3 Best knots for Braid

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hey fellow youtubers Roland Martin here with another exciting YouTube adventure hey you know I read your comments a lot of people comment and one of the real prevalent compliment comments right now is what knots do I tie for braids we're talking about braided line so what I'm gonna do I'm going to show you three really great knots now here's some regular fifty pound test braids that I'd use a safer or say warm fishing but I'm not going to use that for the demonstration for the demonstration I have some really big thick thick line it's its biggest 130 pound test saltwater braid and it's it's for like Marlon or self but at least you can see it it's all really really big-time see and instead of just a little bitty hook I'm gonna use a great big saltwater hook just to tie the knot well okay the first knot I want to talk about is the knot knot to tie in other words everybody look when they first start fishing everybody kind of grows up with with the regular clinch not a regular clinch knot is just the number one knot that everybody first learns to tie but I'm going to show you something with braid the clinch knot does not work I'm just gonna tie this watch this I'm just going to come through the eye I'm going to turn around I'm going to go one two three four five and I'll go back through that loop again pull it up tight now just want to show you something I'm gonna go over to this vise right here and I'll put it in this vise and I'm tightening the vise down now watch this I'm going to take some I'm going to take this screwdriver and I'm gonna pull on it and watch just watch just not now remember I said do not tie this knot this is not a nod I recommend I pull it hard it pulled right out clinch knot pull out of break braid is not the knot clinch knots not they're not four braids okay okay so what is the best not what's the absolute best not to tie lure with at without any question it's the Palomar knot the Palomar knot is so easy to tie that's what I'm going to show you now this is the number one not for break period period okay that's high that palomar what I do if they put about a foot of line doubled over and I go through the eye of the of the lure the hook or whatever and I tie a great big giant overhand knot in that line right there I come out of that knot with a big loop here okay I take the lure of the hook and go right through that loop okay and I pull it all tight I start with the the remain line first pull it down tight to main line first when that's tight then I just pull with the tag end that is a fully tied fully executed Palomar knot and of course I'll trim it off I can trim it off with a knife yeah pretty easy it won't slip now that that's that's ninety six ninety seven percent maybe I could get one more percent by using either crazy glue or superglue put a dab of that on that knot it might help you just a little bit and it might cast a little bit better as well so that's that's the number one not the number one not at all times okay what's the second knot haha well you know before I talk about the second knot let's talk about rod guides for a second let me just talk about rod guides okay here's a standard more or less a standard rod guide look at the tip see how big it is that's kind of a small guide now look at this other rod the southern rod has a micro guide look at that kind of go zoom in a little bit you can see that the micro guides real real small guides the guides are the micro guides are itsy-bitsy guides the the guides on this other rod or more of a standard size it's a small guide but it's it's bigger if you want to use a leader and and this is really really prevalent we so often we'll take braids like this 50-pound braid and I'll tie up fluorocarbon leader say a 14-pound leader a 17-pound leader or something maybe it's clear water I want leaders so leaders are real important sometimes particularly in clear Lake's like out west and then like me Nola's kind of places with all leaders but we all use braids you have to have a leader okay the micro guides will not cast a knot you can't use a micro guide and braid and a leader you can't do it it just won't it won't work it just won't cast period so if you're gonna be casting a leader you're gonna have to have a bigger guide on your rod so I don't buy micro guides I don't like micro guides I don't I don't promote micro guides I use leaders so much on braid that all my guides and all my rods for the most part are larger guides and they cast fine okay now let's talk about the knot itself okay the knot itself is what we call a double uni knot now it's the number one knot in salt water we take like a fifty pound braid and say a 14 pound test fluorocarbon that would be just a good combination okay now again I'm gonna demonstrate with this big heavy 130 pound test line because it's orange and you can see it I'm going to cut this thing off it's hard to cut okay hard to cut okay okay so for the sake of demonstration I'm going to take this 130 pound test salt water line and I'm going to take a hundred pound test monofilament this is a really big hundred pound test monofilament now this tie a double uni this is the number one knot in salt water it's the number one knot in freshwater it's what we all recommend tying braid to either monofilament or tying braid to fluorocarbon okay to tie it to tie this knot I take about a foot and a half a line to pull it apart now I'll take my hand right in the middle and I'll take this loop end okay with the braid side I make a loop right here Rucka loop come through the loop once twice three four five I'd go six or seven or eight with lighter braids I'd go up to nine with lighter braids but this is such heavy braid I'm only gonna do five I want to pull that down tight I'm gonna pull it down tight okay now I'm going to take the whole line the whole not everything and I'm going to sue it just I'm just gonna turn it around 180 degrees okay now on this I may pull that thing a little bit I have another line this time I want to take the monofilament or fluorocarbon side and make a loop as well make a loop they collect loop right here they make a loop now go through that one two three oh three four now with this big heavy saltwater line I'm only gonna go four if this were like 14 pound test line I'd go 5 or 6 I'd be the light of the line at the more turn so let's pull it down tight now you'll wet it a little bit yeah now now just pull the whole thing up tight pull the whole thing up tight and then again pull this tight pull everything tight as tight as you can I'm going to trim the edges and trim the that off if I had some Clippers I can clip it with this this is one way to do it I clip it with those or I can clip it with up in the case of the braid a good sharp knife will cut braids pretty good talking do that okay now I have a properly tied double uni knot in that braid now for again for a casting a little bit better cast it this super glue or crazy glue will help it go through the guides better number one and give you another percent or two a strength so anywhere any of these super glues are really good they really will do the job so that's really really a good knot I fish braid almost every reel sometimes it's straight braid to my flipping stick it's straight braid to say a spinnerbait it could be straight blade to a top water plug but when i'm in clearwater sam fishing up a ga or a worm I'm gonna use I'm gonna use a leader I'm gonna use this 50 pound braid for example I'm gonna go down to 10 12 15 pound fluorocarbon leader for the most part and a leg fluorocarbon I use my super glue hey great for clear water applications but the thing about braid is so sensitive I can feel that strike one were more that jig so much better it's such an advantage having a leader in brain it's way better for your worm fishing way better for your jig fishing any kind of deepwater cranking as well though those kind of things are really something that that I really really believe in okay what are we talking about another third not well I've got a third not for you let me just cut this off real quick and I'm gonna talk about a knot that's really really really important not for me and that is you know I do a lot of crank baiting for example and a lot of top water fishing and a lot of times on average crank bait there's an o-ring or there's a snap now I don't like snaps I don't like o-rings I think that it's a weak link I like a really good strong loop knot and I tie this loop knot and I call it the double uni loop knot well it's not the double unit it's actually just a single unit gubanov let's just take a hook for example let's pretend this is just some kind of lure like a like a crank bait or a spinner bait or any kind of thing that particularly a jig oh I tell you what the best thing is right here this jig that is in salt water we always use loop knots on these jigs because it allows it it allows the action of the jig so much better than than anything else let me show you how I tie a loop with the uni well now the first step is I'll come through and I'll give me some slack here I'll tie it overhand knot in my in my line just a big loop second step take the tag in and go right through the lure itself right into the lure right through the lure it could be a jig it could be a crankbait it could be anything and then the third step is go through that loop that you just made pull it all down tight pull it down tight pull it down to the hook pull it down to the hook now when you come to that point you go to the Uni deal you make the loop like I showed you in the end the double uni I'll make that loop like that I go through the loop once okay twice three times four times five times this is again really heavy line so I wouldn't I wouldn't go too many times but now now I've pulled it down tight now watch when I pull it loose it all comes forward it all comes forward it all comes forward it all comes forward and it's tied now that's a properly tied loop knot I can trim it off okay and again for that extra one or two percent use your crazy glue use your super glue all that can help now that's kind of a big loop knot but hey there's an advantage with the loop knot if you're around pike if you're around Muskies if you're around saltwater fish that have a lot of teeth that's a double line now so now it's kind of acts like a little bit of a leader and so by having double line it's it's it's harder for those two theaters to cut through a loop than it is a single line so it's somewhat of a leader as well so it's stronger for the toothy critters it's as really super strong knot and it's a knot that's gonna give you more action for jigs and many of the crank baits that you use it's just the third of the really great braided line knots so folks okay you know I've enjoyed doing these youtubes and I'm an old school school teacher at heart I know fact I've taught algebra and stuff in high school years ago and I was in the Army and I taught rifle marksmanship and I'd like to reload and I like to shoot and everything like that as well it's just a sideline but anyway I enjoyed teaching you guys a thing or two if you want to listen up you know I'm an old guy hey yeah I can probably tell you how to fish better than I can fish myself that's probably the the end the end of the story but I I enjoy doing the videos so watch me every Wednesday at about 6 o'clock I'll post a video and every Sunday about 6 o'clock I'll post another video I'll see you then
Channel: Roland Martin Outdoors
Views: 1,285,617
Rating: 4.9050102 out of 5
Keywords: Roland Martin, Fishing with Roland Martin, Roland Martin Outdoors, Scott Martin, Scott Martin Challenge, Bill Dance, Jimmy Houston, Bass Pro, Bass Pro Shops, Tracker Marine, Nitro Z21, Favorite Rods, Fish Brain, Flying Fisherman Eyewear, Yamamoto Custom Baits, Power Pole, Spike It, Frogg Toggs, Mega Strike, Fishing, Bass Fishing, Lunker, Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Fishing Knots, Braid, Braided Line
Id: pw_bbEOT_34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 21 2019
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