The most BELIEVABLE alien encounter | The Skinwalker Ranch story

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some call this location the most paranormal location on the planet others call this whole thing just a big hoax but what is undeniably true and frankly what makes this case so much more interesting is that unlike the vast majority of paranormal stories and claims this case was put to an enormous amount of scientific scrutiny in fact there was a decade-long study done on this case where phds and scientists converged on this one location and basically around the clock studied you know all these claims of the paranormal that was happening in the area and after a decade of research the findings are pretty pretty mind-blowing and the case that i'm referring to is none other than the very famous skinwalker ranch so the too long didn't read version of this story is you have a family that purchases a ranch out in utah and as soon as they move in they start noticing some pretty bizarre things around their property everything from you know some of their livestock going missing or being harmed they have strange sightings in the woods of creatures and lights in the sky they eventually report it to the news and that news story gets picked up by a couple of other outlets and a billionaire who is obsessed with researching the paranormal sees the story he buys the property and installs an entire team of scientists and researchers to basically try to figure out what was happening at this ranch and they spent 10 years studying this ranch the outcome is well turns out some strange things really were happening there before we get started if this type of content appeals to you the kind of strange dark mysterious content delivered in a story format well if that appeals to you that's what my channel is all about and i post three to four times a week so if you would if that appeals to you please gently ransack the like button and then turn on all notifications so you can get all of my content every time i upload every week all right on with the story in the northeastern corner of utah lies a 500 acre plot of land it's all desert where a ranch sits and that is skinwalker ranch it was built in the late 1800s early 1900s and it was actually built on a piece of land that had apparently been cursed prior to its construction the navajo tribe had a feud with the utes native american tribe the utes were selling off other native americans that they would capture they would sell them into slavery to the united states and so the navajo who had previously lived in the area where this this ranch actually was built they were forced off their land as the utes came in and were rounding them up and selling them into slavery and before the navajo left that area they cursed the land with what's called the skinwalker curse the idea was they were going to torment the utes tribe for the the hardships they had inflicted on the navajo the skinwalker curse legend has it is this curse where these witches descend on the area and take the form or wear the skin of various predatory animals in the area namely large wolves and foxes they inhabit those bodies and terrorize anybody in the cursed land at some point this ranch is actually built on the land that had apparently been cursed it wasn't until many years later when owners of that ranch started seeing predatory animals doing some very strange things in and around their property that they did some research on the area learned about this curse and then before long the nickname it stuck in 1994 terry and gwen sherman purchased skinwalker ranch it had actually been abandoned by the previous owners for the last few years so when they purchased it they got it for way below market price so they are just so excited to be moving in they are they breed cattle and so they had you know 500 acres to let their cattle free roam it was like the dream purchase for this family and so when they finally do move in like the day they move in they don't really care that you know the grass is overgrown it looks like things are kind of in disrepair and in fact when they go into the the homestead like the actual house on the property they were so excited about everything that they kind of overlooked some of the strange things that they immediately noticed about the property you know they go inside and every window has a deadbolt on it the inside and outside of every door in the house not just the doors leading outside doors leading between rooms had locks the front and back side they noticed these big pikes that were driven into the ground at the front door and back door of the property with massive chains stringing off of them which looked like you know pretty powerful guard dogs have been there they're they're thinking to themselves well this is a huge piece of property uh you know perhaps the the previous owners are a little bit paranoid because they're kind of isolated and so they didn't really raise a red flag when to be honest how i moved into a property where every single door and window had multiple locks on it they had these big guard dogs i'd probably ask a couple questions but you know what terry and gwen are just so excited about this purchase that again they kind of just overlook it so on the day that they are moving in uh terry and gwen have some family members over to help them offload trucks and move stuff into the homestead and it's during this process as they're moving things out of the truck into the house and again you got to remember that the house is situated like right in the middle of the property and you can see in every direction basically unobstructed because it's basically open desert with the exception of a couple areas that are you know basically forests and as they're as they're offloading some of the stuff into the house terry looks out at one of these tree lines and he notices this huge wolf or what looks like a wolf pretty pretty well off in the distance kind of meandering its way over towards them but it's far enough off that this is not enough to be totally worried about it after all i mean terry was a rancher and his family were fairly rugged they only carried weapons and they were used to you know protecting their livestock from predators so this was not a oh my goodness i can't believe a wolf is near us it was more like okay let's make a note that there's a wolf walking towards us and so terry does he tells his family hey guys just so you know there's there's a wolf coming towards us right now and the whole family is now standing near the truck and they're watching this wolf and terry recalled as he's staring out watching this wolf that's kind of almost walking in like a snake like a serpentine uh path towards them from hundreds of yards out it's still quite a ways out terry notices that there was a fence that was out where this wolf is and the fence was pretty big and the spaces between posts were about six feet when he had a good look at the wolf next to the fence he could tell that the wolf was at least six feet long and he was thinking are my eyes playing a trick on me like that's an enormous wolf that's the biggest wolf i've ever seen but the wolf wasn't acting angry or aggressive it was just kind of skulking its way towards them very nonchalant you know broad daylight and at some point you know terry and the family they're standing behind the truck and terry said that they all had this feeling that the wolf was not going to harm them and the wolf got about 100 yards away and terry and his family are transfixed and he even said he didn't understand why they weren't scared or why they weren't running away or shooting at it or something but they just they didn't all of them are just standing there watching this wolf that's massive and the wolf is wagging its tail and acting like a domesticated dog the wolf comes over and goes up near uh terry's father who is there helping unload some of the the gear they had and terry's father just kind of reflexively reaches out to start petting this he's petting like up at his head level this massive wolf and the wolf just acts like a domesticated dog and kind of rubs against his hand and then starts walking away from them just wagging its tail and and not doing anything not causing them any harm not snarling not growling nothing but just as nonchalantly as it walked over to them it walks over to where they had a pen with a couple of cows and and calves inside of this pen and one of the calves had its head through the the post that was keeping them in this cage just kind of watching this wool and the wolf notices it and in an instant jumps over to this calf and immediately has the whole head of the calf in its jaws just trying to rip it out of the cage but it can't get it to squeeze through the cage and so all of a sudden you know like terry and his family are broken out of this weird trance and terry starts firing shots at the wolf it strikes the wolf and has no impact they run over they start hitting it with the back end of an axe they're trying to get this thing off of the calf because they're livestock that was their livelihood and you know these are rugged people so they're trying to fight to save their property to save their cows and the the wolf is just totally unaffected it's not trying to attack terry or his son that are trying to get rid of it the wolf is just trying to attack the cow but it won't let go and finally it just kind of gives up on the calf starts kind of retreating terry ends up getting his rifle a high-powered rifle and takes a shot at the wolf one more time but again it just has no impact on the wolf and the wolf just at some point just as i guess bored turns around and kind of trots off into the woods after they kind of were brought out of that initial trance that they remembered this horrible smell that's like foul almost chemical smell that just permeated the whole area after the wolf was there terry and his son they decided to go track this wolf because now there's this massive predator that's going to make owning cattle extremely difficult and so they would have to go deal with this predator and so instead of retreating into the house they grab their weapons and they track the wolf that's now jogged off into the forest and they make it to an area in the forest where the ground is very muddy and sought in and terry could easily make out these footprints that just suddenly stop and they just couldn't make sense of it and so they went back to the house and they told their family like we tracked it into the woods there's no blood trail there's nothing it just walked in and vanished so this is day one of being at this ranch and they're all on edge now the whole family is on edge they really don't know what to make of that wolf the sheer size of it uh the fact that it was totally unaffected by being shot multiple times you know there's real concern over their own livelihood because they keep cattle and they're only going to have more that are going to be out in these pens and if there are wolves that are three times the size of a normal wolf that are walking around killing cattle that's a big problem if you own cattle and so they're on edge and they're all in a way trying almost not to talk about how crazy and how bizarre that encounter with the wolf was they're just like they're treating it like it's just a normal predator problem like man we gotta we gotta get those wolves we gotta protect our cattle but in the back of everybody's minds they're like something very strange is happening here gwen she was having some other very strange things that were happening to her that she was not tying to the wolf thing she was just noticing a couple of distinct things that were happening to her that made her think that she actually had a very real uh like medical problem that she had like you know true memory issues because two things happened one in that first week she had gone to the grocery store and when she came back she put the groceries away uh and then she left to go to the other room and when she came back all the groceries were now back in the bags so for like 20 minutes she's just sitting there like dumbfounded with did i put the groceries away same day she goes to take a shower and she hangs her her towel in the bathroom like anyone would and she takes a shower and then when she gets out the towel is missing and she's like huh she gets another towel and she towels off and then she finds the towel hanging up in a closet on the other side of the house and so between the groceries and the towel she's like is there something wrong with me am i like having a stroke am i am i having a medical issue here that i'm like literally losing my mind and it wasn't until terry actually had a similar experience that she started to wonder if this had to do with maybe that strangeness with the wolf that maybe there's just something odd happening about this property and it was terry in that first week he had been digging uh holes for a new fence and he had this big fence digging tool it was about 70 pounds that he was using to dig the holes for the fence and so he was he had taken a break to after making a bunch of posts for this fence he took a break left his fence digging tool you know at the last place he had dug a post and he went in to grab a bite to eat came back out and his fence digger is missing and initially he just goes into the house and he's like hey you know to his wife to his kids like did you guys move my fence digger like you know what happened to it like where is it it's not out there and they're like no we've been in the house the whole time i have no idea and so they couldn't find it and a week goes by and he's out patrolling his property looking for wolves and in the tree like well away from where he had been digging the post before in the tree his fence digging tool that's 70 pounds is like 70 feet in the air strung up in this tree so terry comes back to the house and he tells his family about the fence digging tool being in the tree and that's when gwen tells terry about her experiences with the the groceries going back in the bag and a towel being moved around the house and everybody starts to become everybody in the family starts to really start being scared we can't explain what's happening on this property and we're very isolated and what's with what's the deal with all these locks on all the doors i mean they're starting to feel really concerned following the fence digging tool being found terry started to notice lights on his property initially because this was the first couple of weeks they're there he would see lights way at the far end of his property that looked like headlights and he would think someone must have made a wrong turn that wound up on my property i mean we're kind of in the middle of nowhere and they'll just leave and so when he first started seeing these flights that's that's what he assumed it was just people making a wrong turn but he started to see it so often that he wondered if people were illegally hunting on his property and so one night he sees these lights on his property and he goes out to investigate in fact he's angry you know he's had all these strange things happen his family's on edge you know and now he's mad and he's going to take it out on this this person is illegally hunting on his property and he starts charging out to these lights and he starts getting closer and closer and he starts to realize it's not making any sound this was like a truck it's not making any sound and we're in an area where i could totally hear that if it was a vehicle and and he can't hear anything and as he gets closer and closer the lights start retreating from him without making a sound and then float up into the sky and disappear and terry's like what is going on here the winter rolls around and it's a particularly brutal winter and one night he couldn't account for one of his cows and so he's out looking for this one straight cow and uh he searches this whole property and there's only one area that he has in search and it's that forest where that giant wolf had disappeared after marching in there and they tracked it in there and so he goes in there and as soon as he gets to the tree line he notices there's a bunch of footprints from what looks like a cow and he's relieved because it's probably his he follows it into the woods and much like the wolf that had just disappeared in that muddy uh like sodden area in the forest in the same spot the the footprints that appeared to be this cow had also just well disappeared and then over the course of the remainder of the winter that would happen four more times he would just the animals would run away and and just disappear without a trace by the end of the winter after all these animals have just mysteriously disappeared terry and his family but terry in particular has really gone into full paranoia mode he at night would just like stalk his own property like hiding behind bushes with his weapon and like hope to see what was taking his cattle and so one night as he's you know doing another fruitless search around his property he catches out of his periphery what looks like a kind of mass of something moving around in the trees near his property and at this point he was kind of obscured by some some shrubs and some some plants and so he kind of crouched down and looked out at the tree line and he sees in the tree line this like strange shape kind of moving about inside of the trees and he would describe the mass as looking almost like a stealth fighter jet but really small and it was making no sound and it was hovering about 20 feet off the ground and he's crouched down not making a sound watching it and it's just kind of like moving around the tree line and it has these lights that are it looks to be kind of scanning the ground and it's just kind of moving around it's shining these lights these multi-colored lights in the ground and terry moves a tiny bit to get a better better angle on this thing and he makes the tiniest of noises against the brush just like a tiny little barely audible sound and this this mass that's pretty far away the lights immediately turn off and it angles itself so it's facing directly at terry and terry can feel it right away that it's it's heard this tiny little sound he's made and now it's staring directly at terry and terry's like terrified and he's looking at this thing wondering like oh my god like is it gonna come take me like what is this is this the thing that's been taking my livestock and he's terrified and he's staring at it and it just flies away by the spring of 1995 things have gotten really really bad for terry and his family now not only are they losing livestock inexplicably but they're showing up the actual cows themselves are showing up back on their property you know hours or days later just kind of in random locations on the property and they look like they've had surgery done like precision cuts and pieces of them are missing and in addition some very strange things are happening at the house at night they would see these these entities walking around their property these these humanoid they described them as having no expression just walking around their property and sometimes they would walk right up to the glass put their hands on the glass and look in but there was no face and like terry and his his family they had blinds down and they would use the deadbolts on every single door and window but they could hear them rapping at the glass and they could hear them communicating in a language they didn't understand right outside of their house and this became so regular that it was almost impossible to sleep terri's kids started performing very poorly in school because they weren't sleeping terry's wife gwen she lost her job at the bank because she wasn't sleeping and she was like delusional they were all just at an absolute breaking point terry is now feeling totally disheartened one night he's sitting on his porch with his rifle and uh he notices out on the horizon a uh a new phenomenon he was used to seeing the lights on his property that would be off in the distance that would disappear and you know he had previously seen that kind of like fighter jet thing that was scanning the area like those were two types of lights he would see but there was a new light he saw as he's sitting on his porch it was almost like this orangey orb that appeared off in the distance since he had his rifle with a high-powered scope on it he just lifts up his rifle and he looks through his high-powered scope and he zooms in all the way and he can see that this orb he describes it as as a portal that as he's looking at it it has almost like an oval shape to it and even though it was nighttime in the middle of the the orange orb is this blue sky it's as if he's looking through a portal into another world where it's it's broad daylight and there's a sky and he doesn't know what to make of it but he can see that a black figure is crawling out of this portal into his property and it looks just like the black entities that were basically walking around his property at night in addition to these these figures that are crawling like uh imagine that scene from the ring where the girl crawls out of the well that they're crawling out of this portal into his property and then scurrying away into the tree line and he sees weird craft as well coming into his property through this portal and then the portal shuts and disappears following this night with the orange portal terry started to notice blue orbs that he and his family would say were the worst and most terrifying thing of all of the things they experienced and considering they had tall featureless black humanoids peering in their windows and wrapping on their windows that's saying something okay so blue orb started showing up on their property and the way they described it terry and his family was whenever the orb came near you it gave you this extreme sense of anxiety it was almost like it was emitting this this feeling that you automatically got where suddenly you were unbelievably anxious and terrified of the blue orb and then as soon as it left you would you know not be anxious anymore and so one night he's sitting on his porch like he had begun doing and he sees this orb show up on his property and his three dogs are sitting with him that see the orb and they start growling and barking and so he lets his dogs go thinking that maybe they can scare this thing off and the dogs take off running towards this blue orb and they chase it and you can see the orb terry can see the orb that starts to kind of retreat and he's thinking oh my goodness i finally won something my attack dogs are going to scare this orb away and they chase off into the woods and he sees this thing the blue orb retreat into the woods and then when he's thinking again that finally a little victory for us he hears his dogs yelping and he's too terrified uh to go check it out and so he ends up going inside and locking the doors locking the windows like they had been and just kind of retreating so the next day when the dogs haven't returned terry and his son they go out looking for the dogs in the forest when they get out there they get to a clearing and they find three stacks of ashes in like little burned out circles as if there had been a fire previously in these three little spots and it turned out it was the ashes of his three dogs that had gone into the woods they had just been vaporized terry decides that it's it's time to leave and they and he wants to sell the ranch and so he puts the property up for sale and goes to a local news outlet and he tells them about what's happening on his property and as fate would have it a billionaire by the name of robert bigelow who had invested millions of dollars in standing up this scientific research team this all-star team of phds specifically to research what he described as high strangeness which really is just paranormal basically he was obsessed with the paranormal and wanted to investigate the paranormal and he had actually seen that fairly obscure story when he saw that it was up for sale robert bigelow the billionaire saw this great opportunity to buy the piece of property and actually make it the headquarters of his own scientific research team not only to investigate what was happening on skinwalker ranch but use it as kind of a hub to do other scientific research so he purchases the the ranch and terry actually even though he did not want to spend any time at the ranch on some level wanted to know what the research was going to show because he was very curious like what is going on at this ranch that's been plaguing my family so he offers to stay on as kind of like uh the ranch manager because you know robert bigelow and his team are a bunch of scientists and business people they don't have any experience on the ranch and so they're happy to keep him so terry is still connected to the ranch but at this point he sold it to robert bigelow so robert bigelow's scientific team was called the national institute for discovery science or nids nids nids for short and bigelow had actually built the team before purchasing skinwalker ranch and what he went out and did is he recruited some of the most incredible scientists and phds he could possibly recruit but he didn't want people that were interested in the paranormal he wanted people that were inherently skeptical so that if he was ever able to kind of prove the existence of high strangeness that he would have credibility in doing that and so he went out and found these incredibly skeptical incredibly smart scientists and phd's and so they move into skinwalker ranch and the first thing they do is they need to start doing testing to make sure that this whole all the stories about skinwalker ranch coming from terry and his family were not just some grand illusion by the family that you know they could have just made it up and so they get in there and they start running these tests so that first year as they're running these tests which are largely things like okay let's check the environment and see if there aren't any you know plants that are giving off spores that could be hallucinogenic that they're breathing in let's check their water supply and make sure there wasn't something happening in their water supply let's do psychological assessments of the family let's ask neighbors let's do all of our diligence to make sure it's not something environmental or psychological and over that first year while they're doing this research there isn't much activity at the ranch save a couple of instances where there were some strange lights so that first year is fairly uneventful but what's important is that the nids researchers come to a conclusion that this did not seem like a hallucination this did not seem like a uh something coming from you know a plant or or water supply this seemed like the uh terry and his family were really experiencing something odd they just didn't know what it was one day uh terry and actually gwen who was helping him were tagging some of the new cavs the new cows that have been born putting these little tags in their ears and uh so gwen was there helping and so terry and gwen they tagged this new calf put a yellow tag in its ear and they move on and they're tagging other animals and so for about 40 minutes their eyes and their attention are not focused on this one calf or that one area of the ranch they're tagging other animals and then their dog that they were that was with them starts growling and reacting in the direction of where this calf had been and so terry and gwen turn around and they look and they they don't see anything and they start walking over they find the calf that they had tagged about 40 minutes ago has been basically surgically dissected and all that's left are its legs and its head and in addition the ear where that tag was had been had been removed and so they immediately call over the nids researchers so the nids veterinarian comes over and looks at the scene and just can't make sense of it because the the incisions on the calf were so well done that it looked like someone with real surgical expertise had done this on an operating table there was no sign that this was done by a predator and there was no blood anywhere so this prompts a massive search of the property because in many ways this is what the needs researchers are looking for are real occurrences of something that is highly strange that they can go investigate and so all of the researchers and everybody there begins searching the property for whoever was responsible for this dissection of the cow and they start searching the property and the dogs they had all these guard dogs that were kept at each of these observation posts that they had set up around the ranch as soon as the knits team had moved in they were all looking in the same direction all four of these these four observation posts and they're all cowering in the back of their cages all looking in the same direction and so they start making their way towards the tree line where all these dogs are looking and they stop short when terry says i see something in the tree so they stop their car and they're looking and in the tree is this massive wolf this like wolf-like humanoid that's basically perched on a tree limb and terry takes out his rifle and he aims at the that the creature up in the tree this huge creature everybody sees it all the nibs researchers are looking at this creature and they're like oh my god what is that terry starts firing at this thing and it just disappears into the woods and so the team charges into the woods they fan out and they pick up a couple of tracks of this huge thing that has like this massive footprint with these huge claws but much like the wolf that it disappeared and the cattle that had suddenly disappeared when they went into the woods they couldn't find any traces of this thing but they did smell this horrible stench that uh terry remembered smelling it stuck with him that first day when that large wolf had come over uh on the very first day they were moving in it was that same smell but they couldn't find this huge animal so dumbfounded the ned's researchers just go back to the property and no one can make sense of it and you know they have the the footprint and they have their own eyewitness testimony but like they couldn't make sense of how something that big could just get away um and so over the following month they're like searching the property and they're looking for any more signs of this huge creature or anything uh the only thing they noticed is that the guard dogs consistently stayed in their their kennels and did not want to come out they were acting like they were kind of being hunted and they were very kind they were cowering quite a bit and they were scared to go out in the open but they couldn't find anything so it was around this time that terry and gwen are kind of back to doing work around the ranch and one day they're driving off to one section of the ranch and they pass by the uh the corral where four of their prized bulls were these are very expensive animals that are all in this enclosure and so they they drive past and they take a mental note that they're seeing these bulls in this enclosure and they drive off to the other side of the ranch where they're doing some work you know tagging animals and you know building fences whatever it is they're doing but when they come back and they round a corner where they're they're first able to see that corral of bulls again they are like where are they because the bulls were not in in their enclosure and they weren't anywhere and so they are panicked because these are very expensive animals and they run over and terry sees that the gates to the to the corral are still locked but there's no bulls in there there's no sign of a struggle or anything and it just so happens that right next to the corral was this fairly small trailer that hadn't been used in years in fact it was literally wired shut it was just sitting there and terry just for whatever reason runs over and looks in one of the windows and inside of this tiny enclosure are these four bowls completely calm all crammed into this tiny trailer they could barely fit they're not fighting with each other or anything they're just calmly sitting there as if they're in some kind of a trance and terry yells to to gwen like hey they're over here they're right here and it like startles the bulls out of their trance they start panicking and kicking and they they end up getting them out of this enclosure and it takes them hours to finally round them up and get them back in the corral but you know they're unharmed but it is almost impossible to get even one bull into that small of an enclosure it would take hours hours to maybe be successful at doing that to get four bulls into that enclosure was pretty much impossible and to do it when they basically were calm after they were in there is also somewhat impossible and it was important to note that terry saw when he looked in the window that the the only entrance to that that trailer was wired shut still it had not been undone in fact the cobwebs at the corner where the the opening basically formed with the sides of the uh the trailer they were still intact like it had not opened and it made no sense how those bulls got in there and so the nid's researchers come over and they can't make sense of it either upon further investigation the nid's researchers found that the bars of the corral that held the bulls a section of it had been highly magnetized and so while they're doing this research trying to figure out if magnetic fields has anything to do with the strange occurrences at the ranch two of the nids researchers were on the outskirts of the property using their compass to look for magnetic fields and they started smelling they both reported smelling that horrible metallic like rotting smell that other people had reported smelling anytime they saw that large wolf creature and when they started smelling it their compass started to flitter and then pointed away from north towards wherever the smell was and they were they remember thinking that they felt like they were being watched and it went on for a few moments and their compass didn't waver it was aimed in the direction of the smell and they're both on opposite sides pointing in the same direction and then at some point it just the smell stops and they stop feeling anxious and the north arrows go back to the way they should have been and then one of the most terrifying of all of the paranormal occurrences that happened at skinwalker ranch happened at the very end of 1997. uh two nids researchers were up on a ridgeline overlooking the the homestead every night it became commonplace to basically position knits researchers all over the property to basically be on the lookout for weird things that are happening and these two researchers are up on this ridge kind of obscured and hidden and they see this orange orb take shape right near the homestead and one of them had an infrared had infrared goggles and so he looks down at the the orb and he can clearly make out that it's this oval shaped opening that sounded an awful lot like what terry had seen in his porch when he saw that humanoid creature crawling out of the portal into his property well these two researchers are looking at this portal and they see the same thing they see this black human-like creature crawling out of this orange portal onto the ground and then it starts running up the hill towards them and they're like frozen with fear they start smelling that horrible rotting metallic smell as this big human-like creature bounds up the mountain and they can hear the shale under its feet as it runs up and it goes right past them about 30 feet away from them they're looking at it and it just barrels past them at a full sprint up into the mountainside the following year in 1998 the activity on the ranch declined significantly all they had was the occasional strange lights here and there but for the most part it was done and in fact even though nids remained on the property by 2004 the research just wasn't amounting to anything so they pulled the plug on the operation they did have footage of a number of the lights that were seen but again no one's going to take a picture of some random lights and say oh there you go proof you know they demonstrated that there were you know magnetic fields and they have images of these calves that would reappear after looking like they had had surgery done to them they had hundreds of eyewitness reports you know they have all this information but none of it was really definitive proof which was very frustrating to robert bigelow to terry and his family and the way they described it is they felt like they were dealing with an entity or a group of entities that were just consistently one step ahead of them that they could catch glimpses of what they were doing but it was never enough to really understand what was happening they never felt like they were in control it was always clear that this entity or these entities were in control of the situation and they just they never in a good position to really record hard data or get good footage not to mention this is 1998 this is the late 90s no one just had like you know an iphone they can pull out and snap pictures you had like real cameras and so the best they could do was some pictures of light and some of the animals that had been mutilated there's been numerous books put together by some of the people that were part of this nids research team and to this day they believed that what they saw was a result of some paranormal activity and to this day many people believe that this is one of the most credible instances of paranormal activity occurring so i'd love to hear what you think in the comments whether you think this is a total fact or a total hoax or somewhere in the middle i'd love to hear about it in the comments uh if you want to get in touch with me you can message me on instagram my handle is john ballin416 also i post quite a bit on tick tock my handle is mr ballen and that's going to do it guys i hope you got something out of this and until next time that's gonna do it see ya
Channel: MrBallen
Views: 3,157,488
Rating: 4.9301209 out of 5
Id: 6t3BASZ0xQw
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Length: 37min 38sec (2258 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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