Hardened Steel BUCKSHOT - Is this even LEGAL?

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okay i'm ready here we go oh listen to that thing welcome back talflader folks jeff and officer greg out here with you today you have seen us shoot warwolf ammo before it has to actually be said by trademark with that that intonation uh war wolf out of post falls idaho sent down some extreme penetrator buckshot we've shot a lot of extreme penetrator slugs out here you've all seen extreme penetrator handgun rounds what is extreme penetrator buckshot well they claim that it is a chromed steel um it's a .31 caliber so a little bit tinier than a standard double lock buckshot each pellet and they claim that they're well they don't claim we know that there's ten pellets in each one of these rounds here so as opposed to the typical nine or eight pellets in standard buck shot so we're going to give them a try see if they happen to match the 1750 feet per second that war wolf claims for speed we're also going to try them for penetration and see if they're any more penetrative than standard lead buck shot standard old buckshot that you buy on a store shelf so i don't know put your predictions down i didn't know you could buy steel's uh buckshot you know as you probably know here in cal unicornia every waterfowl round has to be steel now we can't shoot lead here because it evidently the it poisons the unicorns or something but steel bird shot is very common steel buckshot i don't know you think it's going to go any deeper or any farther or work any better i hope we'll find out i hope we'll find out that's kind of why we're out here i hope otherwise we're just shooting other people's ammo i have no idea you know i go into this with a an idea what it'll do but yeah well we're gonna give it a try we got a lot of various targets out here put your predictions down here first as where if you think it's going to go through then you can go back and edit it later and tell everybody how wrong you were so enough yapping let's get to it this is your extreme penetrator buckshot all right so the first one we're gonna fire is a standard double x which is double lock buckshot from winchester it's right there standard old stuff you buy on most store shelves two and three quarter inch double lot buck point three two caliber pellets 14 1450 feet per second oh so it's supposed to go a little slower yeah that's that's 1750 advertised over here yeah and i'll tell you too this feels heavier the lead one does the lead one does then the taller 0.31 caliber imagine that leads denser than steel that's right yeah so these are a little bit sub double lot buck they're one in seven eights oh don't don't start the mat i understood there would be no math okay all right we're gonna try uh lead downrange uh brandon is waiting for us downrange we're gonna start with lead and then we're gonna compare it with the steel and see what it does to soft body armor let's get to it 12.87 so we're 10 yards away jeff says about 10 yards we got all nine pellets hit brandon here on the vest all around that blue dot and from our furthest looks like this is probably our furthest deviation here we're looking at about 10 inches so it's about right 10 yards 10 inches this is one pellet that we pulled out of the kevlar it went under a layer or two but it's um it did not in any anyway go through it squished around you know like you would expect lead to do you can see the little kevlar fibers imprinted on it like a little play-doh fun factory there's the beak so it's a copper coated lead round yeah so all nine pellets hit pretty centered on that uh on the blue thing so what we're gonna do now is we're gonna fire the we're gonna we're gonna mark these out so we don't confuse them and we're going to fire the 10 um 0.31 caliber chrome steel werewolf rounds added steel buckshot okay i'm ready here we go i saw something hit the berm in the behind it it took us a minute but oh we're getting a little look at that it's like a little pinball wizard that thing is 100 percent intact no deformation whatsoever oh yeah you can see i can see my reflection oh wow it's like black mirrors oh you can't see them oh it's magnetic where my knife is it's magnetic so it was provided by the aliens so while it sits there let me show you two six of them we counted six of them that hit the vest this could be one up here in his neck we might have lost one over here on his i saw the high speed i i saw something hit the berm and i go oh it went through the vest but we had one a flyer that it came to the right a little bit so i think overall either the pattern was a little high and right or the pattern was a little bigger than double lock buck so pay no attention to this this is from old stuff but look at the back of this vest the extreme penetrator and they didn't claim that it would go through dope um soft body armor but we just wanted to show you it did not make it through yeah i had no idea and that's some thick stuff too yeah this military stuff is yeah it'll stop uh very heavy and thick incoming rockets from north korea okay that's a review what happened there here comes the lead buckshot looks like all of them hit the kevlar vest even though the dummy was wearing soft body armor it would still be very painful i watched an episode of atom12 where a gunman was wearing body armor they shot him several times with buckshot in the chest and it didn't phase him that's hollywood for you now let's compare that to the steel buckshot and immediately we see that we have a lot wider spread in fact several of the pellets completely missed the kevlar with fewer of the pellets hitting and steel being lighter than lead we have less energy transfer and in this case the dummy did not fall over just from the impact but it would still leave some bruises okay we set up three jugs full of green water everybody knows that green water is denser than any other color water so we're gonna fire this double lot buck hey careful people don't understand when someone's telling a joke people will believe it yeah i got to put a disclaimer in there you guys that's a blues that's a blue plus and not an orange triangle that's not actually green yeah that wasn't uh beavis that was uh that actually looked like homer simpson okay anyway so uh double up buck lead double lock buck standard old double lock book we're gonna fire it through the three green jugs we have a little witness board back here who looks kind of worried actually he was from a previous video but that's gonna capture whatever might pass through these three jugs we moved it a lot closer to you know so we'll have a tighter pattern yeah we're only about uh say seven yards maybe yeah so our pattern should still stay roughly the size of these green jugs and then we'll see if we can bust through all three of them and if anything prints back here and then we'll try the exact same test with different color water and some steel rounds every bit of the double up buck went through i'm not even sure which one was in front you guys could probably tell but these things got annihilated and we counted i think six or seven double up buck pellets hit down here the shot was a little low so they could have hit and struck down here i don't know but and i saw a couple low it doesn't really matter because they all went through three jugs of water and still made it to our very surprise if it goes through three jugs of water it's gonna go through the walls of your house too right oh yeah everything goes through walls if you want to know anything about shooting through the walls of your house swing by og's danger show where we have a video about shooting birdshot through the walls of your house that's right cross promotion little little shameless plug there of course all right let's give it a try though with some steel and uh pretty sure even though they're lighter and smaller pretty sure the steel's gonna bust through three well we can't predict that i i it's my prediction oh okay we have red water though everybody knows that red water is lighter and not as dense as green water so let's give it a try and see if there's any difference slightly lighter recoil and the table didn't fall over the table didn't fall over that time did not fall over but that's important clue you know it's how much energy is hitting it exactly if a round passes through everything super fast and penetrates very well it's usually not going to dump a lot of energy here and knock over a bunch of [ __ ] downrange it's going to fly on through or it's just the lead has a lot more energy and it's dissipating you know the energy into the jugs and causing the table to pull over and obviously we busted up three of the jugs again passed right through and then our little witness guy back here i just counted there's a couple little doubles here but all 10 pellets made it onto our cardboard here so the group held pretty tight basically like my splayed out dainty palm yep so um i don't know was that scientific or not i think so everything made it through three water jugs yeah in our test with the lead buckshot all but one impacted the jugs we still had a pretty tight spread and a lot of energy transfer enough to knock the table over here comes the steel buckshot looks like all but two impacted you look on the left you can see a couple that kind of barely missed but so far we don't see any major difference between steel and lead this is a stainless steel you said it's about an eighth of an inch thick yes this is the actually the nose cone of an f-18 um i don't know why we have a bear here but why not have a bear here yeah so what we're gonna do is shoot the double lock buck the lead double lock buck at it first and see what it does as far as penetrating i don't think anything's gonna penetrate and then of course we're gonna fire the steel versus stainless steel flip it around round yeah you might notice here that nothing here is a flat surface so we don't know where they're all going to go we've placed it a safe distance away from our table because everything that hits is going to splatter off in different directions and so yeah safety listen to that thing and i was wrong it didn't kick it way back [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah three out of nine pellets roughly one-third of the pellets get this uh hit this f-18 nose cone made like jeff said a little dense did not in any way come close to punching through barely made a bulge on the back side of this stainless steel and then don't cut your fingers on the inside no it's very rough freaking sharp it's like reaching inside of a salad grater if you look down here on this surface look at this where they did splatter they left all kinds of oh yeah look at that not the dirt but look at the little uh how that splattering dented that yeah that's interesting okay now we'll flip it 180 degrees around so we have a fresh side it's not compromised right oh yeah it's not compromised perfectly clean side let's put some steel against it all right steel steel versus steel remington steel that's a good thing [Music] [Music] we had five impacts instead of three so that's better five out of the ten balls that came down here is almost fifty percent um you can see they left real shiny little uh little dents but check that guy out i actually had to double check and make sure this wasn't a pre-hole pre-drilled hole yeah from the nose cone but no that was punched in there by the war wolf round wow right through so mainly the dents hit a lot harder than the lead one than the lead impacts did and one of them made it straight through and let's we're finally able to show some kind of difference right yeah the honey badger appears to be uninjured so it missed her completely but there's nothing really to report inside here little dent marks inside so uh i don't know that was pretty impressive though yeah finally finally a big difference in something cool with the war wolf and i don't know if you guys saw it before but it came out in the 1200 feet per second so quite a bit slower than uh warwolf advertises at uh 1750 so that's to be expected with anybody that makes ammo but the the winchesters are also reading low yeah a couple hundred feet per second low too and those of you who know ammo know that everybody who makes ammo over predicts what their ammo is going to do they usually shoot it out of a 28 inch shotgun barrel so they get the maximum velocity and then they print that on the box you're shooting it out of an 18-inch tactical shotgun there's no way it's coming close so okay that's good i'm glad you explained that yeah don't get that you're going to cut yourself with that head up stop it on the safety dance you've all seen the 30 pound lead plate cast by danny himself and what what is that stop it a fan favorite the lead plate everybody likes to see what rounds are going to do against the lid we need to shoot regular things at it like maybe a 9 millimeter too i have that with me all right so everybody's kind of curious as to how these rounds uh compare even to like a pistol round we happen to have a nine millimeter glock 17 out here with me today that was stuck to my hip when i arrived and we're shooting out of it some spear gold dots i think that's what yeah spear gold dots yeah people we shoot the light play with 12 gauge slugs but we penetrate the dang thing and i would like to see and viewers like to see what a just a nine millimeter does to it or something else you know we then i shall help accommodate okay we're using just because everybody's gonna be curious a little hollow sun 507c red dot on top standard old nine millimeter out of uh what is that four inch barrel i think let's uh see what it does against the lead and then we're gonna follow that up with double up buck and steel warwolf [Music] 11 63. uh nine millimeter round actually kind of punched a little deeper hole than i thought that did didn't expect it to go that deep so we're going to use that just as a comparison now we're going to put some double up buck on this thing and some steel war wolf seven out of nine of those pellets hit our lead plate here barely on some of these edges here and how that one missed the steel holder and hit the lead i don't know you see the nine millimeter round here actually i was a little surprised myself that the double lock buck rounds didn't penetrate or didn't dig as deep as the nine millimeter round did they're lighter and then they are traveling faster they're traveling faster though but yeah get a little higher reading on that one 13.32 caliber versus 0.38 i think we're on a nine millimeter what we are finding all over the front of this target out here on the ground are these little tiny bits of copper jacket because each of those winchester rounds they're not just a standard that's from the dublot buck you know it's copper plated whatever that does so they're fancy they're they're double up buck dressed up for a party yeah they just uh winchester thinks that's gonna keep them from deforming as they fly down them i don't know but we got seven i think seven one two three four five six maybe six cause that's a nine millimeter round yeah so i'm just going to mark these out just so we don't confuse them let's go ahead and put some uh let's go ahead and put our balls out here on this other plate our shiny one that doesn't sound right no it doesn't sorry nothing about this video sounds right if you wanted something that sounds right you click over to another show right now let's go ahead and put our steel balls right here on this uh on this plate and see how far and how many will hit and how far how deep they'll go now getting hit with one nine millimeter bullet would be pretty bad but getting hit with multiple impacts from double lock buckshot i think that would uh ruin your week 1507. that's the fastest one so far yeah it was so i think we got what five five strikes on st on uh i don't know can you count i don't i can't count we have one two three four and five okay one you get five strikes out of ten that's almost fifty percent and you can tell if you zoom in on these you can tell they look a little different than the the ones done by the double lock button yeah very deep they're very deep they're very shiny and where they hit all on their own they make a much smaller hole than the big yeah because they don't expand yeah we found we did four or five of them on the ground here right in front of your left toe right there in front another one yeah about to bite you yeah we found a bunch of them out here on the uh well not on the table we've collected them on the table that doesn't work yeah you can see yourself in that i know see your future in there if you look real close but what we're going to do is check that this this is a calibrated paper mate ink pen did you know that unfortunately it's calibrated in metric systems oh okay but you guys can that's about how deep that is the uh that is a scientific mark right there how deep those rounds went okay it's about [Applause] but three quarters of an inch maybe take a look at this this is kind of cool too and this is a tfm first you can tell our angle iron that's been out here for years this time it got struck here a little one it took a good center hit right there and made a nice little deep it's quarter inch thick angle iron yeah which is almost a fourth yeah and then look at that little thing right there little flower it's all d d color or discolored whatever yeah d colored and discolored peach discolored your lead plate looks like freaking swiss cheese out here now yeah it looks like the moon but they made they made some pretty uh some pretty cool little impacts in there yeah definitely deeper harder material it's lighter than lead yes so we have kind of proven i guess if you'd say in a hillbilly ditch bank sort of way we've proven that these do penetrate deeper than double up buck the typical buck what do they say they say the lead doesn't lie oh that's right i have heard that somewhere before okay yeah authorities believe that lead doesn't lie but what we do know is these balls went deep come on we can't pass that one up ball's deep that's a good that's a that's a joke for the ages okay all right well that's it i think that's it that's it the sun's going down uh no it isn't well it's actually going down it's just not down uh we're gonna wrap it up though we appreciate you guys watching this the werewolf ammo although maybe didn't live up to its claims 100 still impressive it none of our chrono readings were anywhere close to the 1750 that they got up to about set 1500 15. yeah that last one was 15. but remember those ammo manufacturers test in a longer barrel so they get bigger numbers we're shooting it out of an 18-inch tactical barrel so we're not we're not 100 fairs these pharisees across the board anyway but yeah it was it was some fairly impressive ammo if you're looking for this kind of thing that's maybe that's your deal you need to punch through eighth inch stainless steel pipe you know people do from time to time i've many times i've needed to like drill a hole in it and stainless and that would be perfect for it if you're missing a drill or your drill battery's gone dead and you're like hey i know what i'll just bring my shotgun out to the garage and fire around through my quarter inch steel pipe yes anyway we appreciate you guys watching this do not try this at home we are not what you call experts so um we thank you guys for watching and i'm gonna step out of this mud puddle we're gonna clean up this site yeah look at that oh isn't it we usually save the water test for last that's what happens we're going to scoop some of this up and mail it to the patreon patreon dodge all right thank you guys for watching we'll see you on the next video calibrated and here it comes wamo hey i hope you enjoyed the video and you got to learn the differences between lead buckshot and steel buckshot today now to be honest i don't know what the applications of this hardened steel buckshot is if you have an idea let us know thank you for watching and thank you everyone who donates blood calibrated
Views: 425,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 12 ga. buckshot, shotgun, exotic, high speed camera, smartereveryday, demoranch, physics
Id: JlhCoHcePN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 52sec (1312 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 06 2021
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