5 Truly Horrific Skinwalker Encounters | Native American Horror Stories

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/brierrose 📅︎︎ Sep 16 2016 🗫︎ replies
number one I grew up in a town on the Gulf of Mexico our neighborhood was next to an absolutely huge field and on the other side of the field was the Gulf itself my childhood home was laid out where my bedroom and my parents bedroom were on opposite sides of the living room which is where the front door was I normally stayed up late much later than my parents at least they didn't mind much as I didn't get into much trouble just playing video games anyway I had fallen asleep playing Super Mario RPG on the SNES mid-battle and all when I woke up to my dad calling me into the living room so I got up and walked out of my room every light in the house was off I called out dad I don't recall the exact verbiage used but he called me by name ma'am was calling me to him the living room was completely empty and as I said without a single light on I stood there my eyes peering around the room which was dimly lit from a nearby street lamp seeping through the blinds dad again he calls out to me this time though his voice came from beyond the front door in retrospect of course something was wrong but as a young boy being called in the middle of the night by their father's voice my first thought was that he obviously needed my help for some reason I approached the front door slowly very slowly partially out of confusion and partially out of grogginess as I approached my dad called to me again then again and a third time each call beckoning in a friendly yet urgent tone I was within reach of the doorknob now I stood there at this point I felt something was a little off maybe I was sleepwalking or caught in some vapor of sleep or something I pause for a few seconds to really drink in my surroundings feel my environment so to speak this gave me some time to truly take in the details I was perceptive I was awake there was no mistaking it dad silence dad then I heard him once more Stern this time like he sounded when I was in trouble get out here now oh [ __ ] it's serious I think to myself I reach for the door son what are you doing it was my mother right behind me her voice in contrast to everything I was feeling in that moment terrified me it was the most startled I had ever been in my life but that record wouldn't last long I replied to her inquiry dad's outside calling me I think he needs me she simply said dad's in the bedroom asleep this phrase is one of the most vivid memories I have just thinking about it has me cupboard in chills the record shattered this was by far the most terrifying single moment in my life I know for a fact I wasn't dreaming I don't sleepwalk I remember waking up I remember it very clearly and then right after that was when I had first heard that voice luring me outside maybe that's what woke me up in the first place I had no response to the bombshell my mother had just dropped on me I was just emotionally exhausted by beer you know that sickly exhausted feeling you get when you receive absolutely terrible news I simply muttered good night shuffle back to my room and laid there on the floor until I passed out from emotional exhaustion I've never heard anything like that since I've told this story for 20 years now the exact same way it's one of the clearest memories I had from my childhood I of course don't know 100% that this was a skinwalker I have no idea what the [ __ ] it was though I have heard that they do employ these kind of tactics to lure you into their sick traps all I do know for sure though is that it was something and it almost tricked me number two a few years ago now I was out on a camping trip with a couple of my buddies one of whom was of Navajo descent it was just a few guys getting away from the real world for a while escaping into nature the first night was great we set up camp in a clearing had a few beers and shared a few laughs maybe one too many beers the second night though is where things took a turn we went to bed fairly early since we were all pretty tired from the previous night I woke up at around 1:00 a.m. since I desperately needed to take a leak I got out of the tent and headed towards the tree line I finished doing my business and turned back towards the tent I got a couple of steps and that's when I see it on the opposite side of the clearing there's a day but it's walking across the field on its back legs bipedal like a human now I know deer occasionally rise up on their hind legs but this was completely different this thing was strolling like he was heading to the office or something it turns its head to face me and it freezes we're just staring at each other for what felt like an eternity the creature still standing tall if we were side-by-side here to be towering over me eventually I snap out of my trance and start shouting for the guys to wake up man this dear thing just takes off sprinting into the trees still on two legs letting out a horrific screech that sounded like a little girl crying but sort of corrupted like there was static from a TV set in its voice if that makes sense the two others clamber out of the tent asking what the hell was wrong and what that noise was now I know I wasn't going crazy they had both heard it too I explained to them what I had just seen and my Navajo friend goes ghostly pale we should go he says let's pack up and head for the truck now me and my other friend are pretty freaked out at this point and don't question his plan I knew what he was thinking I'd heard of skinwalkers before only I'd always thought that they were just Native American myths that was no longer the case as we're packing everything away in the bags he tells us more details about skinwalkers and how once you've seen them you don't want to stick around for long they'll come back for you and they might not come back alone we finally get back to the truck but our reliefs cut short when we see a dog by the vehicle now this is weird what the hell is this dog doing out in the woods all alone after what just happened we're understandably on edge but we calm ourselves down and slowly get closer to it it's facing the truck so it can't see us as we're approaching but as soon as it hears us it's body goes as hard as a rock it doesn't instantly turn to look at what the noise behind it was like any normal dog would instead it slowly turns its head to face us before turning its whole body there was something disturbingly human about its face it had giant eyes too big for its head you know how a dog's eyes are just start blobs this one had eyes just like a person you could see the large whites with the colored iris around the pupils and everything and they were wide and defensive its face was frozen in that snarling position brandishing its teeth I don't know whether it knew that we weren't going to attack but it simply backed up a little turned and scurried away that was it we all threw our stuff in the truck hopped in and hightailed it out of there as we're driving my Navajo friend says did you guys notice it didn't have a tail we questioned what he meant and apparently that was a sign of a skinwalker we got back to his folks place and his father performs some sort of ritual on us he didn't question our story at all and we spent the night at theirs the next morning his parents refused to let us leave without taking a small totem light thing with us allegedly it would keep the things at bay seems to have worked so far though I can't help but check outside my bedroom window each night before I go to sleep just in case they've somehow tracked me down number three this takes place in the Chaska mountains in the 80s my friend was about six years old and was up in the mountains for a family reunion the cabin they were staying at was in a meadow with a stone well near the tree line they spent the day doing the typical reunion things ie three-legged races flag football and whatnot the Sun starts setting and the family retires to the cabin the older people plan to sleep in the two bedrooms and the kids would sleep in the cots in the living room all was well and the kids were tucked into bed my friend Sandra feels uneasy and is struggling to go to sleep she's tossing and turning unable to shake this really weird feeling suddenly her feeling immediately turns to fear as she hears something big something heavy making its way across the porch Sandra fears that it may be a bear looking for food she could make out the shadow of something large and black as it passed the window it's making its way to the door and she sees that the family hasn't locked it Sandra watches the door too scared to move or even scream and she sees the doorknob rattling back and forth whatever's trying to open the door succeeds the room floods with the most putrid and horrific stench and she sees a large human hand make its way through the door she finally summons her strength and screams for her father her dad runs in and see Sandra pointing at the door he also sees the hand and yells for his brother to grab the gun whatever was at the door runs it was a full moon and in the moonlight they see the creature run across the yard her dad's brother with a rifle in his hands looks through the scope and sees the creature crouching behind the well Sandra's father assumes it's a bear and tells his brother to take the shot he pulls the trigger and here's the bullet ricochet off the well all thought of this being a bear is dismissed instantly when the creature stands on two feet and runs towards the tree line they never saw the creature again number four this occurred in Maine two years ago when I was 18 every summer my family and I go to a camp in Dedham it's about a three hour drive from my house the camp itself is about a half hour from the nearest town I've been going to this camp my entire life since my family owns it and have never had an incident like this happen before I was watching TV in the middle of the night both of my brothers and my parents had gone to bed I heard a noise coming from the kitchen and realized that our dogs needed to go outside to do their business so I took my brothers to pitbulls and Maya Pande Pinsir her tiny dog outside after turning the porch light on I walked around to the front yard and let the dogs off their leashes it's so incredibly dark in the woods in Maine that the porch light really only illuminated the porch itself and nothing else so I tried to keep an eye on them as best I could I was momentarily distracted when I saw a wild bird out on the lake when I looked back I saw that the pit bulls were both looking at something in the woods I couldn't see what it was but I assumed they had seen a squirrel or a raccoon it was then that I realized I couldn't see my little app and Pinsir alphie anywhere she's an awfully small dog and she's completely black I called her name a few times and heard some soft whimpering coming from the woods right at the spot where the pit bulls were staring I took a couple of steps in that direction and called out her name again worried that she may have gotten her paw stuck between the rocks or gotten stuck in a snake hole suddenly I felt something moving behind me I ripped around and looked down and it was Alfie she had been staying close to me the whole time I just hadn't seen her so naturally I was now thinking if alfie is here then what the [ __ ] in the woods I took another step forward and the pitbulls began to growl they were slowly advancing and were now on either side of me looking right into the blackness of the woods I quickly picked up Alfie and began to back up very slowly I'm not sure what I thought was there but there are lots of animals out in Maine and I figured that the pitbulls knew better than I did right as I turned around I heard the absolute most bone-chilling thing I've ever heard in my life coming from the direction of the woods I heard something call Alfie's name it sounded as if they were trying to mimic me but it was just all wrong the voice sounded really distorted and it almost seemed to wail I freaked the [ __ ] out and ran inside with the dogs my camp is essentially a log cabin overlooking a lake and our nearest neighbor whose family lives at least half a mile in the opposite direction of where this thing was I've no idea what was out in those woods and though I have heard of skinwalkers playing similar tricks to lure people into the darkness number five last October I was visiting my grandparents out in Shiprock New Mexico many Navajo people including my own family are very reluctant to speak about skinwalkers because it's commonly believed that talking about them attracts their attention however I grew up away from the Navajo Nation and was very naive about the subject when it came to skinwalkers I was an absolute skeptic my mum used to tell me a story about how back in the 80s she and my aunt saw a skinwalker just outside their driveway under a streetlight she described it as a black dog with dirty fur a twisted noodle like front leg and these unnatural eyes with a soft burnt glow to them me being my logical self doubted every word but I never said my doubts aloud but these doubts totally changed last year when I went to my grandparents house my family and I had just finished going to the carnival at the Navajo Nation fair and decided to call it a night the house was close enough where we could just walk home in less than ten minutes when we got there it was around 9 p.m. at night and we stayed up past 2:00 in the morning catching up about family affairs and the local news it was during that time that I decided to open my mouth and blurt out the question hey are skinwalkers real you shouldn't be speaking about that my grandma said with almost the disturbed yell in her voice not wanting to push the discomfort any further we all decided to go to bed now the trailer is pretty old and it was a really nice night so we slept with the windows open and the screens covering them to prevent bugs coming in everyone had fallen asleep except me just as I was finally getting relaxed I started to hear something moving outside I get up from the couch and start wandering over to the kitchen window all of the rooms have the lights out so the only visible light that I can see is from the porch light out the front I take a quick scan of outside from the porch light all I can see is the dusty ground and the vehicles that my family drove along with some old metal trash cans that stood beside the road looking for a good five seconds I wasn't able to see anything so I was getting ready to turn around and walk back to bed thinking it was just a stray cat or something only having taken two steps I hear what sounds like a distorted scream coming from outside definitely close by fear rising I look outside again and there I see it a coyote like vigor was staring at my direction from behind the cars just outside of the reach of the porch light only it looked absolutely wrong and gave off an evil vibe just from looking at it it was gray with very disheveled hair and a horrific orange reddish glow to its eyes I note the hell out of there back to the bedroom it was at that moment I had also begun to notice an awful stench in the air it smelled of rotting meat I started trying to wake up my mum whose response was it's almost 3:00 a.m. what do you want I tell her there's something outside now annoyed she then says ah it's probably just a stray animal it's the res animals wander all the time at night she obviously wasn't getting the drift of what I was saying so I screamed there's some Blair Witch Project [ __ ] going on outside Mar that got her attention and then we both heard it the thing outside started making more of those dreadful screams and sounded as if it was thrashing around on the ground outside both her and I got up and looked outside the window and the coyote thing was making its way to the front door it walked with an odd limp and dragged its back right leg as if it was handicapped we could hear it start scratching against the door and making this odd muffled moaning sound my mum went and got my dad and they both started shouting in Navajo all sorts of words telling the thing to go away and saying it's not welcome here well all this commotion was enough to wake up the rest of the trailer and they all came into the hallway the only thing my mum did was turned to them and simply said skinwalker while proceeding to point at the door apparently they already knew exactly what to do as my grandfather got a handgun out the drawer and a bag of ashes he coated a few bullets in the ash loaded them into the handgun and went straight to the door yelling out more Navajo that was too fast for me to comprehend he swung open the door and fired twice nothing and the thing managed to escape before my grandpa could even put a bullet in it next thing I know my aunts and my parents are freaking out about what just happened saying stuff like what if it comes back tomorrow it saw us does that mean we're targets now afterwards my grandparents calmed everyone down saying we'll be fine and to go back to bed morning comes and my grandparents call over one of their neighbors and explained to them what happened apparently one of them was a medicine man who used to partake in a Navajo ceremony used for healing and curing sickness he blessed each family member and the grounds outside today I'm very convinced that what I saw was a skinwalker and I still plan on going back to visit my family and to return to the northern Navajo Nation there I just hope I never have an off experience like that again hi guys lazy here and thank you very much for listening again something a little more paranormal this time around but these skinwalker stories you know they're a bit different and it's always good to mix things up I suppose anyway what are your thoughts on skinwalkers are they real or just Native American myths let me know down in the comments below as always smash that like button or I'll smash you and I'll have another video for you guys very very soon so until then stay spooky and remember the best things happen in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 1,319,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skinwalkers, skinwalker, scary true stories, scary 2016 movies, horror movies, scary videos, horror, disturbing, creepypasta, creepy, deep web, unexplainable, native american, ghost, ghosts, ghost stories, caught on tape, haunted, strange, lazy masquerade, scary music, relaxing, study music, 911 calls, love, from hell, romance, Halloween, scariest video ever, reddit, 4chan, 2chan, crazy, new, best, most, long, long video, death, blood, real, mysterious, wendigo, search and rescue, mr nightmare
Id: QDuvqBuH3JM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 31sec (1471 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 06 2016
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