How To Be Confident (3 Steps To Don Draper Confidence)

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the first thing you notice when you see Don Draper is his undeniable vast self-confidence he knows what he's capable of he always has a clever comeback and he always gets his way now when you watch this breakdown you'll notice that these secrets are very powerful yet they are nothing that you can't learn yourself if you pay close attention and understand what he's doing that's why we're gonna go over a few scenes and break them down to show you exactly what makes him an alpha male so that you too can gain that true self-confidence yourself so in this scene we see Don leaving the apartment of a woman whom he was sleeping with after police swarmed the building the cops you can't go out there you can't now let's just watch that one more time the cops you can't go out there you can't that right there is true confidence the fact that he believes in himself so much that nothing stands in his way of leaving the building he's calm he's relaxed and he's teasing usually when people tell you that you can't do something they just accept it and don't do it even if they don't say it they show signs of it looking down or away looking annoyed or frustrated or even flat-out getting angry these are all indicators that they aren't self confident not Don Draper he looks at his opposer dead square with his shoulder back and says you can't then even goes as far to hold that glare to prove a point before walking out he knows what he can and can't do to a core and if you noticed he doesn't make a big deal about it because the truth is if you are self confident the opinion of others don't matter to you at all why should they as long as you are confident in yourself others will believe in that confidence as well Don Draper knows what he is capable of he knows his limits and pushes them constantly take a look at this scene and see if you can notice what he is doing from many shades of lipstick one that belongs to her from a basket of kisses she picks one it makes her unique it colors her kiss in her kiss well it colors her man Belle Jolie lipstick mark your man I only see one lipstick in your drawing women want colors lots and lots of colors mark your man it's pretty cute oh you like this well maybe we should cut down to five shades or one I'm not telling you to listen to anyone but this is a very fresh approach it's okay Kenny I think there's much else to do here but call it a day gentlemen thank you for your time said all you're a non-believer why should we waste time on Kabuki I don't know what that means it means that you've already tried your plan and you're number four you've enlisted my expertise and you've rejected it to go on the way you've been going I'm not interested in that you can understand I don't think you're three months or however many thousands of dollars entitles you to refocus the core of our business listen I'm not here to tell you about Jesus you already know about Jesus either he lives in your heart or he doesn't every woman wants choices but in the end none wants to be one of a hundred in a box she's unique she makes the choices and she's chosen him she wants to tell the world he's mine he belongs to me not you she marks her man with her lips he is her possession you've given every girl that wears your lipstick the gift of total ownership sit down no not until I know I'm not wasting my time sit down let's rewind a bit to see that again you're a non-believer why should we waste time on Kabuki as we can see Don believes in his sales team pitch so much that he isn't willing to waste their or his time anymore so he up and tries to end the meeting right there a pretty risky move for most people most would have just sat there trying to convince them on the idea for another 15 to 30 minutes accepted that they aren't taking the new proposal and ended the meeting not Don he holds his ground and pushes the line of what he is capable of let's continue to see how they react I don't know what that means it means that you've already tried your plan and you're number four you've enlisted my expertise and you've rejected it to go on the way you've been going I'm not interested in that you can understand I don't think you're three months or however many thousands of dollars entitles you to refocus the core of our business that's pure confidence and self-awareness there he not only tells them what they already know but also slightly insults them he continues to stand his ground because he knows in his mind that he is right and knows this better than anyone else in the room he's pushing the line of what he is capable of and isn't afraid of normal people would have just accepted that they didn't like it and would try again with a new idea not Don he knows what is best for them and is willing to prove it he's also accepted the fact that if they aren't willing to work with him they shouldn't be a client while others would weasel their way out of the conversation reset the meeting and try to come up with something that makes them happy but isn't good for them now let's see how he gets them on his side to really lock this in listen I'm not here to tell you about Jesus you already know about Jesus either he lives in your heart or he doesn't every woman wants choices but in the end none wants to be one of a hundred box she's unique she makes the choices and she's chosen him she wants to tell the world he's mine he belongs to me not you she marks her man with her lips he is her possession you've given every girl that wears your lipstick the gift of total ownership sit down no not until I know I'm not wasting my time sit down at this point most would have buckled in and started to wrap up the meeting Don goes on to prove why he is right and they need to go with this plan even striking that point further when refusing to sit down to make sure his time wasn't being wasted he held his ground made his claim backed it up with confidence and ended up winning them over in the end had he not had a high-status confidence and approach to the matter that would have never happened and they would have lost a client that day Don knows how far he can push things like this because he's been doing it for years and trusts in himself to not mess it up if it wasn't for that unbreakable self-confidence and knowledge of his limits he would have never been able to do what he did let alone get away with it all of this is combined with his ability to have a witty comeback always up his sleeve I don't blame you she was way out of line having money and education doesn't take the route edge out of people well Rogers not gonna be happy so I guess that's good for you I'm not gonna pretend I don't want your job but you were right I'm not great with people and you are I mean not counting that meeting we were just dinner so I'm kind of counting on you to help me out there's plenty of room at the top look I'm sorry I was so hard on you before it's just this damn tobacco thing you'll think of something a man like you I'd follow into combat blindfolded and I wouldn't be the first I'm all right buddy let's take it a little slower I don't want to wake up brick as you can see Don had just gotten out of a meeting and his team member is discussing what happened with him he makes a comment towards the end and let's rewatch it better to see what Don says in rebuttal a man like you I'd follow into combat blindfolded and I wouldn't be the first I'm all right buddy let's take it a little slower I don't want to wake up brick Don didn't just say thank you and accept the compliment but instead said something witty holding true to the fact that he isn't seeking approval from anyone further showing that he is truly self-confident you see confidence doesn't come from other people's thoughts feelings and opinions on you confidence comes from within how you truly see yourself Don shows that well by saying let's take it a little slower I don't want to wake up pregnant showing that he doesn't care what he thinks about him overall Don Draper is a confident self believing Limit pushing witty alpha male and isn't afraid to show it we've seen several clips to demonstrate that point so what are the takeaways one believe in yourself confidence stems from believing that you can ask that girl out or that you can get that race whatever it is you must believe in the fact that you can do it second you constantly have to push your limits and if you don't know where your limits lie find them done throughout the show constantly pushes how far he can take things so that when the time comes he knows how far he can take it to make the difference lastly you have to be clever and quick on your feet several times says Don had a clever comeback - anything thrown at him it didn't happen all at once but over time practice being witty whenever you can and over time it will come to you now if you want to learn more about how to be an alpha male like Don Draper we have a free confidence training where you're going to learn the ten ways you can practice that cocky confidence that Don Draper has yourself the link to the free training is in the lower left corner of the video and in the description now if you didn't already make sure to subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications as each week we're uploading cool videos like this one that you don't want to miss out
Channel: The Attraction Switch
Views: 304,077
Rating: 4.7311544 out of 5
Keywords: how to be more confident, how to be confident around girls, how to be confident around women, how to flirt with girls, how to seduce girls, how to pick up girls, how to attract women, the attraction switch, attraction switch, confidence, seduction, RSD Confidence, secrets to attract women, how to seduce women, body language, don draper women, don draper seduce, don draper haircut, don draper pitch, don draper sales pitch, draper mad
Id: sFLleK02l_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 14 2018
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