Exploring McKamey Manor: The USA's Darkest Horror Attraction

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As many of you know, I like to cover real-life mysteries on this channel Salt mysteries unsolved mysteries partially sold mysteries ones from way back in the past dumb ones that are still ongoing today Nick along with scary true stories mysteries are this channel's bread-and-butter and if you've watched any of my other videos You'll know that I usually cover them in batches of four or five Recently, however, while searching online for some new cases to cover I came across something I hadn't heard of before McCamey Manor supposedly the world's most extreme immersive horror experience This place caught my attention for being truly strange Twisted and shrouded a mystery and seeing how many of you are probably bored out of your minds right now for obvious reasons I thought this would be a good time to do a deep dive into this dark attraction and see if we can figure out if The stories about this haunt or authentic or if they're all just smoke and mirrors Fair warning I'll be using some video clips in this one that might disturb some of you try to stick with me Here we go So first thing you're probably asking is lazy what even is McCamey, mana? According to many people McCamey manner is the most extreme haunted house You can legally visit in the USA, you know The legality of some of the things that go on there is questionable to say the least Basically it's a place you can sign up to visit for a chance to live your very own personalized horror movie the attraction was set up by Russ McCamey who started it up in San Diego, California back in the early 2000 and tends a Lot of people in the local area back then knew about the infamous McCamey manor which had been the source of many controversies and news headlines a lot of stories were circulating throughout the community about what was going on at the place and Some of those stories were dark to say the least The attraction which billed itself as an audience participation Survival horror event had come to be known as a real-life torture chamber run by a psycho People were going into the men are looking for a fun time only to leave with both mental and physical scars Due to all these rumors and controversies the manor had to relocate to two separate locations in Alabama and Tennessee Locations that you can still visit to this day But if you do find yourself accepted onto a McCamey man at all You should go in knowing that it's not like other haunted houses or immersive experiences There aren't any zombies or ghosts or jump scares inside? There isn't even really a manner at all as most of what will happen to you will take place in the back of a windowless van What there are are paid actors who are legally allowed to bind you? Gag you and make your deepest and darkest fears come to life No, that might not sound like your idea of a fun Sunday afternoon but there are quite a few thrill-seekers who are attracted to that type of experience an Opportunity to be pushed to their limits That's why back in 2015. There was a waiting list of about 27,000 people all of whom wanted to gain access to McCamey. Mana That the chance to win $20,000 See there's no charge to enter the gaming Manor at all You just have to add your name to the signup list. And if McCamey selects you after a background check. It's completely free to enter All the owner requests is that you bring a bag of dog food with you on the day of your event Which he'll donate to a local greyhound shelter? Once inside there are just two rules No swearing and no attacking the actors if you can last 10 hours inside the manor McCamey himself guarantees to pay the $20,000 prize money, so Far not a single person has lasted the whole 10 hours So what are the controversies with the place We'll get to that shortly First let's assume you sign up to visit the manor and all goes well You get selected and Russ McCamey asks you to come and face your fears for a chance to win a fat cash prize Before you start your day at the Manor, you'll have to sign a suspicious a legal document a 40-page waiver Here are a few of the waivers main points Article 19 participant was warned numerous times about the intensity of McCamey manor and by the owners and other members of the crew that you Really don't want to do this Article 20 participant agrees and understands that your life and reality is not in danger and that this is just a game Article 21 participant agrees and understands that during the tour and while in the van They will not be secured by a seat belt or any other safety device Article 22 participant understands and agrees that they are not being tortured and that this is just a game article 23 participant understands and agrees that they are not being beat up kicked slugged or actually physically harmed They will be roughed up but no one is there to hurt you Knowing that McCamey manner is very rough and not for the meet Participant will have bumps bruises Possible black eyes swelling of the face, etc Article 24 participant understands and agrees that they are never being held against their will After stressing several times that the experience is just the game the points in the waiver start to become more and more bizarre Article 28 Participant fully understands that by signing this waiver. We are giving McCamey man a permission to keep nothing of the table Everything imaginable can and will happen inside McCamey. Mana You're aware of this and are giving full permission for any action that may happen inside McCamey. Mana Article 29 Participant agrees to and has full knowledge that if selected to visit the barber participant may leave McCamey man are completely bald including eyebrows Article 30 Participant agrees and acknowledges that mousetraps are used within the tool which may result in bruising cutting or breakage of fingers Article 31 Participant agrees that have selected they could be buried alive under 12 feet of dirt and rock to which they will have a limited amount Of air and then they will have to figure out how to escape and it could possibly breathe in a significant amount of dirt dust Or foreign objects that may cause death if participant does not breathe properly or hold their breath at the right time Article 32 Participant agrees the party you've selected to participate in a height stunt that involves walking a plank 25 meters above the ground without a safety net Article 33 Participant agrees that have selected they will come into contact with a variety of live poisonous animals it's the participants responsibility to not panic or agitate the animals if The participant is bitten. It's because the participant made a sudden movement within a confined secured environment Many people in the past have signed this waiver After either not reading it properly or assuming it was all just designed to frighten them And there's no way the attraction could be that extreme, right? Well, many former participants have come forward saying that McCamey manor is more than just a game and that in their eyes They were undoubtedly the non-consenting victims of torture case in point, Amy Mulligan Amy Mulligan was selected to take part in the McCamey manotaur when it was still operating in San Diego Assured that it was all just a game She willingly signed the waiver and excitedly entered the manor with high hopes of winning the $20,000 prize According to Amy though, her experience was more than a game along with the cuts and bruises She was warned about she was also waterboarded to the point that she almost drowned and her body started involuntarily thrashing around She begged for the so-called actors to stop told them that she couldn't breathe But they apparently just laughed in her face and told her you're not done yet She continually withdrew her consent telling them that she wanted the tour to stop but she was ignored again and again The actors were enjoying their job too much in her words My hair was wrapped around my neck, and I started to freak out I'm telling them I can't breathe and they're just laughing and doing it more Amy says that she was convinced in that moment that she had entered a house of psychos and that she wouldn't make it out with her life Thankfully she did and at the end of it all was asked for a video interview by McCamey All of the tours of the manor are recorded. So the McCamey can advertise his attraction online He even has his own YouTube account where he uploads some of his tours along with other content such as these post or interviews in Hers Amy said and that despite her traumatic experience. She actually had a great time at the Manor The only reason she said that however was because she wanted McCamey to upload her experience on the internet That way she'd have proof that she was indeed tortured Well McCamey did indeed upload the video of Amy's experience at the Manor But according to her he edited out the most extreme parts Other postural seekers have said that they were forced to give positive video interviews at the end of their tours Terrified about what might happen if they didn't One such person was Laura Hertz, Brotherton Before she was allowed to come to the manor and face her fears Laura was told that she had to prove her loyalty to McCamey by completing a set of simple tasks Brotherton found these preliminary tasks to be fun and it got her excited about her upcoming tool When the day of her event finally arrived she was surprised when she met the owner Russ McCamey himself Apparently he was exceptionally cold to water Laura had arrived at the Manor with her boyfriend After signing her waiver. The first thing McCamey did was publicly expose enough air. Laura was having with another man online She had secretly engaged with another fan of McCamey Manor on Facebook and started a romantic relationship with him Laura's boyfriend was actually aware of this but the wife of her new romantic partner was not The spy being humiliated laura was determined to persevere McCamey who was apparently morally offended when he found out she was having an affair remained cold to her for the duration of at all And according to Laura her experience was much much more intense than that of other guests of the manor When asked about her day there Laura said I was waterboarded. I was tased I was whipped. I Still have scars of everything they did to me. I Was repeatedly hit in the face over and over and over again, Mike Open-handed as hard as a man can hit a woman in the face Laura went on to add that her mouth was duct taped her eyes blindfolded and that she was submerged in water by her ankles Just like Amy. She was held under the water for so long that her body began to spasm involuntarily After this Laura was forced to dig a hole in the earth with her hands She was then thrown inside said Hall before being buried a lie with only a small straw through which to breathe She was left alone underground for 30 minutes After she was finally unearthed and stopped gasping for breath. She repeated the safe word for several minutes before finally being allowed to leave Laura who was admitted to hospital after her talk later went on to tell the authorities about what happened to her at the Manor She presented them with photos of herself showing her swollen face cut and bruised skin puffy limbs fractured foot and lumped head Despite this the authority said they couldn't help her - to the waiver that she had signed Whereas McCamey didn't even deny any of the injuries, he caused her and even admitted to exposing her affair online Any personal information we have said McCamey. Well you said against you in the tour? Eventually McCamey mana was forced to move out of San Diego and relocate through Alabama in Tennessee two separate locations McCamey himself says that the move was for financial reasons No, many believe it's because those states would be more likely to side with him If a participant ever tried to sue him not to mention the bad reputation he and his experience had in the San Diego community The authorities have been called to the Manor multiple times by local residents have pulled by mckameys unethical practices One time the police even found a woman locked in a basement there She was bruised Shivering and her mouth was gagged with duct tape After confirming that what was happening to her was consensual the authorities had no choice but to leave So McCamey manner is obviously an extreme immersive event to better lightly But even so everything is supposedly aboveboard and legal Supposedly being the key word Here's where a little conspiracy comes into the mix a few conspiracies actually Let's start with the first question. How does McCamey pay for all of this? Like I said before he doesn't charge anybody to come to the manor Well, his guests have to do is bring a bag of dog food And that's not exactly a great business model With insurance costs and on-site EMT to pay Actors and general upkeep. It's estimated that each talk costs him about five hundred dollars to put on McCamey is a US Navy veteran all of the actors are ex-military - Where does he find the money to run multiple horns each weekend? Some theorize that he must make a profit from the tour somehow As mentioned all of the tours are filmed with high quality cameras and lighting Some people believe that McCamey sells the most extreme footage on the dark web or perhaps even streams it to paying viewers some even think he allows these viewers to vote on what happens to each guest next and for how long If we've learned anything from other mysteries on this channel instead There are plenty of sick individuals in the world who'd be willing to pay for that kind of content others thing that McCamey livestreams the doors to a betting pool in Las Vegas If you ain't paying for the product you are the product kind of thing McCamey himself claims he doesn't make any money from the tour's whatsoever And that sounds suspicious to a lot of folks And when taking into account the high production quality of his video content you have to ask yourself is the manner even real at all the news stories controversies being chased out of San Diego The excessively grotesque video footage. It could all just be a way to drum up publicity a viral marketing campaign Though the manner experience is indeed real perhaps. It's a lot more tame in reality than the stories and media would have us believe After all some of the stories that have come out of the manner are so extreme You have to wonder how McCamey has an either been sued into the ground or downright locked up Sure, he gets his guests to sign a waiver but could such a waiver even being legally binding Then again, it's also been claimed that he has been sued many times before but just hasn't publicly admitted to it And then there's the question of the $20,000 prize which may not even exist Something that McCamey just uses that as a way to lure people into signing up for his Manor Experience as he gets his thrills from inflicting pain on others and that he only selects people who he and his crew can easily manipulate Manipulate into obedience and into not going public with their stories Whereas McCamey maintains that the 20k prize is indeed real and very winnable No one redditor recalls a Marine who came close to completing the 10 hour long challenge Only for us to call it all off at the very last moment Saying that the guests had had enough and that he was concerned for his safety In conclusion McCamey manor is a place shrouded in a lot of mystery It's not entirely clear what goes on behind its walls more often than not van walls But if some of the stories out There are anything to go by and there are a lot of them and I personally wouldn't recommend adding your name to the waiting list There's a series on Netflix called dark tourists where the host visits McCamey, mana And you can check that out if you want to hear and see more about this mysterious place Hey guys so lazy here and thank you very much for listening So this video is a little different to usual, but I hope you got a kick out of it. Nonetheless. Just Before this video ends. I just like to say that although McCamey man has this crazy reputation Which it may or may not deserve don't let this video tarnish your thoughts about other immersive horror experiences in general There are a lot of reputable amazing horns out there So, uh, it's definitely an industry worth supporting if you're a fan of all things creepy Anyway guys that about wraps things up for this video. I hope you enjoyed it And before we end I'd just like to say a huge shout out to all of my supporters on patreon especially my biggest supporters Joey Hatfield Charlie grant sillas Geist Alba madrone mystic the manic eat infamous em puppy Sieg Carla Hamish Connor lethen Daria Sophie Nadine Sloane Crawford sara, Ramirez anime wimp crazy mas parade Martin Backlund Gina Valera Pro Cupid I Netta Philip Westra Alex greens or Monica Mendoza Crawford came McDonald and Marley, right? Thank you all so so much for your continued support. It really helps the channel Right. Now we have a patron only discord server and I'm gonna be making some patron only livestream soon as well So if you're at all interested in hanging out with me and the rest of the Legion be sure to check out my patreon page Via the link in the description be sure to smash that like button comment, subscribe yada yada yada and Until next time you will stay spooky and remember The best things happen In the dog
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 1,013,705
Rating: 4.9259501 out of 5
Keywords: scary true stories, true horror stories, McKamey Manor, real life haunted house, deeply disturbing, caught on camera, scariest video ever, on youtube, top 10, horror movies 2020, mr nightmare, corpse husband, lets read, reddit stories, 2chan, USA, mysterious, unsolved mysteries, solved mysteries, creepy, creepiest, nexpo, disturbing things from the internet, internet horror, with backstories, photos, lazy masquerade, new, best, most, long video, british accent, reignbot, ghosts, online
Id: A26UD1V7U2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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