5 Levels of Knots for Hook Tying! (SIMPLE- EXPERT)

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what's going on everyone today we're going to be talking about the five different levels of tying fishing hooks we're going to start with the easiest and we're going to end on the hardest let's get cut let's get tying hey so there are many kinds of knots and there are many kinds of fishing hooks and now there are also many ways to tie knots onto your fishing hooks my goal today is to kind of run you through all the different kinds of knots that you can use and kind of talk about why you would want to use it and show all the different kinds of ways to tie these knots now just because it's harder to tie doesn't mean it's necessarily a better knot or a stronger knot you tie each knot for a different reason and i'm going to be running you through exactly what that reason is and how to tie it this video is going to be a part of a series of videos where i'm just going to straight up teach you as simply and as clear cut as possible so there's going to be less talking less fishing and just more teaching and learning so if you if you enjoy this kind of thing subscribe to our channel right now because we love to teach you guys how to fish now there are just so many knots out there but honestly you really need to know just one good knot everything else is icing on top of the cake now there are different knots for different functions and one knot may work really well in one situation but would really not make any sense to tie for another situation i'm gonna run you through the five levels of tying fishing hooks right now let's get started okay the first knot very simple we're gonna put this tag end through the eye and then we're gonna put our finger here and we're going to start twisting this line and we're going to be using these fingers and handing them off to each other we're going to twist this about four to seven times so i've pulled six times now now we're gonna take this tag end and put it through this first loop right here once it's through that first loop we're gonna pull that tag end and put it through this new loop right here and now we just tighten the knot there you go and that ladies and gentlemen is one of the simplest knots to tie but if you take a look it's very strong the line stacks up nicely on top of each other it holds up really strong and it takes about two seconds to tie improved clinch knot is a great general knot for any kind of tackle now i prefer to use this knot on a straight eye you see how this eye is coming straight up versus this one where the eye is bent back this one gives you a direct pull to the hook versus this one i would tie a different kind of knot okay let's get to number two now okay knot number two is very simple we're gonna bend the line in half like this and give yourself about six inches to work with here we're gonna put this tip through now you see how this is a tag end on this end we're going to use these two fingers and hold it like this meanwhile we're going to use these two fingers to pinch this end right here now we're going to twist this about six times anywhere between four to six works so now after you twisted it up you're going to use this tag end we're going to put it through that first hole and then we're going to put it through that new hole that we've just created right here now we're going to cinch the whole thing down there we go now we're going to tighten it by by pulling all different corners okay now this one's a little bit harder because your finger position is a little bit more advanced and the knot is done that was another quick easy knot but once you practice tying this a few times it's going to be very simple okay so this is the next knot you see how the eye is turned here you're going to want to tie a snail knot on something like this and this gets a little bit more difficult so what you're going to do is put the tag end through then you're going to make a loop like this and you're gonna fold it down on itself just like this see that i'm gonna hold it like this now i'm gonna take this tag end wrap it around about let's say six to eight times and look at my finger positioning each time i wrap it around i use these two fingers to pinch and then go back under pinch back under okay now i'm going to hold this tight so it doesn't i don't lose that and i'm going to take this tag end and put it through that first loop that i made keeping this tight now i'm going to pinch this pull this at the same time and you see how this knot is stacking up like this we're gonna slowly pull that to the shank and there we go that's a nice snail knot right there and this i love using this because it's very strong knot it gets attached to the shank here itself you see how it's attached directly to the shank if you were to tie that first knot i taught you it would all the pressure would be at the tip of this rather than off of this shank right here so this is the strongest knot you can tie onto an eye like this now let's start getting into the more complicated knots here this next knot is very similar to this knot but we're going to add another few steps it's the same thing except this time you're going to want to leave yourself a way longer tag end this time look at how much leader i left here okay now we're going to snell this again one two three four five six seven eight right then we're going to pinch it here bring it through here and now the tightening of this is important you have to do it at the same time as each other so that it stacks correctly okay now we've got this knot right on there right this is just the snail i left this long tag end on here we're going to push this through so we have it like this right now we're going to twist the line like this you see that you see how it's it's it's getting wrapped up into each other like this this is exactly what we want to happen because now we're forming thicker leader line on this so we're going to be twisting these together like this forming an extra thick leader see how this line is braided now and double the thickness we want this to be um nice and thick for fishing on rocks or fishing for toothy critters so now to to hold this line here we're going to tie a knot right here okay and then we're going to tie one more using this tag end there we have it trim this off and this this is the fourth hardest one right here so this is great because if you want a stronger leader line for fishing around rocks or oyster beds or something that this is too thin and it might get cut such as also like fish that have sharp teeth it's going to be a stronger leader line on here and it's attached directly to this snell knot all right let's get on to the last and final knot okay so now this is one of the most complicated knots that i know because it just has multiple steps involved in it so this one you're going to need to cut your line your leader line to the length that you want so i'm going to tie mine about two feet okay we've got two feet of line here here's what we're going to do push the line through the eye again right now we're going to pinch this down right here you see this it's just this pinch this down okay now we're going to take this end and we're going to wrap this about seven times four five six seven let's do ten eight nine ten we're gonna use these two fingers these two right here pinch it down right here and now we're going to stick this tag end through the eye this way it's important that it goes this way okay now you see this line right here this line right here that i just put through we're also going to pinch that down with the other tag end right here you see that i'm going to pinch that down keeping this tag in like this now we're going to take this that we're pinching with our pinkies and index finger and we're just going to continue wrapping that around and we're going to do this another 10 times okay the knot is almost done now we're going to pull this through you want to do this while pinching and holding everything tightly because you don't want to lose their knot there okay now we're going to tighten it down okay this is a really nice knot because it serves a very very special purpose let's trim it up and i'll show you so it just looks like an ordinary knot but look at this this is the really awesome part the really awesome part is that now you can put your bait right here this is called an egg loop knot what you put in here are your soft baits such as crab or clam and you pinch it down like this and when you cast it it's not stuck on the hook it's actually being held by this fishing line right here but this is a knot that you use to use for very soft and delicate fishing beads and there we have it that's the five levels of fishing nuts and now you you guys can see how just because it's harder to tie doesn't necessarily mean it's a better knot it just means that it's a it's a better knot for a specific situation this can be applied for all fishing there's many ways to catch fish there are many methods there are many kinds of fishing rods fishing reels fishing line lures bait it all depends on what you're doing how you're fishing where you're fishing and if it makes sense to use that thank you guys for watching here at hayskipper i we want to help you guys get on fish and we want to help you guys learn how to catch fish tying knots like this is the first step to being a good fisherman any good fisherman knows that your knots are very very important it's what holds your hook to the fish that you're catching if your knots are bad you lose big fish it's as plain and simple as that if you want to learn how to tie more knocks we specialize in teaching you guys through videos like this and through ebooks that i personally write design and make so that it's very easily digestible very easily learned and very easy to follow if you want to check out some of our ebooks visit our website pacekipperfishing.com i teach all sorts of things on there thank you guys for watching and i'll see you next week [Music] you
Channel: Hey Skipper
Views: 414,343
Rating: 4.9086647 out of 5
Keywords: fishing knot, fishing knots, Fishing, fishing how to, fishing, tutorial, fishing help, how to fishing, fishing rig, fishing rigs, fishing rig tutorial, fishing hook, fishing hooks, fishing line, how to video, in studio tutorial, hey skipper tutorial, hey skipper how to, saltwater fishing, fresh water fishing, beach fishing, hey skipper, hey skipper fishing, senko skipper, senko skipper fishing
Id: 0YNM7Xbglog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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