Disturbing Things from Around the Internet [Vol. 8]

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you [Music] [Music] since the dawn of the internet data sharing across various mediums has been commonplace in many households around the world allowing everybody to become interconnected within a vast sea of endless information was absolutely inconceivable just a few short decades ago definitely becoming something that we take for granted today whether we realize it or not within this vast sea of surface level internet content and underbelly exists that harbors some of the darkest videos images posts stories and real-life situations that people have documented online these for the most part are largely hidden away from those that were framed from doing a little digging but luckily for you tonight we're going to explore five of them that I've recently come across [Music] welcome back to disturbing things from around the Internet this is a showcase series of various disturbing finds that have stumbled upon online in the last few months if you're new this is part 8 so if you haven't yet definitely go check out volumes 1 through 7 after this video with that out of the way get comfortable because it's time once again to dive into five more hand-picked and disturbing things from around the Internet you number one on our list involves an upload by a user named have a lesser 60 in July of 2011 they would post a video titled doc sees ghosts at just four minutes long the upload involves a woman that went to the kitchen late at night to grab a snack on the way back to her room she noticed her dog standing at the end of the hallway staring at something and absolutely refusing to come to her no matter what at this point she pulls her phone out to begin filming realizing that something isn't right here [Music] can you come over here not this much come on can you come here research okay [Music] [Music] it's okay come on it's okay it's okay come on it's okay come on come here come by mommy come in smooch come on it's okay come in come in come in come here come here after a couple minutes of this she eventually begins yelling out leave my dog alone convinced that she's accompanied by some sort of entity that's preying on her dog standing firm she continues to convince it to come to her okay I opened your cabinet for you leave my dog alone come on okay you like we just saw at the end the dog never ends up following her command ultimately retreating around the corner the comments on this video are surprisingly sparse some were drawing parallels to their strange experience with their pets while others were attempting to rationalize the situation one commenter claimed that this wasn't the work of any sort of ghost at all but rather the dog was scared of the black box at the edge of the frame or would it presumed to be a shadow in the kitchen now in a way this makes sense but they're hell-bent on staying on their side of the hallway at all costs dogs generally know their homes pretty well what about this boxer shadow would freak it out so much here also we could notice that the dog stares up at the top right corner for most of the video which makes it seem like whatever it's scared of isn't exactly on or near the floor nonetheless the video is strange and at just over 1.5 thousand views in nearly eight years it definitely deserves some more insight this dog saw something what that something is exactly is unclear and it might sit that way for good this second entry comes from a YouTube video that gained major traction a couple years ago over on the channel by the name of Jitsu Kumar a video was posted on October 1st of 2017 titled it's all woman viral video this centers around a mysterious lady from the Patel village and carries with it an insane amount of questions the video in question is 7 minutes long and here we can see a shot of a woman in a white robe sitting in a tree nothing really all that out of the ordinary for the next couple minutes we can see her making her way up to the top still relatively normal perhaps she's doing some sort of show or just enjoys climbing trees really to each their own the video begins to get strange though when you begin to take a look around the cameraman many are filming which begins to drive home the idea that something just isn't right here around the 4-minute mark something incredibly bizarre happens she finally makes her way to the top and just stands there motionless what's blowing my mind about this entire thing first and foremost is how she's managing to keep her balance all the way at the top of this large tree on such a small branch it doesn't seem to bow and it doesn't look like she has any support to keep her so still so what's going on incredibly curious about the context here I doctored the comments but this didn't lead very far some were simply writing this off as totally fake while others like myself or trying to get some backstory what I was able to find though was a video by a channel called viral V they posted this footage as well and made the claim that this woman was doing this because she was possessed by a spirit now I wasn't able to find any definitive proof of this claim and it could very easily be written off as mere dramatization in cheek for something more definitive I get some more digging on this woman in a tree phenomenon and found a few other videos of various people doing the exact same thing all with crowds surrounding them cheering them on and filming this leads me to the assumption that this has to be some sort of ritual unfortunately information about said ritual is incredibly sparse online so this is merely another theory nonetheless the woman ended up making it back down safely whether this was the work of a demonic possession or a sort of rite of passage this footage is bizarre and to this day remains cloaked in mystery in August of 2013 a Florida man named Derek Medina and his wife Jennifer Alfonso were going about their lives after becoming recently remarried unbeknownst to most that knew them though their marriage would soon begin to take an extremely grim turn on August 8th Derek would post a sudden Facebook status from a cell phone at about 8:00 p.m. that night he would go forth to say this I'm going to prison or death sentence for killing my wife love you guys miss you guys take care Facebook you'll see me in the news my wife was punching me and I'm scared I'm not going to stain any more with the abuse so I did what I did I hope you understand me fittingly his Facebook friends were shocked was this some sort of joke a hoax was he hacked not quite as soon after this post went live it contact his relatives explain to them what happened change clothes and head over to the police station to turn himself in during the initial investigation authorities caught sight of security cameras that Medina had put up in their home after confiscating that and going over the footage were able to see firsthand what actually played out that night [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you might notice in that video and after the smoke flies up from the gunshots he leaves the room before returning to take a second look at her this wasn't just to take a second look remember that facebook status that I mentioned prior from Derrick he posted another one as well at around the same time in this other post by him were able to see his deceased wife slumped back the caption that he attached to this was a grim r.i.p Jennifer Alfonso since this happened Derrick Medina had like.we established turned himself in interestingly though he pled in self-defense claiming that she charged at him with a knife because of this claim and the results of the investigation he was convicted of second-degree murder and ultimately was sentenced to life in prison across the Internet you're able to find more surveillance videos of what actually went on behind closed doors in their home these are hard to watch but ultimately reveal that the domestic struggles that the two faced in their relationship or probably more common than we think On February 21st 2018 in a Northwest Dallas suburb two house fires would occur in a residential neighborhood these were later determined to be linked to a natural gas pipeline that runs straight through the community two days later a third incident will play out just around the corner on February 23rd the Rogers family's lives would be forever changed when a natural gas explosion would occur within their home ominously the moments leading up to this were actually documented by their twelve-year-old daughter Mitch Aleta according to the Rogers family she was recording iPhone videos early that morning for fun goofing off and sharing her excitement as she got ready for a cheerleading event later that day and we started doing braids after this she would proceed to make a time-lapse of the next few minutes as she got ready the first few seconds of this seemed pretty ordinary and there was absolutely no implication that anything had gone awry until one frame when the camera goes dark [Music] you this gas explosion has led to the passing of Mitch Aleta and the injury of her parents and brother according to her mother who was out of the room this happened out of nowhere while she was asleep once it happened and she came to her and her husband rushed over to their daughter to find her stuck under dresser drawers after getting her out they rushed her outside to firefighters who laid her on the ground as she at the time was still alive in the moments during this her mother would whisper to her in Spanish fight like a warrior confident that she got the message after being rushed to the hospital about a half-hour later she was pronounced dead by doctors who claimed that her internal injuries were simply too severe the explosion had decimated their house causing the roof to cave in and for it to sent to this day in ruin since this haunting events me cholita has become one of nine people to have died by natural gas leaks in North Texas since 2006 since this her mother has spoken outs claiming that it hasn't gotten easier some days I don't feel the damage my body I feel the pain in my heart a lawsuit was later filed against atmos Energy who were in the neighborhood replacing aging steel pipes during the days leading up to and on the date of her passing apparently the neighborhood that they lived in was long neglected by the company leading to the onslaught of gas related incidents in the area while the company has denied the claims the lawsuit is still pending the passing of Mitch Aleta is undoubtedly something that no family should ever have to endure she fought like a warrior but seeing as she was at the very epicenter of this blast not shielded by any walls or barriers her life had come to an end and one of the most tragic ways imaginable a widow named Sandra Harold and her pet chimpanzee Travis have lived together in Stamford Connecticut since 1995 having raised him with her late husband since he was just days old Sandra often referred to Travis as more of a son than a pets they'd often bring him along to work and his shopping trips around town and having been socialized around humans for his entire life The Herald's maintained a growing trust and what they believed to be is extremely calm and well trained demeanor on the night of February 16th 2009 this notion would be thrown into a tailspin when a friend by the name of Charlie Nash would visit them at around the same time she'd arrived Travis had gotten ahold of Sandra's car keys and left the house noticing that Charlotte was holding a Tickle Me Elmo Travis's favorite toy he brutally attacked her latching his hands on to her face and pulling it apart piece by piece at this point Sandra would grab a butcher knife and run out to begin stabbing him in an attempt to get him to stop this ended up being futile though as it only made him angrier since this was the case Sandra rushed back to grab the phone she dialed 9-1-1 and in a desperate plea manically described the situation as it was unfolding in front of her please what's the problem with your friend I need to know what's killing your friend Oh your chimpanzee is calling your friend there's someone on the way what is the monkey doing okay I need you to calm down a little bit they're on the way can you push yourself away they're on the way man they did Sundra they're shooting at them already okay do you know I know they will continue until he's dead okay on the forward in brief [Music] when the police arrived Travis after engaging with the officers was shot numerous times which resulted in his death as for Karla her face was completely ripped off and she was immediately rushed to the hospital where she underwent over seven hours of surgery on her face and hands according to medics she lost her hands nose eyes lips mid face bone structure and maintained significant brain injuries a few weeks later it was announced that she'd be blind for life afterwards she was offered the opportunity to undergo experimental transplant surgery due to the extreme nature of her injuries and this seemed to be successful until later when her body began to reject them resulting in her undergoing even more corrective surgery according to toxicology reports shortly before this incident Travis had been given a mixture of prescribed xanax and tea and Sandra's attempt at treating his Lyme disease this is widely believed to be the cause of his manic episode as the drug causes paranoia and hallucinations and chimpanzees in 2009 the Nash family would file a 50 million dollar lawsuit against Sandra Harold a year later though at age 72 Harold would pass away due to a ruptured aortic aneurysm because of this the Nash family ended up reaching a settlement with Harold's estate which was valued at about four million dollars Charla Nash is to this day still undergoing recovery efforts from the attack what played out on the night of February 16th 2009 is incredibly tragic and will undoubtedly remain in the back of her mind for the rest of her life the Internet is a beautifully enigmatic place all over its were able to find oddities buried within its darkest corners and tonight we've touched on five of them thank you so much for joining me in this eighth installment of disturbing things from around the internet if you know of any other bite-sized discoveries that you'd like to see on a future installments definitely throw them my way on Twitter or via email with that being said thanks once again for watching I'll see you in the next one I love you all and good night you
Channel: Nexpo
Views: 4,385,181
Rating: 4.8639293 out of 5
Keywords: scary facebook posts, dog hallway ghost, dog sees ghost, woman in the tree, internet mysteries
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 27sec (1467 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2019
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