5 Ways To Make Long Distance Relationships Work

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hey hey tony gaskins here now this shirt should be under the video or on tonygaskinstore.com i want to pop in and talk to you about five ways to make a long distance relationship work this question has been coming to me on my instagram make sure you read those q and a's that i try to do almost every day on my instagram story but i get so many questions about long-distance relationships and i was going to do a video on it the other week and it went somewhere totally different but this one this is going to be concise and about making a long-distance relationship work because of online dating and social media long-distance relationships are becoming more of a theme i express my views on it not a fan of it if you can avoid it but if you can't then i get it now first let me help you understand that in order for a long-distance relationship to work the man and the woman have to be special individuals if there is any deviation in the personality if there's any perversion if there's any toxicity if there is any promiscuity anything to where one of you were exposed to sex at a young age and you kind of became promiscuous or loose this long-distance relationship is not gonna work unfortunately i hate to break it to you it's not gonna work because you don't have enough physical touch you don't have enough in-person chemistry you don't get to see each other enough be with each other enough it's just not gonna work it's it's you have to make a move quickly but let's let's get on into it now i need you to understand when you are long distance you first have to make sure that you have daily daily communication that's number one daily communication skipping a day is not okay ever it's never okay to skip a day of communication when you are in a long distance relationship and it needs to be face time communication it needs to be face time not just cell phone it needs to be skype face time something on video daily and if you only get to do the face time for 15 minutes and then you on the phone for an hour then great but the goal is one hour of communication every day if you have to break it up into 15 minute increments okay half hour increments okay if you can do an hour straight that's great like before bed that's great if you're not on the same time zone then that's going to be a little difficult but the reason why you need to communicate daily is because that strengthens the relationship it builds your relationship it keeps you in touch it keeps you intact and it decreases the chances of the mind wandering and hope being open to other conversation and communication from other people that's in your city with you because when you are long distance it is extremely easy to run into somebody at the gym and an innocent conversation strikes up and then you continue to have these innocent com innocent conversations and it turns into one thing to the next and it literally goes from just talking at the gym to hey i picked something up for you um because what we were talking about and i'm gonna swing i'll swing your bike to your house because i'm not gonna be at the gym for a few days so i'll swing by your house and then you're like okay cool well here's my dress i live over sudden such and you feel comfortable because you've been talking to this man or woman for like a month every time y'all bump into each other at the smoothie bar at the gym and so they swing by and next thing you know they knock on the door like and he's standing there talking y'all talking like 15 minutes about the the little gadget that he picked up and you like just step in for a second you know and it's cool do you need any water or anything he sit down on the couch next thing you know your man out here in another state or your woman in another state and now you got somebody at your house or even if you go outside and you talking but y'all talking for 15 20 minutes you say you know let me sit down real quick because it's something i want to tell you because this is a really crazy story let me share this story with you and you talking the next thing you know boom he leaned in for a kiss this happens every single day when you're in a long distance relationship but you meet somebody in person actually just last night i think it was a lady wrote in if you don't believe me a lady wrote in and she said i'm in love with someone long distance but the man near me in my city is doing everything right so it's like and and the lady she looked classy like she looked classy she got the you know the hairstyle from the movie to help you know got the classy little hairstyle to come down up under your ear you know she ain't got no nothing all you know extravagant and wild or attention seeking she looked like a school teacher just classy put together and then here she is cheating because got the man long distance that she say she in love with can't be in love with somebody if y'all ain't got some kind of something going on and then but got a man in person courting her say he doing everything right so she juggling her two men not for men in long-distance relationship that's natural that's normal that that's that's normal to have a woman in his city and then his woman that's back home that's that's nine out of 10 men that's not out of 10 million i hate i hate to tell you all that but listen if you so gung-ho and you set on making this thing work this i want to give you the tips to help make it work these are non-negotiable you got to communicate every day the only way you're not communicating daily is if he is which we didn't come out of afghanistan now but if he was over there and he on the base and he and stuff is is really going on god bless everything that's going on over there lord i'm praying for y'all over there god bless you but if things could get intense if he on a submarine and they under the water and it's not his night to use the transmitter phone that's different okay but other than that every single day y'all supposed to be communicating at least an hour a day and you have to get to that point now the other thing what you want to do number two is be creative be creative now one thing about these hill teachers these are online instagram pages that's for loving relationships they watch them my videos and they using all my teachings on they for their instagram content yeah i'll see y'all y'all see y'all yeah go on put my name on there go and put my name on there this cuz i'm making this stuff up don't put my name on there thank you stop stealing for your business crash so you wanna be creative now what i mean by this be creative is every week y'all should write a handwritten letter instead of just talking on the phone an hour a day write a handwritten letter every paycheck y'all both should take a percentage of your paycheck it can be five percent ten percent or it could be an amount that you agree on and you say hey less every paycheck let's send each other a thoughtful gift that is no more than twenty five dollars fifty dollars what do you say about that now if you with somebody that's frugal oh that's a lot of money do you know if you put that amount of money in an etf at the age of 65 you'll be a millionaire so why would we send a gift like what is a gift it's like okay now you see you might have a long relationship this person you want to be with that's that frugal you can't cut the crust cut the edges off your bread off what are you doing that could feed a whole village and you cutting the edges off your bread you know how much bread you're wasting i'll say that because my wife had me cut the edges off her bread and then she do the same thing for our sons because that's how she eat it i tell them edges up on that bread and so so now this this little telling wow mr frugal mrs frugal it's like oh my goodness it's oh my goodness and so this this creativity handwritten letter now what you could do which we'll talk about this um no this that'll be frustrating handwritten letter and then choose a day out of the month it could be a different day or it could be the same day if you want the person to have something to look forward to and you send a four nothing gift y'all agree because what'll happen is one person will be doing all the loving if you don't agree on this one person will be doing all the loving and it'll be the man keep doing doing doing doing for the woman and the woman ain't doing nothing for the man or vice versa and so agree say hey this could be in exchange of the five percent gift out of either each paycheck it could be hey once a month let's set a budget that's like fifty dollars a month or a hundred dollars a month and once a month let's a four-nothing gift it could be on any day of the month let's send a four-nothing gift and you cannot forget and if you forget then you need to put your penalty in place what somebody have to do for the other person so you creative and you thinking outside the box get her some flowers delivered to her job get him his favorite pair of underwear or a gadget that he using for his hobby delivered to his place where he's at be creative because that is going to just keep the mind engaged keep the spirit heart flowing pumping good for the relationship you got to get to that place number three be best friends be best friends you got the the person that you in this long-distance relationship has to be your best friend in order for it to work you can't have a best friend that you tell everything to and then you tell half of that to the person you're in a long-distance relationship with and it should feel equal the woman should feel like the man is telling all of his business and vice versa you best friends and so in the conversation you building when you're talking an hour a day you're building on the firm foundation of friendship you're in a romantic relationship but you're building on the firm foundation of friendship so what this means is this is your best friend i can tell you i am my wife's best friend she talks to me about everything [Music] everything and it a lot of the stuff is like i like we don't have she doesn't have kingdom you know kingdom shifting conversations like nothing that my wife talks about is like a big deal like it's not nothing it's a big deal because it's her interest but it's not like what she never comes to me with what we need to work on in our relationship you know where we're struggling at where she needs more love at she just talked to me and it is about and it'll be like this hey so look look this is what i did so you know that frame that i had okay instead of that frame i've decided i'm gonna get this kind of frame and instead of getting four little ones i'm gonna get one big one and it's gonna be like 38 by 48 and then you know that um that scarf you bought me from chanel i'm gonna spread that scarf out and put that in the frame and that's gonna be right there on our wall what do you think about that and i might be answering the q a on instagram and and and now and i'm like oh okay yeah that's cool yeah that's cool and then let me tell you the audience so i was talking i was talking a little little t and this is what he told him he was like he did it like he had four assists they had six goals and four of them was his assists and it's like that's some good right there isn't it that's something real good isn't it i mean he is showing them and so she's just talking talking talking and she'll talk like that non-stop she'll talk like that and also my wife would be like hey okay i'm finna go this morning i was brushing my teeth she's like hey i'm finna i'm about to go i'm about to um go get my nails done i think she said now about to go get my nails done because we still working on the parents helping parents course for those y'all who have pre-ordered the parents helping parents is coming it's coming i'm hoping for next week it'll start rolling on out section by section okay so she's like i'm going to get my nails done so we could finish up the course and i was like okay and when she was getting ready to walk out she's like hey you see what i did right here uh with the bath with the bath hooks the bath towel hooks um so she got these hooks and it's sticking to the wall and it's a circle and it looked like tile black and white tile and it got a t on it for mine and hers got a s on it and she like but i didn't something in the all the way in the wall so just don't tug on it i was like okay and she's just standing there talking about it she already running late for her nails but she's just standing there talking and if i look her in the eye see i'm in the mirror brushing my teeth and i'm looking and i'm kind of listening but if i stop and i look her in the eye she'll talk she'll talk 30 minutes and miss the whole appointment that's what i mean by best friends when you become best friends you want you excited to get on the phone and y'all talking about stuff that's moving the needle in your heart you ain't just arguing a lady wrote about her alone this relationship she said he always argued he he argued with me all the time and he hang up the phone on me he's cheating he is cheating point blank period when it's your best friend and you get the privilege of talking to your best friend an hour a day you're not trying to argue and you not trying to hang up no phone so understand that you want things to be cool calm collected and great communication now your next step number four is reduce the nasty reduce the nasty so what i mean by this is it's very dangerous as a woman if you sending news to your man on the phone you had enough then he's getting them and he doing something ungodly to them or you sending videos and you send them pictures because you read this in cosmopolitan but what you don't realize is it's a good possibility this relationship not gonna last and now he got all these videos and all these pictures of you and they finna be on sites your stuff gonna be on all kinds of sites he's gonna be making money off you on all kind of little back page sites and then he he gonna be using your pictures and using your stuff to where he'll use a picture of you on a dating site in a whole in in the ukraine in germany in a whole nother country he got your picture on that site and he talking to this man with your picture through what's out and he getting this man this all money getting wired over to his account and then he talking but he telling the man i can't i'm in a situation i can't really talk on the phone but i could talk through what's out and i could send you videos and pictures yeah he said your video look send me your pictures that that man let me wire another 10 000. this man get his mortgage paid for all your ex boyfriend too long this and with they got all your nasty stuff he making money off of it now he making money off of it he even created a whole only such dot-com on the only site and and using your video got your video got a 9.99 a month subscription subscribed up you'll never know because the name on there is bumblebee 305 so you go on there you looking for your your birth name you you searching your name he got you on there as bumblebee 305 he eating clearly that posting all your pictures just he he giving them one a week y'all was long distance foot for for two years he got a hundred he got a hundred and four knew of you that now the site is cancelling the actual right there when i read the article about it but they say they still gonna allow the pictures and all of that so with them hunting them for pictures he just he got his subscribers 9.99 a month you get one a week ugh he know they're gonna fall off because the account gonna get declined because the bank don't agree with the website so the bank's gonna stop approving it eventually or the man broke and so that it's not going through they can't pay that 9.99 a month so what's gonna happen you know they're gonna be falling off so after he get through year one with your pictures which what you knew now he got a whole another year to get through getting through with your pictures and then but see the the audience is recycling so being that audience recycling he could live off your 104 pictures for the next five years because after the 52 he sent the next 52 by the time he get ready to reuse the first 52 all the subscribers that was in that first year they didn't fell off and the ones who still oh you sent that picture in 2021 this is ridiculous you didn't take new pictures woman but hey this year three he just flick them off on cinema emojis shooting the bird and he eating off your pictures listen to me stop sending the nasty pictures and these nasty videos because for two you on the cloud the other thing you're on the cloud the apple employees they saying right now hey come here oh she sent a good one today oh she finna use that oh man oh man she put the whole thing in there oh wow oh you on the cloud you was on the cloud i'm trying to tell you are and you're not technically allowed to do that stuff you're not technically allowed to do that i remember young days me and my wife were distant we was on the road all right happening all right skype skype just cut the feed i'm like hold on no how much just get cut out they got to monitor that that's in their terms and conditions they see you on there doing that to god be the glory and have no brain to god be the glory and have no brain because do you remember when the author who was who be preaching to and uh producing films when his wife knew came out when the basketball player why new came out now see i ain't google it now because i ain't want that stuff popping on up on my stuff and chasing me round the way up but yeah you know where it came from the cloud they just doing what married couples do they trying to well we just keeping up we we keeping the um you know keeping the the zeal so yeah show me yeah show me that old uh pull that shirt down let me see that thing oh they they think they're doing something good they they want to put it in a book but guess what it's on the cloud so now it's hacked and it's sent i talked to i talked to a couple millionaires one billion i want me now they don't have apple i said why you only got no iphone the millionaire told me he said man to be honest with you because of that clout because of that cloud he said you know that's that's the reason why i ain't got now because of that cloud i was like oh wow man for real he like yeah because of that cloud because he you know that cloud that thing could be synced to the laptop you could be sending messages and somebody right on your lap oh yeah okay all right okay because of the cloud right now on your ipad on your laptop listen reduce the nasty wait till y'all see each other in person because see let me tell you now the man when you get into all this nasty stuff you building the relationship the wrong way because you're building it on lust you build it on lust not on friendship and see if left up to a man or to a woman who was touched early either one will destroy the relationship building it on lust for a man is natural he didn't have to be touched typically for a woman it's because she was exposed to this stuff between the ages of 11 and 15 and it turned her out so she's very promiscuous very frisky very like this right here but what i found is a woman who has not been exposed to something at a premature age she could live without that stuff like she don't ask for she don't need it it's typically when that's been turned on in a woman a lot of times the women who are freaky like that don't realize the root cause of that freakiness and they don't realize that no that's not normal for women it's normal for you because of what you've gone through what you've done with your body what you've seen what you've experienced but that's not normal for women because you haven't dated over 100 women as a woman so you know what you do and your libido and how you want to get a dangling picture or send a picture of your peach cobbler but that's you and that might be your friend group because birds of a fella flock together but that's not normal for women so if you are hot in the pants as a woman and you want to send me videos and send me pictures i want you to understand no that's not normal that's not normal for women for men that is very much normal because men are wired and conditioned by society to spread their wild oats and women are wired and conditioned by society to save themselves for the man and men will use an example of oh you that's why a man could sleep with a hundred women in a hundred days and get all 100 pregnant but if a woman get pregnant she can only carry one man child so that mean the man supposed to you know is wired to sleep around and the woman is wired to be with one man men will use that and biologically now that is true a woman can't carry two men babies at once biologically but a man could get a woman two women pregnant in the same day at the same you know next day and that happens a lot of women have had a baby at the same time their husband mistress had a baby or their hus or their boyfriend other girlfriend had a baby and that don't justify the behavior though understand this they don't justify the behavior of a man but it's what society reinforces that from a man so men are very sexual very so a man if left up to the man he'll build this relationship the complete wrong way he will build it solely on love hey similar picture hey see my video hey do this right here put this right here now send my video uh as soon as y'all break up man look at this h i was dating yeah this is what she sent me here he sent it to his homeboy his home was like whoa bro you sent him a picture yo girl man hey what a no man we broke up man cause she nasty in a way man i probably weren't even the only one getting that video she promised sent that video to her ex-boyfriend three four guys so now your stuff's circulating it's women who watch this video who can attest to this that they were threatened or blackmailed by the man when they broke up about their pictures and this is classy women too quote unquote classy women who have only been with three men four men you know who got a small list of men who who society would say oh you classy is getting blackmail with their pictures as well because even quote unquote classy women fall into the trap ascending to a man be calling himself let me keep the relationship hot if i don't send him this he gonna get it elsewhere but that ain't doing nothing for him it's a picture of a video it ain't doing that it's not satisfying anything all he's doing is it's increasing his lust because all he could do is right here with his hand and that's not the real thing so the body is still not satisfied so then he used that as like pregame warm up use your picture your video pregame warm up then he got to go get him a woman in his city to carry out the real deal so you actually set him up for failure instead of quenching his thirst he dehydrated now actually because it teased him your video your picture it teased him he's not gonna tell you this truth because he don't want you to starve him in this area so he gonna tell you that i'm absolutely full of it and i'm lying and i'm telling you this for money but what he doesn't know is you not paying me a dime for this so therefore i don't have a reason to lie to you but this i want to see the relationship successful so understand this here my brother save all of that for when y'all in person and because lust is not like thirst lust cannot be quenched so when you feed lust it only gets stronger so instead of feeding it like that and then you can't touch your woman and now you more attempted to go touch somebody else instead of that let that there build up so when you see your woman y'all now y'all could come together don't even be with the five fingers like leave your hand lead angela out of it too and and channel that that sexual energy into your grind into your business don't don't have no release and guess what it's not gonna kill you it's not gonna kill you because i don't did it it ain't gonna kill you but you're gonna have so much creativity so much hustling grinding you from saving that in you just like in napoleon hill book on thinking grow rich he talked about sexual transmutation where now you channel that into your dream into your business into your grind instead of emptying yourself and releasing yourself outside of your woman see stop giving in to that thinking that that's necessary for life because it's not if anything it's a distraction that's why fighters when they're in training camp they can't do that they're not supposed to do that because it's empty in them it's releasing them it's draining them it's a distraction so understand now number five is to see each other in person as often as possible see each other in person as often as possible and what you want to do here is if possible alternate so the woman could take off work use a couple vacation days fly to the man and if possible y'all split the cost if you're not married split the cost on the flight split the cost on them for hotels so that the burden is not all the financial burden is not all on one person y'all in this together so be in it together and split the cost if everything else is in line now if you a woman and you being talked down to you being hung up on then you shouldn't be paying a dime to go visit this man you actually need to be breaking up but if everything's going good and y'all don't split the cost unless the man just got it if he got it it don't hurt his pockets at all and you as a woman putting up half for the flight in a hotel is actually hurting your pocket because you don't make nowhere near what he make and you just you ain't making that good of money but he got it to where he he a millionaire or he making like mid 650 like half a million or even 300 000 and he budgets well he can afford it to fly you to him pay for your flight i'll pay for your hotel if you stand in a hotel if y'all not sleeping together because y'all saving yourself um or you know him flying to you and getting a hotel if y'all are sleeping together meaning y'all married or what have you then y'all standing in each other place so you're just paying for a flight then you know you book it out in advance far enough and he can afford it then by all means let him pay for it the as the man if you can't afford it you should pay for it as the man because that's chivalrous but if you can't afford it because and it's going to drain you too much then ask your woman say hey you know can we go half on these here on the flights so that we can make time see each other you come to me this month i come to you next month you know y'all work it out for your finances like forget all this societal demand supposed to pay for everything and all that got looked native some flying in here i think i think that's the one from other day i must have missed it yeah i missed it y'all got to forgive him i hurt my hands and missed the thing and so forget all that what society talking about you know all that right there that's a gender role and it's not fair because with gender roles you should not be saying oh the man have to go broke flying me to him paying for flight paying for hotel but yet you want to build a financial future with this man but you got him going broke on flights and hotel and car services and all of that and then got to be paying for the dates that you go out to dinner and all of that so it's like you're working against yourself so if as a woman you earn two then y'all just go half on that thing so that way one person account is not being drained so much and then that and that's building up resentment in their heart because they're not in that relationship by themselves so that's the reason and that's why a lot of people ignorantly do not understand where the concept of a man paying for everything comes from that comes from the old days because women did not have rights women could not really work women were not paid fair when they did work women could not talk in church women couldn't speak up in the house women were robots women were slaves women did not were not allowed to vote and so it was the man's job to work and to pay for everything but he also got to dominate that woman we don't live in those same times today women are capable women earning six seven figures women got good jobs so be okay as a woman if you earn enough money to go half on the flight of the hotel with the man and if he can't afford anything and he just wants you to pay for it as the woman because you make hundred and fifty thousand two hundred three hundred thousand that's not fair either as the woman because men get complacent too easy so even with that where i say the man could pay everything if he can yes it's a double standard because we're not wired the same men will kick up our feet and we'll get complacent if the woman paying for everything and that will mess up our ego because we'll start to feel like less of a man because she could pay and we can't and then we'll start to resent that woman for being able to to you know wear the pants quote unquote because it's playing on the mind of societal conditioning where that should not be the case but that'll be the case because of the mental programming that the man is under now if he's not under that mental program and so he claims i don't believe it but he may say well no i'm not going to i'm not going to resent you because you make more money than me and you can pay for the flight in the hotel it's not gonna make me feel less about myself as a man and i'm not gonna feel like you wear the pants like no you could wear the skirt and still make more money than me like that's sexist that's all of that he may say all of that right now but because of that mental programming he got to be very evolved to really mean that and believe that when he says that but and you'll be able to tell by his other views his other views in life as it relates to women's rights and equal pay and things of that nature will let you know if he really believed that talk he talking and so understand that right there you but you also have to do what y'all need to do for your relationship and can't nobody tell you what you need to be doing for your relationship but don't be a dummy don't play the fool don't set yourself up you know for failure and understand that right there y'all forgive me now gotta get moving low i'm gonna set up my little mirror now the next thing you have to understand too is when you long distance make a move make a move what i mean by that is [Music] if you long distance and it's the person like if the person is deployed meaning they just over there for one year and they're coming back and you want to stay put and y'all had a relationship before they went then okay cool now if you don't have children and your partner is deployed and they have a base or like apartments that you can go over and you can live with your partner and you don't necessarily need money because the housing is paid for food is paid for y'all living on the base you know you got a lot you got marriage benefits so what have you then live with them live with them for that year then you come back you get back on your job like if you could be in person be in person if it's not a deployment situation y'all met online y'all met through social media or online dating app and you separate at the 12 month mark someone needs to be moving whoever has the least to lose someone needs to be moving but it needs to be moving on good terms you need to be best friends you need to be in love you need to not be having arguments you need to be seeing eye to eye you need to be not have been sending news and building on lust it needs to be on good terms you need to be a 90 out of 100 when you rank this relationship if you're gonna move at the 12 month mark if you're not a 90 out of 100 when you rank your relationship which is a a it's still a a a minus but if you're not an a minus when you rank your relationship at the 12 month mark long distance relationship then break up break up because you're wasting your time you're wasting your time for a long distance relationship to work it needs to be near perfect because remember you don't get to see each other you don't get to touch each other you don't get to hug each other you can't see what this person is doing when you get off the phone you don't know if this person doesn't have someone at the house that they're sleeping with or flirting with or talking with or building with you don't know so a long distance relationship has to be near perfect for you to stay in it you in a long distance relationship for two years three years four years more you are absolutely wasting all of your time that is the fakest relationship and that is a figment of your imagination and you blocking your blessings because there's so many people right in your city that you could build with that you could have been married you could have been in a relationship right in your city but you got somebody especially if it's a man that he way over there that man doing everything under the sun because if he wanted you he'll he'll propose and he'll marry you he will move to you because a man could get it how he lived so if a man love you he don't mind men like change men like getting out they city to make their city think they moving on up and they doing good a man like to change a man like a new change of scenery a man want to move if he loved you and some men have moved for their woman long distance and then broke up with her and stayed in that city because he like that change of scenery some men will actually use you to move to your city to live with you to get on their feet so they can lead you so so definitely understand that if men are misused a man who is not moving for you and he don't work for like the president or like some type of job to where he just absolutely cannot move because his job is that serious then he don't love you and he don't want to be with you and you got to go about your business going about your business because see i could tell you how man move now how man thing and the men who doing what i'm saying doing the wrong stuff they're going to be in the comments arguing that's how you know i'm telling you the truth they're gonna be in the comments arguing now a man who is an exception to the rule he's going to talk like an exception to the rule he's going to behave like an exception to the rule he's going to think like an exception to the rule is this man has an anointing on his life he has a covering on his life this man is loved in the community or feared uh because of his clean pure righteous walk this man is not asking you for news he is not asking you for videos he is not asking to sleep with you this man is a man of valor a man of character he wants he's saving himself until marriage and he wants to build on a firm foundation of friendship that is the only type of man that you can trust long distance if he is not that guy pal then all 60 that last one what i gave you was a bonus all five plus the bonus have to be enacted they have to be being done and they have to be being done almost to perfection perfection is not attainable but it need to be real close a 90 out of 100 a 9 out of 10 for this thing to work because listen long distance ain't real it ain't even real for men especially so it got to be done the right way and if it's not done the right way listen to me when i tell you it's going to fail and you will know if you on the right path and if it's being done the right way by the end of the 12th month at the end of the 12th month you need to make a decision either the woman either y'all are in love lovers and best friends and the woman is going to move to the man or the man is going to move to the woman if you're not ready to get married you still can move to the other somebody moves to the other person stay separately still could have two apartments just like you had long distance don't go to holland by oh we need to save money let's move in together no you can stay separately and still get to see each other every day don't spend the night keep building the same way you were building but now you could come over he cooked dinner you cook dinner he cooked dinner you cook dinner y'all taking turns and then on the weekend y'all go on a date go on a weekend trip and you do that for one year then that third year you get married that third year you get married if you are a man and you watch this if you love this woman and you feel this woman has the qualities of a wife and a mother if y'all want to have kids or she's going to be a bonus mom to your kids then you need to be proposing to this woman but especially if y'all were long distance for a year that next year y'all need to be living in the same city and then by year on year three you need to propose to this woman if you don't feel ready to propose to this woman in the third year of this long distance relationship and this one year close distance relationship that is not your wife and you need to break up with her so she can start her healing process and move on with her life and you need to move on with your life because it is not rocket science when it comes down to finding a wife so if you don't love her on the level that you want to marry her that's not your woman be a good man be a decent human being call the relationship off so that you could keep your harvest intact because if you go to sowing bad seeds by dragging this woman out dragging this woman along you got a price to pay and when you meet the woman that you love and you fall in love with her she's gonna crush your heart because you just did that to another person that's how what goes around comes around you're gonna reap what you sow so as a man stop playing the woman stop cheating on the woman stop lying to the woman stop deceiving a woman stop running game on a woman and do right by somebody daughter this somebody daughter this god daughter do right by if you want your life as a man to be blessed and to go up the way you want it to go up start asking her to be your orange star p.o.r your arm ah stop and sending you all them pictures and videos stop asking her for that you put her life you put her reputation all of that at risk because any of this could be hacked on the cloud don't talk oh we got a vpns okay and anything that could be code it could be decoded all this on the cloud you already know this you could lose your phone somebody get into your phone hack your phone get in your phone she could lose hers and she didn't send all that one of these days she gonna go to senate and send it to somebody else who names start what's your name start with or she go to senate and she thinking she's gonna click your little bubble and she's gonna click her mama bubble because her she was just texting her mama and now her mama looking at her no what in the world oh my goodness cheryl christie what are you doing is this how i raise you you got your cha-cha all out is this some kind of tick-tock nasty joke her mama's sitting over there looking at her daughter but bunky naked ain't seen her like that since she was five years old when she used to guild baths and now her mom and him felt like her mama had another 5-10 year to live now mama going home early to meet the lord because she's uh she thinking a daughter working in some kind of industry you see what i'm saying like cut all that out and build on a healthy firm foundation of love and friendship be intentional be diligent be committed be consistent and make a move make a move because life is not to be wasted hey to tony gatson god bless you we'll talk soon
Channel: Tony Gaskins
Views: 8,914
Rating: 4.9346213 out of 5
Keywords: Long distance relationship tips, How to make long distance work
Id: JqRX2GyS4W4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 6sec (2826 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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