5 Game Tattoos We'd Totally Get (if Only Needles Weren't So Terrifying)

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games are packed full of artwork iconography and memorable moments that can stay with you your whole life so it's no surprise that some people choose to get game inspired tattoos as it happens though the teams here at outside extra and outside Xbox don't have any tattoos at all be it from a fear of needles terror of long-term commitment or simply a wish to keep their limbs inked free in case the lucrative world of forearm modeling ever comes a-callin but that doesn't mean we can't de dream about the gaming tattoos we would get hypothetically here are the game tattoos we totally have inked permanently on our bodies if only the machines weren't so shabby first up is Andy from outside Xbox and I'm guessing something Red Dead Redemption related let's see if I'm right well Luke it's not Red Dead Redemption I have thought about that I said on a live stream I think that I would quite like John Martin's gravestone like his date of birth and death on and that'd be quite cool but no it's not that I think when choosing a tattoo I'd want to honor a genre of games that is probably my favorite genre games my favorite period like the longest sort of series where I loved every game in that series and those are the LucasArts graphic adventures which if you watch any of our list videos they crop up all the time and that's why not all about something from Grim Fandango because the art direction in that is amazing indie madidi me but I'm your friend I really like the design of Manny Calavera the main character at the skeleton head which is sort of a rectangle with a few lines on it but it's very expressive but there's a particular artist who worked on those games who I absolutely adore his work it's called Steve Purcell he created Sam axe he works at Pixar now he was heavily involved in brave but he used to work on Lucas art and he did all this incredible art for or salmon max obviously am but also Monkey Island his cover for Monkey Island 2 is incredible with lechuck voodoo doll Inge guy brush and he's like grabbing his head and there's like a moonlit night and it's just it's an incredible piece of art and maybe that but I think there's a piece of art that he did that I absolutely adore which was for maniac mansion and it's a family portrait of the Edison family for a maniac mansion it's so it's dr. Freud Edison uh Edna and their son we're dead it's a family portraits got the tentacles in the background yeah have you got it there you're looking at it right now basically I would like that as a sort of large portrait on my arm yeah I think probably probably that it's just a era of games I really like better kind of an artist who was involved heavily involved in those I really like their work and I just think it's a cool it's a cool picture yeah well maybe people will think it's my family that we I mean that'd be cool being from a mad scientist family that's wrong with that sounds great Helens up next I'm going to say Kingdoms of Amalur because I think I mean what can you tattoo on yourself from that no one knows any details are Kingdom's ramble oh because I don't see anyone ever played it so I mean it would be a very obscure tattoo I think she's gonna go with something from Assassin's Creed either the you know the Creed logo the a thing or maybe the words of the Creed I reckon that's what she's going for okay well and he needs to stop like going through my journal or so but thing is I I did have a few on my short list one of the first ones they actually sprung to mind there is not assassin's creed is dishonored the outsiders logo the symbol that ends up on the back of your hand if you accept the outsiders mark I'm standing at the edge of something well I think for it to be like properly done you'd have to have it done on your hand because that's how it is on any person who gets the outsiders mark and the don't thing that would be a good fit for me yeah that got tiny hands so like if I did have that I'd have to have it hidden somewhere else I quite like the idea of having those little ones people have behind their ear so then then if you've got long hair like me I really love the outsiders mark I think it's quite iconic to anyone who knows the series and yeah it does and it's kind of like you know point is it looks a little bit like the sword as well I absolutely adore the outsider and like the Dishonored series I think and he got it on the nose when it came to Assassin's Creed Benny jump Assassin's Creed was the game series that properly got me into console gaming because like Andy I kind of grew up on 90s point-and-click adventure games I love the Assassin's Creed logo because it is it's really iconic it's used as an icon in the game and my favorite thing about it as well is that every single game has its own unique version of it the The Syndicate one is really cool it's like this steampunk looking one which are quite like and I probably out of all of them would go for that one because it's set in London absolutely adore Jacob and Evie Evie especially to London there was a big main game with a playable female protagonist who was arguably better than the male it was quite nice ones on screen the other thing as well I thought of maybe is having a hidden blade tattooed along this bit yeah but I think yeah I think I would definitely go for a little steampunk Assassin's Creed thing possibly like hidden there so can go ponytail or have it there like where you would have the assassin blade Mike is up next the car car no the rubber duck your explosive Doug that was that was amazing killer that's legendary I'm not running that was how we do something vehicular Elin was a good guess and I did think about things like Daytona USA and stuff like that which are big parts of white so the gaming childhood maybe so you know the giant sort of sculpture of Sonic that is on the cliff in the first track of Daytona maybe that no but I get it with the kind of rock almost like bursting out the skin skin anyway yeah it's the it's the play Hedgehog pose though that's a very good reason not to get that one no I sort of thought back to game series that have like really stayed with me and stuff that has an interesting art style as well and I think there's one series that has really resonated with me fairly recently which is Dark Souls all of the artwork and Dark Souls is amazing anyway and all the character design and creature design and all that kind of artwork is really really cool and there's some really cool stuff you could get like say the the this sort of son artwork from solez chest piece is pretty pretty cool it's kind of an interesting piece of iconography and would look quite stark and quite good as a tattoo I think probably not coloured probably like as an outline we look pretty neat I like the snatches of positivity within Dark Souls because it's basically for the most part are very very relentlessly bleak experience wandering through lordran but there are these moments have kind of hope and and things like that so those are kind of cool to cling on to and I also thought about the boss characters because this is an amazing boss character designs like if you were going sort of full kind of horror stuff you could have like pinwheel with his weird masks or like gravelord nito and stuff like that there's some really cool like horror imagery but I think the one thing that that I loved about Dark Souls probably more than anything else is the bonfires a because it's a really really cool design it's a kind of you know a little bonfire that kind of this sort of flames are kind of licking a sword so it's a really awesome image in and of itself but also what I like about it is those are the moments of relief and like respite within that game so you'll be battling through a really really tough section and when you finally see that bonfire the first thing you think is is it a trap and am I gonna get smashed flat by a giant boulder or something but then when you get to the bonfire it's that moment of kind of release and rest after a really challenging section because it's a symbol of how hope springs eternal within the human spirit and I think that's a good thing to remind yourself of when you're having a bad day you could just kind of look at it and go yeah you know what it's probably gonna be okay thank you well I have a car as well just somewhere that no one can see see Luke I think is Nintendo through and through so it's going to be one of the big the big three Nintendo properties is either gonna be Mario it's gonna be Zelda or it's gonna be Pokemon and I am going to go for I think breath of the world was probably an important moment for Luke this year and it's pretty fresh in his mind so I'm going to say something from The Legend of Zelda the Breton's and wild breast of the wild you guess Mike well pretty good guess it's not perfect yes The Legend of Zelda is my favorite game series and so when I was thinking what tattoo would I hypothetically gets I tried for quite a long time to think is there anything else I would consider before eventually working my way around to inevitably yeah obviously I would get and then it became like what am I gonna get for legend zelda i thought of trying to get something from ocarina of time because that's my favorite zelda game it's actually fortuitous Ellen that you should mention that because what I would like to get is one of the bits of music from Zelda as they appear as ocarina notation in the game that game is all about songs all about music I love music personally I especially love video game music and the music from that game in particular and I think it's really cool that they give you an instrument that you can actually play these songs on and the game makes a stab like figuring out a notation for them so the song I picked of all of them is the song of storms a downer a downer I think if you weren't like a huge elder fan or huge video game fan you might see that and just think that it's some some bars of music which I think could be a pretty rad tattoo in and of itself but yeah that would be a nice not I think it's the catchiest tune in the game nautical stuff is obviously a massive theme in general for tattoo so solar storms kind of has that going for it and in the game the song of storms is really cool because you have to go to a windmill to learn it and the guy teaches it to you when you're adult link and he says I'll teach you this song I learned it from a young boy wearing green and that's you in the past and then you have to go back in time and play in the song that he played you as an adult so it's got an incredible time paradox in it so I think that's why I pick on my face last up is Jane I'm going to guess that she will go for maybe something from a Bioware game there's a lot of cool stuff there maybe something from Mass Effect or Dragon Age there was something from life is strange that I saw when you make a decision you get a nice little nicely fun to thing it says this decision will have consequences and there's a little butterfly and I thought that's a hell of a tattoo you right there so that's my guess yeah it's a curiously time guess there leak I'm wearing my life is strange before the storm sure today this would actually make a pretty good tattoo also it's it's a life estranged reference but also inadvertently a Twin Peaks reference so you get like double points I don't need to be reminded that actions have consequences in a tattoo because the tattoo itself is a very strong reminder that your actions have permanent consequences my tattoo might attic well I I have long deliberated between two tattoo concepts let me talk you through them and then I'll make the decision here today and they're not getting it tattooed on me because I'm a coward tattoo number one Bioware game yes Mass Effect the paragon angel wing and renegade star with Chevron's through its both brilliant little pieces of videogame iconography people know what they mean if they're into games or into that game and if they don't they're just very cool very simple little shapes and when I get them tattooed on my right and left fit you'll know whether I'm punching you with good intentions or bad intentions my followers are true building everything about grunt is alive maybe like right and left shoulder caps like epaulets in a sort of like military style and might be quite cool on a little little shoulder bone yeah I could definitely live with something from the original Mass Effect trilogy that would be really pretty cool second option placement again is important here shadow of the colossus right the the colossi they all have these magic sigils these sort of symmetrical mystical looking rules and they glow they look beautiful in fact I look this up you can get like glow-in-the-dark ink in tattoos or like UV visible ink in tattoo so you could get like an invisible tattoo that only glows under UV light and it could be like the magic sigil from Shadow of the Colossus one of the magic sigils and then I could put it where I like the sticking point is that implies it's my magical weak spot where I die even stab me but where is that oh yeah into into thinking they found my Achilles heel so it's a it's a cool icon and it's not immediately obvious it's a game reference I like references that if you know it you know it if you don't then maybe you can just enjoy it in an aesthetic way and I quite enjoy the aesthetic of the shadow the closest ruse um if I had to pick one of them I think I'm probably more attached to the sigil idea and that's not a reflection of which game I care about more but then if you ask me tomorrow I'll probably say the mass of folks like Paragon renegade icon so ask me here tomorrow today today it's the Shadow of the Colossus sigil so there are some of the video game themed tattoo ideas that we've thought over you know I thought I might be a good idea but tattoos are permanent so maybe think on it a little bit more but if you've got a tattoo let us know video game theme one let us know in the comments down below if you're thinking you're getting one let us know below and they might be better ideas than us and then we'll take them in and actually go get a tattoo but do remember if you are considering this these are permanent things you'll get forever so like me you know I'd like to get the entire score of the Kingdoms of Amalur music on my back but it's to be I've got a thing I'll have that for the rest of my life if I do that but do let us know down below which was your favorite out of all of our choices and if you enjoyed this video maybe you should click here for more lots of fantastic things the verse talking about video games and if you want to hear from more stuff in future you should click the subscribe orb and you should get the subscribe or yeah everybody don't do that guys see you next time
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 1,987,403
Rating: 4.8138709 out of 5
Keywords: tattoos, best tattoos, tattoo, gameplay, life is strange, maniac mansion, grim fandango, sam and max, pixar, monkey island, dishonored 2 gameplay, outsider, dishonored, assassins creed, syndicate, game tattoos, nerd tattoos, geek, dark souls gameplay, dark souls 3, daytona, sonic, mass effect, ocarina of time, breath of the wild, zelda, shadow of the colossus, outsidextra, outside xtra, outsidexbox, outside xbox, luke westaway, ellen rose, andy farrant, mike channell
Id: wInzHXzpZfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 05 2017
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