How to Make Him Scared to Lose You (You NEED to Know This)

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okay so if you want a man to love you more if you want him to appreciate you a lot more if you want him to be exclusive with you if you want a relationship if you want more in your relationship if you want a guy to take your relationship with you seriously if you want more from a man in a relationship then there's one thing that you really really need and you need to make him feel like he's scared of losing you and so today I'm gonna be talking about just that how to get a guy to be afraid of losing you because I think this is absolutely vital and it's very very important that you know how to do this and about this if you want a great relationship where it moves to marriage if marriage is what you want or commitment if commitments what you want or exclusivity if exclusivity is what you want and so if this is your first time to the channel make sure you hit subscribe and also if you are really serious about having the relationship that you've always wanted to make sure that you go over to the goddess and check out joining our community there for free all right so what so there's one key to kind of doing all of this to make sure that it kind of works the right way and that you're creating the right emotions in this and that key is to stop trying to force things right a lot what a lot of women do is they try to force a guy to do all these things that they want him to do and it usually doesn't work and instead what you want to do is come from a position of power and I've been talking a lot about this position of power thing in the last few livestreams that I've done and it's vitally vitally important because power makes it so that he wants to choose to give you the things that you want in your relationship so he feels that he's lucky to have you and that he doesn't want to screw things up with you because you're such an amazing valuable awesome woman that he wants to be with whereas force trying to force throwing things trying to manipulate things trying to make him do things what that ends up doing is making him want to run away rebel and start questioning whether he really wants to be with you or not and so the key here is to come from a position of power if you're with us right now make sure that you say hi and let us know where it is that you're watching this from in the chat because it's really cool to see all these women from all over the world watching these live streams together it's really awesome so thank you for doing that so the number one thing that you need to avoid here is there's three things actually that you need to avoid the first one is trying to throw other men in his face or trying to make him jealous right I've talked about this in some of the other videos before most women who try to do this really end up screwing it up and end up like hurting themselves instead of helping themselves because they try to throw other men into a guy's face or they do these things that are blatantly and explicitly trying to make a guy jealous and it just all it does is make him either want to fight back against this and make you jealous or what did I end up doing is making him want to leave and the second thing that you want to avoid is trying to hurt him or shame him or saying things to him in order to get responses and you know this just makes him feel like being with you is really really painful and it might help and might work short term it might make you feel better but long term it really destroys the relationship from the inside out so you don't want to do that and number three is complaining nagging or attacking him for not giving you what you want and this just makes him feel like he wants to rebel against you what you and what you want instead of choosing to give you what you want and so there are five things here that you're going to want to do in order to make him feel like he's scared to lose you and so I'm just gonna go over each one of these things right now the first one is something that we've been talking about a lot it's the lifestyle principle which is having a life outside of him right getting hobbies like so many women what they end up doing is they just like when they get into a relationship with a guy or they start dating and guys some even like when they start talking to a guy they like lose everything else that's going on in their life and they end up just getting on this guy and sometimes it happens with guys too and you know it's not just exclusive to women but I see a lot of women in our community and women that I talk to doing this and it can really really destroy things because what you end up doing is just putting everything in right and making everything about him and it puts a lot of pressure on him and it makes him kind of question like what's going on here and it doesn't make him feel like you're really special and valuable and amazing and that's what you want him to do is feel those things and so what you want to do is get hobbies have friends that you go and hang out with you know have a life outside of him if you're not exclusive with him yet what you want to do is make sure that you're still dating other people and still having and I'm not suggesting sleeping around I don't think you should be sleeping around but you should definitely be dating and seeing other guys if you guys aren't exclusive yet even if you're not really serious about any of those guys just so that you are feeling and coming from a space of abundance which I talked a lot about as well and so another thing that you want to think about in terms this lifestyle component is that you don't want to have such a full life that there's no space for him or a man to be there but there's enough things going on so that you don't just end up living your life for him and the relationship that you have together right because I see a lot of women sometimes that end up that they're like well I don't even really have any time to meet or date anybody you know like I've got this one time you know one hour one day a week for guys to hang out and meet up with me and it's like you don't really have space for man to be in your life and so you don't want to go to the extremes on any of these things there's a there's a beautiful thing called the golden middle and that's really where you want to be number two is start valuing loving and taking care of yourself and this is a really really big topic and it's something that I don't think that we talk really enough about but it's one of those things where you don't want to so stop putting up with abusive or hurtful behavior not just from men but from anyone in your life right the the more that you have kind of people and toxic people in your life the more it hurts your self-esteem the more it hurts your your feelings of your own self-worth and your own value right your your self-image how you feel about yourself is incredibly extremely important in terms of having a guy feel that way about you as I talked about in my livestream yesterday if you don't feel like you're really deserving of a guy what's gonna end up happening no matter how he feels about it eventually if you really don't believe it you're gonna eventually convince him that that that he shouldn't believe it either right he shouldn't believe that you deserve to have him in your life and and it ends up sabotaging and destroying everything and so you want to fill yourself full laughs you want to fill your your life full of love and you want to fill your life full of happiness and you want to create good experiences and live a positive life that that fulfills you and makes you feel good about yourself and you know learn learn how to talk yourself in a really healthy and positive way if you're not doing that already and learn to enjoy your your life and and feel good about yourself and what you're doing in the world and and what your life looks like and where you're going in your life it's vitally vitally important and to other a couple other things involved there too is one is is make sure that you're taking care of your health because that's incredibly important if your health goes away it can completely devastate your life and so make sure that your your taking care of your health and make sure that your your taking care of making sure making positive emotional experiences for yourself you can control a lot of the ways that you think and that you feel not only about yourself but your life and the more that you kind of take charge of that and experience really awesome emotions for your life the more that the people around you are going to feel that as well and another one is is learn how to dress yourself well because that also can help you feel really good about yourself and it'll make it so that when he's around you he'll feel really good about you as well number three if you get what I'm talking about here make sure that you say I get it say I get it in the jet number three is allow him to invest in you mentally emotionally and with his time and so the more invested that a man is with you this is a psychological principle that I've talked about before the more invested he is in you the more he'll feel like he doesn't want to let you go the more he'll feel like he's on your side like you're part of a team like he's really in this for to win it right like that he'll feel like you're more valuable the more time he spends with you and the more he invests in you and the more he's connected to you on an energy level the the more that he wins the whoa the more that he feels like he's winning with you on a continual basis it's it can be really really powerful so allow him give him way to win with you give him ways to invest in you connect with him on an emotional level you know spend a lot of time with him one-on-one in person and the reason that I say that specifically is because we keep getting all these women that keep talking about oh we've chatted for months or whatever on insta chat you know Instagram or some other chat facebook chat or whatever right whatsapp or wherever you're chatting with these guys on and and it's that's not the same it's not the same as being in person and you want to spend as much time in person as you can because that's really where the magic happens and that's where he feels that real time investment there so number four so there's five of them and we're on number four number four is making sure that you're communicating your needs and desires when the time is right and so it you know it's interesting I've talked to a few women about this and a lot of times women think that guys just know what they're supposed to be doing they think that guys know what kind of a relationship they want they think guys know all these things and guys do not know these things right guys have everybody's been raised in different kinds of environments especially if you're from a different part of the country or a different part of the world than each other you guys might have vastly different ideas about what you should be doing in a relationship what's appropriate what is what you know you can get away with with another person right and so you need to make sure that you're communicating the right things you need to make sure you're communicating what you want and what your needs are and what your desires are you need to make sure that you're setting healthy boundaries making sure that you mean Cayne those boundaries and you need to make sure that he knows what it is that you want otherwise he's not going to know what to do there I mean he might kind of assume that he knows what you but he might be wrong right a lot of times guys think that they know what a woman wants and they try to give it to her and they end up totally screwing it up because they have no idea what they're supposed to be doing and so you need to figure out how to communicate what's going on with you and what your needs are and what you want and make sure and I've talked about this in many other videos but make sure that you don't sleep with guys without being exclusive and knowing what he wants as well so you need to find out what he's looking for because you don't want there to be any confusion about what you're getting yourself into from the very beginning and so don't sleep with guys without being exclusive and knowing what he wants and knowing that he wants something more and don't move in with guys without making sure that you get a ring some kind of ring on your finger if that's what you ultimately want and so that that's the the the thing about maintaining boundaries and communicating your needs so remember that remember that make sure that you're not moving stop moving keep talking to all these women stop moving into guys places if you're not getting what it is that you want okay what you want is just as important if not more important than what he wants right because it's coming from you and so you need to make sure that you're getting your needs and your desires taken care of first right before you're making sure that he's getting his needs and desires taken care of because if you're not taking care of yourself and you're not making sure that your needs and desires are getting taken care of you're gonna end up feeling really bad and maybe end up getting really resentful in the relationship and that is a bad way to go you don't want to go down that route and so number five and possibly one of the most important if not the most important part of this is that you need to create scarcity and I've talked a lot about this and you know it's not fair and nobody wants it to be true and don't we all just wish that you know we didn't end up kind of taking other people for granted after time but it's true and this is this is a this is a psychological principle that time and time again this is just how things work and so it's important to know about how things work so that you're not putting yourself into weird situations and how things work is that if you're around somebody all the time what's gonna end up happening is they're gonna take your presence for granted and it's the same thing with anything right and I've talked about this before if a guy brings you flowers every single day eventually you're just gonna expect that he's gonna bring you flowers and you're gonna start taking it for granted if you eat chocolate every single day eventually it's gonna wear out and it's not going to be special anymore because you're getting it every single day right and so it's not amazing that you get chocolate and that's why it's better to eat if you eat chocolate and you love chocolate to eat chocolate only once once a month or twice a month or something like that because then it's this awesome experience that you have that you really enjoy instead of this thing that you have all the time that becomes really familiar and it's not that interesting to you anymore and so if it's something that you really desire and it's scarce it becomes a lot more valuable and that's what the idea of scarcity is right and so one of the ideas here is instead of sending out reaching out every single day and saying good morning good night with your text messages and stuff which I keep talking to women that are doing this instead of doing it's not bad to send a good morning or a good evening or a good night text or anything like that but what ends up happening is if you're doing it all the time it becomes predictable it loses its its value and it's not as exciting for him to receive it and so you want to be more unpredictable in this sense you want to be more sporadic with reaching out instead of doing it every every night and every time that he expects you to because then all of a sudden he's expecting it and you're just gonna be doing it and you you want to give him some space you want to give him space so that he can wonder about what you're doing and where you are and who you're with because when you do that all of a sudden he starts thinking about things and he's going wait a second you know and you don't have to throw jealousy in his face you don't have to throw men in his face because he'll start thinking about that himself like yeah is she hanging out with just her girlfriends is there a guy in the picture like what's going on here right and he'll start worrying about it and you'll be like okay I gotta you know if we are an exclusive now we should probably kind of talk about this you know and and then that kind of thing will start coming up for him right and and if he's really really disciplined and strong he might hold back for a while but if he really wants something with you and you know he's really attracted to you and he really desires you he might even start bringing up a lot of these topics instead of you having to wait about it and that's really the ideal scenario that you want to be in and so another thing is rewarding bad behavior with absence right and so basically this whole thing is what a lot of women do is they when a guy kind of does things that they don't like or the guy treats her badly or something she'll try to communicate and connect with him and do all these things and you want to communicate but you don't want to kind of attack and try to shame and try to do all those things but what you want to do is communicate that it's not acceptable for you that it's something that's breaking your boundary and you want to reward that bad behavior with your absence in pulling away because that is the fastest way for a guy to start paying attention to what's going on is when you start pulling away and leaving because all of a sudden it shows that you're really really serious about it if you talk about it and talk about it one of the big things that a lot of guys talk about the men's dating space I used to be in the men's dating space and I used to teach in the men's dating space years and years ago and one of the guy one of the things that guys just talk about in that space is whenever a woman would leave them which happens is they would say things like oh when she kept saying stuff like that like she was going to leave me but I never took her seriously right and if you want him to take you seriously then give him the gift of missing you give him the gift of your absence when you want to discourage bad behavior so which comes to the next point and the most important point here which is being willing to walk away long term right so if you're not getting your needs met and you've been seeing a guy and he's not willing to meet your needs you know maybe you're in a relationship and you've talked about these things and you've communicated these things you know maybe you didn't start seeing my videos until last week and you you've been in a relationship for a while and you're in this situation one of the most important things that you need to know is that you have to be willing to walk away if you're not getting what you're your needs met and the whole point of this is switching your mindset right switching your mindset from being about this guy this one guy that you want to get into to have to catch to keep you know switching your mindset from this guy to the relationship you know and figuring out what's more important this guy having this one guy or having the ultimate relationship that I want to have in my suggestion is that you focus on the relationship instead of the guy and you know obviously that's going to be up to you because it's your choice and what you want to have but my suggestion is that you make sure that you're willing to get what you deserve in your life and that focus in my opinion should be on the relationship instead of the guy and so if if you guys have any questions about anything make sure that you put them in the chat I'm gonna go over the everything that we talked about real quickly here and then I will go over the chat and see what everybody's talking about so again we're talking about how to make a guy scared of losing you the key is to stop trying to force things and to instead come from a position of power you want to avoid throwing other men or jealousy in his face trying to hurt him or shame him and or saying things to get responses complaining nagging or attacking him for not giving you what you want you want to stop doing those things and instead you want to have a life outside of him start valuing loving and taking care of yourself allowing him to invest in you mentally emotionally and from a time standpoint you want to communicate your needs and desires when the time is right and you want to create scarcity and have the willingness to walk away if if you're not getting your needs met in your relationship and if you're really serious about having the relationship that you've always wanted to have make sure that you go to the goddess and check out joining our community there for free and as a welcome gift you're also getting my brand-new program that I just came out with called the forever woman for free if you join our community there so let's go to all of the questions hello hello hello who [Music] Leslie says why can't you just be honest instead of playing all of these games well I don't think that they're necessarily games I think that there's things that work and things that don't work right and this is the same way for men with women right like like we all wish that things were just really simple and easy you just walk up and you're just like hey I like you she's like I like you and you fall in love and you and everything works happily ever after unfortunately things don't work that way right and there's psychology and there's biology and there's kind of these things that work and things that don't work and so you know you can be really kind of righteous about it and be very mad that things don't work the way that you want them to work or you can figure out how things work and just decide that you're going to do what works and just focus on that getting what it is that you want you know and in some regards it kind of sucks you know it's like oh man that sucks that things don't just work the way that I want them to and in other ways it's kind of it's kind of the beauty of life right the beauty of life is that we it's not just so simple right there's there's complexity to it and we get to learn about ourselves we get to learn about the world we get to become successful by trying different things and doing different things and we fail and that's a part of life and there's a lot of beauty in that and it's reality and you can fight reality but reality always wins when you fight with it so there's that there's that it's not the answer you want to hear but it's reality so Cindy says hi quick question I've been dating this guy for a month but he hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend how can I make this happen without coming off like I'm pressuring him well I mean what do you mean by you guys have been dating for a month right have you are you are you sleeping together right here's my suggestion my suggestion is you stop worrying about being boyfriend/girlfriend I mean what does that mean even right like I'm his girlfriend like does that mean that your exclusive together does that mean that you're committed together does that mean that he wants a real relationship with you because those are the things that I would be folk if I were you instead of getting this label of girlfriend although if that's part of the package that might be something that you might be interested in however you know this this whole idea of scarcity and and all the things that we just talked about that is what will make it so that that's really easy to get Wow lots of people from all over Sweden Idaho Ukraine Puerto Rico Florida and Canada since Cindy said never mind I feel like you're answering my question you know that's exactly what I'm good it's exactly what I did with this videos I answered your question with my guy we can't get beyond just best friends it are so is it your guy are you guys in a romantic relationship or are you just best friends because if you're just best friends I created a video not too long ago you should go and look it up it's called something like how to turn your guy friend into your boyfriend and it's a great video it's a great video that tells you exactly how to get through that if that's what you want to do little missus says can you please explain how can I make my boyfriend who is going under stress miss me without coming off as needy or inconsideration well if your boyfriend's got a lot of stress going on and you're worried about coming off as needy so making guy miss you and coming off as needy are two completely separate things in the world and it's kind of concerning to me when you say how do I make him miss me without coming off as needy which makes it sound to me like you're trying to do something specific like send him a message that'll make him miss you there's I created I actually did a live stream not too long ago about how to make I miss you which I think that you should go and watch which will give you all I actually talk about this as well in my forever woman program if you want to check that out at the goddess or you can go check out that live stream that I did which is a really really powerful livestream if you want to know about how to make a guy miss you that's that is the best place for you to go so go search on my channel for how to make a man miss you or something like that it's one of the recent live streams that I've done so yeah Denise says when men are stressed they need a little space little miss says he is growing distant I want to pull him closer instead of pull pushing him away yep connect stir says hey caught you finally hello and thank you for making these you're welcome you're welcome so do we have questions Alice says great advice Matt but oh so difficult to practically implement requires a lot of self development are you talking about the self love it does it takes time you know there's this this story about the the the David by Michelangelo right the the sculptor Michelangelo created this sculpture called the David and it took him over two years to create and it actually took him a long time to even find the piece of marble that he was gonna create it with he was he was given this task by this really powerful group of people back in his day in order to create this sculpture and it took him a long time to find he ended up finding this piece of marble that was out in the middle of nowhere that somebody else tried to use but couldn't quite you for what they wanted to and so they just left it there and had been sitting there for years and he finds this piece of marble and it took him two years of of creating the the actual statue and then it took him a long long time to kind of sand it down and work on it and and reveal it and after Michelangelo finished creating this sculpture of David he brought it to this Town Square and everybody who looked at it and there are people like fainting and they're just he was immediately recognized as you know the most amazing sculptor of the day or what of his day and age and when they asked him later about like how he created it and how he got this sculpture of David and out of this piece of stone what Michelangelo said was when he looked at the marble he saw that it was already there and all he had to do was remove everything that wasn't David from the piece of marble and so in my opinion a lot of this stuff is is like that right it's it takes time right it takes time to kind of we have a lot of thoughts we have a lot of junk in our mind from our from our childhood a lot of times we have a lot of negative thoughts from being abused or hurt in previous relationships we've got a lot of things that is there that's junk that's not a part of who we really are and a lot of times it can take time to kind of remove all of the stuff that's not who we are from from this beautiful sculpture of who we are as a human being and so I wouldn't get too overly that was a long that was kind of a long rant about personal development however I think that it's very very important that you take some time and really work on yourself and and re take a look at the way that you think and the way that you feel about yourself and your life and really focus on creating a life that you love working on your self-image and working and making sure that you really love yourself and that you're taking care of yourself and that you that you look at yourself in a really positive light okay so sana says I met a guy that have been hot and cold step back for a few days and contacted me today asking me if I was upset with him and told me sorry in such case how can I tell him that I need more well what you want to do is you want to set a boundary there and talk about what is really attractive to you and what's really not attractive to you I talked a lot about this is framing kind of framing conversations and framing what it is that you need and what you want right and just let him know like what you know when when you're like it's one of those things like sometimes people have to go hot and cold and I don't know what you mean exactly by hot and cold but what you're probably talking about is that he's really on sometimes and then sometimes he's he's off and he kind of disappears and there's something going on with him and what you want to do is you want to communicate that if he's gonna do that he needs to talk to you about it right and just let him know it's really attractive when you know if it's it would be really attractive to you in the future if he talked to you about what it is that is going on with him so that you're not kind of left in the dark about where he is or thinking that you know whatever is going on with him that's that's the first thing number two is you need to do what we kind of talked about in this video which is making sure that you have a life and that you're seeing and dating other people so that it's not you know not all of your focus is focused on this one guy and making sure that you're communicating your boundaries and letting him know what what it is that you need in a way where I was just talking about it like what's attractive what's unattractive like it's really you know like I don't know I talking about it in in terms of like it's attractive that you know when when a guy communicates with you like tell them what you like so this whole idea about framing is you're you're talking about things that you like right like I if I'm sitting here and we're talking to each other and we're having a conversation and you say something and I'm like hey you know what I you know what I really like is I love it when when people compliment me right which maybe you've heard me say in other live streams before which I do I really I really love it when people compliment me it's like one of them it's one of my favorite things ever right is when people compliment me it makes me feel really good about myself right and when I tell you that what ends up happening on these live streams and you can just watch what happens on live streams you might want to see some of the other live streams that I've done where I've been like oh I really love it when people compliment me all of a sudden we start getting all these people complimenting me in the live stream right why are they doing that because they know that I like compliments and they want me to feel good right and if this guy if you're dating this guy and he likes you and he wants you to feel good then you can talk to him about the things that you like you can talk to the thanked him about the things that you that make you feel attracted and that make make you turned on and the things that all these things right in framing it in those terms of like oh man you know it's just so so attractive when a guy like knows how to communicate with me and just you know tells me what's going on with them you know I don't know it's like sometimes when guys disappear it just it you know it's just such a turn-off and then I'm just like I'm not really even sure about him anymore and I kind of like start thinking about other people and it you know and just framing it in those terms right and just the terms of like hey this is really unattractive and this is really attractive and this is something I like and there's something I don't like and you know talking about those things one it's it's helping him get to know you and two it's you're teaching him how to treat you and so if you want him to treat you in a certain way you need to be able to communicate that in the best way in my opinion to do it is through framing so that's that if you want to know more about framing go check out my love frames toolkit it's a really great program all about framing so Denise says the more invested a man is in you the more connected he is on an energy a level allow him to win that's right allow him to win mary says grandma and I get it awesome like your girl I like your grandma Mary I think she's great Paige says they barely know what day it is okay papa papa double-oh-seven says I walk on eggshells so that I don't upset him it sounds horrible Gloria says my guy invest in me helps a lot around the house fixes my car plumbing etc however he's not cuddly or romantic he tells me he's always tired I feel like chopped liver that sucks bunny bund a says what if you are already in an exclusive relationship with them we do not see each other very often because he works out of state but we text almost daily well it's going back to the whole thing that I just talked about right with scarcity so scarcity is is it's a it's a very interesting thing it's a very magical thing because when you aren't constantly in contact then that contact that you do have becomes a lot more valuable just remember that so I don't know exactly how you guys are doing things but you know and it's one of those things where you don't want to fix something that's not broken okay so I don't know what's going on in your situation bunny bun day however you want to remember that if things are going well you don't necessarily need to start doing a bunch of stuff to fix things if it's everything's going well and so just remember that you know you don't want to mess with stuff that's working Gloria says I'm an attractive woman I don't understand him he says he's not seeing anyone else but never says he loves me I went no contact other men are coming around but I care for him well I mean have you talked to him about it I mean are you saying you love him have you talked to him about it have you communicated that it you know it's one of those things like he doesn't say he loves you and are you saying you love him and he's not reciprocating that he loves you back you know like what what exactly is the situation here I mean if he isn't it's one of those things like sometimes I talk about these things like no contact is a pretty it's a pretty intense kind of technique it's a pretty intense thing to use with somebody and so it's like okay he's not saying he loves you so you'd go no contact like have you have you tried communicating with him first have you tried talking to him about this have you tried to communicate how you feel about him not saying it have you you know like what have you done here that has made you go from he's not saying he loves me to I've completely gotten no contact with him right because there's a whole bunch of steps in there between right like over here is he's not saying he loves me and over here is like I'm going no contact which is like a a thing that you do with people who are exes right that you're trying to get back together and so there's a whole world of things here in the middle that you probably want to try starting with communication instead of just jumping to the jumping to the no contact thing so Julie tree says thanks Matt for all the advice you're welcome you are so welcome Sun King says the reason I don't say I love a woman is because I lost leverage and from my past experience women have left me once I out of those works yeah that's a good point Sun King thanks for chiming in there and talking about that because it's one of those things right a lot of women are concerned what one I mean Sun King just to talk to you a little bit about this is that since you're here Sun King and we're having this conversation you also want to create leverage with yourself and come from a power position and not try to force things and make sure that you know the the flame of desire and and love is burning bright in your relationship a lot of these principles that I talked about and all of these livestreams work with both men and women it's it's it's really powerful stuff and it's not gender specific and it's important that you're doing things to put yourself in a position of abundance and power position and making sure that you have a space where you're you know sane saying I love you to a woman isn't what made her leave you right like that I can guarantee you that it wasn't you saying I love you that made her disappear on you right she didn't leave you because you said I love you there's something else right if she loves you and you said I love you she's not gonna walk away from that because she said I love you right what what happened was there something else that you're missing probably a bunch of other things that you're missing that you were doing wrong and so her attraction and love for you either died or wasn't there and what ended up happening was you threw that on her and you probably did it with expectations and trying to get something out of it or maybe you guys were just friends who knows what your situation was however it didn't work out because you were screwing things up from before that as well and so you you gotta remember that right you gotta remember like you know people kind of blame things they're like oh man I said I love you one time to this woman and she left me and it's like okay well what was going on before you said that you loved her right was it you know you guys were totally in love and you she said that she loved you and then you said it back to her and she ran off probably not what pride you know may have happened was a whole bunch of different things I'm not gonna dwell on this point let's let's move on Alice Cooper Alice Cooper's watching the live stream thank you for all the advice Matt I'm sure it's spot on hmm you seem unusually stressed today I could use a good massage that's really what that's really what I could use right now I I was bitten by a vampire I'm here in Romania and I was bitten by a vampire and now I am turning and I was bitten by Dracula and I'm turning into a vampire rachel says thank you Matt clap-clap you are welcome then he said phenomenal advice thank you you're welcome you are welcome Wendy says awesome information you are welcome how to be the one that got away great educause educational stuff just to know it is great educational stuff this is important stuff that everybody should know Linda says what if you are already sleeping together after two months and now it's been a total of three months and all has been good how do you bring up exclusivity well you bring it up by letting him know what what I would do if I were you is I would bring it up by saying hey you know like having a talk with him and preferably before you guys sleep together again where basically you let him know that you'll only that you've decided that you only want to be physically intimate with a guy if you are being exclusive together and that you're not neither one of you are sleeping with anybody else and then tell him say hey you know if if you decide you know I want to make sure that we're being safe and that and that everything's good and that you know we're being exclusive with each other and so if you decide that you want to sleep with somebody else you know will you make sure that you tell me about it so that I know what's going on and just listen to what he says because he'll if you tell him if you let him know that you want to be exclusive and you're just like hey I I've decided that I really I I don't want to see other people you know I don't want to be having sex with other people while we are being physically intimate together and I don't want you to be having sex with other people while we're being physically intimate together because it you know I want to make sure that we're being safe and that you know that everything's kind of understood between us you know and and you know and then ask him will you make sure to let me know if you decide that you want to go and sleep with somebody else so that I understand you know what's going on between us and making sure that we're being safe together and just just have a conversation with him kind of from that basis point you'll find out a lot about what's going on with him and how he feels about that and whether he's willing to do it or not but if you're just looking for exclusivity and you guys are hooking up together that is the best way to do it is just to kind of bring up this conversation about exclusivity and and give him freedom give him freedom to say yes give him freedom to say no give him freedom to be like okay and you know based on what he says after that will be very indicative of how things are going right if he's like you know if he's like yeah sure I'll do that that's great if he's like hey yeah absolutely I was I thought we were exclusive and I you know I'm not seeing anybody else that tells you something else and if he's like hey I really just want to see you and I think that you're awesome and I want to spend more time with you that will tell you more right and so how he kind of responds to that conversation tells you a lot about what's going on so Anita says I'm interested in a person who is a public figure would like to know how to stop his bad behavior when he really don't want to lose me okay AJ says I have a hard time letting him do things for me I've done things for myself for so long yeah I get that a lot I hear a lot of women especially strong independent women you know I've been doing a lot of stuff for themselves and I feel like he'll so she says I'll feel and I feel like he'll get burned out I did in my past relationships when I did everything does that make does that make does that make I think you're asking if it makes sense so I've done things for myself for so long and I feel like he'll get burnt out you know you can be surprised at how much a guy will do for you when you let him do stuff for you and so I just let him start doing stuff for you and just open yourself up to it and ask him for help you know and just just make it kind of a stair-step thing for yourself right if you're if you've had problems with kind of opening up and allowing people to do stuff just kind of walk it walk it up a little bit and don't don't try to put too much on yourself of trying to let him do things for you too quickly and just just let it kind of escalate over time that's totally that is totally cool Denise says I don't agree or I agree don't think of it as a game it's just part of our beautiful world the delicious unfolding of learning all about a wonderful new man I like your I like the way you put that Denise that's really cool Alicia says this may be off topic but I'm sitting with a guy I've been crushing on for a while I'm at his house with his son and we are having no interaction just playing on our phones what do I do and send them a bunch of emojis that's what you should do send them some emojis Dakota says why does the guy I'm with only say I love you once in a while why does he say he only loves you once in a while cuz he feels like he loves you once in a while that's why he says Julie tree says I was a forever lady three years ago but he died and I'm so lost without him don't know how to move on I'm sorry to hear that Julie tree I I hope that you regain kind of your strength and your identity and really take on it you know I know it's he'll probably be with you forever and it's it can be a very difficult thing I've lost a lot of people in my life and it's never been a somebody that I've been in a romantic relationship with where I've lost them but I've definitely lost a lot of people and it can be really painful and they will be with you forever in memory and so Rebecca says hi Matt I am from England I recently broke up with man but he keeps messengering me on Facebook it's a good place to messengering somebody and by text what am I supposed to do do I continued talking to him or block him I mean you know you're even why are you even asking why are you asking about whether you should continue to talk to him or not my suggestion is if you're breaking up with him and you this to be a permanent breakup that you stopped talking to him and you give him some space and you allow yourself and you allow him to heal for a while Dakota says why does my guy only say I love you when we are apart because of exactly what I was talking about with the scarcity thing because when you're away that's when he really appreciates you don't listen to the scarcity part again Gloria says I told him I miss him and want more time with him he never responds that's when I got tired and went contact I'm now got cut off there did he said Sharon think of a doorman at a hotel wish them well and when they leave welcome them warmly when they return hi Dracula hello you see my Dracula - you like Dracula totally I'm totally a vampire I move on Paul whoa glory says went no contact I'm upset and feel like I'm over it I see my value and comes around before it's too late I think you meant I hope you see my bag quick question my boyfriend has an avoidant attachment mmm-hmm know all about that we have different comfort zones of distance how can we come to common ground without pressuring him or pushing him away okay so you want to come to common ground so what's going on exactly right now that yeah I mean it's okay so so avoid an attachment style for everybody that doesn't know is somebody that kind of pulls away and avoids things when they start feeling pressure or they start feeling a lot of kind of like negative emotions and they what they do is they pretend like they don't have emotional needs they pretend like they don't have needs in regards to relationships and so you're asking how can we come - coming grounds without pressuring him or pushing him away well you what you need to do is communicate with him and communicate with him and just talk to him about like this is what you should do what you should do is you should talk about what you're you know what your perfect scenario would look like and ask him what his perfect scenario would look like and just ask him what he wants and what you know what would it look like and how would it feel and just kind of talk about your wants and your desires and just you know just start coming just start communicating start having the conversation about it and just keep communicating and communicating in community getting and doing what we talked about in this video and doing the framing stuff that we talked about it's very important communication talking about it Linda says hey Matt please help what if we are already sleeping together after two months and now it's been a total through months and all been good I think I already talked about that Matt says hi Matt what if he is not scared to lose me because he is more focused on his career well it kind of depends on how focused he is on his career because you know if he's a super workaholic he'll be pretty focused he'll be pretty focused on his career and it's one of those things where it's like okay what you need if you want him to feel more like he's missing you and he's scared of you not being there and all that kind of stuff because especially if he's got you know like what we were just talking about with the avoidant attachment style and all that kind of stuff what you need to do is you need to focus on the connection you focus on building that connection and instead of making it about him being scared of losing you make it about him missing you when you're not around and so my suggestion is that you go back over that live stream that I did not too long ago about making a guy miss you and focus on building that positive emotional deep and wide connection with him so that he feels like he just wants to be around you all the time and then you know and then give him the gift of missing you and do the things that we talked about in this video because that will make him feel like him being super focused on his work doesn't mean that he won't be scared of losing you but what it means is that he's getting so much joy and focus and like pleasure and fulfillment and all these different things from his busy and he's probably been doing that and getting that for a very long time that he's not shifting his focus over and getting a lot of it from you and so if you're creating kind of these deep emotional bonds and making him have a lot of fun and making it amazing to be around you and making it so that he's like totally addicted to being in your presence what ends up happening is that he will start to he will start to shift that focus and he'll be like wow I'm getting all of this amazing stuff over here instead of just in the space of work where I'm controlling everything and he'll he'll start to shift that focus and if he's feeling that way it doesn't matter how much he's focused on his work he will he will be afraid he won't be scared of losing it if it's if it's the best that he's had and it's and it's that amazing and it's just something that he absolutely loves he will be afraid of losing it and he will want to make sure that you're connected and sometimes he might be he might be focused on his work because you know men tend to be more kind of single focused on things however I can guarantee you that in his in his space he will think about it and he will be like man I want to make sure that everything's cool with her and I want to make sure you know everything's great with her and you again you know making sure that you're communicating your needs and stuff because a lot of times those guys guys that are super focused on their work it's like it's not that they it's not that they aren't scared of losing you or any of that kind of stuff it's that they've got so much going on over there and they're like okay well I'm gonna make sure that I'm taking care of her needs and making sure that you know everything's going on good over here as long as you're communicating them and it's something that he feels like he can do and you guys have that great connection together and I hope that I hope that I hope that really made a lot of sense to you so Alice Cooper says well love the rant about the statue of Michelangelo so inspiring you are true mentor life God thank you makes me feel so elated that perhaps building a better life self-love is achievable it is achievable you can do that you can do that you can do that okay so I have to get going here it has been past the hour so thank you so much for being here with me if you are really serious about getting into a relationship where you feel valued and loved and seen for the amazing woman that you are make sure that you go over to the goddess and consider joining our community there you will get a copy of the new program that I just created called the forever woman there if you join up with our program so go check that out thank you so much for being here with us this whole thing is about helping empower you and giving you the tools that you need to have an amazing relationship where you feel loved and seen and cherished and just treat it really great by an amazing guy and making you making you aware that you have options and giving you the ability to really have not only the relationship that you want to have but the life that you want to happen so thank you so much for being here with me and thanks for being a part of this allowing me to be a part of your journey and so thank you so much everybody and I will speak with you again
Channel: Matthew Coast
Views: 156,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make him worry about losing you, make him fear losing you, how to make him fear losing you, how to make him afraid to lose you, how to make a guy afraid of losing you, ways to make him worry about losing you, make you boyfriend afraid to lose you, make him worry about losing you, how to make a man worry about losing you, how to make him worried about losing you, how to make a guy realize he’s losing you, How to Make Him Scared to Lose You, Make Him Scared to Lose You
Id: Ihx0X-iVBSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 42sec (3702 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 10 2019
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