Alaska Beach Prospecting - LOTS of FINE Gold

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the probably the first one out here with a Hydra force was probably restful out here now this rust rifles long tom and it's essentially river hog talon alternating all the way down it the river hawk challenge the first part of the box about ten degrees almost eleven degrees second part of the box is down there about eight right where it converts over right here he says usually seeing a nice line of gold right about here now they're running three inch high g-force they started this whole just as soon as we got out here about three o'clock in the afternoon you all got time on it 3:30 3:30 i don't have the time right now it's probably only play about seven o'clock now you got two and a half to almost three hours running on this one right here alright wanted to show you the cavern that these old boys got to drill we hop down in here and I'll show you that and we got just about two whole feet before we start hit for that slow yeah same way over here come back pretty hard that's hard stuff rut Oh Russ he's gonna be out there with his long time he's gonna bring over his concentrates from today's run so one full day's running with him he's going to bring him over Ross I wouldn't classify him down show you that and then my buddy Marcelo hole Douglas Duran he's going to bring over yesterday's concentrates from one run so we're going to compare my one run to Marcel's one run and rest rifles one run and we're going to see what kind of gold we get out of each one of those runs now each one of us got well running gold hog mats and we're all running hydro for schnozzles it's just a little bit different configurations on each one of them so should be a fun night tonight finally going to get to see some gold and raise pan yeah all right and here's the concentrates out of Long Tom's loose let's see we can kind of get a visual on it this is all pretty much river hog and Talon and it's a full 6 hour run 6 hour run okay now Russ is going to go ahead and run it through the multi sluice and we're gonna see what do our gold count on me after the fact you always make a fricking mess look at the gold and there's what it looks like on the first run out clean we're going to go ahead and rerun us rerun it one more time and you go ahead and put this in the pan actually rusty old mine go ahead and fill stand right about it over here and fill me put that in that pan it's a little bit different way of doing it but I got a nice big gold pan super hot water jet dry in it wash it back and forth right into a gold pan not very good at narrating my videos I'm trying to hold the camera and actually shake them shake my material up for some reason every time I do my motion like this right here the ultrafine stuff goes to the top of that pan those black sands will come to the bottom and I try to just get the water to just go up and hit the black sands and pull the black sands off without getting too much of the gold but you can see how ultrafine that powder is right up here right up there on that top top left-hand side you know you get the gist of how I doing it and then I'll do some stuff for bottling too and there's old Russell's gold in a pile before I heat it up put on the scale hey check it out folks man Russ trifold Long Tom okay it's a six-hour run three hours and outward going tide three hours on the way back in tide board one heck of a hole and 288 grains eighteen point seven grams haha look at it okay now we're going to check out Marcello's monster hog that'll be the next here we got the monster hog now his monster hog he did he had done about four clean outs were six clean outs I think six clean ups and he just been putting his conscience I've got a bucket and he brought his cons over my house and we ran them now I don't know what all the matting is on the original monster hog but this is the original can you see how the water dances right up and down it here's the header block system would look like on 3G they still got his uh got his miner's moss up there in front it just goes right on into the matting there's a deeper scrubber this scrubber scrubber there's like river hog River hogs River hogs river hog and I'm not sure what doc got in the bottom of those again he started out at the same time - and he's running a three this is a three-inch Hydra force or two this is a three inch edge of course everybody's got Hydra forces out here today with the exception of our bicycle guy hello everybody Hey well happy fourth of July in just a few more hours my old CNC boy he's packing it in my gold haul go dog monster hog packing it in it's nine o'clock dang near nine o'clock tight starting to come in pretty quick now he's doing it big ol monster I'll clean out over here head my buddy hit my buddy Doug was Duran aka Marcelo hey hey tiny hey puppy look at that puppy and gold hog we got a gold haul gonna go dog right on here's old Marcelo's monster hogs hard time gold hard time goal right there right there it's hard times then go ahead and fire it off us you can see there's still impurities in it and everything but we're going to go ahead and fire it up but on the scale see what it weighs out okay with the addition of what I just put into it two hundred and thirty eight point three I'll figure out the math later actually we got about four hours in last night there we go look at the neck here in ISM look at that there's hard time going again again my Doc's monitor hogs Daleks party Dalek party holy moly x marks the spot okay so I went ahead and sifted all the gold from through the -100 screen there's four hundred and twenty eight point three grains that went through the 100's screen and here's a hundred and sixty-three grains a plus one honor hey Doc we're doing it again this is a 14-ounce three three all right down here is some pretty chilly our time it'll is the hard times this Marcello's gold here in and a goal dog monster on our dad repeal hard times Wow hey yeah that is clean clean gold now shut you some black sands and legend that Wow and bring very pretty yeah all right ready time to go go pay you
Channel: Gold Hog
Views: 5,502,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beach gold, alaska gold, beach mining, beach prospecting, fine gold sluice, goldhog, gold hog mats
Id: D1z2C6x0GpY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 10 2016
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