4 Creepy True NIGHT SHIFT Stories from Reddit

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[Music] number one I used to work night shifts as a security guard had a department store it was pretty boring work but hey it paid the bills rarely did anything out of the ordinary happen a few young dumbasses messing around and causing trouble was about as interesting as the job got there was one incident however which I'll never be able to forget I had been working at the store for a few years a new guy started working alongside me called sunny let me tell you he definitely had the right name he was always really happy and upbeat I don't want to say I was training him more like showing him the ropes we got on pretty well since we were in a similar age bracket he only looked to be a few years younger than me probably around 35 or so I can't be more precise than that I only knew the guy for a week we were both on chef together late one night we just finished having a midnight snack and a coffee break when something caught my attention on the CCTV monitor he looked like a couple of drunk troublemakers outside the building looking in through the window they showed no signs of moving on and it's best an it this kind of thing in the bud so I padded sunny on the shoulder and we started making our way to the pair of bozos outside sunny and I talked normally on the way over the prospect of having to deal with two drunkards didn't faze either of us we were both big guys and we knew what we signed up for with this job he told me that although the work hours weren't ideal he was enjoying the job all the same that's good sunny was a nice guy and I was glad that he planned on sticking around anyway we get outside and tell the two guys to move along thankfully they obliged without any trouble they stumble off down the street singing a slurred song as they went Sonny and I shared a laugh at their expense we start heading back to our monitor station to finish off our coffee remembering that there was still a couple of snacks left Sonny jokingly ran ahead of me pretending to be worried that I'd eat the whole lot if I got there before him he joked about 15 metres in front of me then tripped he made that little noise as he fell and then he was gone yes he hit the floor he just wasn't there anymore he disappeared right in front of me I shout out for him but there's no reply at first I think it's a prank but then I start to worry if it was a joke it was massively elaborate panicking a little and not knowing what else to do I head back to our station the first thing I did was check the CCTV there on the grainy monitor he had showed Sonny disappearing I didn't have authority to take the tapes home with me so I had to wait until the next day to show anybody the footage everyone who saw it was initially as freaked out as I was but they all quickly rationalized that the cameras must have been faulty and cut out some frames Sonny didn't come into work that night I tried calling the garner cell phone every time I tried the number was engaged Sonny never came back into work my boss said that he'd received a call from him apparently he said that the job just wasn't for him and that he decided to move on everyone started looking at me weird because I kept bringing the incident up and wouldn't let the whole thing go I felt like I was going crazy was there something I was missing that these guys weren't the freakiest thing was what happened a week after his disappearance while working the nightshift alone I received a call on the work phone strange I thought in all the years I'd worked that job I could count the number of calls I received on the work phone on one hand it was an unknown number I answered the call on the other end of the line and that was just static a voice was mixed in amongst it but whatever the person was saying it was indecipherable I know it sounds weird but I can't help but think that that call was from sunny from wherever he was and I told my other co-workers about the call they all basically said freaky but obviously didn't make as big a deal of it as me I stopped bringing sunny up in conversation after that it was obvious they didn't want to keep hearing about him they hardly knew the guy after all anyway I just wanted to share this story it's all these years later now and I don't think too much about it anymore still if anyone ever brings up the paranormal or asks if I have a bizarre story from my time working night shifts I always think of Sonny and where he is now [Music] number two in hindsight this whole thing might sound a little bizarre to most people maybe even a little comical but believe me when I tell you that at the time it was the scariest thing I'd ever experienced before I begin a little backstory I'm an American that used to live in China despite the fact I couldn't speak or understand more than a few words in Mandarin I was living with my girlfriend out there at the time and needed to find a way to make some cash seeing as my vocabulary was limited to where's the bathroom and I'll have another beer please I figured I was [ __ ] out of luck in the end though a friend of mine out there managed to bag me a pretty sweet gig in China they have a lot of Western knockoffs iPhone clones designer clothing ripoffs stolen car designs etc they're all made way cheaper and it usually shows but this sort of stuff is everywhere the place where my friend landed me a job was actually a counterfeit version of Disneyland a small theme park that was catering to the ever-growing middle class in China it didn't go by the name Disneyland of course but the whole magical aesthetic had been borrowed so to speak in fact the only real difference was that everything was a lot scruffier and cheaper looking they had people in circle aid Mouse costumes parading around the park a guy who dressed up as a duck in a sailors outfit and I swear one of the entertainer's was literally just buzz lightyear they gave them different names to their American counterparts for example crazy Mouse instead of Mickey Mouse but you get the point the whole thing was really shameless bird at that point in time a job was a job he and my job was to dress up as one of these characters and entertain the kids the character I was set to play was a tall dog with a long black floppy ears a yellow jacket and a tiny hat yep I was a literally bootleg goofy the kids seemed to know the character well enough and would always come running up to me shouting the characters Chinese name it didn't matter to them that the costume I was wearing was tattered and discolored to them this place was still magical thankfully none of the costumed performers were allowed to talk to the visitors we could only communicate through gestures as such my lack of Chinese wasn't so much of a problem it was also lucky in a sense that goofy is known for being quite dumb so when I didn't react properly to whatever one of the kids said it didn't seem so out of character I was working the night shift at the park at the time there was a special event going on to celebrate the upcoming new year and we were staying open a lot later than usual to build that buzz and put on some late night shows and attractions I was doing my usual thing namely waddling around the park boiling to death in my goofy soup prison and trying to put a smile on all the kids faces by being stupid this might sound like an easy job to you guys and in terms of being mentally challenging you'd be right physically though it could get a little rough at times the Sun might have gone down that night but it was particularly hot seriously it felt like I was six inches from the Sun inside that damn suit and I had to take a break so I made my way to a nearby rec room one of the few spots in the park where were authorized to take off our costumes and I get inside and immediately take off my giant character head and as I'm sitting there relaxing another one of my co-workers enters the room they're in their costume but immediately I know who it is because of the outfit they're wearing it's a guy I called Sean there was only one costume for each character at the park to avoid the kids ever spotting two of the same guy next to each other that sort of thing ruins the illusion Shawn was hired to play this giant anthropomorphic orange cat with a big grin plastered on its face I have no idea who this character was supposed to be maybe one of the parks own creations there he was just standing in the rec room doorway in all his feline glory he was one of the few co-workers I had that spoke good English I looked up at him and said hey how's the night going he doesn't respond to me in fact he doesn't really move at all he is just standing motionless in the doorway looking right at me through the eye holes of his costume you're not hot in there buddy you can take your head off things go uncomfortably silent all I can hear are these heavy breaths coming from inside Shawn's suit the kind of breathing you hear from people in a deep rage or something Shawn you okay in there I asked him and that's when I notice it in his gloved hands he's holding something it's a hammer I'm starting to feel a little worried now nervous about what's going on inside this guy's head he bursts out into this verbal tirade in Chinese I could only understand a few of the words but one of them stood out allow why foreigner he's pointing the hammer at me as he speaking whatever he's saying he's furious all I'm thinking about is how to defend myself against this guy if he comes at me swinging step by step he's inching closer waving the hammer about like a fanatic I can't get past him through the main door my only other option is the daughter the hallway behind me it leads to another room which has access to the outside problem was half the time the door was locked if there wasn't another member of staff in there already I'd be running into a dead end if that was the case then I'd be screwed I decided to take my chances and what other choice did I have I left up from my seat and made for the hallway sprinting down it I could hear Sean's footsteps behind me he was screaming in Chinese although I couldn't tell you what all I can tell is that he's hot on my heels as I reach for the handle to the potentially locked door I say a small prayer to myself please God let this thing be open I twist the handle and the door gives way there was indeed someone else in the room I have no idea who he was and he didn't seem to understand me as I tried to explain in English what was going on holding the door closed proved to be pointless Sean slammed his way into the room still holding the hammer I made like a madman for the exit hoping to lose him in the crowd of the park I could hear the other employee trying to calm him down in Chinese at least that's what I assume he was doing thankfully as I made my way through the park the guy didn't pursue me any further I informed my superior and an investigation began a few things came to light after that firstly Shawn wasn't working at the park that night he wasn't even in the province he had gone back to see his family for New Year celebrations the suits are left in lockers at the park so whoever was wearing the costume had somehow got access to staff quarters and very deliberately made a point that I'll get me personally it also turned out that one of the on-site constructors had a hammer missing from his toolkit this whole thing had been planned out the other Park worker who tried to calm the attacker down wasn't so successful he ended up with a broken wrist after struggling with the guy for the hammer sadly nothing ever came of the case I guess the whole thing just sounded too ridiculous to take seriously besides the cops weren't interested in hunting down some random guy that threatened a low wire at a theme park ultimately I'll never learn who was behind the mask or why the hell they tried to threaten me nor will I know if they planned to take things further have my coworker not being in that room I ended up losing my job for running headless through the park and that didn't matter I was gonna quit anyway despite the whole magical facade going on there I no longer felt welcome not being able to find any other work I ended up breaking things off with my girlfriend and moving back to the states I'm now married with two young children and they both keep asking to go to Disneyland if I see a guy in a goofy suit walking around over there I'll be sure to shake his giant gloved hand those guys don't get enough credit number three I'm still not totally sure whether I should be sharing this story or not but it's been five years since this incident and I'm sure the guys involved have probably forgotten all about me by now so I'm gonna risk it I was working night shifts at a factory in small town Russia a little place right on the coast and let me tell you night shifts are the worst if you're not in a position where you literally have to do a nighttime job then trust me don't it puts a real strain on your social and romantic life in this one night I was on duty with a fellow employee I have become friends with his name was vassal he was a really cool guy kept to himself mostly but was friendly and always always had a smile on his face if you ever needed a hand with something he was the first to volunteer if you are having car troubles vassal would go out of his way to give you a ride to and from work you never would have thought that he was the kind of guy to get mixed up in the sordid world of the Russian mafia anyway for about two weeks leading up to this Vasil really wasn't acting like himself he was down in the dumps and hardly spoke a word to anyone when I asked what the matter was he mentioned to me that he needed some extra cash he never told me what for mind you just said that he really needed it my reply to him was that this was the night shift everyone here was desperately in need of money that's why we were working this crappy job in the first place he laughed and nodded but I could see in his eyes that he was disappointed I guess he was hoping I might loan him some cash sadly I couldn't on the night this happened the pair of us were working together Vasil seemed in high spirits again our good things had turned out well for the guy financially maybe one of his relatives had offered to lend him some money I was glad that things were looking up for him and said that we should have a drink on the weekend to toast to his health halfway through our shift a jeep pulled up outside the factory for very large men dressed in black got out and rushed into the building Vasil must have recognized at least one of them because he quietly muttered [ __ ] to himself they rapidly approached him one of them slammed his head against one of the machines and with the help of another dragged Vasil out to the jeep and tossed him in the back one of the other men told us not to contact the cops or talk about what just happened said that they needed to talk to a vessel alone and that it wasn't any of our business he said that they would come back for all of us if any one of us spoke out then once all of the men were in the Jeep they drove off with old vessel and I never saw the guy again I'm ashamed to say that I was so terrified he didn't contact the police none of us at the factory did when his family contacted the authorities to say that he'd gone missing the cops acted like they didn't care at all and said that there wasn't much they could do they must have been as scared of these guys as we were about a week after that night a refrigerator was hauled from the ocean there was a chain around the door keeping it locked tight when the chain was cut open sea water came pouring out inside the fridge was Vasil his body was bloated and decomposed the salt water in his lungs suggested that he had been dumped overboard while still alive the poor guy must have been really desperate for money in the end I guess he got involved with the wrong people and either tried to hustle them or just screwed up so badly in their ice that he had to be taken care of his wife and kids disappeared not long after I hope by choice number halt I did my basic military training at Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri our barracks were old dating to around the 1950s or 60s every night a number of recruits were assigned fire guard duty which was essentially trying to stay awake for an hour mopping the floor or buffering it until the next soldier came on duty the fire guard post for my platoon was at one end of a long hallway directly under a set of speakers suspended from the ceiling whenever the drill sergeants made an announcement you would hear them through those speakers when they had to talk to the whole building at once that was how they communicated with us usually these were communicated and blistering shouts rendered staticky and nearly unintelligible as they bled through the ancient sound system one night about halfway through basic I was sitting in a chair under those speakers trying to stay awake the speakers crackled to life and I immediately perked up unusual for an announcement this time of night but it wasn't outside the realm of possibility the voice was soft barely above a whisper it was a woman's voice private get everyone outside right now the comm line remained open a low hum hissing through the voice again right now private everyone outside weird not that it was a woman's voice it was a co-ed basic training and we had a couple of female drills but for it to come across so softly was very strange when the brown rounds used the intercom it was a full shouting voice and I headed down the length of the hall to where second Platoon had a far guard on duty he was similarly situated I asked him if he heard anything got a negative response I made a decision chalk it up to my imagination and tardiness not risk having the entire barracks furious at me for disturbing their sleep in error and at least I'd be the only one who got smoked nothing happened the rest of the night and I put it out of my mind until the very end of basic when we had our three-day field training exercise we made it through and the drill started treating us like real human beings again well almost yes we completed the last day of the exercise we all gathered around the fire the drills got hurt walking then got to telling stories then got to telling ghost stories about the base my drill Pereda a male told the story of the first female drill sergeant at Fort Leonard Wood can't remember when it was in the 70s or the 80s but it was decades ago as you can probably imagine she faced a lot of pressure and harassment it was unrelenting and harsh and apparently she couldn't take it she had hung herself from some exposed water pipes using her belt a few years later they'd plastered over the exposed pipes so that they could mount speakers there hi guys are lazy here and thank you very much for listening so it's kind of been a while since the last video I know I know sorry but I have been quite busy recently and now I am getting back on track I'm back from Berlin that was a very nice holiday so uh who knows where the next bb-but um hopefully I won't be going on holiday anytime soon so I can pump out some more videos especially since Halloween's coming up and I do have a sort of special planned hopefully you guys will like that one keep your eyes peeled and if you enjoyed this video then be sure to smash that like button or you guessed it I'll smash you until the next one guys you all stay spooky and remember the best things happen in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 907,888
Rating: 4.8848748 out of 5
Keywords: scary true stories, horror stories, real life, deeply disturbing, creepypasta, true, real, new, best, most, long video, study music, british accent, top 5, top 10, night shift, nightmare, lets not meet, reddit, 2chan, 2channel, 4chan, ghost, paranormal, supernatural, ghosts, haunted, caught on tape, photos, ever taken, scariest video ever, scary, freaky, weird, crazy, terrifying, horrific, horrifying, disney, lazy masquerade, lazy maskarade, real life horror stories, horror movies, scary 2017 movies
Id: Jx4nj7nIXXU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 48sec (1428 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2017
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