10 Practical First Impression Techniques - How to impress your crush, a boss, and a whole crowd!

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if this is your first time seeing me then you are forming a first impression of me right now even as I speak it's weird right our brains do this see it's a survival mechanism everyone we meet we need to know right away is this person who can hurt us or harm us or are we safe here so we need to form a first impression that was helping us survive on the savanna a hundred thousand years ago that makes sense but today we're not living on a savanna saber-toothed Tigers aren't a hundred yards away got ready to pounce on us today we formed first impressions with people and we decide is this person cool or not is this someone I would want to date or not is this someone I would hire or not is this someone I want to give a promotion or a raise to or not everyone you meet the same way you were forming a first impression of me is forming a first impression of you and the better you can make your first impression the higher your chances of success and you getting exactly what it is that you want I'll tell you a quick story to exemplify this for you so when I was a dating coach in my mid-20s full-time I would teach a lot of stuff online to guys and a lot of them they'd be like taste that this works great like I've met the girl of my dreams other guys though it would be like yell dude this shit doesn't work at all and I didn't understand him I would have worked for some guys and not for others and then I had my first seminar in person in Las Vegas at Caesar's Palace and about 300 guys came and I met them there in person all the ones who told me the stuff didn't work and made sense to me I meet him in person they're like it doesn't work and I look at them size them up and I'm like oh that's why it doesn't work you're really weird now it makes sense they were making the wrong first impression and repelling pushing away the girls that they wanted maybe a future wife maybe a future ex-wife either way first impressions are so important here is the brain cement that's really gonna ruin this for you not ruin it but it's gonna make you challenging for you I'm not the coach who's gonna you know draw you know I'm not gonna wrap the truth up in unicorns and rainbows I'm gonna tell you the fucking truth and the truth is there something called that researchers have found its called belief perseverance and what it means when someone makes a first impression of you they form a belief about what kind of person you are then that belief will persevere even in the face of conflicting evidence I'll give you an example you meet someone who's normally very introverted but let's say the little drunk maybe they did some cocaine when you met I don't know they're very gregarious that first time you meet them they're talking a lot they're very extroverted they're very expressive you walk away after that conversation with them that first impression you have of them as what outgoing gregarious actually ready now if you meet that person 9 more times and in all those 9 later times they are introverted they're shy they are quiet you will not go back and reevaluate that first impression you had of that person you will not put them in the introvert shy box they will continue to persevere and stay in the extrovert box because you it's belief perseverance it's what our brains do meaning everyone that you currently know everyone that currently knows you they have formed the first impression of you already and it becomes a lot harder to reset someone's first impression due to belief perseverance doesn't mean it can't be done they certainly can and some of the tips I'm gonna give you here will help with that but I want to I want to focus more on you and your future and you making the best first impression you possibly can in your life starting right now so I got 10 practical immediate tips that you can use right away to increase your first impression so let us crack into it right now practical tip number one for making an incredible first impression enter in to the interaction with slightly higher energy than the person that you are meeting this is one of the ultimate hacks creating an incredible first impression all you gotta do is just have a little bit more energy than they do so if they're a little bit lower they're a little low you can be a little bit higher if they're really hot you should be a little bit higher this one key here is huge you know this you ever met someone and they're like Eeyore kind of huh good to meet you how you doing cool yeah not much you et cetera it's not the best way to make a first impression all right so we want to go to the opposite right we want to enter into the interaction slightly higher energy and the way you're gonna do this is using a very simple hack a simple tactic just remember this three claps a question and an affirmation all right three claps a question and an affirmation so what that means a lot like you may be wondering Jason I don't have that good of energy I don't have the energy you do how do I put myself in an energetic state it's a really simple really simple trick you're gonna go one two three clapping actually increases your energy all right so we go one three claps and then a question the question might be something like what's it gonna feel like for me to add huge value and connect with this person right here and not want anything in return right you asked yourself kind of a future but you can write that one down you can use that one what's it gonna feel like to add huge value to this person's life and not want anything in return and then in affirmation I am powerful I am strong I love life imagine that imagine right before you go to meet someone you're in your car you go to the bathroom and you go what's it gonna feel like to add huge value to this person's life without wanting anything in return I am strong I am powerful I love life and then you bring this energy into that interaction you can almost fuck everything else up you will make a grand majestic first impression just like you should all right so let's get to number two principle number two dress 20% better than the environment you're gonna be in this is going right along a principle number one with having that slightly higher energy you want to be slightly better dressed than the people you're gonna be with now clothes they say make the man or the woman and it's not that false we do judge books by their covers so if you ever really I don't know a boring personality let's call it a not yet totally cultivated and grown personality you're not there yet the clothes can actually make up for a lot of the deficiencies you haven't worked on yet in terms of your skills that makes sense I'll give you a study to kind of metaphor this they've done studies where they have let's say a Toyota Camry is that a red light and the light changes green and the Camry doesn't go right away in fact the Camry waits 15 or 20 seconds and everyone behind the Camry starts honking hey dude go I got places they all right and then they test this against instead of a Toyota Camry it's a rolls-royce and you know what happens for those 15 or 20 seconds those people behind the rolls-royce at the red light when it's turned green they don't honk they don't even say anything they just patiently wait they abdicate status so the rolls-royce and if you're slightly better dressed in the environment you're gonna be in your like the Rolls Royce of that party of that office place of that wherever it is that you were gonna be so remember that all right dressed 20% better 15 to 20 percent in the environment you're gonna be in it's gonna allow you to make a huge first impression without you having to do much work at all let's get to the number three right practical tip number three groom thy self when people are forming their first impression of you they are looking at all these little details about you that they will try to extrapolate so what this really means about you in a greater picture the little things make big things happen John Wooden said that and when I'm talking about rooming I mean your nails do you've long nails is there dirt in the nails people will judge you for that the hairline do you a lot of hair on your neck that isn't trim that isn't cut people will judge you on that if you have facial hair hair is it is it uncapped as it just crazy or is it sharp people are going to judge you on that I there was a guy I once knew back where I grew up in in Michigan who told me he ran a bunch of different companies but he told me that he was hiring a marketing manager one time and he's interviewing the guy guys a great resume great personality but when he handed him the the piece of paper or something he saw his nails and there was a bunch of dirt in his nails and he literally goes I knew I wasn't gonna hire him in that moment so make sure you are groomed you are kept you are clean let's get to number four principle number four to making an amazing first impression your tonality understand your tonality plays an incredible role in the way people judge you in the way that you are gonna be able to influence them and here's the thing you ever feel like maybe you're a little bit boring or you're bored too much or you're coming off as boring you're coming off as uninteresting understand this you are not boring you are using boring tonalities in fact the more tonality is that you use in your communication the more interesting you actually are to other people now this should be one of the greatest breakthroughs for absolutely anyone who thinks they're boring uninteresting or just damn too plain the more tonalities you the more interesting you are and there are a variety of tones that one can use that I am demonstrating for you right now in this moment all right so let's get to number five right now principle number five for making a kick-ass first impression say their name three times in three minutes if you ever read Dale Carnegie's book how to win friends and influence people one of the best-selling personal development books of all time he talks about how the sweetest words in the English language is someone's name and it makes sense they've heard this name their whole lives from the moment they were born from their parents the brothers and sisters it's it's their favorite word in the world if I were to say your name right now your ears would perk up alright so for instance the person behind the camera right now his name is Scott right so Scott is behind the camera and Scott is doing an excellent job as I've told him before but I just said Scott's name three times in three minutes in fact that was that was for Scott wasn't that right and people love hearing their names so when you meet someone it's really simple so when you first meet them they tell your name and they say hey I'm Scott you say hey Scott it's great to meet you hey Scott can I ask you a quick question and they say yeah sure and you go cool so Scott I was wondering it literally can be that simple it doesn't have to be something that super contrived obviously if it's understand this whatever you're interacting with anyone if it feels contrived like there's subterfuge like you are trying to pull one over on the other person you have an ulterior motive none of these techniques these tactics none of this stuff will work because they won't be paying attention to what you're doing they be paying attention to what you're not doing what you're not seeing is that makes sense all right so say their name three times in three minutes and you're gonna do great let's get to the next tip right now practical first impression tip number six make a warm read and observational warm read about this person in those first couple minutes when that first impression is really being formed about you a lot of people think that they need to impress the other person let me share all of my credentials at the start hey I'm a Harvard scientist slash Yale trained attorney slash Stanford surgeon slash that cousin to John F Kennedy who are you alright they think they need to like brag about this stuff that's not going to create the first impression remember this everyone's favorite subject on the planet is who themselves so when you talk with someone the first couple minutes if you make a warm read about them you're gonna get the conversation they're gonna be you're putting the spotlight on them which makes them excited which makes them feel good when they talk to you and people if you've read Dale Carnegie you know this is going back a hundred years if you get people talking about themselves they tend to project the good feelings that have onto you while doing so so a warm read is really really simple there's two language patterns you can use for this number one you seem like a or number two I feel like you so you seem like it so you meet someone and you say you know what I have no idea what it is that you do but you seem like a doctor a simple statement like that will open them up will get them relaxed get them talking about themselves and you do it in a high-status way because you didn't say what do you do you're avoiding the boring conversation that everyone else has or I feel like you write I don't know what is but I feel like you would be like a great teacher you ever teach simple statement like that warm read gets an opening up get some talking and again if you're sitting and you're like wait I just have to make some warm read about someone else I don't have to say anything and they'll actually have a really good impression of me that's that's ridiculous I know it is absurdly ridiculous it also works really really well let's get to the next principle number seven to making an incredible first impression with anyone that you meet avoid miss matching with people understand that a big part of having a good first impression with someone is that you and that person you guys shared report together what does rapport mean it really means a relationship of responsiveness and trust between two people it means that me and you or you and her or her and you we're kind of on the same wavelength you ever met someone you guys just vibe right away and you can't explain why maybe other times you meet someone and you should get along you have things in common but you don't seem to connect rapport is a difference in fact I made a video the other day where I talked about how I met a guy who on the outside looking in we should have everything in common we should be rapport we are in similar businesses similar ages similar interests yet when we met we just didn't get along and it took me a while to figure out and I realize it's because we were mismatched and when you make a great first impression it's because partly you have avoided mismatching with that person here's what I mean I'm very expressive my hands move a lot when I talk I think you know this I can be loud I can be energetic right that that says how I am I talk fast I'm sure you've noticed this guy that I was speaking with he was the exact opposite he was slow calm right talking with that purple drank voice in the ambien just chopped and screwed and I'm over here and I'm all amped up and I'm like let's go and he's all we were mismatched and that's going to break rapport and it's gonna dis allow for a really good first impression to be made so if you ever want someone to not like you you can easily do this they talk slow talk fast they move a lot don't move at all they lean forward lean back they like make a lot of eye contact never look them in the eyes I guarantee you they won't like you but on the flip you want to make a great first impression with someone avoid these types of mismatching behaviors and you'll notice without you having to do anything extra you're able to make a much much stronger first impression it's more number eight for making a great first impression add value to the other person's life without wanting anything in return now this idea this insight it certainly flies in the face of conventional wisdom and it flies in the face of most people you meet I mean you tell me most people you meet you ever notice how they seem to only want to talk about themselves I'm gonna give you an example right now and I don't mean the joke but someone very close to me recently had a birthday and they got a birthday card from a family member and the card said literally on the inside Jackie happy birthday to this person's name and then it told an entire story it literally said happy birthday name I still owe money to the IRS even though they've taken all the money out of my account also the bank says I still owe them money even though I closed that account so my life continues to be a struggle talk soon that is what it said on the birthday card and I guarantee you this person who wrote this was not meaning to be selfish or self-centered they were simply just doing what they know right I believe people they they do the best they can with what they know and if they knew better they would do better so that's the best she knows you now know better you're watching this video here with me right now you are creating a legendary of life for yourself you are committing to a higher standard of Master in world class and dominating your domain in order to do so when we meet people we want to give value we want to add value we want nothing in return like what would that feel like for you if you were to meet someone right now and you wanted nothing from him almost as if no no floor beneath you no ceiling above it you are simply floating and adding value wanting nothing in return at all you are emptied what would that look like what would that feel like how would you act how would you talk how would you breathe how would you look how would you speak where would you go what would you lead with so that makes sense when we meet someone who just adds value to our life doesn't want anything in return yes we feel a sense of reciprocity to them yes we really value them because they add value to our lives but even more than that they simply stand out because tell you this almost every successful person everyone who meets them wants something from them almost everyone I meet right now and I'm not judging I'm simply reporting they want something from me and a lot of times it just first couple minutes they start talking about the thing that they want we're not meet someone doesn't want anything from me just wants to add value to my life literally not like as a technique they literally want nothing from me that is the person I actually want to do things for and it's not personal to me it's universal so I want you when you meet someone let go of your needs let go of your wants just let them melt away and just ask yourself how can I add value to this person's life without wanting anything in return and I'm telling you the connection you will make it will go beyond what you've been able to do so far in your social life in your business life let's get to the next principle number nine to making a great first impression connected them to someone else now this is something that most people will not do because most people live in a box of scarcity versus abundance I'll tell you a quick story last year I went to a gora financial headquarters Agora financial is one of the biggest marketing companies in the world they do 1.5 billion dollars per year online and they've I think 5x their business in the last three years an unbelievable powerhouse marketing corporation and I was sitting there with the CEO and in the first couple minutes he is telling me how much he believes in abundance he's literally sharing all of their trade secrets or at least most of them with me right there and I even said something like I'm amazed how much you're telling me here and he said see most people in business they think scarcity they think we have a secret let's not share our belief is we have a secret let's share with everyone so everyone uses it and then they innovate on that secret and then because they feel so they feel that sense of reciprocity they come back and they share their innovation with us which makes us better and makes everyone better it's a great mindset to have so fuck scarcity all right abundance so when you meet someone let's say they're a really valuable person or you really like them a lot of people will think well I don't want to connect them to my friends or introduce them to this person because then I'll be left out and they'll become friends oh that is a scarcity mindset abundance mindset the poor sir is making a great first impression is going who can I introduce this person to that I think they should know that I think could help them I'll give you an example last month I was having lunch with my buddy Chiron she gots a lottery nose around and we're in Newport Beach we have a great lunch and then a couple hours later I went and I did a mastermind session a private one with a buddy of mine named Kevin huddle who might be the best media buyer on the planet and after I left from Kevin I was over back to the hotel and I'm thinking myself I'm like they don't know each other immediately I pull out my phone I send an introduction text between the two of them I think they get lunch now they're friends they're connecting I am doing this all the time with everyone I meet almost everyone I meet I'm thinking about what problems do they have what challenges they're trying to solve who do I know that could help them who do I know that they should know and then I make these introductions the more you do this the stronger your network grows and people love you for it because they go that's a person who adds real value to my life into this world because they made this introduction they're adding real value to my life does that make sense all right it's an incredible way to make an incredible first impression again because most people will never do it let's get to number 10 principle number 10 to making a great first impression have a mission or a purpose or a path in your life that sets you on fire understand this everyone for the most part is going life with their umbilical cord still out looking to plug it into someone who seems to know where they're going most people live uncertain lives uncertain about their path uncertain about what they want to do where they should go what should their next move be so when they meet someone who has certainty someone who seems to know where they're going someone who seems to be going places in their own life they sent certainty and that attraction makes them want to plug in follow that person's lead right now this is a great way to be in life it's a great persuasion tactic also it works for all of them but it also means that when someone meets you and they see that glimmer in your eye like wow this person is going places this person has a vision this person is on a mission this person will not be stopped they're attracted to you you make an incredible first impression on them because most people they meet don't have any of that most people are uncertain those people cannot control their emotions most people are confused most people are malleable they meet someone who's strong and certain and on a path with the mission to contribute something incredible to the world that never happens and that person really stands out in their mind because understand this what stands out gets in when I say gets in I'm talking about the human brain meaning the average person meets ten people a week let's say that's 40 people a month less than two of those I mean one of those forty people will have a mission a path or a purpose and you'll feel it coming off of them that means all those 40 people they meet in a month thirty-nine they will forget because those people did not stand out what stands out gets in those people are not remembered that one who stood out because he or she was different because they had a mission a path a purpose of vision that's the person who gets and that's the person who's memorable that's the person who's unforgettable that is the person that makes an incredible first impression who is able to open up doorways and get into areas and arenas that most people never will and if you can follow these ten tips my friend you can do the same so two things I would love for you right now number one let me know in the comment section below which of these ten tips was most insightful for you remember the teacher learns the most so if you share what you learn not only will it help everyone else it'll drive the lessons deeper into your subconscious so these things become an automatic part of you not something you have to think about anymore which is exactly what I want for you and number two I don't know if this is right for you but you'll see there's a link below in the description and I want you to click it see I just challenge myself to create a hundred millionaire students in the next three years I'm doing okay so far I got three millionaire students in the first couple months already we are well on our way I want more millionaire students I want you to be next to it the link below I have just set up a private page for all my YouTube audience to get personally mentored by me every single week live as we work with you helping you guiding you to becoming my next millionaire student and you can start completely for free so you can test the whole thing out see for yourself why it's created millionaire students already people who are ordinary people and why I believe it can help you become my next millionaire student become a millionaire in your own life and it's not just about the money right rich is good wealth is good but it's not just money rich it's about living a rich life with our mission our purpose our fulfillment our vitality our energy our relationships rich and all the wonderful things we want more of in our lives so again that's free at the link below it will not be here forever though that's not some false scarcity thing I just I have a hundred million or students once I get them I'm out of here so I am Jason Capital you are an action taker and we are here together handcrafting your legendary life together I'll see you soon
Channel: JasonCapital
Views: 34,965
Rating: 4.9356322 out of 5
Keywords: Jason Capital, Higher Status, Status, motivation, success, business, entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur, first impression, how to make a good first impression, dating, impress a crush, impress my boss, how to impress my boss, how to impress my crush, first impression techniques, first impression guide, first impression tips, best way to make a good first impression
Id: oMQVGZ7On08
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Length: 23min 40sec (1420 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2019
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