4 Native American Horror Stories - Skinwalkers, Urban Legends, Native Ghosts

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[Music] [Music] that's a half Navajo and Hopi I've had my share of experiences on and off the Navajo and Hopi reservation I hope that I won't get any ridicule from other Native Americans for posting these stories one experience that I'd like to share happened when I was 14 years old I'm now 29 so you can do the math this is an experience that I've only shared with a small number of people and that I'm now writing down for the very first time my brother who's now a hardened soldier he is still scared about what happened to us this particular evening anyway on with the story as a teenager I'd visit my grandma at her home on the Navajo reservation and hear all of her stories every so often my grandma would hire a worker to do odd jobs around her house and property it was usually the harmless town drunk that she had hired one evening right before the Sun went down I was asked by my grandma to take him home which was about four miles out of the valley seeing that I was only 14 years old and being asked to drive a truck I was more than happy to mind you that on the rez nobody really cares that you're only 14 years old and driving around hell there's hardly anybody out there to see you anyway my 9 year old brother jumped in the truck cab with me while this worker and my dog shared the tailgate of the truck after I dropped the worker off at the shack that he and his brother called the house we headed back down the road to Grandma's as I mentioned before it was evening and the sky was a deep red as the Sun began to set behind us we were leaving a nice dust trail from the dirt road and the radio was playing music from the only station that could be picked up from the nearest town of Holbrook Arizona there was nothing unusual nothing weird it was at this time that my eye caught movement of something in the bushes so little up the road to the right of us I remember slowing down thinking that it was one of the many free roaming sheep in the area that would dart out in front of the truck as I passed where I thought I saw it I sped up thinking nothing else of it then out of nowhere I just felt this dark feeling of fear and dread I had no idea why I was feeling this way but I definitely felt that something was wrong yes I play this memory back in my mind there are only a few clear memories that I have of that evening I clearly remember looking in my rearview mirror and seeing the dark silhouette of something very tall and very skinny that seemed to be covered with some kind of hair or fur running behind the truck after us whatever it was it wasn't a normal human or even human at all I remember hearing my brother crying and my dog barking ferociously at whatever was chasing us I remember speeding very fast and shaking violently as the truck bounced on the washboard dirt road I distinctly remember that this thing was getting closer as my brother cried it's coming up on your side I remember being scared as hell and thinking that I didn't want to die who at the moment that I thought would be our last I remember speeding around a bend in the road and seeing a car coming towards us in the opposite direction at that moment I felt instant relief and thought that whatever was following us was gone shaken up but still alive we made it to my grandma's house wondering what the hell had just happened we ran inside not looking back hoping that whatever was chasing us hadn't followed us home yes we told my grandma about our experience she didn't seem too surprised which in turn surprised us she continued by repeating stories that we had already heard at one point or another talking about black magic witches and something that the Navajo school ye nerd lu-shi skinwalkers without going too deep into explanation I'll just say that these skinwalkers are evil men and spirits that use black magic for evil doing one can only become a skinwalker by killing a close friend or a relative and us Navajo don't like to talk about them because it's believed that once you acknowledge them they'll find you I tell you that as far fetched as it sounds they are real I believe that if God and his greatness are real the devil is equally as real and also has his way of showing himself needless to say I didn't even want to look out of any of the windows for the rest of that night as a matter of fact I never drove on the reservation at night again until I was 21 years old this may not sound particularly scary to some but what happened that evening really did happen and scared the living crap out of me I invite anybody to visit this part of Arizona if you have any doubts or want a huge scare I promise you that you won't be disappointed this is my parents story and it took place in Colorado many years ago and back before I was even born they're both natives and have always been a very superstitious pair that might just have saved their lives that night and they were traveling along million dollar highway through Red Mountain Pass after a long road trip it was around 2:00 or 3:00 a.m. me and my dad was behind the wheel while my mum slept in the passenger seat they both knew the road well and dad was driving cautiously the road is notoriously dangerous for its lack of guardrails and sheer steep drops over the edge at one point dad not just my mom awake there's something not quite right about the road up ahead after letting her eyes adjust for a moment she too could see that the road ahead was different than usual after having driven that road so many times they both knew that the sharp left curve they were fast approaching was going the opposite way it should have been this part of the road was meant to curve right around the mountain always had always would even the sign they just passed said so neither of them knew what to say as they approached the bend in the road they both rubbed their eyes but they're not seeing things the road really is turning left not right but that was impossible the silence was killing them and as they reached the point of no return mum screamed to turn right instead she needn't have bothered as dad was already spinning the wheel in that direction knowing that was how the road was supposed to go as he turned the actual road seemed to appear before them just how it had always been the road that and left was now just gone as if it had never been there to begin with and all that was left in its place was a sheer drop had they followed the illusionary road they both saw they would have plunged over the side of the mountain dad maintains that this was some sort of trickster trying to force them off the side of the cliff and in to an early grave fort wash icky around 1990 and a few young kids had committed suicide here no one knew why until one kid decided not to go through with the act and told us about this strange figure what he said was this clown had apparently been talking to him and told him that on the other side of death it's beautiful this clown had been the one talking to the kids in the area telling them to kill themselves the parents asked him about the figure is he like a circus clown they asked and the kid said no he's just a man with long hair and dark glasses another kid said he'd seen the clown turn into a dead word spread and all of the parents were telling their kids not to talk to strangers in the area no one really knew exactly what this supposed clown man was until one evening at the tribal housing called Charlie town an old man heard some kids yelling something about a clown the old man asked the kids what they were talking about and the kid said that the clown man was out in the field trying to talk some other youngsters into killing themselves the old guy said he grabbed his eagle feather and walked out to the spot and there he was the alleged clown man he said this man had on nice clothes and had long straight dark hair and wore dark glasses just like that kid had said when this clown man saw the old fella he turned and ran down into a ditch but all the old man saw jump back out was a day and that kept running away I'm searching for answers about something that happened to me this morning I've posted this in several other forums I found on Google I just need some answers I lost my sister this February to suicide I'm still not convinced that she killed herself though she left no explanation for anybody and didn't tell me anything before it being a year apart in age we were both extremely close now to the event this morning that has me extremely rattled and upset I was asleep in bed with my girlfriend when I was awoken by my phone ringing it woke her up too which is how I know it wasn't just me dreaming it was 3:30 7:00 a.m. I know this because when it rang I looked at the screen to see what number was calling me and I saw the time it was a private unknown number usually I won't answer these private calls but being harvest and guessing it was probably a drunk friend ringing to be picked up I answered I said hello me and all I could hear was this muffled kind of static sound no one replied so again I said hello again no response I thought it was probably just a prank call or some and was about to hang up when I heard my name getting called Paul it was clear as day and sounded 100% like my sister I kinda froze and in a panic I said her name a few times pretty much pleading it to be her then all I heard was I'm sorry I love you please help me that last bit is what has me really shaken please help me I asked where she was and then heard this really really loud screeching sound and it just went back to the dial tone when I hung up I turned to my girlfriend she asked why I was saying my sister's name and it's then that I had a complete meltdown and cried harder than I ever have I didn't go back to sleep I just sat up with my phone in my hand waiting I need advice what can I do should I tell my family what happened yes for the calls I haven't received another one I'm going to see a medium I saw a psychic but nothing really came of it also a couple of people have suggested a Ouija board I'm not sure about that one though yes I've heard some really bad stories regarding them I'm just so confused and upset and scared right now I just need answers to what happened hey guys Laci here and thank you very much for listening I made a video similar to this ages ago on my second channel way way back when I think over a year and a half ago now or something like that Adam but I'll put a link down to it in the description for anyone who's interested so make sure to check it out if you enjoyed these stories coming up next will be something a little less paranormal but equally as spooky so keep an eye out for the upcoming upload but until then lacy Legion you will stay spooky and remember the best things happen in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 497,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scary true stories, horror movies, scary 2016 movies, horror 2016, lazy masquerade, new, best, most, long video, relaxing, study music, creepypasta, disturbing, scariest video ever, on youtube, horrific, search and rescue, skinwalkers, skinwalker stories, ghost, ghosts, haunted, caught on tape, native american stories, audiobook, british accent, asmr, learn english, mr nightmare, be busta, corpse husband, deep web, Halloween, true, real, 2chan, 4chan, reddit, how to
Id: HtxuAZz68hQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 10 2016
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