5 Steps to Make Him Miss You Badly (Guaranteed to Work)

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okay so you want a man to think about you and miss you when you're not around you want his desire and interest to grow for you you want his love to deepen and for him to chase and pursue you as the one woman that he wants in his life today I'm gonna go over and give you a five step system to making him miss you badly and if you use this it will work hello my name is Matthew Coast and welcome to commitment connection first if before we get started if you're really serious about having and getting into and creating a relationship that makes you feel loved and seen and appreciated then make sure you go to the goddess community.com and check out joining our community there okay so how do you make a man miss you what are the five steps that I'm gonna go over today so before before we start if you're here and you are watching this right now make sure that you say hello in the chat and let us know where it is that you're watching this from it's really cool seeing so many people from all over the world watching our live streams so number one is you want to connect with him on a deep emotional level so I get a lot of women that come to us and they're they you know they're like oh guys just want sex why do guys are just interested in sex with me and a lot of times they're not really connecting with men on anything more than just this surface level and then they wonder why a guy only wants a surface level relationship with them well if you want him to want something deeper then go somewhere deeper with them if you want the relationship to be deeper and if you want him to miss you more then go somewhere deeper with them and so how you do this is you become serious about him and learn about his struggles learn about his successes learn about his childhood you know how he's gotten to where he is with his life in his career you know find out what really makes him tick why does he do what he does you know what gets him excited about life what are his passions what are his goals what are his dreams that he has in life right because those are like the deep those are the deep emotional things that that rests at the core of his identity of who he is and what he wants to be and what he wants to create in the world and when you connect with that when you when you can pull that out of him and have him share that with you that's a great first step in connecting with him on a much deeper level and so that's what you want to do there's a bunch of different ways that you can do this one of the ways is just ask him ask him what his goals are asking what his dreams are another way is to ask him about like when he was a kid like what is he what did he want to be when he grew up because a lot of times what ends up happening as you probably know is that we have goals and dreams and ideas of who we want to be when we're children and then when we grow up sometimes life gets in the way right and that doesn't end up being what we do for our career for our life so sometimes we have hobbies that we fulfill our passions and dreams in life sometimes we don't go after them at all and if he isn't going after him at all it can be really powerful to find out what those things are that he did really love because that will pull that out of him and remind him of those things whether he's going after them or not and that can be incredibly incredibly powerful so number two is make him feel amazing when you're around and so be someone that who brings be someone who he really enjoys being around so much that he can't wait to see you again and you think that this one is kind of a little bit more obvious but sometimes we'll get women that will come into our and they'll be like oh why what you know how do I can make this guy miss me how do I make him feel all these great things about me and you're like oh well what are your kind of interactions with this guy up to this point and they'll be like oh well you know we argue all the time I always pick fights with him about these different things and you know like all this stuff and you're like okay so basically you know it's like you've created this weird environment there I'm just I'm adding the the chat just because I thought that might be fun to add the chat to our live stream here so that you can see what everybody's saying so make him feel amazing when you're around him because when he if he feels really it's like anything right if you go and you feel amazing around something and then you leave that right a lot of people miss like for instance you know just talking about other things a lot of people might miss other experiences that they have it the experiences of eating right like oh I really would love to have that again they'll think about it in their mind they're like I was so good when I was eating that pizza or when I was eating that steak and they'll they'll think about it and they'll miss it right and it's it's the same concept obviously you're not a steak or a pizza although it's the same concept that goes there right it's it's this great emotional experience that you have around something and when you have that great emotional experience when you go away from it all of a sudden you miss it you're like man that was really really good and so one of the most powerful ways that you can do this is show other than being kind and sweet and amazing around him which you should be be kind and sweet amazing when you're around him is to show him that you support who he is and who he wants to become in his life and so in the last one we talked about figuring out who he is and what he wants to become and in this one you're what you're doing is what you want to do is find parts of his personality where he where you can see that part of his personality helping him become that person that he wants to become so for instance let's say that he's an entrepreneur it's an easy one cuz I'm an entrepreneur and so if you if you want if he's an entrepreneur let's say he wants to become an entrepreneur and you talk to him and you see that he's really charming for instance or you talk to him and you hear him talk about something where he was really personal he really persevered towards something or he fought for something or he was really kind to somebody like let's say he was kind to a waiter or a waitress or anything you just find things that that he does that he you can tell you're like wow you know I can really tell that that you know you could be you could be a really great entrepreneur one day because I just I saw you interacting with that waitress and how kind she is and and I don't you know I don't know much about business but I think you really have to be kind and gentle and loving towards people in order to have a great business and you know just the way that you interacted with her it tells me that you know you could be a really great business person one day you know and you know I mean and so basically you're setting that up for him and you're talking to him about that there's a way to kind of like cut it off there right if it becomes a little bit too like mushy gushy kind of lovey dovey type of thing you could always be like you know it's too bad there's there's like ways to cut it back right like a little tease where you're just like yeah it's too bad you're such a dork you know like I might I might really like you or something you know and and basically if you throw that tease in there it can be a little bit more playful a little bit more fun and a little bit feeling less like it's super like lovey dovey gushy type stuff that's going on there so if you understand what I'm talking about say I get it in the chat say I get it so of another thing that you want to pay attention to here is avoiding falling in love with his potential because we get lots of women that come to us that say this stuff they're like oh well you know he said he was going to be this and he said he was gonna be that and all that kind of stuff and you know he's not doing it and so I'm like you know nagging him and criticizing him and I'm gonna force him to be a better man right and men don't like that man you know men want you to love them for who they are and so you wanna and and for your best interest its to love him for who he is because he may never reach that person that he talks about or that he dreams about or whatever and so if you can't live with the person that he is today then it'll be a problem if he doesn't ever end up making it to be that person that he wants to become as we said you know a lot of times the life gets in the way with our dreams and our goals that we have and so that that can happen it can happen so make sure that you see him for who he is and love him for who he is so number one was connect with him on a deep emotional level number two is make him feel amazing when you're around him number three is creating an emotional range with him and so I just want you to notice that we're talking about emotions right now this whole thing and a lot of women come to us and they're like oh do men even have emotions we all have emotions we all decide everything that we're doing based on emotions and then we backwards rationalize it with our intellect so absolutely everybody does things with emotions otherwise everybody would be all men would be really thin they make lots of money and they would have great relationships if they didn't do everything based on emotions but we all do stupid stuff we all do great stuff and we do that based on our emotions and that's why we talk so much about emotions because when he feels those emotions for you when that goes away that's when he'll miss you and so you want to create an emotional range for him being happy isn't the only emotion that men want to experience and men typically don't experience as much emotion as women do and so whenever you can connect with him and connect him with emotion that will help him experience more emotion for himself and it'll connect him to you in a deeper so think of this like a good movie right there's there's bad movies there's mediocre movies and there's good movies bad movies are movies that suck they're boring they're not very funny and you never want to see him again right and mediocre movie is a movie that's kind of like one-dimensional it's fun but it's like yeah you know who really cares that much about the movie I mean it was good it was it was cool to watch one time but do I ever want to see it again am I ever gonna think about it again probably not maybe if somebody brings it up in a conversation I'll be like oh yeah I saw that movie that one time but that's not what you want you want a good movie right a good movie is a movie that that pulls on your heartstrings it makes you laugh it makes you get scared it makes you cry it makes you feel anticipation and you go back and you watch it over and over and over again you can't get enough of it because you love seeing in and when you leave you're like man that was such a good movie like what an awesome movie I just watched have you ever seen such an amazing movie all that one point where such and such did whatever right and you talk about all these things because it was such a great movie and now you don't you don't have to become a actress or something like that however the the point is still there right like the more emotion that you experience the more things that happened the more dimensions there are to what happens with you and him the more emotionally engaged he'll be the more he'll feel like he misses you and he wants you back and he wants to see you again and he wants to be with you again and so the fastest way to elicit these types of emotions is to ask questions and the way that you do that and and sometimes what you'll have to do and this takes a little bit of courage on your part is to come out and talk about things yourself right where if you want to structure to them what you'd end up doing is you'd say something like you know one thing that really kind of scares me is and then you talk about something that really scares you for instance let's say you're really scared of spiders and you're like oh man you know one thing that really scares me is spiders and and you know I feel like I'm really confident in a lot of other areas of my life and it's fun to go out and do things and I'm adventurous but as soon as I see a spider it's like I curl up into a ball and I start crying and I like it really scared and I like freaked out and I just you know like I just like I can't do anything anymore when I see these spiders right and one doing something like that will make him feel like he wants to like protect you and do all those things because it's kind of like this girly like emotional thing that you're doing and then when you're done with that you can ask him what he's afraid of right which elicits even more emotion so the first ones eliciting kind of this this masculine primal Drive in him and then asking him about what he's kind of scared of will allow him to think of things that he's actually scared of and and feel like you to get a little bit of a glimpse or a little bit of a taste of that and if you want to take it even further ask him about why or what happened or have you ever experienced that before them so let's say that he's scared of clowns or something and he's like yeah you know when I was again you asked him like why like is there something that happened and he's like oh you know when I was a kid that I went to the circus and there's these clowns all around and I was just really scared and then my mom like showed up one day in my room and she's like ooh and she like came out with this clown mask on and I just I was scared out of my mind this is the adventures and horrible and horrible parents stories right here but you know so for instance let's say that something like that happened to him and then all of a sudden it's like he's experiencing all these things again he's feeling it and he's talking about it and and he's getting these emotions coming up and so when he's around you then he's he's associating all kinds of different emotions around you and as long as you're doing the other things that we talked about before this where you're connecting with them you're making them feel really good most of the time and you're connecting with them on a deep level then what's going to end up happening is that it's going to be like this little blip of kind of this other emotion and it's going to create this more more connectivity to you than just being kind of this one-dimensional kind of thing where you're connecting with them you're just happy it's superficial and it's like oh is this really anything does any of this mean anything who really cares and instead you're creating an emotion so so other things like you know what you know what what things have ever have ever made them him cry before what things have made him laugh like what what does he love you know like all these different things like just ask him questions about different types of emotions talk about different types of emotions that you've had tell stories about it which is the second best way to do this is through storytelling which I I gave an example a little bit earlier which is kind of the the the the spider story although that's a really small story you can get into telling even longer stories about actual things that happen or maybe there's an a specific instance where there's a spider and it scared you and freaked you out well that's that's another great way to have him elicit these emotions because he's going through kind of this this experience with you and so he's experiencing these emotions as you're experiencing them and it's a really really powerful thing to do and so if you have different stories that you can tell about difficult things that have happened in your life fun times sad times scary times those are things that you can talk about and have fun with and you know as long as it's not something that's like still debilitating to you and the current time I'd only talk about things that really especially if you're kind of new to the relationship and it's not a deeper relationship you haven't been together for a long time just talk about some things that you've kind of gotten over or things that aren't a really big deal to you right now so that it doesn't become this kind of weird dynamic where you're kind of pushing into kind of this this realm of being super vulnerable in a way that he's not really sure how to deal with really early on you get what we're talking about here say I get it say I get it alright so another way to do this and this is kind of a more passive way to do it is to get involved with things that create emotion so go do fun things go do scary things go do sad things go go to comedy shows go do try doing something that's spontaneous daring risky adventurous and you can just do all kinds of different types of things right go go gambling one time if you guys aren't gambling and he doesn't have a problem with that or go go try something go go to an area you've never been to a part of town you've never been to and check out something you've never seen before just go do fun things and the more kind of fun and interesting things and more things that have emotion tied to it the more he'll start associating different kind of aspects of things to you so number one was connect with him on a deep emotional level number two is make him feel amazing when you're around three is create emotional range four is be different than the other women that he meets and so you want him to feel like you're special like you're different than all the other women that he meets out there and you know the the fastest way that you can do this is to just show different sides of your personality so you have lots of different things that make you interesting and quirky and unique and about your personality if you don't think that you have these things you probably do and what you'll want to do is just take some time get like a notepad out and just say hey what are some fun different things my personality just write a question and just keep a running list of it and if that doesn't really work then go ask your friends go ask your family go ask people that you know just say hey what are some quirky or interesting things about me and just see what they have to say about it and if you really want to spark somebody's knowledge of that just tell them quirky and interesting things about them and usually they'll tell those things back to you but what you want to do is let some of those things come out let some of those weird little things that you have come out you know maybe you are really interested in panda bears or something in that home you've got a huge panda bear collection and it's kind of embarrassing it's a little quirky but it's something that you do and something that you like and it's something that you have and so you talk about that or you know whatever is going on with your personality you just just let it come out and or another thing that you want to do to make yourself kind of special and stand out is develop the behaviors of a high quality woman and so you attract how you act and if you want to attract a high quality man you have to have behaviors that are in alignment with being a high quality woman and so not to say that people don't have inherent quality but you have to differentiate with through people right if a guy's a guy he's gonna look at all these women he's gonna be like which one is the most valuable to me and if you're acting really needy and clingy and desperate and then wonder why you have these low self-esteem men that are attracting you it's there's a good reason why that happens and so what you want to do is you want to develop abundance and you want to develop all these different characteristics I did a live stream on this I think it was a couple of weeks ago where I go through an entire kind of system on how to do this and and actually I'm putting together a full system about how to do this a full program about how to do this it's gonna be called the forever woman and I'm giving it away for free for joining our community it'll be done here in a couple weeks and if you want to go and check that out go to the goddess community.com and check out joining out joining our community there for free so the the fastest way to kind of differentiate differentiate yourself because so many women come to relationships and they start acting really needy and clingy and desperate is to do what number step number five is which is creating scarcity so a fire can't grow if you're always smothering it and so what you want to think about his desire and his interest in is being in love with you is is kind of like a fire and so you want to let it grow you want to give it oxygen you want to give it air you don't want to completely leave it alone which is what some women so a lot of times when I say stuff like this they're like oh becomes scarce and they completely disappear they're like abracadabra and they're gone right and all of a sudden they're gone and they're like oh I never contact him I never reach out to him I never respond to him and you're like oh I couldn't imagine why he's not trying to talk to you right so there there's a there's a middle ground here there's always a middle ground for all of these things that we talk about and what it but what it is is most women come to us and they're in a state of being needy and clean and smothering and so they're smothering a guy trying to talk to him all the time I sent him messages every single day you know 12 times a day and he doesn't respond and it's like okay chill out create some scarcity pull back a little bit he can't miss you if he doesn't experience life without you there and so if you want him to miss you you've got to pull back a little bit and allow him to miss you give him some space to miss you give him some space to wonder what it is that you're doing what's she doing right now is she out with other guys why is she you know I sent her this message at at 8 p.m. on a Friday and she didn't respond until the next day why was that right and it's because you have other things going on in your life which is what you want to do right we we value and appreciate things because of the contrast between experi seeing it and not experiencing it so it's we don't value and appreciate things because it's there all the time we value and appreciate it because of the contrast and so that is what causes us to miss it and so stop sending him goodmorning texts every single day stop right and stop doing things where you're just trying to constantly reach out to him and figure out what's going on with him and talking to him and smothering him all the time and finding out you know what's going on with you are you mad at me you know all that kind of stuff stop doing all that stuff and chill out lean back relax a little bit you know let there be some space for him and some room for him to come to you and pursue you start having other things that are going on in your life that allow you to have time space and attention away from him give him the gift of missing you by creating space and scarcity but like I said you don't want to leave the fire because the fires gonna go off and burn in other places what you want to do is just give him some room give him some room to breathe give him some oxygen and allow him to kind of build and grow that flame of desire and and love that he has for you and so that's it number one was connect with him on a deep emotional level to is make him feel amazing 3 emotional range 4 be different 5 create scarcity and so next we're gonna do Question and Answer so if you have questions that you want to ask make sure that you put them in the chat and I will get to them next but before we go there if you're really serious about having an amazing relationship where a man loves you and he sees you for who you are and he cherishes you and he adores you make sure that you go to the goddess community.com and check out joining our community there we give you a bunch of free stuff for joining our community you get question-and-answer with our our one of our coaches and you can join our support that work of other women that are going through a similar journey some of them are on the other side of it and so go and check that out and I'll let you learn more about that at the goddess community.com all right so let's see what everybody's saying I've got lots of pies ha ha ha Marysia Tracy Hellena hearts here Elena Hart my favorite person in the world Hellena heart is here and I told Hellena that whenever she comes to our live streams that I'd always say wonderful and amazing things to her because I just think she's just so amazing and so adorable and just so wonderful and so what could I say today that's really unique and amazing about Hellena heart I think I think Hellena is you know one thing I want to mention it was that that one time that we went and sang karaoke together at that Irish pub place and you know I just I really want to appreciate you and tell you that I really have had a lot of fun hanging out with you and spending time with you and I think that you're one of the coolest people that I I know and I appreciate all the people that you've helped me connect with and all the time that you've stayed connected with me and all the things that you've helped me out with in my life and I just I think you're awesome Halina so thank you so much for being on the livestream today so let the Treece says hi Mississippi Chelsea says New York Brianna from California Sonya from Colorado Buffalo New York Donna says hello hello from Ohio that's actually where I was born I was born in Ohio Esther says Oman Wow cool hello from UK York Shire UK cool Huntington Beach Leslie says how are you I'm fairly new in a new relationship we've been dating since mid to late April he hasn't said I love you I want him to be the one I want him to be the one for you as well the crazy unicorn lady says I'm watching this from Illinois Oklahoma Patti doe says Hampshire and the UK Bulgaria camis from Bulgaria like it's so cool to see so many people from all over the world Shannon Wolfson says she's from Cincinnati Ohio that's where I was born and raised Cincinnati Ohio that's cool so Georgia Indiana show Xena says hey I have a question at first I attract guys greatly but after some time he loses interest help yet you're probably doing exactly what I'm talking about here which is a lot of women what will end up happening is they'll get a guy and he'll be really really into them and then what ends up happening is usually the guy starts out chasing women from the very beginning right and so a guy approaches he pursues he tries to push towards a sexual relationship and then at some point what ends up typically happening is the woman's biology starts kicking in and she wants to start connecting with him which isn't a bad thing necessarily but what ends up happening is a lot of times women will start smothering a guy and then he'll start like backing off and she's like hey what's going on and she starts becoming like the planner and she starts taking over the masculine role and the next thing you know she's chasing him and so I don't know much about your situation she zine you know you might want to talk a little bit more about it but that's that's typically what happens a lot of time with a lot of women and which is why we talk a lot about leaning back and chilling out and relaxing in a lot of these situations so Jackie says she's from Chattanooga nice ivana says Serbia nice Serbia Nancy says parks Utah it's a cool place Fort Worth Texas Aaron nice Trisha says greetings from Germany cool cool Germany Marietta New York Shireen says what if we don't spend that much time together for him for example I haven't seen him for about a month well okay so are you talking to him on the phone all the time you know why haven't you seen him in about a month is it because you're in a long-distance relationship or is it because you guys are talking so much over the phone or texts that he doesn't feel any need to meet up with you and find out what's going on with you and you're so available that he doesn't actually miss you flower child says hello Matthew I say hello flower child hello Donna says the guy I'm seeing I have been using things you say and it's working well for us awesome I'm always playful when I'm around him I always encourage his dreams and he is doing it you know what Donna high-five to your awesomeness a lot of women go through our stuff and they look at my stuff and they don't end up using any of it which is why they don't get results so props to you Donna for using what we talked about and getting results here poetry's lover says this is incredibly important it is incredibly important you're right angel says I have a question this guy I was seeing told me the other day he misses and loves me but I text him yesterday and he hasn't even contacted me since he told me that stuff did he mean it or not yeah I mean it depends on what's going on with him when did he come when did you contact him what did you say when you contacted him you know what's going on in that situation because I mean if he really like loves and misses you like he's gonna respond to you you know it just kind of depends on what's going on with him right so I mean it's a little weird that he hasn't responded in a day so that might tell you something a little bit more about what's actually going on there has it been an actual day was it like last night and now it's this morning it depends on what's going on you know what kind of a kind of communication you have you'd have to tell us a little bit more about your situation it's it's difficult a lot of times people will kind of throw out these like real quick things they're like hey there's this guy and I said something to him and he and it's tomorrow and he hasn't said anything back does he love me and it's like how do we know anything about your situation when it we don't hear more about it so Nancy says what if son is cranky and everything I say gets twisted trying to be supportive and make time amazing yet he keeps growling what the guy keeps growling or his son keeps growling you have to remember too when you get involved with somebody is that you you're if you're marrying somebody if you get into a relationship with somebody you're developing a relationship with everybody in his family so you're developing a relationship with the son his parents his ex if his ex is still in the picture because they had a son together right and so that's one of the things that you want to think about when you get into a situation and one of the things that I talk about and some of my other stuff is this place of being an abundance because a lot of women are like there's this one guy right and I gotta make him love me but he his family's crazy and it's like okay well if you had abundance going on in your life then this one guy and all of his crazy people that he's around wouldn't be such a thing of like how do I make him love me and make his family love me because you'd be like I don't know if I want to deal with this right like I've got these other guys around me that are interesting too and they don't have crazy exes and crazy kids and crazy parents and stuff that I got to deal with and so that's one thing that you might want to think about in this situation as well so Mandy says she's from London hey Mandy welcome welcome welcome Chelsea says the man I'm seeing has severe anxiety and depression and I'm pregnant with his baby he's been hurt so much in his past he's pulling away from he's pulling me away from him yeah I mean that happens you know in situations and like I said you want to give him some space if he's pulling away from you at all you want to give him space it's one of the things I talk about it's called pacing and basically what you want to do is mirror his kind of behavior his interest level and and anytime that a guy starts pulling away you want to pull back as well because you don't want to end up smothering him you don't want to end up chasing him I know it's probably a difficult situation since you're pregnant and it sucks you know and you know we I could go on a laundry list of different weird situations that have happened in my family where people like you know it's it's a hard situation but what do you know what do you got to do about it is like get other people in your life have other things going on even if you're pregnant you know have other people that you're talking to make him not the focus of everything that's going on in your life so that you have other things that you're you're living for and you're experiencing so that you're not just stuck on him all the time I get it I get it crystal says she gets it Amanda says I get it I do all these things unfortunately he is so busy working now that I don't get the opportunity to capitalize on these things flower child says support his goals that's why I'm talking about support those goals flower child so Chelsea says how can I show him that I'm not like the other women who has hurt him without making it seem like I'm being clingy and needy well what you have to do is you have to be careful with him you have to give him being showing him that you're not like the other women has nothing to do with being needy and clingy like those two things are completely separate right in fact what you want to do is typically do the opposite where you're giving him some space you're allowing him to come and go right that's what allows him to find out that you're not gonna hurt him and if he's misinterpreting things that you're doing as you're gonna hurt me that tells you a lot about his situation and what's going on with him and do I really want to be in this situation where you know he has so much distrust for women and whatever because what's gonna end up happening is if you do get into a relationship with him and he doesn't end up healing these things before you're in that relationship with him he's gonna bring that stuff into the relationship and he's probably not gonna heal it because he's getting his needs met with you and then what could end up happening is he ends up throwing it on you and so really there's two things that I have to say about this one is to give him space and allow him to figure this stuff out on his own because that's really the only way that it's gonna happen you're not gonna force your him feeling okay and comfortable with you on to him he has to be able to he's gonna come forward and he's gonna be like oh where is she is she trying to hurt me or manipulate me and you're gonna be like no you know and he's either going to like chill out and relax and come back and be like okay yeah you're right you weren't trying to hurt me and I figured that out or what's gonna happen is he's gonna continue to kind of project that nonsense on to you and eventually kind of push you away and create a really toxic relationship that you're a part of and so the real question is do you really want to be in a relationship with this guy and you know how long have you been seeing him and all that kind of stuff which another place to come from abundances flower child says otherwise accept him and love him for the awesome person he is yep Susan says my man is a good man today and I believe he will be able to fulfill his goals he is very good at what he does awesome it's good to hear Amy says thank you so much Matt you're welcome Amy Shareen says is him talking about his family or telling his family about me emotional it's a sign what it is is a sign that says that he likes you because he probably wouldn't be talking to his family about you if he wasn't if you if he didn't like you that much so militia says Cape Town South Africa welcome welcome men think more logically where US women are more with our hearts yep flower child says yes notebook I don't know what that means that's a movie right I haven't seen it that's a chick flick I haven't seen that chick flick Tammy says what if he's married and getting a divorce so he says if he's married and getting divorced you should probably I'm actually doing a couple videos in the next two weeks about this where I'm gonna be posting them they're not gonna be live streams but you want to think about it if I were you I wouldn't get involved with a guy who's married at all that's it I wouldn't get involved with a guy who's married at all because he may he might be lying to you he might be telling you things he might might be more involved right he might still be emotionally kind of connected to his ex and so what ends up happening sometimes is guys who are still kind of involved in that one you're gonna be getting sucked into that involvement and to what's gonna end up happy what could end up happening is he might end up kind of pulling away from her and being around for with you but he's got this deep emotional connection with lots of range and lots of time in with this other woman and that space might make him to rethink what's going on with her and he might end up going back to her which happens all the time and so you want to be very very careful with a guy who's married be very careful about that Shirley Adkins says you are so awesome I love listening to you thank you so much if you guys don't know it I love compliments so if you want to compliment me please compliment me I love hearing compliments thank you so much Shirley I appreciate you complimenting me so Paulie says hello from guitar hello Shareen says but when I talk about it he changes the subject or he's not comfortable well that tells you something Gracia 99-cents thank you so much grossie I appreciate any money you want to give me Julia says hi from Spain hello Marita says happy and I don't miss him okay Dede says my sir cute Chelsea says what if he claims he doesn't have any fears well when he's lying to you because everybody has fears and anybody that says that they don't have fears is either lying or they're delusional one or the other and you don't have to just talk about his fears you can talk about other things that are going on with him maybe a lot of guys want to pretend like they don't have fears because it's not very masculine it's not very manly to talk about fears and so a lot of a lot of men have been kind of hurt and abused in the past by talking about those things they've been they've been taking for granted or taking advantage of because of talking about those things so Shireen says do these techniques work via chat get him in person stop having conversations all over chat that's the answer to that you don't want to do this over chat the magic the magic happens in person so get him in person you want to get him in person not over chat magic happens in person so cutes with eight says it's complicated when you are emotional involved and he won't take he want to take it slow even after 11 months frowny face tried to stop but he always come back and says that he didn't wanted to continue with me didn't stayed for all these months I'm not sure what you're saying right there okay Morita says stay away from the womanizer drunks and possessive man that's right do that Olivia says hi Matt how do I get a man to miss me after he's pulled away due to me being clingy and needy worse after saying I love you he ghosted me after didn't contact him about fourth day we talked but he's cold you first off do all the things that we talked about second off start with scarcity start with scarcity start with chilling out start with pulling back start with giving him space to miss you and remember the good times and then do all the things that we talked about stay away from being on chats stay away from doing phone calls and focus on on getting him to meet up with you because that's where the magic happens and so if he's contacting you again that means he there's some interest that's redeveloped there and you want to give that some space and give it some oxygen to grow become that big fire that you want it to be you got to give them some space you got to focus on meeting up with him stop talking to people over chat camilla says yay another live stream Camilla from Denmark into hose that's right Nancy McLaughlin says do believe in those phrases that makes men lovestruck I think who wants to manipulate anyone that's right I don't know what which fur I don't know what phrases you're talking about don't know what phrase you're talking about girl you got to tell me which phrases tell me which freezes all right so Lorraine says hi Matt I get it good Chelsea says what is you have very low confidence and don't know how to I don't know what that means so says hi Matt from New York hey hi from Chicago hi from Denmark met mark yeah Susanna says what's narcissist that's a long subject so cute she says I'm trying to lean back when I see that he's cold and he does come back after three days or after a day there you go didi says a fire grows with air genius Matt it does I'm a genius here so he is still active on dating app yeah that tells you something what's that tell you Camila says I have a question I have a problem with guys that's why you're here they check me out but they don't approach me I am by no means a woman that dresses provocatively nor am i busty or any of that what could be the reason there could be a million different reasons why a guy looks at you but doesn't approach you one he might be intimidated most guys don't really approach women unless they get some kind of invitation to approach her unless he thinks it's gonna be in his favor to approach you unless he thinks that it's gonna go really really well if he approaches you he's probably not going to do it and so you have to give him some kind of indication that you want him to approach you if you want him to approach you and so and you he has to feel like it's gonna go well and there's a bunch of different ways that you can do that I was gonna do a video on that sometime in the near future and how do I make a guy approach me if he happens to be too shy to do it you could always approach him but give him that space too or you can give like I said give him invitation so what you want to do is you want to open doors your you want to be a door opener you're opening them doors for guys and give them space to come through the door you don't want to do everything for a guy because that tells you a lot about who this guy is what kind of a man he is and how much he likes you depending on whether he goes through that door or not and it also tells you how your relationships gonna be in the future so if you're like you know if you're like opening a door and he's not walking through if you're giving him invitations and he's not coming over and then you end up you know doing everything for him and chasing him and doing all the work that's gonna lead into the relationship what's gonna happen if something ends up falling apart and he needs to man up and come in and start being the man it tells you a lot about what's going on with him what if you block him why would you block him okay so be busy flower child says be busy and have self-importance but don't be too busy don't be so busy that he can't hang out with you and he can't talk to you and he can't be in your life because that happens to Oracle Katrina has been a great name says how to get back to dating when you've been really hurt well what you need to do is focus on self-love you need to work on healing yourself you need to focus on building yourself up finding things that you love to do in your life figuring out things that you really like and love about yourself getting around men in friendship type relationships where you can just build more trust around them and go back to it slowly and just allow your your heart to heal go through different trainings if it's really bad go through therapy there's other types of transformational training that you can go through join our program actually at the goddess community.com and we have anya has a program in there that's the called the goddess initiations that's all about connecting back with your heart and healing your heart that you get for free as a part of joining the program so check that out if you want to angel says what should I do if he doesn't contact to me for a few days just let him not contact you for a few days that's what you do I mean if you if you really want to you can reach out but don't expect anything to happen and if he doesn't contact you for a few days you know you can always reach out to him and just tell him that you're thinking about him or something made you think about him or something like that and just see what he ends up doing as kind of a kind of like a barometer for where he is with you at that moment and just make sure that you don't have any expectations around and make sure that you're not chasing him make sure that you're not kind of trying to push something forward Suzanne says how do I get my husband Who I am currently separated from interested again I already know everything about him so there's I mean one we don't know anything about your situation you know who ended up deciding that you needed a separation from who was it you was it him what's going on you know how much contact did you have you guys had with each other you know what what I do want to say is that you do want to give him some space in some room and allow him to to come to you and you know it's like okay well there's there's just too many questions I have about what's going on in your situation to really know how to work with you in your situation but what I would say is do all the things that we talked about and this go over there's another live stream that I did called make him make him value you so that he will do anything for you or something like that that I did a few weeks ago you want to go check that one out d'amore says how do I give him space without seeming uninterested in him well you don't want to come off cold we're not talking about being cold here we're not talking about never contacting him never reaching out we're not talking about any of those kinds of things we're just talking about not smothering him we're talking about getting him some room and you know if he hasn't contacted you in a few days you can contact him you know just to tell him that you're thinking about him see how he reacts to you that kind of stuff and if there's nothing if there's nothing else that you want to and if there's nothing else that you want to talk about there's specific that he talks about with you then it's kind of a barometer like I was just talking about there's a barometer for what's going on with him and with you and so you want to just give him give him some space but that doesn't mean could be being completely cold it doesn't mean ignoring him it doesn't mean when he contacts you you wait days to contact him back these are all mistakes right that will make him think that you're uninterested in him but if he does contact you and you do talk to him then you want to be warm and friendly and all that kind of stuff it's not you're not seeming uninterested by giving him space you're singing uninterested by reacting to conversations with him Marissa says I'm seeing I seeing a guy who's 22 year old and I'm 39 we're having a great time to space work on a 22 year old yes it does it absolutely does and a 22 year old is pretty young especially a 22 year old guy right I don't know what kind of a guy you're seeing who's a 22 year old but my guess would be that he's probably got a lot of other things going on especially if he's in college or something like that so you might want to think about that kamilla says also what are your thoughts on if the guy a girl likes is in a relationship should I try to be his friend to stand by or should I leave him alone I know he likes me too well if he tries to do anything if he's trying to pursue something with you what you should do is just ask him if he is still seeing somebody and if he's still seeing the woman that he's with and if he is still seeing the woman with just say hey I don't hang out with guys who have girlfriends if you end up getting single at some point I like you and I'd love to hang out with you but just let me know if you guys end up breaking up because I'm not going to be I'm not gonna deal with that I'm not gonna be a part of that right because you don't want to you don't want to end up being the other woman you don't end up you don't want to date a guy who's cheating on his girlfriend because he will end up probably cheating on you if things go south in your relationship that you end up with and so you want to wait until he is single and know you don't want to stand by you want to go out and date other people you want to create a fun awesome life and you want to find somebody that's single that's interested in you and if he really likes you he'll get single quick and she'll end up talking to you and figuring out how to make sure that you guys are together Joanna says Hellena and you are so cute poetry lover says she is perfect camilla says i think you have a crush on calina okay Dede says Matt I don't have many things going on socially though I'm working on changing that does it still show value if I have hobbies and passions to keep me but yeah I mean you don't have to like turn into an extrovert here I like that doesn't mean that you need to like start creating all these things where you're busy out hanging out with people if that's not the kind of person that you are you just want to have things that you do in your life I mean if you're like you know I mean it doesn't even matter let's say that you like playing video games most women that I talked to don't like playing video games but sometimes I meet women that love playing video games and you're playing a video game or let's say you're crocheting or let's say that you're you know doing underwater basket-weaving or whatever kind of cool thing that you like doing and you know the guy's like hey you know I want to hang out you know what are you doing right now and you're just like you know you're busy you're busy doing your thing you're busy having fun doing whatever it is that you like to do and you get to decide from that standpoint when and where you want to hang out with him and you're gonna be busy doing something that you love and that you enjoy so that you're not just constantly sitting there by your phone going what are you going to contact me Oh God right and so that's what you want to do is you want to have things going on in your life so that you're not being crazy truth be told says nice talk Mac Thanks Donna says hi Elena you're awesome Oracle Katrina says how to get back dating after you've been really hurt we just talked about this Marissa says I love this talk great melot says hey Matt Gracey here from Tampa Florida you are so handsome and thank you for giving us all this advice thank you so much for being here thanks for telling me that I'm handsome I love that kind of I love that kind of talk I love it flattery will get you everywhere dee dee says Hellena is a pure soul that's sweet that is sweet and when she's me and when she's creating videos she likes to make me sandwiches when she's creating this uh that's a inside joke oh god what am i doing what am i doing to myself so Houston Texas Chicago Chelsea says the guy that I'm interested in has had a very traumatic childhood he's been diagnosed with severe anxiety and depression and PTSD I'm pregnant with his firstborn son it's difficult it's a difficult situation hello everyone from Seattle Washington Kate from New Hampshire Lisbon Portugal and I was actually thinking about going to Portugal here in the next couple months Malta cool I love Malta been there a few times love that place taking it slow with this guy I like he's yeah I don't know what that means Linda says can you do a show on what red flags to look out for in the beginning with a guy yes I was just thinking about doing that today yes I will do that that he is not ready for anything serious yes yes I will do that badi do says so weird hearing my nickname said an American accent yep yep yep yep gizelle says oh my god I'm from Cincinnati also but in Miami now I concur on the notion of not chasing men and texting them too much I think that's the biggest mistake we women make can be another Lisbon Portugal Vanessa manal says the very best hello to you from Sacramento Oracle Katrina first live with you what's your what's your take on what's your what's your take on dating after you've been really hurt I just talked about that hats I just talked about that Oracle Katrina huh all right Jamie says I feel like cutting him the MF off he act like his mom is woman is his woman yeah that's a problem yeah I would cut that off marita says I'm from Costa Rica I live in Rhode Island cool Lorraine says I'm sure miss Halina heart feels the same about you met you're both kind and awesome people thank you both for gracing our minds with encouragement on relationships with men in our lives you are welcome thank you for allowing me to be a part of your journey Chelsea says there are times he says he doesn't want anything to do with the baby then the complete opposite how can I tell what's the truth and what's just as anxiety and depression talking well you can look at his actions and so what you want to do is Minh like you guys are having a lot of conflict right now that's what it sounds like and so what you want to do is limit the amount of conflict because the more conflict that you create with him and my guess is that you're probably trying to force things with him because that's that's the only time that guys kind of do that kind of they're like oh you know like why would he say that he's saying that because he's feeling pressure from you he's feeling like you're trying to get him to do something or feel a certain way or act a certain way and then he's acting in a different way because that's what he truly wants and so what you need to do is chill out on him a little bit and pull back a little bit and relax a little bit and start focusing like I said on other things focusing on making sure that you're taking care of that baby focusing on making sure that you're relaxing and creating a healthy environment for that baby to grow inside of your womb so that when you do give birth to that baby it's healthy and functional and it's it's feels really good and strong because of you giving it love instead of being in a state of stress and anxiety because of whatever this guy is doing that's in your life little face says so I'm trying to get this guy back we dated before and I really want him back and I don't know how to do that okay well please help it's a big topic you know and I don't know anything about your your conversation your situation and so I'll probably do some stuff I'm actually part of the the new forever woman program that I'm putting out here I'm going to be putting a whole how to get your ex back thing into that so make sure there go to the goddess community.com and check out joining our community there all right it looks like we're hitting the top of the hour here so I'm gonna have to I'm gonna have to go here thank you for everybody being here like I said if you want to join our community if you're really serious about getting into an amazing relationship make sure to join our community at the goddess community.com and I really appreciate you being here we're all about helping men and women come together for stronger more empowering relationships I'm all about empowering you and helping you have a great relationship and feel like you are strong and confident and can have what kind of relationship that you want with the kind of that you want so thank you so much for being here and allowing me to be a part of your journey and and I will see you again in the next livestream so thank you all for being here I appreciate you and I will talk with you again soon
Channel: Matthew Coast
Views: 189,463
Rating: 4.7661185 out of 5
Keywords: how to make him miss you badly, how to make him miss you, make a man miss you, make him miss you, how to make a man miss you, how to make a guy miss you, how to make a man miss you badly, how to make him miss you like crazy, how to make any man miss you, how to make a man miss you like crazy, make a guy miss you, make him miss you badly, miss you, tips to make him miss you, tips to make him miss you as crazy, advice to make him miss you, how to make him miss me
Id: jh4-IU5K9X0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 4sec (3844 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2019
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