Crushing High Grade Specimens to Extract Beautiful Clean Australian Gold - Aussie Bloke Prospector

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what I'm gonna show you today is from this today [Music] [Music] did I hey going I've now return for my 2019 WI trip and what a trip I had in watc you right here I've got just some of the gold that was coming out of these specimens and here's a bunch of the specimens ranging from really large specimens down a small stuff the average size was around about here and some of these have already been broken up just give you an idea just gold all through it so every single one of these specimens here has got gold some degree you know some visual like this one this big one here just chock-a-block full of fine gold so of course to get the gold here I need to crush it so what I'm going to show you today is from this today now I just show you how much material we're going to be crushing right here I have seven buckets of all that requires crushing now you may have noticed this stuff is a lot smaller in that large piece of all I just showed you a minute ago and there's a process that I go through to get it to this stage but essentially this is what I need to crush during the course of this video and I'm going to show you exactly how I do it classify it and process it along the way so before we get into it I'm just going to show you some of the equipment that I'm going to use today over here I have a rock raking station and I'll explain that a little bit more in detail further along out here I have a rock crusher the other thing I'm gonna need is a couple of really good taps I'm also gonna need some types of water and of course I'm gonna need my classification seeps and one other bit of equipment that we're going to be using today is down there over that little rice and that's my wet plant we'll get to that later and I'm a little bit excited about today because today I've actually got someone helping me shoot this video and I want you to make Mick and look as a way of saying thank you to my subscribers I just thought it'd be a great idea to get one of my longest standing once here to help me shoot this video so what do you reckon meek let's get into it hi guys so we're gonna get into it but to get from this to that we need to break that down to this and I'll show you why we need to break that down to this size so this is my little crusher and it's a keen RC one now this is a brilliant little unit and it's actually an impact crusher so it has internal workings which move at 3,600 rpm basically the material is fed into this hopper here goes down a tube hits a tee section from there it gets thrown left or right and hits some metal sidewall in here which on impact basically shatters the material and from there the gold drops out really nice and clean which is one of the reasons I chose this little unit because I like my gold to come out really nice and clean so the reason I needed to break my material down to one inch size is because that is the maximum size of this unit we'll take so that's why we need to break it down and we're going to go through that process of breaking down those big rocks down to this size a little bit more detail on my rock breaking station here I've got a big metal plate there that's basically there to take the impact of what we're about to do a little la traditional hand dolly pot over there mortar and pestle 3/4 size crowbar sledges or mallets and a bigger one for tougher rocks couple of brushes and that's all the equipment that we're gonna need to break up this bigger material so the basic concept is that with these bigger pieces of rock with wacom on the steel plate we use either of any of those hammers down there to break up those largest sections from there we can break it up on the plate with the crowbar and all the smaller sections in the dolly pot and that's where it's going to end up all broken up down to size into that bucket so we're going to get into it just a little bit of OHS before we get started we're gonna use good quality earmuffs and we're gonna use dust masks libraries up here because when you break up ports you get a lot of real fine particles floating through the air you don't really want to breathing that in and when we're breaking up these big rocks it gets really really bad just having a look at some of the stuff that came out of that large rock we just busted up and you just see there's just like a real rainbow coloring all through with greens reds yellows with little black streaks to it and even though you can't see this little bloke here loaded with gold so now we've got the rock down at this size here we can now move on to just breaking it up in this little triangle of the plate or we can use that little dolly pot over there it doesn't really matter which method we use as long as we're not spraying stuff everywhere so we're gonna go on with that now [Music] [Music] we're breaking down all the rock down to the pie size and this is a result of that bucket that we just rise down so now we're going to sweep up all this material hence the rock breaking station it catches all the dust you've got to do it in a controlled environment and essentially my rock breaking station here is my controlled environment you don't really want any of that gold escaping so that's why we've done it this way and I know there's bigger better crisis which will take bigger war and unfortunately I don't have one so we're going to make do with what we've got and this is our solution so this is the result you've now cleaned up all the material from the rock breaking station and now we've got 9 buckets ready to go into the crusher so that's our next step from here to the crusher so here we've got that buckets lined up ready to crush and each of these buckets it's going to go through the little harshly one now the way to get this material here down at our compiler size so we wanted to get through the 30 mesh sieve and we want it to be finer even up to a hundred mesh is with this little unit here we can do multiple passes what I'm gonna do now and I guess this is part of of how I crush okay and the way I crush is not the same way a lot of other people would crush because I'm actually looking for very specific results in in what I do and the result I want is this stuff here in the pen I want the opportunity to get some of that larger chunkier stuff out now I could do multiple passes with these buckets put them through once twice three times even for up to five times and everything that comes out of this crusher would be 100 mesh and even fine I like 150 mesh 200 mesh but I want the opportunity to pull out some of this bigger stuff the way I crusher is I will put this material through once once it's done the first pass on then gonna step into the classification process I'm going to dry sieve the material into different sizes and that will give me an opportunity to get out this bigger stuff oh I mean we're ready to go let's rip into it I know we'll have a look at today so yeah she turned out good shake it's what she looks like look at that a not bad so that's what you get for your first pass still a little bit of coarse material in there so all we need to do there is just dry sieve that out reclassified and put it back through the crusher so that's what we're going to do now with these remaining buckets we'll put them through their first pass and reduce it to this and from there we'll step into the classification process [Music] ain't no one back at a we got one the guy who lasted a beauty now let's have a look at the bike be there so let's hear buckets done our first pass complete so from here now we're going to step into classifying this material down to different sizes [Music] it's gonna be some good gold on that night when arrogance the classification process so I'm gonna be classifying this material down to different sizes now there are quite a few different ways of doing this you can get your classification SIDS and you can stack them on top of each other drop the material through and it catches the different sizes simultaneously I find that a bit fiddly and in fact off on it a hell of a lot quicker just to do one source at a torn to do that I do it straight into a big tub that way I'm not worrying about spillage or anything like that I can do it fast and very effectively from there simply flick it over into another tub over here very quick process what we're going to start with now is we're going to start with this quarter inch sieve so basically that's oversized we need to get the open source here and that stuff will actually go straight back into the crusher and then get reclassified with the rest of the material so that's what we're going to do now very quick and easy that's me I have a Sophie and fitted them fiddling around with multiple seeds because one time I put all these through these ten boxes I hiked around it yeah nine more than five minutes I reckon pretty quick very very quick and that's already one bucket done side there's to be a man of Ivysaur gonna get to the bucket and that's all gonna go straight back into the cross [Music] so here we go on my tease at the last you got the last pocket it didn't just have a gout that that's the I'm sorry and 10 buckets we put trigger country you can even see little bits of gold there's a bit ago right there just sitting in the rock right there this is what's left over so this stuff now needs to be reclassified again and this we're gonna do purposefully because we're going to be setting aside each different size and depending on the amount is how we're going to process it and so we'll be getting into that so just give you an idea those buckets they're a full bucket around about 14 to 15 kilo we'll just say but I can say 15 kilo of or Christ now down of this size so you're looking at roughly just anywhere between about 120 have to about 140 forty five-plus kilo of crossings right here and it's all got gold through it can't wait to see what we get out of this we've got that oversized we put it back through the crusher and now we've got this size material down and from here on we now start classification proper what we're doing now is we're separating out the four to eight mesh now that's a quarter inch to eight seven inch this is what it looks like when it's been not there it's fairly coarse material so this is a result of classifying out that order eight mesh two and a bit buckets a lot to not be sized yet because it gives me a really good opportunity to check it for bigger pieces of gold because when you're crushing or more often than not larger bits or smaller chunks will fall out of the or and by doing quick wet sieving of you have a very quickly get that larger stuff out because I don't want that pan or door Christ I want to keep it nice and clean and chunky so that's what we're gonna do we're gonna wet see this stuff out later so from here we're now going to go on to the next classification size so this is what's left after we've knocked out that four to eight mesh and normally what I would do if there wasn't so much material let's say I had one or two buckets I'd break that down further from 8 to 12 then from 12 down to 30 mesh just like I did on my video a quick way to get gold out of course crushing x' however we've got a hundred and forty kilos worth of material here and that's going to be way too slow and to process this we want to walk it through a sluice to run this through a sluice we still need to knock out this fine material now this farm material is whatever drops through the thirty mesh sieve so we still got a little bit of work ahead of us we need to knock all this fine material out of all this and what's left will go into this container here this is the result after having that fine sub knock down so we'll have two classifications ultimately that's what we're gonna end up with so this stuff over here will be quickly wet saved to get the chunks out redraw it re crust this stuff here will be sluiced separately from this stuff here so while Mick's carrying on with the classifying all the fine knocking all the fine material out I'm over here now running this eight to four mesh or four to eight mesh through the wet sieving process the exact same process that I use on my video a quick way to extract gold from Bob course crush things and give an example the why I've kept this core stuff aside some nice chunky bits of gold little Pickers all through it but this is a good example of why I like to do it and there's a nice little pick right there I like my goal to come out nice and clean and I'm tarnished so that's why I set aside this big stuff it was worth the extra time because now I've got quite a few nice Pickers so here now we've got the finished product of all our classification process we've got six buckets of course material and five-and-a-half buckets of real fine material the talcum powder stuff now these two materials will be sluiced separately and again I just want to reiterate for those who are wondering why I'm gonna run them separately is in this course material there'll be a lot of course uh bigger bits of gold it gives me a good opportunity to catch that bigger coarser gold so once this stuff's gone through it will then be dried laid out on tops and then will wreak rush it four or five times until it's down to this stuffy up and then of course will sluice that again so we're gonna run these through separately this stuff here we'll run it through just once and we should get some good results so that's where we're up to now we're gonna run this material through the sluice so let's go do that me you well this is the little wet plant and where all the fun and actions gonna be taking place are Berea well got our buckets ready to go we've got the core stuff out of here we've got the real fine stuff right now we're gonna run the course stuff through just give it a little bit of a test run with some of it have a go at that that is some really really nice color so this here is why I want to run that course of material through because it's got lots of nice coarse super-clean gold in it and I want to catch that stuff because I want more than just mustard that's what we're gonna do right now is we're gonna run this course material through and hopefully get a lot more of that now this is a little wet plant set up ready to go just a very quick explanation sitting on an old bathtub like everywhere else in New South Wales we're in drought so I can't afford to lose water so I've got this set up as a reticulating system basically got a little bilge pump in there picking it up taking it up to the head of the pocket which has got a slot on the bottom of it which serves as a beautiful delivery system I can get a good even flow just by turning the bucket left and right basically what I've seen in my previous videos and actually getting on these first two ripples is just superb Geoff's beautiful we're gonna whack the dirt through that down here but a caching system because I need to draw and recross this material instead of put on the bathtub go straight into a bucket hands up over there gonna end up on the top to dry out so I can be repriced turning to born out of stuff what do you reckon make let's get into it that's working beautifully yeah wall mix doing that I'll just take the opportunity have a look in here this is my that was set up here I've got the bilge outlet strapped to the back of the bucket and the good old rock I love using the rock this is what the rock does is that breaks up for penis to the flow so the water is forced to go around the rock coming out through the front side of the bucket in a beautiful even flow for want to adjust the flow left alright I can just move the rock and just even move the rock a little bit and that gives me the third piece for the optimum flow to a pond that we a lot of gold access sitting in the bucket the bucket actually serves as a little bit of a ball above as well such a great little self [Music] [Music] [Music] well we had finally got through the course material just let it run out for another 30 seconds half a minute then we'll switch her off and we'll see what we've got hopefully you should see a bit of good color right I mix we're off come on check this out check this out up here me there's gold sit near me that's the color and then of course there's probably a lot more we can't see there'll be a favorite in this bucket all reckoned say we can say it midday laughs - I have a look in a second that's a good sign of consistent good color up here or we have an empty around taking the hose out of the bucket got the bucket now sitting in this tub I'll show you what I mean I love a dog if I could have to go out that so long for gold doesn't even leave the bucket so it's a great little boiler system so knock out the water Neal we get some good shy there at the head of the box some really really enormous color it's really no way of telling how much gold was sitting in this until we pointed out but it's always good to see some nice color before you clean it yet over here in this bucket is the cons from the core stuff that we ran through the sluice I'm not gonna clean that out now because we're gonna wait for the final coin out to see the total yield for our efforts that's our cons for the course so now we're up to sluicing the final material now this bone the fine material here is something very important we need to do to this before we put it through the sluice or the wet plant and that's this and mix busy Dorland mixer given our concrete mixer from way back and that's exactly what we're doing here we've basically got a tub here we're putting all this real fine stuff in and when we're mixing up essentially a bit of a concrete mix now the reason we're doing that is because there is superfine gold from crushing so mustard gold you have to pre-wet this material from experience of earthy you have to pre with this material before you put it into a sluice a high bank or a wet plant because if you don't that fine gold will literally just float on down and you won't catch it so this is a really good fix for that is you play with the material so once it hits the once it hits the the web plant it'll just disperse evenly and a little drop down straight away and it won't float away so that's a pretty important part of processing the fine the real fine talcum powder stuff when it comes to crushing because if you don't you're gonna lose a lot of gold so that's what we're doing now we're doing what we call a little premix here bit like mixing cement as I said it'll wet stuff that I draw a stop until we get the right consistency once we do that we're gonna start her up and this time we're running it through a different wet plant and put it through and see what we get we are good to go and makes doing a great job guys in the top hopper here down through the self-cleaning system after the ripple system papa [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well there you guys blacktop empty that's old upon material seeks buckets mix into wet cement now strike through the way plain old John Dawson so what we've done is we've come straight up and we started panning out the finds all the cons for both the course and the fine material this is what we pulled out so far look I'm pretty respectable now that they're pretty well it's represented by the 12 to 30 mesh because what I do with my finds for my cons is I actually classify them out it makes it easier and quicker to get the gold out so I'm going to crack on with that we'll finish the course I'll show you that from there we'll go on to the fine material that's the result and we've got a lot of iron in there shavings off the crusher a lot of blacks and so that needs to be cleaned up so we'll put that aside for now and yeah is the fine material fine corns I've still got to go through this do it here and also this turd here I'll show you what I've got so far probably up to 10 grams just there so that's pretty encouraging once again it's full of a lot of metal filings and some black sands so we need to get that out I'm gonna crack on and get the rest out and we'll see what it looks like and of course we're gonna do a way up check this out guys this is our first rug I've still got a couple of runs to go but this is our first cleanup and this is the course material and this is the fine material and we've got some great color in the pants there so yeah really happy with that cleanup that's very typical what I'm gonna get out of every every crushing in every sluicing for every batch that I do and as I said I've got a lot of buckets to go so this is just the first crushing but this would give you an idea of how I crash and how I process this is all the core stuff and that pan of coarse gold was the result so all these buckets here need to be refueled once this is dried back over to the crusher over there the result of which once this is gone back through the crusher because this is still holding a lot of gold a lot of real fine gold so once this goes through the crusher back down to that dust they should get a lot more of this stuff here it's actually amazing how much fine gold is in this material so I probably got another couple of cleanups to do before I can actually work out exactly how much gold I've got out of these specimens so of course now what's left is I'm going to dry this out and we'll weigh it up and that'll really tell us what we got for the day you [Music] [Music] you and this is the finished product of nano copper gold right here and the fine stuff here and the coarse stuff here and just for those who are interested the way I dry it out got a good solid stainless steel bowl so when it gets heated up it doesn't buckle and on a really slow heat draw it out so this is a result and it's now time for the way out so I'm pretty keen to see what we got what do you reckon me that's why I tell did find stuff this and with God eighteen point four four grams how good is that now for the big stuff just tear that off you're looking at around about twenty six point eight grams so that's pretty impressive gotta be happy with that Mike so what do you reckon me it looks pretty good so they have it they have one of my offenses entitled the pepper diced with works I really really happy with that result [Music] well as a fair bit to do yet unfortunately Mick's running out of time I just want to take this opportunity me to thank you for all your help bye it's been absolutely invaluable definitely couldn't have done it without you and of course I want to throw out a big thank you to all you viewers especially my subscribers so thanks a lot guys thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Aussie Bloke Prospector
Views: 211,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alluvial prospecting, how to find gold, where to find gold, gold prospecting, gold prospecting australia, Alluvial Gold, Alluvial gold prospecting, prospecting techniques, gold panning, sluicing, how to pan for gold, australian gold, gold in australia, aussie bloke prospector, how to get gold, Specimen gold, Crushing Gold rocks, How to crush specimens, Extracting gold from rocks, how to get gold out of rocks, gold rich ore, processing ore for gold, gold wet plant
Id: kpUGsE1tQ0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 11sec (2351 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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