4 Disturbing TRUE Dates from Hell

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number one two years ago my life was completely different I was in a sorority I had a lot of friends I was outgoing that was until the night of our Halloween grab a date for those of you who have never been in the Greek system it's a party where you invite only one person as your date I had recently met a gorgeous guy who was on my colleges football team I invited him and he said yes but that his friend from out of town had to go to I convinced the naive freshman to take him on the afternoon of the date there was a football game so unlike the majority of girls and their dates I had to wait for my date instead of getting drunk the game ended with just enough time to take a shot of vodka with my date and the two other guys before we had to rush for a bus to meet the freshmen and go to a boat where the party would be held I ended up finding my date and his friend rather creepy whilst on the boat and ignored him for most of the night and danced with my friends unfortunately my keys were at his apartment so after we got off the boat and back to the Greek system I had to return to his place this is where things went wrong I quickly went back to his place and grabbed my keys but by the time that I found them he had poured a shot for each of us by this point it was just me his friend and him I at first declined but they insisted I take it before I leave I don't remember anything after that shot the grab a date was on October 30th Halloween morning I wake up to a strange beeping I was extremely confused and had no idea where I was but I was terrified I felt too weak to move and after a few minutes I realized that the beeping was coming from a machine that I was attached to even then I didn't realize where I was I just started yelling after what seemed like an eternity a grumpy nurse walked in I asked her for a phone which he gave me and left in my confusion I couldn't figure out how the phone worked so I had to yell for her to come back eventually it was figured out and I called my dad this was the scariest Halloween for my dad waking up early from an unknown caller that ended up being his daughter two hours away in the ER after that phone call I fell asleep and woke up to my dad in the room crying it turned out that I had stopped breathing a few times that night the first time was within half an hour of taking the shot I later found out that rather than calling for help the guy left my body on the steps of my sorority where thankfully another girl was coming home while he was walking away she was the only one who called the ambulance unfortunately I did not get tested in my confusion I refuse to be drugs tested that morning and kept insisting that I wanted to go home too weak to walk I had to be real chaired out and then carried to my dad's car my dad's partner works in the ER and said that it sounded like I had an allergic reaction to roofies one of my mom's friends from a hospital suggested that as well but by the time I wanted to be checked the hospital said it would already be out of my system later that day I looked through my cell phone and found that I had been texting a few friends that night for help saying that I was creeped out and that I was scared I had also received a text from the guy saying he wanted me to go to the bathroom and give him head I decided to reply to his text and ask him what happened that night and told him that I woke enough in hospital he replied with that sucks as if this whole ordeal wasn't enough after a few days when I returned to school and Sorority a rumor had started that I had had alcohol poisoning when I tried claiming that wasn't what happened people just told me I was too embarrassed to admit it I was even sent to standards a sort of sorority Court where you get punished and told I wasn't allowed to go to another grab a date to that water very few girls asked if I was okay I wasn't number two I'm a woman and I met a guy on match.com which I joined as an attempt to tiptoe back into dating after a very painful divorce he sent me a message saying my profile was intriguing and he would love a shot at meeting me I looked over his profile and quickly deduced that he wasn't a match he had written a long message about his passion for football and annoyance with women who didn't understand and he claimed to be a devoted Christian and a staunch conservative I'm neither of these and don't much enjoy hearing about either I politely declined his request for a meeting and this seemed to only egg him on I'd say I don't meet any of your clearly articulated criteria to which he'd reply maybe you're worth opening my mind a bit we went back and forth for a week or two with me insisting we weren't right for each other and him playfully arguing that I was too interesting for him to let me get away he said he'd become accustomed to women throwing themselves at him apparently he's some sort of successful business owner and semi-pro ballplayer and he found my reluctance sexy and endearing I'll admit I was flattered by his persistence and impressed by his confidence so I finally agreed to meet at a restaurant for dinner he was decent looking although a big Hulk of a fellow and he came across as intelligent witty and confident in person he said he was recently divorced and had a three-year-old daughter he seemed nice enough but I really wasn't feeling a spark and after a couple of hours began to find his self-assurance somewhat obnoxious for reasons I still don't quite understand I nevertheless agreed to join him for ice cream after our meal and accepted his offer to drive we live near the coast and somehow he talked me into pulling into a parking lot near a public beach to chat and finish our ice cream although I didn't really think it would work I let him kiss me what can I say it had been a while and when it got a little too hot and heavy I stopped it and said I was ready to head back to my car he started whining and begging me for sex saying that I couldn't just leave him turned on like that at first I laughed it off but he grew increasingly desperate telling me he was about to explode can't you just suck it or at least give me a [ __ ] um no I said I think it's time to go now he got all frustrated and annoyed like he was offended that I'd been willing to kiss but I'm willing to [ __ ] him and I started to get pretty nervous that's when he whipped it out of his pants and proceeded to masturbate right there in the driver's seat I was too relieved that this massive dude hadn't tried to rape me to feel scared and I had to force myself to look away trapped in a combination of absolute horror and fascination he sat there stroking away enthusiastically moaning about how good it felt while I pressed myself against the passenger door trying to stay as far away as possible and looking around for potential help in case things got any worse when he was almost finished he said in a breathless voice where do you want me to put it when I didn't respond he continued where should I come can I put it on your tits or can I at least give me your hand I ignored him so he let it loose all over the steering wheel of his truck oh my gosh I'm so embarrassed he said I can't believe I just did that but you are so sexy I couldn't help it then he casually asked me to pass him a napkin from the glovebox so he could clean up his mess I probably should have just run away but the empty beach at night seemed more dangerous than this now spend perv so I let him take me back to my car he acted like nothing strange had happened and told me he had a great time as soon as I saw my car I ran without even looking back and went home and showered he actually sent me another message asking for another shot I disabled my match.com account and basically disappeared from the cyber universe for months technically I think it probably qualified as some sort of sexual assault but after telling the story of the master data to my friends over and over I had laughed too much to feel traumatized a few months later I was eating pancakes at IHOP with my new boyfriend now husband and I spotted the master data eating with a woman and a three-year-old girl both of them were wearing wedding rings and from the look of panic on his face when he briefly made eye contact I feel pretty sure he was married the entire time we corresponded after what I'd let him get away with I was very tempted to go over and ask him if he's whacked off on any first dates lately if only the kid hadn't been there number three when I was 22 I lived in a semi hip semi sketchy part of Brooklyn known as South Williamsburg I lived in a two-bedroom apartment with a lesbian roommate named Tony who I didn't get along with very well and I regularly went on dates with guys I met online most of these dates were nothing to write home about but then there was the time I met Dave Dave and I agreed to meet for a few drinks at my favorite bar which was called Barcade this bar was amazing because I had dozens of American micro brews on tap and because the entire large space was filled with 80s arcade games which were all still a quarter of play I'm talking miss pac-man Galaga space invaders 1942 tatha gauntlet you name it what I didn't realize is the decision to meet at this particular bar possibly saved my life so I met him at Barcade ordered a beer cashed in two dollars in quarters and challenged him to a few games we started out having fun playing in turns and cheering the other one on but after a few rounds of punch-out he started getting antsy a lot of do you want to take this back to my place and let's get out of here here it cetera I blew him off and didn't think anything over at first since I still had quite a few quarters left and just thought he was anxious to get into my pants I finished my beer and ordered a second which is usually my limit for sobriety seeing as I'm quite small then my favorite game opened up I excitedly ran for it put a quarter in and I sucked I just couldn't time anything right I kept missing my cues and didn't make it past the first round this was weird since I pretty much lived on this game and beat anyone I challenged on it when I mentioned with wounded pride that I'm normally not this bad after only one beer he started to get even more incessant no seriously let's go this place is too crowded for good conversation let's go somewhere quieter I didn't understand since we'd only been there for about half an hour and I was interested in having some fun but I also wanted to get to know him first I again insisted on using Mike waters of wish I only had two left I put another one in the game determined to kick some arse and this time not only could I not make it past the first round but I had trouble even holding on to my joystick correctly this is when I started putting two and two together I realized that was in a really bad situation and I needed to play it cool so I did what any normal 22 year old would do I excuse myself to the bathroom and proceeded to flip the [ __ ] out I called my roommate and begged her to come and get me we only lived a few blocks away but she was at her girlfriend's house in Park Slope about a 15-minute cab ride and was in the middle of a date I begged her and offered to pay for not only their date but also the cost of the cab and finally she agreed to come and get me while I waited I just hung out in the bathroom getting more and more freaked out losing more and more of my fine motor skills as the minutes went by as woman came into the bathroom I kept asking them to check if he was still out there for the first 20 minutes he was after that people kept coming back and saying he was gone I still didn't feel safe leaving the bathroom though I stayed there on the phone with my friend in North Carolina waiting for Tony to show up after an hour she walked in and carried me out of the bar I was able to walk with assistance so it was more like a leaning carry if you can imagine that she was still upset with me interrupting her date though so instead of taking me back to the apartment she took me to a gay bar nearby the Metropolitan I got parked on a chair for the next hour while she partied with some friends I think honestly my memory of this is a little hazy I just know we were there all I remember next is waking up in my bed in the middle of the night but having crazy cramps and spasms all over my body and not being able to control it then I don't remember anything else until the next morning where my only remaining symptom was a really bad headache I never heard from Dave again although I did get a phone call two days later from a blocked number where a woman yelled curses at me for 30 seconds before threatening to kill me and hanging up I don't know why but I'm convinced the two events are connected either way that's my story I was drugged but not raped and I'm forever thankful number four I grew up next door to this kid he was a typical little boy and I was a typical little girl but we found common ground with less gendered toys like Lego and eventually Playstation we spent almost every afternoon together from age three to twelve my family moved to another state after that and we lost touch even with the lens of childhood innocent in place I feel they need to emphasize that his family were give or take normal and fairly affluent years went by I'm in my 20s now I usually ignore Facebook friend requests from people I don't see on a regular basis but I made an exception for Luke my childhood friend he messaged me out of the blue and told me that he still lived in the same city in the exact same house on the street where we grew up that was a little odd sure but the memories came flooding back Luke and I had a few conversations about elder scrolls and Marvel movies and formula one his only profile pictures were of his car and his dog and all his Facebook posts that I could see were about gaming so I had no idea what he looked like and just figured we had stuff in common the tone of our conversations changed I wrote off the initial inappropriate comments as jokes bad humor and when it came to his flirting I told him straight up that I wasn't looking to date or sleep around with anyone he asked me out several times anyway and sent me a lot of Facebook event invites to parties at his house he didn't seem to ever be inviting many if any other women just me and a bunch of guys basically he had no idea how to make a prospective female friend feel comfortable or safe entering his social circle there was no way I'd go over to his house but eventually he wore me down with nostalgia and I agreed to catch up with him for a drink as friends the non-date rolled around on a Friday evening pretty early I waited to meet him on a busy street that we were both familiar with there are a lot of bars in that area so I wasn't worried we'd lack options when Luke arrived I suddenly understood why he didn't post pictures of himself on Facebook for reference I'm 5 foot 98 pounds only because I was an extreme skinny fat at the time no muscle on me at all Luke towered over me by at least a foot I'm so close to the ground anyway that I have trouble estimating height he was about 50 pounds overweight and just a big guy in general with a shaved head and covered in what looked like biker tattoos I didn't want to judge on sight since I have friends who are really into alternative fashion I also know some metal fans with objectively scary tattoos and they're the nicest people in the world so well I was surprised but not freaked out I couldn't identify the tattoos for what they were later this same night he lifted his shirt to show me some more obvious ink he takes the initiative and says he's leading me to his favorite place it's a short walk and down some stairs to a bar that I don't recognize at all and although it's a Friday night the place is completely dead were the only people there aside from the bartender we order a couple of drinks and I don't let him pay for mine when I'm out with friends I always buy my own drinks and I wanted to emphasize that this wasn't a date even if it had been I would have paid for myself because I don't like accepting gifts on a first date I want to sound out how I click with that person and I don't want anyone to try and use a bar bill or a meal as leverage with me it does happen I don't want to owe strangers anything not a smile not a conversation nothing I already wasn't a hundred percent confident I'd even feel safe sipping this drink over the course of that one drink Luke starts telling me his twisted values in detail it turns out that those with genuine neo-nazi tattoos and one of the reasons he wanted to ask me out was because he knew my family and that we were and I'm quoting here really white then he started complaining about how the last girl he took out was part black and how he found out you can probably guess that he didn't say black I was beyond repulsed by this point he was getting agitated just talking without me saying much at all and that was scaring me honestly I did want to explode at him but I know that anger makes people like him get even more hostile I was afraid to fan the flames so I kept the neutral and answered as calmly as I possibly could I told him that I'm not a racist if I can help it but I didn't agree with him about any of this and I didn't know anyone who would including his own parents and I reminded him again that this was never a date then the double-asshole real prints of a guy he says girls always say no to me until they say yes I said in my own head is this real there's a part of me that thought it was all just a practical joke we were at a booth not sitting at the bar Keanu so he was basically spouting all of his hateful [ __ ] with complete impunity I had the sudden thought that if other people could only hear the crap coming out of his mouth he'd get kicked out into a fine paste I felt so alone he'd set us up so that my handbag was under his jacket on his side next to him instead of next to me I would need to reach over him to get it and leave I probably sat through an hour of him nursing that one drink empty glass soon enough and explaining his thoughts on life in a way it was just pathetic because his ideas didn't seem thought-out you could tell no one usually listened to him for as long as I'd been listening he couldn't begin to justify himself he was getting worked up and aggressive in a way that's hard to describe I wouldn't say he was getting off on making me uncomfortable but there was probably something about having an audience who didn't seem to know how to shut him down or escape I was thinking about exit strategies I know you can't fight hate with hate so I just kept telling him in a calm way that I'm completely disagreeing with him he threw in a couple of dumbass points about feminism - with the implication that I didn't have the right to contradict him he also tried to make me confess to hating Indians like he could bring me around to his way of thinking and then convinced me to date him once we had that in common spoilers we do not have that in common that's when the touching started he moved his hand up my arm and around my neck and I shrugged him off the second or third time I moved away from him trying to touch my leg or anything around there he just grabbed my arm and squeezed it bruising almost proving a point that was the absolute last straw and I knew I had to get away no matter how badly he reacted I think because I had been so calm he read my pulling away as shyness and his idea of dumb girl modesty he let me go to the bar to get another drink I took my purse out of my handbag just the purse so I hoped he'd think that I wouldn't leave without the rest of my stuff and be lined to the bar I quickly explained the situation to the bartender told him I was scared and asked if there was another way out of something that was my second or third or maybe fifth huge mistake of the night the bartender laughed in my face like it was the funniest thing in the world and said just go he probably won't follow you so I had to leave by the front door up the stairs in plain view from the booth and run I didn't look back at any point but maybe the unhelpful bartender had a kind of point since Luke either didn't follow me or wasn't able to keep up still thanks for nothing bartender looking back I'm sure there are probably good friends actually I blocked Luke on Facebook but not before he got my number and he texted me every day until I changed it I'm not proud of how I handled the situation I don't think I did any of the right things or any of the smart things when I read stories about badass kids on this subreddit I feel a shame that I wasn't able to do better as a full-grown adult I'm stronger now and oddly I dealt with worse things before that night but that one just took me by surprise I thought it was weird enough to warrant submission here I still don't understand how someone my own age with every advantage I had and some that I didn't could turn into that monster hi guys laser masquerade here on behalf of the Buster and myself I would like to thank you very much for listening to this video and we both really hope you enjoyed it and if you did you can go over to his channel by clicking the thumbnail on the screen and listen to another collaboration video we did together this one's about the Deep Web and other internet stories and true horror related stories obviously and we really think you'll enjoy that one so go over and let us know what you think on the video as always don't forget to Like share and subscribe and let me know that you want to hear more of this type of content from me you stay spooky and of course remember the best things happen in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 2,098,918
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dates From Hell, Scary Dating Stories, Scary date stories, creepy, creepiest dates, Reddit (Website), top 5, top 10, scary, disturbing, true, creepypasta, lets not meet, banned, horror, read through, Survival Horror (Media Genre), valentines day, love, real death, mr nightmare, creepsmcpasta, urban legends, before bed, caught on tape, creepiest video, scariest video on youtube, Ghost, halloween, Haunted, chilling tales, folklore, true dating stories, stalker stories, romance, blood, sex
Id: k2vGDhAKoEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 1sec (1561 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2015
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