3 Creepy TRUE Roommate Horror Stories

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number one so I guess I'll just jump right into it when I walked into my room for the first time in freshman year I saw my new roommate standing in the middle of the room screaming at his dad he was yelling about not wanting to go and how he blamed his mum for writing his college essay and filling out the application the father kept calling my new roommate and ungrateful piece of [ __ ] and threatening to beat the [ __ ] out of him if he tried to leave it was right after he finished speaking that they realized I was in the room they both pretended like nothing had happened shook my hand and introduced themselves luckily my parents had not walked in with me so they didn't have to see that and be worried eventually my parents met his as they helped me set up in the room and talked about how proud they were of us my new roommates dad kept saying things like it's either college or the street cuz I'm not paying to support a failure my parents of course thought he was joking every day my new roommate who I'll now call Eduardo told me how much he hated school he would never go to class drink in the room all day with the door open and we were a dry campus he'd scream at everyone party all night and generally just be a dick he used to watch vh1 every night until 4:00 a.m. with the volume cranked up so loud you couldn't even hear when I asked him to turn it down because I couldn't even hear myself think he said he would if I would wrestle him turns out he was serious he wanted to wrestle me because of me asking him to turn down that Bret Michaels Rock of Love show I declined and tried to go to bed the next day he called his mum to come and get him and she agreed and said she was getting in the car she never came and he lost his [ __ ] he broke everything he owned punched a hole through his TV slammed his guitar hero controllers on the ground repeatedly threw his xbox out of the window cracked his cellphone in half ripped his bedsheets he basically totaled his side of the room I had left the room during all this and assumed he was just blowing off steam not knowing he was breaking all his [ __ ] I walked back into a [ __ ] war zone with him just standing in the middle of the room crying and drinking laundry detergent yelling about how he wanted to die and how he took a whole bottle of Advil after breaking his stuff I ran to get the RA and he ran and took the broken glass and plastic shards from his computer monitor and started cutting his wrists the RA ni reentered the room - this kid throwing up detergent and bleeding cops and paramedics were called they fed him charcoal to stop him from dying due to detergent he left that night woke me up to say goodbye the last thing he said to me goodbye je sorry about ruining your birthday after he left I needed a new roommate the guys across the hall were tripled in a room made for two so I invited one of them to live with me he accepted the ADI agreed and less than two weeks later he was all moved in this new guy was great we really hit it off and became fast friends and he begins to tell me how Eduardo still texts him apparently he's still texted everyone in the rooms near mine now I really don't care because Who am I to say who he can and can't text as long as it didn't involve me my new roommate who I'll call Bill is a pretty sociable person and has long since made friends with all the neighbors I always wanted to make friends with the people around us but having Eduardo as a roommate made it incredibly difficult to his train of thought was if they were his friends they couldn't be mine under any circumstances honestly looking back on this I guess I kind of acted like an abused wife or something I've gotten so used to him being a dick that I just quietly sat in my room playing video games afraid to be sociable for fear of awaking the Beast anyway bill introduced me to the neighbors and we all became good friends and it was once this friendship blossomed that they began to admit to me that not only was Eduardo still texting them but that he was becoming more and more angry towards me he would text them how things would have been better if I had left and not him and how he'd made some mistakes and wished he could come back it was at this point that he had texted bill and told him hey man I'm gonna come visit for the weekend I'm taking my old bed while I'm there it was at this point that i nutted up and decided enough was enough I called him since I still had his number saved on my phone and flat-out told him he was not welcome in my room I said he was welcome to come and get his stuff that he had left behind that had survived his episode which was basically only his mini fridge but there was no way I was letting him stay in the room for longer than it took to get that bridge because of the fact that he was a downright horrible person he flipped the [ __ ] out he started screaming into the phone how I was the greasiest piece-of-shit slimeball he'd ever called a friend I said sorry goodbye and hung up he tried calling texting and I am in my but I ignored all of it and blocked him it was at this point he started commenting on everything I'd ever done on Facebook ever and I do mean ever all with the same word [ __ ] hundreds of notifications finally he stopped and I thought it was over then suddenly bill gets a text that says dude [ __ ] J he won't say no after this bill asks him what he means and Eduardo responds with I've got my dad's gun case keys I'll see you in an hour I've never run away faster than I have to the police station that day I explained the situation and they called a cop from his area to speak with him and his parents they assured me that nothing was going to happen and that he was probably just pissed and needed to blow off some steam turns out the cops got to his house as he was getting in the car he had his dad's shotgun under the passenger's seat I called my family they drove out and we had a meeting with the police Eduardo's mother drove out to the school too and met with us she pleaded that her son needed help and that if I had him arrested he could never change my parents kept urging me to press charges but the look in Eduardo's mum's eyes was so sad that I told her I wouldn't if he got help and once again everything was fine for about a week Halloween night rolls around and due to my job on campus I can't go out partying my job consists of sitting at a desk and checking ID cards between 11:00 p.m. and 4:00 a.m. to make sure everyone who enters actually lives in the building well I was informed that joining me and my work partner would be two troopers they told me it was because the drunken shenanigans on Halloween tend to get more rowdy than two students could handle I thought that was pretty badass and spent the whole night checking the ID cards of kids dressed up in costumes trashed out of vesicles but around 3:00 a.m. one of the officers pulls me aside and says he has to tell me something it turns out the real reason that they were there that evening was because Eduardo was seen in the area and they needed to make sure I was safe while they found him apparently kids are harder to identify when they're all in costume who knew the officer then told me they had found him on the campus at around 2:00 a.m. he had been hiding in the service entrance to my dorm building he was carrying a knife this time I was not so lenient and I did press charges among other things he's now not allowed within two miles of campus which essentially makes him unable to be in the town that the school is located in it's been about four years now but I still remember every detail vividly number two please note this next story is from a female's perspective this is a story about a roommate that my boyfriend and I had many years ago when we first started college his name was Bob we've been friends with this guy for about a year he was a character with a lot of interesting quirks but nothing that seemed really dangerous at first first of all he was amazingly creative he was a great artist and could also pick up a musical instrument he never even played before and figure it out in a couple of hours which was very impressive he had an amazing ability to focus one crazy thing he could do was to pick flies straight out of the air he had get this intense look on his face as he watched the fly then slowly approach it and bam pinch it right out of the air in mid-flight he also liked to burn things often would be kicking back and suddenly there'd be the smell of burning hair or something there he'd be sitting over the ashtray burning something he'd found with the same intense look of concentration on his face once someone brought over this big stand-up cardboard Easter Bunny we didn't have it for an hour before we noticed smoke coming from the front yard there he was watching the bunny burn in retrospect there were some things that indicated something was wrong with him beyond his quirky behavior a couple of times he accidentally hurt my dog by shutting his leg in the door or carelessly grazing him with a lit cigarette once he was cat sitting for a friend of mine but our cat mysteriously disappeared another girl I knew claimed that he had tried to bury her puppy under a shed they liked crawling under there to sleep and then he filled in the entrance but then again he and she had a kind of weird history so I believed him when he denied it so one day some friends of ours come over to our house while we weren't home they caught him picking up and throwing one of our dogs hurting her just for fun I confronted him over this and I was naturally pretty upset he told me in a completely matter-of-fact way that he decided to conduct an experiment that he'd been working on for a while he said he wanted to see if he gave my dogs only bad attention and pain whether they would learn to enjoy it he acted like this was a totally normal rational explanation what the [ __ ] I told him that that was crazy and asked him where he'd come up with such a horrible excuse for torturing my dogs after some argument he admitted that while he was doing an experiment he really did enjoy seeing the look of fear in their eyes when he heard them he also admitted to me that he had similar desires to do the same to woman though he hadn't acted on them yet again with these confessions he didn't seem at all remorseful he said it all in that same tone that you'd typically tell someone you'd decided to take some painting classes or something mundane like that needless to say we may Bob move out and stopped hanging out with him I don't know ever think he did to our dogs when we weren't home for the 6 months that he lived with us I did hear from a mutual friend that when he found out that our dog had puppies he was surprised that she could still get pregnant after what he did her pretty disgusting I wouldn't be surprised to see his name in the papers as being a serial killer some day number three please note this final story is also from a female perspective back in my younger days when I was still living with roommates I had what turned out to be the most obvious of dangerous encounters I was looking to move and I was about to leave to see a place in the perfect location good price to seemingly professional male roommates at the last minute my boyfriend suggested that he comes along as well because the place is nearby and they'll have to meet him at some point anyway we get there and I introduce myself and the one roommate who opens the door seems a little taken aback that I have someone with me I suppose it could be seen as a little unusual to bring your boyfriend but I figured oh well the damage has already been done if they don't allow me to be their roommate simply because he's with me I can't do anything about it now let's just see the place the apartment was huge we're both suitably impressed until we turn the corner of the living room and we see it a to camera setup with a light pointing at the couch there's a guy sitting on the couch who is introduced as the other roommate he jumps off the couch and gives my boyfriend the same weird look I now realize the look they were giving was disappointment I shoot my boyfriend a very quick look of understanding but we silently decide to continue with the tour so as not to escalate the situation I casually joke that it's nice that they have a camera so I can videotape myself for my auditions they both laugh much too hard and say yes that's what we were doing he brings us over to quote unquote my room and it's literally a broom closet you wouldn't even be able to fit a single sized bed in there it is now blatantly obvious there was never a room to rent in the first place I take this opportunity to get out of there by saying oh that's too bad I have a queen bed and it won't be able to fit okay well thanks for your time we get out onto the street and walk around the corner without saying a word when we finally look at each other it's this stunned silence just to be clear this all happened about 20 years ago they weren't filming for YouTube or anything like that he just hugged me really tight and we went for a walk in the park why hello lazy legion it's lazy masquerade here and thank you very much for watching the video or at the very least just listening and then tolerating my voice if you have any of your own horrible experiences with roommates scary disturbing disgusting or whatever why not let me know about them by leaving them in the comments below or emailing them to me at lazy masquerader gmail.com I'd love to read about them and who knows if you send them in to me I might even read them out in a future episode if you enjoyed this one that is make sure to leave a like if you did so you let me know you know that you enjoyed this this particular video and I might make a sequel make sure to subscribe and join the lazy legion for we are many and you can find links to my other social media outlets in the description as well along with links to anthony's artwork he does some terrific stuff guys including the thumbnail for this video and basically every other video I've done as well he's a truly amazing artist so make sure to check him out and show him some love until the next video stay spooky and remember the best things happen in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 1,058,720
Rating: 4.9255238 out of 5
Keywords: scary, creepy, scariest, creepiest, horror, disturbing, banned, illegal, weird, lazy m, mr nightmare, creepypasta, creepsmcpasta, Reddit (Website), deep web, letsnotmeet, lets not meet, 3 Creepy TRUE Roommate Horror Stories, Audiobook (Industry), horror stories, Halloween (Holiday), top 5, top 10, top 15, Survival Horror (Media Genre), haunted, ghosts, ghost, caught on tape, best, before bed, real, death, love, romance, how to, story, party, funny, evil, lyrics
Id: UoDp1uqWOFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 39sec (1119 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2015
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