5 REAL Skinwalker Sightings Right out of Native American Folklore (Part 7)

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it walks through the forests searching for new skin to wear maybe that skin is yours this world is a strange one one of my favorite monsters to talk about is the skinwalker it's so unnatural so demonic so creepy to imagine something like that in your woods so close to our homes it would give you nightmares it might just be a matter of time before you wake up to your window open the full moon shining in and a clawed hand reaching for your flesh enjoy these allegedly real sightings of skinwalkers but first what is the creepiest thing you've seen in the ocean let me know by sending me your story at darkness prevails org thank you now hold on to your skin you don't want to lose it number one it wears people's skin submitted by Darren H I never thought I'd see something like this in my life you won't find me back in the woods for a very long time I was out there in the Ozarks it was looking like another beautiful season for hunting had been seeing deer everywhere almost hit one on the road just trying to get to my perfect hunting spot I'd been hunting at these parts for decades now sometimes I'd come here to escape you know life isn't always a happy thing it was quiet that day cold misty the autumn leaves filled the forest floor to my ankles the trees were bare as the wind blew past their nothingness I actually enjoyed this dreariness it was mesmerizing it made me want to sit up against the trunk of a tree and fall asleep for a while so when I did finally sit down below my tree stand I never started climbing instead I did just that I laid my head against the bark and I closed my eyes I woke up sometime later I had no idea how long I'd been out or what time it was but I did know one thing something woke me up a noise it had come from deep within the woods maybe 30 yards ahead of me so it was close at this point on any normal day I'd already be slowly and quietly readying my gun thoughts of deer stew for dinner this coming week warm on my mind but I couldn't move I couldn't move because the sound I had heard that a jolted me awake was a sound that did not belong in our plane of existence it sounded like a large man screaming for his life but under his voice was another a young girl's voice screaming in the exact same tempo when it had finished its double scream it simply reversed it until it was back to silence chills filed over my skin as I prayed prayed that what I had just heard was simply the fading end of a dream that I had had but it wasn't there was something ahead of me a silhouette was forming and fading into appearance from the mist I stayed quiet I dared not move I gritted my teeth and forced down a scream because when I saw the creature before me all life and existence lost its meaning whatever the creature was it hadn't seen me yet maybe because it was too busy to notice it was yanking on its own skin pooling and tearing at it until rip it came off yet underneath that skin there was fur a thick layer of fur its arm no longer had skin on it now a hairy arm with the clawed hand reached out for the skin on its face its face was emotionless it had the face of a middle-aged man slightly overweight that face his skin didn't seem to fit its face as it appeared to hang partially from its head then its claw came up and ripped the skin from itself throwing the face on the forest floor and disgust it's real face was revealed a mix between a young boy's face and a deer that's the best way I can describe it it looked irritated fed up with something as soon as it finished ripping the extra flesh from itself in front of me it turned back the way it came and disappeared into the mist once more finally I could breathe finally I was free to think again my mind seemed to have roared to life after idling for ages yet still I waited there I waited in the moist fallen leaves that made my seat I waited until I knew that thing was far enough away that either it couldn't hear me if I got up or it couldn't catch up to me if I ran I piled into my truck goosebumps tacking on goosebumps all over my body I almost screamed on the run their agony and inhuman confusion filling my mind I haven't gone back to those woods I won't be going back into any woods for a very long time watch out when you're in the Ozarks there's something out there and it wears people's skin number 2 skinwalker after midnight submitted by Taylor a I was 19 when it happened how was fairly in the mindset that I was indestructible and fearless before this night I thought I'd seen it all but I was wrong I live in the Stanislaus National Forest and to most you wouldn't ever know where it is it's a beautiful rural town tucked away called Tuolumne well my story took place on 1 October night me and my ex at the time let's call him s for the sake of the story he had lived here all his life so he knew where the coolest places to explore were we went with some friends who round meadows way out in the hills when we got there we found an old abandoned house he told me the place was used by drug dealers to hide and make their stuff well upon inspection there was a second floor on the inside with the wood stove and some bunk beds this is where we would spend our night the unknowingly frightful night ahead after some time we made a fire we cooked some food for the night then we went outside to go walk around well s and him went one direction while I got this harebrained idea to go off in the other I told them I needed to use the bathroom but I really wanted to circle around and scare them once enough time passed I went back to find them keep in mind I've never been to this area and as expected I got lost pretty fast I was soon regretting my decision the whole meadow was lit by moonlight but the house we were in for the night was tucked in the tree line so the moon was no help to find the place I followed some movement I saw in the distance thinking he must have been my friends but when I got closer I saw what looked like just two deer I figured I'd scream at them to goof off and maybe even get my friends attention when I turned back to look at the deer to do so one of them stood up on its hind legs when the other deer saw this it ran away in fear and panic the deer that was standing on its hind legs it looked at me with an empty gaze and all I could muster was what and this thing looked down at me without moving its mouth in a creepy low voice and it repeated back to me what I had said what and for the first time since I was a child I was afraid out of my mind afraid of whatever this was in front of me in the distance I heard my friends laughing then I heard a gunshot apparently those two were playing with a gun as soon as the gunshot rang out the thing started after me I screamed and turned to run in the direction of my friends and as I did the thing followed suit I tried to run as fast as I could through the tall grass in the meadows and all the while this thing was right behind me when it got quiet I stopped to catch my breath and soon I saw my friends when they looked towards me they looked horrified when I turned around to see what they were looking at I saw that thing somehow silently catching up to me and when I looked at it I saw its mouth morph into a hole of razor-sharp teeth when I looked at it up close it looked nothing like a deer rather some mix between man and beast and had slender long arms in a barrel like chest but its legs were more human now I was frozen in my step I just couldn't move out of nowhere a gunshot rang out again and I turned to look at my friends they yelled at me to doc and as soon as I did they shot again this time they must have hit the thing because it ran off into the woods still I took off running and so did the other two somehow we made it back to the abandoned house ok the only problem was there was no glass in the windows of the place and the loft on the second floor had one stairwell to it and no doors in between as the top sounded safest all of us ran up there the boys stayed at the top of the staircase like guards or sentries but I cowered in a corner contemplating everything I'd just seen I didn't want to make too much noise either we all needed to stay alert soon we already loud crash I got up and looked out the nearby window that same thing from before it was now climbing on the shingles of the roof it knew where we were exactly which room we made a break for the stairs but before we descended them the creature burst its head through the open window and it began to scan the room we ran as fast as we could into the garage piling into the cars but as I opened the car door I could hear it just above us climbing around on the roof even still as soon as we started those vehicles we hightailed it out of that place but no sooner had we started driving down the road we saw that thing on all fours trying to catch up to us s grabbed the gun again and shot at it hitting the dirt next to it but it was enough to get it off of our tails as the Beast turned to its left and disappeared into the woods only later did I realize that we had left some of our things at the abandoned house but I don't think any of us even cared I'm 22 now none of us really talk about what happened that day I don't think anyone would believe us before this I really had nothing to fear nothing about the darkness or the forests that I called home but now I was scared at every little movement every little sound and especially the dark I can't even look at deer the same way since that day I have never returned to round meadow since that day and I don't think I ever will number three weird stories from Mexico submitted by mate o8 154 my mother is originally from Oaxaca Mexico and she shared some creepy stories told by her older relatives with my older brother and me I kinda wish the only scary thing she had to tell us was when someone she knew got chased by a cow but no there were worse things in store one afternoon in the kitchen either my brother or I had brought up the topic of skinwalkers my brother told me that a video game he played consisted of creatures from Navajo legends even though my mom's family isn't really of Navajo descent she did tell us about how her entire family thinks that her cousin Vicki is a skinwalker that turns into a snake she said they once found shed snakeskin in the corner of her room however the shed skin was massive far too big or too long to be any regular snake in the area and why would such a big snake be left alone to stay in Vicki's room surely her family would have gotten rid of it right this piqued my interests for I had already listened to a bunch of skinwalker encounter stories before eventually I asked her again for more stories more tales of the skinwalker she told one that's a little bit weirder mom explained that her uncle was driving home after three days of being away probably to sell goods at the market spending the night near his stand while on the road home his car had stopped moving and when he tried to start it up again it should've but didn't he wasn't out of gas and he couldn't find a problem with the car there wasn't anything wrong with it I knew this already because the car would start later on in the story but not before her uncle through the blackness of the night saw a group of people people that have not been anywhere near there before had suddenly appeared these people some were covered in fur some had horns others tails they didn't make eye contact with him while crossing in front of his car and then they just disappeared like I mentioned before the car did start up again but when he arrived home he was immediately confronted by his family who were frantically asking him where he'd been my uncle confused said he was only gone for three days like everyone knew already every family member disagreed saying that he'd been gone for three years not three days of course my great uncle was shocked no one had any explanation for why he doesn't remember three years of his life no one knows where he went now I'm not a religious person by any real means but for some reason I still do believe in demons and ghosts or spirits whether or not the devil himself is real or whether or not God is real there's still something I'm on the fence about but when it comes to skinwalkers I'm definitely certain I trust my mother's family 100% even if some of their stories can be a little crazy I really hope that none of these entities especially the devil try to find me after sharing this story number four unidentified monster submitted by Benjamin around my house in Frisco Colorado there was about an acre of woods before the coal the sack I lived on began to be developed the woods were mostly lodgepole pine I was outside during the summer and I was around ten years old back then what happened that day though I will never forget anyway I was outside about 20 feet from the coldest sack when I heard it it was some sort of monstrous growl or roar a mix between the sound of a cougar and a reptile though a good deal quieter it was very close and I briefly looked around to find it but I didn't see anything I was kind of creeped out so I returned to my house pretty much happy that I didn't find the source of this weird noise I don't know if it followed me and maybe possible because I'm not a quiet person the next few summers passed without incident and we decided because of various reasons including rising house prices and my sister's altitude sickness to move north my first year in Montana was my sixth grade year at the time my family rented a house in front of the house was a pair of deciduous trees but I don't know what type one night I was looking out the window in the front of the house I enjoy watching out the windows but this time I saw something that scared me outside I saw what appeared to be a large pale lanky man squatting in the tree it was staring into the window of my sister's room down the hall it was summer so it definitely wasn't a pile of snow on the tree the tree had all its leaves so it couldn't have been exposed branches one absolutely extraordinary thing though was that its knees were splayed wide like it was preparing to jump and I could see its arms but I couldn't see their ends or even the elbows the moon was covered by cloud as is common here so I couldn't see the thing very well I turned to look away to turn off my lab when I heard a thump the house was a duplex so it couldn't have been the couple next door it sounded far closer I looked out the window and the creature was gone but now there was a deer outside that hadn't been there before it was looking at me standing next to the woods that extended back up into the mountains I know elk I know mule deer and white-tailed deer and I know bears live up there but deer and elk don't climb trees and bears are covered in fur and they're thick I don't know what it was that I saw I believe the final part of this story could be related to these incidents I work for the Montana Conservation Corps in the summer during my first summer my crew was working up in Glacier National Park during the second week we were repairing the fence by the mini glacier entrance as we settled down for the night first the crew leaders went to bed then the rest of us I stayed up writing we were staying in the Cut Bank campground in the east side as the locals call it when I finally went to bed myself during the night I was awakened I thought I heard the sound of splashing through the creek the creek does have some mini rapids but what really scared me was when I went to the outhouse it sounded like someone knocked on the door after trying the handle a couple of times after a minute I opened the door onto a cloudless night and I saw something off in the distance in the fields that were nearby the second sighting was up at slide lake about a mile from the Canadian border the hike in was treacherous we were there to serve a pika which are related to rabbits but look like marmots so slide lake is way up there we busted in during the first day and I'm not interested in going up there again because of what happened the night we were up there it was rainy there was a dry creek bed that was as expected dry the only thing it was wet with was dirt it was two feet deep with loose soil however the focus is not the creek I just like to play in the dirt the creek bed ditch was crossed by a small wooden bridge during the first night I woke up and had to use the restroom the problem was something was on the bridge making it creak now whenever something's on the bridge and is walking it goes bump every step the bridge occasionally creaks when you're on it I didn't want to go outside with something creaking on the bridge like that the creaking lasted for a good 10 to 20 minutes before suddenly stopping and after a while the creaking stopped I really really had to go to the bathroom I got out and took a much-needed bathroom break at the pit toilet more recently there was an incident at the hay Creek section of the Pacific Northwest trail this was my second and most recent season the area we were staying at was bordered on one side by a steep drop in the valley the other side was the side of a mountain this was not very likely related to the others but sometimes animals travel great distances anyway I was up going to the bathroom again and I suddenly heard a branch break over one of the tents and of course I looked there was nothing I went back to going where I was going when I heard the same sound again this time in front of me and a little to my right it was coming from across the road down towards the valley the place we were staying was a dirt road and they were bears but bears can't cross a road without making footstep noises they're heavy creatures plus I hadn't seen a bear since we got there I went to the bathroom and then I heard what scared me the most the branches all around me began to break and rustle like something was climbing from tree to tree but doing it it away to make itself known who in their right mind would climb a 50-foot ponderosa or lodge Paul in the middle of the night I looked around me but again I saw nothing which considering it was quite dark and I had no light it wasn't surprising and finally there's one last incident it was approaching evening one day I was outside doing various banging I was making a lot of noise as I was hammering nails in however after one of the nails was in I heard what she could call a reply three sounds like knocking perhaps some small giant banging two trees together coming from the hills every time I hammered Annelle the sound would echo and reply something was out there close enough to hear me doing this and it was mimicking the sound to this day I'm not sure if it's one thing that's been following me something trying to haunt me and torture me or if these were all separate incidences but I do know these experiences are very terrifying and number five something mimics people submitted by grey [Music] as I type this story much more used to the events that I experienced those few years ago I'm going to tell you two experiences of when I saw this thing I call the skinwalker I was 13 and I lived with my family in Utah very close to Arizona I loved to spend time with my older brother one day we were just playing our usual games and joking around we both suddenly heard our other brothers and moms screaming at the top of their lungs worried and scared we ran into their room we asked what was the matter and they said that they'd heard galloping from a horse which didn't sound too scary to me even though there were no horses around these parts naturally we tried to calm them down as they sat there spooked one of my little brothers admitted that he saw the thing making the noise he said it was running on two legs and it wasn't human my brother and I curious decided to go outside as we looked around the house our dogs formed a circle around us they seemed much more protective than usual they seemed more serious to not paying much mind to us rather they were watching the woods around us in no particular direction and every so often they would suddenly bark making us job and making us wonder what they had barked at eventually the dogs calmed down and they stopped barking and we began to think that whatever was out there was finally gone but as we walked back in the house we were confronted by our grandmother and asked if we were calling them into the woods in the opposite direction that we actually were this freaked us out we were on the other side of the house completely and we hadn't said a word since we stepped out the door whatever my grandma heard calling them it wasn't us this was the first time I ever saw my brother visibly shaken by something about two months after this our aunt moved into a trailer near us maybe 40 yards away I was home alone since my aunt's family and my family went picking for peaches so I was lying on the couch in a living room next to a window when suddenly I was filled with dread then the hair on the back of my neck stood up I dismissed the feeling as best I could and try to continue to watch TV but then I heard my aunt's voice it was like she was right next to me I jumped up and looked out the window but her car was still gone and my aunt was nowhere to be seen something continued to speak trying its best to sound like my aunt come help me please come outside then I did something stupid I grabbed a knife in a flashlight and I walked outside as soon as I did the dogs once more formed a circle around me and they were beginning to bark at what I saw was a shadow the thing was a bulking figure its towered over me this wasn't some person that could feel the thing watching me as soon as I saw it I ran back in my house and locked all the doors calling my aunt she said she was about five minutes away and my mom would be back later he looked out my window and I saw one dog sitting in front of the door as I scanned the area outside the dog seemed to be protecting the entire house they were pacing back and forth watching the shadow and the distance to this day I can only believe that I'm still alive because those loyal dogs kept the shadowy thing at bay to all of you who stay home alone sometimes if you ever hear a disembodied voice of someone you know or love don't listen to it it's luring you into some sort of trap the skinwalker is a fearsome Beast something you definitely don't want to run into at night but what does it want what does it do with your skin after it tears it off of you maybe it disguises itself as you in order to seek new skin maybe when it's done with your old skin it devours what is left so who knows what the skinwalker truly looks like and let's hope we never find out goodnight be sure to LIKE share comment and subscribe if you enjoyed the video and don't forget to send me your creepy stories from the ocean at darkness prevails org also a huge thanks goes out to all my newest patrons they are Lisa red Mila gray and sage Bentley thank you all so much for going above and beyond the call of duty to help my channel all of my patrons as well as everyone watching this you're keeping horror alive and Lord knows YouTube doesn't want horror on its platform anyway as always stay safe out there and stay creepy
Channel: Darkness Prevails
Views: 294,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skinwalker, skinwalker sightings, native american folklore, native american, folklore, real monsters, monsters in america, american monsters, skin walker, navajo, monster sighting, strange animal, rare animal, creepy animal, darkness prevails, dark web, krampus, paranormal stories, monster stories, wendigo, bigfoot, scary monster, werewolf, goatman, creepypasta, craigslist, horror story, alien stories, mothman, witches, succubus, swamp dweller, clancypasta, are ghosts real
Id: C_NcIfUe2W8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 46sec (1846 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 17 2017
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