How To Make A High Low Rig (Pros, Cons & Tutorial)

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in this video we're gonna show you how to tie a high-low rig for Sheepshead fishing now this is a very popular rig for surf fishing but it can be very effective for Sheepshead because as you can see here this is a finished rig and you have two hooks on your mainline you can see you have one up high and you have one down low or vice versa and then at the bottom you have your weight now the benefit of this rig is that obviously you have two hooks so you can use two baits at once which can definitely help you increase your odds of catching fish but what I also like about this rig is that you can put two different baits on so you can see what the fish are more attracted to it you can have a fiddler crab on one you can have a sand flea on the other one and just see which one those fish are more drawn to so you can dial in on what they're feeding on now the biggest downfall about this rig is it can take a quite a bit of time to tie especially if you're new to it and also if you get broken off you'll have to retie your rig but that's one other benefit about having two hooks is if one gets broken off you still have one left so that's definitely a good advantage of this rig so let's go ahead and show you how to tie this rig up so you're gonna want to have obviously your leader material I'd like to use thirty pound mono I like to get a big spool of it again because if you have to retie a lot of rigs you also use quite a bit of line when tying up these rigs so having a big spool is an advantage because it just goes a long way then you're going to want a Bank sinker anything from one ounce up to three maybe even four ounces is really going to depend on the depth that you're fishing and also how strong the current is so make sure you have quite an assortment of different size weights then you're gonna need two hooks I like to use a number one live bait hook these are made by Gamakatsu here these are number one live bait hooks pretty much any brand you can get these hooks up to you we're not sponsored or affiliated or take any sponsorships or endorsements from any of these companies so we just use what we like to use so let's go ahead and tie this rig up first thing I like to do with my leader is stretch it out get all the loops out of it I'll get all the coils out of it because that just makes it a lot more easier to work with so the first thing you're gonna do is give yourself plenty of line especially if you're new to tying these rigs you're gonna see your tag in here make sure you give yourself enough tag and I usually put about two feet out there just for safety just so I know I have enough line left over when I'm done tying the rig so first things first make a loop form a loop with your line like so after you do that what are you gonna do is tie an overhand knot with your loop so just fold the loop over as you can see I just formed another loop right there and all you're going to do is form overhand loops or overhand knots rather with that loop and you want to do this about four to five times just go in and out four and five to four or five times and then pull it snug now you want to give yourself at least or have this loop be about three to four inches long you don't want to make it too small so you can see you have that loop form now it's a little twisted up but that's okay I wouldn't worry about that now from there you're going to take that loop hold it in one hand and you're going to cross the tag end over the main line like so and now you can see you have that loop right there and from here you're actually going to twist the line over itself about five to six times so you can see you can kind of see that little gap right there what you're going to do is basically just twist that line around itself about five to six times like so now you can see that opening right there that you still have what you want to do is take the loop that you just created down here and put it through that opening this is where you need about three or four hands for this so just get that loop through that opening all the way through make sure that knot gets through now you can see there you have this right here and you're just going to slowly tighten that down you don't want to do too fast because it'll create a lot of heat and freak friction and that will weaken your knot now what you have there is what they call a T knot it looks like a T and what happens is that almost acts like a three-way swivel you have your line going down you have your main line then you have the hook this is where the hooks going to go you have it hanging off that T right there and it helps it keep it off your main line so it helps keep you from getting tangled up so you have that one loop there and this is going to be where one hook goes and all you're going to do is do that same thing a little further up the line that's going to create your higher hook so let's go ahead and do that all right so now you have two loops there one for each hook and then your tag end down here this is where your weights going to go and all you're going to do down there is just form a simple loop so loop that line over and just tie two or three overhand knots with that loop like so and that is going to be where you put your weight on now the nice thing about this loop is that you can quickly change weight if you need to so if you need to go from a 1 ounce to a 2 ounce 3 ounce whatever it may be you can easily switch that out because the way you put this weight on you just pinch the loop put it through the hole on the eye of the weight like so pull it all the way through put the weight through the loop pull it tight and now you have your weight on there so your weights good to go so now we're gonna go back up to our loops that we formed here and what you want to do I don't like to use these loops to put the hook on some people will just pinch these loops and put the hook on the same way that I put that weight on what I like to do is cut one side that's a good thing about these knots is you can cut this loop and just make it one strand of line so it's not as bulky and doesn't get in the way too much so all you're gonna do is cut one side of each loop close to the knot like so that one cut the other one and now you can see you have two lines they're coming off of the main line and then you're just going to tie your hooks on to that so on this one I kind of made these really close together you really want them to be at least 5 to 6 inches apart these are about 3 inches apart again it takes a lot of practice to really measure out where to get them but again sure your hook line isn't too long that it's interfering with the other one so let's go ahead and tie on the hooks really quick I like to use a tri lean knot and all that is is you go through the eye of the hook once then you come back around and go through the eye of the hook a second time like so you can see it formed a little loop there and all you're going to do is pinch that tag end with the main line right there and then you're just going to wrap that line around four or five times and you can really use any knot you prefer to use this is just my go-to knot and once you have that right line wrapped around what you want to do is take that tag end and go through those two loops that are close to the eye of the hook down then we'll go ahead and do the same with the other one attach our hook here cut our tag ends off and there you go got a hi-low rig now this one I can these knots are a little bit too close to each other I would definitely space them out more just so the hooks don't interfere with each other so you have two hooks the weight below this is very effective because of those hooks being basically above the weight so you can feel the bites much better if you've ever fished for Sheepshead you know they've bite very softly you can barely feel those bites so having those hooks directly to your main line without a weight in the way can definitely help so that will wrap up this video on tying the hi-low rig if you have any questions or comments about this please feel free to leave them down below also if there is a rig that you prefer to use for Sheepshead definitely let us know down below until then things are watching and I'll see you on the next video [Music] now the water that'll give you peace all by yourself or with your family live self strong in wetlands a day
Channel: Salt Strong
Views: 104,627
Rating: 4.7512231 out of 5
Keywords: high low rig, hi lo rig, high low rig tutorial, fishing rig tutorial, fishing knots tutorial, how to make a high low rig, how to tie a hi lo rig, best fishing rigs, fishing rig for sheepshead
Id: dKKbpjh6Xfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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