2 Deeply Disturbing 2CHAN Story Posts

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do a vote skip/stay cause its long, but i promise, this is fucking scary as shit

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Bretzerian 📅︎︎ Mar 16 2016 🗫︎ replies
the following stories are from the Japanese site to channel and have been translated into English by my friend and fellow horror narrator phantasmal wretched - Chan is known for being the predecessor to 4chan with the general gist of the site being pretty much the same namely an anonymous text board the following horror stories are allegedly true number one this happened quite some years ago when I was around 15 have you ever experienced this in the past when walking by an abandoned building getting that overwhelming urge to explore this is what happened to me my friend told me there was an absurd abandoned building which was not so far away from where I lived I didn't know what he meant by absurd but I remember being as excited as well a schoolboy my friend told me about this place the day before the start of summer vacation we were both excited and eager to check the place out so we ended up visiting the abandoned building straight off to school with some kids that we weren't even that friendly with it took a long time for the kids to all gather outside of the school when all eight of us had actually arrived the Sun was beginning to go down we followed my friend who knew the way like a row of ants when we actually got there I remember feeling very disappointed I was expecting a house with the roof rotting away the window smashed the kind of house that screamed I'm haunted in reality the abandoned building was quite clean the only strange thing about it was the location as it was slightly out of town in the countryside all of the other kids seemed to be disappointed too but having come all this way we decided to explore the place all the same after some discussion we cautiously entered through the back door looking inside there were strange things lying all around the place beakers cylinders microscopes they were the kind of things you expect to find in the science to room at a school we figured there was no way this was a normal house but what grabbed my attention the most wasn't the strange instruments lying all around the place but the massive bookshelf stuffed from end to end there were also a few books lying in a pile in front of the shelf it was obvious that someone had recently messed around with some of these books we soon found out who the culprit was it was the friend who had told us about the building in the first place he asked us all a question do you know why said this place was absurd he pointed towards a specific book and told us to open it we did and gasped horrified the book was filled with pictures of dead men and women some with their skin peeled off even the friend who had seen the book before became silent and looked uncomfortable but at that moment I realized something isn't this just the house of a doctor although still slightly scared there was a murmur of agreement from the group and as it so often does logic and reasoning help relieve some of the tension built up from the fear of the unknown while the rest of the group looked through other books in the bookshelf I decided to explore some of the other rooms in the house the kitchen living room bathroom toilet after looking through the hole of the first floor I realized that the person who was living here must have been extremely well-educated it was the style of the house even being just 15 years of age I knew that the furniture was a very good quality the interior of the house was designed so efficiently and everything was beautifully packed in utilizing all of the space available perfectly considering all of this the person who lived here must have been a hard-working doctor or medicine student I overheard one of the guys saying that a mad scientist must live here I remember being annoyed at that and thinking he was a [ __ ] the group quickly became bored of looking through the books and since it was getting late we all decided to end the exploration for that day however as we continue to explore the first floor we realize something strange even after thoroughly exploring we found no stairs going to the second floor but it was obvious when looking at the house from the outside that there was indeed a second floor using our small brains we figured that there would be a flight of stairs outside of the building but there wasn't one of our friends found the remnants of perhaps a stairway if there had been stairs there they'd definitely been taken down one of us suggested that perhaps there was something hidden on the second floor we all made fantastical suggestions as to what could be up there this immediately sent us into an excited frenzy and all thoughts of going home vanished from our minds there was a widespread consent we just had to see the second floor we figured that entering through the outside would be easier we looked around the building and found some pipes that would be easy to climb to see if it was safe the best tree climber of the group went to test out the route that was me it was easy to climb but something came to my attention which alarmed me you couldn't see anything through the upstairs windows they'd been covered up by newspapers and marker pens so that barely any light could shine through as everybody climbed onto the roof of the house I told them about the closed off windows and this seemed to frighten some of them a few of them decided to go back home those were the smart ones those of us who stayed behind took a vote on whether we should enter the second floor in the end curiosity won as I led the way to the window I was half happy half in deep regret of the decision there was no choice now though I had talked the big talk about checking it out and I didn't want to look like a coward by backing out now I summoned all of the courage I had available and I swung open the window I gasped right in front of me was a woman in a swimsuit with a large grin plastered on her face I screamed and thought my heart was going to stop but then my friend began to laugh at me and patted me on the shoulder it was just a poster everybody laughed I remember feeling so relieved I couldn't even be bothered to get angry I looked at the poster again as I tried to enter and something caught my attention there was a lipstick on the poster where the woman's lips were although I thought that was strange I entered the house and the guys followed me in I found myself in an understandably dark and damp passageway up until that point I had thought the individual who lived here was intelligent and had good taste now as we move further in the abnormality of the previous resident became more and more apparent along the passage were pictures of girls in bikinis and other infatuating costumes just this would have been ok but the faces of the woman had been carved out and replaced with the faces of dead women obviously taken from one of the books we had found on the first floor any positive thoughts I had in my mind vanished it didn't matter if this was the previous resident who had done this or a homeless person who had moved in I looked at the faces of my friends around me the consensus was let's get the [ __ ] out of here as we set to return to the window we used to enter my friend spoke up in a wavering voice there's someone there we pointed a flashlight in the direction he was pointing at there was a door made out of glass at the end of the hallway and as we all flashed our lights on the door it became clear that there was a woman wearing nothing but her underwear staring at us intently in fact as we stared it became clear there were more people behind her all facing our direction we just stood there pointing our lights towards them we were scared shitless expecting the woman to rush us but as we stood there we noticed that they weren't moving we ventured towards the door and as we got closer to it it became apparent the room was filled with female mannequins there must have been 15 or 20 of the things a miniature forest of mannequins someone whispered something about how creepy it all was everybody was thinking the same thing the underwear the mannequins were wearing wasn't the functional type that women would normally wear even a school kid like me knew this and they were the type design to infatuate men it was like we had a glance into the mind of the person who had been living here someone shouted as if to try and relieve the tension my god the guy who was living here must have been a massive perv everybody laughed and I felt a bit more calm and light-hearted after that we decided to explore the place a bit more before going home looking around the room there was also a broken TV toys her CD player and a pile of magazines lying around I opened one of the magazines and sure enough all of the women's faces in the magazine had been replaced with those of dead bodies this in itself made me feel sick but something caught my attention that made me feel even worse the magazine was from this month I went to go and show the others as we all realize the predicament we were in we heard something a faint sound of something moving terrified we all looked around the room in search of what could have caused that noise we could see all the way to the end of the room I could see all the books furniture and manic winds surrounding the room that was when I noticed something else in between the manic winds was a face I saw a widespread grin an expression of absolute Maleficent Glee you like these things it was a man's voice but whoever he was I could just about make out that he was wearing a dress someone let out a scream we all started to panic and ran straight towards the exit I was the last one out as I jumped through the window and onto the roof I heard him speak again you like when I heard that voice I felt goosebumps rage all over my body all I remember after that was jumping off of the roof and bolting for the hills the kid who lived closest told his parents the events of that night and the next day the police went to investigate the building by the time the police arrived the building was empty they checked again the following day but the house was completely lifeless the man in the house was never found and the house itself has since been demolished I once visited the place when I was older but there was nothing left to see It was as if all of us had imagined the incident of that night even now when I see an abandoned building I get the creeps number two why is it always the pretty ones I met her on an open Facebook group mainly consisting of people from my hometown I chatted to people on the Facebook group every day it was a really good way for me to relieve the stress built up daily from the long commute from my house to work my shitty Basu complains about everything I do and my work colleagues who only seem to be interested in the news headlines football and the Secretary's arse it was fun to just relax and talk to people about my hometown movies or whatever else I was interested in without fear of being judged constantly visiting the site every day here wasn't long until I started getting really friendly with the people in the group we started talking more about our private lives and there was discussion that we should meet up in real life it was around then that a girl called Mae sent a request to join the group I accepted the request and soon after a comment was up on the group page hi nice to meet you all I've never really used Facebook before so I don't really know the rules hope if we can all get along even though this wasn't real life it's always awkward for someone to join a new group of people that they don't know in a world where so much human interaction takes place through words typed up on a screen it's very easy to become isolated so I decided to send her a message nice to meet you let's talk in private chat as soon as I finish typing her chat box popped up on my screen I laughed a little and opened up the chat box thank you so much for talking to me I was really nervous wasn't sure anyone was gonna talk to me I'm so happy woah she's pretty cute I thought to myself we introduced ourselves and talked about random things ended up talking to her past midnight I know it's stupid but I was kind of excited about talking to her May was a 25 year old office lady she said she enjoyed her job but that she tended to make mistakes and her boss was always getting furious at her today she'd mistakenly copied a vowel which she was supposed to shred and was made into a laughingstock as her boss shouted at her at the top of his voice I pictured the scene in my mind I imagine me with her straight long black hair which extended just past her shoulders and the boss screaming at her as she hung her head in shame in front of the printer we both joked about the whole scenario and I went to sleep in a good mood for a change as usual at work my boss was being a massive [ __ ] he kept on setting me near impossible tasks without an ounce of consideration for the time that it would take me that's not to say my subordinates were any better when I told them which duties to perform they just sighed and didn't even look at me god dammit why is everyone trying to piss me off I thought to myself but in all honesty I was getting along fine although my work colleagues pissed me off it was no longer causing me any stress every day I got home I would jump straight into the bath open up a can of beer and talk to my friends on Facebook as long as I have this I don't give two [ __ ] what goes on at work that probably sounds quite sad to the social butterflies amongst you but it's how I felt I started to feel like I had been talking to me an awful lot I flicked through the chat history and I saw that most of my comments were from chatting with her there were a few messages sent to my family and my old friends from university but that was about it as I flicked through the chat history on the group though I noticed that I was the only one talking to me nobody else replied to any of her comments and nobody liked the things that she was posting on her homepage she was new to Facebook and the group but I still figured that was a little strange I mean it only took a few days for me to be introduced to all of the other members of the group I thought it was a shame as she was a really cheerful person she would probably get a along quite well with all of the others if given the opportunity maybe she didn't have the chance because she was so busy talking with me anyway every day I got home I performed my daily routine I'd jump in the bath crack open a beer and sit in front of my computer talking to me I would type I'm back and as soon as I did she would reply welcome home Asano hope you had a nice day at work I felt as if Mei was my girlfriend after a little while I decided to contact my old friends on the channel hi guys I want to speak to you about Mei she seems to be isolated in our group do you guys think you could talk to her as well she says that she wants to get to know more members my waited but there was no reply five minutes past twenty minutes two hours but still no reply I tried contacting a few others but no one replied to me I was pissed off why were they ignoring me I scrolled through the public chat histories to see when the last time they were on the group page was but as I scrolled further and further up there was no sign of their presence anywhere eventually I realised my original friends then invited me on to the group were no longer using the page at all a few days passed and finally I got a reply from one of the people I contacted hey man I know you're friendly with that may go so I'm sorry for saying this white should stay away from her don't give her your real address or phone number and whatever you do don't try to meet her in real life what the [ __ ] is this guy talking about Hey you jealous or something dude look just take it from me that girl is bad news just keep it to talking to online and don't get too close to her why what's your problem with her beyond my annoyance I felt depressed it had been a while since I've made any friends and they turn out to be the same kind of judgmental [ __ ] I have to interact with at work after an hour I received a reply you know it's not just me who doesn't talk to them everybody doesn't there's a reason for that that group page is actually a new group remade after getting rid of the first one the group name was different and I met all the creators of the new group from there not long after creating that first group that girl may joint you know we fought the more members the merrier so like you which added to her more money and it wasn't a problem at first he went on to tell me about how this may girl had joined their old Facebook group and grew close to one of the old members a guy called Noboru they became so friendly online in fact that the two of them decided to meet up in real life and quickly became intimate okay whatever I thought nothing strange so far I continued to read one day I received a private message from the guy who'd met up with me it just said help I guess he was joking or something so I didn't take it seriously I just replied haha what's up dude immediately I got a reply it said I don't know what to do [ __ ] I don't know where I am help I was talking to the rest of the group later that day and apparently a few people have received the same kind of messages from him we all try to contact him over and over again or we never got a reply then after a week he just suddenly left the group I went to his Facebook page by no longer had a Facebook page even I think he must have deleted it he said that there were literally hundreds of messages from her demanding to know where nobody was anyone know where he is I went to his house but he wasn't there I'm calling him but getting no replies someone please tell me where he is due to work obligations the other members of the group didn't even see the messages at first reading through them later they noticed that the messages became more and more extreme and no wonder you are hiding him [ __ ] you I'll find him if this last thing I do I love him I'll kill you all along with him if you don't hand him over apparently since no one was replying to her she left the group to the relief of all of the other members they all unfriended her and thought that was the end of it that's when they set up the new private Facebook group just to be on the safe side after a couple of years they again set the group to public and apparently a few days after that I happened to join not too long after is when they all received the notification Mae has joined your group his message concluded she had a difference earning this time by gluer was her the way she thought the thing she liked were the same as the previous May I don't know what happened to the guy but some sinister [ __ ] must have happened I mean who just closes their Facebook account without saying anything this was all [ __ ] ridiculous true that story about Mae was terrifying but there was no proper evidence to suggest that the Mae I was friends with was the same Mae he even admitted that she looked different in the pictures now but remained adamant that he thought it was still her but the Mae I knew was lovely and there's plenty of people with her name in Japan and so what if their writing is similar most girls I know write in roughly the same way and lots of them have similar interests as well you can't say they're the same person just because of that that Facebook group was made for people living in the same town anyway so it made sense that there was a lot of similarities between the members of the page these were all of the things I was telling myself at the time I just replied alright mate I don't think this is the same girl though it was late autumn early winter and I'd actually made plans to meet up with me we decided to meet up at a bar in town I'd been there a couple of times before and she said that she liked the place too so we figured it would be a perfect place for us to meet up I'm not sure if it was due to the prospect of finally meeting her but I worked harder than usual at work on the day of the Meetup I left at 5 p.m. on the dot once I got home I washed myself brushed my teeth put on my best set of smart casual clothing and then skipped down to the bar it was very cold that day and it had been snowing on and off I didn't want to keep her waiting in the cold so I decided to leave on the early side I got to the bar 20 minutes early but already there was someone waiting for me just outside ah may I asked slightly embarrassed it was dark and she was looking down at her bone so I couldn't see her face she looked up at me Massaro hey she was stunning her black hair had grown out slightly longer than in her profile picture and now reach down past her shoulders when she looked up her dark I sent my heart fluttering and instinctively I looked away suddenly nervous I replied yeah I hope I didn't make you wait she timidly smiled no I've only just arrived do you want to go inside it's quite cold out here we sat down at the counter and ordered some drinks although I was nervous at first it soon became clear that this was the exact same a I knew from online after only a few minutes we were laughing together and talking naturally just as we did on the net we talked well into the night and before we even knew it the barman announced that the bar was closing we stepped outside into the freezing cold since entering the bar it had started to snow again Mae leaned on my shoulder I think I've had too much to drink my heart beat suddenly sped up be cool I told myself do do you want to rest at mine it's pretty close I could hear my heart pounding can I yeah that's fine no trouble at all have a glass of water and a little rest she stopped leaning on me and got to her feet ok let's go we held hands and slowly stumbled back to my place we had sex she lay next to me with a peaceful face I looked at her and once again I was astounded by how beautiful she was I just couldn't believe my luck the next morning we exchanged phone numbers and she went back to her home after meeting me I started going on Facebook less and less if I wanted to talk with her I'd just call her up or text her I also hardly said anything on the Facebook group anymore I receive messages from my friend but I didn't bother replying to him every Friday before the weekend Mae and I would meet up and she would stay around mine if she was free for the whole weekend she'd stay around my place on Saturday and would make me breakfast in the morning she even helped me clean up my house honestly I can't remember enjoying life as much as I was enjoying it then Mae was literally perfect in every single way her only fault was that she would get agitated quite quickly when I wouldn't respond to her messages straight away she had sent me messages like are you busy what happened do you not like me sorry it's annoying for you if I keep sending messages isn't it I'll be waiting for you if I left my phone for more than an hour I'd have received at least 20 or 30 messages from her it had been roughly 2 months since I had first met me in person during the end of the year work tended to get busy and I had a lot of stuff I had to get done before the holiday started I couldn't even take a lunch break and I'd have to do overtime practically every single day in fact it had been a while since I had last been able to meet me I began to sense that something was the matter with her actually no deep down I think I'd known that for a while there was just something off about her I had been having to work without rest that day when I finally got back home it was midnight I sat down and took a look at my phone to find literally hundreds of messages from me I quickly replied to her and explained I've been busy at work thank God I thought you must not like me anymore I'm really sorry for bothering you with so many messages she was the same way as usual but I noticed something strange she'd been sending me messages every three minutes but how could she do that she worked during the day as well after all it was nearing the end of the year to all firms were extremely busy this time of year if May did have a full time job such a beat would be impossible I sent her a message won't you get in trouble sending me messages during work again literally seconds after I sent my message I got a reply it's okay the police I work at isn't busy at all could that be true I guess if she says so I'd better believe her we were a couple after all I switched my phone off and got into bed I always had to switch my phone off otherwise it would be buzzing constantly until the morning I couldn't help but remember what my friend had told me about the other May the next day I got off work at around 11 p.m. and returned to my house to find me sitting outside of my front door sorry I couldn't help it I really want to see you I was worried it was still only Wednesday this wasn't our normal routine we should both have work tomorrow morning sorry is it a bother no no it's okay but thank God I've decided to stay here tonight I'll head straight down from here to work now I notice she had a rucksack with her it probably had her work clothes in it she's got to be kidding I've got a really important meeting tomorrow in the end I just let her into the house without putting up much of a fuss I told her I needed to sleep but she didn't listen to me she had other plans in mind by the time we'd finished or more accurately she'd finished it was around 2 o'clock in the morning I didn't even have the strength to lift my cup of coffee the next morning I somehow managed to get up and dragged myself to work I messed up my morning meeting I was so tired due to the previous night and all of the late nights doing overtime leading up to it I couldn't remember half of my speech and my boss scolded me telling me I'd be demoted if this [ __ ] happened again after the scolding I went to the toilet to check my phone I had 86 messages and 18 voicemail recordings when it had only been four hours since I'd last seen May I made up my mind the next day Mae was waiting for me at my doorstep again I let her inside made her a cup of green tea and looked her straight in the eyes sorry May we can't be together anymore she looked at me dumbfounded we're so good together it's okay I understand you're having a hard time with work aren't you it's okay we'll just see each other when the holidays start I'll be good and wait for you I turned away I couldn't even bear to look at her anymore I'd heard the same thing a million times from her and I didn't believe her at all I'm sorry but I've made up my mind it's over pack up your things and leave I don't want to see you anymore I get it you're tired it's okay I'll go home now we'll see each other again in a few days I realized at that point I was almost shouting but Mae just didn't seem to understand anything I was saying she just smiled I could tell from her voice that she wasn't based at all she really meant what she was saying I remembered my friends warning again don't get too close to me after that I ignored all of May's messages every time she call me I'd block her calls a week past ignoring her messages had been a success she had stopped messaging me altogether now and since that night she hadn't shown her face around my place everything had worked out I didn't feel like doing anything for the next few days I opened up a bottle of wine watch some TV and then got into my bed before midnight I was fast asleep it was the middle of the night I heard something mass what was that sound Massaro I thought I was dreaming at first but slowly it became apparent that I was not alone in my room i sat up in my bed there was a silhouette of a person in my doorway my eyes were still adjusting to the low light but I could tell it was May by the tone of her voice and the outline of her figure it didn't take me long to notice the knife in her hand she must have got it from my kitchen she was mumbling something about betrayal and how if she couldn't have me nobody could honestly what she was saying was mostly unintelligible with every wipe of my eyes to clear the sleep from them I realized she was getting closer and closer to me it's strange I wasn't scared perhaps because I was Dazed and Confused from being awoken in the middle of the night everything was very automatic I objected myself from the bed and I rushed at her slamming the full weight of my body into her she went flying downwards smashing into a set of drawers I remember thinking that she smacked into the furniture at such a force that she just might have broken her neck that turned out not to be the case either way my only thought was of escape I was outside in the freezing cold within seconds wearing nothing but my underwear I ran to my neighbor's house and knocked on the door frantically continually checking over my shoulder to make sure she wasn't behind me looking down at the ground I notice specks of red in the snow at my feet because of the adrenaline in my system I hadn't noticed that she had slashed my arm deeply during our collision the folks next door eventually opened up and allowed me to use their phone to call the cops had they not recognized me they would most likely have ignored me thinking I was some crazy midnight streak a weirdo when the police arrived May was no longer in the house she had fled taking my diary computer and phone with her I was taken to the hospital where they stitched my arm up it took a while but eventually they tracked her down it's been three years since that night and still nobody has heard from the previous guy who banished I'm certain that she had a hand in his disappearance I truly believe she paid him a similar visit to me but that he happened to be a much heavier sleeper than I was she played dumb about the whole thing though I see people upload all kinds of things on social media sites nowadays but just remember that there are some psychos out there in the real world the best things happen in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 1,602,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: creepy, scary, real, true, best, most, new, love, romance, top, 2chan, 2channel, 4chan, Japan, crazy, blood, dead, death, stalker, ex, from hell, lazy, nightmare, reddit, top 5, top 10, ghost, ghosts, haunted, caught on tape, song, music, lyrics, disturbing, creepypasta, audiobook, stories, scariest, video, Halloween, Valentine's, deep web, terrifying, list, shocking, party, evil, meme, banned, Deeply Disturbing 2chan Story Posts (Vol.1), scary videos, horror movies, scary 2016 movies, lazy masquerade, scary 4chan posts, online
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 37sec (2197 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2016
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