot to do is actually grab oops the gpu and man and i just totally moved all my cameras i'm gonna go grab the gpu real quick where's my gpu i was always there's always like one part i always forget you know what i mean like i get done i'm like oh where's my where's you know and then i i think i know it and then i remember as i'm getting ready to walk through the parts of oh yeah i forgot a part and so anyway got that fixed okay there we go okay so how are we doing on how are we doing on the oh can you not comment on live streams is that not true okay well i didn't know that so it's i guess we need to know can you not so somebody's telling no oh no chat only okay so sorry 600 likes no no no no comments just so all we have to do is get 600 lights good to know there we go fixing that so it's an sff sorry sff not sfx i say sfx because of the sfx the dan by dan it's sff sorry my bad thank you very much for that apologies just using my words no okay thank you yes okay so thank you very much for that guys and let's go in there and uh and go from there it is black and white and guys i apologize for the i apologize for the availability of the case the case is new it's also been very popular um and uh there's two versions there's the nr200 and then there's the nr200p the 200p which is what i have here also comes with a separate um which actually also comes with a separate tempered glass panel versus the nr200 which does not have that glass panel we are gonna do it um i haven't decided yet um given what i'm gonna do i'm probably more than likely because i have all arctic parts we're gonna go ahead and uh we're gonna go ahead and make it uh make it use the side panel and we'll go from there so yeah it should be fun so that is what we're doing today now let's quickly real quick walk through the parts for this because that's that's always the fun part and i promise not to take too much time because we started late so we'll but we stopped we have to do it at least two hours so that's that's always the that's always the that's always the problem right like you you still have two hours because that's when the uh that's when the um the uh what's the word i'm looking for the pipe train comes back so that's why we always do at least two hours but i think that i this this this show always goes longer two hours i should be i would be remiss if we never do okay so let's talk about the parts that are going in this so we can talk a little bit about it i'm curious what your guys's thoughts are so if you do get a chance afterwards i'd love to know what you guys would change afterwards like go down there tell me um like hey this is what i would do or what i would do different and i'd love to know why because i always like i love hive minding i mean just i'm i know a lot but i don't know everything and so there are things that i may not have thought of when i was building this build and so i'd love to know your thoughts um in terms of hey i think you should do this or this or whatever especially if people are thinking about buying this and they want to save a little bit of money for our motherboard uh we chose the b550i the aorus pro ax from gigabyte uh main reason i did this versus the x570 is the x570 even though i have it in my h1 build um the x570 has been a really hard to get a hold of and uh they're apparently they're working on a newer version of it so that's why i went ahead and decided to do the b550 again also didn't need x570 in this case don't need to pay for the uh a bunch of four terabyte nvme or anything like that i mean i wasn't looking for a crazy pcie gen 4 so b550 was more than enough um for using the 3000 series ryzen and still gives me the upgradeable for 4000 series as well so uh invented them um so there is our that is our motherboard uh for our cpu uh the tried and true you know between this and the 3600 uh the 3600x honestly the difference between the 3600 to 3600x can be anywhere between you know 30 and 15 dollars so throwing 15 extra bucks to get something that's actually overclockable is always a good bonus for me so this is the six core 12 thread um absolutely awesome probably like mainstay uh cpu from amd um if you're talking about because most people don't need a 37 or 3800 x the 3800x is just kind of a weird cpu in general so um awesome awesome cpu and this is what we're going to use for my uh for my streaming rig for ram uh i love crucial i love their ballistix ram um i wanted to get 3 600 megahertz for this obviously but again not something you absolutely need for what we're doing but it's still 32 gigs of uh white uh at 3 200 megahertz um this is uh i think this is i forgot what i think this is cl 18 this might be 16. i'm bringing it up here so this is clcs this is cl16 so it's still fast it's still fast but um you know still looks good and all that sort of stuff so you still have that aesthetic look that you really care about um but at the same time you get that 32 which is great for what i care about is multitasking being able to run light video editing and also anything you want to do from some light gaming so that's why 32 gigs of ram there uh for our nvme drive uh we're using the savart rocket this is an envy of uh nvme4 this is a qlc drive i know the first thing if you were gonna see like why would you do qlc given the uh read write uh the read write um uh uh what's the word i'm looking for man i am tired gosh darn it not uh it means that sustainability maybe that's the word i'm looking for uh the sustainability um is you know because again uh of how how many times you can read write to this is with a qlc uh main reason i did this is that a if you're gonna do light video editing and you're not doing a ton of that then you get the benefit of pcie gen 4 and the right speeds of pcie gen 4 without paying the price for tlc the other thing that's also nice about this is again because it's mostly a streaming pc there's not a whole lot of read write you have to worry about it so it should be more than fine for that but you still get those things so you still get the speed and all that yeah reliability thank you tony god i couldn't think of that word so there we go it looks like um going from there um so there is our uh that is our our m.2 drive for our power supply this is our sf 600 uh this is an sff power supply um hold on real quick this is an sff power supply which means it's made for small form factor um so uh which is nice and uh so also the other thing that's really good about this is like corsair makes absolutely they used to be like the mainstay uh now we finally have some other options from other companies but this is uh this is an absolutely great power supply and will do more than what i need it to do for my uh streaming rate and somebody's saying oh unfortunately this is not a uh 30 a 3000 series again there isn't really the opportunity right now to put 3000 series in small form factor given the power supply requirements so once once we get our once we get our once we get our course our cooler master ones we'll be able to throw some nice 3000 series in here and actually test that stuff out um okay for cooling we're gonna use the uh super chilled and now you know we've seen uses a lot but a very attractive looking very attractive looking course the corsair h100i platinum um i was originally going to use an intermax and then this is the part that i was waiting for i just i don't like intermax aios let's be honest they're that you know between the testing that gamers nexus is done on them and everybody else they're kind of garbage and even though that aio is new um they've had many chances with their liquid v2s and all that stuff to fix some of their stuff and they're still gunky so it's hard to trust them without doing any long long term testing so i decided to do this instead which is safer and uh really good aio so sebastiao you could do an external power supply but that makes it super clunky and i feel like that is corsair is a 750 watt yes it just wasn't in stock but i'm just saying 750 watt is still below what core said below what nvidia said they wanted for 3000 series i know some people are saying that you can do it with 650 watt but i'm going from there so can you turn yeah i can turn on my music is it a little loud still there you go oh that's a little too i guess i can turn it there you go it was a little out here too sorry about that guys if you have some time can you give us some more and what important when it comes to rails or psu rails what do you mean sorry i don't know what that means it is yeah i was sorry about that guys well i got it fixed so there we go would you crack in is great yes hey see you later cod oh nice yeah okay there we go um i'm trying to think is there anything else oh and then of course gpu uh we're gonna throw in the geforce 2060 founders edition which i almost pulled off as a 2080 or 2080 super last time and then you guys were like that's a 2060. well now you got a you got a uh you got a uh you got a preview of the build um with that one okay so that's everything that's in the build um we should be good can we just real quick let's party everyone yeah low ripple uh can we uh can we uh can we do one thing real quick can we get these last two sub so i can change the um so i can change it over to um the next uh tier give me come on you guys let's not just leave it so close because yeah i wanna usually we uh we get we're well beyond that right now but it feels like you guys are a little behind for a friday night let's finish it out guys you're two away don't yeah i love the deep cool castle ones has anybody else had actually had that one uh the so if people are asking if people want to do the if people want to actually have me um if people want to actually have me do builds it's 15 of the total cost of the pc that's what it is there we go thank you very much for that ichi there we go we got it crash override we're good okay so let's go and throw that in there let's start the next tier and then we can not have to worry about it because we're going to the next we're uh we're going to the next one okay sub goal spending that one this is for the 100 new a gift card you guys are incredible by the way this has been an awesome this has been an awesome um september 20 30 20 20. and there we go subscriber goal and we're kicking it off okay cool there we go so now let's reset now let's start building who's ready to build let's get let's get it let's get that hype going let's get that that chill going who's got that who's got that vibe who's vibing a little when we're getting ready to do some build yeah i like the deep cool castle one we're going for there yeah there we go player of the game right there i got the and that's i've used that quite a bit oh man guys this is going to be awesome i think this is going to look really good the only thing i wish that this had is uh in their um they're one built for the intel um ghost canyon nook they have some like integrated rgb lighting that's in ice blue and if you've seen my you see in my room you can see what that kind of looks like um but uh i wish i wish i was able to use that um and uh have that in this so i got to figure out again we'll have that ice blue especially if we use a tempered glass but i still wanted to use that a little bit better oh and then uh the other thing too i want to let you guys know is that for my capture card because somebody specifically asks well how are you gonna get a capture card in that roby uh the capture card we're using is the elgato 4k60 s plus which is actually an external capture card um a big fan of that it also has uh just easy one button capability so if i need to do something and just record gameplay it's actually what we use here in the studio as well um and so that's the one i'm going to be using that so big shout out to elgato for getting us up with that um i have an aio on that case and i'm worried all the time if it's too tight for the tube but we'll check it out i'm pretty excited trolling i've never built this case so we're going to be learning together so you may have to help me with that wait for 37 amd to release before you buy anything uh kyle slade yes there's a ton there's we haven't done any giveaways yet so we have we have um we have many more we have we have many more giveaways uh still happening up uh it's uh the cost for me to build is 15 of the total cost of pc or a minimum of 100 bucks so 236 lights thank you fernando he's got that job down blondie he's got that job done he's like hey i'm gonna be the would be the likes guy um uh somebody was asking do i have employees we actually have we have the team at robitec is eight people so we have quite we have actually a pretty good sized team so yeah um what's a good cheap pc build kyr kyro if you check out my channel i got 750 i've got a thou two a thousand three thousand builds one that was just recently updated we're gonna do new 3000 series ones and our dna ones too so yeah it's gonna be pretty cool yeah i mean guys we have a lot of people who watch the show i mean i think if you guys are well i mean i don't know for sure let me look right now so right now we have in the channel we have 915 people watching we have 610 over 630 it keeps growing 630 people over on youtube and we got 302 hanging out on twitch tonight and then we got three who always like to hang out on facebook and i love my facebook fans so that's going from there so okay deepcool does make one they make the white d cool castle 240ex okay let's get the likes on youtube guys and let's go uh let's start getting uh let's start building so let's grab our our motherboard hey it's been a while since we've done a small form factor build i think it's been since the the h1 right so let's uh let's start here and uh we'll do a little tour i've not got to build with this one that's a really zoomed in picture we don't we get to zoom in a little bit more but this is the b550i from aorus they're pro ax pro ax prox whoa what is that what is that on oh that's not even the oh hold on guys it's like style i was like wait what are you seeing that's not what we're on okay let me reset this real quick you guys get a really good picture of my start script the miss you the mystery camera okay there we go now you guys can see what we're actually looking at okay have we gotten more is there been more uh has there been more um statements on that yet i'd be interested to go there oh man look at that's the thing is like you open this thing you're like oh my gosh i'm so oh that's so tiny okay so let's grab that's wi-fi we need there's our little m.2 and we don't need anything else everything else in here is not stuff i need throw that away [Music] there's our wi-fi adapter and all our extra stuff we're gonna take out a little board here this is gonna go over here because this is all my extras there we go we're gonna put off i love the the one thing i do like about the small form factor mobos or the mini itx motherboards is that you end up with like these really deep boxes that are great for like storing all your spare parts you know which is always i think which is like a bonus you get a free bonus it's a freebie you get a freebie okay so this is the part of the show that we always get to um where we always ask is anybody new is anybody new to the show has anybody not seen the show or been this is their first time hanging out watching a roby tech stream i'm curious do we have any new folks here i would love to love to love to say hi okay newt kill kill man no you're not oh my gosh oh nice cyrus late okay okay well we got some people who are lying and then some people are not but it's okay we're going so welcome to the show um one of the things i like to do is if you guys have questions um just a couple there's going to be these people who are called tech specialists they're hanging out in the chat so if you end up having questions don't be afraid to ask they'll they'll do things like chime in and try and get your questions answered the community here is incredibly helpful um and they will also do a really good job of helping you understand so if you don't feel like i'm getting your ques i'm getting your question answered um a lot of the time those guys those guys will um the other thing too is i like to do stuff like give you guys a tour help you be educated while we're building while we're building the pc so we walk through things and talk about all the different parts and pieces all that sort of stuff hopefully you walk away just a little bit smarter a little bit more in the know when it comes to building a pc so that's my hope welcome to the show and uh we'll go from there this is this is a micro atx yes this is a micro atx pc um let's see let's use uh everybody wanted me to do this last time so let's use tweezers you guys love it when i use tweezers um to do the pointing so we're gonna use the um we're gonna use the um we're gonna we're gonna use the verge tweezers for this okay so not a whole lot to point to on this board because it's so super tiny but this is what's called a mini itx form factor in fact you can see right here look at that we got our mini itx right here and then you've got mini idtx dtx you got your atx and then your full atx so this like fits yeah it's like this mat was like specifically done like like we knew what was going on but there's a mini itx board right there so it's smaller smallest in terms of the form factor we also have micro atx etc which is what this is right here um and then so uh this is a uh things are here this is your am4 socket your am4 socket is where you stick your ryzen cpu if you were to use like an intel cpu then this would be called either lga 115x which is the ones that they used for 9th gen and before to some degree and then am4 has actually been around since b350 um and b sorry b450 b550 x470 x570 and it will also be used on x670 or b650 depending on what uh amd decides to do around 4000 series so this is where you're going to stick your cpu these little brackets right here are used for aios they're also used for things like stock coolers like the wraith prism cooler they're not always used like for instance deep castle you'll remove these so it depends but it's nice to actually have this here the one that we're going to use today for cool corsair actually does use this bracket so nice little addition there we won't have to do any additional prep to get this installed right here we have two dimms um you know you've seen like on more traditional motherboards you'll see four this actually only has two again it's bull it is dual channel so you have to have one in each in order to activate dual channel so a lot of times you're like oh i want to do 16 gigs don't buy a single 16 gig uh 16 gig dim it's better to buy two eight gigs and put it across both because then you activate dual channel up here at the top we actually have our eps power connector this is for your cpu this is an eight pen um it's the only one that's up here uh right here it looks like you have your cpu fan header this right here is your atx power this is what's going to power your entire board uh looks like we have a it looks like this is a front panel and then we have an rgb header a usb another rgb header we've got another fan header this looks like your hd audio is over here so there's your hd audio i don't know what this is i have to look that one up i don't know what that is this is your usb 3.2 connector right here uh these right here are sata connectors you've got six you've got uh four of them these are things where you're going to plug in hard drives underneath right here this is your heatsink for your m.2 so this is we're going to stick our pcie gen 4m.2 on a b550 we only have one we there could be more than one on sometimes in the case you'd look under oh no actually there's actually there might be two so i don't know i think it looks like there's actually two m.2 slots you have one on the back which this one i'm guessing is pcie gen 3 and this one right here is pcie gen 4. over here and then it looks like over here this might be front panels instead i'm gonna have to look let's look let's look it's hard to tell on these little micro atx boards what these things are uh and then these are fan headers looks like you've actually got two fan headers which should be more than enough okay here's what we got i'm looking at my layout real quick to make sure what it was okay so this is actually this is not an rgb that's your pc speaker connector i apologize so that's pc speaker this is your rgb which i was right about so they look very much the same but that's pc speaker that's rgb this is your front panel i was right about that this is usb front usb one and then we have so this is usb2 and this is usb 3.2 um and then we've got our audio and then we've also got tpm okay so that's what that is this is your tpm and then this is your clear cmos right here so relatively close a little bit different looking in terms of the in terms of the uh what we have here but that's what that's what their uh those other parts are so i apologize but that's what this is this is the ryzen no this is a 3600x so anyway that's what we have here that's everything that we've got in here that is your board let us go ahead and install our cpu and get it going here we go so starting the cpu install um let's go open the open the cpu right here there's so many new people too which is cool um which is always a lot of fun okay here we go people are like preparing because they always know what i usually do here but i'm gonna tell you i'm not gonna do it today what do you guys think should i do it for the new folks or should i not do it what do you guys think i'm curious you guys know people are saying do it nice knife thank you very much don't people are saying don't do it do it everybody's like do it don't do it everybody likes doing it oh you have to okay okay killman always gets so mad though okay so we're gonna check it out there oh we're gonna open up our uh ryzen cpu here so uh these comes with your cpu and then the other thing that's also nice about ryzen specifically is this also includes i'll show it down i'm not gonna take it out because it's kind of a pain in the butt this also includes a cooler uh so this comes with a cooler unlike the intel one this is actually a useful cooler a lot of people use these ones weren't capable of cooling an uh 3600x but that is always included so anytime you buy like a ryzen cpu you always have the option of uh you always have the option of um of uh having a free cooler which is nice so you don't necessarily need to buy one if you're like on a budget and you're like oh i'll upgrade my cooling later you have that you have that option the other thing that we have in here which i always like to show off is because it still bewilders me every time and everybody knows exactly what i'm talking about is this which is what is this this is the amd processor certificate of authenticity and uh apparently this is like you could photocopy this thing like this is this but this is the official one this is the certificate you can write in your own number and you know it's authentic versus like somebody who could like sell you this and then photocopy and say oh it's totally authentic but there we go again let the nerf war begin does it come with the stealth yes it comes with a stealth cooler i think it's a stealth cooler i don't remember can somebody look that up i don't think it's the wraith prism it might be just the wraith you can see it yeah it's certainly it bugs it bugs the crap out of me can somebody look up real quick if the cooler that comes with the 3600x is is the stealth or the wraith um i'd love to know uh prism is yeah i like the prism we've used the prism quite a bit okay um so yeah let us real quick let us what am i looking for i want to oh yeah so when you get your cpu so we like to do this we like to show you i'd like to show you the stuff scorch mark where you see scorch marks oh race okay there we go wraith it's the wraith okay so here we go um opening this thing from here where are you lit yeah we're here we go right here so we're getting our we're getting this out so this is your cpu you want to do things like this thing on and here on the top is the ihs and this right here around it is where you don't you don't want to try and touch it like you don't want to touch the bottom and then on the other side we also have these pins and you don't want to do anything to the pins like you don't want to you know the things you don't want to do is you don't want to take like you don't want to take like these and like bend the pins you know what i mean like you don't want to grab the pins and just like kind of click at them or anything like that like that's not something you want to do at all and the other thing too that you don't want to do is like a lot of people say like if you want to get more conductivity like licking the pin just licking the cpu and putting it in not a good idea but you can do stuff like licking it and then like combing your combing your your beard is a good idea like so you can just do things like get it all cleaned and all that stuff is always really good um the other two is like you shouldn't slam like slamming this um and all that sort of stuff uh you know uh like i like you could potentially de-lid and all those things again um or you could scrape the pins off i also like to you like don't do things like bend like try and bend like pictures into it that's another one too so those are all things that you should never do [Laughter] oh man okay so that was not a real cpu yeah you can play the pins like yeah people always get so people always get crazy so here's the actual real cpu here um right here so what we're going to do is we're uh for how you do this is like you base essentially open it up like i said just grab it from the side um you don't want to do things like trying to defend yourself from a bunch of pygmies try not to touch this but here on the bottom you'll see like a little a little gold arrow there's also a little arrow right there and what you want to do is you want to line that little arrow with the arrow on here you just want to drop it in just like so and then it pops right in you can jiggle it just to make sure it's in all the way wiggle it just a little bit and then uh just push it down and you're good to go so there you go now your cpu is in for ryzen it is a uh vertical orientation for until it's actually horizontal but i i think i mean honestly i think these just look a whole lot better for those of you who are freaking out about the um who are freaking out about me slamming that thing it's a broken 3700x um it was it's so that's why i do it just because i'm scarred for life you loved it you always do is it possible you know i've never tried so you should not bend the pins that is what this that's what the guy did um who uh who i bought that off of because he bent the pins and that's not a good and it didn't work surprise okay so now we're gonna put in our m.2 real quick i'm assuming i wonder i think this comes off because i see the other thing too i think this is what typically does it's got two screws here that's a crazy heat sink for a pcie gen 4. okay oh look at that wow that's like a heat sink on a heat sink yeah it's like double the heat sink okay and there we go okay now don't forget don't be like rubytech yes that is that is you don't want to touch the third like you don't basically it can do things like you can it can keep the thermal it can keep the thermal paste from uh sticking correctly the oils on your finger or fingers it can cause a lot of can cause some issues um so you want to do stuff like um yeah there you go that's right so what you do is just want to make sure you peel this so you uh you open up and uh have access to the thermal pad underneath don't do like don't do like uh if you guys go and watch bit wits bit with latest deep cool build he forgot to take him off for his m.2s i'm wondering how well it will run with streaming it'll run fine the one that i actually recommend it would run perfectly well so yeah and if you guys want to see the build he's talking about if you do exclamation point art if you do x uh the mods will do an exclamation point that'll actually give you some build recommendations for intel and amd for 30 70s if you want to check those out okay so let's grab this is my first time using a severant m.2 by the way so i've used crucial i've used intel i actually am getting one of their new rocket pluses which apparently is faster than a 980. um so it'll be interesting to do that but the the um the um look at the size of the like when you look at this versus like the western digital or something like that like look at the size of like the case for this it's like super tiny like i was a little i was like when i first thought i was like whoa that is that is small so there's our there's our m.2 it's a thick boy too right like you could like you could beat somebody like if you really needed to with this thing you could uh dip the ssd in cold water that is not a good idea yeah they've actually so again um they were really well reviewed um so i'm liking i'm liking to see i'm curious to see oh okay so apparently this is at the bottom the packaging is a little bit harder than the packaging that i've done with other ones okay so that opens up oh i didn't want to rip that oh yeah there you go oh look at that okay here we go fancy oh look at that oh it comes in a comes in an aluminum case look at that ladies and gentlemen that's so fancy aluminum aluminum storage container it's like an m.2 like cigarette holder and then you just open it up and there you go right there there's our there's our book and then whoa again now it's got an additional cover on it for i don't know what and then you've all then you've got your one target oh that's a nice case that's nice i have to say like you know what i mean like price wise on this is not bad but like all in all like that's pretty cool like you can also like you can also like put like mints in there and stuff like that that's pretty neat okay saving that i wonder what what is this for this is for like this like oh i know what this is for guys i know what this is for you know what this is for so what you do is you do this you see you set it like this and then you can do stuff like get like boogers out of your nose so it's like it's so it's cool it's got a it's got a booger cleaner um it just click because it clicks it out right now you said like you know you can get those out really [Laughter] will this be on the exam okay let's get let's put on our m.2 stuff um and then the only two is we actually could install i actually am probably going to go ahead and just throw in a second m.2 drive here um just to give it some extra storage but yeah this is my my rig there we go get that oh let's go back to top down oh and my nose i could breathe so much better since they've given me that it's a booger spoon that's right i can breathe so much better now that i've gotten all my boogers out thanks thank you very much severant for that okay there we go and then we just stick that down like so under this like ridiculously overly engineered heat sink there we go then we throw this on it like that and you know if i was thinking with half a brain i should have seen if there i don't know off the top of my head if there is an arctic white b550 board i guess i should have looked that up i still think this will look good because there's black inside the case but i guess i didn't look at that okay so there we go sabrin's installed we're good there next up uh we're gonna go grab i'm gonna go grab another m.2 real quick i'm gonna go and throw another one in so we just show that installation [Music] okay grab another m.2 from the supply drawer which one shall i use not that that's sata all right that would be sadder to put that in nobody wants to be sad about that yeah let's throw one of these in why not there you go i love these m.2 drives they're good this is just for my build so why not oopsie there we go just because we'll throw in a western digital black sn750 two terabytes just to give it a little bit more storage space here so what we're going to do is going to turn this over and you'll see i have another m.2 storage location here on the back undo this there we go and i wonder why it's like why did i even need that but okay and grab this yeah sneaky drive tray exactly friskemar you don't know you don't know how do you know i didn't ask them what it was and they told me they didn't tell me what it was that they thought you you just think that i didn't know what it was but it really was a booger flicker you don't know that yeah stick the motherboard in the space on your mat to show the size yeah i know it's like people yeah i will i don't think people are getting a good reference in terms of how just small this motherboard really is yeah it's it's pretty tiny i'll i'll show you guys the mat actually what i could do is um i don't i don't have one here so i should have done that if i hadn't i had a uh add another motherboard i would uh i would show you like a difference in terms of how small this is in terms of size if you want to see scale okay there we go okay there's our motherboard all installed and ready to go we just got to put our ram is but people wanted to see when you want to see how small oh actually yeah this is a good that was a good idea i don't know why i'm zooming in so here i go zoom way out if you guys want to see this right here that is a that is a micro atx board and like the board that we did yesterday that's how much bigger a atx board is than a micro atx board so now you can get a visual reference in terms of here's the difference in size um this is the difference in size in terms of um the uh the board so yeah that's there you go that was good that was a good call good job and think of that scale for scale we gave you some scale okay let's start our ram in here got some really pretty arctic white ram from uh from the fine folks at crucial which we got some pretty cool crucial stuff coming up here pretty soon so i'm pretty excited about that it's like kids it's a kid's toy that's right no it doesn't because it's not it's not a pcie gen 4 and i will tell you we did we if you look at the uh it doesn't thermal throttle the this sn750 is does not need uh does not need a uh does not need a heat sink and given the case actually it's sitting up against the case um for uh with air it's uh completely capable of uh it's completely capable of um of keeping itself cool so it'll be we won't have any issues there booger oh is it booger there no i flung it off because i a cool thing is is that i flung it off using the awesome sovereign boogers flinger that you get with your um that you get with your m.2 drive that's the official name it's the uh s b uh f the svf just so you guys know that's the official name if you look it up in the product stuff it says that comes with the severant sbf the sovereign booger flicker so just fyi okay so when you put in your uh your ram you're gonna see this uh yeah it's patented yeah seven's the player of the game uh you see this little uh slot right here you're gonna line this up with this little slot right there just go in there you're gonna just click it in you get a nice quality oh look at did you hear that oh so good so good that that the quality of that click sound and that ram looks nice too so there we go just go so you guys can hear it click clack oh my gosh whoa yeah i didn't they did wait what what happened so someone's saying like if i made it what would happen is that um if you uh if you made it them then you'd like have like this weird stunt because there's no place to go um it would just get stuck it would just get stuck so there we go there [Laughter] obviously people just got the click they're getting the click right now okay yeah this is a nice quality that nice quality that's two by sixteen yeah uic there it is right there it's like it's so funny when you're like look how big it is it's so big oh it's really not that big it's super tiny yeah here is my uh here's a water bottle for reference you know what i mean like in terms of the in terms of the size right there that's how big this thing is and then you just no i'm just kidding i'm not going to throw the water on there ruby disrespect with those clicks oh sorry exactly you don't want to i don't i don't want like a bunch of like stunted m.2s all over me uh it's uh stands for the uatx is another name for uh um oh my gosh my uh micro it's micro that's your micro atx board okay hold on hold on one sec guys okay um let's get this into our case we don't have a whole lot more to do here let's grab our case now now this case i think is supposed to be mostly tool-less oh wow okay that pulls off just fyi fyi that comes off this comes off guys just fyi this comes off comes off just just be careful don't just just watch out this comes off um okay and then this comes oh that just pulls off this just pulls off there you go just like that so there's our there's our other one you guys i'm trying to find a nice place to not i can stick these down here i want to scratch up my beautiful my beautiful things okay so that just pops off like so over here we got another one there we go nice tool-less design there's that those really nice dust filters right there so we can now we do have like i said we have the tempered glass depending on how we mount everything and then i think the top also should just pop off yep there it goes top just pops off look at that you've got your little fans there which they come it comes with those are for cooling so we'll get that installed here in a minute and then we have lots of options here is to figure out how to do the mounting and stuff like that so we'll work on all this and figure this all out together so let's get this out let's go to side cameras and see a little bit better i'm doing here we're undoing our giant box of goodies in here this thing comes with a lot of now one thing i will say the you know the nr 200 i think is 70 and then the nr200p is 99. so there actually is a difference in terms of cost so you're paying that extra 20 bucks for that tempered glass that comes with it um so there it so this is actually a little bit less expensive if you wanted to save a little money you could forgo the tempered glass solution and uh just get the nr200 there we go and next up we're gonna grab our so let's get our little case out here now you the uh the thing is you actually have a lot of options here um in terms of the expand the the potential expansion of this is actually pretty impressive in terms of what options you have for installing you can do vertically mounted gpu you can do side mounted uh aio like there's a lot of options here it's not going to it's not some of the options are not necessarily steeped approved which is uh which is a choice you can make but again it just depends on if you if you are getting noise if you are getting noise on your aio we can change our configuration so we are going to do a non-steve approved build um we're going to vertically mount the gpu uh we're going to do the aio at the bottom um with and then have it the well yeah and then there will there's potential getting air in the um in the pump header but uh the corsair has i've done that before and it's been okay so we're gonna bottom mount the ai oh and have the air pulled through the bottom then we're gonna have top mounted as well is the plan that i was going with today so that is what i'm going to do that is what we're going to see and we'll go from there so it should be fun um what we can do and it's always a little bit different when you do an sfx case is you just got to kind of figure stuff out we're going to kind of pull things out it's not as straightforward or sff i keep saying sfx which is not what i'm saying as this small form factor build is things might go in a different order as we kind of figure stuff out here and that's what i'm gonna pull all these cables out so they're out of the way you wanna figure out how to route them all okay so there's that now this i'm gonna take off because i don't wanna i'm not gonna side mount the aio i don't wanna do that i wanna use the tempered glass panel so i'm going to unscrew this we're going to vertically mount our gpu oh let's go to the top down here screws are in there like a beast okay how do you come out oh just like that okay there you go okay so that's our aio mount but we can use that on the bottom i believe okay so let us just because we're learning all together steve is everywhere yeah steve is everywhere right now i think he's actually streaming i think he's streaming and they're doing another overclock session right now so i think he's actually um yeah oh these are what these would be white that's lame those are supposed to be white there we go now they i thought they were gonna be white not black that's unfortunate okay riser cables on the other side there we go okay i'm going to grab get this out of the way these go on the top i thought they were going to be white but they did not they're not white so so you're going to it's definitely going to fit the more storm trooper in terms of the theme which is okay i think that'll be okay i'm going to grab the manual real quick because i want to see how gosh darn it i want to grab and find out what the best way to side mount this is i want to i want to do the pretty looking one i want pretty i want it pretty guys aesthetically pleasing there it is that's what we all want hey how are we doing on likes fernando what's going on what's going on let's get fernando reporting in here in terms of what our like situation is cable management is timing zooming i agree fernando what's our what's our uh what's our what's our countdown here in terms of uh 320 okay guys we're gonna we want to get this done we want to get the get the deal here okay so if we want to do bottom mounted we can do that trying to say we have two options there don't care don't care all right i know it's vertical mount here's the i'm looking for the side mounted aio sound side mounted so it says oh okay there you go you can undo okay that's cool there it is nifty neato pretty keto okay so it looks like right now we can move forward with what we're gonna do what we're gonna start with which is not this oops let's not scratch up that okay okay so we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and install our motherboard it's a little tiny thing i'm gonna go right here only four screws which is nice and there we go look at that perfect perfectly perfect and then look at this another one sponsored by the verge it comes with three verge tweezers with every build and then here's our screws and then we've got some ssd scaps and all that sort of stuff everybody's like wow okay we got standoffs if we wanted them all that sort of stuff which we don't care about the only thing i care about right now is my little my little motherboard screws so we're going to take this there we go oops there we go get one screw in second screw is going in and for those of you who are joining me do not forget this is the month of september we are giving away a 30 80 to one lucky subscriber over on twitch this month if you want to get on that if you're an amazon prime subscriber uh amazon prime member come over to rubytech um all you gotta do is use your free prime now if you do like gifted subs like we've gotten a lot at the beginning all that sort of stuff those also get you entries in uh gifted subs get you extra entries uh tiered subs so if you go to tier two or tier three those are actually the best way to get uh extra entries uh and then finally you also have what's called uh tier uh subscribing for multiple months that also gets you entries we're going to be announcing that at the uh the the first wednesday the first stream in october so yeah it's going to be it's going to be pretty awesome if you want to get on that don't forget to um don't forget to uh come over and do the subscription there you go lego leo gaming getting his entry in no you do not have to be present it's just as long as you're a subscriber then who what's going on why would you who's he time portugal the country of portugal wants to ban somebody um okay uh let's see what we want to do now is i just found out that the bottom of this comes off you can take this off and then you can put it we can mount our aio on the bottom and then put it back which is pretty crazy so i'm going to take my big screw thing here and put all these extra screws in there because i don't need them this is not pre-recorded clue but thank you for pretending it is so uh eric that honestly that's like people have been able to get them i know what nvidia specifically nvidia's site uh people have actually had some success getting them so which has been pretty cool so there we go you're gonna just put these on here i try to i try to save these little baggies by the way because they always come in handy sometimes they give you ones that aren't uh like aren't going there okay next up we can take off this bottom this little bottom thing right here is what we're gonna do is we're gonna take that off i'm gonna i think i'm gonna see how to do it i think it's from the side so it says one two that doesn't tell me anything you can do it sideways which i don't want to do but what i want to do is the other way this is one two it looks like it's just oh there's a oh there's a single screw in the back okay i figured it out that was pretty easy to just look at it instead of trying to use instructions so right here on the back guys is a single screw i take this one screw off there we go single screws off okay put that off to the side and this right here at the bottom just pops right off look at that and that is for mounting our aio so we got our aio mount ready and then up here at the top we're gonna put let's go ahead and put in our two fans we put this off to the side our little pre-built ready to go this is actually gonna go pretty quick so put this off the side like this and this will go like that there we go then let's get our fans installed we have two fans to get in there we got these two pre-installed fans that have to go on that we install like which direction does it want it to go that's a good question so follow the instructions so it makes it a little easier and oh they gave oh they did give me a fan splitter which is good don't be afraid do not be afraid to read the instructions okay so it doesn't tell you but i'm assuming with this i want it to be towards the back so i'm going to look at that real quick this goes like this this goes like this right so if i want these to be like that okay okay there we go these got to go like this okay cool i just want to make sure i put them in the right direction so then these just screw right down which is cool wow those just literally just pop right in wow that's that's not all you do is you just go like this and they pop right in what the that's magical does it need to just need to screw i guess i don't know that's crazy you don't even have to screw these things to kind of go in that's it wow that was you guys that's cool good job cooler master man they made that easy just basically line them up over the holes you just push it in and it just clicks right in that's crazy i've never seen fans that work like that they've got a little bit of a screw and yeah they're on that's it they're installed that's nuts that's cool did you guys see that they're just like just push it just push it push it real good dirt well i don't know i build pcs not cars though i love cars don't get me wrong that is crazy though come on that was pretty come on that was cool celebrate with me you guys are all like what that's lame ruby no it wasn't it was cool 360 likes push it real quick there you go everybody enjoy that oh man oh my gosh baseball uh what got you into i just like honestly i don't know um i just i i really enjoyed it i got to do it i got to do my first one about six years ago and then i got to do it for some charity things and then uh luckily just kind of fell into doing it for fun uh and so and it's grown ever since and you guys come here thousands of you come here uh three times a week and watch me do it like a every time so score uh giveaway we've got a we've got a bunch of different ones we're getting really close to one here pretty soon thank you very much for we're at 40 guys 40 of those subs we're going to get to 60 if we want to give away that 100 new gift card okay so we've got our fans installed which is like the fastest thing on the planet so let us get the second fastest thing on the planet this is the back which is nice is let's get our aio ready and the cool thing is is with how this aio is we're gonna make the lights on this ice blue and so we'll get on like a nice ice blue hue up throughout the entire the uh the entire um the entire uh uh case which is gonna look really cool so i'm pretty i'm getting more and i'm getting i'm having heavier and heavier amounts of anticipation today has been very slow what do you mean advance today has been very slow how with the build you mean um i'm getting higher levels of anticipation given uh what's uh what's what's happening here so i'm pretty excited about the whole thing there we go getting all of our stuff out all we need for this for this today yeah those are these are those the ones i just put in were case fans and now we're going to get our rgb fans in here so we're just going to get everything kind of taken out and ready because we're going to get ready to mount it all like a bezos i want to try the new cooler mat the new corsair aio it's funny i have like a really good relationship with elgato but i don't have i don't i haven't developed a really good relationship yet with corsair um through egg i have but not necessarily separately so something that i i need to get in on here pretty soon because it'd be fun i know i definitely am picking up one of their new um their new case is the fourth 400 is it the 400 series whatever they are um and uh get those in there oh by the way um by the way one thing i did want to ask is that we are working i am working you are not working i am working on getting my verification on the old twitters um if folks want to help with that uh blondie mcgeeky is going to um put down a link here pretty quick to a tweet that uh intel has responded to amd's responded to nzft's responded to i think cooler master i'm crucial razor so we've had a lot of people um who've um it was also yes it was it was a small it was also an sff build um who've responded that um and are uh are trying to uh who've been trying to help me uh get my verification if you wouldn't mind just going over and uh uh doing giving it some love either some likes or if you wouldn't mind giving it a retweet that would be awesome so i i'd be excited about that i'd appreciate it greatly okay so if i do that this is going to go like this which i think will look good yes i think we will do this this is how we're going to mount it and because we're going to mount it that way we want the fans to be this way there we go i just want to make sure i get the fans in the right direction because i want those to be towards the back which is going to be the truth okay cool there we go we're going to we're going to be pulling air through the case so it's going to be a pool it's going to basically just be pulling air through the case uh is the plan so just so people are asking if you're asking about the cooling option that's what we're doing here there's the link right there people just want to go take a chance give it a like uh it would be great if there's 1535 people here right now if you want to just go give it a like uh give it a retweet um that would be huge and i'd really appreciate it so thank you very much you guys are awesome okay here we go we're gonna get our get our fans installed here real quick you not you guys both you offense why am i doing a bad job as light counter no fernando you're doing a great job you're doing a great job what are you saying are you doing a bad job you're telling me the count let's get the count let's get uh let's guys by the way if we get to 600 likes that activates a giveaway and we still have what there we thank you very much tigger uh we have what we have probably another what hour left until we'll uh an hour or so and then we'll do that second hype giveaway and give away that nvme drive which is going to be awesome appreciate all you okay do you suggest reverse airflow builds what's poppin uh we're giving away and so people are asking the giveaways today we're giving away an nvme drive we're giving away probably at least a hundred dollar new gift card if not 150. you guys always surprise me um and then uh we're also giving away a xbox game pass ultimate reverse airflow builds not no it just depends what would you consider reverse airflow bills thanks icee sniper appreciate it by the way apparently there was a response from evga hey what's up denise how are you man or ma'am why not side aio because i have the tempered glass so i want to be able to see i want to be able to see the build heat um to the bottom um i haven't done that um i i've never tried i've never done that um so i had have you heard recommendations versus that one way or the other exhaust is intake and the front is exhaust have i ever had an iranian fan i think i have one now right thunder shock i don't i do have like i have had people from like all over the world i've had people from india i don't know about iranian iranian though i would like to do an aio on a dual system but i don't know how to do 405 likes there we go guys we're getting there did you start there i didn't know there was i don't think the verify form exists i think very they've shut it all down and we're just trying to get me attention which right now there's like 80 it's like 81 000 or it was 81 000 impressions this afternoon so thank you very much for all the subs guys i think somebody's going to drop like a 20 like a 20 drop we need that's a weird we're going to see a 20 sub drop here pretty quick somebody's just going to drop it listen to that where's the our our normal sub leader isn't here drafa's where's drafaaz he hasn't been here today i walk i always want attention guys that's what i do what i do i get attention right oh cool thank you yeah yeah me mostly comes down to aesthetic taste snacks okay october phil okay wow did they when did that did that just get announced dj that'll be crazy did that just get announced october 15th uh brief yo it depends on what you're gonna do for it i mean we'll test it if i if it ends up being bad what i'll probably do is then i'll throw the side panel on the normal side panel on and um uh throw the normal side panel on and then side mount the i o but oh i thought that's what i thought i thought that was no it was like yeah i thought i thought they'd announced that but maybe i'm wrong i thought they had announced that but i thought maybe there was an official announce so dr thank you very much for letting me know that super i had heard that on your 2k alienly if it had been your own pc were you working with a similar budget i would have done the aio like i did i like the io um i probably i'd have to go back and look at that build i don't remember it that was like 12 builds ago so it's a good question um i'm pretty picky about my choices um i i wouldn't have changed the lighting because then you can just easily change the lighting i would have gone with the corsair so that i could all i could just change it all with a single with a single uh rgb app i think that's all i could remember oh nice cool well there you go then hopefully dj dusky for your birthday you'll get a 30 70. third rate pc build was released it's been over two years since some third rape what was that portugal don't know what he's talking about i'm not saying i'm not saying i'm just saying that's the day that the 3070 gets released i'm not saying i'm sending you one i'm just letting you know that if you wanted to get one on your birthday you have a chance i have a tempered glass case that's mesh up front yeah the p400p oh the phanteks is awesome i also love the p500a that's another great one like there's lots of them um okay there we go there we go i think we're good there what am i doing now i think i think what i'm going to do now is i'm going to mount this onto the feet bunches of feet here we go under the feet you go so we're going to undo this take off our dust filter and then we're going to take this like this we're going to hang this over the table like so look at that it's like it lines up on purpose so pretty um okay we got our little we got our little fan things here there we go the case costs 99 us yeah compressed air i actually always i always have some i have some i always have some right here it's always like really good stuff then you can also use it to scare small children or like if you're licking it before you lick a cpu i always like to uh i always like to do that oh congratulations fernando his birthday's coming up i uh who's excited who's gonna watch the uh who's gonna watch the uh oh tweeted you into the news in 3080 from heart oh thank you very much i see sniper i have to read that after the stream what's the uh what's the short that's another sorry that was another one if you want to get good information hardware in a box is another great one to get that from all i said was that's a good looking ai why did it get deleted i know i didn't i guess i missed the question yeah there's currently we're waiting for uh so the rumor is so there was like there was a leaked there was a leaked document that 30 70 isn't quite as fast as the 380 ti 280 ti there was a leaked document that's people are pointing to i don't know how what the credibility is again we'll have to wait for reviews um hopefully i'll have one before i just given the 30 70s a little bit cheaper and hopefully they will so i'm hoping to get my 30 70 before i got my 30 80 which was not good okay getting through it here the crashing doesn't appear to be down to the caps used which is why they've made a video yet we don't know what the issue is what we do know is the fb and tough gaming models crash just as much as the other models they use the mlcc so well there you go well that's good to know so there so they had the same thing that we had which is like the so i haven't had an issue with an fe but people are saying the tough model so i wonder what jay there's going to be a response here pretty soon yeah we're i'm hoping so the core clock issue uh i'm pretty sure nvidia would love not to have something like that go wrong but we're going from there thank you very much fernando he's always up he's up on top of those likes come on guys we're 200 and what 70 away from getting that giveaway you guys can do it there's 1278 of you right now hanging out and uh hanging out on youtube you get get those likes also twitch you folks you can go over sorry rubytech hit that like button and help unlock that first giveaway okay there we go that's all in and ready to go we're actually ready for our mounting of our aio okay now one thing i need to do we'll get this in and then we'll switch over our switch over our bracket and all that stuff okay so this goes like this run all this stuff from the back stay together for me baby okay keep this doesn't need to be on right now okay here we go let's see think of the best way to do this there we go it's like crazy crazy hand stuff we want none of this to get trapped in there so you want to stick these in here like that okay and then just like that make sure this gets pulled through our fan stuff sure none of our cables are not where they're supposed to be okay cool cool cool cool cool cool cool did we get it oh we got one more cable stuck down here there we go now come on baby get in your hole oh this goes sorry actually i messed up this goes like this there we go nice okay that's got plenty of room for our awesome okay so that looks good got everything good there whoo that was uh that was some stuff guys that was some stuff okay so here's where we're at we are here we have been installed we have installed fans for our aio we're going to throw in our last our little screw in the back here to hold on our feet and a little bit we're getting closer progressing quite well so far there we go um okay next up we're going to get our get our mounting mechanism for the aio squared away here where's our okay there it is so we'll need a couple of these the rest this does not i do not need and then up here all i need is these two things and the rest of this stuff goes in the hole goes back inside oh there we go okay getting there okay getting really close in terms of uh getting the thing howie okay i don't need any of those this is all out of the way let me just do our mounting mechanism here in a second okay this is already kind of off which is fine so what you're gonna do here is you're gonna take your sides and you're going to make sure you have it the right way first and you just pull them off wow you cut yourself because they're like sharp blades there you go now you're looking for defending yourself you can use these as uh potential uh you use these as potential brass knuckles so if you need to defend yourself if you happen to be trapped inside of a microcenter you have to be trapped inside of a micro center you can grab these to defend yourself against zombies to get out so go straight for the h100i's i'm telling you they're going to be like gold in the future guys they're going to be like gold you watch out you have to go grab your your your defense aio brackets yeah i always always bring your game oh man yeah i mean i'm just telling you the first place i'm going is uh we're like zombie apocalypse i'm going straight to micro center you guys will see you'll you'll be sorry when you're all stuck with your guns that don't work and i've got my my aio bracket weapons okay okay i want this to go like this i want these to be here what we're doing right now is we're installing our brackets put in the right way there we go and then what you get this is the really wonky part but i'll give you a little hint the thing to do is to start the threading for these these are always like the weird thing because people trying to figure out hey the best way to do it you just start it you want it to be a little bit started just kind of have them dangle off on the side like this there we go you guys are just jealous because i'm teaching you things that you were hoping to just keep secret but no i'm letting everybody in on the secrets now nobody's going to be dying in the zombie apocalypse because they're all going to be a micro center there's no room on the top for the aio for the aio no there is not this is very anti-steve but steve and i like same thing that steve said if you're not having a problem it's fine it's if you're having a problem that's something that you may want to look at as a potential solution to said problem but if you're if your aio is not making noise if you're not having issues you may potentially cut your the time for your aio but you may not and there have been lots of companies who've tested and had customers who've had aios in this format for a very very long time again it is a possibility and it is a troubleshooting technique it is and it is recommended that if you have the option to do it the right way i do not have the option to get the aesthetically pleasing look that i want to do it the top mounted or side mounted way okay so here we go we're gonna get our first clasp in like so and get our second clasp in get in there yeah we're both in can't actually tell i think that's yep they're both on here we go everything there looks good okay let's screw these down now a little bit at the bottom a little bit at the top you do not want to screw these in all one and one after the other because you can pop them off of the bracket you want to do them a little bit at a time on each side so just to make sure it stays tight and there we go okay cool now what we're going to do is we're going to just get these messa cables here because we don't have all of the cool room to kind of hide everything like we're used to so this is where we get to try and make things look pretty we're going to try and figure out cool places to hide this stuff because we have a lot of it um we do not have any room behind the motherboard but the good thing is is that what we do have is we have we do not have a lot of room back here right now we have room down here at the bottom behind the i o so that's where we'll try and do a lot of this stuff so what we'll try and do is we'll probably run this down there's some if you look here on the side you actually have some cable management options here so we're going to use these to kind of cable manage our stuff down this is all aio stuff so the only thing i need from this is this right here which is our cpu connector it's going to go right here in the corner which you guys can't see there we go cpu connectors plugged in and the rest of this stuff is going to go and run down the side here is the plan because all of this is all going to connect together to our fans and this is also going to run down the side and go into our usb plug which is over here so usb goes right here this is always a big part cable management for this is where it's going to be the most interesting is trying to get everything to look super clean which is what you want so these these little cable comb things should work quite nicely but you got to get them open here okay there we go and then we'll probably go ahead and real quick zip tie or tweezer tie as the verger call it freezer tie our ones here so there and we're gonna run as much cables as we can down to the bottom okay there we go there we go oh look at that it worked just the way i needed it to then we got a little bit of room here for the sff then we're going to run these other ones we'll get those trapped in there here in a minute for now let's get them down to the back here like so i'm going to push everything down to the back because this is where we're going to run all our cables that we do not have that we're going to hide here it'll look nice and clean what you want our problem solving in real time just so you guys know ladies and gentlemen problem solving in real time so i'm guessing this is what's going to look best you will see here in a moment it's actually what works best we have to plug in our power supply and see how long our cables are etc there's still a lot of kind of unknowns here but there's not a lot to hook up which is the cool thing you've got some you've actually got some cable combs here on the back as well so we're getting everything down here and that is going to go in here as well a little bit later and then we'll have everything kind of off to the side for now we'll push all this stuff down there we go let's go ahead and do one more zip tie get these staying together right here and then we still have to figure out some of our front panels here there we go i guess that's nice and that's all those are all tied together now okay which is good now we still have a fan header we gotta plug in up top too so we've got two fan headers one is already taken the other one where's our other fan header right there okay we got this fan header too and this is for the two fans at the top that we gotta kind of hide so this is gonna be interesting it's always about trying to make things look pretty guys always about trying to make things look pretty okay so here we have this is our this is actually a fan splitter we're gonna hook this in right here and this is for the top fans um that i can't like i need my little mini light here real quick here's our little mini light it's gonna turn on with uh with a push of my button my nan light there we go there we go okay so now we got our nan light in let me turn on a nand light we got our fan cable fan extension in okay that's gonna turn this off now okay now what we're gonna do here we're gonna quickly just because this is probably easiest to just do real time is we're gonna go ahead and cable manage these little bits of cables and get them into their slots here yes this is what is this okay this is all our kill stuff okay come to the real world baby oh wait i forgot to actually undo this i was like wait a minute what's going on here okay here we go there we go pull those tight here in a minute we're using the the cable solutions i was given here to try and make this look best oh come on but it's velcro okay there we go okay now you got that velcroed up which is awesome now we're gonna velcro finish the velcro on this one real quick and then we'll have everything kind of in its best state just cool you want again you want to just what i'm paying attention to here is that like regardless we'll have a gpu that's going to kind of block the majority of it because of vertically mounted gpu but you still want to you still you got to have pride you know what i'm saying i have pride in how your things look i guess it's probably more important when you're a pc builder like myself but i don't know i'm just kind of like jay right like you gotta you gotta take the time so that way you can look at something you're like hey i built that with myself and it looks super clean look at that see look how clean that looks now nice and clean all of our cables are routed in a simple in a simple way and then we still have room for sff and these are for this cables right here are for um our our fans that are gonna connect to the top and now let's turn over and connect our other fans and then we'll figure out how to run our front panel connectors and we're already in kind of good shape okay so here is our mess in the back but alas we can hop we can that's okay this mess is all going to get kind of hidden back here with all of these so what we're going to do is we're going to grab our fans there's one it's like it's just like the perfect length i'll tell you okay there's one fan and then we have our one rgb right here okay there's that okay now what we can do is we can take fan number one and it's already kind of in a good spot so then again what we'll do is we'll just essentially take another one of our little cable managers here and cable close this all together are we doing on likes by the way 1728 people coming up on 2k for tonight thank you very much everybody for tuning in we got a couple giveaways that are still happening also don't forget to get in on september we're uh we're gonna give away a 30 80 if you're over on twitch i mean on youtube and go to slash roby tech and use your free prime sub to get one of those free entries but yeah you want to get on that good build thank you very much man okay there we go it's all cleaned up there now we're going to go do the same thing on the other side and then you're going to be amazed at how clean it looks that is the whole hope is that it looks you guys are like wow roby wow ruby wow that's what i want to hear wow roby 500 okay so we need 100 more likes guys 100 more likes remember it's 600 tonight 600. fernando get on it 600 it's gotta get they got to get 600 they're so close this is our this might get pulled i think this is going to be the thing that i regret is that that one that one is going to go in there what if you're already subbed then you're fine you're in as long as you're sub for the month of september and it's subbed on twitch not on youtube guys first i hit the oh you oh you hid the front oh behind the front panel well that's not again i'm problem solving real time uh but i mean let's see how it goes i mean right now this looks okay and everything's kind of hidden look nice it's all out of the way you shouldn't see anything down here look at that i'll be behind the front panel there there we go there we go okay the only thing that i'll have i got to figure out still is this is if i can get a cable down to this this might have to go back up but we'll deal with that when we get there okay cool cool cool cool cool cool okay so now we have our front panel connectors which are up here we've only got so what we have for front panels we have our front panel which is easy that's nice and then we've got usb 3.2 so that is all there is to connect let's see and then you guys want to just take a look at the build now like here's where we are again look looks nice and clean right like nice and clean looking build you don't even see any of the cables and dude there's a lot plugged in already so we got our sff and all that sort of stuff we still have quite a bit of room to run things okay so what we can do is it actually looks like they gave you cable runners to run this stuff through so we'll do this like that and then what you do is take this which is like what how is this work or is that just to hold this oh it's down here interesting i'm trying to figure out oh the music stopped let's fix that okay music stopped let's get the new music on let's switch it up let's switch to a different playlist let's try we're gonna do this one the unboxing playlist okay now what i'm doing right here guys is i am i'm trying to i'm gonna see if i can give it a side view i'm making my way downtown walking oh wait i almost forgot my hd audio making my way downtown okay there we go okay and then what we're going to do now is we're going to run all of these along the front here and clip them underneath here and again we're just trying to clip everything in like so there we go come on there you go how is it in can't tell if that's attached or not there we go okay there's that side and then what we're going to do is we're going to run it one more time over here oh i see that was probably better to do it that way ah okay i get it okay okay over engineered something here let me get that fixed real quick actually oop come on let go there you go these are super slack so that's supposed to work i guess it doesn't need to be super tight i guess what we're doing right now is we're just cable combing these lasso cable controlling cable combing the cable controlling these last cables and get them in there like little channels here there we go okay those are in their channel now okay now we have hd audio which goes all the way down across the back here so we can hide that down we can get this way down here tie that to something a little bit closer this is going to go right here in the far side there we go push that down so it won't be seen and then we have our front panel which is right here power led okay there it is right there okay that's there the last thing we have is usb 3.2 which goes right here okay got to twist it a little bit get this to get work and we'll get it all re there we go okay so all of our front panels are connected the only thing we have left is power and then everything else is kind of ready let's see we can do in terms of making this look a little bit better i can push this off to the side down here i guess there we go and then these can go down and i can just cable tie them over here where it's kind of hidden same with this we do like a straight one here and then i'm going to try real quick to get this last bit inside of here so this gets this gets pushed as well come on baby come on baby okay i'm gonna let the cables loose for a minute and loose to get them into their home their new home here there's not much left to do guys just got to figure out power everything else is out of the way this little mischievous there's a mischievous cable over here that's going to look nice it's going to look nice and clean and again remember the gpu is going to be across the front so i might do some depending on what we're going from a link standpoint we got to figure that out but in terms of let's get our psu in then everything else is kind of ready let's get our peel here uh i don't necessarily see i haven't had a concern with that stuff no it's not like a television where you don't want to like a power wire and an hdmi um so because a lot of that stuff's on the external part so no not necessarily i think maybe the only one you might want to worry about that for is maybe hd audio but um you know if you're really that kind of audio file then you probably aren't going to use your hd audio you're going to have like a discrete gpu or a dac or something like that for your audio stuff but no not really not for me i don't know if anybody else has anything that they care about if they do let him know i'm curious the question he had was when cleaning up your wires trying them together or whatnot is there a pc part you don't want them to touch be near so that's the question he had um and that was from shaistigama where's my water there it is okay build's looking good we're gonna grab our grab our psu and get that in here oh we have riser cable too but that i'm less worried about because it just goes right on top of the vertical mount so we'll get that done here in a minute but i guess i could plug it in now what is this something i don't think there's anything you have to do look at that here what i'm talking to myself about is if there's anything i need to do to the riser cable or the top for vertical mounting i'm going to look at real quick vertical amount of gpu one two one no it says no there's just basically mount it be a boss and mount it okay so i'm just going to go ahead and put this here because this is the oops let's take off the protection and there we go there we go okay vertical mount gpu mount is in there we go okay now what we have to do is psu that's what we're working on so here's our little very tiny sff sf600 power supply it's funny because i thought i'm curious i'm gonna go look real quick i think i actually have sleeved cables for this that are a little bit easier and i think i have a couple pairs so i'm gonna go look real quick guys for some reason i remember that i do and that will make the cable management on this way easier in my in my mind anyway that would make the cable management way easier because i think these are all i think the ones that are here are all um they're they're like these kind and they're actually like our thief sleeve cables oh again sponsored by sponsored by the fine folks over at look at this look at this tiny look at this tiny psu so small look at that you like tiny psus it's like so tiny there it is right there you want your little tiny psu i'm gonna go look real quick and see if i have sleeve cables it's a toy that's right it's they're really small oh i just realized that i wonder how hard this is going to be to get my psu in i just realized that oh i think it i think it screws from the front so i think we'll be okay i remember having a bunch of black oh you know what i think they're actually down here never mind i actually think i have them right here i think i have them right here i'm not mistaken yeah i do look at this look at this i have premium sf psu power cables like i didn't i didn't even know i had them so these are going to make it a whole lot easier in terms of getting in terms of cable managing these little sleeve cables so there you go i'll throw a link a link to those later if you guys want to see this stuff if you're if you're thinking of doing this build these will make it easier oh cool thanks i see micro machines yeah it is definitely very micro machinist because look at how easy like that's just like a nice easy thing and then it also comes with a fancy coarse air bag look at this it's so fancy like if you this is i think this actually paired with the booger catcher this is like so you can catch all your lifetimes with the boogers that's what that's for right there so there you go have i but i have known will 10g of vram be enough for where 4k gaming is heading no okay here we go um let's figure let's get our psu in oh i'm curious i bet you all of this okay so how does this get mounted so how does this stay in here this is the question oh it goes like that how do i get it in though does this slide off or something okay learning about installing a psu here looks like it does okay it just like it slides off and then it slides back on okay so we undo this and now we have to undo all of our cables at the bottom because you didn't know but now i know and you can move where this is mounted like and it does you can 3d print it's funny they actually have a 3d printable mounting bracket like if you wanted to mount oh jeez like every cable comes off of this oh i'm really glad i spent all that time cable managing just to find out like in order to put the power supply on oh well you live in the alarm right i'm into living and learning i'm sure there's somebody's watching this going i told you but you weren't looking i guess i know okay this is gonna go like this go like this you must go like this yep it's gonna go like that there we go so there we go and then i need my psu cable a psu screws i don't think i didn't see any in here that's always interesting they usually give you some but they did not in this case i'm assuming they're in here you give me four yep looks like they gave me four okay cool cool cool cool cool cool so what we're doing right now is we're going to mount our bracket there's only two for this mounting our psu then we're going to go ahead and have all of our cables so now at least i just got to practice that's what it was i got to practice my cable control that's what we did we just practiced our cable control right guys that's all it was just practice actually looks like this can actually fit more and try not that i need it but i mean if i can put more screws in why not put all the screws in you know i can put you put six screws in just put all the screws in we want mad screws you want to screw everything wait that didn't sound right maximum screwing that also doesn't come out right i'm screwing with confidence guys i'm screwing with confidence i'm confidently mounting this ruby attack fan on the other side on the other side of what the fan is out pushing towards the front oh do you want to oh you say go and have it go to the back oh have it blow out of the case son of a biscuit either okay yeah well with six screws i guess you're right that's a good call luckily i only put in four screws i screwed confidently wrong fine you caught me but i'm gonna unscrew i'm unscrewing with confidence now guys unscrew with confidence thank you for helping me catch that guys we have to be i think we we have to have unlocked hype train so if we want to unlock and unlock that last giveaway where are we at on lights let's start that first yeah screwing okay screwing things wrong as long as you do it with confidence that's right 566 come on guys 44 more likes and we'll do that giveaway also we are we are in the hype train zone so if you guys want to unlock that last hype train and unlock that nvme giveaway you can also do that as well that is also available um we have to get both we have to get both the way that that works is all you got to do is drop subs bits and that's unlocks hype train and then from there uh we uh we do that nvme giveaway but you guys just gotta let's go drop it there we go get it can i get my i will get it you know what i will get a dad joke here in a minute i did not bring them out i will get one here in a minute just to get my thing i would love to brighten your day oh thanks up utp appreciate it come on guys uh those those amazon prime those free amazon prime subs also count all that stuff counts unlock it just come over such where we take unlock that so we can give this uh get this nvme away okay two more screws we're gonna do it oh nice toad they are they are all there it's intake to it's basically pulls air through the case from the bottom okay there we go now all of our fans are in the place is in the right way now let's get this oh let's get our let's get our cables on that we need it's not yeah you got to subscribe on it's not on youtube guys it's uh subscribing on twitch come on guys drop those bits let's get them let's drop those somebody just we just do a gifted sub thing all that sort of stuff we'll get it and unlock it let's see if we can do see if we can get it going here let's finish the friday let's finish the week off strong i can get a 27 one to go with i would recommend it 37 for sure 30 70 for sure okay there we go okay there we go we got that now what we need is our gpu one this is our cpu one yeah it's a fully modular power supply what happened to the mic what happened oh no i don't know what happened hold on guys what happened there oh good no no no nope nope nope defined better okay okay hold on let's just check the cables here does that sound worst robot yep you sound great they're like i don't know what's going on um all i can do i don't know what else to do guys it's all been fine up until right now um i can reset this okay i'm back again there's no battery the batteries are all full guys the batteries are all full everything is good nope okay okay hold on one more thing i'm gonna do this hold on there goes testing okay let's turn this down how about that is that better and hello oh there it goes oh i had it plugged in the wrong one sorry guys is that better my wait okay that's what is going on it's just being weird okay i'm fine now okay i'm back i'm back i'm back i'm back i'm back i forgot to okay it's back everything's fine gremlins just like gremlins got in there um did we did we okay we're getting some subscriptions we need to unlock that uh we need to unlock the uh last part guys we're really close so let me find do they have a dual one no they don't that's unfortunate okay all right i have a set do i have a sata plugged in okay door i need a this sata okay that's 606 likes yay we've unlocked the giveaway let's do the giveaway now guys okay first giveaway this is for youtube this is for the 600 likes this is three months of game pass ultimate thank you very much fernando okay giveaways this is for three months of a game pass ultimate you guys getting that we're gonna start that youtube thing now and then let's see if we get the height stream going at the same time starting that giveaway right now awesome good job youtube good job youtube good job guys there's peripherals and then we need our gpus of which they didn't give me a dual one so you gotta do two which is sucks but is what it is okay look i have two of these packs first giveaway going guys now okay we basically have to fill like every slot on this uh this power supply unfortunately we're gonna have we're gonna have a lot of cables to figure out how to manage here pretty soon here i think there's i think i only have one cable that i didn't use awesome okay here's all of our cables now we have all sorts of things to run this one we want to separate because this one's actually going to go down the rest of these can go in here white cable why do pcs have so many cables jeez um cables why do you have to have so many cables pcs why i gotta have so many cables i can have less cables yeah there we go i just need to get that screwed in okay okay psu's in finally [Music] there we go okay i could have done that at the beginning i guess but now we gotta figure out how to get all of our this is the this use usually when we're at this point it's like usually like oh we're almost done but this one not so much because we got a lot of cables to figure out here okay make sure this looks pretty you know that's important that's important to us making sure the pc looks pretty okay that goes in there we're now nearing nearing the place where we can uh actually get things done okay now we have i think this is perfect i think we should just leave it like this i think that looks very pretty don't you guys agree it's like yeah perfect it's just it's it's it's the most beautiful thing i've ever seen how could i be so lucky where did that cable come from oh that oh because it just got listed i think i think if we just left it like that we're uh we're going there um and then yeah i think that's perfectly cable i think that's perfectly cable cable managed so there's my build it's good to go we're we're good to go okay picking our winner now congratulations to bam c bam c you are the winner of the uh you are the winner of the uh three months of game pass ultimate so if you want to reach out to blondie she'll hook you up and then let's start that hyped oh level hype train's going let's do it guys hype train is on the move gosh darn it yeah now i just gotta figure this like one cable got all twisted this is always the joy like when you have to like undo like i got to usually i like the cable manage as i build but this is the thing about sff power supplies is like you don't always get the option so now i'm trying to find all my cables that were not supposed to be okay there we go that's up here all right now we're going to do is we're going to push this one which doesn't which actually goes down i just need one cable here oh this crud yeah let's do it to get this out of the way all right a little bit at a time this is gonna go right here so i got one cable hooked up there we go make sure by the way i'll always tell you oh hey guys okay so we have two minutes left one minute 47 seconds if we do not get both and we do not unlock that giveaway we've ne yeah we've never failed the hype train thing i don't know if this is going to be the first one but somebody's just got to drop there we go there's some bits right there just a little bit of bits but we have a minute 34 seconds to unlock that hype train guys there's a little bit of bits right there let's let's go uh switch to over it is an overhead we're going to switch right there i want to see if we can finish this hype train guys come on one minute and 30 seconds it'll happen come on twitch you can do it okay let us get i think what i'm gonna do now is i'm really gonna kind of get to the point where all my cables are plugged in and then i'm gonna worry about controlling this chaos here so this we'll go up here like so plugged in there we go there we go there's a there's a there's there's one drop right there you guys have yet to fail it now come on it's like stuck in this there you go okay there we go okay so power is now in okay so there's that one let's find this is pcie this this is not not as important right now we want these so we'll pull these out here's the ones that we'll do later oh cpu that's what i was looking for but this is gonna go up here and it's gotta be i gotta route it it's gotta it's not the law it's not the longest cable okay there we go just long enough awesome i was a little worried about that again still i think the best way to get this but it looks like it should be okay from here okay okay there's that one okay what else do we have we gotta plug in this which is our one but these i don't need these are all for that okay everything else what is this oh this just got unplugged easy fix okay okay all of our cables are now back under control somewhat we'll get them into their little slings here in a second once i finish this little process here that is all that's for that i just need to find the one sata and get the sata plugged in here it is right here okay so the easiest way to get to the sata is can i get that cable back there that's what i want okay can i get this cable to go back i want like one cable to be back there and the rest of them will go okay let's see if i can do it with this okay what are you doing where are you going where you going come back here cable want one sata there we go so we can have okay now we have power to our aio it's down below so we're good there okay now we can worry about routing but now we have all of these big boss-like controller things here and i want to get them kind of under control here uh this is going to be oh what are we at level four okay i don't know i guess you i guess you guys are right i did i shouldn't i shouldn't have to worry about this you guys you guys always do this okay so let's get let's start let's start up here and push everything down so let's find our cable stuff here i have it all here and where's our okay there's that and then where's the other part of it okay there it is it's attached okay going to top down again now what we do is we slowly work i'm making this all pretty again and then do it all the problem is is that like the little cable i need here is like stuck um there it is okay okay got it okay here we go shoot now that's really stuck down there okay okay now we have quorum it's essentially what i was looking for now i can do this this does not go this way this goes i want all of these cables that are not supposed to go okay these all get routed up here okay got one set of routed cables done brutal but done okay so those are re-controlled re-controlled again and we're now gone okay so now for the next ones which is this one right here which it actually looks like this one is actually not stuck like the other one was gotta get all my cables out here crud and onto this into this thing okay a couple more here's my there you go okay got it sir all right come on okay level five two oh we're done okay nevermind i don't even know why i bothered i was like looking up i was like oh i forgot about hype train but you guys just basically took care of it all oh crud i forgot to put this one in there son of a okay i'm gonna have to pull there we go okay this is gonna have to go on this side and one cable that did not get put in there i have to do this one more time ah sff aw small form factor oh how i've missed you and by i missed you i miss you but you your cable management is always beastly come on baby are you being a pain there we go okay now we have every cable in the right place and now we can actually cable manage all right there we go okay that is in now i have this then i just got to get this one on the side oh no no no no cute thing i didn't want to have haven't just happened okay what i'm doing right now guys is just as an fyi as i'm trying to get this one right here just zip around then all of these cables will be clean and in the right place that is what i'm working on and i'm so close like the power supply those thing thank you very much guys okay let's do that last giveaway this sorry there's still one more giveaway after this there we go look at that look at that that's a good time now we have it all kind of in the right spot i'm gonna do another zip tie right here kind of clean this up i like it when a good plane comes together and then let's do this giveaway for a 256 gig nvme ssd from western digital it's a big shout out to them for sponsoring that uh and then big shout out to twitch for bringing it bringing it in like a boss we're 82 subs now you guys you guys are bosses okay there we go wow that's look how much better that looks okay cool let me uh do that one so let me set the last goal sub goal we're 82 let me just make sure we are at 83 okay sub goal uh hold on sub goal end goal this is for 150 new gift card we are need 100 we're at 83. there we go start okay now let's do our giveaway uh giveaways this is for a 256 uh nvme ssd if it is worldwide but uh in in the case of in the case of uh if you are international we just give you a we give you a gift card so you can get one well the gift card value okay there we go saving that and starting that giveaway right now boom there you go okay so we got our gpu cables ready to go here now we're going to do we're going to figure out how to get these all clumped together this is like the the last final frontier is right here and we have these big old big ol things right here for doing this so figure this out here you want to start with a left one but i got to find it here it's hidden from me there it is no it's not hidden for me i found it okay so what do i do i think you i think you have to go do you go up at it is that what it is here if you go straight across here like what is this i'm gonna figure out how this works here so you okay yeah you want to go straight across and in okay so i'm going to the side camera real quick now let me give you guys a little bit more light so you can see what i'm working on working on we're just what we're doing right now is the last cable management solution there we go so what we're doing is there's a cable there's a cable management there's cable management solutions i just got to get one of them through this little slot right here it's going to happen here it came out which is oh there it goes perfect okay so there we go and now i've got that one now i'm going to do is get the other one through there as well this will allow us to do the last bit of cable management and then all we got to do is put in a gpu that's all that's left okay cool got it wow that that i was really worried about but it went better than i thought okay cool now now we do this we need to make sure that these do not get on the fans that is the key part here so we're going to run this these are going to go up so run this across both of them here this is like and it needs to get classed on something here what does it get classified as a question i think i'm gonna be able to get it all the way through there i think it's supposed to but maybe i was like oh why did they make these so loose but now i know there you go there's one on that one okay i think this other one i'm gonna have to there's not a lot of room here for the tubes and stuff which i think somebody was telling me about a little earlier they were of the same concern using curl that is all our psu stuff right here i feel like i almost want the tubes on the other side but i don't think there's a way to do that not realistically to have the tubes be not trapped back here this is stuck in like stuck in something that's keeping it from being able to move well i guess actually looks okay it hides all the tubes so the tubes actually look a little bit cleaner but i just want them off of the there we go there we go no that's not going to hold okay i think we're going to be zip tying here i don't think this is going to hold like what i'd like to have had it hold but okay okay zip ties are gonna definitely have to be employed here long old zip ties i don't know if i'm going to zip tie this even i need to get this off of here almost like these need to come through on the other side but this is like stuck on this thing okay that's not gonna work okay sorry guys figuring this out let's uh oh we already picked the winner okay we're working on right now is i got tubes that i need to get this is stuck on this okay this is like stuck on something like what is this is this plugged into that i can't what's this okay it's actually plugged into something like it's like trapped okay something's plugged in back here this is get our tubes on the other side here wow this is uh this is an interesting process here okay there we go those are out there we go okay now that's what i can do to get these we're under control here okay this is gonna go back here and plug into this now okay so now we have our i o back plugged in again okay these can go back here okay i get that out of the way now i'm gonna get this all clumped up get that clumped up then i'm done and this will look better i'm trying to figure out how to do that though okay okay close guys close to figuring this out it's not going to hold is it as nice as that is that would be perfect oh i see i can just do it up there okay this is why you want like like usually when i'll do builds like this i'll do it or call i'll do like i'll order like the perfectly length cables so that way you can like have them all managed and so that way it doesn't like the problem is i just have a bunch of excess cable here and that excess cable is just it's getting unmanageable here i don't even know how to fix it is the problem okay i don't it's it's too big for zip ties and it's too it's like a massive clump here okay pc is streaming built for me yeah it's be it's a stream deal for myself what are you letting me know sorry guys i wasn't paying attention i'm trying to figure out some some solution here cut and solder yeah oh i didn't start okay i'll do it again did we wait did okay looks like she's restarted it guys so what did what wait hold on hold on close it cancel and canceling on i'm gonna i'm let me make sure that settings are right it's not youtube that's why okay guys it's twitch the entry is twitch we're restarting that starting that giveaway now it's exclamation point twitch i started i man if i can do it with where are those really massive with these i wonder if the right solution might be guys is actually to get this down i think i can do that yeah let's do this i have an idea which i'll make this a little bit easier undo this and see if we can give myself a little bit more room which would help i'm trying to see anything holding it tight right maybe anything holding it tight really no there we go okay that's just looking for okay now i can get back here and start compressing the crap out of these freaking cables there we go i have way more room now let me do them in little groups here let's use these okay we're gonna start doing is we're gonna slowly start getting these now we can now have room okay i don't want to touch okay i can get one right through there there we go now we're starting to make progress ladies and gentlemen now can i get this to where i can use the actual thing they gave me get these kind of around what is up with this so so you can actually use like this little lever thing if i wanted to but i wonder if you can i don't know if there's another way to make this lever thing work because it doesn't have any grip on the other side i think it wants you to do like pull through in some way but how you do that i don't know and then it's all going to be behind i'm going to put these like i don't want that up there this is tight as i can get it not the prettiest down here i want pretty i want pretty we're gonna make it pretty freeze we can anyway congratulations guys we're getting super close we still have the last giveaway which is a 150 or sorry 100 we only have a hundred bucks right now we're 14 subs away from getting that 150 bucks is anybody going to be the hero are you going to be the hero baby gosh darn it ruby it's like the second time i've like put this zip tie on backwards okay [Music] okay that'll clean that up in the back now we have much cleaner look in the back now trying to figure out how to i wish i could make this i want this to be in the right spot but so you can just run it through here and that works and enough to let it stick [Music] there we go okay there you go it's actually controlled now i feel like i'm not using those i'm not using those um i feel like i'm not using those zip tie things in the right way but it actually looks nice so looks like it's held by him which is great let's see how it looks with the aio back on and if it hits the should not hit let's see it's got no it looks like it's got plenty of clearance let's see the fans are popped out but that's easy to fix oops okay so no nothing's the fans aren't hitting anything this won't this won't hit anything either because this will be like this and then that we got plenty of tube movement these are going to be like this more than likely these are going to be like this which is fine because these are going to come up above and block that so these will be like this which would be fine you won't really see much of anything else okay well it's pretty close to managed so let's get our gpu in and then we'll we'll be in good shape and we can see how it looks afterwards okay let's get our gpu in [Music] close guys close finally thank you very much for the 17 almost 2 000 people who are hanging out and making it last today i know this like this one was like i lost interactivity here for a little bit but thinking through the setup for this was a little bit more problematic than i expected but just at the three hour mark and we're just about finished with the build i'm gonna put our gpu in and call it a day well and turn it on you know all that stuff and we got quite a bit of clearance on the fan which is good a little worried about that but we got no no issues there okay those are out of the way okay next up let's grab our 2060 super right here you guys ready it's been a while i don't think i don't think i've ever actually opened i think i've opened a lot of 2060s but never a founder's edition it's the first founders edition i've actually ever used in uh of the 2060 variety so i always like these cards oh there we go oh it's so tiny so tiny look at that little tiny little tiny tiny tin little tiny boy there we go 2060 super ready to go what announcement did i miss i'm not looking at chat right now so don't do the announcement again when i'm not looking at chat there you go okay here we go last one here's here's your peel did you love this it's appealing oh there we go okay let's get this in there we go go to top down so again we're figuring out what we got here so we got this that's got to go like this these hoses are going to go like that there we go okay now we got that it's going to screw it in oh the back oh i only needed one son of a biscuit that's good to know i thought i needed two but i didn't i only needed one power uh gpu cable and now removing that's going to be a giant pain in the butt so we'll figure that out here in a minute there you go one more cable one more keek thing it'll be easier to look it'll be easier looking on the eyes that's for sure okay gpus in no i don't think these are actually let me see how hard these are to get out i think this one is just gonna have to get this is our another fana okay these are fans for the top i wish i would have known that because now i have this like beautifully cable managed mess back here so what i'm going to do is because if i ever upgrade this i'll have both so i'm going to put this down like that i'm gonna do is take this pcie cable like this and get plugged in real quick see you later maddie we're so close maddie we're so close i'll miss you no matty don't leave me maddie don't leave me it's okay he can leave me i get it it's 1am it's late i was supposed to have this i was supposed to stream at 6. it became 6 30 and then it became seven so i apologize guys but we have the right build now which is cool okay now what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna cable manage this last little bit right here which goes right here and we'll have all of our cables done i wonder if i can put a single cable comb work on that after i get this zip tied one more zip tie is all i need it sounds like neil diamond zip tie is all i need i got to think of a neil what's a good nail a diamond song um i don't know but it's like it i got a very neil diamond vibe when i started saying that okay there we go what's the neil diamond song real quick guys okay so we are literally like everything is plugged in now everything is cable managed i'm gonna see if i can get a single cable comb on one four pin cable comb on here just to keep it clean looking sweet care light yeah sweet cable ties cable management's never felt so good so good so good so good sweet cable ties dun dun i don't know crackling rose i just know sweet carolina i think that's the only neil diamond son he wasn't even like a one-hit wonder just kidding somebody's probably mad now did i see what there's like some hardcore neil diamond fan now who's gonna like hate me because i'm like he sing fifty thousand award-winning songs i'm gonna like get like hate mail now they're not gonna verify me because i didn't wasn't nice to neil diamond okay let's uh let's get that back there okay i was able to get a cable comb on guys actually it's starting to make this look better one more cable come luckily i have cable combs abound cable calls abound okay there we go okay cable combs are in makes the build look nicer there we go there we go i think that looks pretty good and we still have one cable to do but that's what it looks like from the front there you go i think that looks pretty good pretty good roby pretty good looks uh looks clean sweet cable ties cable cable management never felt so good so good so good okay now you do not need this this is just extra okay now what we need to do is we just need to quickly because we still have one more thing that goes on the top here which connects to these bad boys so so i definitely do i definitely probably did not want to do what i did here [Music] i did not want to unz i'm going to zip tie these back together because these just did not want to be unzip tied keeping them tight there we go one more zip tie in the back then we can hook up our last fan cables and the build is officially done mine is turning it on of course looks pretty clean actually cleaner than i i knew i'd get it clean i knew i'd get it clean but still i always always like it when it comes out clean okay now there's that one one more here there you go fan separators are in there's any more hidden cables right like that's that's it okay and that actually has cable guards okay there we go guys looks good nice and clean i know you guys can't see so why don't i do this you guys can kind of just see how kind of clean it came out the power supply is there so there you go so now you can see how clean it actually is very clean inside there's from the bottom it'll all get lit up so it looks like looks nice and clean yeah it just took some time okay that took some time but let's get our let's get the rest of the box put together now we do have where's the front oh it's up here let's uh i'm just walked in a circle guys sorry about that okay let's this is the back here oh that's the back there no maybe that's the front okay this must be the back so we have the tempered glass panel too okay so this is the back there we go okay now grab our front that lock do you have to pull it no yeah okay okay that stuff comes off with that i'm curious okay there we go front is on i love tool-less like tool-less is just so nice so nice okay last last part we turned it all on well we don't actually need to use the last part i forgot about that we'll put the tempered glass on here in a minute we're also going to have like a black border around it but yeah there'll be like a black border around it so it'll still be extra clear but it ended up coming out very clean actually making sure there's nothing touching the cables it's all good shape looks nice and clean okay let us turn it on is the question we've done all that work does it power is the question of the night right now there we go now this goes right here oh oh oh i love it when a good plane comes together there we go now remember guys the whole the the hope is is that the whole thing will be like ice blue on the inside johnny 5 is alive it does work and it's getting some light from the back so it'll be nice it'll get the blue will be nice i'm looking to see if it posts that's what we're waiting for but it is up and it posts ladies and gentlemen we did it all you have to do is go back to the subscription button and and you can change your tier if you go in there it'll show the other one it's waiting it's waiting for the post here it comes here it comes here comes there it is post baby post baby look at that what can i say ladies and gentlemen we built an entire stream pc ready to go huzzah post and good to go oh it's already got an os on it i had no idea i guess i had no s on this well i'm gonna have to wipe it because i'm gonna put the os onto the different drive i didn't even know there was an os on this hey guys there's an os on this apparently that's funny um but yeah hey um i wonder why don't we uh why don't we finish it then we'll just finish it and put it on blue uh while we're at it guys we're 13 13. oh yeah what fan is oh it's because i'm pretty sure cool the corsair stuff let me get it in yeah one fan just went out that's not i'm pretty sure there's a court there's a corsair iq is on here so let me fix that and we'll get it ice blue and it'll be completely done so let's fix that real quick man that's cool now my stream pc is actually like 100 ready to go i don't know what i must add an os on the western digital drive i didn't know that it's working everything's working that's just the light's not on which is usually an iq problem and if this there's no s on it i'm pretty sure this is a test drive so i'm gonna fix that real quick and then we'll be good to go don't worry calm down ladies and gentlemen calm down fans fine um i'm gonna go ahead and grab my little monitor here love these little portable monitors because we don't really care all that much about the greater there's usbc and there's our hdmi okay so these are this is a little portable monitor they use for like doing quick setup stuff love these things if you ever like you ever want like something these are really rad for testing keep meaning to put the links because people have asked me about them there we go okay so i got a little monitor now there's a signal come on let me lean continue okay okay here we go so yes iq is on here that's why i was getting all wacky if i do this and i go to oops oh and wait there's a bunch of stuff on here i should i'm going to end up wiping this but not a big deal we'll take care of that in a minute so we'll go to oops it is all the fans there instant lighting we want ice blue no that's not yeah there you go uh not quite that blue lighting effects um and off there we go so now it's all rainbow solid i don't know i want static color set of color and then we want nice blue there we go and there it is that's what the build's gonna look like okay and there is our finished build ready to go with its all ice blue look and good there we go guys it's funny because it doesn't like the the the camera just doesn't do it justice you know what i mean like it it's amazing how much better it looks in person um we'll have to do a little bit it's actually like i think i have like it's actually almost like a greenish blue and i want like more of a bluish blue uh you're like what he's saying there you go oops there we go there we go i want more like that more bluish blue less greenish blue there we go cool so there you go that is uh that is the completed build ready to go um and we are six away from doing that last giveaway so we'll give people a couple minutes let's go and turn off what i'll do now is uh i'll turn off what is on this drive this is like basically what is on here oh it's like prac it's empty it's like an empty drive it's just got all this setup stuff on it it's got rgb fusion on it which is great because that's actually a thing there we've got cam and all that stuff okay cool um so uh we'll turn off i'm gonna turn down the volume turn down the lights a little bit so you guys can see it a little bit better um and then um well we'll just turn it all off you guys can see the things now uh i want to take a couple minutes there you go it's all lit up and blue so it's actually very similar to the blue we have there um looks really nice i'm really happy with it um but why we got this going i'm curious i want to give you guys some chance some opportunity to ask your questions in terms of answering any questions you guys have um and then also uh also uh give you guys a little bit chance we got six what i subbed to march so it only okay so you get extra entries you get extra entries for um you get extra entries towards the giveaway but the subs you're it doesn't count there is going to be another giveaway there is one more giveaway which is the 150 new a gift card so uh which we're gonna get i'm pretty sure people are gonna do that last that last sub uh if you guys want to we can i don't think i have i can put 3d mark on it real quick if you guys want to no no you don't we're just going to do 150 new gift card so you just get 150 bucks we need six more subs though guys nice i like the lights off because i don't have to see your face what i'm pretty i'm pretty proud of my looks okay so here we go clean off the thing here we can check the thermals here if you guys want to see what the cpu and gpu temp is because in we do have nzxt installed let's throw the let's throw the last thing in here that we have to put in here get this up a little bit more there we go okay making sure that it's all a little bit more on this it's always a problem with like tempered glass panels okay now i can really hold it clean it there we go now there we go there it is okay let's see what thermals are like wow well okay well let's do that last giveaway then so right now our cpu is sitting at 50 and then our gpu is at 28. so that seems pretty good oh it's dead it's jumping down to 40. okay um you guys wanted to see what it was at let's see if i have i don't think i have steam on here no i don't okay uh yeah we're not gonna have time to run thermals guys it's already 10 30 so thank you very much for all those subscriptions guys um okay let's uh let's run let's uh turn up the lights a little bit we'll not not to ruin the mood completely but i'm super stoked about how good this build came out i'm just saying okay we'll turn it up too we'll do low there you go it's a little bit less bright that build came out so good that looks so good and it looks good from like it looks good from like all angles it looks just very clean which makes me happy it looks clean all the way around i just yeah this this came out super nice okay sorry i'm just i'm happy and it's my it's my build so that makes me that's like double happy um okay let's start the giveaway oh this is for 150 150 new a gift card okay thank you very much to the sixteen hundred people who hung out today um i don't think this was like this was a personal thing and i appreciate it this will be more for entertainment later by the way the entrance for this is new egg now but i super appreciate you guys being here and uh being here for me to do a build that has nothing to do with it yeah it and by the way guys the other thing too is like even though it's it there is no trap like there is air everywhere and it is sucking air from the bottom it's exhausting air out like there is plenty of airflow on this thing um and so yeah you really do have i am not worried about thermals on this because literally air is just being pulled through which would be good so it's i'm happy i'm i'm very happy with how this looks it came out incredible looking and uh yeah i'm excited to get this and get it set up for um get it set up just get it set up for um uh for streaming the only two i will let you know is that there is like almost three two and a half inches between the gpu and uh the the um the side panel so there's a lot of room between those two so there's not it's not like it's really all that close um just the other thing too let me uh do this and i'll give you guys like a nice side view of the whole thing while we're doing that too so we're gonna get it up on the side so you guys can see it a little bit better clean up the workspace and then you're ready for q a it's always my favorite time the end okay there we go get this put away last giveaway for the night thank you very much the giveaway is not running on twitch hold on guys i see twitch entries no the twitch hey guys so i'm going to close this i'm going to restart it it is working you guys it is showing up on twitch i'm seeing twitch entries so we're going to start that again 150 new gift card newegg now you i'm starting this now twitch entries are happening guys i do see it on the uh it is running so there you go i see youtube there's twitch so everybody's able to get in and remember twitch subs you get i don't think i've said this the whole time so i know we have a lot of new twitch subs twitch subs you get um yeah yeah so uh you twitch subs you get extra entry so if you are a tier one twitch subscriber you're getting three extra entries if you're a tier two twitch subscriber you're getting four extra entries and if you're a tier three you get five extra entries so just so you guys know that is uh that's that's how that works so x show if you're a tier if you're a higher tier sub you actually get more entries for the giveaways which is awesome that's the way it should work so sorry the bot's not showing but it is being counted you guys are good okay let's get you guys over here to the the side angle so you guys can get one more view of this uh beautiful pc that came out and how it looks there there you go there's a there's a nice side view for you look at that there that that's probably like one of the better in terms of just how it kind of came across whoa just shut off oh the light it must be going to sleep god of course i put the thing away and it shuts off so anyway all the lights went off but it was there you got to see it briefly i'll see let me see if i can do the mouse again and get it to like oh shoot i'll move the mouse come on i'm back alive why did all the lights go away oh it actually literally stopped showing lights for some reason all the lights just stopped that was weird huh reboot this real quick restart that was weird like the lights just oh there's the lights okay they're all back um 40 seconds left guys yeah it came out it does it does really look good and it's so small and compact which is also the thing that's super nice capitalization does not work it's just as long as it has the words together yeah so there's probably some updates it needs i'll tell you that that's probably something we're gonna have to deal with real quick might as well let it do that while it's sitting here oh yeah there quite a quite a few actually let that go wait for iq turn the lights blue again there we go come on iq okay okay congratulations lieutenant giant lieutenant dan junior lieutenant dan junior you are the winner of the uh you're the winner of the new egg now uh sorry the uh 150 new a gift card congratulations lieutenant dan lieutenant dan oh there goes now it's all the lights are blue again cool there we go uh there isn't well i mean one of the things that used to be there is like usually cooling cooling was a big thing but in this case the cooling is going to be fine um it's i mean there really isn't one i mean the the the big thing has just been about having power supplies that were uh having power supplies that uh gave you enough space gave you enough uh power overhead to do powerful things and then you know so it's like oh if i want to throw like a 30 80 you know 30 80 or 30 90 heaven forbid inside of something like this there wasn't sff power supplies that really had the um the head room i mean you could do an external one but if you just want it all in a box i have two this is my second small form factor build that i use personally the first one is a danny for sfx case which is why i keep saying sfx i mean that's got a 2080 super and it's 30 it's actually more powerful than this and has less room um and so uh and so it's it's another like it's a great it's a great build um and uh yeah so i need to change one thing just realized something we're gonna let this boot real quick okay and then yeah it's the other thing too is that the only other disadvantage i would say is that the um uh the the the tendency to build they have a tendency to be harder to build in like you saw like for instance what i just went through um is a lot of it was um trying to do cable management uh trying to make sure the right cable like just making it look clean just takes more time so that's the other thing too so yeah hey thanks kappa i appreciate it anything else any okay so what i'd like to do is first and foremost i want to run through my little let's let's get to uh any questions i'd like to give you guys three or four minutes of asking questions here at the end and we'll go from there is this your first sf build at bottom mount am yeah so um this is the first time i've ever built with a bottom mount aio um so this is my first sff build building that way too um and so got that all uh yeah you're welcome for that um so that this is uh again i know cooler master's done some testing for this i know this isn't uh necessarily gamer's nexus approved because of where air is in the pump but again it depends on the pump and uh of course their pumps have a tendency to have um some of the lowest amount of air to air to liquid ratio so there's less than it's like supposed to be less than two percent is if less than one percent and so um this should be fine uh what's the name of the clock that is the devo exclamation point clock i'll tell you that this is not a review build um this bill i mean it's a review of it's a review of the um in p 500 the mp500 case but this is uh going to be my streaming pc for my new game room which here let me here i'll put you guys here's the link to the new game room again i know some people missed it so here's a link to it if you guys want to give it give it a go that's the that's the room it's going in and that's why you can see it's lit the way that it's lit hey thank you very much man i appreciate that i appreciate you coming and giving me all the news so you're welcome to bunk sweet cable ties uh it is cheaper to build from scratch yes you are always going to get more bang for buck there is the closest that we've seen is nzxt build as you go higher in terms of the tier um and then there's a couple other ones the msi ones that i did a review on were pretty close in terms of cost but you are always going to get more out of building it yourself so um what's the question in an alien zero one should i go corsair or liam lee i haven't trade the gala hat i haven't got to try um but i i've heard really good things about it and so i do have one on order we will give it a try those uni fans those uni 120 fans are lit dude so if you want to do nine of those that would be great just know i think the thing that you know i have a lot of clients who ask hey can i do a zero on one dynamics build i'm like yes but you're gonna be building anywhere between 150 and 300 just on rgb fans uh in some cases and the only two as i always let you know is if you're going to build something that's very rgb heavy you want to do a good job of trying to minimize the number of um rgb applications you're going to use so i have a tendency to put asus and corsair together because you can do everything in iq if i'm going to do if i'm not going to do a corsair if i'm not going to use corsair then i'm going to do a lot of things that i can control off of the single rgb hardware rgb software that is from the motherboard so then i won't do like i won't do like asus i'll do like an aorus rs gpu with an aorus motherboard so that way i'm only using rgb fusion if that makes sense rocking the asrock rock the azerike yeah asrock is i love azeroth azeroth's a great build i mean azeroth's good mason uh phantek p500a i have not in i do have some exciting fantasy news coming up in early october which i'm really stoked about so stay tuned for that but they have not told me when the p 500 is guys honestly it's like the human malware situation is just playing hectic on people getting in shipments um what wait wait wait wait what did these wait what do you say about that desktop apus won't reach ps5 or xbox uh these hp users are highly customized not gonna be really simple yes they are not but they're they're they're still big navi chips i mean again we already have the uh 20 the 2070 the 3070 already has more uh graphical pro graphical processing power then or even the 3060 will also be more powerful than both the ps5 or the xbox one x so uh thermal test we saw we can't i can't run guys i don't i don't want to i don't i it's already late so i'm not going to run another thing but i will tell you like the thermals right now are sitting in the 40s um and i don't expect them guys headroom wise it's probably going to get up into the 50s under load maybe maybe 55. so human malware also canceled ces yeah i know i know i'm bummed and i had a good time at ces the only energy you missed is the corsair block on the h100 and a lot of people turn them up i'm trying to make a freddy phrase uh good luck okay one more uh one more uh one more one or a couple more questions guys then we're going to close it out we want to be out here by by uh by 10 45. any other questions oh my god i'm a cab driver in vegas yeah that's it is that is that a steam water bottle no it's not it's dota 2. what flight stick do you use so we're using i'm using the logitech i just bought it let me look it up i'll i'll tell you exactly what me is i'm using the logitech something where is it amazon i'm is this okay hold on it's gonna please let me just log in good i'm using the logitech ghx 56 the hodus rgb throttle so that's the one i'm using that's the one that i'm going to be using for star wars squadrons hey thank you very much that guy we'll see you later doc's on lee and lee i love liam lee cases the we just did the leanly land cool mesh two probably one of my favorite i love the dynamics it's another one um yeah yeah it's gonna be awesome i'm really excited about it as well okay guys well that is it for roby tech tonight i hope you had a really great time i hope you really enjoyed your time here i want to say thank you for all the questions i'll be learning some stuff about 3080 i hope you enjoyed the build um we will be back next week for wednesday thursday and friday and uh those will be we are starting our 3080 build series we're also going to be doing a qnap qnap we're actually going to be able to qnap mass next week as well so that should be a lot of fun um also uh just as an fyi our show is regularly here on youtube or on twitch uh on third wednesday thursday friday starting at 6 p.m um and goes until 9 or 10 sometimes we start late when things are going uh i would love to get your thoughts on this build on things that we can do to help to improve the show so let me know all that stuff down in the comments below your comments are important i read every single one of them and i try very hard to respond to them especially after a stream the next day while you're down there make sure you slap that subscribe button with that like button and ring that notification bell so we get a notification each and every time you get a notification not me you get a notification each and every time we go live so you can get things like breaking news when we do things like the 980 pro review all those sort of things you guys get to see that first and be on the cutting edge for that stuff also we have an amazing community on discord you should come hang out with if you're a new subscriber you have subscription benefits to all that sort of stuff so go hang out with us on discord we have we answer build questions we talk about games we talk about rtx and hardware availability there's uh sales all those sort of things are all covered there as well as just an amazing community that loves to hang out there's probably four or five thousand people there uh there's over four thousand i don't know how far it is hopefully soon discord partners that'll also be cool also make sure you follow me on all the social medias instagram facebook twitter and tick tock all at robytech we're all a growing super awesome growing community and i super appreciate each and every one of you who follows me hopefully we'll end up with that verified tweet verified twitter here very soon outside of that guys have a wonderful night it has been absolutely awesome have a great weekend and we will see you guys next week bye you you
Channel: Robeytech Live
Views: 46,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3600x streaming pc build, budget streaming pc build, budget streaming pc build 2020, budget streaming pc for console, budget streaming pc specs, building PC, custom PC, how to build, how to build a budget gaming pc 2020, how to build a budget streaming pc, how to build a gaming pc, how to build a pc, how to build a pc 2020 step by step, pc building, robeyetech, robeytech, robytech, streaming pc, streaming pc build, tech, technology
Id: 3njoElPzSqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 226min 2sec (13562 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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