Gold Panning Like a Pro
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Channel: GarrettDetectors
Views: 5,718,291
Rating: 4.6204348 out of 5
Keywords: Garrett, Garrett Metal Detectors, Gold Panning, Gold Prospecting, Gold Rush, Freddy Dodge, ATX, AT Pro, AT Gold, Yukon, Alaska, Gold Nuggets, ACE 150, ACE 250, GTI 2500, iNFINIUM, Sea Hunter, ProPointer, Minelab, Whites, Fisher, Tesoro, Australia, Diggers, Metal Detecting, Metal, Silver, Copper, California
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 38sec (1898 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 14 2014
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Did i just spend 30 minutes watching a guy wash dirt
::edit:: 30 minutes watching a guy and his pals wash dirt in several extremely similar ways
Maybe like 5 cents in half an hour. I think they make more at sweat shops.
Once you've watched the first 5 minutes, you've seen the whole video. He (or a family member) just does the exact same thing, repeating the same instructions, another 5 or 6 times. They never find much gold.
The whole time I was wondering why he doesn't have music blaring from a stereo or a phone playing youtube videos or something to kill the monotony... then i realized they must be those kind of outdoor people who enjoy that kind of stuff...
Also, watching this was better than watching Gold Rush. Just saying. They should make more videos maybe start adding in machines and explaining the entire process as they go. I'd watch gold rush if it was about the process not the drama.
Anyone know about how much money that would convert to when he shows the vial at the end?
"Hopefully we can find some color."
Was that fish already dead he pulled out at the end?
That was a nice little message at the end.
I just watched a video about gold, that then recieved gold. Now maybe I will get gold.