5 Female Attraction Secrets From Barney Stinson (study these!)

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I confess it I love Barney Stinson how entertaining is Barney ball he gets tons of girls he wears expensive suits and as he'll tell you to your face he's awesome I wear suits and I'm awesome now ladies up make every night legendary but what makes him so awesome let's distill his awesomeness into a few powerful ingredients that you will be able to model yourself immediately after watching this entire video now let me ask you have you ever noticed how important the sound of your voice is one study done at the Duke School of Business found that CEOs with the slightly deeper voice made an extra one hundred and eighty seven thousand dollars per year think about it what percent of conversations involve someone's voice all of them right well we're all influenced by the sounds of other's voices yet we spend almost no time working on it see Barney Stinson never has an issue holding a girl's attention in conversation he has a high-status voice in this clip I want you to notice how his voice is loud and articulate not a single word is mumbled or muffled and second see if you can notice how often Barney switches up tonalities and Cadence's which is a common pattern that you are going to find among all the world's best speakers and communicators Barney there ha ha there's so much to teach you all you have just become victims of the cheerleader effect glad you asked the cheerleader effect is when a group of women seems hot but only as a group just like with cheerleaders they seem hot but take each one of them individually sled-dogs when I'm coaching clients at my weekend boot camps and masterminds often find myself teaching them to stop qualifying yourself so goddamn much listen women will test you and you'll fail these tests by reactively qualifying yourself for example imagine she says where do you work you answer honestly the Apple Store with the non impressed look on her face she says oh that's cool I guess what do you do do you start to explain to her how it really is a cool job that would be qualifying yourself or do you not care what she thinks because you know that it's cool so instead you tease her and tell her if she wants a discount she's gonna have to wind and dine you first right that is making her qualify to you do you notice the difference see Barney Stinson rarely qualifies himself to women it's one of his greatest strengths in game let's watch him pass a test right here leopard for seven years wow that's like 49 in perv years 69 so five she criticizes him for his persistent strip club schedule but instead of justifying he absurd a Phi's this is an old formula that says when a girl tests you agree and absurd if I let's see one more example of Barney non-reactive Lee passing a test right here come on I know it didn't work out between us but we did have a relationship we had sex twice in your car and then you've dumped me how is that a relationship twice I have a friend who lives in New Vegas he has been a male stripper there for over 15 years his stories are wild all I can really say about it is buddy if you are planning on and getting married and your fiance is having a male stripper at her bachelorette party you may want to rethink things but my friend is not in control of his emotions and so he still falls for every girl and he still has good days and his bad days what if you never had a bad day again what if it was just sunshine on the inside every day for you this can be the result of state control the ability to rapidly change how you feel in an instant watch Barney tell us all about it right here no much needs to do she needs to stop being sad when I get sad I stop being sad and be awesome instead you're sorry so how do you actually do this well we know motion creates emotion if you want to feel better start moving anytime I notice my state dipping down I just get up and I do whatever it takes to make myself feel good again my personal go-to is the bark and yes I do that in public now love him hate him get mad because he's not a real person it doesn't matter because we cannot deny that barney stinson is an action taker a mentor once taught me Jason he said the key is limiting the amount of time between idea and action if you can get that window close to zero you're doing it right most people put weeks and they put months in between their ideas and their actions compare that with Barney he wastes almost no time between idea and action he jumps in before he can swim he's constantly in motion making his impact felt and I admire anyone who was taking action instead of talking about it through you and setting aside judgments I mean it is pretty damn impressive the guy completed his own intricate playbook for meeting women basic moves like that don't drink that don't drink that I saw some guys slip so what not one of these is a cheap trick except for the cheap trick I'm the bass player for cheap trick [Music] thus NASA and actually in a top-secret government space program called secret NASA or snåsa it's a very honest oh wow about the moon you're familiar with though I have been to the moon now we couldn't discuss Barney Stinson without discussing his style could we Ted I'm gonna teach you how to live Barney we met at the urinal all right all right lesson one lose the goatee it doesn't go with your suit I'm not wearing a suit listen to get a suit suits are cool Exhibit A wait for it Marshall Eriksen suit up Ted Sudha Sudha hey if my bed's gonna suit up it's gonna do it right look at you not even suited up just okay [Music] Barney Stinson has high-status style his wardrobe choice is almost always suits but he doesn't have to be suits for you high-status style means it's your own chosen style that stands out and makes you memorable it also means that you're no longer wearing the same that you did when you were in high school right with 10 years of dating coaching under my belt today I've seen it thousands of times upgrading your style might be the fastest tool at your disposal right now to increase your success with women today and by the way you know what's stopping you from upgrading your style even more that little voice that looks at different styles of clothing and says I would never wear that I say squash that voice because it doesn't have your best interests at heart or at least mute him long enough to try a new jacket or a new hat you deserve it I'm your bro I'm bro de now if you enjoyed this breakdown be sure to hit the like and push the subscribe button if you're not a subscriber already because I'm working on new breakdowns like this for you right now and hey let's recap alright one high-status voice - no more qualifying yourself 3 state control for high status style and 5 action taker now if you want to learn all 12 signals to becoming a high status male then I encourage you to click the link below in that description to download my best-selling audiobook higher status right now the book is $20 on Amazon but it's free for you to download from my website just help us out with the small hosting fee and that's it for today I am Jason Capital America's honest dating coach you are a certified badass and I'll see you soon for our next breakdown it's going to be legend wait for it dary [Music]
Channel: JasonCapital
Views: 79,775
Rating: 4.8490567 out of 5
Keywords: barney stinson best moments, barney stinson awesome, barney stinson playbook, barney stinson women, barney stinson the playbook, barney stinson seduction, barney stinson flirting, barney stinson what up, barney stinson charisma, barney stinson breakdown, barney stinson
Id: f8eH5E-9oqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2018
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