10 Creepy TRUE Stories from Out at Sea | Feat. Corpse Husband

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my dad worked in the offshore drilling industry in Nigeria way back in the 90s him and some French company men were heading out to a platform when their ship was assaulted ham boarded by modern-day pirates five of the Frenchmen were there headed before my dad and the rest of the crew were able to take back the ship he told me about this when I was eight years old and I innocently asked him if he had ever killed anyone he said he wasn't entirely sure but when you smack a dude with an iron bar around the head and he falls into the sea and doesn't come up he's probably dead he still has nightmares about it to this day that's just one of the stories from his time in Africa the company he worked for Albert Alba catering had a compound outside of Lagos Nigeria it had 14 foot high concrete walls with battlements razor wire and sniper towers he had also had a full-time security staff of mercenaries from the Congo one night some ebo tribesmen decided to raid the compound about a hundred of these guys assaulted the compound with machetes in hand throwing thick rugs over the razor wire and even having some of their guys to lay across it and their buddies run over the top the mercenaries managed to kill all of them but I think five of the mercs were killed with machetes my dad said they were burning bodies for two days after that my brother is in the Navy and was showing us a DVD of one of his tours there was one shot where all you saw was a box floating out in the sea if you didn't know better you might think it was fallen cargo or something my brother paused the DVD and told us what it actually was they got down into the water and found out it was an old refrigerator that was locked when they got the thing open there was a very dead human body inside of it worse than that it had clearly been scratched from the inside they were pretty far out from land at that point so nobody knows how long the body had been there just floating around a friend of mine known as damu was an avid fisherman and he and his dad used to go out to sea fishing whenever they could a few years ago he told me this story and I've got to admit he creeped me the hell out daymo and his dad were on the second night of a deep-sea fishing trip and they decided to get some sleep in the early evening so that they could catch a specific type of fish around 1:00 a.m. that was apparently the best time to catch this type of fish anyway they only had a smallish boat but the weather was extremely pleasant and the sea was calm to the point of stillness so they figured it would be a great night's fishing for them around 12:30 in the morning they start setting up their gear as they were on the starboard side getting bait ready they heard a loud splash on the portside and as there was almost no swell and they figured it was either a large fish or some gear that had somehow fallen in so they went over to look floating face up in the water only a few feet from the side of the boat was a young woman she couldn't not be more than 30 she showed absolutely no signs of decomposition or bloating and there was nothing tangled in her hair all of which would normally suggest that she had been in the water for some time she was wearing a simple white skirt and a blue colored strappy top both of which were clean and apparently looked fairly wet there gained all indicating that she had just gone in the water she wasn't wearing any shoes she showed no signs of damage like having being beaten or attacked and her eyes and mouth were shut daymo said that she looked totally peaceful and like she was simply asleep and just floating on her back in the water and they were both totally freaked out by the whole thing they needed to make sure if she was okay and tried to wake her up by shouting at her they even threw a line hoping to catch her enough to pull her back in she showed no signs of movement and the splashing around they were making with the rope served only to let her body float further away from the boat when she was a few meters away daymo ran off to grab a fishing rod hoping they could pull her in that way yeah and his dad ran to the cabin to try and call the Coast Guard for help when damo got back to the side she had vanished he frantically searched around and splashed in the water with the rod thinking she had bobbed under water or even drifted under the boat somehow but the body was just gone eventually damos that figuring they couldn't leave a potentially unconscious person in the water jumped in and swam over to where he loss or her hoping to find her under the surface of the water he didn't find anything they sailed the boat around a good half kilometre circle but they never saw her anyway and the Coast Guard did come out and demo and his dad were kind of interrogated to make sure they hadn't murdered someone or dumped a body but nothing came up at all as far as anyone knows there were no links made to any known missing women in that area that they were fishing in the freakiest thing about all of this is that the boat was thoroughly checked before they set off so they could say with certainty that there was no one else on board like I said the body was in a fresh state and they were far away from land or any other boats in the time between the splash and the discovery of the body was maybe 30 seconds at most and that's the part that shook them up the most that her appearance was preceded by the heavy splash in the water suggesting that the body had entered the water from their own boat they tell the story now was a kind of you won't believe what happened to us type thing but it shook them up badly and then neither of them has been back to fish in that spot since the sea is a vast in seemingly empty place many fail to grasp of this when asking questions like how can you just lose an airplane in the ocean I found myself on my ship somewhere in the vast expanses of the South Pacific Ocean we had been cautiously avoiding big storms which I knew to be all around us out further than the eye can see although our local ocean area was calm and peaceful I was on watch when I noticed something out there and the distance bobbing along that I had never seen before especially this far from land as I got closer I identified what was clearly a makeshift raft made from lashed together bamboo with a snapped mast and an empty cooler moored to the deck upon this raft was not a soul the chances of coming across a raft to begin with are small enough in that part of the ocean thinking about the person or persons who once sailed that raft why they sailed and how they met their fate that was what creeped me out I was working on a car carrier four years ago in the Middle East our typical route went through pirate waters at times and as such we always picked up for armed ex Marines in aqaba jordan who would be our security whenever we went one night while we were going through pirate waters off of Yemen we started to have problems with the main engine so we stopped and had to drift for a while to figure out what the problem was during this time I was working on the stern or the back part of the ship I couldn't really see anything out in the ocean since everything was so dimly lit on the ship I turned on the spotlight and there he was this guy with a gun in a rusted little boat just staring at me about 15 feet from the ship I just stared back at him kind of stunned I was afraid that if I reach for the radio to call one of the Marines he would shoot me so he looked at me and I looked at him and he sort of gave me a nod as if to say you made the right decision I gave him a nod back he then slowly wrote his boat back off into the pitch-black night I don't know how many others there were but I did call it in on the radio as soon as I lost sight of him I still remember his face even today that deep Stern concentrated look my grandfather was on the USS Block Island when it was sunk off the coast of Italy in 1944 obviously there was no time to grab personal things just grab a life vest and get the [ __ ] off the ship six men were lost and 950 one were rescued the other ships in the fleet sailed full speed towards the floating survivors then cut their engines to avoid detection from the u-boats radar their momentum allowed them to drift through the survivors and pick them up my grandfather said he had to tread the water for hours before finally being scooped out of the ocean most of the guys have life vests but they only help keep them afloat for a little while and they had to share them he said that he didn't have enough strength to pull himself up onto the rescuing vessel and that a marine that pulled him out of the water was one of the largest men that he'd ever seen in his entire life as the Block Island sank the survivors heard an explosion they were pretty sure it was the sound of the vessel exploding either as a result of the water pressure on the munitions or maybe something in the ship was still burning and caught the fuel supply the German sub that hit them thought the explosion was the sound of them being hit and surfaced to assess the damage when the Germans surfaced the rest of the fleet blew the u bow out of the water anyway fast forward to 1966 my grandfather was working in a hangar in the Norfolk Virginia Naval Base right as he was getting ready to wrap up his work for the day he was approached by two men in suits they were the FBI were you on the USS Block Island in 1944 they asked yes were you issued a nine-millimeter pistol serial one nine three four eight two two eight I believe so do you know where that pistol is right now at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean as far as I know turns out the as the ship was being evacuated someone grabbed some weapons or at least this particular one out of the armory the weapon somehow found its way to the US and had been found at this scene of a mob murder in New York City my dad was in the Merchant Navy for several years in the 70s he has a ton of stories but he says that the weirdest experience he ever had at sea was when his ship was traveling through the Bermuda Triangle famous for strange or supposedly paranormal events occurring within it they were traveling at a low rate of knots through fog and suddenly came across a small boat with three far-eastern looking men in it the men were all standing to attention and saluting but weren't responding to my dad or the crew who were shouting to see if they were okay not once did they move or shout back I know what you're thinking but these weren't mannequins these were real flesh-and-blood sailors my dad and the crew wanted to drop anchor and bring them in thinking they were traumatized or at least spooked in some way the captain didn't want to stop and told the engine room to carry on leaving those men stranded this didn't go down well with the crew apparently the captain had to leave the ship when it reached port as the crew was on the verge of mutiny during World War two my dad a wireless operator on a minesweeper passed by a German pilot waving frantically from his still floating aircraft in the North Atlantic they were under strict orders not to stop because of the danger of subs so they left the poor guy to certain death my dad died a couple of years ago but this incident haunted him throughout his life he wept about it even in his last few hours my dad was a merchant sailor he's both seen and done some real [ __ ] some things he still won't tell me apparently there was this crew once that included a crazy [ __ ] who terrified everyone else on board he used to sleep with a hatchet said really weird things and behaved like an absolute lunatic everyone else on board was terrified that this guy was gonna snap I mean imagine being trapped at sea with a guy like that one day they all woke up and that guy that everyone hated was missing and there was blood around one of the portholes the way my dad puts it you can't fit a whole grown man through one of those portholes believe me I've tried I've been sailing all my life and have somewhere around six thousand sea miles as well as years and years of inland dinghy racing experience the sea just does strange things sometimes went against tide and underwater obstacles causing weird currents to create unnatural waves and it starts to feel like the sea is just throwing water at you at random fog at sea at night really [ __ ] up your senses too everything is quiet and you can't see anything but the boat immediately around you you keep looking for lights on other ships and listening for foghorns or the sound of engines in the distance and your brain starts playing all kinds of tricks on you in a busy shipping lane it's a serious business and in a very real way it could be life or death if you miss a ship that hits you and sinks you you start to see lights everywhere around you you start hearing engines creeping up on you you stop your bow and cut the engine to see if you're hearing anything real and you enter an even stranger world of sensory deprivation it's eerie as all hell my father and I once witnessed a full solar eclipse while at sea it was in the middle of the English Channel and it was the strangest thing there was thin cloud but the Sun was visible through it we were within the total klipsch zone and could see the shadow coming from miles away it looked like the biggest most angry storm I've ever seen generally the darker the clouds the more it's going to hurt this was a darkness as dark as possible at sea during the day I talked to my dad about it afterwards and we both felt a real uneasiness getting worse and worse the closer it got our bodies and subconscious were readying us for dealing with a really shitty and dangerous situation it was just like how some people described seeing a ghost a cold chill and feeling really on edge it really was like a ghost storm a lot of sailing becomes instinctual after a while and you get a feeling about what's coming from watching the clouds and waves off on the horizon the Eclipse gave off every sign of absolute nastiness but passed without any real-world effect other than darkness really really creepy hi guys lazy here and thank you very much for listening a big thank you to corpse husband for featuring in this video we made another one together over on his channel so if you haven't heard it already make sure to go over there now and check it out seriously in my opinion he's one of the best horror narrators on the whole site and if you're not subscribed to him firstly where the hell have you been and secondly make sure you do because he's really worth your time and it's a really nice guy as well if you did enjoy this video then make sure to go down below and smash that like button or I'll smash you and I'll be back with some more content very very soon so until then lazy Legion you all stay spooky and remember the best things happen in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 686,379
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scary true stories, creepypasta, reddit, 4chan, 2chan, lazy masquerade, lost at sea, corpse husband, mr nightmare, rob dyke, ghost, ghosts, caught on camera, haunted, mysterious, scariest video ever, horror movies, scary 2016 movies, top 5, top 10, new, best, most, long video, relaxing, study music, horror, disturbing, deep web, dark web, blood, dead, death, of all time, maskarade, ever taken, mascarade, scary youtube horror stories, audiobook, before bed
Id: jVwfyI3cDoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 8sec (1148 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 15 2016
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