How To Fish Small Ponds - Bass Fishing Tips

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what's going on everybody welcome to another video another tip video more importantly you guys tear those up you guys love them one question I would like to ask is what tip videos would you like to see next but today what we're gonna be doing is I'm going down to a small pond and I'm pretty much gonna show you guys how I break down an area whether it's a new area or area I've been to parish how to break down small ponds and how to fish small ponds and how I go about it so let's go ahead and go down to the pond maybe just got down to this pond right here and as you can tell it's just a small little area most you guys are probably gonna be sufficient some smaller ponds this pond right here is very very small when I come to a new location or when I come down to a pond there's a few things I really look at even before I make a cast obviously when I'm looking at the pond right here just a smaller area very isolated place there's not really much going on and as you guys can tell you know I see a few things I really catch my eye one I see a tree over there in the water as you guys can tell over there that's that's one of the main focuses I see a tree another thing is I see these trees that are hanging over the water back in that corner so that's gonna tell me one thing on a sunny day those trees are gonna cast a shadow out on that watering is gonna be an area where the sun's not beaming down so there's gonna be a lot of shade over there in that corner then you got you've got a big old tree laying down in the water that those bats are gonna suck up against I don't care if it's cloudy sunny on a sunny day more more importantly they're gonna tuck up there under that tree but most of the time especially largemouth bass they love trees they love wood I have a look around the pond I really don't see much you know I don't see much more as I start to cast I'll realize that oh there's some grass right here oh there might be some live rocks under underneath the surface but there is one thing I see right here as you guys can tell there's two little stumps or two little pieces of wood that are sticking out of the water and they're just kind of out there by themselves they're very isolated and bass love that stuff if you guys ever seen anything isolated in the middle whether it's like a little twig sticking up out of the water maybe there's like a tree stump or a tree that's sticking out of the water you need to throw at that like that right there you know that's just little little piece of wood I'm gonna be starting off with a spinnerbait well I tend to do when I go to these little areas as I start off with the moving bait first and see how active this fish are if the fish aren't like wanting to really cooperate with me they're not really trying to bite it you know I might switch over to you know a slow working me you know I'm gonna I'm gonna switch over to you know my soft plastics my crawls my worms that whole deal and that's what I'm gonna do but when I first go to a location I usually start off with the moving bait first to see if I can catch this active fish and then throughout the day I'll slow down and throw me a worm and it all depends on the conditions like who is bluebird skies I hear super super super hot I wouldn't even start off with this I'd probably just go ahead and move over to my crawler my worm if you guys want to check out my other tip video where I talked about my crawl where you can pretty much work at all different ways that's another good option especially if it's super sunny outside but you want something to throw around moving anyways but as you guys can tell that isolated cover right there I got this old spinnerbait some Colorado blades and then I actually painted some of the blades red this is the fish had spinnerbaits primal series with a little trailer hook on it you got this very dirty water you got a little bit of cloud cover in the sky not too much Sun no wind at all but I want to slow roll this through make a cast right on there I promise you guys like 90% of time there's gonna be a fish on structure like this from the wool these little trees there's gonna be a you know a fish on that stuff maybe you're not wanting something moving today because I promise you especially in a small pond like this there's not gonna be too much you know maybe maybe some ponds that people go to there's gonna be a lot of lay downs in the water maybe there's a lot of rock you know who knows whatever it is but especially on a place like this where there's really not much like I said there's a tree over there then there's like these little trees are hanging over and I know there's gonna be a little little bit of shade back in this corner but you know the one thing is there's not too much stuff for these fish to hide on there's not there's not many rocks I haven't seen any rocks at all you know there's not too many trees so when I see something like that I'm a hundred percent casting at it so I'm just gonna start going down this big right here fan cast and see if they're gonna try to eat this moving day so I really didn't I've been throwing this around for quite a second I didn't have any bites on it I would really like there to be some wind out here especially when throwing a spinnerbait it's just something I had on my rod and I was like I'm gonna take it down here and throw this as my you know moving bait and see if I can catch any active ones but I'm actually going to cut this off town a Texas rig put a regular zoomspeed Kroll in there we're gonna go around and catch some fish we're working on the top we're gonna walk it on the middle and on the bottom and see if we can catch some of these fish out here instead of a zoomspeed crawl actually got a little raised scroll on got a little lead bullet weight ewg we got hook gonna go down this thing cover some water with this thing I'm actually gonna really left the top of the water start off with especially in this little actually had something hit it right there right away you're an off the bat gonna cover a lot of water I hope you guys watched some of my videos I'm a big fan of throwing a rager crawl on top of the water and right below the surface and actually reeling it rather than just using that as a little flipping bait I'm a big fan of using it as a you know moving bait and a slip move to me at the same time oh yeah oh my gosh I saw him come right off there we go baby ha ha ha he ain't a monster monster but he's a good quality fish oh man what a beautiful one right there let me show let me tell you guys something right now look at that that's a beautiful fish she's about I'd say two and a quarter maybe pushing to about two and a half really thick he's a he's a thick fish she's not that is a beautiful fish right there guys let's get a quick release on them now show you guys how I caught that there we go guys beautiful little bass right here solid dick and healthy one let's get him back in the water there you go [Music] so everyone at the beginning of the episode when I threw my spinner baby passed out a little isolated cover and how I was talking about that when pretty much you see you know any sticks or anything literally sticking up by itself out there in the middle or whatever it is majority on the majority of the time you're gonna catch you know a big fish on that stuff so what I did is I casted this crawl pass that really at the top of the water a couple of times you didn't even you know it didn't even faze him then when I cast it right next to the left-hand side of it laid it right next to that little stump I pretty much saw awake in the water to the left of my bait and from there I was about to say you know he's about to eat it I felt him ticket one time and he had it that just shows you know when you when you pinpoint that type of stuff when you're coming to these ponds it's pretty much like a given like you know where the fish is gonna be especially when you throw the right bait in there but let's continue to work down this side back in this corner and back to where this tree is that I can I believe that guys I cannot believe that I just that's unbelievable I have no idea I skipped up under that tree back there and you ticked it right away and it just snapped on all from I tried to hook them all right I'm about to get my revenge on this fish right here the awkwardest Hooksett I've done in a minute I might go under some trees is really hard hooks I beg you Wow second fish of the day exactly where I called him out I said there was gonna be one on that tree right when I got out here just like I did on that little isolated stuff over there in both the locations there was some fish on digging as you guys can tell a little pretty dark bass right there right off that tree I promise you he's not the only one so when you're fishing places like this don't be afraid to go through multiple cast cuz it like a big tree like that especially in a small pond a small location like this isn't just gonna have one fish on it's gonna have multiple I guarantee you that 100% whether you can get them to bite or not but after you catch one I would continue to cast there and see if you can pick another one off because that took me about seven more cast after I broke off to even get another bite off that tree but then I did right when I threw in there that's how I caught that bad boy to cast right after that one in the same exact spot caught another fish shows you right there the leaks I'm just proving everything I'm saying back and forth is there's gonna be more fish on that tree that was to cast literally in the same spot and I call it another little beautiful bass right there nothing super big but super these fish are heavy it's really weird out here these just it's got a lot of weight behind him but in the same spot threw it in there he just take tit beautiful Oh bass there's actually another reason why there's a lot of fish stacked right here rather than me just saying you know this tree is the reason why but there's actually some water flowing in in the pond right back here in this corner and that's where the water's coming in fish love that little current you know little water pushing through they're just gonna stack up all around that especially where the mouth is here and I'm only fishing in about six inches of water with large mouth you're not really gonna have to worry about that much you know these large not they get up in the nastiest nastiest stuff and you guys would be surprised where I've taught some largemouth it just blows my mind every time I catch a lot of constant some crazy areas but I mean that's just so natural it's a natural thing I mean they they're everywhere they hang out and all this nasty dirty stuff where you really don't think a fisherman really pay attention to these corners in these pond right here has just a little bit of rock out here in the corner and it's got a little tree that's sucking right out here ha ha ha ha ha I watched him eat it right there I'm inside a weird angle under this tree right in the corner where I said he was gonna be he's a little baby guy I can tell you that I could tell how he was hitting it never got the bait all the way I'll stir back in there when you get a bite make sure you clear back in there I've actually a different one I'll just swim in that curl that time instead of working on the bottom I just swam that thing right by this fish just came out of nowhere and just annihilated that thing pretty little fat guy I could tell you that nothing big but look at that little belly on that thing let's start back in that corner and see if we catch another another thing is you guys see that tree right there how it kind of hangs over and with the Sun glaring down on this water you can tell that he's leaving a little shade right under that tree sorry about the quality guys my camera actually died and I'm having to switch over to an iPhone now but as I was saying there's a tree that hangs over a little bit of shade underneath the tree there should be a fish under there not always but there should be a fish that's one of those things that you need a cat fat now this is the perfect corner this is actually where that tree is the same tree wha the shade right here then you got that water flowing to the left-hand side where that water coming in that was insane these fish words these little baby guys are schooling out there in the middle it's another way to cash in man I saw some Finnish popping up in the middle of the water out there and I'll do that thing in there before it could even just like that and I skip this thing up all the way in between that tree to where it came on to the other side because I was just sort on all this edge and I just drug him out from the other side come on of this tree just eat my baby right there pretty guy right there [Music]
Channel: KickinTheirBASSTV
Views: 765,688
Rating: 4.8668699 out of 5
Keywords: bassfishing, fishing, how to fish, how to fish ponds, how to fish ponds for bass, how to fish small ponds, bass fishing tips, bass fishing pond tips, how to fish small ponds in the summer, fishing tips, fishing tips and techniques, bass fishing tips and techniques, how to bass fish, bass fishing tips for the summer, pond fishing tips for the summer, summer bass fishing tips, summer pond fishing tips, pond fishing, flukemaster, flukemaster how to fish, kickin their bass tv
Id: hXYGkkrkvlQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 06 2018
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