3 SCARY Supernatural Stories from Reddit

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[Music] number one my parents have lived in the same house for the past 25 years I spent more than half my life living there I'm 34 now with children of my own and currently living about an hour away but I visit as much as I can this story happened when I was 24 I had two children and was going through a rough spot with my partner there such now I was staying with my folks for a few months my mum dad 19 year old sister and 26 year old brother all lived there I stayed in a bedroom with my kids my sister had her own room as did my parents obviously my brother was staying in a room in the basement my mother is probably the sweetest and most honest woman you'll ever meet now when I say she's honest I mean that she hates lying she's really bad at it and she's just a very serious person I can't tell you how many times I tried to get at a life of me when I was growing up and she just couldn't whenever she tried to lie to my dad about me getting suspended or caught smoking or whatever her line was always so horrible he never believed her she always ended up telling him the truth the reason I'm saying this is because my mum told me something that I know is true simply because of how my mum is one day she and I were in the kitchen I was talking to her about something while eating at the table she was washing the dishes I remember her looking over towards the den door in the den is the door to the backyard the stairs heading down to the basement are also in there back in the 80s there was a fire in the den and half the basement the man who lived there died he was burnt alive his family ended up rebuilding the den and basement the basement was pretty typical hard concrete floor and walls it had two rooms one we kept the washer/dryer in the other had a big freezer in a small space that was my brother's room anyway I see my mum looking towards the den she dropped a glass cup in the sink and just kind of stared I asked my mum what was wrong she quickly looked away and said nothing I didn't think anything of it that is until a few days later I entered the house and saw my mum preying on her deceased mother's rosaries my parents aren't religious my dad is an atheist and though my mum is technically a Christian she doesn't go to church or read the Bible rarely does she pray to see her praying on my grandma's rosaries surprised me to say the least eh you okay I asked my mum then smiled and said something to the effect of you ever see anything in this house I'd told her no which was true I knew what she was getting it but I'd never experienced any paranormal presences in my mum's house sure it has its bumps and creaks but what older house doesn't I asked her why she then told me what had been happening to her she told me that she could smell matches every so often especially when she was in the den or basement no one smokes in our house we aren't big on candles either so it was kind of weird what she told me next terrified me she told me that she had been seeing a man with burned melted skin no hair skin just a glossy red and black she said he had a hunch like back like you walked bending over a bit said he was naked but that she never saw any genitals she just felt like it was a man she told me she saw him sometimes at first she thought it was her mind playing tricks the sightings happened almost immediately after we first moved in she only saw him a couple of times throughout my childhood and teen years and but recently she had been seeing him more and it wasn't just a brief out of the corner of her eye thing he would stand in full view and just a look at her she said maybe for a minute but it felt like longer she didn't know why he was showing himself more now I didn't believe her at first it was like yeah okay mom but she insisted and then she started crying I had to believe her she asked me again if I had noticed anything strange and again I told her no after my mom told me this it was very uncomfortable in that house every time my then 8 month old baby would babble stare at a wall I thought she could see him I believe in the paranormal although I've never experienced anything personally a few months past yeah my mum was still smelling matches although she hadn't seen the burned man since that day in the kitchen I started to forget all about it and made plans to move into a new house with my partner we had since reconciled one night my 19 year old sister Megan had her friend Cassie over I was in my room with my kids my parents were reading in their bed yeah Megan and Cassie were hanging out in Megan's room I was laying in my bed watching TV must have been around midnight my kids were asleep then I heard this scream a scream that turned my blood cold it sounded horrifying I jumped out of bed and opened my door around the same time my mum and dad open theirs we looked over into Megan's room her door was open and we saw Cassie sobbing hysterically sitting in Megan's lap Megan looked confused she was stroking Cassie's hair asking what's happened what's wrong my dad went back into his room assuming it was just girl problems my mum went into Megan's room to talk to the girls she shut the door behind her I went to the kitchen and got a drink then sat in the living room to wait for my mum about 20 minutes later my mum came out of Megan's room chatting the door behind her I asked her what happened my mum sat next to me and told me this Cassie was reading a magazine on Megan's bed laying towards the third the position she was in if she looked up she was looking out into the hallway she happened to look up she said she saw a bloody looking melted bald man dragging himself down the hallway he was using his arms to pull his body and his legs down the hall his legs and torso were dragging as he made his way to Megan's room Cass even screamed and jumped into Megan's lab Megan saw nothing my sister was very skeptical and laughed at Cassie but she swore on her mother who had recently passed away that it was true I remember the goosebumps I got after hearing that I didn't even want to look down the hall Megan's door opened and out came the swollen eyed tear-stained face of Cassie with a coat and her backpack on her and Megan left I assumed back to her home I never saw Cassie again she refused to ever come back over and that was it I ended up moving a month later and my mum saw the burned man no more but what made me want to tell this story though he is something that happened last week I went to my parents to visit and only my brother was there out of the blue he says hey you're gonna think I'm crazy but I think there's something in the basement I keep seeing flashes of red out of the corner of my eye so that's off right now I'd told my mum what my brother said and those two are sharing their stories with each other my mum never told anyone except me about the burned man my plan is to do some investigating look into the house and the previous owner who died in the fire I wonder what he wants why he only shows himself to certain people and why he does it so sporadically I'll make sure to thank him for not showing himself to me number two so before we start some background I have a group of friends and we've all known each other since kindergarten there's four of us me and three more guys we're all 29 or 30 at the time of writing in were 28 or 29 at the time of the event we're all really close even though ever since college we meet up very rarely all of us were in long-lasting and steady relationships either married or the modern equivalent that is except for the main subject in this story who had just come out of a pretty messy divorce this friend and II had been having a really rough time of life as his ex-wife decided to leave him right as his mother was dying of cancer so it was understandable that we were all a bit worried about him one of my friends has a pretty nice country house that's far away from civilization far enough to allow for a nice weekend retreat every once in a while at the start of this story we had one of those trips scheduled the week before as we were all planning the retreat and he decided he wasn't going to go because he didn't want to be the only one without a significant other for the entire weekend we all insisted but we kind of understood his feelings and since he had another event lined up during that weekend we left it alone still I wasn't really satisfied with that as I felt he could really use the change of scenery so I decided to give him a call on Saturday morning right before I left for the country house offer him a ride and give him one last chance to show up I called him from the door of my house and he sounded kind of weird on the phone like he was sluggish or something I even joked with him about it it was kind of early and I assumed I had just woken him up he didn't laugh for anything so I figured he was pissed when I offered to pick him up and give him a ride he simply replied ok I told him to pack up a change of clothes and meet me in front of his house then off we went it was me the wife and him in the car for a nice 45-minute drive I started noticing things were off just as he got into the car he was acting really stupid I have no other way to put it he didn't get any of the jokes had trouble understanding simple questions then kept replying with either a simple yes-or-no or with a really slurred short phrase of the most at this point me and the wife had every reason to be worried about him we started thinking maybe he had fallen into some weird state of depression or started doing drugs he refused to acknowledge that anything was wrong with him and so we simply drove on hoping he'd maybe open up later on so we all arrived there was food and drinks and video games yes we get away from civilization to play video games and since we had all been friends for over 20 years there was a lots of fun to be had it quickly became obvious to all of us that Andy wasn't acting right he wasn't playing any games wasn't talking at all and spent most of the time just looking at us or outside as time went on I noticed he wasn't eating or drinking anything at all and one of the guys swears that he kept tabs on Andy and never once saw him go to the bathroom the entire trip we tried to get him to talk but he'd just give the exact same response every time I'm okay he ended up winning the patience game and so we all just left him to his own devices the night went on he sat on a bench outside looking at a stretch of woods near the house we all stayed indoors talking and then we decided to sleep and he said he'd go soon he just wanted to chill for a bit house we all let him be the next morning he was sitting outside in the exact same place we left him in the exact same position and that was it but I was completely freaked out and decided it was time to go back home we packed our staff and said our goodbyes everyone was really worried about Andy but we all felt creeped out so we just called it a weekend and left I drove him home dropped him off and went back home myself later that night we ended up all meeting each other again in a restaurant for a birthday get-together of a common friend I noticed Andy was being himself again and my other two friends looked really puzzled I sat down and asked him hey man what the [ __ ] happened yesterday he replied with something like yeah my car broke down and Peter here had to pick me up in the middle of the night after the bar well that made no sense and so we all started asking questions and trying to piece everything together turns out he was at the bar with a couple of the other guys at the exact same time he was with us at the country house when we kept insisting in a kind of panic that that was impossible multiple people showed us pictures of him that said event yeah well what [ __ ] pictures so we all freaked out and noticing that we weren't joking and he freaked out as well we confirmed by phone history that his phone in fact got my call that Saturday morning but he doesn't remember answering it after this the talk did continue but we really couldn't get anywhere and that was it as the months passed by the three of us all got really afraid of Andy and who he could be we still have no idea who was with us at the house and Andy has gotten really sick of hearing about this to the point of getting really mad when the subject comes up he says that the most rational explanation is that we all got confused and thought this up I'm still nervous about that to this day especially because I dropped him off at his home and saw him enter where the [ __ ] did fake aunty go did he do anything while we were all asleep do any of you guys know anything like this I asked around and nothing really fits I'm not really a believer in the paranormal but I don't have any other explanation I felt like writing this to get it out as the other guys and my wife don't really like talking about it it gets everyone real nervous number three I'm not entirely sure whether you consider this strictly paranormal but it's creepy and generally unsettling last week I answered an ask reddit thread about the creepiest thing you'd ever seen driving my story got unexpectedly popular my inbox was assaulted for a couple of days afterwards and everyone wanted to know the same thing where did this happen I'll get to that but first I'll retell my story have them posted here in a million years but this seems like a good place to share this a couple of friends and I drove into a horror movie once totally by accident it was either late November or early December five or six years ago I was deeply religious at the time and we were headed to one of those who living nativity things where they have actors pretend to be the Virgin Mary and Joseph were wise men and all that and they kind of put on a show outdoors it was held at a Christian camp ground outside of a nearby city yeah we didn't know the area very well so we had someone give us directions this was winter in the US so it was already getting dark when we set out we got to the area just fine but we forgot the name of the exit we were supposed to take to actually reach the grounds luckily the campgrounds had a big sign right next to an exit so we assumed this was the way to go we took this road and thought nothing of it crisis averted the city next to these campgrounds is actually pretty large and the exit we took is very close to a shopping district so it wasn't like we started in the middle of nowhere very abruptly however this exit turned from civilization to deep woods we figured well it's a campground so that's about right and we kept on driving pretty soon we passed a clearing on the right the clearing was maybe 50 foot and then woods again at the very edge of these woods was this huge stone gate with a wrought iron doors it looked like a cemetery gate but it didn't lead to a path or anything and just more trees had no fence around it either just the gate we kept on going remarking to each other that it was kind of creepy but still we didn't think much of it it was starting to get boggy at this point a little while later we came to some houses this is where things got weird the first house was just a standard white suburban home but in the driveway which was very short was a van with all its doors open the hazard lights were on too like the car was on but nobody was in it or around it the house was completely dark we were a little nervous now wondering if maybe something bad had happened like an accident or something like that and the driver of our car slowed down to look then my other friend in the front pointed ahead as it turns out all of the houses in this street were like this on both sides of the road lights out cars in the driveways all of the car doors open and the hazard lights on at this point we're more than a little freaked out thinking we've driven straight into Silent Hill or a particularly mean prank if nothing else it seems a little strange for there to just be a community-wide prank in the middle of winter and we're close to Halloween we still haven't seen any people for whatever reason we continued to drive maybe to get out of there faster there was a little bend in the road and the instant we started through it this massive black dog sort of a German Shepherd looking thing came out of nowhere and ran full tilt at the driver side of the car I'm still not sure if the dog actually made contact with the car but if not it came incredibly close after charging us it didn't retreat it stayed in the road barking its head off our driver did a quick u-turn and we got out of there as fast as we could just ditch the nativity thing and never tried to go back we found out when we got home and talked to the person who gave us directions that it wasn't even the right exit we were on and now several years later we're not exactly sure which exit we took that night all I know is I'm glad we chose to get out of there when we did I don't want any part of what was going on over there that night no thanks hi ours as I said most people wanted to know where this happened but I also got messages telling me it was obviously fake or that I made it out that kind of grated on me and I started to question it myself and wondered if I'd somehow dreamed it up or confused it with a movie or something even though other people were there with me so Thursday this week when I had to pass by that area again I decided on a whim to go looking I didn't have a certain time I needed to be anywhere so I just popped down all the exits along that stretch the first one just took me to a pretty normal little town the next one was pay dirt I'll go ahead and start by saying that some things are different from how I laid them out in the story for example it's not as heavily wooded as I recall though there are still lots and lots of trees or chalk that up to the passage of time and it being foggy and dark when the incident happened anyway here's that gate I talked about the wrought iron parts are gone but I'm pretty sure I saw them in the brush nearby dismantled there does seem to be a road through it not sure if that was overgrown or I just didn't see it before I didn't see a house or any buildings there's a rock face and trees back there so I'm not sure where one would be I'll assume that the name on the gate is the name of the property owners here's the house we first came to the one that had the van in the driveway he it's actually right across from the gate but otherwise it looks the same also it's abandoned next to it is this even creepier abandoned house further up the road more houses many of which are empty or for sale there's a bend in the road that isn't the one I described but then a little further on is this one that's where we got charged by the Black Dog and the hedges still look the same as a sidenote I encountered maybe two cars the whole time I was down there which was roughly around 20 minutes for being one exit pasture town this place is pretty secluded and empty so there you go on one front at least I didn't imagine this the place Israel and I found it it's just outside of Springfield Ohio if you take the lower value Pike exit off of Route 4 I do ask that anyone who decides to go adventuring be respectful of the people who live there and of the general property laws try going on a foggy night midwinter let me know what happens hi guys ha lazy here and thank you very much for listening sorry there's been such a long gap between uploads recently there's been a lot going on in life err and needless to say it's slowing me down a bit but hopefully things will get back on track very soon I've also got a couple of good video ideas in the works ones that I don't think of being covered in a while if ever so yeah we'll see how those play out and leave any suggestions you might have for video ideas down below if you have any better interesting shall we say anyway if you did enjoy this video then please smash that like button or I'll smash you and I'll be back again hopefully very very soon stay spooky lazy Legion and remember the best things have in the dark you
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 620,105
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scary true stories, scariest video ever, on youtube, horror, lazy masquerade, lazy maskarade, creepypasta, ghost, ghosts, haunted, supernatural, paranormal, unexplained, mysterious, mysteries, deeply disturbing, shocking, horror movies, scary 2017 movies, audiobook, narration, reddit, 2chan, 4chan, lets not meet, reddit users, top 10, nightmare, caught on tape, evidence, yanderes, real life, new, best, most, long video, relaxing, before bed, study music, british accent, horrifying, who, how to
Id: MJDrhIjc3r4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 53sec (1553 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2017
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