5 Creepy TRUE Obsessed Stalker Stories (Vol. 2)

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number one please note this first story is from a female's perspective the following account occurred roughly three years ago during the summer of 2012 it's always been difficult for me to talk about this but I found writing about it to be therapeutic I was 17 and I just got my first job I lived in rural western Virginia in a small mountain community my mum's friend owned a camping resort not too far away from my house that had a general store and she said that she had pay me to help out in the store during the busy summer months it was a pretty easy job and I met a lot of out-of-towners which was nice because our community could get a little isolated most of us lived pretty far away from each other one day a big burly Mountain Man type of guy came into the store he must have been in his late 40s or early fifties probably around six foot five and about 280 pounds he looked dirty like he worked outside a lot his clothes were sort of tattered and he had a long beard we had a few of the woodsy hermit types in our area and he definitely looked like one of them he bought some basic items one of which was one of our handmade bars of soap when he came to the register he looked me up and down carefully he didn't talk for a minute he just stared his people skills clearly needed some work did you make this soup he asked gruffly possibly I said I help out with that sometimes do you make a lot of your own stuff mmm toiletries and things like that yeah I like that he said nodding to himself I honestly didn't know how to respond i quickly rang up his items and he paid with some crumpled money right before he left he asked do you cook too sometimes I replied I bet the boys around here I'd chin to marry you he said as he smiled to himself I was puzzled as to what I said that stood out his wife material I told Christa my mum's friend in my boss about the bizarre encounter and she just laughed it off so did my family and friends but then mountain man turned up more often we chatted a little bit here and there and I found out that he had a cabin in the woods he claimed he built it with his bare hands he said he hunted and lived off the land and other than the things he bought in a store over time our chatter escalated with him making comments about how nice it would be to have a woman like me around who could make him nice things and cook his kills one time he even said I had those birthing hips that men lust after he even started to invite me to go fishing with him hunt with him see his place etc I always politely declined but he got more and more insistent and I told Krista about how uncomfortable he was starting to make me the intensity with which he said those things was really scaring me she said that whenever he came in to go to her and she would ring him up instead thanks to her and I started speaking to him less and I thought I wouldn't have to deal with him anymore but one night I was closing up and it was late around ten at night Christa had left about an hour before and I was leaving by myself the only two cars in front of our store were an old blue pickup and mine I was immediately alarmed because I knew mountain man drove a blue pickup but I didn't see him in the parking lot just his car so I walked quickly to my car and check the back seat before I started her up but then when I first turned the key in the ignition I got nothing but sputters I tried several more times and got scared quickly of all nights why is this happening tonight I remember asking myself angrily just as I reach for my phone to call for help there was a loud pounding on the driver's side window I'm shocked that I didn't piss myself there and then I didn't even want to look because I knew it was him but I did and my suspicions were confirmed he smiled a big grin at me showing me exactly which teeth were missing need some help he said loudly through the window and I shook my head furiously my dad's on his way I said hoping to scare him off I hadn't spoken to my dad in years no is not he said open the door the hairs on the back of my neck stood up straight how did he know I was bluffing no I said firmly leave me alone suddenly he looked angry he pulled the handle but I'd locked all the doors when I first got in he kept furiously pulling the handle and started pounding on the window leave now or I'm calling the cops I screamed at him he clearly wasn't getting the message so I pulled out my phone and called 911 I must have sounded hysterical to the dispatcher and I knew she could hear him pounding she said she would have an officer out ASAP but out here that could be a while the cops are on their way leave now I shouted at mountain man who didn't seem to let that deter him but after a few more minutes of pounding he suddenly stopped and walked back to his truck I watched him go hopeful that he would leave me alone but then he started walking back towards me with a bucking crowbar in hand no I screamed at him get the [ __ ] away from me he started to swing at the driver side window with the crowbar I ducked down into the passenger seat on the floor and covered the back of my neck like they teach you in tornado drills I heard the sickening crack of the window but not for long suddenly I heard male voices shouting telling mountain man to get away from the car i SAT up and saw two men approaching one with a shotgun pointed at mountain man I recognized them as a couple of guests staying at the resort for a camping trip I breathed the sigh of relief and got out of the car telling them that the police were on their way I thanked them profusely as we waited for the police and surprisingly mountain man didn't make any moves to get away but the cops came pretty quickly after that so he didn't have much of a chance anyway they took him away and I gave them my statement and I was pretty shaken up for a while afterwards in a few weeks later I finally got the scoop on the man apparently he had a history of mental illness he'd been in and out of state institutions he really had been living in an old cabin in the woods where he wasn't taking his medication and his issues were only getting worse my cousin Luke is a cop and later on he told me more about the case which he learned through some other officers the police did a search of his cabin after the incident to see if there was anything that might be of interest to them they found a journal that mountain man kept apparently in it he said he was lonely and wanted a wife thanks to my stupid name tag he mentioned me by name a lot Luke said there were a lot of lewd things in there that he didn't want to share but he tried to put it simply by saying that mountain man had a detailed plan to abduct me starting with sabotaging my car engine to get me in a more vulnerable position when Luke said that I nearly burst into tears thinking about how horribly that night could have gone if those two men hadn't come along thankfully mountain man's been put back into a state institution with any luck he'll stay there for good number two so I've heard similar stories and I figured I should share my story and see what other people's take on this is because to this day I'm still baffled by this experience anyway i was living in austin texas at the time but i had flown out to Los Angeles for the weekend my friends put on a yearly music festival at a biker bar out around Joshua Tree just a relatively small thing compared to Coachella and the like where most of the attendees are also musicians and everyone knows each other so we drink heavily but three days or so by the end of it you tend to need at least a week to recover so I was flying back to Texas wildly hungover and miserable and completely drained I had a flight from LA to dallas and then a quick hop to ask them from there i was seated by the window on the left side where there are only two seats seated in the aisle seat was a middle-aged woman totally unremarkable just your average Texan mum we made polite small talk for a few minutes but I really felt like doing nothing but curling up into a ball against the wall and passing out so shortly after takeoff I put in my headphones and started watching a movie on my ipod until I fell asleep throughout the movie I thought I noticed her trying to look over my shoulder and watch the movie too and then mumbling something like oh great just ignore me this happened several more times but I convince myself that I was just miss reading her eventually I noticed her furiously scribbling writing in the margins of a beat-up leather-bound book I kept peeking over at it noticing that the entire book was filled with unintelligible chicken scratch in pretty much every bit of the available space in the margins I also noticed it was an Alcoholics Anonymous book whatever I thought just someone with some issues i eventually fell asleep I woke up as we were landing in dallas people started getting off the plane the lady makes zero effort to start packing her things up or get ready to go she keeps sitting there scribbling in her book as I said I'm wildly hungover and kind of cranky and I have no patience for anything that's prolonging the time that I have to spend on this airplane it gets to ro and it's her turn to move into the aisle and again she does not move at all the rows behind us now start to leave I finally say hey I've got a connection to catch so I have to get moving here gesturing towards the aisle and standing up she laughs shakes her head looks up at me and goes oh no no no no you're not going anywhere I was confused my mind was not at its sharpest that day I responded with i assure you i am going somewhere I'm getting off this plane now she shook her head again and said but you promised me you would never leave me now other people who are leaving the plane are also looking over at this exchange also baffled and I make eye contact with a few people giving them that can you believe this look I begin edging my way out of the row saying I certainly never said that I'm leaving now as i edged past she sighed and said well i guess i gotta go with you then at which point she stands up behind me leaving her purse and book and all her belongings on the plane and follows me out all through the tunnel and through the terminal and up the escalator this woman follows at my heels grimming like a madwoman the entire time I'm walking past but she's right on my heels I didn't say anything at first and my mind just kept saying why is this happening now of all the days I just did not want to deal with whatever the hell break down this woman was having not with the way I was feeling I eventually get to the waiting area for the monorail to the next terminal where my connecting flight is and she slides up right next to me still grinning at this point I say all right seriously why are you following me like this her response this time because I love you and you promised me you would never be apart from me I laughed nervously and looked around at the strangers also waiting for the Train making sure I loudly announced no I did not promise that I have no idea who you are the train arrives I get on it and obviously she follows now she's trying to hold my hand I'm moving around the monorail car texting the girl I was seeing at the time about what was going on and how I'm actually kind of terrified by this woman my phone was at one percent though and it died before I could get a response I was actually starting to get severely creeped out by this woman her eyes were completely vacant there was just nothing but emptiness in her stare she didn't even blink coupled with her unyielding grin I was becoming sure it was only a matter of time before she snapped and proceeded to stab me or shove me down an escalator or something she's still grabbing at my hand and following me as i shove around the tiny train car and I announced to the other strangers I have no idea who this woman is seriously can anyone get ahold of security or something everyone responded with silence i guess nobody else wanted to deal with this either I felt like I was becoming the crazy one now making random statements to a train full of strangers we finally get to the other terminal I near run to my gate with her right behind me still saying things like you can't get away from me this time I get to the gate and spend a moment scanning the crowd I see a woman and what looked like a police uniform waiting and I say excuse me are you security or police or something you see this lady is but she just shakes her head at me everyone in the crowd just as their best to ignore us you would be amazed at how hard it is to find security or police in ad and airport these days when you really need them finally I go out to the desk and shamelessly interrupt the agent standing there doing my best to maintain composure I put on a half smile and explain to them hi there so this woman standing right next to me here I have no idea who she is and she's been following me for quite some time both the agents laughs the male one makes a comment like oh long vacation huh seriously what can I help you with the crazy lady laughed with them rolling her eyes at my absurd assertion that I didn't know her I chuckled shook my head and said again no I mean it I have no idea who this woman is they finally saw the desperation in my eyes and the seriousness of my tone and their smiles faded uh can we see your boarding passes and I handed him mine she produced hers from her pocket as I continued explaining she was on my previous flight she even left her purse on that plane all the way in the other terminal the agents speak with themselves off to the side for a moment while I completely ignore this woman just swatting away her hand as she tries to hold mine for the hundredth time the agents make a few quick hushed calls and then come back over to me and just say come with me they immediately wisk me through a door and slam it on my pursuer and I'm loaded onto the plane about ten minutes before any other passenger a stream of staff filters through each one offering me a new apology eventually the rest of the passengers get on and they all shoot me glances as they pass by my row sum of sympathy some of sheer confusion the man who sits behind me asks hey man what was that I give him the brief version and then he tells me this she had a complete and total meltdown the second you got on this plane screaming tearing her hair out pounding her feet they took her away in handcuffs you really didn't know her nope I didn't to this day I still wonder all the time what the hell was going on with that woman I've barely even told this story to many of my friends because it's just so unbelievable I never received any other information about the incident I never learned who she was or why she thought I promised her anything let alone eternal companionship and love to this day when I think about the look in her eyes when she said you promised me you'd never leave me my skin crawls so effing weird number three so this incident happened to my mum before she even had me over 20 years ago she worked at a local pub the pub mainly catered to fishermen as the town it was in was located on the coast of Western Australia so she knew most of the people who would come in for drinks or for feeding however every now and again people from town would come in she told me one guy used to come in who she knew from house parties around the place and always wanted to talk with her when she was working and she would say sorry and carry on about her business one night she finished working around midnight and walked home which was a few kilometres away she lived with a few housemates all of which were men and all of which were good friends when she got home from her shift she decided to have a shower making her way back to her room she noticed that her door and which was usually shut was open all of the fellows were asleep so she blew it off as the wind or something she laid down in her bed to go to sleep but something didn't feel right and for some reason that she couldn't explain she felt the need to look under her bed what she saw under the bed was the guy from the bar who had followed her all the way from her work she told me that she stared at him for ages and he didn't even move not even breathe to the point where she thought he was dead she went out of her room calmly and went to one of the guys rooms to tell them that she thought she had a dead body under her bed they raced him with baseball bats to find the guy halfway out of the window he managed to escape and run away the police were called and because they all knew who he was he was picked up the following day the thing that bothers me the most is what this [ __ ] intentions were with my mum that night the [ __ ] only received a fine and was never allowed back in town again too soft in my opinion number four when I was three my mom married my stepdad and we all moved into his house it wasn't in the best part of town but it was better than some of the other places around I guess I could describe it as a bit shady and always on edge we met most of our neighbors over a short period of time and when I was about six or seven I became best friends with two of the girls next door Sam and Alex the two of them lived with their mum their cousin and there aren't Linda now linda was a weird woman short fat yellowing teeth thin wiry hair and she had one fake eyeball she always smelled of cigarettes and body odor and I did not fancy this woman one bit every damn day she would come up to me while I was playing video games at their house and sit down and ask me about my mum questions like how was she doing how my parents marriage was if my mum needed any help with anything or if I needed any help I always tried to leave or ignore her but she would just pry and pry the vibes she would put off were sometimes so unsettling I just went home after a couple of years my mum strictly told me that I was not allowed to go over to Sam and alex's house when Linda was there and I couldn't understand why then suddenly one day my mum told me we were going to move to a brand-new big house we packed up everything we owned in a few days and left very quickly across town into the new house at the time we didn't have much money or any reason to move to this side of town so I was really confused but I never really questioned it when I was older I asked my mum why we moved and she finally told me what had gone down Linda as it turned out was downright obsessed with my mum she would ask the neighbors where she was she would look into our house windows into my bedroom window when I was sleeping my mum told me she would walk into my room and see Linda standing in the front yard staring in constant phone calls were coming asking to speak with my mum sometimes using an unknown number she followed her to work and other places almost every [ __ ] day and begged her to leave my dad and be with her she would beg to have my mom take her out to eat so my mom could realize that they were meant to be my mum asked the security at work who saw her to escort her out immediately because this [ __ ] would not let up sometimes she would come from my mum and smile at her and say I took out your trash see it's on the street or I mowed the lawn for you she tried everything to try and get my mum alone at her house even calling to say that Sam and Alex's mom had had a stroke and she needed her over there ASAP other times when my mum wasn't around she would threaten to kill my stepdad saying [ __ ] like your wife doesn't love you she loves me and she loved my [ __ ] tongue on her yeah she loves when I [ __ ] her she only loves me she doesn't want a dick she wants my tongue on her [ __ ] I'll kill you if you don't leave her right now she would always say these awful things to him then I told them about how one day I was jumping on their trampoline while I thought nobody else was home Sam and Alex's mom allowed me to do so at some point whilst doing this I looked at their back door and she was there looking through the slats and watching me the entire time I remember my mum and dad got super quiet and just said okay baby no more doing that okay Linda then started to stare at me talk to me tell my mum and dad I was looking extra pretty that day I think that's when we moved some of my old friends say that she knows where I live and my mum knows that's the truth it's been almost 10 years she'll drive by once in a while or try calling sometimes Alex and Sam try contacting me but I ignore them there are so many creepy incidents that it would take me a lot longer to tell you them all but I'm thankful we moved but it does upset me that she still won't give up after nine years of stalking number five I should start by saying i'm a broke ass college student i'm also be mailed by the way anyhow because of my strange college hours and my even stranger work hours i'm often on a weird eating schedule lunch at around 5pm and dinner at about 11 this is all well after my family has gone to work yes all the people in my house do work night shifts so I find myself wondering for 30-plus minutes away from my house in search of decent food it's never been a problem since I live in a nice town I usually end up at sheetz where I can get somewhat vegetarian food if you don't know what sheet says it's a gas station with hot food to go so this week I ended up at sheetz more than one night in a row each night there was a girl working behind the register that always talked to me for longer than I would like she was friendly though so I was polite and talked back she always brought up the most random things such as whether or not i made my pants or bought them with all the holes in them which is fine but a simple answer was never good enough she would continue to talk about them even when there was really nothing to say I got a coke so naturally she wanted to talk about coke for 10 minutes straight just strange stuff like that so I assumed she was just bored on the job until last night when I got home from sheetz yes I had seen her there but like I said she worked there and she really hadn't done anything to me yet now I would like to say that something led up to this like I was nervous the entire walk home nor I felt like something was just off or wrong but actually I felt entirely safe I got back to my apartment and ate my food and edited my youtube videos there are three floors to my building I live on the third floor with only one person across the hall from me so I wasn't totally worried when I heard footsteps come up the stairs but it just got weird I never heard them go into their house now my cat was at the door now silent but aggressively trying to sniff under it and digging at the carpet as if she wanted to dig her way under the door this is when i saw the shadows which appeared to be someone's feet no one knocked my door though i told myself that i could satisfy my cat's curiosity and my own worries by opening the door to see that there was nothing there and then i could go back to what I was doing I was dead wrong though I opened the door rather blindly as there's no way to see out into the hallway and again I wasn't expecting anyone I certainly wasn't expecting someone to throw my door open and force themselves in past me she ran as fast as possible right to my bedroom which would be the first room that you would see and slammed the door right behind her I of course noticed it was the sheets employee who by the way looked like the average 19 to 20 year old girl I grabbed my brother's baseball bat and reluctantly inched towards my door this was also in the direction of my phone so I could call the police then I heard my neighbors and of course snapped back into reality I turned around and ran across the hall where I shakily told them what was happening I stayed in their apartment until the cops came it took them 20 minutes to get into my room and to get her out as she had locked good or what they bound chills me to the bone mostly because I hadn't noticed her carrying anything with her there were at least 10 candid pictures of me from days prior coming into the store ordering food going into the bathroom etc all printed on cheap printer paper what scares me most of all is that some of them were from weeks prior before she had even actually talked to me or even had register duty there were also bottles of wine flowers and robe so do what you'd like with that information part of me wonders if she would have even tried to come in had I not started opening the door first I still have no idea how she followed me without knowing me hi lazy legion lazy masquerade here obviously thank you very much for watching and I hope you enjoyed the video if you want to hear some more stalker stories that make sure to follow the link on the screen now also don't forget to check out the artwork of Anthony San on us by following the links in the description below he is a seriously amazing artist and he did the thumbnail for this video and basically every other video I've ever done and is well worth checking out keep your doors locked your windows pulled and you'll hear from me again very very soon until then guys stay spooky and remember the best things happened in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 619,103
Rating: 4.9187326 out of 5
Keywords: 5 Creepy TRUE Obsessed Stalker Stories, creepy, scary, scariest, creepiest, scariest video on youtube, mr nightmare, Audiobook (Industry), before bed, deep web, Reddit (Website), banned, disturbing, creepypasta, lets not meet, caught on tape, haunted, ghost, ghosts, craigslist, weird, top 5, top 10, top 15, Stalker, Halloween (Holiday), Valentine's Day (Holiday), horror, creepsmcpasta, Survival Horror (Media Genre), Best, Scared, Scream, real death, murder, love, romance, fnaf, how to, crazy, scp
Id: OwLpQPXmVjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 6sec (2046 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2015
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