10 Freaky Glitch in the Matrix Stories from Reddit

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[Music] hey guys lazier I've been pretty busy this past week with birthdays and weddings and whatnot so a couple of friends of the channel have come by to help out with a few of the stories if you like what you hear then make sure to check them both out after the video I'm going to make a longer video for you guys as well in the next couple of days or so to make up for my inactivity so keep your eyes peeled for that but for now choose the red pill and enjoy these glitch in the matrix stories this happened when I was around 9 years old everyone was sitting at the table eating dinner at that time we lived in a noisy neighborhood while we were eating though I noticed things were getting more hectic than usual my mum was in the kitchen moving some pots and pans around and making a ruckus my sister's 13 and 16 were yelling at each other the TV was on full blast I remember hearing a bunch of little friends outside playing and yelling at the top of their lungs the ice cream truck song in the street blaring my palms were getting sweaty and I started feeling extremely uneasy things seem to be getting louder and louder by the second then everything and I mean everything came to a dead silence all at once when it did all that I heard was a woman soft voice say it sounded so loud and yet so soft as if whoever said it was directly in front of me I looked up quickly my dad was staring directly at me and he said did you hear that - I just nodded at him because I was seriously terrified my sister finally said here what we tried to tell them what happened but nobody else noticed anything at all not even the fact that it was super noisy and then just silent there were no kids outside no icecream truck the TV was at a decent volume and my sisters were nice and calm my dad and I still remember that day I'm now 23 and it's something I'll never forget all throughout my life a lot of weird [ __ ] has happened to me and this one is up there with the weirdest if you guys liked it I might try sharing some more now this happened when I was around 16 years old I was a barely normal kid spend a bit too much time on my computer though so I made a lot of friends with both nerdy kids and popular kids it all starts when I met this nerdy kid who all called Gavin for the sake of the story Gavin and I started becoming decent friends because of our interest in world of warcraft Gavin was a really socially awkward guy in real life although he's a cool dude to talk to online he's also a genius who has an IQ of around 180 as far as I can remember I did the same test as him at school and I got 103 so he's the real deal Gavin and I came to each other's houses a lot after we became good friends we would chill and play Warcraft watch videos on YouTube play chess he was a pretty cool guy and soon enough he was one of my best friends one day I decided to go around his house uninvited might be a dick move but I was a teenager at the time and I just thought we were really good friends so would it be cool I knocked on his door and this older looking guy opened around 40 years old I'd say he had a little bit of gray hair and a beard now well first I assumed it was Gavin's dad because they looked eerily similar but then I remembered that Gavin doesn't have a dad I then assumed he was a relative I asked him if Gavin was home he laughed and told me that he was Gavin I found this a bit weird but it could just be a coincidence well Gavin was simply named after his uncle or something I told him that I was looking for 16 year old Gavin described him to the guy and he started looking at me uneasy after some hesitation he told me that Gavin wasn't home I asked him when he would be home and didn't really question who he was after thinking for a few seconds he gave me a time so I came back over when he said and my friend the 16 year old Gavin opened the door I told him that I talked to his relative earlier he told me that he has no relative with the same name as him he also told me that he was home at the time I came by and talked to that 40 year old man we both found this extremely weird especially since the guy looks so much like Gavin I still keep in touch with Gavin who at this moment in time happens to be studying quantum mechanics we still haven't told anyone about this story [Music] in November of 2012 I was on regular patrol when a Dodge Challenger srt8 blew past me on the highway going about 99 miles per hour in a 55 miles per hour zone I whipped my car around and the chase was on the Challenger was killing me with speeds reaching about 131 that's as fast as my Crown Vic would go on one particular road the Challenger turned down there was about a four mile stretch of straight but Hailie road that has a tee section at the end I almost lost sight of the car but happened to catch his taillights just in time to see him turn east at the intersection now this is where it gets weird I remember coming up to the tee intersection within I'd say maybe 200 yards from it I looked down at my speed and noticed that I was going way too fast to make it approximately 95 to 100 miles per hour I remember hitting the brakes as hard as I could and seeing the dirt brim coming up quick I vividly remember closing my eyes and asking God to watch over my kids because I knew I had made a fatal mistake and was a dead man but nothing happened no loud crash no tire squealing no glass no airbags or anything of that nature I opened my eyes and I was traveling eastbound for the northbound road going about 50 miles per hour it still drives me crazy wondering about what happened did I die and this is all a dream did the universe reach out and save me I even caught the guy as a highway patrolman had put out a few stop sticks a few miles down the eastbound Road for the video on the troopers dashcam I was 35 seconds behind the Challenger any ideas that might explain this other than divine intervention about seven or eight years ago I worked at a little Caesars Pizza usually I would work inside on the pizzas but we had just started up this Monday Madness deal where we sold pizzas for four bucks so we needed someone to advertise I was a wild and weird metalhead so I took up the position on Mondays of just going out there throwing around a sign to get attention and bring people in for pizza not exactly glamorous but I had fun one day while I was out there doing my thing I see a van coming straight at me it jumps the curb and slams into me and I feel it crush against the electrical box controlling the streetlights I see a quick flash as the traffic lights flick off and then blackout I gasped and I'm still on the corner and nothing has happened no van or anything well I was a little shaken up so I decide to pack up and walk back to the store for a break I walk no more than 15 feet away from that corner when I hear a crash I look back and a van just hopped the curb into the electrical box and I watched the traffic lights flick off needless to say I took the rest of the day off still think about it from time to time so at this house I lived in from the time I was about four until I was fifteen my bedroom is at the very end of the hallway but it wasn't always the last room there was another room past my bedroom that my twin brother and I would occasionally go into to play it was filled with random stuff but I don't remember anything specific that was inside nobody ever explicitly told us not to go in the room but it always felt like we were sneaking around somewhere we weren't supposed to be when we went inside we would forget about the room for long periods of time and then randomly remember it and decide to go inside this happened a lot for the first few years we lived there we even took our best friend inside a few times one day when it had been a few months since we went inside and remembered it and suggested we go in and play we walked to the end of the hall but the room was gone it never appeared again in neither of our parents remember the room [Music] growing up my grandmother used to always tell me a story about how a week before I was born her and my grandfather had my parents over for dinner they lived down the street from each other so this was a fairly common thing the phone rang just as they were about to sit down my grandmother picked it up and the man on the other end asked for Annabelle which just so happened to be the name my parents had recently decided on for me this is a relatively uncommon name especially for someone from New Hampshire where everyone at the time was naming their daughters Jessica if you look at statistics from that time something like one in twenty nine thousand people were named Annabelle in the USA so yeah pretty uncommon my grandmother laughed and said she isn't here just yet try back in a week and said that she had take his number for me to call back later the man did give his number and she wrote it down just as a joke for my parents to remember time went on as normal and I was born and happily named Annabelle my grandmother for whatever reason decided to keep the note that she had scribbled the man's number on it was stashed away in a photo album that was soon to be filled with many pictures of me she loved to tell this story so I heard it many times growing up flash-forward 25 years to tonight literally this evening I was visiting my grandparents with my fiance and they wanted to flip through old albums to show him what I was like as a baby the scrap paper is in there yeah my grandmother grabs it and happily begins blurting out that story he had never heard it before as this was the first time he had met my grandparents since we live far away from them he asks to see the piece of paper and his face goes white this was my phone number growing up now my fiance is from Virginia yeah my family's from New Hampshire so it's not like our families knew each other even vaguely 25 years ago he's two years older than me so he had already been born when the call was made to my grandmother nanny lived in the same house from the time he was born till the time you left for college the number was definitely his family's when the call was made 25 years prior the only conclusion we could come to was that his dad had misdialed when he looked for someone named Annabelle and it just happened by coincidence to be my grandparents number and the saddest and kind of various part of this story is that my fiance's father passed away last year we can't even ask if he remembers [Music] my family has lived in the same house for 35 plus years I was 12 when my grandmother came to live with us after my grandfather passed away she needed a wheelchair and near constant care we had to install a lift onto one side of the front stairs it was a metal platform secured to a track with an electric motor powering it I was fascinated by the lift in its installation not only did it promise to be a poor man's amusement park ride but the whole process of drilling holes in the concrete steps epoxy and anchors and leveling the tracks was right at the alley of my wanna be engineer self it was immediately clear that my grandmother needed more care than we could provide even with a visiting nurse for when we were at school and work she stayed a little more than a month before having to be put into a living facility she died a few months later the lift was a symbol of grief a monument to my parents inability to care for my grandma when I got caught riding it for fun my mom didn't yell she just looked on me with her lip quivering and dashed inside I was guilt stricken and it felt worse than any punishment could have made me feel I never wrote it again soon my father had it removed which cost more than it should have this was depressing on many levels in its place there were sawed off anchors running up one side of our steps they were rusty little bolt cross-sections with a thin ring of epoxy around them I remember tracing them with my finger while sitting on the stairs with my first girlfriend while I tried to get up the nerve to kiss her the next year the anchors were gone no rusty circles no chips were they were nothing I assumed my father had them patched so my mom wouldn't have to look at them I couldn't figure out how they had done such a neat job so I had to ask my father looked at me in the strangest way I'd ever seen him look his face went from puzzled to disgusted to angry he got that calm tone that I hated thee I've already decided what I think of your [ __ ] look he said it wasn't funny to joke about my grandmother that way how much it would crush my mom if she heard it he asked if I was having trouble at school and assumed I was trying to shock him to get his attention according to my father my grandmother never moved in the lift was never purchased or installed my grandma went from her house to an assisted living facility after my grandfather passed away a photo from the time no longer shows the lift I chipped away at the stairs and there were no holes or even remnants of holes and what about the money that lift cost thousands of dollars we could scarcely afford removing it cost another big chunk of money altogether was the price of our family collar if we didn't spend it is it still there if I look at my father's bank records will they show the emergency funds we spent this was probably our biggest single expenditure that was our house or a car I lurked around glitch in the matrix forms and they all seemed imaginative I can't really understand the things being described changing worlds and fake memories my grandmother coming to stay with us was when I lost my innocence I saw adult diapers and drool puddles I went from an inquisitive kid who wanted to ride a wheelchair lift to an introspective teenager who saw how ugly life ends it was the first time I saw my parent to really fail at something and it humanized them to me making my mom cry like I did was heartbreaking what the hell is happening to me am i completely crazy is this what going insane is like what else am I crazy about is all this invented by my mind if it's not is that any better so here's a little backstory my friend who is african-american is shooting for a documentary that she's going to present at an upcoming Film Festival she filmed at locations in Canada the USA and South Africa a few months back I got a call from her in which she told me she wants to visit India and shoot there also I was one of her Indian friends and so me and my younger sister made plans for the three of us and booked tickets to India from the 20th of June to the 10th of August another thing my family in India lives near a city called jackrel which is about six maybe seven hours away from the Delhi Airport so we reached India in the evening of June 21st and all decided to book a hotel there for the night with the intention of going to see my family the next day morning comes and we leave from Delhi to my village in a taxi and the drive there was about seven hours because of traffic well the moment the taxi pulls up outside my house my sister and I were obviously very excited because we were seeing our family for the first time in five years and we're expecting everyone to be really happy and excited to see us the gate was open so the three of us enter and from far away I see my aunt knitting and she looks up and gives me a smile that's all okay maybe she didn't recognize us we go closer and enter the house and I see my grandma who comes up to me and hugs me and then says we didn't get a chance to talk much last night but today I will make sure you sit with me so we have enough time to catch up on things um okay while we were walking closer my other aunt comes in with a tray of snacks and said did you guys find the cable you were looking for at this point everything seems a bit odd these guys recognize us they know exactly who we are but aren't even excited to see us after so long and keep asking and saying confusing things we sit down and after hearing a bunch of other questions I realize I really need to figure out what's going on I asked my aunt what cable she was talking about she tells me that the three of us woke up early and left for the nearby city to go purchase what they described as an extension cord we what this is the first time I entered this house in five years what the hell are they talking about I looked at my sister and she says oh [ __ ] Garmin we couldn't even find the cord anywhere how are we gonna charge our devices now she knew what they were on about I shot my sister a very confused look and I tell her I don't know what cord she's talking about I tell her our whole family is acting strange they're not even excited to see us after so long my sister goes oh you think they have to jump on us and excitement every time they see us now I asked what she's talking about and she says remember yesterday when we first arrived at this point my sister is annoyed because she feels I'm acting strange and need to communicate better after showering and eating when we all decide to go and take a nap I decide I really needed to talk to my sister I tell her we never met our family yesterday we were in Delhi at the hotel and there we go neither my sister or my friend remembers staying at the hotel according to them we took a taxi from Delhi to my village right when we landed but that is impossible I remember the hotel I remember sleeping in the room with the long-ass curtains and the view from the balcony and remember eating the hotel food I remember the bathrooms and even the fuzzy slippers that I was debating whether the steal I didn't anyways the other two didn't have any memories of the hotel and according to them we spent the previous night in this very house that can't be I remember leaving in a taxi from the Delhi Hotel and the whole ride me and my sister were discussing how excited our family was going to be when we finally arrived so what was happening this can't be a prank no way was this a glitch I think so my still creeped out oh hell yes and no I wasn't dreaming I wasn't hallucinating I don't do any sort of drugs either but every time I think of this experience oh boy my stomach turns because whatever happened that day I'll never understand [Music] all my life my mum and I have been somehow mentally connected strange little things like she go grocery shopping and I'd said at home thinking about how I wished for cinnamon buns and lo and behold she come home with cinnamon buns not one isolated incident tons of them my family referred to it as braining or brained for example mum went to the store and I wanted some Twizzlers and she brought some back I must have brained her another time when I was about six or seven my dad was shaving off his beard which he had had for a long time as a surprise for my mum but it was a secret and he left it to the last minute my mum arrived home while he was still finishing up and I was sitting on the counter of the bathroom he told me to go and distract her for five minutes while he finished so why hopped down and went to greet her she pulled me onto her lap to say hi and the second she touched me she jerked her hand back like I had shocked her then she looked deeply into my eyes for a second and said your dad's shaved off his beard I'll have to pretend to be surprised I was devastated thinking somehow I had betrayed him by letting her know not my fault we seem to read each other's minds but maybe these were all coincidences who knows the main post here is about one particularly chilling incident that my dad said he will never forget now I was about 8 years old my sister 10 my sister and my mum went to do some errands in my mum's truck I was sitting outside the garage door playing in the dirt while my dad did some repairs on something or other after a while my dad looked at me and said kind of to himself well it's been some time since your mom and sister left I wonder what's taking them so long I didn't even look up from playing I just casually said it's okay dad they're in the hospital mum will call soon but don't worry they're mostly okay my dad stood there staring at me for about 30 seconds and then the phone rang upstairs in the house hospital mums truck was t-boned my mum broke her wrist yeah my sister was unharmed my dad's jaw dropped he looked at me as if I was an alien I guess it was a strange experience for him he packed me and my brother into his car and we went to fetch my mum and sister I distinctly remember how I knew this information there was a flash in my head like a picture was deposited there it was of the hospital interior and I just had this picture flash in my mind and suddenly I knew all this information almost like it had been downloaded very odd I'd never been inside that hospital in my life yet when we arrived it was identical to how it flashed in my head glitch in the matrix who knows I've had many other odd experiences like that one if there's any interest I'm happy to share this happened about two years ago when I was going through the necessary classes to get my driving license the classroom portion of the class was several sessions of three hours Liam was done through my local YMCA it's about halfway through that night's class so I'll say it was around 7:30 p.m. now the classroom is fairly large and the tables and chairs were set up in a u-shape so everyone's bat was facing the wall one of the walls was aligned with Windows and that just so happened to be the wall my back was - it was the middle of the lecture and we were learning about the proper technique to merge onto the highway the teacher was in the middle of drawing the roads on the board when all of a sudden I hear a window shatter followed by the loudest ringing or buzzing sound in my ears at the same time it was as if someone had slammed my head onto the table with an incredible amount of force the most startling thing was when my head hit the table I didn't feel it as a matter of fact I didn't feel anything my head was so lighter but for some reason I couldn't move a muscle it felt as if my entire body was locked into place while everyone else in the room was screaming I could hear the sound of chairs being knocked over as people ran and I even heard a few people vomiting on the tile floor the whole time I was staring at the white table that was now covered in brain matter and blood I wanted to scream but nothing came out then in an instant I was back everything was normal again except for a slight ringing sensation in my ear I immediately turned around to see the window still intact behind me me and the teacher had just begun drawing the highway on the board needless to say I didn't sleep well that night and I sure as hell wasn't going to drive home when my dad came to pick me up too long didn't read got wallbang quickscoped in driver's ed and hit X to skip the killcam and respawn good hey guys are lazy here again and thank you very much for listening a special thanks to unit and let's treat for their help with this video it was greatly appreciated links are down in the description below for both of their channels if you feel like checking amount I suggest you do like I said in the beginning you expect another longer video in the next couple of days as well so tickle that like button in all the right places and I'll be speaking to you guys very very soon until then lazy Legion you stay spooky and remember the best things happen in the doll
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 1,057,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scary true stories, scariest video ever, true, real, reddit, 4chan, 2chan, lazy masquerade, maskarade, horror movies, scary 2016 movies, top 10, glitch in the matrix, new, best, most, long video, relaxing, study music, audiobook, who, horror, creepypasta, disturbing, before bed, Halloween, pictures, ever taken, dark web, deep web, ghost, ghosts, caught on camera, unexplained, unsolved mysteries, GITM, mr nightmare, corpse husband, on youtube, countdown
Id: mANDhM5rRto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 4sec (1864 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 12 2016
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