The Top 3 Pier Fishing Methods to Catch Fish at ANY Pier!

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hey everyone today in this episode we're going to be talking about three of my favorite methods to catch fish from the pier if you use any of these three methods on the pier and there are fish at the pier then you're bound to catch something we are here on a private pier fishing the Riverside of Florida and joining us are two subscribers Morgan and Austin who we've invited to go fishing with us we've been fishing with them before and we learned that Morgan is a lucky charm she pretty much out fishes everyone all right Morgan and Austin will be fishing with the first method we'll be talking about today plastic lures so if you're just starting to get into fishing with little swim baits I would recommend throwing a 1/4 ounce jig head and a DOA brand swim be some flukes whatever looks like a small little baitfish will work it doesn't need to be any particular brand as long as this is a small little bait fish you should be good when you're putting the swim bait onto the jig head we get a lot of questions about this and I see a lot of people fail on this so I'm going to show you really simply first off see where the hook needs to come out of the bait by lining it up like this and marking it with your finger okay then when you push the hook through push it out of where your fingers are marking it right so now it'll sit evenly and perfectly on the jig head the way out myself so I like to fish these in a lot of different ways there's not just one way to fish a swim bait what we recommend trying is casting it out letting it sink to the bottom and just working it back slowly jigging it up and down but there are many other ways to do it you can cast it let it sink flip it back up let it sink flip it back up let it sink you can cast it out bring it back fast you can cast it out let it sink bring it back fast there's so many different ways I want you guys to try all those different ways if the fish aren't biting one way they might be biting another way let's see how Morgan in Austin do seriously what even I thought it was a little redfish that's a big one yeah absolutely you know if you weren't I was do it so the second method one of my favorite methods because it's so easy the sub biggie raid they come in all sorts of different sizes depending on how big of a fish you want to catch see this one right here is size 14 hooks with bigger flies but this is much smaller size 11 this is even smaller size 6 so this is what the Siddiqui rig looks like you see all these flies tied on here take a look at these flies so this bait rig works really well but depending on where you're from you may not be allowed to have six to eight hooks so what I like to do is I like to cut it so that I only use the legal amount so I would usually just cut it at two hooks and then tie a sinker down here and there's so many ways to fish a Siddiqui rig it doesn't work just it doesn't just work on a pier it works all sorts of different places because these little flies they look like little shrimp little fish there's a lot of little things that can be shaped like this underwater and fish love it you can use bait or you could you not use baiting just use the fly but I usually like to use bait the top of the rig is a 2-way swivel and then it has six flies attached and then the bottom is a snap swivel for a sinker now for something this small I would use a half ounce sinker two ounces three ounce would be way too heavy so it's important to match your sinker size what we're going to be doing today is we're going to be dropping it by pillars because pillars are a really good source of small bait fish of barnacles of lots of different life and we find that a lot of fish like to hide by the pillars so it's as simple as baiting this up and dropping it down [Music] and what's that little sand perch so my dad and I are both also using live bait and this leads us to our final method live bait fishing so I'm going to show you guys how I tie a live bait fishing rig this is just one method and I'm going to be using the sensor skipper peer fishing adventure guide so for those of you who are beginners to peer fishing and you really need help getting started this is going to be a really great resource for you it includes an entire adventure guide that's laminated so you can put it in your backpack and it tells you step by step how to start catching fish off the pier starting with how to tie this Ray this isn't just a tutorial on how to tie rigs this is a tutorial on how to choose your bait how to choose your sinkers how to choose your hook size how to find fish at the pier and this kit includes all the tackle that you need to tie the rigs we're talking about and if you want a kit for yourself there's a link in the description below or if you want to just read the guide we have a PDF form also in the link below so I hope this helps anyone who needs help let's get to tie in the rig so what you're gonna need for this rig is a bead a swivel an egg sinker and a size 2 hook and this all comes in the kit and it comes with 20-pound leader line but I'm gonna tie with jet with this this neon line just because it's a lot easier to see so the first thing you're gonna want to do is cut yourself two to three feet of leader line monofilament fluorocarbon whichever one you want to use next you're gonna want to tie your hook on in the adventure guide we recommend using the improved clinch knot so I'm just gonna tie this real quick so that's the improved clinch right here this is a pretty strong knot now what you're gonna want to do is tie your your swivel onto the end of this line and again use it using the improved clinch knot now you're gonna be attaching it to your mainline so this is your spool line okay what you're going to want to do is put your egg sinker through and in the kit we include a two-ounce egg sinker which is what I would normally recommend and we're gonna put a bead through okay and I'm gonna show you why we use a bead in a second now attach this with another improved clinch make sure you trim all your line okay so now here's why we use the bead right here if we didn't have this bead this would be knocking around on this knot to the point where it might break the knot so the bead is there to protect it from the sinker and from any line damage not necessary but very helpful and that's the basic rig right here so your live bait will go on here the end of your line and when you cast it out right the seeker will stay in one spot and the fish is able to be moved around and predator fish are able to eat it without detecting the tension of the line since it's stuck on the ground see how it slides alright let's see it work in action that's a pinfish you know these are so alright so there's a lot of different places to hook a live bait in the nose between the eyes on the top lip on the shoulder on the back of it I'm gonna try the back this time why I just feel like I have a higher hook up ratio that way but I'm not sure [Music] whoa Auggie oh oh it's on oh all right no it might be a redfish dad you gotta have feet [Music] Oh God dude just as well I don't want that oh look at that flying let it go let it go he's done for man oh well [Music] still poor drag is it a big fish that's a big sale catfish whoa yeah no we don't whoa that's a strong one huh that's a big one [Music] but because that beautiful [Music] Wow Wow beautiful the whiskers take a picture so the plastic baits worked really well to catch lots of different kinds of fish and the sadiki's worked pretty well I mean I caught one fish but I didn't really try that hard I know this ibiki will work really well but the live bait rig that was getting snatched up left and right that was very consistent so I want to take this time to let you guys know Siddiqui rigs work really well but look at how messy they can get they can get very tangled very quickly and it's important that you be careful when you're fishing with these you don't want this to get trapped under the ocean and and sea creatures getting stuck in it so what I suggest is maybe not using all six of the hooks and being extra careful when you use a seviche rig another thing that you should note is that after you're done using any line it's really important that you cut that line up because a big tangled ball of line will kill a lot of different things in the ocean so we need to do our part and protect the ocean because we want to maintain this resource for not just us but for future fishermen if you're catching fish left and right and you're keeping them and not eating them that makes a really big impact on the fish ecosystem so if you're not eating the fish that you catch please just throw them back if they're this big just throw them back and you're not gonna eat it don't just kill it for no reason it's really important that we moderate how much fish we take out of this ocean if everyone took all the fish they caught we wouldn't be fishing anymore so I know in some countries there's no laws at all governing how many fish you can take how big of a fish you could take what kind of fishing you do but it can you can make a difference by spreading the word don't take the fish that you don't want to eat and if they're really small let them go let them grow keep that in mind I hope you guys enjoyed the episode if anybody needs extra help we have a beginner crash course right here it's called the Seco skipper pier fishing adventure kit comes with all the tackle that you need we just want to help put you on some fish the link for the kit is in the description below but you do not ship internationally I'm sorry but we have a solution we have uploaded the PDF download and print yourself so that you can have this guide with you anytime you need help thank you guys for watching I'll see you soon [Music]
Channel: Hey Skipper
Views: 1,670,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pier fishing, pier, fishing, pier fishing rigs, top 3 pier fishing, top 3 pier fishing methods, top pier fishing methods, pier fishing methods, pier fishing tutorial, tutorial, how to, senko skipper, senkoskipper, fish, pier fishing tips, Hey Skipper
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2018
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