3 Secrets To Attract Beautiful Women Like Ryan Gosling

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ryan gosling is certainly one of the most good-looking actors in Hollywood women go crazy and his appearance but have you ever asked yourself a question why are women so crazy about Ryan Gosling but they're not so crazy about other good-looking actors in Hollywood well there are two very specific things that Ryan Gosling does that get him all the hype and attraction from women and you can do it too now the first thing that Ryan Gosling does is he creates amazing first impressions and he's able to create those because of his confidence and because of his personal style not many guys realize this but first impressions are super super important [Music] [Applause] so much potential and you've resorted to fantasizing about Conan ginger Junko Bryant he is funny he looks like a carrot honey looks like a carrot but even watching this short scene you can already notice that Ryung has a very sharp style he's wearing that slim fit suit he's wearing a badass dress shoes he's walking around like he's the owner of the place his confident is enjoying the moment and he's got that cocky smile on his face now to be attractive to women you don't have to walk around in a suit but the way you dressed makes a huge difference how the girl is going to react is she going to be interested to talk to you or is she gonna ignore you and not even listen to what you're saying that's why first impressions matter because if you look like a guy who doesn't want to talk with you could be the funniest guy in a room you could be amazing a conversations but if you look like a loser she won't even care because she will just turn off her brain and not even listen to what you were saying now a lot of guys would ask me James does that mean that I have to be handsome well no but you have to show that you care by the way you look that means making your hairstyle trimming your beard dressing like a guy who cares about him what he's wearing not pairing up stuff that doesn't really go together but once you take care of your looks you smell good you make up your hairstyle and you look decent it all comes to one thing flirting I wanted to pay attention to how Ryan Gosling approaches girls but it looks like you care it Conan O'Brien my friend I'm Hannah here thinks he's sexy that's weird because I think that your friend Hannah is really sexy oh my god you the reason why so many women are attracted to Ryan Gosling is because of his cocky confidence you know he just assumes that all women are attracted to him and he's totally open about it you know he knows that he can get away with saying almost anything and he's just enjoying the moment he doesn't really care so when he says I think your friend Hannah is attractive you know he's got that playful cocky incredibly attractive smirk that you can't really fake that's the larger-than-life smirk you know I talk about it in my other videos but that cocky playful incredibly charming smirk is probably the most attractive thing that you can actually learn to become much more attractive and much better at flirting because what that smirk does is it immediately just hooks the girl in the conversation she doesn't have to think like oh is this guy cool or is he just you know a mediocre guy trying to be cool that playful smirk while you're flirting you know cuts through all the logical stuff that girl is usually thinking about and it does something different it stimulates her emotions and flirting is all about stimulating women's emotions I will play the scene once again but notice how the red-haired girl reacts to Gosling's words that's weird because I think that your friend Hannah is really sexy oh my god you did not disable how old are you what are you lawyer okay come on I know you want is she gonna be yeah you think you're a little old to be using cheesy pickup lines objection leading the witness well she becomes all emotional and excited and that's exactly what flirting is all about being playful and just stimulating all kinds of emotions in a girl that you were flirting with now it all seems like he's playing a nice guy in the scene he's complimenting her he is telling her he's attracted to her but what he is really doing is he's making her feel uncomfortable now if you go through my advanced trainings you'll learn that making a girl slightly uncomfortable when flirting is actually incredibly attractive because whenever girl was attracted to guy in the past she kind of felt that unease when she was around him so whenever she feels slightly uncomfortable around a guy she just men in her mind she associates that emotion of uncomfort with attraction and that's why making a girl feel slightly uncomfortable is good and that's exactly what a Ryan Gosling is doing over here he is complimenting her to a degree where she's feeling so uncomfortable that it's obvious she's attracted to him I find you very attractive do you find me attractive I do you do she does yes she does I do I don't you know you do I don't Anna can I buy you a drink no you say no a lot no you know now the next very important thing when the flirting is to never take things seriously and always keep your frame like in this scene here the girl is obviously crushing him she's telling him she's not attracted him because she's feeling very uncomfortable so if course she's not gonna reveal her emotions but Ryan Gosling doesn't really care what she's saying he's holding his frame that she is attracted to him and he's going all the way so whenever you're flirting with a girl I want you to pay attention to two things number one never take things seriously and number two hold on to your frame now how can you not take things seriously if she tries to crush your flirting well whenever I'm working with my clients I always tell them to treat a girl as a kid so when they're trying to flirt and the girl is all negative and she's like is that your pickup line or blah blah blah blah blah you know she comes up with some weird sentence that makes you feel uncomfortable well most guys in that situation just back up and they coated their mama crying now were the top guys do is they don't even think about her line as it's meant to make them feel uncomfortable they frame it in their mind as she's a kid who's just trying to crush their joke so if a kid told you is that your pickup line what would you do you would find it funny right you'd be like oh look at you trying to be all cocky you're so cute and some version of that line is probably the best reaction to what you can actually tell to a girl in that situation just treat her as a kid who's trying to you know crush your joke who is trying to be cool with trying to grab attention and whatever you wouldn't react to a kid in that situation that is the best reaction when you're flirting whenever a girl wants to destroy your joke destroy your line destroy your flirting just keep the frame as she's a kid trying to play a rebel and just think it's funny and act that way now if you want to learn more flirting techniques for free either click on the link in description or on screen and sign up for my free attraction training on my website anyway my name is James bold and I'll see you right there
Channel: The Attraction Switch
Views: 621,544
Rating: 4.7850094 out of 5
Keywords: ryan gosling flirting, how to flirt, how to attract women, how to seduce women, secrets to attract women, how to be more confident, how to be attractive, how to firt with women, how to be more attractive man, james bold, attraction switch, ryan gosling attractive, how to flirt with a girl, how to flirt with women, how to flirt at school
Id: h-YorWnrGjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 26sec (506 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2018
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