SAY THIS To READ ANYONE'S MIND (and know what they're thinking)

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what if you could read someone's mind you could know what they were thinking before they even thought it themselves you were know what he or she was gonna say before the words even came out of their mouths what kind of power and influence would that give you in your life in your business I'm guessing a ton boy I got a confession it is impossible to read someone's mind at least with the current technology that we have however there is something we can do that is even better and even more powerful in fact and one of my last events at the high status summit I used this technique in front of a thousand people and the person I was using it on I was on stage and heat a microphone we were going back and forth and at the end of it in front of all these people he said Jason I don't know how you did that but it literally felt like you were in my head you knew exactly what I was thinking knew exactly what I was gonna say next and because I had that power I was able to influence him and help him in an incredible way he's able let go of all kinds of worries and stress that he had and now he's doing better crushing his luck more than ever before I want to give you that same power in this video I want to pull back the curtain and show you exactly how I do it and how you too can read anyone's mind using three simple techniques so let's crack into it right now so principle number one to reading anyone's mind clients mind girl's mind person's mind guys mind boys my child's my parents my grandma's mind any one's mine if you have to build a rapport with that person first and maybe even more important than building rapport because I'm sure you've heard this idea before I'm gonna give you a demonstration here in a second help you understand it but more than building rapport the person is avoiding mismatching then I'll give you a quick story so a couple months ago I met a guy who on the outside looking in very similar to me young guy very ambitious wants to make a huge impact on the world wants it to dent the world himself also and I didn't like him at all I didn't know why I'm just like talking with him we got connected and it's just dinner at his house like I just I didn't like the guy like we weren't vibing and and I don't know what it was and I thought about it later and I realized it was because we were so mismatched and I don't mean like our clothing or even our personality types I mean our communication styles if you are someone who speaks very slowly and you meet someone who speaks quickly you guys are not gonna miss you're not gonna mesh mash mishmash I don't know you're not gonna whatever right you're gonna be mismatched the report will not be there if there is a mismatch there is no report if you are someone who likes to lean back a lot and this is someone else who's always leaning in when they're talking there's gonna be a mismatch there with them as well if you're someone when you talk about you like to look around a lot and they like to contact that's gonna be a mismatch so its vocal tonality its body language and its eye contact you want these things to match and mirror the other person when me and that guy were talking and he for the wreath thing is for me like I am a very quick thinker I'm a very fast talker I'm sure you've noticed I I'm like let's go let's do it let's go he on the other hand was more like imagine human who's taking ambien and CBD and has had six shots of liquor and and maybe some purple drink in there also and everything is kinda growing real real slow and our communications so yeah and it was that right and when my communication style and my body went vocals vocals now the eye contact versus his it's like this is me and this is him it's not a match and if there's no rapport I'm not going to influence this person or read their mind and you won't either instead what we need to do is we need to match them right we need to match and mirror them they go here we go here they go up we so you want to mirror and match someone's body language vocal tonality and their eye contact so that's the first thing we're gonna build rapport by avoiding mismatching we're gonna make sure we're matching and removing them what's cracking the number two right now principle number two when it comes to reading someone's mind is understanding that all human beings have this hidden addiction to feel understood by others I'll give you an example of this so in my research you know last eleven years in southern marketing and and growing businesses and stuff you once you get deep enough you start to like you're like I've seen all the stuff that's like everyone else knows what about the darker shit the deeper shit the stuff they don't talk about but they're actually using to influence and control people and I've studied cults to learn this kind of stuff not bad Colts I mean like Apple is a cult right or CrossFit is a cult but one of the things that some of the more nefarious cults would do to recruit members is a new member comes in to the area right into the room and the cult member might look at the person and they might say welcome you know they make him feel welcome and then so how are you like how are things going on like what's what's what's struggling in your life right now and the person might share a problem or something like that and then they'd say this they'd say I completely understand and you know and let's say the problem is that this girl's mom wants her to go this way and she wants go this with her life and you go I completely understand and what I think you should know about your mom is that although you may disagree with her I think in her heart she definitely she wants what's best for you however she's not you so she can't know what's best for you only you can know what's best for you and I know personally for me I would never try and push someone into one way of life that they don't want to live right but just understand she's she's doing what's best for you even if it's not what's best for you right and you when you say something like that to someone they're like like wrapped someone understands me right and the term for this is called warm reading alright when you warm read someone you are demonstrating an understanding of their situation in their reality and in that moment they're like holy shit someone finally gets me and when we do this we give our power away to that other person a lot meaning we allow them to influence us more why won't we they understand us as well as we do ourselves of course they would know what's what's good for us as good as we do ourselves that makes sense so I'll give you another example let's say you come to me and you're like Jason I'm trying to grow my business right now I'm at 8 K a month I'm running this agency I want to get to 20 K a month and I'm having trouble landing clients I get a client but then I lose a client I get another client I lose a client I'm like playing this game I can't get past this sticking point now imagine if you tell me all that and I say to you okay so here's what you need to do right you you need to work on better retention systems and you need a client attraction method that's automated for yourself you might be like okay right maybe I'll do that I don't know what that means or whatever but what I didn't do is this imagine you tell me all that stuff again I met 8k I can't get above it and I go back to you and I say all right so let me just make sure I'm getting this totally like somewhat right you are at about 8:00 hey month right now and you're trying to grow your agency and you're getting clients sometimes it's not the way you want it but you're getting them but that's like every time you get a new client you lose an old client and so you're at the sticking point and it's almost like you don't know how to get past it and you see people around you're going faster than you and it's it's fucking with you because you know you're capable of so much more yourself and what you really want to do now is just get to that twenty K a month March with your agency and then figure out the next step is that somewhat close to about right for yourself and you'd say holy shit yeah that's exactly right I didn't really do anything special though did I I asked you a question you gave me information then I fed the information back to you in the same language that you use thus me demonstrating an understanding of your reality now do I really understand what's going on with you in your situation not yet I will I will dig and I will find out but in that moment you're not thinking that you're just like he gets me right you ever hear a girl and I she's dating a guy and all her friends don't like the guy and they're like why do you like him he's such an asshole and she's like I don't know he just gets me that's what this is we want to demonstrate an understanding over someone's reality because all human beings have this hidden addiction this need to feel understood by someone and if they're not getting it from the people around them they will find someone else who will listen to them and they will will allow them to feel like they're seen in their hood and they're understood and when you can do this to someone else gather intelligence gather information then warm read them back using soften or vague language like I use you will hit the fucking nail on the head the error will hit the bull's eye and you'll have demonstrated a deep understanding of this person's reality which gives you incredible amount of power and influence over that person so it goes without saying this is one of those persuasion tactics you want to use with caution and with care okay all right and by the way I'll just say this like you cannot dent the world and create a legendary life and a legendary impact you know just an incredible life a rich life for yourself without having the ability to influence others so we don't learn this stuff to take advantage of others we learn this stuff so we can give more to others and we can allow them to be more receptive they're like doors that are closed we learn the persuasion tactics now we're able to open them up and then help them in the way that we believe is going to be best for them and for the world at hold now let's crack into number three principle number three to reading someone's mind this is called the echo Prime effect and here's how it works if you echo back what someone just said to you for instance imagine you just said to me I really like pineapple pizza Jason and then I reply back nice so you really like pineapple pizza what else because I repeated back what you said for us before I asked you the next thing you are primed to share more information echo prime I echo back first and I prime you to share more this is one of these secret keys that no one teaches to open up literally anybody all right because the most important words on the planet are the words that someone just said they say something those words in that few seconds after most important words in the world and if you repeat it back to them and you echo it back you have primed them to then share more information with you and I do this by simply I let go back from working with a client like here's the thing this isn't like nefaria shit where I'm trying to Mack a villian take care like take advantage of people I have clients I need to reach I have millions of people I need to make sure I impact and I show them that they are more than their circumstances that there is a genius inside of them they have the potential to create world-class things in their life to achieve mastery in their inner genius and create a legendary life for themselves weaving a tapestry of life that most people only dream of like I have a mission to show people that including you I cannot do that if I can't get in people's heads and influence them and rewire and retool shit to let them see the truth about themselves so that they can go and build amazing things for other people themselves that's why I do this stuff that's why I love this stuff that's why I want you to do it too I want to get that to you so that you can go do it for others is that cool yes okay so one of the ways I do this again is you echo and you prime I had a buddy I'll tell you a funny story a buddy who are new in LA who was he with his whole thing was meeting women that's all he wanted to do right and the way he meet women was the same thing with every girl she would talk to her and he'd ask her two or three questions he'd say so alright you know obviously he was in LA he said we're in LA but where are you from because no one in LA was born in LA for the most part so he'd say so where you from and she'd say Chicago and you go cool so what do you've about 30 and she goes no I'm 27 then you okay cool so I you know what's the relationship like with your boyfriend or how's your boyfriend er where's your boyfriend now and you would say something like I don't have a boyfriend if she didn't or whatever and then he would take the information together and he'd repeat it back to her and he'd say so you're a single girl in a grand big city of Los Angeles the 27 years old from Chicago just exploring life and looking for what's next right now so what's next for you right he would repeat it back so you're a 27 year old girl from Chicago without a boyfriend in a bar talking to a guy that you just met in the great City of Angels Los Angeles what's next for you and by repeating that all his information he's warm reading and he's echoing he is priming her to open up and become calmer guard goes down share more information it's incredibly powerful and it worked like you would listen to him and you'd be like are you kidding me like he's not saying anything and then girls would you know give him their number go home with him and you'd be like fuck it it works in every single scenario I don't care work relationships business bars whatever echo prime effect remember the most important words in the world to someone are the words they just said if you repeat it back it's like sweet gold to their ears so what you just heard were three of the most advanced strategies to get in someone's head and influence them and make them feel like you are reading their minds so that they will do what you say and do what you want here is what I need you to do though number one let me know in the comment section what here was most insightful for you so that everyone else who reads that comment section this isn't the normal YouTube bullshit where everyone it's like this is actually a valuable comment section so what was most insightful for you you can look at others as well and people will be reading yours number two I want you to make sure that you echo and prime at least three people in the next three days this isn't like a hope this is a commend you will practice this because if you learn something like echo Prime but then you don't use it you are training yourself to be an info junkie someone who learned shit doesn't apply it life doesn't grow you must implement this I want three people you echo Prime in the next three days and then if you get their information warm read them back you softeners like in the demonstration and the last thing is this you may have heard I've challenged myself to create 100 millionaire students right now and at the link below you will see you have a completely free opportunity for me to be your personal mentor and help you in your business I don't care what industry and to help you become a millionaire and achieve millionaire status so of course I can brag about you online and everything as you being one of my millionaires students I just started I've created three millionaire students so far Kirby Robbins Steve and Keith and Sean Henry I want more I want you next with the link below again I will be your personal mentor to help you I'll teach you the same way mentally the same way item enter my first three millionaire students so you stand the best chance this year hitting millionaire status in your life and your business as well so I am Jason capital you are an action taker and we are here together handcrafting your legendary life I'll see you soon
Channel: JasonCapital
Views: 19,152
Rating: 4.9202175 out of 5
Keywords: Jason Capital, Higher Status, Status, motivation, success, business, entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur, read minds, how to read minds, how to read anyone's mind, mind reading, mind reading how to, read anyone's mind with this easy math trick, how to read minds magic, read minds trick
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2019
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