3 Disturbing True 2CHAN Stories - Winter Special

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[Music] hidden away in the rich part of town is my cafe in the luscious interior of the cafe along with the relaxing jazz music that we play make this a popular joint for students and housewives with too much free time on their hands there's even a terrace which is often filled with people reading books chatting and drinking coffee sometimes something a little stronger it was November in a trio of young girls entered the cafe and they'd been allowed to leave school early due to finishing their midterm exams that day and they were complaining about how they went well this is [ __ ] Jesus I'm gonna have to repeat a year no come on you couldn't have done that badly I've never heard of a student repeating a year of 14 a fresh batch of squabbling ignited fueled by the stress of exams and the annoying air of confidence one of the girls was giving off she was obviously the smarter of the bunch the nattering subsided after 10 minutes and eventually the girl settled on a new topic of conversation namely what schools they were planning to progress to in the Japanese schooling system high schools are commonly split between chuga ku which is the lower secondary and coal coal upper secondary what Koko will you attend can greatly affect your chances of getting into a good university still he's dropping in on their conversation the - well less gifted students started teasing the smarter one telling her how the best school in the district were one she would likely be going to was haunted the rumor was a famous one apparently after a student committed suicide at the school other people started to die horrible deaths on the school premises witnesses often swore that they saw the dead student at the scene of the crimes what a load of [ __ ] it wasn't uncommon that people claimed places where suicides occurred were haunted in fact in Japan you can find an apartment at a comparatively cheaper price if misfortunes occurred they're losing interest I was about to turn away and tend to my duties when I heard a shout now wait just a minute the voice said turning towards its source I realized it was one of the ladies sitting on the opposite end of the cafe the woman left her book on the table ium walked over to the three young girls sitting down with a grunt she scratched at her long dark hair rigorously for that brief interval everything in the cafe seemed to revolve around this a little strange woman in a red dress then she opened her mouth to speak I am sick and tired of all of these lies about my old school being haunted if you three would be so kind as to stop spreading such idiotic rumors I'd be more than happy to tell you what actually happened there I couldn't help but listen into this whole story from behind my counter I was just as interested in finding out the truth behind the rumors says these three young girls the story itself wasn't about this quirky woman in the red dress though it was about another girl that she knew at the school called a Kazuki for the purposes of this video I'll retell the story I overheard from a Kazuki's perspective well I have an older twin sister I sometimes get asked things like do you feel pain when your sister gets hurt do your parents get confused between the two of you stuff like that people seem to have this idea that twins are connected somehow one a deeper level more so than regular siblings but not us too we didn't hate each other per se but we didn't really care for one another either we never argued talked or interfered with each other's affairs we might as well have been thin air to each other now my sister was much more able than me when it came to well pretty much anything athletics academics okay it wasn't like she was miles ahead of me but she was always slightly better even when the difference was so small from a young age I was constantly deemed as the less able one sometimes even the simpleton during childhood my [ __ ] parents would always say things like your sister can already ride her bike why can't you I probably learnt it about 20 minutes after her but this small amount might as well have been the difference between heaven and earth if I scored 95% on a math test I never got a pat on my back from the teacher or even just a reassuring well done no I'll be sitting by myself with my paper staring at my sister being championed by the class for getting 98% but then again I didn't really envy my sister and she didn't brag about being better like I said we were pretty much just there to each other as implied by my past grades in school we were both top of the league there were times where our exam results were first and second in the whole school so it was only natural that we ended up going to the same high school that was the best high school in the district our relationship didn't change during high school I actually enjoyed it there but only for the first semester even in a school full of students who scored top grades there were bullies and rebels problem was these bullies were smart whenever they carried out their evil deeds they'd make sure it wouldn't be found out by their peers or by faculty members even when they were found out they generally got off the hook due to their excellent grades because obviously straight-a students can't be evil can they he had started when I came back from the summer break the bullying that is for some reason they started paying attention to me at school I don't know what I'd done but there was nothing that I could do during lunch or after school they had come to my classroom then there take me to some inconspicuous location and punch me kick me hit me like I said they were clever they made sure to avoid bruising my face or arms there were five bullies in total one of them was a girl with chestnut colored hair who just watched as three others pummeled me senseless she just pointed and laughed while giving the other girls orders she was obviously the leader there was also one other girl who came along to watch the show my sister he it didn't make sense to me my sister hated these types of girls just as much as I did after ignoring each other for so long why would she try and break me now well I'd only known the friends I'd made at the school for three months as soon as they found out I was being attacked by the rogues of the school they almost immediately stopped hanging out with me fearful that they'd be targeted simply for associating with me in the end I found myself alone at school the violence continued for mum some months they started getting more creative in the ways they had hurt and humiliate me the worst days were when their chestnut haired leader was in a bad mood sometimes I was stripped naked and thrown into a pond when I fell to my knees out of breath she grabbed me by the hair and pulled me up to my feet not yet chestnut would say you and the violence would continue all the while my sister would be staring at me coldly without a flicker of emotion on her face It was as if she was staring at a rat or a cockroach I couldn't tell what she was thinking I thought about telling my parents but they already had plenty to worry about with their work besides they'd almost certainly take the side of their favored daughter my sister must have started bullying me in the first place because she knew I wouldn't talk there was nothing I could do about the situation if I told my teachers there was a chance the bullying would just get worse it was possible the teacher would think I was lying particularly considering that the bullies were perfect students during lessons there was absolutely nothing nothing that I could do every day when I got home desperately trying clean the bloodstains off my shirt before my parents came home I sobbed as I furiously rubbed my shirt what had I done to deserve this one time while I was scrubbing I heard my sister coming up the stairs she must have got back from her part-time job early I pictured her face cold as ice staring at me as the bullies beat me over and over again how could it be that she was enjoying her life at school so much when I was in this state she was part of the Tennis Club had a part-time job and lots of friends why did my life have to be so terrible we were twins I ended up hating my sister more than the other bullies simply because she was enjoying her life so much the violence just kept on intensifying one time I nearly died from drowning because I was just too tired and injured to resist as they dunked my head underwater I was tired I could only think of one way out I began my preparations I wrote a note with just four words mum dad I'm sorry [Music] slowly step by step I walked up the stairs of the school nobody was allowed to be there after 9 p.m. so there were no teachers or other students around but since I knew the school well it wasn't difficult to break inside I finally got to the top of the stairs there was a metal door leading to the rooftop I swung it wide open it was winter at this point janna cold breeze hit me straightaway and chilled me to the bone and there was a full moon and I could clearly see the whole rooftop area my sister was already there and just as I had asked her to be waiting with her back to the door I hadn't expected her to come she was leaning on the rails of the roof staring down at the school grounds below I walked towards her I wanted to talk to you in private I figured school would be the best place surprisingly my sister replied straight away I guess this was the closest thing we'd had to a conversation for as long as I could remember I stepped closer to my sister as she continued to talk so what did you want to talk about without hesitation I threw myself at her she had her back to me and I caught her completely off god my sister flew into midair and fell downwards off the roof down and out of sight after seeing the suicide note that I placed in my sister's room nobody suspected foul play my sister hardly ever spoke to anyone hardly ever laughed it seemed perfectly plausible that she had been depressed and taken her own life that was the beauty of my plan maybe with my sister gone the four other [ __ ] who'd be making my life hell would now lose interest in tormenting me if that happened I'd finally be able to get on with my life go back to being a normal student again from the time of my sister's death and her funeral he had had already been a few weeks feeling nervous I stepped back into my classroom all of my classmates ignored me except for one girl the leader of the bullies the girl with chestnut hair she smiled and winked at me Hey are you all right she asked I was taken aback by this display of compassion from her although my heart was now beating faster than it ever had I made sure not to show it I remained expressionless I'm fine it's not like I cared about her even though I said this I had been feeling extremely remorseful yes we were like air to each other but she had been my twin sister the bully nodded and smiled again hey that's great so you're gonna find a part-time job now I guess that was strange why was she talking about a part-time job all of a sudden I couldn't hide my surprise and she laughed when she saw my confusion ha ha ha ha what did you think we'd take pity on you if you want us to stop you're gonna have to make a contract just like your sister did what the hell was she talking about the bully looked genuinely surprised that I didn't know what she meant and that my sister had never told me what she had done she really never told you huh we were bullying your sister at the start had nothing to do with you we only stopped [ __ ] with her because she agreed to pay us off told her we'd find a new victim instead oh I still remember her face when we said we'd picked you she told me how much I'd have to pay her in her lackeys to stop this torment then she patted me on the shoulder and with another wing said good luck from today we've already found a new target instead of you provided you pay her sometime that is now why understood everything why the girls had started to bully me when I hadn't even met them before why my sister was always with them why my sister had been leaning against the rooftop rails with her back to me as if she was asking me to push her maybe she had been in greater pain than me all along in that moment I blanked out next thing I remember I'm being hauled into a police car by two armed cops I was absolutely covered in blood the human body is a very fragile thing it's amazing the damage you can do to somebody with just one pen and that was the story of a Kazuki as told by the woman in the red dress I couldn't help but interrupt the story as I brought her another cup of coffee how did she know all of this he had turned out that the woman in red had been a friend of a Kazuki's at least before she started getting bullied to avoid unnecessary trouble she had stopped hanging out with her but after she found out what had happened she felt extremely guilty Hakka Suki had been placed in a psych ward after being deemed mentally unstable the woman in red paid her a visit and heard the whole story from a Kazuki's own mouth the woman sit at her coffee he ever since that incident all reports of bullying were taken extremely seriously and any one bound to be a bully was punished severely but anyway my whole point is this it's stupid to say that the school's haunted with a pale face one of the young girls pointed out that what had happened there was as good a reason as any for the school to become haunted I had to agree this was one of the most gruesome tales I'd ever heard in my life but to that the woman simply snapped if you ask me what a Kazuki did was perfectly natural given what happened at least I mean wouldn't you have done the same in our shoes on the way back from work I would always pass by this creepy apartment complex no one had been living there for years and there were plans for the building to be demolished in a couple of months this abandoned apartment was a hot spot for people who wanted to commit suicide it was an isolated place with few houses nearby and the building was high enough for the fall to be lethal word on the street was that this place was haunted Hurst Japanese have always been a superstitious Bunch especially when it comes to suicide sites we have more than our fair share since there were almost no houses nearby there were no shops or streetlights either it was a terrifying place to cycle past it was a mid-december night and the snow was falling thick and fast absolutely freezing I pedaled my bike as fast as possible from the station to my house in the pitch blackness I had nothing but my bike light to guide my path as I need the abandoned apartment I stopped pedaling there was a single light shining from the top of the building I called was it a ghost the soul of someone who had committed suicide I didn't want to go near the building but this was the only path that I could take to get back to my house if I wanted to take a different route it would require me to head all the way back to the station the whole journey would take me an extra hour it was freezing cold and as another gust of snowy air hit me in the face I made my mind up and pedaled slowly towards the apartment as I came closer to the building I realized that the light was not that of a ghost or soul but was obviously a torch or a land I suppose it could have also been the light off of someone's phone sighing in relief I was about to cycle past when I heard a bone-chilling scream it was a woman the screaming continued until there was a resounding thud as if something had slammed onto the pavement a fresh gust of cold air erupted it all around me a woman had just thrown herself off the building at first I was frozen in fear but it didn't take me long to spring into action I rushed over to the foot of the building and found the girl who had jumped gasping for breath and shaking in agony her limbs were shattered and contorted and claret seeped from her mouth as she looked up at me pure terror in her eyes the blood-stained snow around her cushioned her landing so the fall hadn't killed her instantly like she planned instantly I pulled out my phone and called for help I thought it was futile at the time this girl was going to die in the next few minutes without proper medical assistance all the same I told her that everything was going to be okay and to just hold on a little longer surely she wouldn't die alone it wasn't long and told the whole area was full of red blue and white light the girl was in a critical state but unlike all of those that had jumped before her she actually managed to survive this whole ordeal was easily the scariest moment of my entire life but not because of the girl and not because I was so sure she was going to die you see as I knelt by the girl side freezing in the snow waiting for the ambulance to arrive I realized that she wasn't staring up at me but was looking just past me ah at the apartment building several of the apartments lights were now one in the windows were people staring down at us and the complex seemed to be filled with light sound the movement just before the ambulance arrived both she and I saw them their bloody emaciated faces inviting her in the buildings gone now but I still take a different route home from work this is a story from when I was in fourth year in primary school it was nearing Christmas time and the winter holidays I was a transfer student and had only just moved to the school a couple of months prior due to my father's job my family and I were forced to move from Tokyo to a remote school near Sendai it took a while to get used to particularly because the accents the other kids had was so different from my city Japanese and there were times I couldn't understand a word they were saying at the start I ended up annoying a few people including a teacher I felt like I was a foreigner in my own country three months passed and I was finally getting used to the culture and accents here at North and also made a small group of friends in my class first there was the jolly and outgoing Kenny he was the first one to talk to me we ended up becoming very close then there was the dude in the leader position of the class Jin he also happened to be the class representative he helped me out a lot introducing me to the area and to the kids from the other classes in our year then there were mass ahero saburo tori and a ami all of whom had met in class through various activities Masahiro was best friends with jin and was really good at sport which obviously made him popular with the girls it's kind of interesting but up to a certain age all girls seemed to look for in a guy is how athletic he is regardless of looks or intelligence but hey that's just my observation Masahiro used to always be with Tori so I guess maybe they were dating at the time tori was a shy girl with pigtails she was really nice her parents owned a restaurant which I was told my friends visit every now and again honestly I didn't know much about Saboteur he was quite the mysterious character he'd generally not say a word in class and would only look happy when he heard the bell for lunch so that leaves just one of my friends who I haven't talked about yet a army sweet sweet a yummy I fell in love the moment I set eyes on her when I first met the class she offered to let me sit at the empty desk next to hers I was anxious so all I could do was say thanks timidly but she just smiled took my hand and said don't be nervous my name is a yummy it's nice to meet you I hope we can be great friends that have been enough for me to fall for her so like I said it was nearing the end of term we were only a week away from the winter holidays and it was snowing heavily outside naturally everyone at school was super excited but it was at this festive time that one kid in our class played a truly messed-up prank if you can even call it a prank and they had decided to empty the entire contents of the fishbowl in the back of our classroom removed the goldfish from inside and experimented with freezing them in the snow outside mr. Ito one of our teachers had found the poor things frozen and dead just outside the school entrance in the morning who's responsible for this he asked angrily now mr. Ito was generally a nice guy but he had gone through a lot of effort to take care of those fish you could tell from the expression on his face that he was in no mood to play games the whole class are uptil din chatter accusations and conspiracy theories started flying around did you do it no of course not did you see who did it who could have done such a thing it was obvious that the culprit was from our class the school was having a winter sports day in the hall before the holiday started Jen had needed to get special permission from the school for the class to practice in the sports hall so we could beat the other classes therefore we were the only students in the school that evening the teacher had checked the class before he left and that there shall been fine then next morning they were frozen Steph I'm going to ask you one more time snapped mr. Ito do any of you kids know who the culprit is silence everybody just stared down at their tables and waited for someone to fess up but no one did if anyone was found to be guilty of this it would put a permanent black mark against their name and ruin their chances of getting into one of the better secondary schools that in turn would ruin their chances of getting into a good university and as a result a good job the Japanese systems kind of screwed like that but it's just how things work the atmosphere was as glum as that of a funeral even though I knew the culprit wasn't me I still felt nervous the silence of the class seemed to annoy the teacher even more okay that's fine I want you all to close your eyes if any of you know who the culprit is or if the culprit wants to admit to their crimes anonymously raise your hand or point to who did it no one's leaving this classroom until I find out who's responsible this was terrible the teacher wasn't in his right mind he shouted again to the glass to close their eyes we all took one last quick glance around the classroom to check where everyone was sitting and then complete darkness as I lost my vision my hearing seemed to become more sensitive the sound of the ticking clock the sound of breathing the rustling of paper as someone moved a cough had someone admitted to their crime had someone snitched I couldn't take the pressure and I opened my eyes thinly to look at the glass around me there was silly and jolly Connie the class leader Jin Masahiro Saburo torii and a yummy sweet sweet hey ami all of them had their eyes closed and all of them were pointing at me along with quite a few other class members I didn't even know completely silent like statues in unison they were all sticking out their fingers in my direction I got my teachers footsteps resounded on the wooden floor as he slowly walked towards me hey guys Laci here and thank you very much for listening well who doesn't love a few good to Chan stories to get you in that holiday spirit am i right special thanks to my friend phantasmal wretched for translating these stories from Japanese into English make sure to check out his channel for some more spooky content he specializes in translated horror stories so you're bound to find something unique if nothing else as always be sure to smash that like button or I'll smash you and I'll be back with some more videos for you guys very very soon until then lazy Legion you will stay spooky and remember the best things happen in the doll
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 676,558
Rating: 4.8975563 out of 5
Keywords: scary true stories, 2chan, 2channel, reddit, 4chan, horror movies, scary 2016 movies, audiobook, top 10, new, best, most, long video, relaxing, asmr, study music, learn english, british accent, ghost, ghosts, haunted, caught on camera, rob dyke, mr nightmare, corpse husband, japan, 2chan horror stories, deeply disturbing, how to, creepypasta, scariest video ever, on youtube, lazy masquerade, Halloween, deep web, yanderes, yandere, real, true
Id: u5G9pCBgWfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 20sec (1820 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 15 2016
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