5 Remakes We Need RIGHT NOW

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I know these days it seems like every old game is getting a remaster but it's not true fact is there are still some absolute Classics from a brilliant era of video games that have been totally neglected by whoever is in charge of deciding which games deserve a re-release we're talking of course about the Xbox 360 PS3 era and everyone on the oxboxer team has picked their favorite titles from those consoles that they believe deserve a makeover to bring them up to Modern standards here are the neglected 360 and PS3 games that deserve a remaster you cowards the game I'm going to talk about that needs to be remastered and bought out soon um before next year ideally um I will explain why is X-Men Origins Wolverine which came out in 2009 for the aforementioned PS3 Xbox 360 consoles from Raven software uh who now mostly make Call of Duties but back then they made X-Men games and they made this one [Music] so there's not many good Wolverine games the reason I say before next year is because insc are working on one the people who make the PS5 Spider-Man games and apparently that's going to be good um but is it necessary cuz we had a great Wolverine game in 2009 so just making another one that's just waste isn't it hate waste you hate waste we've already got one it's like you know only got one planet guys it's like people who own two cars what you got two cars for you can't drive both at once so yeah the X-Men Origins Wolverine is uh is a Wolverine game and like I said there's not many great Wolverine games and I think a lot of the problem with that is that Wolverine is a knife maniac and that's s that's quite hard to sort of turn into a game mechanic isn't it so if you've got unbreakable knives for hands and you're fueled by constant rage and you can't be killed that's quite hard to make a video game around because you can just kill everyone easily instantly with your knife hands I'm not hearing a problem yeah well again yeah that's because some Raven software had the courage to say yes we're going to make a game where Wolverine goes around with his knife hands and just absolutely owns every single person he comes across for like six hours it's great he's in some of the Capcom beat him ups and stuff you know where he's fighting other superheroes that's fair enough if you slash away at the Incredible Hulk with your claws it's not going to do much damage but in this game X-Men Origins Wolverine you hit someone with your adamantium claws and their arm comes off which is what would happen if you hit someone with adamantium claws in the arm their arm would come off it is one of the most gory violent games I've ever played the combat's amazing you can like pounce on people from far away and just start like punching them in the chest with your knife claws again you can take their arms off you can slash their head heads off with your claws people are just running screaming in Terror from this like feral man Beast sounds fun it is it is fun it's really fun and you know it's not just that like Wolverine will make people shoot themselves with their own shotguns uh he will like jam someone's head into some helicopter blades uh it's like proper over-the-top like Grand guol violence which is exactly what a wolverine gamees should be and what I think Insomniac are doing for the PS5 one which is good but also it leans into the Wolverine's actual power his actual power isn't that he's got unbreakable metal claws those were added later and the reason he was the only one they were able to do it to because his he has this healing factor which is his actual mutant power and he was the only person who could survive having molten metal poured all over his bones um but yeah so he's got this healing Factor so in the game you have two health bars so you have like an external health bar and then like an internal one so if you get shot a lot all your skin and muscle comes off exposing your internal organs so if you get hit in like your internal organs that's bad for Wolverine that's how you can die in this game but people will just blast huge chunks off you and it had a really good like cosmetic damage system so you get shot a lot and you'd have to go into cover to sort of regenerate and you could see huge gaping wounds in Wolverine's body and they would just sort of like fill in as the healing Factor kicked in it was really cool and I've not really seen that in other Wolverine games I I don't know maybe it was in that um was he in The Avengers game did he turn up in that it's possible how how would anyone know but it was it was just a really cool game the combat was it was very kind of heavily influenced by those early God of Wars I think so it was a real kind of crunchy action-y hack and slash kind of game it was like just pouncing on people making distance doing drill claws he had a rage mode he could activate where he just went absolutely berserk and cut everyone in half I think the only criticism I had with it was it does get a little repetitive after when you're like sort of like julienning your 60th guy in a row you're sort of kneeling on his chest while he screams and like the blood is getting in sideburns you're like how boring you're like a yawn but it it just had some really cool mechanics and some really like fun environments the story was interesting Wolverine was part of that sort of X task force thing being sent out to do all these missions it was a movie TI as well which is it's one of the better movie titans ever cuz that movie was not great and yet this game was really fun and engaging so my choice is X-Men Origins Wolverine maybe we'll get something along these lines from Insomniac next year if they can live up to that bar I I think we're in we're in for treat but yeah this game with better graphics an even more detailed like damage and wound system where you can see all the all the bits all the blood and just yeah even more created dismemberment I mean let's you know that Metal Gear Rising Revengeance where you could angle the the sword to like cut people in different angles what about something that would be great imagine just like taking someone off at the knee and then they're like ah Wolverine no you're like well Wolverine yes so yeah that's what I think is good yeah I'll go to bat for Prototype is it a great is prototype what prototype is it this okay yeah prototype is better than I think prototype is better than well I don't think it's better than Infamous but I I like pound for pound I think I had more fun prototype feels more like eating a bucket of popcorn it's not nourishing to you in any way but like it is sort of quite satisfying and you don't really want to stop once you've started and it's so gory sorry not the popcorn prototype yeah prototype was an open world game on the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 and the premise of it was that at the beginning of the game you're sort of infected with some kind of mysterious virus that you don't really understand and the plot is sort of like you're trying to kind of figure out what's happening to you but as the story progresses it becomes increasingly clear that it's not it doesn't really matter what's happening to you the only thing that matters is that you're getting like stronger and stronger and better at just sort of destroying entire city blocks worth of monsters and people it's very very morally gray is prototype the structure of the game play the core gameplay Loop if you like is pretty fun though because you generally have to sneak in somewhere and to sneak in somewhere all you have to do is go and grab someone and like immediately sort of consume them and become them you kind of subsume them into your horrible biotic goo and then you become them and then you just sort of wander in as a as as an army man or whatever and everyone's like oh everything seems fine and then you go in and then you like explode your body into a thousand spiky tentacles and everyone is killed and it's like good job have a skill point I was going to say that sounds like Hitman and then it didn't sound like hit man yeah yeah it's extremely over the top the traversal and getting around I remember being particularly fun and this is where I think it compared really well to Infamous cuz in Infamous you you sort of moved around kind of in a cool sort of way grinding on you know telegra Telegraph poles and stuff like that and you could sort of quickly Assassin's Creed up in Prototype you just Sprint 1,000 mes an hour up to the top of a building and dive down at 1,000 M hour and leave a crater that's like a mile wide and your arms are enormous swords and you're just a sort of spin it's just like senseless destruction the video game and there are a lot of video games that prioritize senseless destruction so for me to sort of say that prototype did it well that's actually like pretty High Praise I think you could very very easily with just a couple of buttons pick up a tank and throw it at a helicopter and then like pick up some other dude and eat him for health you could just pick you just eat people for health you ate people for health just like middle of a boss fight screaming pedestrians you're just like h h h that's better now my arms are giant clubs yeah it's one of those games where you'll do like a 10-minute Story Mission and then as a treat you'll spend 45 minutes jumping over buildings and killing people yeah yeah basically yeah it's um if uh if Infamous is Grand Theft Auto prototype is Saints Row maybe that's the you know sort of the neatest analogy I can draw I have a question how can you recommend a game where the main character wears a leather jacket a hoodie and a collge shirt all at the same time um okay do you think a leather jacket is cool yes do you think a hoodie is cool no but I wear them anyway do you think a popped collar is cool no be honest come on maybe all right but not all together it's too much fine okay consider that a zero Co zero cool so it's like plus one for the jacket call it a plus5 for the hoodie call it a zero for the so you're still you're at 1.5 cool out of 10 no out of we started at nothing you're 1.5 cooler than you were 1.5 degrees 1.5 No 1 can't talk to him when he's like this I know what you mean the main character is extremely boring I'm pretty sure his name is Alex Mercer correct uh he is just like the most default Alex I could be it's Alex it's Al it's Alan men you play Alan Menin you play Alan Menin Ron a mock you play a powerful biotic Ming you play Alan R so much about the game is so forgettable all the baddies are just like army dudes and they're like oh we want to do bad army stuff and you're I I don't even remember virus to infecting me there you go yeah yeah yeah I wasn't even paying attention because it's just like I'll do a mission and all the missions are the same and then as a special treat for eating my vegetables I'll just go on a rampage for 20 minutes [Applause] minutes the reason I think it deserves a remaster was because it was silly senseless fun but it was quite hard to control because as I've described your character was so bananas Bonkers strong and like could jump so unbelievably high and fly everywhere in every direction that like you just basically moved the thumb stick and you were like like tearing off through the city exploding things so like if they remastered it just pop a few God rays in and stuff and some raay tracing and whatever and maybe just like slightly refine the handling and like you know probably I would play Prototype all the way through again they released something called The Biohazard bundle uh for PS4 and Xbox one but like it it wasn't uh you know it wasn't what you would call a a remake or a remaster and that's that's what I want just prototype you know just whack throw Chuck in some nice textures and yeah sometimes the Sun Peaks out from the clouds or whatever and I'll be I'm happy as a clown so yeah prototype it's a real like eight out of 10 game but sometimes you just want that bucket of popcorn you know you just want to run smash throw consume just again and again and again that's that's relatable right everyone else enjoys this and feels this way I hope so prototype remaster it why not I don't want to alarm anyone but Red Dead Redemption one came out 13 years ago what and um and there's still no remaster of it incredibly yeah double horror civilization is a truly beautiful thing Mr [Music] Mar well old man looks like things is about to get settled once and for all so it [Music] seems so I submit Red Dead Redemption one deserves a remake remaster treatment because it is obviously an extremely good game and also they've made a Red Dead Redemption to since then so they know what John Maron looks like when he's like high res and current gen looking so all I'm saying Rockstar is take him and build an entire open World sandbox game around him and job's done you've got Red Dead Redemption one remas Rockstar presents let's go and I mean we all know Grand Theft Auto 6 is coming out in the year 2034 and the the world's not going to make it till then Rockstar just give us Red Dead Redemption 1 and cash in now cash in now there won't there won't be anyone left to sell GTA 62 I I promise you so what do you know I know nothing so I'm saying uh apparently there was they were they were thinking of making a rdr1 remaster and then they brought out the San Andreas remake which was famously poor the reception was so ice cold that they're like well fine we're not going to then to which I say the lesson is not to not make a Red Dead Redemption one remaster it's to make a better Red Dead Redemption one remaster seeing my earlier comments about just take John maren from Red Dead Redemption 2 right and then there you go now he's done he's done that's like I mean I'm no game developer but that's half the job yeah isn't all of the money for old rope yeah isn't all of the Red Dead Redemption one map within Red Dead Redemption 2 the man the man knows just put walls around that bit yeah just popping back in in the map you know the time is timing is slightly different but fine it's fine it's fine put some Honestly though easy I really enjoyed Red Dead Redemption 2 obviously I I love that game but I think I think I might have loved Red Dead Redemption one even more and I can only imagine how much I would enjoy that that story and those characters wrapped up in the gorgeousness of Red Dead Redemption 2 style visuals there was a switch Version Nintendo switch version of Red Dead Redemption one that came out like a month two months ago and by all accounts it is a straightforward Port which is not good enough obviously I'm not going to be playing that so we need better let's make that happen and also it's 13 years ago so I remember very little at this point it'll be like a brand new game for me okay now for the last few years it's felt like you can't move for Tomb Raider reboots and revivals there's like three different trilogies the first one has a bunch of extra ones like Revelations and Angel of Darkness but before we move on to another reboot which I still think we need I do I do want more Tomb Raider yes pleas please num num num I would like a complete remaster of the Tomb Raider legend Trilogy which I think is my [Music] favorite what games are in the legend Trilogy so in the legend Trilogy you have Tomb Raider legend Tomb Raider anniversary and Tomb Raider underworld cuz we were all a bit emo back then they came in that order but the chronological order to play the games it is anniversary Legend then underworld Legend was like a reboot and then anniversary acted as like a re-release a remake of the original Tomb Raider those three by the way it's recently been announced that there's going to be a remaster of the original original trilogy which I am extremely excited about otherwise that would have also been on my list but if anything it feels like well if we're going to have that one why not also do Legend just you know tune it up a little bit there's some really uh fun things out there cuz anniversary is the original game nler and going in and fighting the Torso boss and all that jazz but Legend is really cool cuz it follows the aruan legend and I really enjoy that my favorite level in it we featured it on the channel is where you go around an old like Roadside Attraction in the UK about Aran Legend and then you find out that actually yeah there is a bit of Excalibur hidden underneath and then in Underworld Lara has an evil Doppel ganger with red hair great and also you're like hunting down mol you know the legendary Hammer of Thor and both of them have amazing bits where you just have a complete power surge right just this one bit where you're just like where you're like fighting off all these huge enemies that were like such a pain in your butt earlier but then you're all powered up it's also got all like the Fantastic Gymnastics stuff which is something that I really miss from the newer Tomb Raider games I like being able to make Lara coft do cool back flips cuz that's something I can't do so that's my thing in video games is being able to LEAP around and like that's that's what made Tomb Raider really fun I do love the newer Trilogy well the first two games anyway but I I just feel like there's something missing there these games sound silly silly sillier than Tomb Raider is now yeah and that's good that's what we need right let me tell right I've played the first Tomb Raider in the new Trilogy twice through I've not quite got onto rise of the Tomb Raider yet again and I'm probably never going to play Shadow the Tomb Raider again cuz I it just burned me slightly I played the Tomb Raider legend Trilogy on PlayStation 2 Xbox 360 and then more recently again when it came to backwards compatibility on the Xbox one which is okay but not good enough cuz there were some things with the controls that could have been tweaked because it is that 3D Puzzle platforming element where you know is she going to grab the ledge don't know all the time so little bit of polish on that you go through through some really interesting gorgeous environments and getting like you know spit and polish on that a little bit higher death on the graphics there would be really cool also I think possibly my favorite Lara Croft voice actor key hores really Z it's like going up a set of stairs only far less forward polish up those voice tracks a brilliant bit of casting is my mother it's just really fun gameplay is where they really fully jumped from just a puzzle platformer and turned the series into a proper like physics Puzzler when you're exploring fantastic old tombs it's really good the puzzles in it are just fun and I love coming back to it and being like how do I do this again oh yeah oh this is satisfying just having Lara like move a stone around so yeah why not we why not freshen up pretty please tomb raid a legend but play it play Anniversary then Legend then underworld do it like do it in the right way order on the disc that would be good hello my game from the Xbox 360 and PS3 era that I would like to see remastered is enslaved Odyssey to the West what heard of it well exactly and that's why it should be remastered because it was underappreciated in its time if you look at this success that naughty dog has had with games like the last of us where it's sort of a blend of extremely realistic cutcenes and great writing and great performances with you know what mediocre game mechanics this is the game for you excuse you mik all right who's the Xbox person here takeing yes enslaved honestly the West is brilliant because it's got these incredible performances essentially it's a sort of retelling of Journey to the West but in a futuristic sci-fi situation and obviously if you've got a character who's playing the lead character of joury of the West is monkey and if you need a monkey who do you call you call Andy Circus trip and slave me and if I don't do what she says she causes me a lot of pain Hollywood's premere monkey man monkey acting man that's what it says in his Twitter bio that's what it says yeah exactly it's an amazing performance you know there's a load of physicality and this was like map before map was really widely used in sort of cut scenes for that elevation in cinematic quality so prior to nauy dog doing amazing things with with stuff like the last of us this was doing that sort of facial capture as well as motion capture very sort of detailed performance capture I guess you'd call it between Andy Circus and an actress called Lindsay Shaw who plays trip who is the sort of female companion character and their interplay is really really amazing as if that wasn't exciting and Brilliant enough the story is adapted by Alex Garland who you'll know from novels like the beach indeed yeah and films like Dread and films like Annihilation and films like ex makina so Alex Garland has done all of the sort of script writing for it and then the music is by nittin Sony who's an amazing musical artist he amazing sort of sweeping scores it's just a wonderful sci-fi Fable was stunning to look at at the time and my memory of it was that it was beautiful I know if I went back and looked at it now it would not look as beautiful and that's why we need an HD remaster right 4K Ray traced HD out the wazu remake of this it's a game a lot of people missed back in the day and I think it it deserves another Shake particularly now that people are really appreciating that sort of cinematic naughty dog style storytelling in video games I think it's wonderful it's a real Hidden Gem and that's the reason I think it deserves an HD remas excellent monkey Manning Andy Circus you've done yourself proud this is your best monkey Manning yet you manned That Monkey how pleasant this was to remember all those Xbox 360 and PS3 a games I'll tell you what trying to think of ones that haven't been remastered more challenging than I thought it would be get thinking of good ones from that generation and then they actually have already remastered them or something so but so you may as well just do these last five Publishers or whoever makes games I don't know the only five remaining the only five remaining can we just tick these off for neatness sake it would be lovely what game from the Xbox 360 and PS 3 era would you like remastered let us know in the comments maybe we'll do a commentary edition of this video that would be fun and here are some other videos here that you can check out and hey look if you like this if you enjoy these sort of unscripted videos then maybe consider going the optional extra mile in supporting the work we do by going to patreon.com xclub join our patreon there's a cool Discord you can ask us questions things like that it's a good time it's a nice chill hangout so yeah thanks very much for watching see you next time goodbye what
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 238,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, video games, gaming
Id: GrjEvRS9i_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 58sec (1438 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2023
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