Exploring Some Internet Rabbit Holes

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foreign [Music] the internet's absolutely filled to the brim with people discussing obscure Oddities from the past old and often disturbing relics from a less connected time an eerie missing person's broadcast of someone who may never have existed an uncanny image of a sliced off head hidden inside a video game glitch that looks a little too real the unknown identity of a celebrity on an old fabric print given their cryptic nature many of these unexplained artifacts become the obsession of small online communities groups form theories and information get shared around some catch the attention of The Wider internet and before you know it hundreds or even thousands of people have joined the hump of the truth soon it becomes difficult to separate fact from fiction in this episode we'll be exploring a handful of such digital urban legends starting with this on the 3rd of June 2020 a post appeared on RBI a subreddit dedicated to investigating and solving crimes and Mysteries both big and small but something about this particular post made by user it's Kmart Court the RBI community's attention and continues to be the subject of speculation to this very day it was simply titled any idea what's happening in this photo according to op someone in a true crime Discussion Group found an empty photo album at a Goodwill in Washington State only when they flick through the pages they realized it wasn't actually empty at all inside was this one solitary photograph the image which looks to have been taken back in the 70s or 80s shows two men in a shallow stream when enhanced the scene becomes a lot clearer the figure on the left is laying on his stomach with his head just above the water and his hands and feet bound with duct tape and possibly a zip tie the figure on the right whose hands are also tied behind his back and to his mouth may be taped over too is sitting upright and looks to have just had his head dunked under the water his shirt appears to have been torn at the shoulder the shadows of what appears to be a Jeep door and a third man can be seen on the ground many believe the man's holding something possibly a rifle others seem to think that he's dragging another person on the ground the final thing of note is that the picture appears to have been taken from within a car the dark spots along the bottom may have been caused by the vehicle's interior door lock and Wing mirror given the disturbing nature of the photo the woman who found it claims to have given it to the police low as it stands the scene remains unexplained when and where had this photo been taken who was the man behind the camera most importantly were the men in the water in Peril or not since so little concrete information exists about the image's background the good people over at RBI began throwing their own theories in the ring the main one of course being that these two men were the victims of a serial killer or more likely given the camera set up a Duo of killers the men had been tied up against their will forced into the stream and were then either tormented or slain those responsible photographed the entire incident as it unfolded for their own sick Amusement would there possibly being more photos like this one still out there somewhere in the world though how this particular one came to end up in a book in Goodwill remains unknown shortly after this photo was brought to reddit's attention user groundbreaking bad made a rather haunting discovery in their words this missing person from Alabama looks a bit like the guy setting up Christopher Noel larret he went missing in 1977 and worked for Otis engineering and could explain the work style uniform his work truck was found wrecked in Texas with someone else inside of note there's a Long Creek in the town where the guy disappeared from Bruton it's called Murder Creek and if you Google image search it we will see it's pretty shallow in places it also has some Sandy dry Banks indeed Christopher does seem to Bear a strong resemblance to the man in the right of this image the deity vanished also matches up with the age of the photo however there is still debate whether the right hand bigger is male and without even being sure of that it's hard to even speculate on their Identity or link them to any missing person reports this being a legitimate snuff photo is of course the darkest Theory but if true it also raises a few other questions the most interesting being who developed the photo processing a real film with an image like this one is risky and is almost certainly going to raise alarm Bells just look at the case of lam core one aka the Hong Kong butcher who photographed his dismembered victims and was caught out by the authorities after he tried to have the film processed at a lap after the technician tipped off the cops they waited for lamb to come and pick up his photos Lam claimed to have been picking up the photos for a friend only for one of the officers to coldly reply you don't have any friends detective search Lamb's apartment and found other photos of women's body parts along with Tupperware boxes containing female organs that's a story for another day but it does illustrate an important point that if the cameraman behind this image really had taken the lives of these men then he had almost certainly developed the picture himself as mentioned the woman who discovered the photo claims to have given it to the authorities so unless investigators ever release information to the public there's no way for us to get a look at the back of the photo and see if there are any watermarks roughly cut corners or any other signs to indicate where and how the image was developed of course the other theories surrounding the pitcher's origin are far more innocent some believe it was taken on the set of a low budget horror movie one with questionable safety measures others say that this was all part of a military training exercise though The Irregular outfits and haircuts may suggest otherwise perhaps then this was a fraternity hazing that would explain the matching red shirts the frat house colors Maybe although saying that some even think that the photo is double exposed and that the two figures in the water are actually the same person hence their similar attire the final Theory to mention is the simplest that the image was taken by a group of friends goofing around outside let's face it that's the least exciting solution and a small morbid part of you doesn't want that to be the answer but perhaps the truth really is that straightforward well for the sake of these two men I sincerely hope that is the reality behind this photo because me if not then it shows a scene of pure horror and perhaps even the final moments of two unknown homicide victims I spend a lot of time online searching for online Mysteries like the ones I'm sharing with you today and if there's one thing I've realized it's that prying eyes are always trying to get a peep at that valuable 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anti-virus protection parental controls and a password manager you may already have an app that does one of those things but with aura you won't have to download and pay for a bunch of separate apps right now Aura are offering all of my viewers so two-week free trial simply go to aura.com forward slash lazy or click the link in my description or scan the QR code on screen and let Aura do the hard work of keeping you safe online [Music] over here on the evening of August 3rd 2009 a tall and emaciated woman named Gabriella Rico Jimenez was caught on camera acting erratically outside the fiesta Rim a luxury hotel on Ocampo Street in Monterrey Mexico screaming at police officers and onlookers some of them recorded the woman as she angrily and earnestly made some very strong allegations against some very well-known individuals allegations of murder secret societies and cannibalism after several minutes of ranting Gabriella was forced into the back of a police vehicle and driven away from the scene the following morning local TV stations aired her entire Dart tribe he is an Abridged version of what Gabriella said outside the hotel I want my freedom she screamed I was in Mexico City for a year and four months well this began back in mid-2001 they were young and powerful and they killed them what I wanted was my freedom I want my freedom Carlos Slim knew about this I want my freedom it hurts my soul that they took him away leave me alone they've already taken me to the police station and they told me they know nothing they took me to the General Hospital you you were there you killed Mourinho the police asked me who did they kill the Queen of England the queen of Germany did they kill Mickey Mouse they were mocking me they ate humans she screamed humans I wasn't aware of anything of the murders yes but they ate humans they smell like human flesh you're not going to take me away until we clear this up you're not taking me you already took me there so you could make a copy of me let me go in summary Gabriella was declaring to the world that she had been held captive by some sort of powerful underground group one that part took in cannibalism and that the authorities were helping to cover up their activities by eliminating whistleblowers now in most cases people who go on rants like this in public are typically having a mental health crisis or under the influence of a substance but this incident stood out to viewers and internet users for a couple of reasons firstly because Gabriella's Outburst followed a coherent and captivating narrative and secondly because Gabriella wasn't just anybody she was a well-known supermodel hence why she was so skinny and why news stations aired her segment in the first place her career had apparently taken her to the runways of Mexico City Paris and New York and she was even said to have appeared on TV shows and in magazines she wasn't exactly Kate Moss levels of famous but she was known at least that's what was originally reported by the media indeed many social media users still claim to remember seeing Gabriella on television prior to her ramp as of right now if you Google search the name Gabriella Rico Jimenez you won't find any information about her modeling career in fact you won't find any official record of her existence at all rather than the video of her outburst of the few blogs and articles that do still mention her past career their reference links all lead to sites that are either broken or have been taken down aside from her random Monterey almost nothing else about her exists online this has led to many people speculating that Gabriella Rico Jimenez has been wiped from the internet entirely but as well as her supposed modeling career some believe that Gabriella herself has been erased since being taken away by the authorities that night in 2009 Gabriella supposedly went missing and hasn't been seen or heard from since her whereabouts on well-being remain a mystery with all that in mind it's easy to see why this video has since become a rumor magnet and something of an urban legend on internet forums there are many who believe that Gabriella's Outburst may have been more than just nonsense rambling they say that although her claims do sound wild there could be more truth behind them than people want to acknowledge namely that she had just escaped from a human trafficking ring and was exposing the nefarious activities of Mexico's rich and Powerful Elite activities that involved eating human flesh listening through her rant that night in Monterey she name-dropped Carlos Slim Carlos Slim was the richest man in the world at the time given her supermodel status Gabriella would have brushed shoulders with Mexico's high rollers it's not entirely out of the question that she would have met Carl or slim too in fact some sources even reported that at one point Gabriella was dating Carla Slim's son that is before those sources mysteriously vanished from the web Gabriella also mentioned a man named Mourinho who she implied had been murdered by the authorities to help protect the Sinister underground group of Elites in all likelihood Gabriella was referring to Juan Camille Mourinho a high-ranking Mexican politician whose legit crashed into Mexico City during rush hour shortly before Gabriella made her rap 14 people are confirmed to have lost their lives in the crash including Mourinho all the other passengers on board the plane and six people at Ground Zero netizens began speculating whether Carla slim was somehow affiliated with the Shady elite club of cannibals whether Mourinho was going to expose them whether the police had taken care of him at the request of Carla slim and his clubmates and whether they made Gabriella disappear too after all if there ever was a person who could make someone disappear it would surely be the richest man in the world one of the most widely discussed twists in this case came a few weeks after the supermodel disappeared when a law student visiting a police station claimed to have seen Gabriella keeping his identity secret to protect his family and reputation he wrote on an online forum quote at that time I was in the same place where the goal was taken after being arrested I still remember her base so full of Despair fear and anguish I approached her and asked her some questions if she knew where she lived Etc she told me that we were all already dead that we belong to them among some other very strange things after 20 minutes of being with her some tall well-dressed men arrived they practically forced me out of there I asked why they were doing all of this if this was just a girl with a mental disorder I asked where they were taking her they told me it was none of my business and that it was for my own good that I leave when I walked away and they stopped me and asked me what she had told me I only replied crazy things the next day I went to the high officials of the ministry and told them about what had happened they just laughed and said really she doesn't exist she never existed and you don't work here I think it's important to take this account with a grain of salt seeing how the writer is just some Anonymous person on the internet In fairness I think it's important we take this whole urban legend with several teaspoons of salt as well the way I see it there's a lot of big claims and not a lot of evidence supporting them if Gabriella was such a famous model prior to this clip why hasn't anyone come forward with some physical media showing her as a model an old magazine or a recording of a fashion show if you dig deep enough into the Gabriella Rico Jimenez mystery you'll find people discussing other rumors too from Gabriella being taken to some sort of MK Ultra facility to her being buried at a cement factory owned by Carlos Slim to there being other reports of a group of Elites in Mexico that snatch up children from the streets and feast on them at lavish parties in underground complexes I've even seen people discussing celebrity cloning apparently a lot of people believe that Elites clone celebrities for a number of purposes attractive companions designer meat and that sort of thing ultimately I can find very little evidence supporting any of these theories but then again seeing how Gabriella was said to have been scrubbed from the internet I wouldn't be able to would I it is true that Gabriella's whereabouts and well-being remain a mystery and that we don't know what happened to her after she was taken away given Monterey's history this wouldn't be the first time something sinister was uncovered there the city seems to be a hotbed of violence especially when it comes to the treatment of women just think back to my video on ebony Escobar but that doesn't necessarily mean that Gabriella was silenced by some secret society maybe no other news stations followed up on her case after the rant hence the lack of info maybe the supposed reports of Gabriella being a supermodel were nothing more than stories shared around so often that they've been accepted as truths or maybe just maybe the urban legends are true and Gabriella was exposing Mexico's most rich and Powerful whether the theories hold Credence or whether Gabriella was simply unwell I hope for her sake she's okay now and getting whatever help she needs because the alternative is much too grisly to contemplate on September 29 2016 at approximately 8 45 am a New Jersey Transit commuter train came hurdling into Hoboken terminal one of the busiest stations in the U.S the train which didn't attempt to break as it entered the station crashed into the terminal during the morning rush hour at high speed 114 passengers on board were injured including the driver and one person standing on the platform was killed by Falling debris as parts of the roof collapsed she was Fabiola bitter de croon an attorney and mother of one who had just moved to Hoboken after an official inquiry it was determined that the train operator fell asleep at the controls due to undiagnosed sleep apnea he awoke after the impact with no memory of how it had happened so as it turned out this was nothing more than an unfortunate accident which sadly nobody could have predicted or could they here's where things get weird the day before the incident a nearby Upstate New York TV station called wktv was broadcasting their evening programs as normal when Suddenly at 6 18 PM an unexpected emergency alert appeared at the top of the screen it read Civil Authorities have issued a hazardous materials warning for the United States effective until September 29th 2 16 a.m EDT would you could you on a train wait for further instructions okay that's pretty wild remember this alert appeared on screen one day before the train incident at Hoboken station needless to say this got a lot of people online theorizing about the Dr Seuss alert namely that this was a go signal for whoever really caused the Hoboken train crash after the alert appeared on screen wktv tweeted that the alert had been a technical error and that no such warning was meant to air FEMA the Federal Emergency Management agency had scheduled the Nationwide alert test to take place on that day though no alerts were actually meant to wear on screen for viewers to see something had simply gone wrong in the process and those tuned in got to see the test the fact that the alert referenced a drain and that a real train incident occurred in New Jersey the following morning was simply a chilling coincidence however later that evening wktv made another announcement femur oblied that they did not send this alert out they'll launch an investigation into how their codes were hacked wktv seems to be the only target of this hack for now we've disabled the codes in our decoder that triggered this alert as it would turn out stations across the entire country did indeed air alerts at the same time as wktv on September 28th though not a single other one of them said would you could you on a train or reference the train at all FEMA later stated that the wktv alert was written by a developer as part of their Nationwide test event and that there was no ill intent behind the message it was just a gibberish sentence that he had made up only meant to be seen by the Network's operators not by the public still that explanation hasn't stopped people online discussing how odd the alert was especially considering the events that quickly preceded it would you could you on a train the message and timing are just too suspicious to ignore so what do you think was the emergency alert just an eerie coincidence or was there something more Sinister at Play let me know your thoughts down in the comments [Music] a huge thank you to all of my supporters here on YouTube and over on patreon especially my biggest supporters Aaron McKee Alex greensall Anya Katarina faustov ajamina Azrael warakai bradhammer 33 Cassidy Simpson Chief kochiwake Clayton Thompson Colin monsma Conor lotham Dustin and Tiffany Vanderpool George Lopez Gina Valera Grace Archie Ian bellick Infamous sempapi Jessie jug Leonardo Martinez Linden motepsky Monica Mendoza Mrs Yvonne Rankin Peter old church Philip Wester Taylor and Monica grewing the only Dorita TNS Mama Zane Peyton trolling itai Allen nephes 1988 and Lydia Kumo the best things happen in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 756,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lazy masquerade unsolved mysteries, scariest video ever, deeply disturbing, creepy, creepy pasta, scary, horror, audiobook, nexpo, mr nightmare, blameitonjorge, new, best, reddit stories, true scary stories, true horror stories, English, British accent, asmr, top 10, skin walkers, unsolved mysteries, exploring, photos with backstories, true crime, mystery, cold case, buzzfeed unsolved, internet, Japanese cases, rabbit holes, blame it on Jorge, Gabriela rico jimenez, disturbing internet
Id: v1q7Z_kDm_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 30sec (1590 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 28 2023
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