5 Secrets To ATTRACT Beautiful Women - Craig Ferguson Flirting

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[Music] what talk show host has made more famous women hot and bothered than any other two words Craig Ferguson do one YouTube search and you will find hours and hours of footage of Ferguson flirting teasing and let's just be honest seducing many of the most famous actresses in the world do you do the hot yoga sometimes but it doesn't feel right I bet it doesn't I'm good yeah [Applause] [Music] so what makes craig ferguson's so learning to women there are so many important principles and techniques that he uses that well we may need to do a second breakdown later on but let's just start right now with his meet you communication see when most people talk what do they talk about movies sports gossip social media and so on but when someone is being seduced guess what they're usually talking about themselves me you communication doesn't mean you never talk about other things but you're constantly bringing it back to either you or hurt that's why it's called me you watch how craig does it right here the writing is really really clever and and really gripping and that's what seduced me into doing it and so you say good writing I am she tries to talk about writing but then he brings it back to her right that's me you now watch this next clip where Megan Markel discusses what it was like growing up on the set of the TV show and as she begins to talk about other women who definitely puts the spotlight back on her the guest stars would be like Traci Lords Tia Carrere you know they must have been interested in you walking around in your little schoolgirl outfit that they think you were working on the show perhaps I thankfully know I've come on curly curly hair and gap in my teeth and yeah did you see the rest of the people on the show another skill that Craig uses constantly is sexual innuendo the fastest way to start using innuendo is to be talking about one thing but using the undertone that you're implying subtly you're talking about something else watch Craig use it right here flying everywhere at the Racquet didn't you I'm always impressed they can hold that many balls in one hand see when they fill one up and then and then if they're able to do all that work while still did my husband can hold very well okay well I'm just thinking that's a lot did your husband have very big hands it's tricky right I'm always concerned about teaching innuendo to guys because if done wrong well it can come off super super creepy now Craig's secret to effective innuendo is that he discusses it the same as he discusses everything else with total indifference one minute he's talking about her pussycat in the next minute city traffic he's incredibly fluid in conversation and women love this about him because it keeps the conversation charged with emotion and unpredictability they're fully engaged wondering I don't know what we're gonna talk about next but hey I can't wait another little known fact about guys who are the most successful with women is they have winning formulas for example I know if a girl mentions alcohol to me in any way I'm gonna playfully accuse her of trying to get me drunk right I've done it for years it works it's a simple little winning formula well Craig Ferguson has many winning formulas watch one of his right here I like your snake mug thanks very much it's uh you know it's a substitute for a small penis it's actually no it's a double bluff I've got a huge penis yeah what oh yeah you know it's a kind of a Freudian thing cuz I've got a small penis and this one wraps around right actually it's not entirely true that's a double bluff oh it's a long story now we can even codify Craig's winning formula for his snake cup right here watch step one wait till she makes a comment about the snake mug step two make small penis just kidding huge penis joke step three she giggles and possibly imagines just how big my huge penis is which she may be able to see later if I'm not too busy winning your life now a more important question though is what's your winning formulas but if there's one thing above the rest that makes women love Craig Ferguson it is his use of emotion and expressiveness women are drawn to strong emotions and Craig has plenty of them think about it how many emotions does the average guy express on a daily basis in his conversations three four maybe five whatever it is I'm telling you is not enough most guys would benefit greatly by simply becoming more expressive in their conversations and in their interactions remember when you hold back she holds back watch Craig's emotions and his expressiveness in this clip here at first you'll see he's curious then startled and then reasonable like to show to you but cute fake this room maybe you should and the interest some I'd like to show you so I could be all cool you know look I have a tattoo now in this next clip we see deep concern and in this clip we see would be extremely playful as he impersonates Sean Connery yes you just talk a little bit like Sean Connery and it all works oh you're from gosh gosh gosh guys I'm very attracted to the kiss guys poor to these ladies you always do this to me I always forgot my train of thought with you make me remember in human interaction there is always suppression and expression and the best part is you always get to choose and hey here's a little side said we know that most compliments don't genuinely flatter attractive women because well they've heard it their whole lives right their guard is up but you can slide compliments in there very easily if you're temporarily impersonating someone else because during the moment of that impersonation their guard is down right as Craig pretends to be Sean Connery he slides a little compliment in there that clearly causes an emotional response in her but hey Craig didn't say it right Sean Connery did this is making sense to you I'm very attracted to the kishkes Portuguese lady now if you enjoyed this breakdown here be sure to hit the like button and push that subscribe button if you're not a subscriber already because I'm working on new breakdowns like this one for you right now and by the way do you know that there are three questions that you can ask your girl that can make her fall for you I know it sounds like a big claim but thousands of guys are using these three questions right now and it's free for you to get instant access to them just hit that exclusive link in the description below and enter your email right now for instant access and please do not worry about me selling your email to Nigerian prince right after opting in using the link in that description below I am gonna be sending you a daily newsletter but I promise you there will be valuable info in it every day just like in this video it's my free VIP newsletter called dominate life daily and read by more than 100,000 guys already alright so hey let's recap write me you communication sexual innuendo conversational fluidity winning formulas and strong expressiveness feels pretty good to know some good doesn't it well I am Jason Capital America's honest dating coach you are a certified badass and I'll see you soon [Music]
Channel: JasonCapital
Views: 269,321
Rating: 4.7575359 out of 5
Keywords: craig ferguson, craig ferguson flirt, craig ferguson flirt with women, craig ferguson kristen bell, craig ferguson show, craig ferguson meghan markle
Id: JgZI2ohKhO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 20sec (440 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2018
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