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empires are the only thing that can withstand a major hit find the one you trust and build an empire I'm very good at running the household the PR the behind-the-scenes the visionary of the company but I'm not a beast like grant I came from the streets of New Orleans it was a lot of drugs almost overdosed one night I was like no I need to turn my life around and do something meaningful I wrote the book or people liked me there is no reason anyone can't have what we have and then along with that is the sacrifices I would die for real for grant and my kids empires are destroyed from the inside it's the people that you think are your friends that you let in and they poison the well that's why your royal court is super important you vet everybody that has any contact with you or grant the Queen's make the hard decisions no matter what they say for the good of all five years now what are you and Grant doing we hit the ten billion dollars we've helped people on a bigger scale I want to see everyone succeed if everyone lived up to their full potential and succeeded imagine the contribution to the planet there could be a renaissance on earth [Music] [Music] they say that the human race is doomed that we have lost touch with our true nature that the media has corrupted us and that the planet has no future I disagree I believe that humanity is full of hope and that our salvation lies within each one of us my name is Brian rose and my job is to listen the oldest method of learning known to man each week I seek out individuals that are changing the world people who are living and thinking in a different way their stories will challenge your beliefs make you question your choices and perhaps inspire you to change I never planned on doing any of this but now I can't stop join me on this mission and make humanity something we can all be proud of they say behind every great man is an even greater woman and that woman is Elena Cardone she's one-half of the cardones the people that ride on private jets 10-x everything and sell out baseball stadiums for their growth conferences and Elena has a new book called build an empire how to have it all and she talks about what she does behind the scenes to make that Empire what it is she has to vet the royal court she has to take care of the business she has to handle the Beast that is Grant Cardone I love sitting down with her she talked about her childhood growing up in New Orleans struggling with drugs becoming an actress in LA and then going all-in on her family and her husband and building this incredible Empire I know you're gonna enjoy this I love Elena her and Grant took over our studios for six hours and I know this will be the start of many great conversations with them and inside London real Academy we are building our own empire teaching people how to start their own businesses from scratch putting people on the Ted stage and getting people to broadcast themselves and create their own podcasts here's a bit more about the great work that we do what's up baby it's all good London real doesn't stop when the conversation ends you see that's when we get started because everything begins with a thought and then comes the action the London real Academy is our global transformation platform here we bring together thousands of students from over 75 countries whether you want to build a profitable business from your passion or learn to speak to inspire or broadcast yourself with your very own podcasts or accelerate your life to become a high-performance person we have the online accountability course and personal mentoring program that will make your dream a reality join us and will take your life to the next level together our next accelerator course is starting soon this is London real I am Brian Rose my guest today is Elena Cardone the actress author businesswoman personal development coach and public speaker you currently co-host the genie show with your husband Grant Cardone the best-selling author entrepreneur and investor together you've created a real estate portfolio of over 1 billion dollars your new book build an empire how to have it all lays the groundwork for creating building and defending an empire via career and marriage based on the real-time time-tested and proven principles you've used over the past 15 years Elena welcome to London real thank you so much for having me I'm super excited you could see I read this thing cover to cover this weekend my wife thought I was cheating on her oh because you know your pictures here and you know you really go deep on what it's like to be you know one half of the Cardone Empire and there's not many women out there that get to talk about this stuff or that are necessarily this involved in this kind of Empire so first I got to ask why now with the book and I've heard books are really hard to write on in the middle of writing one was this difficult to do it was extremely difficult for me I finished high school at 17 I made decent grades only because of my ability to memorize and regurgitate information not because I left there knowing how to apply anything I learned so and and so I am NOT an educated woman I never went to college I hate it I protested book reports and and all of that stuff so sitting down and having to confront writing a book what it brought up a lot of resistance I'm protest for me and and I wrote the book I kind of rewrote the book then I took several months off then I came back in the last two months so it took me almost a year to write the book but the last two months I really just dug in really deep and then finished it and put it out why I wrote the book is for people like me who came from you know what I came from the streets of New Orleans you know our family did not have money I wouldn't say we were poor because I had a bed Christmas never missed us biggie but we lived paid a paycheck to paycheck and money was an extreme like constant undercurrent of anxiety in our household and the fact that I came from that to where I am today I know that people if they get stripped away of the wrong data that they have and they can actually use their energy to apply the right knowledge because if knowledge is power right imagine if you have the wrong knowledge but if you actually use the right knowledge and knowledge is power then there is no reason anyone can't have what we have and so I have come to this point in my life where I've been through enough experiences to where I know where we've made mistakes I know what works for us and I'm willing to put it all out there because I because the world that I'm meeting those are my people the the people that I looked to and wanted to be my mentors I've met several billionaires and they've all let me down they've disappointed me big-time massively and I'm like that's not my people like these are my people why the world they disappointed me because because they don't have the agenda to help people as their priority and I don't know maybe it's because of what they've been through because I understand also that where we have where we are it does leave you open to exposure and I mean we can get into that later we can get the ends of that now but maybe they're very on guard and protective because of what they've been through but but them in being isolated almost disrespectful and not wanting to let the little guy in I made a vow that if I'm ever in a position where someone looks to me for advice or it looks to me for like what are they doing that I would be that person that they could that I would not disappoint them I might not always be able to take a picture with everybody but I will always respect you why do you care about the people it seems like both you and grant have is that something your parents taught you or you know why give it back because you came from kind of the humble beginnings or why cuz a lot of people don't care when they get to the top yeah I don't know I just it's in my heart it's Who I am maybe I was raised that way I mean I my parents were very loving very loving parents very supportive supportive of me I do feel blessed and and and and I do feel like I don't know whether it's because if certain things are ingrained from society but I feel like people are ingrained with certain they're ingrained with certain ways that aren't really their ways but they're designed to hold them down and once I realize that I think you know people accuse me maybe of having these like kind of conspiracy theorists kind of a thing but I really believe that and once I saw that that Wow maybe there is something that's trying to hold people down so the people at the top the handful at the top can really control their little thing and keep everybody down and once my eyes were open to that that's when I said no no no no we are not we're gonna expose as much as we can expose and give other people the opportunity to know what we know so that we can come up together because we shouldn't threaten those people hmm you know my success shouldn't threaten that person right I want to see everyone succeed if everyone on this planet lived up to their full potential and succeeded imagine the amount of happiness imagine the imagine the contribution to the planet if we all lived up to our potential I mean it could be a renaissance on earth I mean if you really think about it in the in that sense if you if you want to dare go there hmm you've got a chapter in here a call know your role I just had your husband grant in here and he said there is no card on Empire without you like this it doesn't exist and yet in this book you say I know what I need to do to make it function and it's very different than what grant does can you talk about that role because a lot of people are gonna watch this they're gonna be men wondering how they can find their Elena there's gonna be a lot of them out there we're gonna watch this and say okay I don't know if I can be that person or I want to find my grant like what can you teach us about this know your role because we're also in a society today where it's kind of saying everyone's equal and okay maybe let's start off with that mm-hmm what does that mean know your role is look every relationship is unique just like a fingerprint so I would never tell anyone know your role and your role is this role and your role is that role doesn't work like that you if you you're talking about these people wanting to know you have to get with your partner and assess your roles grant and I know what my strengths are I know what my weaknesses are I'm very honest and real about that no matter how hard of a Whitaker to swallow like a pill pill yeah you know no matter how difficult it is that I've had to confront I know my strengths and I know my weaknesses and he knows his strengths and he knows his weaknesses and we know each other's and from that we've learned okay I am the boss of this I'm the boss of this and I'm the boss of this grant you are not allowed to bypass me and that I am the general in this area same thing for him we just it just so happens we have a more of a traditional relationship like that because I'm very good at running the household the PR the behind-the-scenes the visionary of the company I'm very good at like I can't turn that part of my brain off like if when I see you like and I get to know you I start thinking about and I have this problem with most people that I meet which is why it's very difficult for me to hang out with kind of normal people because all of a sudden I'll get ideas you should do this and what you should do that and then you can do this with your business and I get a little hyper about it and sometimes I have to like try to calm control myself and my energy people can have me so I'm not so overwhelming but I have these visions and but but what I don't have is I don't I'm not an animal I mean I am in my own thing but I'm not a beast like grant I don't know how to do what he does it would take me years to develop that strength so I need grant to be the animal to be the monster to figure out when I say we need a billion dollars we need to go global how do we do that how do we expand the Empire we got to go here we got to go there we got a we got to have a jet because we've got to go here and this person has to know you own this and then we can grow and then we need to open Cardone capital and it's fun and then we have to get other people in it because we have to get up there because I want to beat these billionaire people who I don't like and instead of killing them I want to become on the Forbes list and flourish and prosper but I want to bring all these people with us because these are the people of the world not those people and so I have these I you see how crazy it's easy you just kind of hang out with the right people who really like that right so I have these visions so knowing your roles and that's me you know and grant can have that and all of my people want to call it analytical or insanity whatever is your preference that's what I'm good at and he's good at this so I need him to be that and I need him to be the animal and and to go out and hunt and kill and and bring back he knows how to do the deals and take them down and kill them and pick them and and and renegotiate or negotiate and I don't know that world so we work very well together you know so that's the thing about knowing the roles and then along with that is the sacrifices most people don't want to go through the sacrifice phase like with having an animal like Grant Cardone and I need him to be that but the sacrifice is he's coming home from the war and I expect him or want him or wish in my ideal world because I'm an actress and I watched all the movies I want him to come home and pick me up and carry me over the threshold from his hard day at the war and say I love you so much but that's not what happens he comes in the door and it's like wow and I get all this bark out and you know the daggers come flying at me you know but that's the sacrifice and I'm willing to make because I want him want a romantic I'm the romantic I don't want another me like what am I gonna do with two visionaries right we can't do what you know that means you got to get the call when you're putting the girls to bed on thirty minutes notice that it's time to whip up dinner if you can't the bottle of wine and get ready for some schmoozing like that's that your role and to put on a happy face and you're always with granted you were here last time you was at London real studios you're a very man permanently that's right you don't take take a five-minute out you don't take it down no and and and the thing also is like when I'm done with him and then I'm home with the kids who you know have been with the nanny for the whole time that we're here then they want to be with us and then grants exhausted and this and that so he'll play with them for five or ten minutes or whatever and then he gets to go chill and relax but now I'm on mom duty for the next three hours so it just doesn't stop but the thing is I'm not complaining about that but it it is those are that's my role I chose that this is the life on what we have a very big mission it's there is no time to waste you know so so that's just what I do like a lot of people care about how they feel this is another reason why you know it's hard to be around people who don't think so huge because you know you hear a lot well I don't want to like she she doesn't want to do this job because she's not certain it'll make her happy and then I have to bite my tongue like like I'm just so perplexed at people all the time you know and I'm like oh yeah yeah yeah you know because I don't want to button somebody's business and I'm like what do you mean if it doesn't make you it's you worried about trying to make themselves happy yeah there's a bigger mission yeah I'm like well what are you what are you doing through life like like just waiting to be happy you create your own happiness you know so but but I provide for the family like work like get you know work is the basis of morale like whenever I'm sitting around and have nothing to do that's when I get depressed that's when I get sad that's what I'm like ah that's when I get tired right and you're putting work in every day and making sacrifices to make sure this whole machine and unit proceeds as planned so it's like you to make sure grant is happy the kids are happy the relationships are there the visions in there but you have to all do it with this kind of a feminine energy where it's like it doesn't upset the beast also channel gently trying on this is an art it's an art it's an art and that's what I talk about in the book to become an asset to yourself and to your partner and that's part of becoming a SAN asset is learning how to move through the different personas you know the mom the fun girl the businesswoman the the visionary like how to move through each role seamlessly effortlessly and with precision and effectiveness you know it's really like a skill but I wanted to show that because because when I was looking to those people to say what is it that you're doing they didn't exist and that's why I wrote the book because anyone who's actually interested in what it takes I'm not saying my way is the only way but I'm saying my way has worked for me and it's worked for us and maybe it can work for you too I don't know I would need people to read the book go try it test it and tried-and-true and then come back to me and say it works and then I will have fulfilled my mission and made a difference for the better on the world why call it build an empire why are the all these references to royalty I'm innocent like a book a game of Thrones in here your royal courts seek your own counsel is this a theme of empires why are we talking about that way and why build an empire in the first place why build an empire because empires are the only things that are big enough it gets your mind thinking big enough and if you actually build an empire it's the only thing that can withstand a major hit and a major blow it's the only thing that can sustain a whack in economic whack Somebody getting cancer and your family somebody dying somebody losing their job you know normal cannot sustain that you do that to normal and it just cracks and normal is very dangerous so I don't want to think normal and I don't like thinking in normal terms because normal is dangerous because it gives you the illusion that everything is fine and at the smack of a second you're whacked in you're done it's it folds it crumbles I know because I've been there I did normal and we almost died you know or or metaphorically speaking but so I want people to think in terms of empire on a number of reasons because you have to you have to create extraordinary extraordinary stands up to the challenges of life you know only extraordinary built up reserves in not only finances courage honor integrity dignity pride experiences you know you lack that you know you are done you are done your competition will slaughter you and if you don't think in terms like that you will get slaughtered yeah and you said in the book if you're not building an empire you're you're destroying one yeah if you're not creating you're destroying right so they need to be not taking action is destroying your empire making you weaker where you can't withstand and I want to talk about you know 2008 where you guys really had to come together and get through some stuff is it true that it was your idea for the the Cardone family to become billionaires and your idea to get the jet yes surprised when they hear that yep it is my idea because I told you 2008 happened and we had this we had the economic collapse happen right so in your book you say 2008 you're watching television you're pregnant with your first daughters daughter Lehman's Lehman crashes I still remember that Sunday night I was in London and he turned to grant and said what does this mean for us and he says we're dead he said I said what does this mean to us and he says it means we're gonna die those were the exact words it means we're gonna die and how did you react to that I said that was a button for me you know I was like I thought he was joking that's like what and he was like oh we're gonna die and I was like I don't die it does this look like death to you like I'm pregnant with our child you're telling me we're gonna die like don't don't do that to me that's not cool like you don't joke with me like that I was like I don't die and you promised me that if I got with you my life would improve you didn't say anything about dying I know I had an office down the hallway and I said so you go to your office and you figure it out and do not come out until you have it solved and he goes down to his office and like he's in there for one hour and I'm like oh god what's he doing in there is he Thursday does he need some neat I'm like new Beto Fellini you were really tough on him yeah yeah gotta be tough gotta be tough two hours I'm like oh my god three hours he comes back and he and he puts this like stack of papers in my hands and I'm like and he's like I'm like what's this he's like it's a manuscript it's my first book he was like it's not gonna make us rich but I know what I did wrong I know how to get us out of it and I will never make you worry ever again and he never has it's powerful stuff you know I was reading this book and I was thinking wow we all need a woman like Elena Cardone but not all of us want to be told that stuff and I don't think all of us can handle that to be said hey you better get us out of this and I get in that office and fix it or isn't it time you become a billionaire you know yeah I know that's a relationship some men aren't willing to have I know you must have seen it other even Grant said yeah you know when you said it it hurt him warren buffett could have said when you're gonna be a billionaire maybe like yeah yeah I'm getting around to it but when you say it it cuts oh and he when I said it oh my god it was horrible I got I got read the riot act sure no you you're winning you ever gonna be happy what are you ever going be satisfied you know I'm out there working you don't do anything I got like and you know that's when it takes discipline to just keep your mouth shut because because you know I might not look like it I might not be the strongest chick but I'm a tough chick you know I moved to California at 17 I knew no one so III the temptation to to blurt some stuff back was immense but I just kept my mouth shut right that's the discipline of being the queen right you have to let that right because you can't fight that male aggressive energy the same way even though that is definitely in you know you always have to have the intention and the endpoint of what is the crown that's why I keep going back to the Empire what is the crime what does it mean imagine what the Queen has gone through her entire life to uphold the dignity of the crown immense and I can't even imagine that's why I do that's why I do empires also because the people that are in relationships if you really imagine that you're the highest point of your relationship and what you are creating the Queen can't go to her friends and complain about the king and the olden days she would have had her head chopped off some vice versa you know the king shouldn't go and talk just I mean can you imagine if if a de Duke Philip went and a turd about the Queen yeah yeah I mean what would you just can't do it so you have to solve it between yourselves and hold yourself with that much respect to each other to regard each other as the top you know that's why the Empire just works yeah dignity is something that comes up in here you have a lot of other qualities that you want the Empire to be maybe grant is focusing on those commas but you're like yeah but we got to do it in this way mm-hmm because that's how the Empire is built by having these traits yeah III want mine to have so much honor and integrity it's why I can't hang out with people that don't have it or that the the cheat on their marriage is like I hate when I find that out like even when my friends or you know I hate when I find that out and I see it all the time it drives me nuts because if they're gonna cheat on them they're gonna cheat on you right they're gonna cheat on everything they do you know and it's not just that it's it's it's everything so and I fiercely protect our empire like I fiercely protect Grant and the bigger your empire the big an empire you're trying to build the more discipline you have to be about all of those things right yeah because absolutely and and and the and the war the the empires are destroyed from what I've learned and researched about empires they're destroyed from the inside you know if I know who my enemy is I can figure out how to combat them how to starve them out how to I can come up with ways to take them down I can I can create so many allies that'll come from around the circle that will do my work for me because my allies know I would do that for them but I create allies I do so much behind the scenes but it's the people that you think are your friends that you let in and they poison the well right that's why your royal court is super important you vet everybody that has any contact with your grant cooks and nannies and business people everything mm-hmm you have to be that vigilant now people will read that line in say it's a bit overkill that's true they can and that's fine but I'm going for very big things I'm going for impossible targets I'm going for insane crazy lady targets so that's how they can they can look at me that's fine but when I die I'm gonna rest my head you know in this body and say you know what I gave it my all and I went for it and and and they might say what they will but but if I can rest my head and say I made a difference somebody was helped because of me I can be like peace out I'm done someone else you talk about in here is your own personal discipline you talk about stuff like alcohol and drugs and tobacco and partying and then you also talk about your own self improvement can you talk about those because you hit that a couple times as far as I'm they don't have a place in an empire not for me not in my role I mean I don't drink I did lie like for instance I did on my birthday last year it was the first time in a year that I had drank and I had fun but I have puked three times the next day and that wasn't fun you know and I'm like what am i doing normally I don't drink like I don't drink not just because of the one day I drink because because I have to be so sharp and so alert and I and I process data like every second of every moment I'm working like it's especially when I'm around granted I don't even think he knows this but I'm constantly looking like like you know the scene like I'm checking everybody out hands body language faces indicators like what's coming at me I you know yeah how we doing here at London real y'all are great y'all fantastic but I'm doing all of that and you would never know cuz you think I'm like oh I don't know I think I'm gonna know that last time you were here really yeah your own probably nervous last time you were here I was very on guard why because because because because the door was shut right and I wanted because I don't I didn't do my research like who you are I didn't bet you and so y'all were in here on this closed-door thing and I was very it grant doesn't even think like this but this is how my mind works I thought okay and it's London it's a new territory you know so I think okay you're gonna have an interview with Grant and I know how grant is he's very direct and I understand him because I understand everything about him but I also understand he says things that will offend people because they don't understand this if they're seeing him for the first time it gets out of context so then I was thinking oh my god they're in theirs he's gonna say something one little piece of it we don't have our side recording it and he's gonna release that and put out his own little story and that's how my mind works mmm that's good that's why you're the queen thank you right tell me about how the billionaire thing got settled so he freaks out you don't know what I do you don't know how I work how long did that go over and how did you how did you play that I understood immediately that that that I was not I did I didn't present it in the right way and I immediately understood from his from where he came from so I knew immediately rather than trying to fight that or defend my position I realized I had to just let him vent another thing I'm very good at the shield so I can take it I'm willing to take it I took it once that chilled out you know then I have my secrets you know the womanly secrets I was like let's just have sex with him he's always cool after that so I did that and then after that I was like okay let's talk about this billionaire thing again like okay I didn't say it right and then I've just completely validated him like you're amazing you're so amazing like chokes me up mm-hmm chokes you up how amazing he is yeah you talk about that I mean you see yes I'm his biggest fan and why could you seen him go through so much hard stuff no because I've seen when a difference he's made in other people's lives and how they have improved their life because I am he is he's worth a lot not just financially he's got an enormous worth and he can really make a difference because I believe in his material I've seen it work on people I've seen the testimonials that come in about people that have changed their lives for themselves and their families condition and so on I explained that okay talk to tears and I very rarely cry in front of grant maybe happens once a year I cry more in podcast than when I deliver speeches than I do with him is that because you're trying to put a strong face on for them no it's it's our relationship I just don't I never cry in front end okay and so you told him in a different way I said to him I said look it's not about I need you to be a billionaire I said grant you know me like I like nice things I'm not gonna lie about that but if you took it all away from me today I'm still standing next to you I'm still believing and hoo-wee I'm believing in our mission it's not about that for me like this is pre plane pre I mean like you know I was like I don't I don't need those things to have an identity I'm I'm happy I'm good I was like but if you became a billionaire because this is how my mind works think about what that would have meant for the world think all the people that are on Forbes the Walmarts what did they have in common they've reached the masses for you to become a billionaire you would have had to reach the masses and if you reach the masses you will have helped the masses and that's why you have to become a billionaire because you have to reach those people to withhold yourself and your product from people is a disservice to people and I can't let you do that my integrity is too high to have you just for myself to be that selfish to not share you with the world you need to be out there you need the world needs to know you and and a billionaire is it's just the symbol that you will have made it and he could have that I think that clicked in his head for him and then he came around to it very quickly actually after that powerful yeah and the jet was also your idea and now you have the 550 what why was it your idea what was the process of happening it happened and now that you have it what are your thoughts about it is it what you thought it was more than you thought it was the the 550 came like as a separate well okay let's just take the 550 the 550 came as I'll just be honest okay we I can't really talk about much of it but there was a situation that happened and I felt like we were kind of bullied around by just billionaire kind of thing situation and and and and and you know my mind went to you know how can I destroy these people how can I let you know I had to play all those scenarios out in my head and then I thought okay I ran through the more analytical of that and I thought no I can't do any of that my ammo is to flourish and prosper so once I got over that and being like you know over getting hit you know like gutted by that situation I thought how can I out create this and that's when I thought to get my attention off of that I need to go create I need to create and so I thought what better thing than to flourish and prosper and what if grants message and my message was all over the world and those people had to see us all over the world that's great for me I don't need to hurt you I just need to flourish and prosper and that's it and that took my my so in order to do that that's when I came up with the idea of the jet it's where I came up with the idea of how can we do the licensee program for Cardone University how can we get other people to go in other parts of the world who believes in our material like us and disseminate that material all over the globe so that they're doing well we're getting more exposure and it feeds into the Empire thing so that was one thing that came out as a direct solution for not literally like wanting to kill somebody right right and you talked about that in the book you talk about going through and making some some some gut feelings on your own about certain partnerships with people and just learning the hard way yeah that didn't work out and you took that pretty hard and but this is what the Queen does right you have to you you're working always buying the scenes on partnerships you're learning and so this is where you took your energy that's right and said no I'm gonna I'm gonna out create that's right and so I came up with the licensee and the same day and the same day I came up with you know I was I never wanted partnerships with the with with our real estate because of something that the 60 million dollar lawsuit that we had when that one first happened I said never again will we partner with anybody it's got to be all us I don't know like partners I don't trust partners and and I thought you know what those guys with me having that attitude they won the enemy won because the enemy doesn't want me to get stronger the enemy wants me to operate on a smaller level and then they will would have won you know I'm all that's why we're thinking in empires I'm always in a battle with somebody I'm always everything's a war everything's glorious victory or trophy of this that's your beast too in my own way in my own way so then in the same day the Cardone capital came to me where I said you know what it was always the vision of the billion dollar real-estate Empire and then I thought well if I want to like compete with those people or dominate them or whatever it is that I wanted to do it has to go bigger so then I came up with this idea of the ten billion dollar thing and how do we do that we have to let the people who really truly get us and support us that want to get themselves up but could never invest in a 100 million dollar deal have an opportunity to do that for themselves but also there's the exchange they also have the upper we have the opportunity to have them help us so it's a very mutual exchange symbiotic relationship that we have with our with our partners and our investors but it's it allows us now with the partners and the fund raising and for the accredited investors it's allowed us to go from here to here instead of in five years in two years and then it's gonna go like that and like that and like that and like that and who knows and then and then you know the empire is built then you're gonna have some more ideas and and then all out and then who knows where the next one comes from but that's where the last two big ideas came from - two men that are listening right now and also two women as well if they want to create this kind of relationship in their household yeah how do they go about doing it because a lot of men are thinking yeah I wanna Lena you know on my side I want my woman to be like her and maybe some of the women are saying okay how can I get my man to go out there and be a beast like if they really want to sit down maybe they're starting out well maybe they've they're in their 40s and just never got their head in the game what are some simple things they can do you know to start this kind of collaborative process that you teach figure out who does what when grant wants me to be a beast I mean like him like he does grind on me and hammer on me and when he wants me to do what he does and that's when I have to put my foot down and say look I'm willing to do whatever it takes at any time but don't expect me to be you I am NOT you please acknowledge what I do and that I am the beast at what I do and see what it is I do because a lot of what I do doesn't look like I do anything behind the scenes you know so a lot of relationships run into conflict because either the entrepreneur woman might be expecting the guy to be as bullish as she is but if he's really doing what I do behind the scenes and supporting her and raising her like is she really missing that that's an asset or does she really need someone you know what I'm saying so you have to the relationship has to figure out what it is that they need to make it to make it work right right so have a have a mission figure out what each one of you are good at you said get on the same page so will you talk about in here and then ride-or-die what does that mean that's like for real those aren't words that you just throw around I hear those words all the time when I say those words I would die for real for grant and my kids it's not like play joke for me it's like real you know and that means you're all in on what you're doing totally okay but this wasn't always you because you were a very very independent woman yep taking care of business in LA making your own money a very successful actress and pretty much sworn Bachelorette maybe for life totally I I know no I know I know it's it's so embarrassing to say being a woman saying that why is embarrassing because women are not supposed to you know be that way they're supposed to what you're always looking for love mm-hmm okay but that wasn't you mm-hmm why wasn't that you just came back and growing up you know why wasn't me yeah it wasn't me because um because of what happened when I was younger when I went I you know I hate talking about that you got to talk about it back here in New Orleans you know you were born in in Spain you moved back when you were one and you grew up in New Orleans again kind of middle class it sounds like yeah and you had a great child daddy's girl totally but then when you're 14 you got some trauma yeah yeah what happened yeah well my best friend who lived across the street the house was burning on fire and and so I witnessed that and then I saw why you do this to me I hate this your book killing us I know what I mean what was a traumatic event the traumatic event was that oh I just wasn't prepared at 14 years old to see your friend with the dead with over 95% of her body burned up you know it's like it's intense to see like flesh melting off of your friends body you know and then we were very guarded family loving but garden and so and I grew up kind of a tomboy so I was very used to not crying and being very tough trying to overcompensate for being a girl I always wanted to be one of the boys I still do I swear what is that I love guys I think guys are the coolest thing in the world I understand them like they're just freaking cool like I love guys I love girls now so much I never not not liked girls I never had a problem with girls I never had Mean Girls bully me I understand women now more than ever and I'd need them in my life now okay but I didn't back then but anyway so I went through that trauma and and it hurts so bad having to swallow that much pain and see that house every single day and not cry like from the next day my parents expected me to be in school and I was in school like not crying like when I was freaking dying on the inside like you just freakin kill me and I made a decision nothing was going to hurt me that bad again and that equal love love hurts [Music]
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Views: 239,911
Rating: 4.8035946 out of 5
Keywords: london real, londonrealtv, brian rose, elena cardone, build an empire, women in power, grant cardone wife, elena cardone london, london real cardone, elena cardone build an empire, elena cardone build an empire book, elena cardone how to build an empire, elena cardone how to have it all, elena cardone interview, elena cardone 10x growth con, brian rose and elena cardone, elena how to have it all, how to have it all, build an empire elena
Id: vm5cBWsP-lA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 42sec (2742 seconds)
Published: Invalid Date
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