Stop losing your bait! Fresh bait vs Salted Bait: Which bait works best?

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what's going on guys today we are testing two very popular baits to see which works better these two baits work really well no doubt they both work really well but i want to see today which will be better for catching more fish we're here fishing under the chesapeake bay bridge and there's a lot of fish here so today we've got fresh shrimp and we've got salted squid both of these baits work really well but each of them have their pros and cons and we're going to be going through it today we're going to be doing a little test to see which bait catches more fish squid or shrimp let's do this [Music] the beautiful bay bridge so let's start with shrimp first sure so i've got some fresh shrimp right here and i'm going to use my bait box actually and put it in here this is all my squid in here and i keep it in my bait box right here in this salt so it keeps it fresh but we're going to be testing out shrimp first so with shrimp i just cut it into smaller bits like this you can do it whole but i'm going to be fishing for perch so i'm going to cut it in half just like that all right so the rig that i'm using today is just a simple hi-low rig this is a rig that every angler should know how to how to tie and how to use and if you don't know how to do this i teach in plenty of my videos and i also have a lot of online courses that show you exactly how to tie these up so we've got a high low rig on here smaller hooks and i'm just going to put a piece of shrimp on just like this hook through one time okay and right off the bat i can tell you this bait works really well because the scent is very very like it's a very strong scent and fish love it but it's very soft look at how easily it is you can pull it off look i hook it on easily just gets pulled off so that's the con it's very fragile and i can expect maybe a bite or two before all the bait is gone okay so now i'm gonna try the shrimp here's the test i'm gonna set it out for 10 minutes and see how many fish we can catch in 10 minutes then we're gonna switch to squiddy bits ready start the timer okay now i've casted towards those rocks right there high chance of there being fish there rocks just attract all sorts of creatures i got a bite i got a bite nothing but the shrimp's still on here that was a perfect spot come on oh yeah [Music] pip squeak that's a tiny one tiny and look darn there's no more bait left on here all right got a rebated missed it i hope my bait's still on there oh yeah that's something nice oh yeah that's a nice fat perch [Music] oh yeah that's a good one yes that's what we're after my bait is gone again we have six minutes left i've got six minutes left oh my gosh this is very messy that's another thing okay here we go we love perch yes we do we love perch how about you i do you do yes he loves perch yes yes he does oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah that's a nice one too but look both my bait's gone again how much time do i have left four minutes and 30 seconds too small four minutes left how many fish have i caught uh that i think three get it out there man i'm trying i'm trying i'm trying oh this is so fun on my new 1000 size stratix oh with a new 1000 yeah last time i had four pound test on it but i kept snapping it on on fish here so i had to switch it to six pound how much time do i have left three minutes and 45 seconds i'm on a fish a tiny one [Music] tiny guy throw him back he wants to be kept right i'll use them for me all right i gotta fix this again three minutes on the clock three minutes on the clock oh i missed it i hope my bait's still on there i swung that there we go oh this is something bigger oh yeah oh my god that's a big perch oh yeah another humpback another humpback just call him mr quasimodo got poop everywhere watch out oh that's a nice guy that's just as big as my first one look at that twin daddy donkeys oh wait i gotta keep fishing can't be showing this off right now time to rebate how much time do i have left aaron oh my gosh i'm tangled can you pause the clock when i entangled or does that not count i i can pause the clock i guess since you're not actively fishing i don't know whatever i'll just i'll just fish it with a tangle i'll just fish with it tingles baby both my bait's gone again i'm sensing a pattern here you have 13 seconds that's it i think it's over all right so pros with the shrimp it caught a lot of fish it had got a lot of bites and i got some pretty nice sized perch out of that even in a short ten minutes i was able to catch a good amount of perch cons it was really messy the bait was really soft i constantly had to rebait it i was missing fishing opportunities because i was re-baiting it but all in all shrimp is a great bait it works and fish love it so now i'm going to be trying the salted [Music] shrimp so these are our shrimpy bits we've already pre-salted these shrimps i think that i'm gonna try a piece of this on it right now and these are a lot tougher so i don't have to worry about re-baiting it every single time i want to see if it makes difference do they prefer the fresh one or are they okay with the salted one let's find out minutes there we go our first one as soon as i dropped it down it's a small one but the bait's still on there and it's still looking pretty tough i'm gonna hook it one more time through like that very tough let's do it again oh as soon as i dropped it down another one but the shrimpy bits are still on there look remember the the fresh shrimp was gone every every time i got a bite and this is about i'm fishing about 15 feet and it takes time for it to sink to the bottom missed it but i have a feeling my bait's still on there so i can leave it down there without having to pull it up 15 feet and drop it back down 15 feet missed it whoa it took both my base this time put another one on and i'll just rip it in half just like this and that's two pieces right there look at how i put it on perfect i let it sink to the bottom and then i just twitch it around a little bit just like that yeah it's another one it's another small one that's for five minutes yep so the salted shrimp got just as many just as many bites the fish were a little bit smaller but i think it got a little bit more bites i was able to catch a good amount of perch because i didn't have to keep changing out my bait i think that's a really awesome cup uh really awesome pro for this bait and not to mention i only used it for half the time as the as the real shrimp so this i think is it works very well um now in terms of the cons for it i guess i caught smaller fish but i caught more so whatever let's do the next test let's do squidty bits next [Music] okay so i have different kinds of squiddy bits i've got the slabs right here and then i've got the tentacles right here and both work well i'm gonna show you how to use the slabs real quick you can cut them into whatever shape you'd like see i'm going to cut mine into the shape of like a little minnow a sliver of bait just like that see that and it's nice to cut it right in the bait box right here you can cut them prior and just leave them in the bait box oh yeah perfect size for it okay so i'm gonna take the shrimpy bits off and i'm just gonna hook this through once like that just like that and then i'm going to use tentacles on the other one and for the tentacle i'll just cut it like that and then thread it through like a worm just like that and i can guarantee you some fish like that all right set the clock for 10 minutes let's do it oh yeah dang it engulfed it that was the big piece too look at that took the whole thing small guy let's let him go that's a nice one that's not bad it hit both of them look it went and hit both of them thank you very much one oh and it swallowed that one oh my gosh these perch are hungry this is a small one but it ate the big bait and once i let this hit the bottom you can just let it sit but i like to give it a little bit of motion so even picking up the tip of the rod like this and letting the line go slap and then tight slack and then tight that makes action on the actual bait itself oh yeah there goes another [Music] oh my god oh yeah small another small one could you please sit down yeah and i like to fish moving ties and what i mean by moving tides is the way the tides work is it comes in for six hours then it stops for about an hour and then i catch fish once it starts moving again there that's a good one that's another good one unbelievably little feisty guys unbelievably feisty little guys right here very very fun and some of our favorite fish to eat so the tide's moving for six hours it slacks up for an hour and then it starts moving back out again during the first two hours of incoming and outgoing that's a really good time to fish and i'm fishing the outgoing tide right now fish really like hanging out near these bridges because it funnels bait fish through the current the current gets funneled between all this structure and bigger fish smaller fish bait fish are all forced to go through so a lot of times bigger fish will wait around these pylons and around these rock piles oh yeah oh that's a fat one still not quite big enough someone is feeling picky today well the thing is i catch a lot of these fish and when you catch so many you really don't need to keep everything you catch you get to the point where you can be picky darn it all right those 10 minutes were like non-stop fish that was awesome but let's let's talk about the pros and cons of this bait now pros i didn't have to change this bait out at all the whole time just fish after fish have to fish another pro i wasn't concerned about my my bait being pulled off so i could leave my bait down there for longer and set the set the hook on the fish that counted another pro is it's not nearly as messy as the shrimp was i couldn't think of any cons i really like the squiddy bits i caught a lot of fish but it was all sorts of different sizes um whereas the shrimp i was catching bigger fish and that's not to say that squiddy bits doesn't catch big fishy big fish in general this is just results for today a 10 minute trial comment below what kind of baits do you love to throw what should we test next comment below any questions or any tests that you want us to do next time here at hayskipper we want to help as many people learn how to fish as possible and we want to make learning how to fish easy whether you're a beginner or an expert there's always something fun on our channel for us if you want to keep supporting us i encourage you to subscribe and push the little notification bell this will alert you every time we put out a new episode our job here is to help as many people get on fish as possible and we do this by filming videos just like this and way more on our website hey i write a lot of different books that are very helpful to beginners and to pretty much fit fishermen on any level if you're interested in fishing and you want to learn more techniques check out our website thank you all for watching and i'll see you next week let's go fishing [Music] you
Channel: Hey Skipper
Views: 1,036,713
Rating: 4.7898479 out of 5
Keywords: Fishing, how to bait fishing, bait fish, fishing help, fishing hacks, how to fishing, fishing how to, fishing tutorial, fishing bait, bait fishing, fishing rig, bait, fresh bait, salted bait, shrimp, salted shrimp, squid, salted squid, fishing challenge, video games, perch, perch fishing, chesapeake bay, chesapeake bay fishing, hey skipper, hey skipper fishing, senko skipper, senko skipper fishing
Id: JGEBBo_3qfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 18sec (1218 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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