3 Folklore Stories to Keep You Up at Night

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I don't know if you've heard of lapis quality' before she's a bridal mannequin here in Mexico and she's been stood in this wedding gown stall for the past 90 years nothing sinister so far but one thing that hits most people who set eyes on her is just how lifelike she is I've included some pictures here to show you what I mean but in person it's even more noticeable most people who see her in the flesh agree that she's a little too realistic one might even say uncanny the mannequin was first but in the shops window back in 1930 and locals were shocked by just how much it resembled the store owner's daughter a young woman called Pasquale Esparza the poor girl had actually died on her wedding day not long before the life-sized doll was placed in the window display looking at it close the window shoppers noticed just how natural the mannequins skin appeared the fine expression lines on her face and how realistic the nails on her fingers were as you can imagine it wasn't long before rumors started to spread that the mannequin was actually the embalmed body of the young Pasquale and this drew a lot of attention him pretty soon people from all across the globe were making the journey to see lapis quality' and decide for themselves whether this really was the preserved corpse of the owner's daughter even today she still draws a crowd thousands of people have claimed that they've seen the dolls glazed glass eyes follow them as they pass by the store similar to the Mona Lisa some even swear that at night she changes positions as it stands only the store owner and a few clothes employees are allowed to touch her or change her dress one of the shops former staff members a woman from my hometown had this to say every time I go near Tabasco Aleta my hands break out in a sweat her hands are very realistic and she even has varicose veins on her legs I believe she's a real person now of course some people dismiss these claims after all it would be pretty hard to preserve a body so well for so long then again there are a few examples of dead bodies from the 1920s that were well embalmed and preserved and still look like regular humans even today albeit emaciated and waxy whether the story is true or not it's easy to see why most skeptics who make eye contact with her tend to change their minds pretty quickly and leave convinced that lapis quality' is an authentic corpse bride if you ever come to Mexico come and check her out making the pilgrimage to this store should be on every horror junkies bucket list the indigenous people of Australia have up to 75 different dialects depending on the region where they're from so the name of this being could be called something entirely different in the other dialects but my local tribe calls it the card achi man growing up in an outback town you get a lot of freedom you take for granted but that freedom could also get you into trouble sometimes big trouble and this occurred when I was about 11 years old in my hometown my Aboriginal friend and I were walking around town bored out of our brains and the rest of our friends had gone away for the school holidays we decided to go fishing in a secret spot down by the old Aboriginal encampment it was about 15 kilometres out of town we headed around to the butchery to pick up some meat for yabbies then to my friend's house four rods and traps and then to my house for food drinks and a shovel we got all the necessary supplies and headed out along the side of the highway we were walking and talking messing around when we finally got there we headed down the sand road and came across the fence that blocked off the sacred land there was a statue of some sort on the boundary yeah my maid stopped and said a few words he always said that his dad told him to do it otherwise the bad spirits could see us I told him it was silly and skipped it we go down to the back of the camp and walk on another kilometer or so and find our spot all the noises of the bush were there and there was a nice breeze blowing through the old ghost comes we could see the fish jumping and knew we were in for a good day we start digging around for worms and come up with a few big ones then we get to fishing the day gets on and it turns out that weird terrible fishermen so we abandon the rods and get into the water to catch the fish with our hands turns out I'm also terrible at that but my mate ends up catching a decent-sized yellow-belly so we keep it for eating and showing off we hadn't kept an eye on the time yeah before we knew it the Sun had set my friend starts getting really nervous saying that it's time to get out of there and that we really need to leave I asked why and he says that it's really unsafe to be there after dark I laugh and at that exact moment there's a huge splash in the water behind us and we both [ __ ] ourselves a little bit but with our child bravery we check it out and can't see a thing just ripples on the top of the water we dismiss it as being a big fish and start to pack up our stuff and leave by the time we start our march back it's pitch black we can barely see our hands in front of us and we had forgotten to pack a torch so we kind of just fumbled our way through the bush until our eyes adjusted we're walking for about 20 minutes and when we stop we can hear heavy footsteps off to our left about 15 meters away we strain our hearing and the footsteps stopped we then realize that the bush is silent no wind nothing our eyes have adjusted to the dark so we can kind of see where we're going and we realize we've overshot the road by about half a kilometre and whatever was making the footsteps was between us and the road we decide to push on and come out along the highway further up the road that was a mistake the footsteps kept persisting sometimes closer and sometimes further away I swear at times I could hear low mumbling I kept telling that to my friend but he told me to shut up and not to look back it can't see us was what he kept saying so why push on feeling more and more uneasy the next second we hear a loud crash come from our left on the small animal trail we were on yeah my mate grabs me and pulls me off into the shrub and tells me to lay down as we're laying there we see a silhouette loom up to the path it kind of has the outline of feathers on it and it's godly tall humanoid but sickly thin it's going from tree to tree not very far from us and it's looking all around snapping its head yeah making a low mumbling sound as it moves it was looking for us he keeps moving around where we were standing and suddenly stops and Stoops down he looks back down the path where we hear what could have been a kangaroo jump off in the bush the being lets out an unearthly scream that hurts our ears and shoots off down the path faster than anything I've ever seen I look to my mate and whisper to him if he had just seen what I had when I looked at him he had his head in his hands the whole time he answered we're not allowed to look his cheeks were all tear-stained then he whispered I told you he would see you we waited for what felt like two hours and then bailed out of the bushes and ran the remaining distance to town losing our fish along the way as well as some of our staff we finally made it and every time I tried to bring it up with my friend he told me to shut my mouth or it would come back eventually I stopped trying I haven't been able to sleep right since all right I'll try and be as accurate as possible and this happened 12 years ago so some details are blurred my girlfriend at the time lived in a small ranch-style house on the tip of a long a courage plot I would often take my shotgun and fishing pole to the large pond on the back of the property it was close to the fence marking the property line anyway I'm sitting next to the pond just casting and reeling for some carp when I get hit by this wave of fear it was an instantaneous oh [ __ ] feeling that I only ever experienced once before when I saw that I was about to wreck my car well I reeled up my liner and attached the law to the catch on the bottom when I heard the leaves rustling down the bank on my right I leaned out to pass the tree I was next to and could clearly see leaves being kicked up by something but whatever was doing it it wasn't there I could see the leaves moving but I couldn't see anything for a couple of moments I thought it was just a rodent under all of the dead leaves so I let out a big sigh of relief as soon as I did whatever was moving froze at this point the adrenaline was making me a little shaky but I wanted to walk over and see what was moving around in the leaves when I picked up my shotgun I'd chambered a shell just in case it was a snake or something lots of copperheads on her property as soon as the shell clicked into place this thing took a step behind the tree it was closest to now bear with me but I could see an outline like when you record over an old VHS and you can still see the previous movie a little bit it was the outline of a person leaned over and staring at me me being a [ __ ] I shouted I can see and this thing startles and jumps behind the tree when I realized it was intelligent in some way and I went into full panic mode i far a shell from the hip at the tree and take off running back to the house it's about three-quarters of a mile back yeah my ears are ringing like crazy from barring I slowed down to a trot to catch my breath and compose myself and tried to think of an excuse to explain why I fired around and that's when I hear it this thing was running at me and it's football was incredibly heavy yet honestly sounded like a football player with that plastic on plastic sound that the pads make Iraq another round and fire when I hear it but at this point it seemed completely invisible I'd take off towards the house and my girlfriend and her younger brother are just inside the entrance to the pasture I was in there probably around 200 yards off when she screamed some points to my left and her and her brother run back to the house I finally clear the gate and slam it behind me and make the final sprint when I got inside she told me she could see dirt and leaves being absolutely torn up behind me but couldn't see anything her brother confirmed this and I felt nauseated from the fact that they had just seen something to still makes me a little shaky to think about it the next morning we all went out together in the field because I wanted to find its tracks and I swear to god it looked like it had covered them up we only ever found a few indentations by the tree where I first spotted it but even those have been scuffed and covered in leaves some pine needles hey guys Lizzie here and thank you very much for listening sorry it's a short one but like I said last time I'm currently in Hong Kong so uh hopefully you'll cut me some slack for that if you did enjoy the video then please do smash that like button or I'll smash you and I'll be back with another video when I return to England until then guys you all stay spooky and remember the best things happen in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 601,475
Rating: 4.9345884 out of 5
Keywords: lazy masquerade, new, best, most, relaxing, horror stories, true scary stories, real, true, long video, on youtube, scariest video ever, lets not meet, reddit, 4chan, 2chan, 2channel, folklore, folkloric, creatures, creepypasta, la pascualita, mexico, monster, monsters, horror, Halloween, shocking, top 5, top 10, crazy, lazy, how to, who, horrifying, terror, ghost, ghosts, caught on tape, haunted, disturbing, deeply disturbing, scariest stories ever, creepy, funny, asmr, british accent, learn english, meme
Id: wAuTDNys5J8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Mon May 01 2017
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