5 Hours, 15 Buckets And How Much Gold?

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now here we are back out at the beach right in some more blacks in looking for that goal so the changes I made this time is let's just show them changes we made they're ripped out two of the vortex math on the cube and installed some green that built for the cube now I have many worse for it because I've only done one clean-out on it and so far I noticed that it backs up a lot of sand in the loop right along here and backs up a little bit right along here and backs up a little bit but to find some pieces in it we are gonna take home a lot more sand out of these dream mats then if you went on a vortex mash you step out beat they are well we thought we give it a try it doesn't work I just might try something else but we're on the gold we're getting it doing pretty good too in a low-profile feed Matt works great looks like there is gold in there and I said fine I'll just study it there's some pieces I like the whole bunch right here so well it does work but I always trustworthy of my mother though man my mother little man always catches it they're all that go see if you better lose it yeah sorry you lose it but it's a good setup what if I had it my way I'll be using 10 square feet of this mother lo manthang gold hog yeah it's just gold all in here I mean there you go look at all that just gold yeah you know and still gonna lose it stuff so fine I mean there's some right there whole bunch right there so wrong the ground feel-good ways are coming in I'll be dodging ways here in a little bit bucket player my mother low mad iron saw their don't work there you go I know all those pieces of gold just about to fall off I let the my little catch so if you got a gold cube and you got a bucket player I customized he's a mother lode mass from gold hog they fit the bucket player perfectly and catch with the cube loses okay here we are back at the beach it's beginning of March and I'll show you clean ups so you can see how much we're getting start with the top rack so you might want to back up I'll tilt sideways watch that goal so that's how easy it angle Cooper you let's go get water over it and you can see how well you're doing to way that just completely packed now let's clean it clean it roll it could have going on back mixing it they lost three men pretty easy he's got the foot once Green so this is an easy math to clean out of the queue but you tell it does back up in the queue you got some backup here going on probably not enough water passing through but there's cold everywhere and there's gold inside there too so it didn't make it up past there and it's stuck here hey you're just taking home comps because I guarantee you there's gold in there and here's your last tip I'll give you an or here's a good tip I'll give you I always clean out your buckets every three every third bucket clean it out wait right okay oh that gold look at all that gold sitting there looks nice I know it's kind of hard to see sometimes on the phone but to the naked eye there's quite a bit clean read and go mother little man in the bucket Claire [Music] is everything you dream at [Music] don't know let's go so fine the sand so fine I don't even have to flip it out perfectly well take it back there's one piece of gold put her back together and run some more okay we're back here the next day in the gold lab room and that is our cones two gallon bucket a little extra more cons using the dream mat it's just it is what it is it seems a goal and I'm still kind of debating on whether it's a good sufficient enough mat but I want to do some more testing out there later on this month and we're gonna run through this through the multi sluice I got the pitch at 8 and a half degrees works best with this and let's just see how much gold we got from that day's worth of work here a lot of hard work boy my whole body is feeling it too up and down the cliff there there's just no easy access to that Beach anymore so the rest of the season we're gonna have to emphasize on getting access to the beach but worried about that on other trips in the future here so let's get to moving this sand and then pull out as much gold as we can't have it you tell me what kind of day I'm gonna have with this Oh [Music] Oh just barely touched it Danny barely [Music] a lot more to go it looks like that down here turn the saw the light on super helps now don't ya Tennessee now let's keep going and a little love it well I'm about halfway through just taking my sweet time boy I'm just gonna show you once parvis loose obviously probably see the world better yeah not hard to tell I think sand that is going just one spot we'll just come down a little further here that Hawking but [Music] yeah we had a really good day [Music] pretty good day [Music] wait a minute I haven't got a lot of mana do I'm going down at the bottom no I need to rerun these tailings again that's a lot to go get it down at the bottom and again only about halfway go okay so I'm just shutting it down just to give you an idea okay I sent it down and covered it up because I came home during the day to do this I don't want my wife to see it Oh surprise or two cuz she put in some hard work obviously but there is I purposely covered it with sand but that's just unbelievable day still sitting quite a bit to go yep all the way down trust me I black Sam is covering those up those things are full all right down on the bottom that's not bond sand that was gold got the black sand was trying to cover up so my wife doesn't see it so not too bad I've already saw it and I was like wow let it cleaned out for a little bit knows it means that it's all packed full I just might do a clean-out cuz I'm washing just gold run right out of the sluice they're really small stuff is running right out of the sluice so always rerun a tailings especially when you're seeing a mess on the fine gold there's guaranteed more to be in there okay so stopped at the halfway point and because I was just born gold out of the out of the sluice so you can see why that's what I'm gonna do with panning that uh-huh better right here I think I have probably one of my best days just because the end of this pan feels heavier than normal this edge those heavier than normal my normal pans there's some super fines on you though anyways let me continue this I'm gonna show what it looks like when I'm all done okay so I ran there's the first half and the tailings there's the second half in the bucket I still gotta end up running but it was just I was just blown gold out of the sluice here I was just following it this stuff is so fine in fact this drip is I'm finding a lot more of the smaller stuff but you know for the most part take it get a little more than blacks handout but that's what I'm looking at not too bad so my guess is yeah couple grams we'll see put it in a jar wait up and we'll find that out and then run that here Oh probably tomorrow night okay good stuff it's not hard to pan I don't know you haven't we're gonna jar this up dry it out wait up combine it with this and trust me I was losing so much gold I wash it just leaved so we'll probably end up rerunning the tailings again and see what we can extract from it but that that's you bad suspect in a couple grams some harsh stuff the pan tell you that but the rest of the box hand down there you haven't tuned you doing the second half of this i'ma show you what it looks like okay so I'll show you how I end up drying my gold or I don't lose as much as possible it's basically after a panic put it in a jar microfiber towel because a microfiber towel does not allow the bottle to leave and I have a small fan running it just dried out so this is the night before I'll come in the morning I'll take the jar and shake it up a little bit just moving around a little bit but I don't do that the first night it's let's it let dry out cuz moving air is the best thing to remove any type of moisture so that's how I dry it out it's both a little bit when I was pulling mats out so you can see the gold there how much is sitting in the tailings there's gold in there the factors so much there's some floating right there that's gold floating but I can see specks of gold in light very good lighting for a phone but to make it human eye I could see gold all in there so always ruin your tailings especially if he spilled some when you're pulling the mats out like me we run the second half oh yeah practically feel cold in the sand so we'll continue with this tomorrow love the multi sleuths it doesn't be a good job okay so yeah make sure to do it out all right so let's go ahead and measure the first half of my gold for the day they're nice three point two five grams three Nikora grams not bad okay so we're gonna weigh in the second half of the sand that we ran on Sunday and here it is [Music] one point six and we had three point two so that makes ed four point eight not bad one day's work not bad at all four point six grams I take a back three no three point two and one point six is 4.8 almost five grams for one day series how to do my math they're like hey go back to school not bad so we got a trip on March 22nd 23rd 24th and 25th I'm gonna be out there for four days technically running for three days well so how would you for that weekend but if I can come up with that kind of grams per day be nice to come home with a quarter ounce to a half ounce of gold I'll see stay tuned to that episode you
Channel: Washington Beach Mining
Views: 4,101,134
Rating: 4.4253006 out of 5
Keywords: Gold, beach, prospecting, mining, gold hog, multi sluice, gold cube, franken, cube, black sand, sand, washington, paydirt, fine, flour, setup, bucket flare, mother, load, mat, 2018, v mat, get, more, gold, grams, dream mat, Gold rush, gold panning
Id: O4Yff-RSRgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 13sec (1513 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 06 2018
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