4 TRUE Creepy Hotel Experiences

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number one a while ago I was staying at an upscale hotel in the safe area of a large Midwestern city I'm a 16 year old female and I was in a room all by myself with my parents a few doors down in theory this isn't unsafe by any means but I had bad luck on this particular trip our first night there passed without incident me in my room my parents and theirs I watched the pay-per-view movie and I way too much from the snack bar I didn't have any reason to feel unsafe the next morning we did the usual tourist stuff that one does when they're visiting a new city as we ate breakfast in the hotel restaurant I noticed the man who looked to be in his 60s staring at me for an abnormally long amount of time I won't lie as a young and decently attractive female I'm used to getting the occasional inappropriate look from a guy so I ignored it and chalked it up to him either being a pervert or thinking I looked like his granddaughter or something the next night my parents allowed me to meet up with a friend for dinner who lived in the area he met me in the hotel lobby and we had a nice dinner and then we went back to the hotel for drinks yes I'm underaged but I had a drink shoot me now coincidentally the same man who would be nying me earlier was at this bar this time I knew I didn't remind him of his granddaughter even with my buff guy friend next to me his eyes traced every curve of my body I felt unsettled and I mentioned it to my friend Ethan who glanced over and also seemed really weirded out by how obvious this guy was leering we left the bar quickly and by now it was around 12:30 a.m. Ethan walked me to the elevators of the hotel and once I pushed the button he left I wish that I had asked him to stay because no sooner had he walked away then that creeper came around the corner and stood there waiting with me for the elevator I felt so uncomfortable knowing that he would be seeing what floor I got off on and it hadn't occurred to me at that point to get off on a different floor when we were in the elevator together I tried to keep my eyes averted from his but they literally bore into my body he kept trying to step closer and I kept backing up too scared to even speak what freaked me out even more was that he hadn't pressed a separate elevator button so he planned on getting off when I did when I got off on my floor I almost ran to my room and the guy just stood there at the end of the hallway waiting to see where I was going I stayed in my room for fifteen minutes until I was sure that he was gone before I told my parents what had happened they were freaked out and told the hotel staff but there was no sign of that guy and it was really late so I just locked my door and tried to go to sleep I had almost drifted off when I heard a knock at my door now I'm not an idiot I've creeped on this subreddit and no sleep for a long long time so I didn't just go and open the door and nearly 2:00 a.m. instead I turned on a light and froze at this point my intuition had kicked in and I knew it was the guy I was near tears but the knocking kept continuing harder and harder so I finally shouted and asked who it was the voice that replied to me was the most chilling thing I have ever heard high-pitched but growly almost giggly and so disturbing I can barely describe it it's the hotel staff please let me in I was terrified a look through the peephole confirmed that it was the same creepy old guy I locked myself in the bathroom and called my dad's phone he has a habit of always keeping his ringer on so he answered me almost immediately and I tried to tell him what was wrong through my tears the guy from before I managed is at my door what happened next gives me nightmares my dad naturally went into superhero mode and opened his door to find the old man in just a robe masturbating it's pretty obvious to piece together what he was planning and I still dream about it and have severe PTSD from it my dad slugged the dude in the face and made sure he didn't move an inch while my mom called hotel security we press charges and the guys in prison now on what I think are assault and intent to commit rape charges but I could be wrong when dealing with hotel management concierge and police that night we discovered that this man had been trying to get a key to my room even before the elevator incident he hadn't used my name or anything he just said can I please get the key to room X with no other explanation he somehow knew my room number even before seeing where it was what I think is that he knew where I was staying before the elevator incident but wanted to make it known to me that he knew it unnerves me to this day thinking that he'd probably seen me go in and out without me noticing number 2 when I was about 16 I went on a trip to Cabo San Lucas with my family and my best friend my friend and I had a hotel room to ourselves for the trip something I was naturally excited about one afternoon I was getting on the elevator and a security guard got on with me as the elevator rose he looked at me and said excuse me were you wearing a green skirt on the beach the other day um yes why I replied I was already reflexively creeped out at the mention of the miniskirt I had worn a few days prior oh nothing I really liked it a lot when I got out of the elevator he got off at the same floor and was walking past as I took out my key card to unlock the door to my room at 4:00 a.m. that morning I woke up startled only to register that there was a man standing silently at the foot of my bed a man in a security guard uniform the one from the elevator as he saw me wake up he stammered something about my door not being locked properly and ran out of the room I was still groggy and didn't fully register what had just happened a moment after he ran out I became aware I was lying on my back with the covers around my ankles I sleep in the nude but never kick my covers off in my sleep as I'm always cold and the a/c was on full blast as well I'm also a very deep sleeper so someone standing at my bed alone would never stir me I'm pretty sure him pulling the covers back causing me to get cold is what woke me up I'm scared to think what could have happened if my friend hadn't been fast asleep in the next bed unfortunately as I was so creeped out in the elevator and had avoided making eye contact with him I never looked at his face and as it was so dark I couldn't have identified him in my room I never bothered to report it to the hotel I still regret that years later number 3 last summer I worked at a water park slash hotel slash golf course timeshare place I was hard to draw caricatures in the hotel lobby which was kind of a cool job it paid really well I drew a lot of caricatures over the summer and I'll tell you what you meet all kinds of people here's the story one slow day two ladies who were fat ugly missing teeth and absolutely foul-smelling walked by with a ten year old boy and the two ladies were immediately excited about the idea of having their kid drawn I think they were sisters they seemed basically normal they chatted with me watch me do a drawing and waited for me to finish the one I was working on anyway it came to their turn and we started to talk again people would usually have me do a theme to their drawing like draw us as a power ranger or something I asked the kid what he wanted his picture to be about he didn't say anything and his mother stooped down so he could whisper in her ear she relate to me that he wanted to be drawn as Godzilla I was like oh okay wait do you want to be drawn like fighting Godzilla riding on his back or what he spoke to his mother again no you wanted to be Godzilla okay sure whatever so he sat down in my chair and I tried talking to him about what he liked did he play sports just random stuff I would talk to people about to keep them entertained while I drew he didn't say anything which is fine some kids are shy but this kid actually seemed kind of disturbed like there was a reason he couldn't talk or something that I can't say for sure but these two ladies basically spoke for him and really enjoyed talking to me while we watch me draw at one point the mother of the kid got really close to me and said she wanted to talk to me when I was done I said okay her breath wreaked really badly I finished the drawing of the kid as Godzilla and he said thank you which surprised me and the two ladies laughed and looked over the picture and liked it a lot the kid and one of the ladies left for the water park and the mother stayed behind to talk to me as she asked she said something like okay now I'd like you to draw another picture but this one is sort of personal a little concerned I asked her to explain she pulled out her phone and started scrolling through pictures she got uncomfortably close to me had a big smile on her face and said ready I nodded really weirded out and looked down at her phone to see a picture of a stillborn child that looked as if it had been dipped in blood beautiful isn't he the lady said I called him my little monkey because he looked like a monkey and she laughed really really loudly I was speechless I sort of slapped my hand to my forehead it took me a while to respond but all I could think to say was all children are beautiful trying hard for Moscow [ __ ] shocked I was the lady then said well I'd like you to draw him as a monkey I didn't say anything she scrolled to another picture on her phone another premature baby with joobs up its nose and the woman said and this was my little seal he lasted for hours doesn't he look like a little seal of course she wanted me to draw him as a seal holy [ __ ] so bizarre her breath reeked of alcohol and smoke and just general odor and she was laughing in my face without asking the lady send the pictures to my cell phone because my number was on the sign by the easel I was so shocked that I could hardly put a sentence together I said something to the effect of maybe because I couldn't help but feel bad for her she said great we're here until Thursday and walked away I called off until Friday number four this just happened tonight not to me but to my wife I'm writing this from a McDonald's parking lot three blocks from the police station where my wife is giving her statement she works front desk of the hotel it's a busy one given more to the business types she usually works until 11:00 more midnight and being the protective type I'm usually there with her though not for altogether altruistic reasons but Wi-Fi coffee and TV three weeks back I'm there watching an episode of justified and I meet this fellow I got his name and forgot it instantly he's staying there long term I'm not gonna tell you why business of sorts I instantly knew I didn't like him one he interrupted my show and two I can tell he's a little off he has a cast on his hand from what he said was hitting a wall he rambles on speaking of a 2012 prophecy and fundamentalist Christianity he talks of being sober from drink for 36 months but takes a lot of pills basically he's got issues he had an ambulance called last week apparently he owed heed but he still stays at the hotel and tonight he calls down to my wife he tells her to call the police my wife asks if anyone's hurt he says someone will be in about 90 seconds my wife called the cops I wasn't there tonight what I know is what she told me while waiting to be interviewed he comes down and goes to the dining area he's got a gun the assistant manager goes out there and then my wife does a couple of minutes later she finds the assistant manager is facedown on the carpet with the man standing over him still holding the gun he sees my wife and points the gun at her then he hears something gets distracted and my wife backs up and gets behind a wall the police come in a lot of them she hears the man yelling then she hears a shot she doesn't know who pulled the trigger you hi guys lazy Masquerade here thank you so much for watching just to give you a little update I'm always going to be uploading true horror stories twice a week as always but I'm also planning on making some paranormal type videos and uploading them bi-weekly so yeah I'm planning on bringing those to you every other Thursday or maybe Sunday I haven't decided yet but either way I hope you'll enjoy those stories as much as these ones when they come out and if you're not into the whole ghost story is seen then the worries I'll still be uploading these true horror stories for you anyway so don't worry about that subscribe and join the lazy Legion and follow me on Twitter to vote on what you'd like to see in the next episode so until then guys stay spooky and remember the best things happen in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 1,038,181
Rating: 4.8952346 out of 5
Keywords: 4 TRUE Creepy Hotel Experiences, creepy, scary, scariest, creepiest, scariest video on youtube, disturbing, murder, mr. nightmare, creepsmcpasta, creepypasta, Reddit (Website), craigslist, top 5, top 10, banned, illegal, caught on tape, true scary stories, most disturbing, Ghost, Haunted, Halloween, summer, holiday, Survival Horror (Media Genre), mr nightmare, nightmare, letsnotmeet, lets not meet, nosleep, urban legends, Hotel (Accommodation Type), Zombie, real, death, best, funny, fnaf, love, romance
Id: H56kzoMAFFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2015
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