5 Truly Mysterious & Disturbing Folklore Experiences from Reddit Users

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"And the legend says, all you have to do is break your arms...."

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Engi22 📅︎︎ Aug 09 2017 🗫︎ replies
number one I had a football coach back in high school who was also one of my teachers for a semester when he was a lot younger and newly married he had a coaching job at a small College in Montana he said that after practice one evening he was making his long commute home and the road ran alongside just fields and fields of hay and grain since it was a late summer early fall it was an even approaching dark yet his vehicle was an old beat-up truck with just the bench seat anyway he's driving along when he sees a hitchhiker on the shoulder this being back in the day in small-town Montana my teacher pulled over to let the guy in without a second thought the man was described as wearing a really old outdated style of suit not quite a zoot suit but styled in a similar baggy way he also had a big stylish hat basically this guy looked like he was straight out of the 40s my teacher thought it was weird that he was so overdressed yet being so hot outside and all but maybe that was the only clothing he had so the guy gets in next to my teacher without a word my teacher asks him where he needs to go and the guy just points forward my teacher tried talking to the guy just trying to make simple conversation but the guy wouldn't speak or even acknowledge him he just pulled his hat down like you were sleeping out of nowhere and the guy just tips up his hat looks out the window and says stop the car now my teacher pulls over and lets him out not wanting to offend a possibly crazy man the guy stands on the side of the road for a second and then had a dead sprint just runs off into the field beside the road until my teacher couldn't see him anymore he waits there for a while thinking maybe the guy had the runs or something and didn't want to shit next to the side of the road after a long enough wait my teacher gets back in the truck and starts to accelerate back on the road the thing about really old trucks is that they don't accelerate very fast as my teacher got back on the road he looked in his rearview mirror for a safe merge but there wasn't a car in sight what there was was the hitchhiker on all fours so like an animal running or crawling after the truck at an inhuman speed meanwhile my teacher is beginning to fishtail as he attempts to go faster the whole time his eyes are glued to the mirror watching the man chase after his truck eventually he was able to get up enough speed and lost sight of the guy in his mirror when he was able to stop at a gas station to use a payphone he called his wife at home to tell her the story and to lock up the house she thinks he's just messing with her and that he's been talking with her co-worker when he asks why she would think that she tells him that in the office in town where she works one of her co-workers told her a story of the exact same thing happening to them apparently it's a well-known urban legend in that town she thought it was just folks pranking the new girl at work since she had to drive home alone at night my teacher assures his wife he's not lying and that he hasn't been talking to were co-workers or anything she evidently believes him and can bow for her side of the story because she showed up to one of our fundraisers and I asked her about it now I just avoid lonely roads in Montana number two on the little island I grew up on there was a story of a beast that would come into your home late at night and fiddle with your kids it turned out to be true he entered homes at night dressed in a rubber mask and nails studded wristlets attacking women and children it went on for a period of eleven years from 1960 as the Beast roamed the island they caught the guy in 1971 his name was Edward pace Nell better known as the Beast of Jersey here's a picture of him and the mask he wore there's even a book about him written by his own wife some urban legends really do end up being true number three recently on reddit there was a discussion about the creepiest urban legends from around the world one user brought up else'll bomb known as the Whistler in English an emaciated figure that stalks and eventually kills people particularly men its presence is marked by an eerie continuous whistle after reading this other users were quick to draw parallels between this and a mysterious post from another user made four months ago in a thread about creepy personal experiences the following story is the experience he shared I've been waiting a long time to tell the full story of the Whistler this story requires many details but it's unexplainable creepy and a hundred percent true I also have video evidence when I was about 8 years old my mum and I were taking our dog for a walk through the neighborhood we live next to a swampy wooded area on the edge of our neighbourhood in Lansing Michigan I remember it being very silent and slightly windy from down in the swamp we heard somebody whistling at us it sounded sort of like a bird but each whistle was so different that it sounded human-like due to the lack of consistency the whistle sounded higher and then lower I can't really describe it accurately my mum had a concerned slightly terrified look on her face and grabbed my hand saying that we should go inside quickly I didn't really understand because I was so young but seeing my mum freak out like that made me freak out too after a while though I kind of forgot about it two years later I was taking my dog out again late at night there's a large Bush next to our front door that could easily obscure a person standing behind it as I was finishing the walk and the whistling noise started again the same pitch the same inconsistency the same human-like tones it was identical as soon as I heard it a chill went down my spine as I remembered exactly the feeling of seeing my mum terrified looking down into the swamp that something I couldn't see I ran inside as quickly as possible years went by and I thought about it less and less I told only a handful of people and eventually it slipped from my mind fast forward to last summer I'm 24 and I started dating my girl Sarah we moved out to South Dakota for work for Independence Day we decided to go to Pierre and watch fireworks along the bank of the Missouri River there was a free camping spot behind a hospital where you could pitch a tent hang out and see the fireworks we were near the end of the campground and there were very few people around us as it was getting dark the fireworks began and they were pretty far away so the illumination they brought was very little we had to sit right at the edge of the river to be able to see them a huge Thunder head was moving in and a storm was imminent so the air seemed electric and the wind was picking up the atmosphere was eerie to say the least the police boats herded all of the other boats off the river and had left our area to do that elsewhere most of the other campers walked up the river to get a better view of the fireworks but Sarah and I stayed back and were drinking PBR tall boys suddenly we heard the sound of a paddle methodically dipping into the water we turned to look and saw a figure steering a canoe about 20 meters offshore Sarah decided to go and get some more beers from the car leaving me alone to stare at this mystery person and then of course they started whistling at me my entire body was frozen and covered in goose bumps it was the exact same whistle from my childhood more than a decade earlier I looked at the figure but it was much too dark to discern who it could be they were wearing a hat that's about all I could make out when they were perpendicular to the shore they stopped paddling turned the canoe to face directly at me and whistled right at me I was so frightened I stood up and I shouted who are you they didn't say anything just whistled a couple more times turned the canoe 180 degrees and paddled out of sight I'm a videographer so I already had my camera by my side and was taking video of the fireworks as the canoe was almost out of sight I grabbed my camera and got a shot of them whistling as they went away when Sara came back from getting the bass she was very confused as to why I was so freaked out when I explained she was freaked out a bit as well I was so convinced we're both be murdered that night how did this whistling person follow me after 14 years all the way to South Dakota was it a coincidence the whistling was the exact same no mistaking it it was so unnatural who was that person and where did they go so many questions still unanswered to this day I'm still afraid of being outside in the dark where I might hear that whistling again this person's haunted me since I was a boy I can't explain it here's the video I took I was too afraid at that moment to point directly at the canoe so I just turned my microphone towards it and kept a low-key shot facing down the river towards the fireworks if you wear headphones you can hear it better in the last shot I boosted the brightness as much as I could you can see the person in the canoe it looks like they're wearing a red sweater or something I later showed my mum the video and asked her about that night when I was little she said that she had absolutely no recollection of it to me that makes it even creepier number four I live in northern Australia and everyone growing up in my town knows the legend of the Poinciana woman a quick Google search will elaborate into the many variations of the story but the one I grew up knowing is that a woman was raped by Japanese fishermen and she ended up hanging herself from a Poinciana tree after she found out she was pregnant she said to appear as a beautiful woman to entice men with long dark hair and dressed in a white gown and is said to be situated at our army reserve when I was around 12 years old man my brother was 10 he had been in his room and I was in the lounge on the computer he came barreling out from his room screaming can you hear that he dragged me over to the window there was a faint feminine moan or hum we could hear him moving from the window as we stood there to the one across the room and back in a clockwise direction this moaning was in the same room we were the wind outside had picked up with the noise despite how still then I have been up to that point the sound became so loud that we were on the floor covering our ears crying when I brought it up recently with my brother he agreed that it was almost like the sound was in our heads this went on for about 10 minutes before abruptly stopping no end no moans nothing we found out the next day that our older siblings had been at the Army Reserve that night and had climbed the concrete pillars to the locked gun turret and had in a way been taunting the Poinciana woman they eventually left after hearing footsteps assuming it was security what creeps me out the most is that not long after this happened I realize that we had a Poinciana tree outside of that window number five during my third year in Japan I lived way up in the woods north of the town I worked in there's a narrow winding road with a river on one side and a steep mountain on the other the roads so narrow that there's places to pull over and wait if another cars coming one night I'm heading home after work keeping in mind that if a cars coming towards me I'd have to pull over I'm heading north with the river on my left and the mountain to the right I get to this spot where the road curves to the left and there's a big rock on the left side of the road as well which has a small shrine in it right where the curve is I see the car lights of a white tourist type car just to the left of the rock and it's coming from the other side so I pull over to wait for them to pass now I keep waiting for them to come around the rock but they never come Oh weird but there are a few buildings up there maybe they pulled in just as the rock obscured my vision of them I head home without thinking much about it later that night I get the munchies and the only store was back south in the main part of town so I'm driving south this time and I come to the same corner and I see the same white car just past the rock shrine coming north towards me this time I'm by the buildings and I pull over to wait for him to pass but no car comes this is really weird because on the north side there are places a car could disappear but on the south there's absolutely nowhere to go only a steep mountain on one side and the river on the other as I ease around the bend nothing no car to be seen so this sticks with me until one day in October I'm teaching a culture lesson about Halloween in the local junior high the subject of ghosts come up and I jokingly say hey I think I saw a ghost do you know the road that goes north with the shrine screams of Terror come from half the class like total panic girls are crying guys are shouting and the Japanese teachers gone deadly white some are literally moaning for me to stop over and over I was floored at the reaction it turns out that that rock was a dangerous spot on the road but was unable to be removed due to the shrine it was believed that removing it would offend the gods there people freaked because there was absolutely no way I could have known about it I've left a Google Maps link in the description for anyone who wants to see the road where this took place hey guys so lazy here and thank you very much for listening there's so many urban legends from around the world that it's kind of hard to keep up with them all but I guess that's a good thing you know cuz there's so many still left to hear about and hey variety is the spice of life right see I'm not complaining I'm not complaining anyway what are some of your favorite folkloric tales and legends share them down in the comments because I'm sure a lot of people would be really interested in hearing about them you know myself included as well and hey while you're down there why not drag your little mouse cursor over the like button and just just give it a little click come on you know you want anyway you'll have another video coming to you guys very soon but until then stay spooky and remember the best things happen in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 965,185
Rating: 4.9274206 out of 5
Keywords: scary true stories, lazy masquerade, horror movies, scary 2016 movies, new, best, most, long, long video, top 5, top 10, real, true, urban legends, folklore, creepypasta, disturbing, horror, mr nightmare, strange, mysterious, unsolved, Halloween, scariest video ever, on youtube, ghost, ghosts, haunted, caught on tape, video, shocking, camera, from hell, 2chan, 4chan, reddit, study music, crazy, relaxing, search and rescue, creepy, 911 calls, death, dead, love, romance, music, cryptid, corpse husband, maskarade
Id: Tlzi0Wu-95w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 32sec (1232 seconds)
Published: Sun May 01 2016
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